The Church and Community Newsletter for the area around Netherwitton Nunnykirk Longwitton Bolam Belsay Middleton Angerton Hartburn Meldon Harnham Whalton Ogle DECEMBER JANUARY 2018-2019

DECEMBER JANUARY 2018-2019 - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site16648/DecJan v7 pdf...DECEMBER 2018 & JANUARY 2019 “If human beings ask no questions, the Holy spirit

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The Church and Community Newsletter for the area around

Netherwitton Nunnykirk Longwitton Bolam Belsay Middleton Angerton

Hartburn Meldon Harnham Whalton Ogle


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Parishes of St Andrew’s Bolam, St Giles Netherwitton, St Andrew’s Hartburn St John’s Meldon, St Mary Magdalene Whalton

Editor: [email protected]. Jim Grant. Feedback very welcome! Read and Download in colour from: www.wansbeckchurch.btck.co.uk See also: http://standrewsbolam.btck.co.uk/ for more information.

Deadline for items for February/March edition is Jan 15th. 6pm. Deadline for Service lists (for ChurchWardens to prepare music, readers etc) is Jan 3.

The magazine goes out every TWO months.

Your churchwardens are:

BOLAM: Ann Le Couteur [email protected] 01661 881059 Simon Roberson [email protected] 01670 772331

HARTBURN: David Moon [email protected] (&MELDON) 01670 772636

John Dickson [email protected] 07967 343211

NETHERWITTON: Val Windle [email protected] 01670 772352

Val Vaughan [email protected] 01670 772686

WHALTON: Marlene Young [email protected] 01670 775403


Priest in Charge Revd.Jonathan Mason Associate Priest Revd Fiona SampleThe Vicarage, Kirkwhelpington South Middleton. Morpeth01830 540260 01670 [email protected] [email protected]

Associate Lay Minister Mrs Pam WalkerThe Tower House Hartburn01670 [email protected]

Honorary Assistant PriestRevd Dr Frances Dower 01670 774 297 [email protected]

Newsletter Distributor Mrs S StaffordThornton Moor Farm Hartburn01670 [email protected]

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The first part of this letter is taken from the sermon given on Remembrance Day at Whalton. But today we are not just commemorating the sacrifice made by so many and the hope that endured, demonstrated by the courage and companionship of all who fought, but also the hope that peace brings. A hope epitomised by the Poppy growing out of the mud and the birdsong once the guns fall silent. “A hope that Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war any more.” There is a remembrance artwork currently on display at the The Tower of London entitled “Beyond the Deepening Shadow”, its title being taken from a poem by the female war poet Mary Bawden, who served as a nurse at the Somme. Tom Piper, the designer of this installation also designed the ceramic poppies artwork which graced the Tower in 2014. I heard him being interviewed where he said that this artwork symbolised hope, the hope of peace. Of light returning to the world This was the fervent hope of many after this, the most destructive war in human history. That what ever else they had been fighting for, they had been fighting for lasting peace. As we enter the season of Advent we are looking forward to the coming of the light, of peace entering the world, in the form of the infant Jesus. Out of the darkness comes light and at this time 100 years ago this was the hope of the whole world. But in our modern world, advent is a funny time, yes it is seen as the run up to Christmas. But rather than a time of quiet contemplation, it is a time of frantic activity and a frenzy of buying. Take advent Calendars for example. We are all used to the chocolate variety but these days they contain all sorts of gifts, expensive perfumes, jewellery, miniature bottles of spirits and so on. Some of the gifts are so expensive that the calendars do not have the full 24 days. The logic of an 11 day advent calendar escapes me, it is simply a nice present. On the other hand it is good that people still want to celebrate Christmas and give gifts to others, to enjoy themselves with their friends and workmates in anticipation of Christmas. That they are aware that this is a special season, that we need the light of hope in our world. So how do we reconcile these two demands, consumerism and celebration, if a little early, with making time for reflection and prayer as we think about what the coming of Jesus means to us, to our world? Slightly shamefacedly I have to admit that this year in addition to the advent calendar we have used every year, I also have a luxury calendar, there being a scented candle behind each little door. But hopefully as I light each candle it will give me a measure of time to pause, to pray and to ask for help in making the seasons of advent and Christmas times of joy and meaning for all. That is what I wish for you all at this busy time of year, time; to pause, to pray, to reflect, so we can all spread the true joy of Christmas with everyone we meet. Pam Walker 3

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SERVICES : DECEMBER 2018 Bolam & Whalton, Hartburn with Meldon, and Netherwitton


Sunday 2nd December ADVENT I Purple

Jeremiah 33.14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3.9-end; Luke 21.25-26 RCL p.755

9.30am Whalton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Frances Dower & Pam Walker

11.00am Hartburn Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Frances Dower & Pam Walker

5.00pm Bolam Advent Carol Service Ministry Team

Sunday 9th December ADVENT II Purple

Baruch 5.1-end or Malachi 3.1-4; Philippians 1.3-11; Luke 3.1-6 RCL p.758

9.30am Netherwitton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample

11.00am Hartburn Morning Worship Pam Walker

11.00am Bolam Matins (BCP) Lay led

Sunday 16th December ADVENT III Purple

Zephaniah 3.14-end; Philippians 4.4-7; Luke 3.7-18 RCL p.762

9.30am Whalton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

11.00am Hartburn Holy Communion (BCP) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

4.30pm Netherwitton Carols and Mince Pies Ministry Team

Sunday 23rd December ADVENT IV Purple

Micah 5.2-5a; Hebrews 10.5-10; Luke 1.39-45 [46-55] RCL p.765

9.30am Netherwitton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Frances Dower

10.00am Whalton Family Service Pam Walker

11.00am Bolam Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample

6.30pm Hartburn Benefice & Hunt Carol Service Rev'd Fiona Sample & Pam Walker

Monday 24th December CHRISTMAS EVE White

Isaiah 9.2-7; Titus 2.11-14; Luke 2.1-14 [15-20] RCL p.15

6.00pm Whalton Crib Service Rev'd Fiona Sample & Pam Walker

11.30pm Netherwitton Midnight Communion Rev'd Fiona Sample & Pam Walker

Tuesday 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY White

Isaiah 52.7-10; Hebrews 1.1-4 [5-12]; John 1.1-14 RCL p 23

10.30am Bolam Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample & Pam Walker

10.30am Hartburn Carol Service Lay led

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SERVICES : JANUARY 2019 Bolam & Whalton, Hartburn with Meldon, and Netherwitton


Sunday 6th January EPIPHANY White

Isaiah 60.1-6; Ephesians 3.1-12; Matthew 2.1-12 RCL p.38

9.30am Whalton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample

10.00am Bolam Morning Worship Pam Walker

11.00am Hartburn Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample

Sunday 13th January BAPTISM OF CHRIST White

Isaiah 43.1-7; Acts 8.14-17; Luke 3.15-17, 21-22 RCL p.773

9.30am Netherwitton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

11.00am Hartburn Morning Worship Pam Walker

11.00am Bolam Matins (BCP) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

Sunday 20th January EPIPHANY III White

Isaiah 62.1-5; 1 Corinthians 12.1-11; John 2.1-11 RCL p. 776

9.30am Whalton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Frances Dower

10.00am Netherwitton Morning Worship Pam Walker

11.00am Hartburn Holy Communion (BCP) Rev'd Fiona Sample

Sunday 27th January EPIPHANY IV White

Nehemiah 8.1-3, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Corinthians 12.12-31a; Luke 4.14-21 RCL p. 779

9.30am Netherwitton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Frances Dower

10.00am Whalton Family Service Pam Walker

11.00am Bolam Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample

6.00pm Meldon Choral Evensong (BCP) Lay led

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Choral evensong at Meldon at 6.00pm on Sunday 27 January 2018, then Sunday 24 February. The next meeting of Wallington Demesne Parish Council will be held on Monday 28/1/19 commencing 730pm in Middleton Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and ask questions on any agenda item.Claire Miller, Clerk Wallington Demesne Parish Council Readers for Netherwitton: 9th Dec David Kelly23rd Dec Rachel Coundon24th Valerie Vaughan 20th Jan David Ronn27th Jan Nicola Freeman-Wallace

Whalton: Readers, Flowers and Sides DECEMBER 2018 & JANUARY 2019

“If human beings ask no questions, the Holy spirit gives no answers” Hildegard of Bingen.


Sunday 2nd December ADVENT I – No flowers 9.30am Holy Communion

Readers: Lucy Bird, Marlene Young Jeremiah 33.14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3.9-end; Sides: Di Robertson

Sunday 16th December ADVENT III – No flowers 9.30am Holy Communion

Readers: Gary Holmes, Wendy Sheldon Zephaniah 3.14-end; Philippians 4.4-7; Sides: Pat Grix

Sunday 23rd December ADVENT IV – No flowers 10.00am Family Service

Readers: Marlene Young Micah 5.2-5a; Hebrews 10.5-10; Sides: Wendy Sheldon

Monday 24th December CHRISTMAS EVE 6.00pm Crib Service Flowers: All (see separate note on Christmas decoration date )

Readers: Lady Bradbeer, Di Robertson; Isaiah 9.2-7; Titus 2.11-14; Sides: Pat Grix; Gary Holmes;

Sunday 6th January EPIPHANY Flowers: Wendy Sheldon. 9.30am Holy Communion

Readers: Gary Holmes; Lucy Bird Isaiah 60.1-6; Ephesians 3.1-12; Sides: Gary Holmes

Sunday 20th January EPIPHANY III Flowers: Maisie McDougall 9.30am Holy Communion

Readers: Lady Bradbeer, Lucy Bird Isaiah 62.1-5; 1 Corinthians 12.1-11; Sides: Pat Grix

Sunday 27th January EPIPHANY IV Flowers: Lucy Bird 10.00am Family Service

Readers: Nehemiah 8.1-3, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Corinthians 12.12-31a; Sides: Di Robertson

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SERVICES : DECEMBER 2018 Kirkwhelpington with Kirkharle & Kirkheaton, and Cambo

Sunday 2nd December ADVENT I Purple

Jeremiah 33.14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3.9-end; Luke 21.25-26 RCL p. 755

9.30am Cambo Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason & Rev'd Fiona Sample

11.00am Kirkwhelpington Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason & Rev'd Fiona Sample

Sunday 9th December ADVENT II Purple

Baruch 5.1-end or Malachi 3.1-4; Philippians 1.3-11; Luke 3.1-6 RCL p.758

9.30am Cambo Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

11.00am Kirkwhelpington Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

Sunday 16th December ADVENT III Purple

Zephaniah 3.14-end; Philippians 4.4-7; Luke 3.7-18 RCL p.762

8.30am Kirkheaton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Frances Dower

10.00am Kirkwhelpington Morning Prayer (CW) Pam Walker

11.15am Cambo Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample

Sunday 23rd December ADVENT IV Purple

Micah 5.2-5a; Hebrews 10.5-10; Luke 1.39-45 [46-55] RCL p.765

8.30am Kirkwhelpington Holy Communion (BCP) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

10.30am Cambo Morning Worship with Methodists Rev'd Jonathan Mason

6.00pm Kirkwhelpington Carol Service Rev'd Jonathan Mason & Rev'd Frances Dower

Monday 24th December CHRISTMAS EVE White

Isaiah 9.2-7; Titus 2.11-14; Luke 2.1-14 [15-20] RCL p. 15

4.00pm Broom House Crib Service Rev'd Jonathan Mason & Rev'd Frances Dower

11.30pm Kirkwhelpington Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason & Rev'd Frances Dower

Tuesday 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY White

Isaiah 52.7-10; Hebrews 1.1-4 [5-12]; John 1.1-14 RCL p.23

10.30am Cambo Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason & Rev'd Frances Dower

Sunday 30th December CHRISTMAS I White

1 Samuel 2.18-20, 26; Colossians 3.12-17; Luke 2.41-end RCL p.769

10.30am Hartburn Joint Benefices Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample & Pam Walker

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SERVICES : JANUARY 2019 Kirkwhelpington with Kirkharle & Kirkheaton, and Cambo


Sunday 6th January EPIPHANY White

Isaiah 60.1-6; Ephesians 3.1-12; Matthew 2.1-12 RCL p. 38

9.30am Cambo Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason & Rev'd Frances Dower

11.00am Kirkwhelpington Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason & Rev'd Frances Dower

Sunday 13th January BAPTISM OF CHRIST White

Isaiah 43.1-7; Acts 8.14-17; Luke 3.15-17, 21-22 RCL p.773

9.30am Cambo Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample

11.00am Kirkwhelpington Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Fiona Sample

Sunday 20th January EPIPHANY III White

Isaiah 62.1-5; 1 Corinthians 12.1-11; John 2.1-11 RCL p.776

8.30am Kirkheaton Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

10.00am Kirkwhelpington Morning Prayer (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

11.15am Cambo Holy Communion (CW) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

Sunday 27th January EPIPHANY IV White

Nehemiah 8.1-3, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Corinthians 12.12-31a; Luke 4.14-21 RCL p.779

8.30am Kirkwhelpington Holy Communion (BCP) Rev'd Jonathan Mason

10.30am Scots Gap Morning Worship with Methodists --

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Some points of interest from the Benefices’ meeting at Cambo Wednesday October 17th.* Successful work with children in schools doesn’t reflect in attendance on a

Sunday, as most live so far away.* Taking Church to the community in outdoor events, pub sessions, has worked

well.* Befriending scheme can be seen as an antidote to so much loneliness.* There is to be an administrator, paid for by the diocese, to carry some of the

admin burden (eg filling in forms from the Diocese perhaps? a nine church website?)

* Church maintenance. There is a resource pool of info. on eg contractors, that all can call on. Build up regular team of workers, with whom we can build up trust.

* Community work- lunch club, bonfires. Fun works!* Gifts- use everyone, not just Church people. God wants us all to be the people

we can become!

For the future. We are the experiment in growth and hope!There will be a need for organisational change.The diocese offers training for worship leaders etc.

Bolam Bonfire October 13th We held the tidy up and bonfire, despite the threatening weather, and three new helpers turned up as well! The refreshments in the church came just as the heavens opened-thanks Ann and contributing parents!- and the fire survived to entertain the helping children for the

rest of the session. Well done and thanks to all! Jim.


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Remembrance Day. A packed Church at Whalton. Pipers at 6am in Bolam Church. A ceremony and lighting of a beacon at Stanton. At last this long war is over.


Whalton Church has been resplendent and much visited this Autumn. From the Show weekend through to the November ceremony, the artefacts, displays and decorations have been admired by many. Special thanks are due to the Blyth Battery and to John Sadler for the loan of unique and invaluable memorabilia. Thank you also George Robson for liaising and for assisting with the display itself. Particular thanks also go to Karen Fenwick for the astonishing beauty and poignancy of the poppy cascade – and of course to all those parishioners and friends who devoted untold hours to poppy knitting. Our thanks also to Rutherfords of Morpeth and to Hugh and Sheila for items lent. Finally, a particular thank you to the Armed Forces Covenant Fund without whom we would not have those wonderfully evocative silhouettes. GH

From the Remembrance Service on November 11 at Whalton.

Merciful God, we offer to you the fears in us, that have not yet been cast out by love. May we accept the hope you have placed in the hearts of all people,and live lives of justice, courage and mercy,through Jesus Christ our risen Redeemer.


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Career Planning at Christmas for 6th Form By kind permission of Helen Lawrenson I want a job that’s fun, and cool . . . I know: I’ll start a riding-school! Then I’ll make extra money, you see, By keeping mounts at livery.

So when the poor man comes to say He needs to travel far away, Will you have a donkey he can hire, And anything else he may require? Will you stop and think how he must feel, And see you give him an honest deal?

I must decide – what shall I be? Well, Music is the thing for me; I’ll play the flute and the pipes of Pan, And sing in every choir I can.

And will you sing in the Usher Hall, And play at the College Christmas Ball? When you record for the BBC, Will you treat your fans with courtesy? And when you hear of the Saviour’s birth, Will you sing to men of Peace on Earth?

I love the farm: what shall I do? I could keep sheep, and breed them, too! I’ll take a farming course, I will, And graze my sheep out on the hill.

Then if you prosper, will you keep An interest in the quiet sheep, And leave the office in winter still, To tend the ewes on the frozen hill? And when you feel the rush of wings Will you hear the song the angel sings?

It won’t be long, but there still is time: Think for yourself, and read the rhyme! Whatever you do in the time ahead, Remember the girl in the stable bed And the Child who was born for all mankind: So live with the angels’ song in mind.


Time is flying – what shall I do? A Catering course, with Business too; I cook, and I’m good at Maths as well – Perhaps I’ll open a small hotel.

If all goes well and you can provide Five-star meals in the Michelin Guide, When your rooms are full and it’s getting late, Will you go outside and lock the gate? There’s a pregnant girl with her man there now: Will you find a place for them somehow?

I’m thinking ahead: what shall I do? Lots of openings – I’ll think it through. A degree in languages would be great: I’ll travel, and communicate!

When you find yourself in a foreign land, Will you do your best to understand? Will you interpret with sympathy, And fight for all men to be free? And if your power and wealth increase, Will you follow the star that leads to peace?

Time passes, and I have to choose: I hold quite controversial views. Strong views and office work don’t mix – I think I’ll enter politics!

Then if you go to represent Your voters down in Parliament, Will you speak for the poor, the old, Those who are homeless, sick and cold? Will you cry out for wars to cease, And celebrate the Prince of Peace?

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Here’s a modern version of an old favourite Harvest hymn, which was sung in Thropton with the Armstrong Hall Christian Fellowship, on October 21, when the Wannieliners were the guest choir. Worth sharing!

We plough the fields with tractors, with drills we sow the land,but growth is still the wondrous gift of God’s almighty hand.We add our fertilizers, to help to grow the grain,but for its full fruition, it needs God’s sun and rain. All good gifts around us, are sent from heaven above, Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all his love.

With many new machines now, we do the work each day,we reap the fields with combines, we bale the new mown hay.But it is God who gives us, inventive skills and drives,which lighten labour’s drudgery and give us fuller lives. All good gifts……

We thank you then O Father, for life so rich and good,for seedtime and for harvest, for wealth of daily food.O help us to be stewards, of all thy love imparts,to rule the earth in righteousness, with consecrated hearts. All good gifts……

“Goodness is stronger than evil, love is stronger than hate,

Light is stronger than darkness, life is stronger than death,

Victory is ours through Him who loves us.” Desmond Tutu. 11

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                                        Sunday 16th December at 4.30pm        MINCE PIES, CAROLS, CANDLES AND MULLED WINE IN ST GILES.       PLEASE SEND ANY REQUESTS FOR CAROLS TO VAL W OR VAL VWinter Stories at The Beresford Arms, Whalton on Wednesday December 5.

Everyone of all ages is welcome to have a meal and listen to Winter Stories between 6 and 8pm in the dining area of the Beresford Arms, Whalton.No extra charge- booking strongly recommended, normal dining prices apply.

Storyteller Jim Grant and the management hope this may become a regular event for the local community- what better time to begin, than in the long dark evenings!

Hear a story or two, order your meal, more stories, order dessert, more stories!Let your ears be open to moving and funny stories, and your mouth close on the famous delicious menu at our local!! Beresford Arms 01670 775273

Centenary Gift to Whalton Village

George Robson is from Blyth but regularly plays the organ at St Mary Magdalene in Whalton. On Tuesday 13th November was the guest of Whalton Village Hall Committee where he was invited to unveil a gift he has made in tribute to those from the village who were killed in the Great War. George drew on his historic research and on a moving poem in his few words before unveiling a beautiful miniature silhouette painting inspired by the conflict. It was a generous and thoughtful gift that many will now be able to reflect on and appreciate.



December 2nd

Advent service 5pm

tbc tbc

9 Mattins Charlie Sample

Derek Thompson

23 HC Helen Grant

Bobbi Goldwater

25 HC Tbc tbc

January 6th

Family morning worship

Hazel Niewkoop

13 Mattins Roisel Milbourne

Ross Milbourne

27 HC Lalage Carrick

Ann Le Couteur

December Cleaning Flowers

2 Simon + Margaret ADVENT

16 Sally and Sarah ADVENT


30 Jim and Helen Grant


All January 2019

Ann and Tony Thick


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Full Post Office service every Thursday 0915 -1115


Burns Night Supper and Ceilidh


Saturday 26th January 2019 7.30pm

Tickets £15.00 Dancing and Music from

Real to Reel Call: 01670 775014 to reserve your tickets


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Jonathan Lambton Todd and Emma Mary Bolton were married at St Mary Magdalene church Whalton on 13th October. Jonathan has Ogle ancestry and the couple live in the village so it was fitting that they wed in St Mary Magdalene and held their reception in the village hall.

Eternal God You created us out of love That we should love you and one and another, Bless Jonathan and Emma, Who, through their marriage, become a sign of your faithful love to us In Christ our Lord.

Prayer for Armistice day: We meet in the presence of God to committee ourselves to work in faith for reconciliation between nations, that all people may live together in freedom, justice and peace. Today we look back in sorrow, and pray for all those who suffered injury and loss in past wars; we recall those who are suffering in conflicts today, and we look forward to that time when the kingdoms of this world will be ordered by God’s peaceable reign.


St Andrew’s Bolam

Sunday 2 December, 5pm

Using the traditional service of Advent carols and lessons, we will celebrate the start of this important but sometimes overlooked season with hymns,

readings and choral music.

13 a

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Middleton Village Hall Presents in collaboration with Highlight Rural Touring The Haunted Man Saturday 8 December at 7.30pm


It’s Christmas Eve. Jonathan’s mind is deteriorating and reality becoming

confused, but one memory stays strong - the one memory he wishes to forget.

A copy of Dickens' The Haunted Man with an inscription from Jonathan's past

sparks a ghostly visitation, a Phantom offering an irresistible gift - the gift of


The true cost of the Phantom’s gift soon shows itself as the book and Jonathan’s

life merge. With a host of Dickensian characters, Jonathan sets out to find the true value of memory and love.

Kindred Theatre’s new production of music, candlelight, puppetry and shadows is

perfect for those autumn nights.

Tickets: adults £8.00, children £4.00 (suitable for those aged 11+ )

To book tickets phone: 01670 772600

St Mary Magdalene, Whalton

Decorating the church for Christmas. Please join us at any time from 10am on Thursday 20th December to decorate the church for Christmas – flowers, other seasonal decorations and willing hands all welcome. Church cleaning 2018/19 Saturday 1st December 2018 at 1030 Saturday 2nd February 2019 at 1030 Saturday 6th April 2019 at 1030 Saturday 1st June 2019 at 1030 Saturday 3rd August 2019 at 1030 Many hands make light work so please feel free to come and dust away the poor old spiders …….

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Some of you will remember the excellent concert by Honour and Hector Mcleod in the summer. Have a look at their fascinating report on their work abroad.

CHICAGO St. Chad's College Choir

July 2018

Hector Halford- Macleod

The St. Chad's College Chapel Choir from the University of Durhamtoured Chicago with a busy schedule of concerts and services whichwere all well attended by enthusiastic American audiences. Ourprinciple aims were to celebrate choral church music and support theworship in the churches and cathedrals we sang in. Throughout theweek we performed in the First Presbyterian Church at Lake Forrest,the Sky Chapel, St James' Cathedral  and Holy Name Cathedral, thelatter of which had thousands in attendance (apparently all regularcongregation). A highlight for me was to go to the Sky Chapel, aptlynamed with its location at the top of a skyscraper; we were told it is thehighest place of worship within a man-made structure in the world. When we weren't performing or rehearsing we did manage to blow offsome steam in the city indulging in some impressive activities such asthe river architectural tour and the glass box at the top of the SearsTower. In the sweltering summer heat we even managed to catch somerays on the beach and swim in Lake Michigan. The Chicago deep basedpizza, a local delicacy, was as vast as you can probably imagine and Ithink I am still recovering from the excessive portion sizes. I enjoyed inparticular visiting the Navy Pier on the lake side for an impressivefireworks display. The choir learnt much on tour and the sound hugely improved. Thegenerosity of so many people enabled me to join the choir overseaswhich has aided my development as a musician.            

Thank you very much for your support of the tour.

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Upper Wansbeck churches invite you to

Come along to Beer and Carols at The Ox Inn Middleton

With Andy Rayner and Matthew Walker

Wednesday 12th December 7.30pm

we will be accepting donations for Wansbeck Valley Food Bank.

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The NOVEMBER FILM NIGHT will be held on Friday 30th, 7.30.                                                     THE POST Suggested donation £3. 


CHRISTMAS FAIR                                   The CHRISTMAS FAIR will be held on


         10.00 till 4.00. HARTBURN CHURCH

            Refreshments available.      Lots of different stalls.

   Come and enjoy a day out, a good time to buy Christmas Presents.




Suggested donation £3.00

FRIDAY 30th NOVEMBER (7.30pm) Middleton Village Hall

The Post

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Please Join Us

at Whalton Village Hall


and Mince Pies and Mulled Wine

on Wednesday 19th December

at 7 pm

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Thanks to Annie for this picture!

Please do send in any amusing or entertaining pictures for this spot on the back page!

Magazine Subscription Rates for 2019

By email FREE, donation welcome! (full colour, print your own!)

Hand delivered £5

By Post £ 12 Donation

Please use the form below. The Newsletter is a valuable form of outreach among our Churches and in the wider community. Cheques should be payable to “Bolam Whalton News” and sent to Mrs S Stafford, Thornton Moor Farm, Hartburn, Morpeth, NE61 4JG



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