DSH- DEEP SUBCONSCIOUS HEALING „¦ Richard Eisenberg 2001, 2003 This healing process is based on the groundbreaking work of Larry Nims, PhD and Gary Flint, PhD. It also includes elements of Neuro- Linguistic Programming, TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) EmoTrance, Acu-Energetics and reflects the teachings of many traditional eastern spiritual, religious and philosophical systems. Some of The Basic Assumptions Of Deep Subconscious Healing 1-The subconscious is always present. It is watching, listening and memorizing everything that happens. This is evident when, in hypnosis, people have been able to accurately recall events that they have no conscious memory of. The subconscious mind memorizes everything we do and read. 2-The subconscious can understand and follow a set of instructions. Not only has been demonstrated over and over again in hypnosis with post hypnotic suggestions but it happens in everyday life as well. When we cannot remember a name but it is on the tip of our tongue we often know if we just let it be soon the name will simply pop into our head. What we are really doing is turning the problem over to our subconscious mind and trusting it to find the name for us and feed it to the conscious mind and that is what it does. The subconscious can understand and follow a set of instructions. Paul Scheele of learning Strategies Corporation has even demonstrated that the unconscious can read and memorize entire books and feed the material to the conscious mind on command. 3-Energy (chi or bio-electric energy) is real. Clearing out old or stagnant energy and bringing in new energy or balancing the energy can be healing. In 1978 in The Journal of Nature in a paper titled, ¡§The Preliminary Experimental Results of the Material Basis of Qigong Therapy¡¨ Researchers reported on the results of experiments aimed at validating or invalidating the claims of 3 Chi Gung masters that they could ¡§emit chi¡¨ (project energy) out of their hands. The researcher used an AGA 680L W Thermograph and measured inferred radiation coming out of the hands of the Chi Gung masters at a distance of 1 to 2 meters. They also recorded, with an infrasonic detector, infrasound (inaudible sound of less then 20 Hz) coming out of their hands. This experiment for the first time in history proved the existence of chi using modern scientific equipment and methodology.

Deep Subconscious Healing Part 1

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DSH- DEEP SUBCONSCIOUS HEALING „¦ Richard Eisenberg 2001, 2003 This healing process is based on the groundbreaking work of Larry Nims, PhD and Gary Flint, PhD. It also includes elements of Neuro- Linguistic Programming, TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) EmoTrance, Acu-Energetics and reflects the teachings of many traditional eastern spiritual, religious and philosophical systems. Some of The Basic Assumptions Of Deep Subconscious Healing 1-The subconscious is always present. It is watching, listening and memorizing everything that happens. This is evident when, in hypnosis, people have been able to accurately recall events that they have no conscious memory of. The subconscious mind memorizes everything we do and read. 2-The subconscious can understand and follow a set of instructions. Not only has been demonstrated over and over again in hypnosis with post hypnotic suggestions but it happens in everyday life as well. When we cannot remember a name but it is on the tip of our tongue we often know if we just let it be soon the name will simply pop into our head. What we are really doing is turning the problem over to our subconscious mind and trusting it to find the name for us and feed it to the conscious mind and that is what it does. The subconscious can understand and follow a set of instructions. Paul Scheele of learning Strategies Corporation has even demonstrated that the unconscious can read and memorize entire books and feed the material to the conscious mind on command. 3-Energy (chi or bio-electric energy) is real. Clearing out old or stagnant energy and bringing in new energy or balancing the energy can be healing. In 1978 in The Journal of Nature in a paper titled, ¡§The Preliminary Experimental Results of the Material Basis of Qigong Therapy¡¨ Researchers reported on the results of experiments aimed at validating or invalidating the claims of 3 Chi Gung masters that they could ¡§emit chi¡¨ (project energy) out of their hands. The researcher used an AGA 680L W Thermograph and measured inferred radiation coming out of the hands of the Chi Gung masters at a distance of 1 to 2 meters. They also recorded, with an infrasonic detector, infrasound (inaudible sound of less then 20 Hz) coming out of their hands. This experiment for the first time in history proved the existence of chi using modern scientific equipment and methodology.

Since then other similar experiments have verified that chi is in fact real. In 1998 Dr. Jean-Claude Darras and Dr. Pierre de Vernejoul at Necker Hospital in Paris carried out experiments designed to validate or invalidate the existence of the classical Chinese acupuncture meridians (channels that carry chi). They injected radioactive isotopes into acupuncture points and photographed the isotopes with a gamma-imaging camera as the isotopes followed the course of the meridians. This, for the first time in history, proved the existence of the meridians. The existence of chi (energy) and meridians (energy channels) has finally been proven. In 1998 even the United States government recognized acupuncture, an energy healing modality, as a valid treatment for many diseases. DEEP SUBCONSCIOUS HEALING INSTRUCTIONS 1 Read the script in one sitting in a relaxed state with as few distractions as possible. 2 Keep an open mind. You may read things in the script that you think are not true or not even possible. Allow for the possibility that ANYTHING is possible. Keep your mind open. 3 In some cases it may be necessary to activate the program many times for one issue or to activate it for many individual causes, events, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, traumas, memories or symptoms of the issue. It may even be necessary to activate the program for other related issues first before being able to clear out the issue you are working with (for example you may need to clear out your self anger about your career choice before you can clear out your depression about your job). Try to get to the root and core beliefs thoughts, feelings or events that are behind the obvious manifestations of the issue and work with them. 4 Test It- Before you start clearly state your issue and how you will test to see if you no longer have the issue. After using Deep Subconscious Healing (DSH) test to make sure it worked. If it did not work 100% see below. It is best, in some cases, to do some general clearing of the past before you work on your current issues. Review your life starting from your very earliest memories and use Deep Subconscious Healing (DSH) on any event that involved anger, sadness, loss, disappointment, fear, confusion, grief, pain, etc. Do as much of this type of clearing as you can.

Also do Deep Subconscious Healing on as many general categories as you can think of, example; life is not fair, not getting what I wanted, etc. Doing this may clear out many of the building blocks of your current issues and make clearing them out easier. Start off slow doing only a few of these a day. Because of the advanced characteristics of this program and the true nature of the unconscious mind, subconscious mind and the higher self all you need to do is read the script once in your life. If you are wondering if Deep Subconscious Healing really works one of the first things you might want to use Deep Subconscious Healing on is not believing that Deep Subconscious Healing really works.