1 DEDUCTIVE LESSON SEVENTEEN WHAT HAPPENS IN CORINTH STAYS IN CORINTH If you ask a realtor the three most important factors in real estate, the most common response is “location, location, location.” Indeed location is especially important in the success of a business. For example, don’t be surprised if your surf shop doesn’t do well in landlocked Iowa. Conventional wisdom on evangelism would dictate that you will not locate a crusade in Las Vegas, Hollywood, or San Francisco. However, if you asked an evangelist the three most important factors in the success of an evangelistic crusade, they would likely answer, “God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Fortunately for the residents of Corinth, Paul chose to follow godly and not worldly wisdom. Just why would Corinth be considered an unlikely location for a spiritual outreach? Corinth was the Sin City of the Roman Empire. Greece is shaped roughly like a figure eight with a narrow isthmus of land connecting the northern (Central Greece) and southern (Peloponnesus Peninsula) portions of the country. Corinth is located on this four-mile-wide connection between the two regions. To avoid sailing over two hundred miles around, ships were often pulled over rollers to cross this land bridge. Virtually all trade in Greece passed through Corinth making it a very affluent city. The Acropolis (Greek for highest) rose 1,500 feet above the city and was the location of the Temple of Aphrodite. Aphrodite, “sin-onymous” with Venus the Roman goddess, was the Greek goddess of love. This temple was operated by one thousand vestal virgins or priestesses, who were in reality nothing more than prostitutes. Each evening they would descend from the Temple of Aphrodite to practice their “religion” in the city of Corinth. The city’s name was a euphemism for immorality. Throughout the Roman Empire the saying, “She’s a Corinthian” meant the female had loose morals while vile men were said to be “Corinthianizers.” It was in this immoral cesspool that Paul and his team preached the gospel. How could a church be established in such an environment? As a kid growing up with only black and white television, I can testify that adjusting the contrast knob between light and dark clarified the image on the screen. To further illustrate, near our cabin in the mountains is an abandoned gold mine. When friends come to visit with young children we often spray paint some gravel with gold paint and sprinkle the freshly painted gravel on the floor of the mineshaft. We give their kids our old flashlights and walk them into the mine. While they are barely visible in the brilliant outdoor sunshine, once we enter the mine it is a whole different story as those flashlights are the only source of illumination in the pitch dark underworld. It doesn’t take long for them to find the shiny gems waiting for them. In a similar fashion, the gospel’s light shone in a very dark place and the illumination allowed the people of Corinth to find the crown jewel of salvation. Paul would later write to the Corinthians, “Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor


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DEDUCTIVE LESSON SEVENTEEN WHAT HAPPENS IN CORINTH STAYS IN CORINTH If you ask a realtor the three most important factors in real estate, the most common response is “location, location, location.” Indeed location is especially important in the success of a business. For example, don’t be surprised if your surf shop doesn’t do well in landlocked Iowa. Conventional wisdom on evangelism would dictate that you will not locate a crusade in Las Vegas, Hollywood, or San Francisco. However, if you asked an evangelist the three most important factors in the success of an evangelistic crusade, they would likely answer, “God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Fortunately for the residents of Corinth, Paul chose to follow godly and not worldly wisdom. Just why would Corinth be considered an unlikely location for a spiritual outreach? Corinth was the Sin City of the Roman Empire. Greece is shaped roughly like a figure eight with a narrow isthmus of land connecting the northern (Central Greece) and southern (Peloponnesus Peninsula) portions of the country. Corinth is located on this four-mile-wide connection between the two regions. To avoid sailing over two hundred miles around, ships were often pulled over rollers to cross this land bridge. Virtually all trade in Greece passed through Corinth making it a very affluent city. The Acropolis (Greek for highest) rose 1,500 feet above the city and was the location of the Temple of Aphrodite. Aphrodite, “sin-onymous” with Venus the Roman goddess, was the Greek goddess of love. This temple was operated by one thousand vestal virgins or priestesses, who were in reality nothing more than prostitutes. Each evening they would descend from the Temple of Aphrodite to practice their “religion” in the city of Corinth. The city’s name was a euphemism for immorality. Throughout the Roman Empire the saying, “She’s a Corinthian” meant the female had loose morals while vile men were said to be “Corinthianizers.” It was in this immoral cesspool that Paul and his team preached the gospel. How could a church be established in such an environment? As a kid growing up with only black and white television, I can testify that adjusting the contrast knob between light and dark clarified the image on the screen. To further illustrate, near our cabin in the mountains is an abandoned gold mine. When friends come to visit with young children we often spray paint some gravel with gold paint and sprinkle the freshly painted gravel on the floor of the mineshaft. We give their kids our old flashlights and walk them into the mine. While they are barely visible in the brilliant outdoor sunshine, once we enter the mine it is a whole different story as those flashlights are the only source of illumination in the pitch dark underworld. It doesn’t take long for them to find the shiny gems waiting for them. In a similar fashion, the gospel’s light shone in a very dark place and the illumination allowed the people of Corinth to find the crown jewel of salvation. Paul would later write to the Corinthians, “Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor



drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:9–11 NKJV). The story of Corinth reminds us that no one, anywhere or at any time, is beyond the grace of God. Memory Verse “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 NKJV Prayer Start by praying over the passage and asking the Holy Spirit to give you fresh insights and wisdom in understanding it. Then read through the entire passage two or three times. Day 1 Opposition in Thessalonica – Acts 18:1–8 A couple of individuals and events help us anchor this chapter into an accurate historical timeline. Secular historians record Emperor Claudius’ ruling that all Jews must leave Rome in AD 49. It is interesting that Jews were expelled over riots incited by disagreements over “Chrestus” (a Latinized misspelling of Christ). In verse 14 we will meet the Proconsul Gallio, who served as ruler of Corinth from AD 51 to 52.

1. Most Jews learned a trade from their fathers to be able to support themselves. Paul had learned to be a leatherworker (here it is translated tentmaker as most tents were made of leather). Self-supporting missionaries and clergy are said to be “tentmakers” even today.

a. What advantages can you see to Paul being self-supporting in Corinth? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. At this time there were many “apostles for hire” who preached only for profit.

What would Paul later write to the Corinthians about this time in his ministry? (Please see 2 Corinthians 11:7–9.)


2. John MacArthur believed Paul was likely discouraged at the start of his ministry in Corinth from earlier setbacks on his second missionary journey. God quickly provided some encouragement in the form of fellow believers. What do we know about Pricilla and Aquila? (See 1 Corinthians 16:19 for additional information.)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________



3. Paul has followed the same pattern or plan of ministry in most of the cities he has visited and now uses it again in Corinth. Describe this pattern or plan.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. In verse 6, Paul issues a warning to the unbelieving Jews. His statement comes from

Ezekiel 3:16–19. From that Old Testament reference, what is our responsibility? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. The sequence of events in verse 8 is hearing (Romans 10:14), believing (Romans 10:9–

10), and baptism (Romans 6:4). What is the importance of each of these? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Memory Verse – Fill in the Blanks “For the message ___the cross is _______ to those who ____ perishing, but to ____ who are being _____ it is the power ___ God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 NKJV Day 2 Encouragement and Opposition – Acts 18:9–17 Paul’s second longest ministry in any city was the 18 months he spent in Corinth, second only to the three years he would later spend in Ephesus.

1. Acts records Paul receiving six visions during his ministry (see the chart following the Tool Box section). What encouragement and orders does Paul receive in this vision?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Just as Job didn’t have the Book of Job to help him understand the trials he endured,

Paul didn’t have the assurances given to persecuted believers contained in the New Testament because it was still being written. The good news for us is that we do have God’s promises recorded in Scripture for our encouragement. What encouragement do you find in the following passages?

a. Romans 8:28–39 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



b. John 16:33 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Most believers have a favorite passage of God’s assurance that will encourage us

during times of trial. Record your favorite verse and share how it has ministered to you.


3. What charges did the Jews bring against Paul? (These charges were significant because only Judaism, not Christianity, was recognized as an official religion in the Roman Empire.)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Gallio was the brother of the famous Roman philosopher Seneca (who also served as

Nero’s tutor). Some commentators have praised his decision from the Judgment (Bema) Seat while others have condemned it.

a. What is your opinion about his decision? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. How did his decision serve as a model for the First Amendment of the U.S.

Constitution? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What happened to Sosthenes and what do we know about him (see 1 Corinthians 1:1)? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Later Paul would write to the Corinthians concerning a matter of church discipline. Read

2 Corinthians 2:4 and describe the bond that had developed between the shepherd and his flock during 18 months of ministry.




Memory Verse – Fill in the Blanks “For ___ message ___the ____ is _______ to _____ who ____ perishing, ____ to ____ who ____ being _____ it is ____ power ___ God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 NKJV Day 3 Paul Returns to Antioch – Acts 18:18–23

1. Some commentators (such as Barclay) believe that Paul had taken the vow of a Nazarite before becoming a believer, while others (such as MacArthur) feel he had taken the vow to show his gratitude to God for helping through a difficult time in Corinth. Either way what are the purpose and regulations for such a vow (please see Numbers 6:1–5)?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Verses 18–23 cover a journey of nearly 1,500 miles. Upon reaching Ephesus, Paul

entered the synagogue and reasoned (literally dialogued) with the Jews. Ephesus is located in Asia Minor.

a. What happened the last time Paul sought to go there (please see Acts 16:6)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. What can we learn about God’s sovereignty (and timing) from this incident? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Paul promises a return with a very important disclaimer (God willing). This disclaimer, in Latin Deo Volente (abbreviated DV), became a regular addition to government documents in Great Britain during the Victorian era. What additional insight does James 4:13–16 teach us about the concept behind Paul’s disclaimer?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Verse 22 may be confusing without a map. Caesarea is the closest seaport to Jerusalem

(located on top of a plateau around 2,500 feet above sea level). Antioch would then be downhill and north, followed by Galatia. (See the map at the end of the study.) What two purposes did Paul have for these last legs of his journey?




Memory Verse – Fill in the Blanks “For ___ _______ ___the ____ ____ _______ to _____ ____ ____ perishing, ____ ____ ____ who ____ ______ _____ it ___ ____ power ___ ____.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 NKJV Day 4 Ministry of Apollos – Acts 18:24–28

1. Alexandria was the second largest city in the Roman Empire with a very large Jewish population. It also housed a university and the largest library in the ancient world. What facts do we know about Apollos before his encounter with Pricilla and Aquila?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What can we learn from Aquila and Pricilla about tact and sensitivity in their dealings

with Apollos? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Apollos’ eloquence later lead to favoritism within the church in Corinth.

a. Read 1 Corinthians 1:10–13 and describe the problem. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Could this problem exist in churches today, and how can we prevent its

occurrence? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Listening to the evening news and hearing the opinions of many of those in leadership positions is a source of concern for believers. How does this week’s memory verse help us as believers understand the reason for the opinions these leaders express?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. As you look back over this entire chapter was there any observation or insight that the

Holy Spirit revealed to you that we haven’t discussed? If so please bless the members of your group by sharing it with them.




Memory Verse – Fill in the Entire Verse from Memory “____ ___ _______ ___ _____ ____ ____ _______ ___ _____ ____ ____ ________, ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ______ _____ ___ ___ ____ _____ ___ ____.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 NKJV Day 5 Take Away / Summary To avoid walking in circles when lost in the wilderness, survival instructors teach their students to pick out the most prominent point in the distant landscape and walk toward it. In a similar sense we need to pick out the single most important truth in this week’s study, and apply it in our life as we walk toward Jesus and out of the wilderness. Please share with your group what that truth is for you and how will you apply it this week: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Memory Verse “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 NKJV Key Words/Phrases Write out the definition of these key phrases. Both of these are a blast from the past—reflecting Old Testament concepts that are being brought into the New Testament by Paul. How would these phrases instruct us today? Your Blood Be Upon Your Own Heads (Acts 18:6) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Taken a Vow (Acts 18:18) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Tool Box Step 1: The Bible. Read the passage in a couple of different versions. If you are having trouble understanding a passage, choose a more dynamic version such as New Living Translation or The Message. To focus in on the exact meaning of a verse, choose a more literal translation such as New American Standard Bible or New King James Version. Step 2: Study Tools. Use these to help you dig deeper. Background Information: 1) Unger’s Bible Dictionary 2) Bible Dictionaries online at biblestudytools.com and blueletterbible.com. Word Studies: 1) Zodhiates’ The Complete Word Study New Testament 2) Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary 3) Strong’s Dictionary of Bible Words. Step 3: Commentaries. Commentaries should not be used in place of studying God’s Word directly, but they can give you additional insights. Some good commentaries include: J. Vernon McGee, The Expositors Commentary, NIV Application Commentary, H.A. Ironside, William Barclay (great for background and culture but be careful of his spiritual applications). Step 4: Online Assistance. Should you have a specific question about the study please email your inquiry to: [email protected].

© 2015 Mark Newton. All rights reserved. Express permission granted for use and reproduction by Harvest Christian Fellowship, Riverside, CA.

www.harvest.org Summary Of Paul’s Six Visions In Acts Scripture Description of Vision Acts 9:3–6 Paul encounters Jesus on road to Damascus Acts 16:9–10 Man from Macedonia asking Paul to come and help Acts 18:9–11 The Lord assures Paul and instructs him to speak Acts 22:17–18 Paul shares earlier vision of Lord’s commission to leave

Jerusalem and go unto the Gentiles Acts 23:11 The Lord encourages Paul to take courage because he will

testify in Rome Acts 27:23–24 God assures Paul that despite impending shipwreck no lives

will be lost and Paul will appear before Caesar



Timeline for the Life of Paul





Message Notes ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Message Notes _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________