Delaware Canal Advisory Board Meeting October 15 th , 2015 Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor’s Center Auditorium 1112 River Rd. Washington Crossing, PA 18977 Meeting Called to Order & Minutes Approved 10:35 AM Chairman’s Address- Nick Forte Comments were made during the recent Vision study meetings that the board was not going deep enough, or using its authority. Nick provided copies of the Bi-laws to the advisory committee members. The 4 th paragraph, shown below, was highlighted and the board is in fact meeting its defined obligations. “The Advisory Committee shall actively promote cultural, historical, natural, and recreational resources of the corridor on a municipal, country, regional, statewide, and national basis. Annually review the Commonwealth’s proposed State Park improvement program, including the historical accuracy of the capital and major maintenance improvements. Participate in future studies undertaken along the Delaware Canal Corridor. Coordinate with groups, private businesses, volunteer and non-profit organizations.” Director’s Report – Bureau Director Dave Kemmerer Budget update – We are still in the midst of the Budget Impasse – In the last few weeks things have tightened up a bit, we have a hiring freeze in place now, travel restrictions, and purchasing / contracting has been restricted to critical purchases only. This affects the Canal’s open engineering position, as that position is now frozen. Nick Forte – What vehicles can the board use to increase the money flow / funding for the Canal? Dave Kemmerer– Budget instructions are based on cost to carry, for operating and projects, with some restrictions. The Delaware Canal gets its fair share of project money: 28 million Capital funds on top of the 12 million that is already approved. Capital budget has 2 stages: 1) Approval 2) Drawing the money. Most parks do not have Capital budget requests.

Delaware Canal Advisory Board meeting 10-15-15 · Delaware Canal Advisory Board Meeting October 15 th, 2015 Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor’s Center Auditorium 1112 River

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Page 1: Delaware Canal Advisory Board meeting 10-15-15 · Delaware Canal Advisory Board Meeting October 15 th, 2015 Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor’s Center Auditorium 1112 River

Delaware Canal Advisory Board Meeting

October 15th, 2015

Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor’s Center Auditorium

1112 River Rd. Washington Crossing, PA 18977

Meeting Called to Order & Minutes Approved 10:35 AM

Chairman’s Address- Nick Forte

Comments were made during the recent Vision study meetings that the board was not going deep enough, or

using its authority. Nick provided copies of the Bi-laws to the advisory committee members. The 4th paragraph,

shown below, was highlighted and the board is in fact meeting its defined obligations.

“The Advisory Committee shall actively promote cultural, historical, natural, and

recreational resources of the corridor on a municipal, country, regional, statewide, and

national basis. Annually review the Commonwealth’s proposed State Park improvement

program, including the historical accuracy of the capital and major maintenance

improvements. Participate in future studies undertaken along the Delaware Canal

Corridor. Coordinate with groups, private businesses, volunteer and non-profit


Director’s Report – Bureau Director Dave Kemmerer

Budget update – We are still in the midst of the Budget Impasse – In the last few weeks things have

tightened up a bit, we have a hiring freeze in place now, travel restrictions, and purchasing / contracting

has been restricted to critical purchases only. This affects the Canal’s open engineering position, as that

position is now frozen.

Nick Forte – What vehicles can the board use to increase the money flow / funding for the Canal?

Dave Kemmerer– Budget instructions are based on cost to carry, for operating and projects, with some


The Delaware Canal gets its fair share of project money: 28 million Capital funds on top of the 12 million

that is already approved. Capital budget has 2 stages:

1) Approval

2) Drawing the money.

Most parks do not have Capital budget requests.

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Additional funding for Washington Crossing has also been requested.

The Pipeline – We signed an agreement for a handful of parks, it is in the initial planning, surveying, and core

boring stages, and this affects several parks: the Canal, Beltsville, Hickory Run, and Francis Slocum.

Currently this is at the discovery stage to delineate wetlands etc… using horizontal, low surface-impact


Visitor Center update – Consultants draft study was put out to us, we received minimal comments, several

concerns arose about the availability of parking, these were then sent in, and we are currently waiting to

hear back from DGS. The draft is done.

Nick Forte – You said there were minimal comments, who did the comments come from? The Borough?

Dave Kemmerer – The staff

Nick Forte – Not the Municipality or other stakeholders?

Jason Zimmerman –The consultant worked with the municipality, and other stakeholders when they came up

with the report. Then the report was sent to DCNR and State Parks FDC Engineering staff to take a look

at it.

Dave Kemmerer- One last note, this will be my last meeting; I will be retiring Christmas day.

Applause… and thanks…

Stephen Freeman – You said one thing I do not quite understand, is there not a capital budget for

infrastructure problems or replacement? Or did I misunderstand?

Dave Kemmerer – We have several different sources for infrastructure funds: Oil & Gas money, Key 93 money,

and some of our revenue money. Even though they are still Capital budget funds we currently have

two items that are separate for the Canal from the project budgets previously approved 12 million for

Canal infrastructure. We asked for an additional 28 million on top of that, to bump it up to 40 million

total for Canal infrastructure; this is in addition to the approved project money for the visitor center.

Stephen Freeman – So if we find a culvert that is failing there are funds that can be tapped without an act of


Dave Kemmerer – Last time it was used to match FEMA money for flood repairs. A culvert would come out of

project money. In 2002 our project money revenue had a large amount that was shifted to the

operating fund from infrastructure, in recent years about ninety percent has gone to the operating

budget. We lost Key 93 in 2005 and we have had a shift of about 4 million / per year to the operating


Susan Taylor – We have been very fortunate to have Dave as the director because he understands the

Delaware Canal, he was regional manager for this region, and he has seen all the problems and virtues

of the Canal over the years. Thank You!

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Engineering Report – Tony Giacobbe

MP–2.54 Airport Road Culvert Collapse – The road remains barricaded to vehicle traffic. We recently

received funding approval to proceed with “in kind” replacement of the pipe and we will be working to

purchase materials, and we will be scheduling the work thru our equipment rental contract. We will also be

working with Bristol Township for assistance with various aspects of the project (paving, guiderail, line

striping, etc.)

Ralph Ratcliff – At Airport road, why can’t coffer dams be put in above and below to run water through it? If

we do get water could we put dams in?

Tony Giacobbe – Yes, but there is an additional cost to that.

Bob Hodges – Why are we not putting a concrete box culvert in there?

Tony Giacobbe – Cost is the primary driver, monetarily it’s more roughly $200,000-$250,000 per culvert,

temporary repairs are far less expensive as they do not need head walls, or end walls for the pipe.

Bob Hodges – Does DCNR have the authority to make that decision?

Tony Giacobbe – The project was vetted by DCNR, and we intend to do a pipe fix at this point, which will cost

$40,000-$50,000 for the total install.

Bob Hodges – I had a quote for the box culvert at somewhere around $60,000.

Tony Giacobbe – That is just material alone, it does not include delivery, placement, or installing walls, which is

where the costs add up.

Rick Dalton – The culvert collapsed and we are replacing the culvert as an emergency “in kind” repair.

The box culvert is still on the long term project list. This is an emergency repair that we can do “in kind”

the Box culvert is a change in the structure, and requires more approvals / reviews from other agencies

for the permitting process.

Bob Hodges - What are the cost beginning to end for pipe vs. culvert? I think we should do it right even if we

have to wait longer. Can we see something for next meeting comparing the costs?

Ralph Ratcliff – Why can’t we have our bridge, there used to be a camel-back bridge at Airport Road?

Bob Hodges –Mistakes have been made in the repairs done in the lower end. In the area from Morrisville to

Bristol, they look like they are just “band aids” and it looks terrible.

Can we consider the costs, as well as think a little bit more about aesthetics as we move forward,

taking the historic value / aesthetics into account like we do in the upper end moving forward when we

have the opportunities to do so.

MP–8.7 Conrail Tunnel A signed ROW agreement for Northern Access is currently being routed thru DCNR

for signature and execution. At the request of Conrail, a video inspection of existing 6ft diameter RCP was

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conducted on 10/1/15 with no significant issues identified. We received notice on Tuesday that the final

PS&E submission will be made later this week

Ralph Ratcliff – Why can’t we try to get a tunnel at US 6 where the Canal crosses?

Tony Giacobbe – The project has a 12 foot diameter steel plate liner that will be jacked through the

embankment, which will provide safe passage for pedestrians to have access on the towpath to

continue safely through the area.

Ralph Ratcliff – There is an opportunity for the Canal to go through as well. You can’t canoe through a pipe!

Tony Giacobbe – The waterway will still be conveyed through the six foot diameter pipe.

Ralph Ratcliff – The opportunity to fix this right is there. Think about flood control, a pipe is just a flood control

obstruction; you should get rid of the darn thing!

MP- 21.01 Wall Collapse MP 21 – Design is complete. We recently received funding approval and will be

forwarding the design to contract administration for bidding. Work should take place next spring/summer.

Nick Forte – Morrisville bridge street ramp, in regards to PEC’s design & aesthetic values. By looking at the

illustration, (below) it takes away from the landmark. Now is the time to speak up – the funding is

there, but nothing is in stone yet.

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Scott Everett – I have not liked the design from day one, the parcel at bridge street is now in play, the ramp is

ADA, this is a $700,000 to $800,000 project.

Susan Taylor – There is also ramp on other side as well, 2 years ago a feasibility study was presented, as I

remember there were definitive reasons why ramps going in as they were, yes they are very long

ramps… I remember the meetings in Morrisville and no one was wild about them. I do not remember

without seeing the feasibility study again, why they were thought to be the ultimate solution.

Nick Forte - What vehicle should the forum use to contact the design team for review? Our suggestion would

be a switch-back, is there any opposition?

Bob Hodges – Could any cost savings be used for a box culvert?

Scott Everett – No, the money saved would go elsewhere.

Rick Dalton – Please send me an email with what it is you’re suggesting and what the alternatives look like.

(Scott will follow up and send email)

Susan Taylor – Tony with PEC said he will pull out the feasibility study for me.

MP-26.13 Phillips Mill Bridge Replacement – All ROW documents have been signed by property owners and

are now being circulated thru DCNR for execution. The design consultant has been given approval to move

forward with the design.

MP-26.82 Lower Limeport Road Bridge Replacement – Plan preparation is 95% complete. We are waiting on

receipt of a signed Right of Way agreement from one property owner. Upon receipt of that easement we

are several weeks away from submitting it for bidding.

MP-28.02 Redfield Road Bridge Replacement – Final Plans and specs were submitted to contract

administration section for bidding in September. Work should commence next spring/summer.

MP-30.10 Cuttalossa Culvert Replacement – The project is complete with Final Inspection conducted on

August 27, 2015.

MP-44.5 High Falls Creek Sub-Culvert – We prepared an H&H report to verify that steel plate liner could be

inserted into the existing culvert remnants. DEP has reviewed and approved the report, and has authorized

the repair under the existing maintenance permit. E&S plan is being prepared for permanent repair and will

be submitted as soon as completed. Plate liner order has been placed. Goal is to have the work completed

by end of year.

Susan Taylor – Do you need to submit drawings and E&S plans yet

Tony Giacobbe – Yes, We need to submit them to DEP, Army Corps, and PHMC

Susan Taylor – Thank you to Rep. Quinn for giving DEP a nudge on the High Falls Creek.

Stephen Freeman – The washout just north of High Falls Creek, has that been taken care of?

Rick Dalton – That has already been taken care of.

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Stephen Freeman – Culvert inspections, has an inspection schedule been put into place?

Tony Giacobbe – We have not been able to get to that yet, we do intend to identify, list, and set up a schedule.

Park Manager’s Report – Rick Dalton

Budget – We’re in the middle of a purchasing and hiring freeze; fortunately we have all our positions filled

except for the Engineering position which is very important to us, so when the hiring freeze is over we hope

to take action on that.

At our level we are justifying purchases for safety & operational needs only.

Our seasonal staff: we have no intent to lay off our seasonal staff early, as we have plenty of work for them

to do.

River walls – We are working with the Army Corps to do a complete inventory. The first step was to walk the

length of the Canal with an iPad – Bethany, George and I have each walked sections of the Canal and the

coordinates for the walls are done.

Once the leaves are off, we will do it again from a boat to better note condition of walls from the river.

Odette’s – The plans are with other agencies – we are waiting to hear back from the National Parks Service.

Water - Delaware River Basin Commission - Applications for dockets are out for comment; additional

locations can be added later. Pumps have been proposed for at Golden Pheasant & New Hope, also at Point

Pleasant pumping station.

For Point Pleasant pumping station, there is no docket needed, we are looking to do a 1 year study to see

what volume we get, and how far the water progresses down the Canal. We are still working on that.

Rep. Quinn – In a meeting we held at my office, your former Engineer came back with a body of research

finding that this was all fine. Why is DRBC questioning the pumping station?

Rick Dalton – They are not questioning it, we just need permission to initiate the study; they will get back to


Park inspection - Every 4 years, every park in the Commonwealth is inspected. We just had ours; we had

several minor recommendations but otherwise we passed with flying colors.

The Canal failure by the Easton sewer treatment plant – Has been repaired with our equipment rental

contract, it was fixed in one week and has been re-watered.

While we were working on it, we ran the Durham pump; water progressed down through the Indian Rock

Inn. Funds for this came out of our budget, plus the Friends provided five thousand towards electric, (as well

as other money towards the repairs), which was a big help because it frees up money in our equipment

rental contract for other things.

Canal staff projects - While the water was out, we repaired the Raubsville lock gates and we are currently

doing vegetation removal at Virginia Forrest.

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We also recently replaced the deck at Durham Bridge with our crew.

Recently I was at a meeting for I-95 / Scutter’s Fall Bridge replacement; they are adding a pedestrian / bike

lane to Woodside Rd. which will provide another opportunity for a loop-trail with D&R Canal.

Drilling - Yesterday, as part of the Right Of Way process within several parks in DCNR, a single drill rig,

drilling one 6 inch hole and related to the Penn East Pipeline’s geo-technical survey for the proposed

pipeline route, caused a bit of a buzz. They are using horizontal drilling to core bore, and will be going down

150 feet. They should be done today.

New Hope - We recently put boards in the Aqueduct behind Logan’s Inn, dropped the water level down, and

did some wall repairs along that stretch. That work is done, and we should be putting water back in today,

or tomorrow.

Mule Boat Concession – Will be going out for bid shortly, let us know if you’re interested in running the

Mule Boat, or know someone who is.

Stephen Freeman – With regards to the pump at the Golden Pheasant, is that waiting for dockets?

Rick Dalton – Dockets and funding for the pump and electric are still needed.

Stephen Freeman – How long will it take for the dockets?

Rick Dalton - A few weeks to a month.

George Fernandez – Is the concession building being considered for the Visitor center?

Rick Dalton - Yes, the master plan / feasibility study was done, commented on, and submitted to DGS for


Representative Quinn – How far and wide was that feasibility study circulated?

Rick Dalton – Internally within DCNR

Jason Zimmerman – The draft will be circulated. The final draft is due this month to DGS and us, so if we get it,

we will present it to the Stakeholders before January meeting with board.

Nick Forte – What is the final draft?

Jason Zimmerman – It is a Feasibility study / Master plan on the site at New Hope. The consultants are putting

together a plan that then goes to DGS. Once they have the plan, it will go through the review process

much like Odette’s did.

Feasibility study & scope were only done on the New Hope site.

Sub-committee Reports

Canal Backup Watering

-Point Pleasant Pumping Station: Not covered by sub-committee at this time

-Durham: Not covered by sub-committee at this time

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FODC – Archimedes Screw Pump - Susan Taylor

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Bob McIntyre with Lakeside Equipment presented the Archimedes-type screw pump

Bob McIntyre:

Advantages - Screw Pump vs. Centrifugal pump

• A screw pump will not kill fish, as it has a wide opening, and acts like a spinning fish ladder.

• A 20 HP screw pump would be like a 150 HP centrifugal pump in lift.

• A screw pump lasts 20-30 years compared to on average 7 years for impellers on a centrifugal pump.

• The motor is at the taller end of screw pump = maintenance is easier, and it will run even if dry

without damage, it uses bearings and food grade oils.

• We looked at three locations; Odette’s would be the easiest. We can fill the Canal with 1 pump, and

will set it up so that another can be added easily later if desired.

• Controls can be added if desired, and it can pivot for ice. The motor section can be enclosed to

protect it and for maintenance.

• The screw pump will lift water into a concrete box, through a pipe under the towpath, and into the


• This sort of pump is used in Canals in Europe, and in the USA for wastewater treatment facilities.

• The power source is electric, which would be run underground from River Road, under the bridge,

and up from underground into the building to the pump.

• It will require several approvals for the building and pump, and a DRBC docket will be needed as


Nick Forte – Will this be on private or public property?

Rick Dalton – Our property

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Scott Everett – What is the sizing of the screw itself?

Bob McIntyre – A 54 inch diameter Screw which was based on the area of the Canal needing to be filled. The

initial filling would require Canal to be filled section by section, then it should keep it full. I believe it is

figured at 1730 gallons per minute.

Scott Everett – Have you looked at the cost comparison of multiple pumps vs. one?

Bob McIntyre – Yes we looked at that, and one is cheaper.

Elissa Garofalo – What is the length are we looking at?

Bob McIntyre – It’s not shown on the drawing, but I believe it is in the 30 feet range, and the building would be

in the 20 feet by 20 feet range. Also, with this pump you can actually stand next to it and still have a

normal conversation, so no problems with noise pollution.

Elissa Garofalo – Is water movement constant?

Bob McIntyre – Yes, as long as its running, and it has a closed tube for safety

William Berman – Can this be converted to hydroelectric?

Bob McIntyre – Yes

Bob McIntyre – The cost for the pump is $1.4 million

Nancy Janyszeski – Would this impact the bank of the river?

Bob McIntyre – Yes the wet well structure that we put the pipe through, but the towpath will still be a full

width towpath. It will be located just to the right of bridge at Odette’s

Nancy Janyszeski – I see you have the Army Corps. of Engineers on yourr review; I believe this will also fall

under Wild & Scenic for a Section 7 review?

Bob McIntyre – I believe that was also on the list.

Susan Taylor – We also looked at Virginia Forrest & Center Bridge.

- Virginia Forrest does not have sufficient electric and would need more lift. It also has more

restrictions south of the area.

- For Center Bridge, the access to the site was not as good for the installation and maintenance at


Another advantage to the Odette’s location is that we will have another section that will be

consistantly watered. It is one of the most visited sections of the Canal, and when the water starvation

happens in the Summer to Fall, it is generally when we need the water most that we are not able to

provide it. Its also the time when the fish, wildlife, and frogs have already established their habitat and

are left literally “high and dry” because we can’t get water from the river.

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Gerry Monigan – Sometimes the river is so shallow you can walk across it, what is the guarantee that the tube

will be submerged?

Bob McIntyre – The screw pump only needs 6 inches of water.

Rick Dalton – The wing dams are right below it, which is another reason this location was chosen. It should

allow us to water from New Hope to Bristol.

Bob Hodges - Is the speed of the auger figured at a constant speed or could a variable speed be used?

Bob McIntyre – Currently the speed is figured on its maximum volume, Center Bridge pump will still be


Susan Taylor – Essentially the point we are at in the process is that DCNR is looking for comments from the

advisory committee – It is a private / public enterprise for the funding.

Nick Forte – Board comments?

Stephen Freeman – DC-21 likes water augmentation solutions, but would also like to see water from Easton to

New Hope.

Nominations/Administration- Nancy Janyszeski:

Form sub-committees and nominate new chair:

Nancy Janyszeski - Bill Mitchell and I have been discussing the need for a new member on the board, and we

have asked Tom Stinnott of Riegelsville Borough if he would be interested in joining the board.

Nick Forte – I will not running again as local Government official, so I will need to vacate the position I

currently hold on the board as a Local Government Official. Tom Stinnott is the president of Borough

Council in Riegelsville, so as a new member he will need to submit a letter to come on board as the

Local Government Official.

Bill Mitchell nominated Nancy Janyszeski for the Chairperson position, as of January of 2016

Nick Forte stated that he will be moving to a “member at large” status.

Nancy Janyszeski – The Williams Township Historical Society will be offering a free program on rare Canal and

Railroad documents. It’s going to be held October 18th at Morgan Hill in Easton PA, if anyone wants

more information please talk to me after the meeting.

Regional Liaison/Legislative Not covered by sub-committee at this time

Representative Scott Petri – A quick update on the budget: It does have a provision for funding the transfer of

Washington Crossing to DCNR. PHMC did a fine job interpreting history, but when it comes to the

upkeep of 500 acres with the financial restraints they have, with only having two individuals to take

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care of 500 acres it is an impossibility. I also believe that there is a natural symbiotic relationship

between the Canal and this facility because the Canal bisects both parks. There is about $2.2 million in

the budget to fund it. There is also still $700 million in Capital project money that is almost ready to be

released for facility upgrades along the property to make them better able to be interpreted. This is

money that has been sitting with PHMC that we need to make sure transfers with this process which

could be used for irrigation system and other upgrades. This has been planned for three or four years,

and I am very excited about this transition as this is a very important place in our Nation’s history.

Susan Taylor – It opens up a wealth of new opportunities, combining 2 parks at 1 location and if we have

consistent water… I know a lot of people want to see a Canoe concession on Canal at Washington

Crossing like was once there.

Representative Petri – I have also been approached by an individual that wants to undertake a Thompson Mill

restoration project, to make it operational once more.

USACE - Section 22 River Wall Study Grant - Bethany Hare

Rick covered this in the Manager’s report, we GPS’ed the river-walls, their condition, and material, from

Easton to Morrisville. We will be getting another perspective from the river once the leaves are down in the

fall or winter.

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D&L – Vision Study Grant update - Elissa Garofalo

Elissa – Our study has been progressing since the spring; we had a project committee today. To date we have a

large variety of graphics and maps which were compiled by Simone & Collins to show our partners

based on the layers of the resource and its relationships. We are now at the point where we are close

to completing the guiding principles for the study. We have had a lot of robust discussions; during our

meetings, many are about the water.

We hope to see you at our next series of 3 public meetings

November 17, 18, and 19th

Connections – People, Communities, Activities

For more information - Please visit


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Public forum & questions

Susan Taylor – The Friends are having a 58.9 mile Canal walk this Saturday starting at Bowman’s Hill and going

to Pt. Pleasant.

Elissa Garofalo – I recently toured the lower end with Ralph to see the obstructions with him.

Next meeting dates

January 14 – D&L Office at Hugh Moore Park. Start time 10:30 AM

April 14

July 14

October 13

Adjournment 12:25 Noon

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Current Board Members

- The Committee shall be composed of fourteen (14) members who shall be citizens of the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania. Members shall be appointed by the Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources and shall consist of

members representing local government (townships and boroughs) (2); county government (1); Friends of the Canal (1);

Lower Bucks Canal Conservation Committee (1); River Road Businessmen’s Alliance (1); Historic Delaware Canal

Improvement Corporation (1); Delaware and Lehigh Heritage Corridor Commission (1); and public interest (6). All

legislators and staff would be ex-officio members. We will draw on state agency expertise on an as needed basis.

We are also currently under staffed by 1 board member. (Below is the current membership for the board,

please contact Steve [email protected] if this is incorrect, Thanks) The remaining open spot on the board is

the River Road Businessmen’s Alliance.

Local government - townships and boroughs (2);

1. Tom Stinnott - Tinicum Township (Will be added to the board to Replace Nick Forte on 1/14/16)

2. Chet Szczucki - Bristol Borough (added to board 6/19/14)

County Government (1);

1. William M. Mitchell, Executive Director Bucks County Parks and Recreation Department

Friends of the Canal (1);

1. Ms. Susan Taylor

Delaware and Lehigh Heritage Corridor Commission (1);

1. H. Scott Everett, Stewardship and Trail Manager Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor

Lower Bucks Canal Conservation Committee (1);

1. Mr. Ralph Ratcliffe, Lower Bucks Conservation Committee

River Road Businessmen’s Alliance (1);

Open Position (Does anyone know if this Alliance still exist? If so how do we contact them to see if they want to send a

representative)? Susan has a contact person of William Bryan, 1937 River Road, Upper Black Eddy 610-294-9595 does

the Board want to contact him / offer the position? Uncertain if any follow-up action has been undertaken by the board?

DC-21 (1);

1. Stephen Freeman (added to board 4/4/15)

Public Interest (6)

1. Jeff Marshall Heritage Conservancy

2. Timothy Leah

3. Nancy Janyszeski

4. Bob Hodges

5. William Berman (added to board 3/29/10, appointment letter provided to Steve at meeting)

6. Nick Forte