THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATFEDAY FEBBFABY 20 1910 S Ifri Declares It Would Be Ab surd to Establish New University RELIES ON PUBLIC FOR ITS SUPPORT Cornell Cited as Parallel Case to Institution at Capital 1 ain net responsible for the state ment attributed to me that George Washingtons board ot trustees should be abolished and new appointed- by the Government by way of convert Ing the university Into an institution corresponding to a state university Thus spoke Dr Charles Needham president of George Washington Uni- versity today In correction of a state- ment attributed to him in an interview In answer to the charges of President Edmund J James of the University of Illinois made before the Agricultural committee of the House of Representa tivesGeorge Washington University as a institution declared Dr Needham must depend upon the sup- port of District citizens for its support- or must receive aid from the Govern- ment The administration of George Washington University along present 1nes he believes is such as to deserve tho support of both these parties Can Support But One On the face of it the proposition of President James for the Government to establish another nonsectarian insti- tution in this city would mean the death knell of George Washington as a uni versity There is no doubt In my mind that the Capital needs a university but It Is equally patent that It can not support two Dr Needham said the point that the funds of the Mbrrill Act should not be awarded to George Washington because it was a private institulon was not well taken There are plenty of precedents for such grants Cornell being one ample declared Dr Xeedhaxn The status of that university and George Washington in asking for the funds of the Morrill act present a practical par- alleL Says Plan Is Extravagant The proposition to a new uni- versity here as suggested by President James seem foolishly extravagant Why should not the Government In tending the benefit of the Morrill funds to the District avail itself of the present institution with its 1400 stud ents and Its 51600000 worth of property In answer to the charge of President James that members of the board of trustees had appeared before the Sen ate Committee as disinterested parties Dr Neenham declared copies of the university catalogue had been filed committee before the appear- ance of Justice Harlan A Lisner H B F M cfarland John Joy Edson and others WilL TAKE BODY Burial of Monroe W Haines Will Be at Former NEEDHAM DEFENDS GEORGE WASHINGTON ones I star TO MARION OHIO nonsectarian err ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Home Tomorrow night of Monroe- W Haines accompanied by his daugh- ter and a cousin will be taken back to his former home in Marlon Ohio for burial Mr Haines died yesterday morn- Ing at his residence 1T4 Corcoran street northwest Funeral services will be heJd tomor row afternoon at the family home the Rev J Harvey Dunham pastor of Western Presbyterian Church officiat ing Mr Haines was born in Marion Ohio in 1S41 He attended the Iron City Col- lege at Pittsburg Pa and was grad- uated from that institution second in his class Prior to his coming to seven years ago Haines had conducted for many years a large establishment In Marlon When e came to Washington he retired from active life Mr Haines is survived by his wife daughter and one sister COMMITTEES NAMED FOR KNIGHTS BALL Arrangements Under Way for Easter Monday Dance at New Willard- The committees on arrangemonts for the Knights of Columbus ball went to work in earnest today The baH will be held at th New Willard Hotel on Easter Monday evening The committees are v Patrons Thomas J Donovan Messrs Repetti Harlow Kolb and Howard A McGuire Messrs Curtin Lanman Colbert and Emery Printing James F Brennan Messrs Lanman Colbert and Emery Music and program Arthur J Toll Messrs Flynn Devaney Finnegan- and Daly Audit John H Pollen Messrs R E Doyle Collins Joy and Young Door and hat L Tucker Joy Doyle Kane and Collins Decorations Thomas B Nolan Messrs Simpson Carr Welsh and Fuller VIENNA DELEGATES APPOINTED BY KNOX Secretary of Stato Knox has appointed the following to the interna- tional congress on commercial instruc- tion which will meet In Vienna in Sep tember John Bates Clark New York professor- of political economy in Columbia Uni versity Ambrose Swasey Cleveland Ohio president of the Chamber of Commerce- of that William McCarrolI New York city president of the American Leather Com- pany B A Eckhardt of Chicago- E C of Rochester N Y Gaillard Hunt chief of the division of manuscripts of the of Congress has been designated a to the international Congress of Archives and Librarians to be hold In Brussels Hi I August the body wall- paperinG PressFelix Curtin boxesE Wash- ington j y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CITY OF BRISTOL DIVIDED OVER POSTMASTERSHIPH- alf in Tennessee and Half in Virginia the Municipality Is Much Aroused Over Appointment of Resident of Latter State to the Position I The city of Bristol which Is half hi Tonnes ee and half In Virginia is against itself today The Vir- giniahg are standing on their side of State street hurling raucous gloats across at the Tenneaseeans who are downcast and sad State street runs along on top of the State line straight through Bristol north and south Sometimes in the past the Tennessee side of Bristol has been and the Virginia wet sometimes It has been the other way about But through it all the Tennessee side one advantage for on its sacred soil the poetofflce has always been locate- dt sits aboMt a hundred yards west of State street Wherefore the Tennes- seeans have always claimed that the postmaster of Bristol should be s Ten nesseean and for the past forty years they hive been able to get away with their claim In fact there was no con- test on tho part of the Virginians- Not long ago Basoombe Slemp suc ceeded his father as Representative In Congress from the Ninth Virginia dis trict In which the Virginia half of Bristol Is located Also young Slemp dry BIde di- vided ¬ ¬ TO NAVAL MILITIA Some Opposition May De velop Among Naval Offi cers to Pending Bill i Congress during this session may do somothlnc to help out the naval militia- of the country Secretary Meyer Is strongly In favor of sironKthenlnjc the naval militia and building up a naval reserve He has been before the House Committee on Naval Affairs with reference to the matter and has given his support to a bill now pending which it is claimed would do for the naval militia sub- stantially what the Dick law does for the National Guard The Dick law K ves Federal aid to the extent of 4W 0 to about 1 S J men This Is at the rate of about f per man It is proposed to expend fMOCOM on tho naval militia the members of which number about 00 This is at the rate of 9W per man Secretary Meyer recommended a few changes in the bill now before the House committee So far all the before the House committee has favorable to the legislation It is MEYER FAVORS AID 30 testi- mony been ¬ ¬ ¬ known however that there is no little disposition on the part of many naval officers to sneor at the naval militia In this respect the navy differs from the army In recent years many regu lar army men have declared belief that it would be of great advantage to the country and to the regular army itself to build up the National Guard The relations between Ute guard and the army ar steadily Improving and the is steadily growing stronger Naval militia supporters believe the tendency will be it Federal aid is given the naval militia and that service Is strengthened for naval men to take a broader view and help the naval militia cause guard I their how- ever ¬ Assisted by Cuticura Oint- ment For preserving puri- fying and beautifying the skin scalp hair and hands for clearing the complexion for itching scaly with dry thin and falling hair for minor eruptions rashes itchings and irritations for sanative antiseptic cleans and all the purposes- of the toilet bath and nurs ery Cuticura Soap and Cuti cura Ointmentare unrivaled roadon 27 Qjarterhous Pars 10 Rue oe la Chansee dAotta Australia it Obwns A CO Sydney India B K Pant Calcutta Mina HOB Drag Co Japan Z P Dung Ltd Tokto So Africa Lemon Ltd Town etc U8 A Draff A Chem Sole Preps 135 Columbus Aw Boston tt Cutieura Book an Author rf we and irca seat oi SJ ti cad UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS YIELD 4 CUTI CURA SOAP potter rut 4 J- t TO- o 4 Cape Hair ¬ ¬ ¬ became chairman of tho Virginia publican State committee Bit made it encumbent upon him to produce jobs President Tat had on on rr- ilr President he said a few weeks ego the term of Eli Warren master at Bristol VirginiaTennessee Is drawing to a close He Is a Tennessean From a time when tho South was not even solidly Democratic the postmas- ter of Bristol has been a Tonnesseean For forty years Teimessecans have hold the lob For eight years Ell Warren has been there and Eli Warren is a constituent of Walter Brownlows I have the highest regard for Walter Brownlow He Is great H nr Henta tire and A good Republican Likewise- he Js a wonder on landing jobs for his consli uents But I want that Brwtol postofflco There are as many good Republicans on the Virginia aide of State street as are on the Tennessee side One I have in mind s E Go5e Thf is a good Taf man ness on the side of Stato in the good old town of Bristol And all ia sorrow and gloom on the Ten nessee side Nor is Representative Brownlow looking fbrwani with any of to his 7M t visit to Bristol Pe offices ord as wishing to Republicanize the I South Stemp went after the post A t d TOO yesterday see ¬ EARTHQUAKE CAUSE OF BIGAMY IN ITALY Woman Thought Killed at Messina Finds Husband Married Again MESSINA Feb 25 The first of bigamy as a result of the Italian earth quake of December 1SW came to light today when a railway employe named Scarinci who recently married a beau- tiful was confronted by his forcer wife whom he thought dead The returned wife explained that she had been badly injured in the earth quake and had been rescued by the sailors of one of the Russian cruisers She was taken in the vessel to Russia and only recently recovered Unable- to write her own language or to speak Russian she was unable to communi cate with the Italian authorities The judges must decide the unusual marital tangle DIES OF GRIEF ALLENTOWN Pa Feb S6 Tllgh nan Stephen is dead today at age of seventyseven years evidently of grief over the death of lie brother Jonas aged ninetytwo who was burled yesterday and his sister Mrs Susan Hiskey of Bethlehem burled several weeks ago He ws greatly attached to them the case ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Deep Interest Manifested by Patriotic Societies in Maine Project- A monument to the heroes of the Maine Is now regarded as a certainty Plans for collecting and accounting for subsOptions to the fund have oc cupied At viral Slgfibeoa attention since he became president association six months ago He now has them proper shape to begin an active cam plagn Until recently the movement for rats ine the Maine monument fund teen held back for lack of proper organic tion but contributions have come is from every part of the country not withstanding few efforts made to gain publicity Recently unusual Interest has been shown by patriotic societies and In the schools in the Maine monument and the Indications are that as soon as an active campaign Is begun and the proper ex tension of the organisation is accom- plished a flood of contributions will pour in For each subscription of H the donor receives a ribbon and- a certificate of membership In the asso- ciation His name goes on tho rolls that will be placed In the cornerstone of the monument also Mrs John Hay is taking an active Interest in movement in Washing- ton and has consented to head the board of patronesses Prominent men and wom- en in all sections have announced their desire to cooperate The Maine Monument Association and the Maine Memorial Association are organizations The former was formed for the purpose of rais- ing in Washington a suitable monu ment to those lost their lives in Havana harbor The latter Is simply for tho purpose of holding memorial cere- monies every year CAMPAIGN PLANNED FOR MONUMENT FUND cater oJ the In has the dif- ferent oho ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A Few Doses End Backache and Regulate OutofOrder Kidneys The Kidneys will Act fine and Bladder misery simply vanishes If you take several deeri of Papes Diuretic all backache and distress from outoforder kidneys or bladder trouble will vanish and you will feel fine Lame iMUtk painful rheuma- tism nervous headache dizziness irri- tability sleeplessness inflamed or swollen eyelids vrornout sick feeling and other symptoms of sluggish in active kidneys disappear Uncontrollable smarting frequent urination especially at night and all bladder m ery ends This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidneys bladder ana urinary system and distributes Its heel stitches ¬ ¬ ¬ IfllllQAN Engagement of Miss Fannie Lockett to J V Papin Announced- ST LOUIS Mo Feb ment of the engagement of J VIon Pa pin a wellknown newspaper man of St Louis cod scion of one of St Louis oldest families to Miss Fannie Lockett or Washington D C has been made The date set or the ceremony Is June- L It will take place In New York at the home of Mrs Gilford Richardson widow of the late St Louis banker a kinswoman of Miss Locket- tJ Vlon Papin is at present on the staff of the St Louis Republic He has been engaged in newspaper several years During the Worlds Fair he was secretary of the Japanese commission He Is a son of the late Henry Papin He Is a member of Battery A ant took part In the Porto Rican campaign Miss Lockett is a daughter of Mr and Mrs J W Lookctt a niece of Mrs William P 70 Vande Tenter place lived TCith the Cole man for several She is also a niece of Mrs Richard Taylor- of 4505 Washington Boulevard WARDS RESIGNATION ACCEPTED BY TAFT- The resignation of George Cabot Ward secretary of state of Porto Rico to take effect April 1 has been accepted by President Taft Mr Ward has been In tho insular service since 1906 wtoon was appoint- ed auditor He te a graduate of Har vard and was formerly private secretary- to W W RockhlU then director of the International Bureau of American Re- publics WASHINGTON GIRL TO WED 26Announce 00lemau of and aza be ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ leg cleansing And vitalizing influence directly upon the organs and glands affected and completes the cure before you realize It The moment you suspect any kidney or urinary disorder or feel rheumatism pains begin taking his harmless with the knowledge that there is no other remedy at any price made anywhere else in the world which win effect o thorough lend prompt a cure a a fiftycent treatment of Papes Diu ratio which any druggist can supply Your physician pharmacist banker- or any mercantile agency will tell yoi that Pape Thompson of Cin- cinnati is large and responsible concern thoroughly worthy of your confidence Only curative results can come front taking Papes Diuretic and a few days treatment means active healthy kidneys bladder and urinary organs and no backache Accept only Papas Diuretic fiftycent treatment iu y drug In- the world med- icine a clean storeanywhere a medi- cine ¬ ¬ I TO WOMEN If you loved a man and on his wedding day I His Name was demanded and you and he then learned that he was the j of a Convicted Murderer WOULD YOU I GIVE HIM UP True Sin TWO BOYS DISCOVER POT OF REAL GOLD HUNTINGTON W Va Feb 2 Two small boys are the heroes today of county Ky uveh Ifrs jut arrows Law- rence the Kanawha river from Huntington They are the proud owners jointly of- S In gold which tocover on way hoMe from school yesterday afternoon They sax a dog digging ai a hole under a Tog cabin Ujva- Investigation fojnd on old la they deserted they n fi e h1 their < mm IKBHRHSHiraCI The original and genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna known throughout the the best of family laxatives for men women and children always has the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co printed on the front of g every package It is for sale by all leading druggists everywhere one rize only regular price 50 cents per bottle The imitations some times offered are of inferior quality jk and do not give satisfaction X therefore should be declined world as t I s L a 1 r A 8 L D a a I- n iii r I ii + The North German Lloyd S S Company Announce- That on and after this date the Washington Agency will be located at No 715 Fourteenth Street Northwest where bookings may be made for Eng- land and the Continent Mediterranean and Black Sea Ports Egypt the Straits Settlements China Japan the PhilipniBes Australia and South Sea Islands Independent tours will be ar raaged and through tickets issued to all ports on request German Lloyd Travelers Checks good all over the world a safe and convenient Method- of carrying funds may be secured Full iBforntatioa diagrams sailing lists etc etc will be furnished OB application Telephone Main 7866 India AroDRdtJIC World North book- lets ¬ ¬ Under these conditions- if you were in Wallace Meades place These are some of the motives in A masterful heartthrob bing story of love and adventure which TO MEN What Would I YOU Do I I I H HisTrue Name I ¬ STARTS IN THE TIMES TODAY III WASHINGTON


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Declares It Would Be Ab

surd to Establish NewUniversity


Cornell Cited as Parallel Case to

Institution atCapital

1 ain net responsible for the statement attributed to me that GeorgeWashingtons board ot trustees shouldbe abolished and new appointed-by the Government by way of convertIng the university Into an institutioncorresponding to a state university

Thus spoke Dr Charles Needhampresident of George Washington Uni-versity today In correction of a state-ment attributed to him in an interviewIn answer to the charges of PresidentEdmund J James of the University ofIllinois made before the Agriculturalcommittee of the House of RepresentativesGeorge Washington University as a

institution declared DrNeedham must depend upon the sup-port of District citizens for its support-or must receive aid from the Govern-ment The administration of GeorgeWashington University along present1nes he believes is such as to deservetho support of both these parties

Can Support But OneOn the face of it the proposition of

President James for the Government toestablish another nonsectarian insti-tution in this city would mean the deathknell of George Washington as a university There is no doubt In my mindthat the Capital needs a university butIt Is equally patent that It can notsupport two

Dr Needham said the point that thefunds of the Mbrrill Act should not beawarded to George Washington becauseit was a private institulon was not welltaken

There are plenty of precedents forsuch grants Cornell being oneample declared Dr Xeedhaxn Thestatus of that university and GeorgeWashington in asking for the funds ofthe Morrill act present a practical par-alleL

Says Plan Is ExtravagantThe proposition to a new uni-

versity here as suggested by PresidentJames seem foolishly extravagantWhy should not the Government Intending the benefit of the Morrillfunds to the District avail itself of thepresent institution with its 1400 students and Its 51600000 worth of property

In answer to the charge of PresidentJames that members of the board oftrustees had appeared before the Senate Committee as disinterested partiesDr Neenham declared copies of theuniversity catalogue had been filed

committee before the appear-ance of Justice Harlan A Lisner HB F M cfarland John Joy Edson andothers


Burial of Monroe W HainesWill Be at Former





















Tomorrow night of Monroe-W Haines accompanied by his daugh-ter and a cousin will be taken back tohis former home in Marlon Ohio forburial Mr Haines died yesterday morn-Ing at his residence 1T4 Corcoran streetnorthwest

Funeral services will be heJd tomorrow afternoon at the family home theRev J Harvey Dunham pastor ofWestern Presbyterian Church officiating

Mr Haines was born in Marion Ohioin 1S41 He attended the Iron City Col-lege at Pittsburg Pa and was grad-uated from that institution second in hisclass Prior to his coming to

seven years ago Haines hadconducted for many years a large

establishment In Marlon Whene came to Washington he retired from

active life Mr Haines is survived byhis wife daughter and one sister


Arrangements Under Way for

Easter Monday Dance atNew Willard-

The committees on arrangemontsfor the Knights of Columbus ballwent to work in earnest today ThebaH will be held at th New WillardHotel on Easter Monday evening Thecommittees are v

Patrons Thomas J Donovan MessrsRepetti Harlow Kolb and Howard

A McGuire MessrsCurtin Lanman Colbert and Emery

Printing James F BrennanMessrs Lanman Colbert andEmery

Music and program Arthur J TollMessrs Flynn Devaney Finnegan-and Daly

Audit John H Pollen Messrs R EDoyle Collins Joy and Young

Door and hat L TuckerJoy Doyle Kane and Collins

Decorations Thomas B NolanMessrs Simpson Carr Welsh andFuller


Secretary of Stato Knox has appointedthe following to the interna-tional congress on commercial instruc-tion which will meet In Vienna in SeptemberJohn Bates Clark New York professor-

of political economy in Columbia University

Ambrose Swasey Cleveland Ohiopresident of the Chamber of Commerce-of that

William McCarrolI New York citypresident of the American Leather Com-pany

B A Eckhardt of Chicago-E C of Rochester N YGaillard Hunt chief of the division of

manuscripts of the of Congresshas been designated a to theinternational Congress of Archives andLibrarians to be hold In Brussels Hi I


the body




















alf in Tennessee and Half in Virginia the MunicipalityIs Much Aroused Over Appointment of Resident of

Latter State to the PositionI

The city of Bristol which Is half hiTonnes ee and half In Virginia is

against itself today The Vir-giniahg are standing on their side ofState street hurling raucous gloatsacross at the Tenneaseeans who aredowncast and sad

State street runs along on top of theState line straight through Bristolnorth and south Sometimes in the pastthe Tennessee side of Bristol has been

and the Virginia wetsometimes It has been the other wayabout

But through it all the Tennessee sideone advantage for on its sacred soil

the poetofflce has always been locate-dt sits aboMt a hundred yards west ofState street Wherefore the Tennes-seeans have always claimed that thepostmaster of Bristol should be s Tennesseean and for the past forty yearsthey hive been able to get away withtheir claim In fact there was no con-

test on tho part of the Virginians-Not long ago Basoombe Slemp suc

ceeded his father as Representative InCongress from the Ninth Virginia district In which the Virginia half ofBristol Is located Also young Slemp

dry BIde






Some Opposition May Develop Among Naval Offi

cers to Pending Billi

Congress during this session may dosomothlnc to help out the naval militia-of the country

Secretary Meyer Is strongly In favorof sironKthenlnjc the naval militia andbuilding up a naval reserve He hasbeen before the House Committee onNaval Affairs with reference to thematter and has given his support to abill now pending which it is claimedwould do for the naval militia sub-stantially what the Dick law does forthe National Guard

The Dick law K ves Federal aid to theextent of 4W 0 to about 1 S J menThis Is at the rate of about f perman It is proposed to expend fMOCOM

on tho naval militia the members ofwhich number about 00 This is atthe rate of 9W per man

Secretary Meyer recommended a fewchanges in the bill now before theHouse committee So far all the

before the House committee hasfavorable to the legislation It is







known however that there is no littledisposition on the part of many navalofficers to sneor at the naval militia

In this respect the navy differs fromthe army In recent years many regular army men have declared beliefthat it would be of great advantage tothe country and to the regular armyitself to build up the National Guard

The relations between Ute guard andthe army ar steadily Improving andthe is steadily growing strongerNaval militia supporters believe

the tendency will be it Federalaid is given the naval militia and thatservice Is strengthened for naval mento take a broader view and help thenaval militia cause






Assisted by Cuticura Oint-ment For preserving puri-fying and beautifying theskin scalp hair and handsfor clearing the complexionfor itching scaly withdry thin and falling hairfor minor eruptions rashesitchings and irritations forsanative antiseptic cleans

and all the purposes-of the toilet bath and nursery Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointmentare unrivaled

roadon 27 Qjarterhous Pars 10Rue oe la Chansee dAotta Australia it Obwns ACO Sydney India B K Pant Calcutta MinaHOB Drag Co Japan Z P Dung LtdTokto So Africa Lemon Ltd Town etcU8 A Draff A Chem Sole Preps135 Columbus Aw Bostontt Cutieura Book an Author

rf we and irca seat oi SJ ti cad


















became chairman of tho Virginiapublican State committee Bitmade it encumbent upon him to produce

jobs President Tat had on on rr-

ilr President he said a few weeksego the term of Eli Warrenmaster at Bristol VirginiaTennessee Isdrawing to a close He Is a TennesseanFrom a time when tho South was noteven solidly Democratic the postmas-ter of Bristol has been a TonnesseeanFor forty years Teimessecans have holdthe lob For eight years Ell Warrenhas been there and Eli Warren is aconstituent of Walter Brownlows Ihave the highest regard for WalterBrownlow He Is great H nr Hentatire and A good Republican Likewise-he Js a wonder on landing jobs for hisconsli uents

But I want that Brwtol postofflcoThere are as many good Republicans onthe Virginia aide of State street as

are on the Tennessee side One Ihave in mind s E Go5e Thf is agood Taf man

ness on the side of Statoin the good old town of Bristol Andall ia sorrow and gloom on the Tennessee side Nor is RepresentativeBrownlow looking fbrwani with any

of to his 7M t visit toBristol


ord as wishing to Republicanize the I

South Stemp went after thepost








Woman Thought Killed atMessina Finds Husband

Married Again

MESSINA Feb 25 The first ofbigamy as a result of the Italian earthquake of December 1SW came to lighttoday when a railway employe namedScarinci who recently married a beau-tiful was confronted by hisforcer wife whom he thought dead

The returned wife explained that shehad been badly injured in the earthquake and had been rescued by thesailors of one of the Russian cruisersShe was taken in the vessel to Russiaand only recently recovered Unable-to write her own language or to speakRussian she was unable to communicate with the Italian authorities

The judges must decide the unusualmarital tangle


nan Stephen is dead today at ageof seventyseven years evidently ofgrief over the death of lie brotherJonas aged ninetytwo who was burledyesterday and his sister Mrs SusanHiskey of Bethlehem burled severalweeks ago He ws greatly attached tothem






Deep Interest Manifested by

Patriotic Societies inMaine Project-

A monument to the heroes of theMaine Is now regarded as acertainty

Plans for collecting and accountingfor subsOptions to the fund have occupied At viral Slgfibeoa attention sincehe became president associationsix months ago He now has themproper shape to begin an active camplagn

Until recently the movement for ratsine the Maine monument fund teenheld back for lack of proper organiction but contributions have come isfrom every part of the country notwithstanding few efforts made to gainpublicity

Recently unusual Interest has beenshown by patriotic societies and In theschools in the Maine monument and theIndications are that as soon as an activecampaign Is begun and the proper extension of the organisation is accom-plished a flood of contributions willpour in

For each subscription of H the donorreceives a ribbon and-a certificate of membership In the asso-ciation His name goes on tho rollsthat will be placed In the cornerstoneof the monument also

Mrs John Hay is taking an activeInterest in movement in Washing-ton and has consented to head the boardof patronesses Prominent men and wom-en in all sections have announced theirdesire to cooperate

The Maine Monument Association andthe Maine Memorial Association are

organizations The former wasformed for the purpose of rais-ing in Washington a suitable monument to those lost their lives inHavana harbor The latter Is simply fortho purpose of holding memorial cere-monies every year




oJ theIn

















A Few Doses End Backache andRegulate OutofOrder Kidneys

The Kidneys will Act fine

and Bladder miserysimply vanishes

If you take several deeri of PapesDiuretic all backache and distressfrom outoforder kidneys or bladdertrouble will vanish and you will feelfine

Lame iMUtk painful rheuma-tism nervous headache dizziness irri-tability sleeplessness inflamed orswollen eyelids vrornout sick feelingand other symptoms of sluggish inactive kidneys disappear

Uncontrollable smarting frequenturination especially at night and allbladder m ery ends

This unusual preparation goes at onceto the disordered kidneys bladder anaurinary system and distributes Its heel

stitches ¬




Engagement of Miss FannieLockett to J V Papin


ST LOUIS Mo Febment of the engagement of J VIon Papin a wellknown newspaper man ofSt Louis cod scion of one of St Louisoldest families to Miss Fannie Lockettor Washington D C has been made

The date set or the ceremony Is June-L It will take place In New York atthe home of Mrs Gilford Richardsonwidow of the late St Louis banker akinswoman of Miss Locket-

tJ Vlon Papin is at present on thestaff of the St Louis Republic He hasbeen engaged in newspaper severalyears During the Worlds Fair he wassecretary of the Japanese commissionHe Is a son of the late Henry PapinHe Is a member of Battery A ant tookpart In the Porto Rican campaign

Miss Lockett is a daughter of Mr andMrs J W Lookctt a niece ofMrs William P 70 VandeTenter place lived TCith the Coleman for several Sheis also a niece of Mrs Richard Taylor-of 4505 Washington Boulevard


The resignation of George Cabot Wardsecretary of state of Porto Rico to takeeffect April 1 has been accepted byPresident Taft

Mr Ward has been In tho insularservice since 1906 wtoon was appoint-ed auditor He te a graduate of Harvard and was formerly private secretary-to W W RockhlU then director of theInternational Bureau of American Re-publics




00lemau ofand








leg cleansing And vitalizing influencedirectly upon the organs and glandsaffected and completes the cure beforeyou realize It

The moment you suspect any kidneyor urinary disorder or feel rheumatismpains begin taking his harmless

with the knowledge that there isno other remedy at any price madeanywhere else in the world which wineffect o thorough lend prompt a curea a fiftycent treatment of Papes Diuratio which any druggist can supply

Your physician pharmacist banker-or any mercantile agency will tell yoithat Pape Thompson of Cin-cinnati is large and responsible

concern thoroughly worthy of yourconfidence

Only curative results can come fronttaking Papes Diuretic and a few daystreatment means active healthykidneys bladder and urinary organsand no backache

Accept only Papas Diuretic fiftycenttreatment iu y drug In-

the world





a medi-cine





If you loved a man andon his wedding day


His Namewas demanded and youand he then learned thathe was the

j of a ConvictedMurderer






HUNTINGTON W Va Feb 2 Twosmall boys are the heroes today of

county Ky uveh Ifrs jut arrowsLaw-


the Kanawha river from HuntingtonThey are the proud owners jointly of-

S In gold which tocover onway hoMe from school yesterday

afternoon They sax a dog digging aia hole under a Tog cabin Ujva-Investigation fojnd on old la



n fi e h1




Theoriginal and genuine

Syrup of Figs and Elixir of

Senna known throughout thethe best of family laxatives

for men women and children alwayshas the full name of the California Fig

Syrup Co printed on the front ofg every package It is for sale by all

leading druggists everywhere onerize only regular price 50 cents

per bottle The imitations sometimes offered are of inferior quality

jk and do not give satisfactionX therefore should be


world as




L a 1


8 L

D a a I-






The North German Lloyd S S Company Announce-

That on and after this date the WashingtonAgency will be located at No 715 Fourteenth StreetNorthwest where bookings may be made for Eng-land and the Continent Mediterranean and BlackSea Ports Egypt the Straits SettlementsChina Japan the PhilipniBes Australia and SouthSea Islands

Independent tours will be arraaged and through tickets issued to all ports onrequest German Lloyd Travelers Checks goodall over the world a safe and convenient Method-of carrying funds may be secured

Full iBforntatioa diagrams sailing listsetc etc will be furnished OB application

Telephone Main 7866


AroDRdtJIC World





Under these conditions-if you were in WallaceMeades place

These are some of themotives in

A masterful heartthrobbing story of love andadventure which


What WouldI





HisTrue Name

