The Degrees Of Comparison By : Safira Alhana Zubairy (13) Euodia Putri Prastika (08)

Degrees of Comparison's Presentation

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Page 1: Degrees of Comparison's Presentation

The Degrees Of Comparison

By : Safira Alhana Zubairy (13) Euodia Putri Prastika (08)

Page 2: Degrees of Comparison's Presentation

Degrees of Comparison are used when we compare one person or one thing with another.

There are three Degrees of Comparison in English.

They are:1). Positive degree.

2). Comparative degree.3). Superlative degree.

Definision of Degrees of Comparison

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Positive Degree


Used to indicate that something that same level. Comparisons to something

the same level be used as ... as.

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Pattern : as + positive + as no less + positive + than not more + positive + than the same + noun + as

Example : This girl is as clever as that. This girl is no less clever than that. That girl is not more clever than

this. Rino is the same age as Dino

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Comparative Degree Lebih

Pattern :comparative + than

Used when two people or things are not the same be said in terms

of certain properties that one more than the other.

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Example :

A train is FASTER than a bus Handi is TALLER than Anton

Comparison level expressed by using the "-er" if that adjective has only one syllable and in adding the

word "Than."

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Example :

This problem is simpler than the one we had yesterday.

The street in front of my house is narrower than this one.

Cat’s family is happier than Dog’s family

If the adjective ends in le, ow, y, then add "-er". If the adjective ends with "y", then changed to


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Example :

TV Program are more interesting than radio program. My trousers are more expensive than yours.

Comparative degree program which uses more than one

syllable (two or more syllables) used "more."

Such :Ethnic word meaning beautiful = beau-ti-ful (3 syllables); expensive = ex-pen-sive (three syllables), useful = use-ful (two syllables)

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Superlative Degree

That is when a person or an object is said to exceed or surpass all other persons or objects that the same kinds, we use the superlative

degree with the ... of....


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Example :

The Wisma Nusantara building is THE TALLEST building in Jakarta.

An elephant is THE BIGGEST animal nowadays.

When adjectives consist of one or two

syllables, used by adding "est."

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Example :

Today is THE HAPPIEST day for me. It’s my birthday.

I don’t know which is THE HEAVIEST metal.

When the adjective ends with "y", then the

superlative degree turn into "iest."

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The adjective is more than two syllables

using the word "MOST."

Example :

Rino is the most handsome than all Tanti is the most beautiful than her classmate.

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