Defining Arab World

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  • 8/2/2019 Defining Arab World


    Faculty of Philosophy and CivilizationParamadina University, Indonesia

    Defining Arab World Polemics as

    the Challengesfor a Redirection of

    American Foreign Policy

    A Case Study of Genealogical Theme in International


    Islamic Modernity Indonesian




  • 8/2/2019 Defining Arab World


    Defining Arab World Polemics as the Challenges

    for a Redirection of American Foreign Policy

    - A Case Study of Genealogical Theme in International Relations -By: Diky Kurniawan Saputra*


    American administrative is in case of facing challenges to strengthen its relation with the Middle

    East. The challenges came from the regions internal that also would be defined a

    neotransformation of regionalism in the Middle East. Development of people perception on the

    need to democratization and people polemics, seen as the reason why American must constantly

    redirect its foreign policy strategy in engaging the Middle East control. Looking at in depth

    capacities of America is not meaning an absolute opportunity to shift the Middle East control

    through diplomatic approach and its the soft side by both only. Therefore, that should define a

    must of the relevancy and adapting strategy for America to formulize its foreign policy

    instruments. Before application of the adaptation that mentioned before, we have to see the

    importance of understanding region context. After contextualizing value of American foreign

    policy with the Middle East transformation, instruments those agreed would be the best way for

    America to step forward for the Middle East.

    Connecting with contextualization, at the point of the Middle East, we must recognize what

    happened around 1990 with the end of the Cold War. Because we have to see changes underway,

    but real turning point that the Middle East begun to transform significantly. Revolutions around

    the Middle East and the Gulf started cutting away of many aspects of human kind on the ground.

    The most influential was in term of ideological progressivity that had been seen freezing

    periodically. Unfortunately, in the past, the decline of ideology in the Middle East has added

    with the losing advance. Therefore, when the situation was going negatively, Islamic intellectual

    *A 2nd year student of Paramadina University, Jakarta, Indonesia, majoring International Relations

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    party did not come with positive movements. Outside of freezing ideological discourse,

    pragmatism-based relation between states of the Middle East led to high performance.

    Resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue, Syrians and Israelis doing indirect negotiations on

    weaponry and power distribution, movements on Arab-Israelis dispute and even we have seen

    Israel sign cease fires with Hezbollah and Hamas, all of facts above, explained to us how

    extreme the Middle East and the Gulf buried ideological movement which was a regional


    Papers Questions

    But, did mentioned transitions above freezing ideology in the Middle East really happen? Or that

    ideological term decreased as the civil value being never influenced. Although transformation

    comes with neo form in the Middle East, must American administrative deny the possibility of

    ideological challenges inside of the region? In regard to neo form of Middle Eastern

    transformation, what inevitably happen on the ground? At last, what all of matters in the Middle

    East might challenge to American administrative to maintain its rule of hegemonic power?

    Upcoming answers are hoped being an objective result, considering the complex of ideology,

    value, need and pragmatism in the Middle East. So, with this paper, the Middle East will be

    understood clearly as the challenge for American administrative.

    Defining Moments and How to Understand the Middle Eastern Origins:

    A Quest to Theoretical Guide

    As a need to clarify substance of moments, prior of doing, we have to classify in detail divisions

    of each moment we found from historical reality of the Middle East bridging to high

    understanding of historical sense and implications. In constructing exclamations of several

    moments in the Middle East, acknowledges of politics, social movements, human histories and

    ideological dynamics should be first to be a analytical knife for the Middle East introductions[2].

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    When a primary understanding project is being done, a motive to imagine indications or

    phenomena righteously should be owned by a researcher. This point pressures development of

    views in dealing with understanding relation senses between states over the world, particularly

    the Middle East. Therefore, if we are going on to address future challenges and opportunities in a

    coherent and rational way, and if we are going on to find out how to make the Middle East a

    more stable, rational and prosperous region that engages more intelligently and peacefully with

    the rest of the world, it is very important to start by acknowledging and understanding what is

    actually happening on the ground of the Middle East[3].

    Defining moments have been passed for recent years, all of which were negatively missed

    because of political incompetence by the Arab world, by Israel, by United States, by Europe and

    by Iran. Abundantly, that incompetence goes around for the missed opportunities. These were

    opportunities like the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991, the Oslo Israeli-Palestinian Process, the

    Camp David Process, the Syria-US-Israel talks in 2000, the post 9/11 response to the 9/11 terror

    attacks and the Arab Peace Plan in the year 2002. In case there was no good leadership in the

    Middle East to capitalize those opportunities, the accumulation of failures finally talks about a

    defining moment, a moment that defines the beginning of destroy. Of no discourses on inevitable

    moments for more being learned, I attempt at enlightening this paper with being guided by

    postmodernism direction, primarily, I turned back to how historical arrangements structuralized

    in region which are often affect to latter matters. This look is called by genealogy. History, in

    regard to genealogists, is less often to refer to a phase in of meaning disclosure in future[4].

    Thus, the Middle East with its complex is expected to be understood as well by referring to what

    has been closed from its real history. As Roland Bleiker (2000) explains, genealogies are always

    focus on the process by which people have constructed origins and given meaning to particular

    representations of the past, representation that continuously guide human daily lives and set clear

    limits to political and social options[5].

    Then we continue to how urgent that America must be consolidated with the topic of this paper.

    In regard to regional change of the Middle East which forge international stability, America

    known well as the positioned above on its relevance in being called by Great Power of the

    century-past Cold War. When a state obtains top-dog status, hegemon promote regime that

    benefit not only for itself but also others. Here, I never mean to seek a truth trough paranoia to

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    what seldom accused by groups who are in favor of conspiracy theory, however, I objectively

    remain, based on academic principals, a previous clause must be a scene advanced to predictions

    about consequences that will result a decline of hegemon, if it, failed to define how a region

    changes and affects to world stability. Therefore, when this kind of structural transformation

    occurs and the system is left without an unchallenged leader, instability follows, I must be

    guided by hegemonic stability theory[6] in order to explain in depth approach to understand how

    America is importance to included for this discourse of the Middle Eastern changes.

    Then, in similar with the urgent term of other guidance, equally I stress an ideological, even

    more, a valuable norms and ideas addressing the Middle Eastern approach to how each foreign

    policy of state influence non-Arab countries. This stand brought from what Fred Halliday (2005)

    has stated in his book, The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology,

    stressing a common idea of the Middle East was anti-hegemonic, instead of in regard to trade

    or oil. But with a more discourse, how I make sure that ideological decrease must be in after

    Cold War passed? Moreover, historically I found it somewhat difficult to identify the

    authoritarian and sometimes murderous projects served by ideas. But however, I should never

    deny every possibility of identification of ideas in the Middle East which built responds to many

    interventions from outside. Thus, here I would not be much to discuss how ideas decline since

    post Cold War. But I will more ensure how ideology in the Middle East was played by political

    shoot of American administrative driven by hidden agency.

    State Formation, Social Change, Impact of Colonialism:

    A Genealogical Guide part I

    Such as I have mentioned above, genealogy must guide here to arrange the Middle East from its

    history of the state formation, social change and impact of colonialism with the relevance toideological dynamics within the region. Thus, it would be defined that the Middle East is so

    wretched for American supply of its strategy to take overbearingly a super control, with no the

    exception for other countries.

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    In retrospect, however, potentially significantly equally inter-state relations of the Middle East

    region caused domain of the formation of states and societies that the post-1918 period was to

    prove so important for latter events occurs eventually[7]. It was emphasized that period must be

    in large measure; the political, social and international formation of the region took place.

    Moreover, internal processes of the Middle East itself promoted a change of ideological and

    hence political dimension of the modern region were so decisively shaped. Immediately, the

    Middle East after 1918 was provided to further become articulated with much of particular

    attentions. Related to that, I took several analysis of Fred Halliday (2005), to essentially describe

    how the Middle East shaped and dynamicizationed in ideological movements to latter influences.

    Classifiably, here Fred arranges four merit attentions on the Middle East formation as the region

    which has cohesion within. One of these was the creation of modern state institutions. A word of

    state itself was penetrated as well as the region differentiated into several states independently.

    Or even dynasty coercions should be recognized that is still on, but legally state occurred for a

    modern attribute that must be in. The creation of modern states since after 1918 that resulted a

    number of bureaucratical administrations representing a modern western system in the Middle

    East. Firstly, this matter was run by colonial and the national powers. They provided

    employment of for growing numbers of people, and came to social, economic development and

    education. Through this new door of open creation, people run to no little importance for latter

    politics of their countries. Then, people in the Middle East were directed either directly or

    indirectly to modern values, increasingly became aspirants to political powers and the status of

    defenders of the nations. The statement above is supported also by Charles Tripp (2001), which

    his book of A History of Iraq deployed an explanation of how state formations were prone of

    creation of the inter-war. It was started by Turkish invention, remembering to its existence

    powerfully defeated several regions over the Middle East. Somehow, inter-war was not only

    becoming a status of creation after 1918, but since older, the Middle East had been confronted by

    great event of wars and instabilities. However, I must mention the following attentions probablyaffected to the ideological and behavioral movements in the Middle East; 1) the cradle of

    civilization, 3500 BC (the Sumerians and the Akkadians); 2) the Assyrian Empires, 1365-1076

    B; 3) the Iranian Empires, 6th

    BC; 4) the Roman Empire, 1st

    BC; 5) the Islamic Caliphate, 7th

    AD; 6) Turks, Crusaders and Mongol, mid-11th

    AD; and 7) the Ottoman Empire, 15th


    Moreover, I feel obliged to underline about how Palestine seem continuously pressured by

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    confrontations from either obvious or unobvious outside, because on one time due to recently we

    live up to today, it was proven that one indication. When the Ottoman Empire was defeated by

    British Empire forces after the Shinai and Palestine campaign in 1918, the Arab population was

    met with what it perceived as betrayal by the British. The British and French governments

    concluded a secret treaty (the Sykes-Picot Agreement) to partition the Middle East between them

    and, additionally, the British promised via the Balfour Declaration the international Zionist

    movement their support in creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine[9]. In searching of many

    causes to why Western invoke Palestine to be an object apart, the secret treaty above explained

    us how great in past that the Middle East was.

    Still in line with the discourse of

    creation of states in the Middle East, in

    the past, powers had become a full

    consideration over the region within.

    During the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s,

    Syria and Egypt made moves towards

    independence. In 1919, Saad Zaghloul

    orchestrated mass demonstrations in

    Egypt known famously as the First

    Revolution[10]. Therefore, as the

    consequence, the betrayal against the

    British was forwarded by the Great

    Power of the Middle East in the time,

    so continuing to the Suez Canal. Then,

    with this contextualization, I introduce

    you how polemics the Middle East

    really was.

    In regard to a presence of America in the Middle East, it was developed when the departure of

    the European Powers from direct control of the region and continued by the establishment of

    Israel which increased importance of the oil industry. Thus, the Middle East was marked as the

    modern realm which led to a growing presence of America in the region affairs. When radical

    Figure 1 the Balfour Declaration, a letter from the UK's ForeignSecretary, Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rostchild

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    revolutions brought radical anti-Western regimes to power in Egypt in 1954, in Syria in 1963, in

    Iraq in 1968 and in Libya in 1969, the Soviet Union, seeking to open a new arena of the Cold

    War in the Middle East. It normally is called by the confusion of idea against Western.

    Secondly, it is all about national identity after these states embarked as the modern revolution.

    Part of this involved the controlled of claims regarding to other states, based on views were

    constructed as historic rights. Those claims maintained the sustainable view of how ideology

    being shared to each other. I argue that ideological confusion was from historical confusion too,

    in regard to what a complex of empires period.

    Fred stated that:

    Based on, or on denunciation of the partitions and divisions imposed by colonialism.

    Egypt claimed Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia the rest of the Peninsula.

    Yemenis citing al-Hamdani, the medieval geographer, said that Yemen ran from Mecca (or

    Taif) to Muscat. Education was a central means for the promotion of these identities, and

    rested upon the creation of a national history, drawing where available on both Islamic and

    pre-Islamic elements; while each state sought to assert its own individual identity and

    historic validity, each also made a claim to be a part or wider communities-Pharanoic

    (Egypt), Sabaean and Himyaritic (Yemen), Sumerian and Mesopotamian (Iraq), Phoenician

    (Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia), but also Islamic, Arab in some cases, Iranian and Aryan in the

    case of Iran, ancient Hittite, Anatolian and modern Europe in the case of Turkey. Zionism

    engaged in a similar promotion of a modern nationalism, while drawing on both selected

    and invented elements of the biblical past[11].

    In order to explain that the Middle East has passed a phase when every communal of the region

    widened a more boarder of individual identity, after of all I must conclude that with the

    expansion of unstructuralised identity implicates to latter recognitions. The confusion of those

    clauses must be indicated as the internal polemic might be a cause of an undirected change of the

    Middle East today.

    Thirdly, after these states embarked, I must recognize as well as Fred do so that the European

    heritage has modified the Middle East to uphold what as exemplified in Europe. The heritage

    that I mean is a process of cultural and ideological change, closely linked to a certain form of

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    secularization. Commonly, a term of secularization is not often well defined. Indirectly, this

    term has been installed since the embarkation of states over the region. The significant influence

    of the term above was spread over the social and political realities which all of these identified to

    a request to democratization, even more Sharia, to be upheld as the principal of the state

    continuity. But, for many years, the absence of secularization has brought the dynamics to an

    abuse of leaders who claim their authorities must absolutely under Islamic Law. Here, I never

    mean that Islamic Law is closer to an abuse, but it remain the Middle Eastern Leadership is

    closely to do whatever that they claim from Islamic Law but it never constitute.

    Fourthly, the most importance attention that must be asserted to be in depth consideration of how

    the Middle East gone to what we see today via widespread free-information of televisions, online

    news, journals, YouTube, Facebook, newspapers, radios, magazines and others, is about

    radicalization. In sum, the rise of nationalism, the disruption of World War I, the very formation

    of the new state system and resistance to secularization had produced a context in which more

    widespread social and political movements could, and did, emerge[12]. Therefore, the stage of

    radicalization in the side of the Middle East region was set by the combination powers of internal

    and external actors. That much of the drama has been settled by outside rules; the detailed

    explanation of radicalization in the Middle East will be expanded in next chapter on a

    genealogical guide part II which concerned specifically on its scheme and influence to the

    insufficient development of Islamic understanding in the Middle East.

    Continuing to the last guidance part I of genealogical investigation of how we ought to

    understand correctly about the Middle Easts polemics, the impact of colonialism to a

    configuration of regional formation must be coercive for our looking at the objective clarification

    of the Middle East situation that might challenges American administrative. We have known and

    seen very well that the European hegemony in its historical review, provided the form of

    language, development and political mobilization[13]. Then, the former started to propose

    changes and modernities, the latter some return to tradition. The existence of European

    intervention in the land of desert had activated much of direct form of military and colonial rule

    over bureaucratic administrations. It was not only that European colonial drew its significant

    influence on military establishment, but rather to commercial, financial and cultural. The

    essential view from a look at the military side is its vulnerability to the positive matter-for that

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    time-when external powers conditioned some Arabs must be in World War I. Later nationalism

    and religious movements combining Islamic with nationalist themes drew on the experience of

    domination which was eventually contested the cultural aggression. But the domination was not

    able to go on as well. Because it was found that striking interactions brought the region to a more

    heated situation which was often linked with World War II; but some arguments are weak to be


    In line with clauses above, before I conclude a short explanation of the impact of colonialism to

    the configuration of the Middle East region, I feel opened to state that beyond its impact on

    states, economies and societies, colonialism had one further consequence; its important impact

    on the ideology and sentiment of peoples in the region[14]. In regard to World War II, since

    Soviet support for autonomous regions in Azerbaijan and Kurdistan was unsuccessful, in contrast

    to World War I, dispute between Arab and Jewish on Palestine claim forces in the immediate

    aftermath of World War II. Thus, the political map of the region remained as it had been

    before[15]. This is a short conclusion I promised previously that many changes would be found

    within the Middle East during and after World War II and Post Cold War. The most frontiers of

    them were a shift in the balance of the external powers in the region. As Britain and France

    which both had been the dominant external powers for the Middle East around the 1960s and

    1970s, the place today has been taken not by Soviet but America. There were several particular

    trends helped America to hold the region; a rising US interest in what was now the major of oil

    trade, a special close relationship between America and Israel and lastly, America has potentials

    to concern forward Soviet in order to be a hegemonic state after its victory in Cold War. From

    here, I am sure that you understand very well how the Middle East has grown up and how

    America must be considered as the influential state might be strongly influenced by the changes

    or transformations happened in the Middle East. But this part I (one) is never enough to elaborate

    whole complications of the Middle East transformations since it was a regional baby. Thus, the

    other hidden possibilities of the current crucial within the region of the Middle East, especiallyrelated to this paper on the ideological dynamics, that must be identified as well as the genealogy

    guide me to keep searching for the closest to an absolute truth, or even I recognize that there is

    the only truth of the world; the God.

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    A Conditioned Radicalization, Ideological Obstacles and Current Internal Polemics:

    A Genealogical Guide part II

    I would like to facilitate a new outlook in transformations moved systematically in the Middle

    East, somehow particularly, but however, by this second section of genealogy, I expected the

    Middle East is further viewed as a region with controlled ideological regime and must be freed

    and democratized as well. This is very urgent to open what really hidden from the face. Realities

    of radical sects had never been since a long time of past period engaged as the nurturing theme in

    the region. But sometime, whether it must radical or not, I believe that in the Middle East and

    other Muslim populations were gradually reduced its authentic value of Islamic Law. Then, is it

    must be a natural? Of course not. There was a great fact to prove that the Middle East

    ideologically has ever conditioned by other outside. In line with genealogical approach, I

    emphasize a point that enlightened a past dark seeing. The point that I mean is a process of

    radicalization itself which further openly affects to latter confusion matters in the Middle East.

    Basically, here we must recognize that Wahabism is one of the most outstanding sects that

    usually known as an Arabic religious mainstream redefining Islamic Law to traditional

    interpretation and refuse to any modernization of its exclamation and contextualization. Some

    saw this as one of revolutionary movement to uphold the Islamic Law in the World. But some

    other saw this as a breaking down which is likely timely undermines the truth of Islamic

    meanings. Then, politically an interpretation-based mainstream was prone to be claimed as an

    identity legalizing every deed amid its greediness to occupy. It must be called as an abuse.

    However, this is only one sample must not be used to generalize all behavior of the Middle East.

    But, actually, the extreme mainstream had existed for a very long time. Supported by her

    statement, Sami Zubaida (2012), with a full honor, I must say that part of religious participation

    in politics is the power and recourses of institutions and personnel, the authority and interest of

    churches, prelates and preachers[16]. Crucially a term of nationalism or proto-nationalism wasintroduced really happened engaged with the religious underpinning. Thus, frequently the

    Middle East installed the undefined character to whoever realize, but deceived common Muslim

    in the World, simply in Indonesia to practice reduced interpretation of Islamic teaching. More

    deeper inside, this radicalization had used by hegemonic states to impose the power.

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    Before then I explore how a controlled radicalization influenced promotion of advance

    development decline in the Middle East, firstly I must state that there were hidden personal and

    outside driver found engaging with the activation of radicalization in the Middle East. The drive

    was consolidated by funding several movements concerning with the radicalization of Islamic

    society within the region. Beside of Wahabism, for example, attempted at establishing itself in

    Afghanistan in the 1970s and early 20th

    century but had little success. Dealing with it, Saudi

    Arabia boomed flowing fund to encore the play of Wahabism in some targeted regions of the

    Middle East and particularly in South Asia.

    Going on what above, especially it is about funding, I participate to boom an exploration of

    information is rarely known by people. Historically, when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in

    1979, Saudi money joined with CIA money to fund the Wahhabi-inspired mujahideen in the

    fight against the Soviet. To complete that flow, Pakistan was a conduit floating distributions of

    money to diverse extreme groups. A group that is able to be accused as the recipient of fund is

    Taliban. Thus, Taliban openly acknowledged as the axis of money distribution despitefully

    acting a central role of extreme Islamist militia[17]. Pakistan itself, a place where Taliban was

    born, played with its prime minister at the time, Zia ul Haq,

    who decided who got money and doled it out through

    Pakistans Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI). With this rotation,

    Taliban was facilitated to engage with other Islamist extremists.

    Focus on Pakistans reason in this camouflage, I identify that

    were two reasons dominated. Both were to use radicals to fight

    India in Kashmir, and to use it to impose Pakistani influence in

    Afghanistan. Therefore, it has concluded that politic of identity

    essentially was dominant here. Moreover, Hizb el-Islami, an

    extremist group which was led by Gulbudin Hikmetyar, a friend

    of Zia, was alliance with Taliban too.

    Beside of political donations, the influence that came from a booming radicalization had spread

    to intellectual Diasporas in the Middle East. Negatively, this impact influenced and caused the

    decline of modern Islamic intellectuals. The Islamic reforms of Muhammad Abduh in Egypt, al-

    Kawakibi in Syria, and the cosmopolitan and mercurial reformer Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, served

    Figure 2 Zia ul Haq, Pakistani PrimeMinister of 1976

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    as just such a bridge between new construction of Islam and science, rationality and a

    constitutional order (Sami Zubaida, 2005). Hence, Islam population among the Middle East

    genuinely own capacity to create a wonderful Islamic civilization. Moreover, added by the

    existence of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which appealed in 1928. But here, radicalization had

    never seen the intellectual movement as the friendship rule; on the contrary, extremist groups

    were willing to erase those who committed to the development of rationality in enlightening

    Islamic Law. And this purpose was also directed and expected by the sponsors of money whom

    were we discussed above. Thus, the dynamics of ideological realm in the Middle East had much

    been became a main vehicle to be radicalized; and it spread to several regions in Asia, including

    Indonesia. But, in real CIA (American administrative) is seen failed to install its believe in

    applying ideological hampers in the Middle East as the great strategy. Hence, it will never be

    defined as helping moment for America, whereas it will pressure America to step down from its

    hegemonic position.

    Here, we are in the last of guidance that driven by genealogy to seek hidden truth in the Middle

    East polemics. As I arranged the historical hurling on the Middle Eastern confusion of

    ideological realm and its influence to latter matters, here I am with humility going to explain the

    current polemics of the Middle East. On the one hand, I feel sponsored overwhelmingly for

    intellectual matters to explain the following current polemics of the Middle East by Rami Khouri

    (2008), a scholar from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar, represented

    by her paper of America, the Middle East, and the Gulf: An Arab View of Challenges Facing the

    Next U.S. Administration. The crises currently happen on the ground of the Middle East, there

    are at least five main points. The first of these five crises, almost every Arab country has a border

    problem and most Arab countries had major internal rebellions and insurrections. Its second is a

    crisis in state relationships as it is not clear where the power of state ends and the power of the

    individual assert itself. The third is a crisis in basic human needs and sustainable socioeconomic

    development. The fourth is the crisis of identity at the personal, the individual, the communityand the collective national level. The fifth is the crisis of non-clear definition in the Middle East

    relationship with the non-Arab world. Some want to make peace with Israel and some want to

    make a war dealing with the Zionist racism[18]. This is a five result of a long history which

    might be understood as the current situation which must be cleared in the Middle East.

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    Ten Issues of Contemporary Forces that America must Challenged to Frustrate:

    A Conclusion of Genealogical Guidance

    There are ten issues transformed gradually and currently exist on the ground of the Middle East

    region and successfully ensure American administrative to frustrate as well as the awareness of

    its abuse ejaculation imposed to the field and people started to realize and deal with it. The first

    issue is about demographical development among Arab people. Where the Arab people from

    1930 were predominantly by middle-aged or old, uneducated or rural, today we see all

    mentioned are coming with the situation that predominantly by young, urban and educated

    population. The second issue became a very clear trend with the rise of the current Islamist wave,

    the economic trends related to oil, we have seen a contraction in the control, credibility, impact

    and legitimacy of the central nation-state and central government in the Arab world. The third

    issue is in major view that everybody in Arab world has to deal with, particularly important for

    Israelis, the end of docility and the end of acquiescence. The fourth major trend is the emergence

    of Islam moderate with the traditional value introducing the truth of Islamic Law and introducing

    many hidden abuses of American and western aggression in the Middle East region which

    attempted at changing values of education and social system within. The fifth issue is around the

    western action itself which emphasized on the point of when they misdiagnosed the terrorism

    issue in the Middle East region. The sixth issue is the continuing Arab-Israeli conflict may led to

    the suspicions of world people towards American administrative, and it is very equal for that.

    The seventh issue is today the Middle East is a region that is defined by multiple conflicts and

    several active wars, but slowly this makes America frustrated to uphold its responsibility to

    protect. The eight issue is when people realize that America intervenes in insulting situations in

    the Middle East and actively sides with one group against the other with providing needs, but

    overall that makes the image comes worse. The ninth issue is when Iran and Turkey followed by

    Bahrain and Lebanon to exterminate all intervenes with the better security architecture. The last

    issue is a clear polarization of societies being pulled into opposite directions but coexisting, more

    or less, peacefully with each other.

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    [1]Ruthven, Malise, A Fury for God; the

    Islamist Attack on America, London, Granta,


    [2]Cleveland, William,A History of the Modern

    Middle East, 2nd Edition, Boulder, CO,

    Westview Press, 2000

    [3]Khouri, Rami,America, the Middle East and

    the Gulf; an Arab View of Challenges Facing

    the Next U.S. Administration, CIRS (Qatar), no.1, 2008

    [4]Burchill, Scott & Andrew Linklater, Teori-

    teori Hubungan Internasional (Bahasa Indonesia

    translation), Bandung, Nusa media, 2009, ch.


    [5]Devetak, Richard, Theories of International

    Relations, New York, Palgrave McMillan, 2005,p. 163

    [6]W. Kegley, Jr., Charles & Eugene R.

    Wittkopf, World Politics; Trend &

    Transformation, 5th

    Edition, New York, St.

    Martins, 1995, p. 36

    [7] opcit. P. 86

    [8]Tripp, Charless, A History of Iraq,

    Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001

    [9]Lewis, Bernard, The Middle East; a Brief

    History of the Last 2,000 Years, New York,

    Scribnerr, 1995

    [10]ibid, p. 172

    [11] Op cit, p. 87

    [12] Op cit, p. 91

    [13] Op cit, p. 95

    [14] Op cit, p. 92

    [15] Op cit, p. 91



    accessed on Sunday, April 28, 2012, 02.24 am

    [17]Wall Street Journal, Monday, August 10,

    2009, vol. CCLIV no. 84

    [18] ibid,

    [19] Op cit, p. 4