CMWG December 8, 2009 D Sh C ll bN t Drew Showers - CollabNet Kevin Hourihane - Steel Thread Software

December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

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Page 1: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

CMWGDecember 8, 2009

D Sh C ll bN tDrew Showers - CollabNet

Kevin Hourihane - Steel Thread Software

Page 2: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline


• Team Forge 5.3 IntroF il O i• Forge.mil Overview

• Forge.mil Demo

2 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 3: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

CollabNet TeamForge 5.3 Intro

D ShDrew ShowersFederal Practice Manager

Page 4: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

CollabNet TeamForge: Features and Function

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Page 5: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

CollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily!

One Agile platform thatOne Agile platform that…• Provides a strong set of baseline

functionality• Project workspaces• Flexible trackers• Document Mgmt• Document Mgmt• Legacy Task Mgmt• Deep Subversion Integration• Threaded Discussions• Collaborative Wiki• File/Release Mgmt• Build/Test Mgmt• System provisioning

• Integrates seamlessly with internal ALM tools like HP Quality Center for Testing

H b ilt i S b i Ad i i t ti• Has built in Subversion Administration functions like Repository creation

• Enables Linked Objects for Traceabilityfrom Requirements to Production artifacts (CMMI)

• An open and extensible platform that integrates and centralizes the software development tools that naturally provides ReUse and Asset Management

5 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Page 6: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Managing time and scope in an Agile world

• The “Planning Tree” • The “Feature Tree”

• Product 1• Release 1

• Iteration 1

• Epic 1• Story 1

• Task 1• Iteration 1• Iteration 2

• Release 2P d t 2

• Task 1• Task 2

• Story 2E i 2• Product 2

…• Epic 2

Deals with “time”Project Management Deals with “scope”

Product Management

6 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Page 7: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

New! Dynamic Planning

Flexible Planning FoldersModel and manage YOUR processes

N-Level HierarchyGain full visibility into all

g p

Prioritized Burn Down for Any Planning LevelGain full visibility into all

assets and relationshipsfor Any Planning Level

Get at-a-glance status and roll-ups to monitor timeline and quality

7 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 8: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Document Manager

TeamForge is uniquely suited to be an Agile platform


Task ManagerReporting & Analytics


Source Code Manager (SCM)Lab Management & File Releases

Central Repository





Build &Test

Lab Management

Build & Test Tracker

8 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 9: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

TeamForge is uniquely suited to be an Agile platform

9 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 10: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Forge.mil Overview

How DISA’s collaborative development environment based on open source dynamics will accelerate software delivery

K i H ihKevin HourihanePresident, Steel Thread Software

Page 11: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline


VisionEnable the rapid development test certificationEnable the rapid development, test, certification, deployment and acceptance of new products and services on the GIG (Global Information Grid) by providing policies processes tools and a federatedproviding policies, processes, tools and a federated development and test infrastructure

“Agile DoD”

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Page 12: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Community: High Level Support



LTG Carroll F Pollett

DISAVice Director

RADM Elizabeth A Hight

DISACTO & Principal

Director GlG

Joint Chiefs of StaffVice ChairmanGeneral Cartwright LTG Carroll F. Pollett

United States ArmyRADM Elizabeth A. Hight

United States NavyDirector, GlGDave Mihelecic

General CartwrightUnited States Marine Corps

12 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 13: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline



Shared Asset Libraries & Repositories

TODAY• Siloed development environments• Expensive and time consuming start-up • Limited sharing or re-use


Developerg• Duplication of effort


Shared Test & Development Tools/Services/Environments

FORGE.mil• Agile development and testing • Cross-program sharing: software and services• Early and continuous collaboration • Integrated approach to development life cycle• Extensible platform to support delivery of partner capabilities

13 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 14: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Forge.mil Properties

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Page 15: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

SoftwareForge –Limited Operational Availability

Find Software

• DoD Open Source

• DoD Community

Develop Software

Project Workspaces• DoD Community


S/W Version

15 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Page 16: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Forge.mil Platform/Tool Suite

Bugs, RequirementsFeature RequestsFeature Requests

Source Code Configuration Mgmt

Collect, Archive & Release Packages

Document Management

Release Packages

Project-Based Wiki

Find Software

• DoD Open Source

DoD Co it

Develop Software

Project Workspaces

Task Hierarchy, Alert Mechanism

Discussion Forums

oject ased• DoD Community Source

j p

Alert Mechanism

Real-Time Reports & Status

S/W VersionCentral User and Project Admin

16 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

S/W VersionControl

Project Admin

Page 17: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Forge.mil and Cloud Computing


Tester DevelopmentTester





Approval AuthorityForge.mil





… cloud computing is a style of computing where massively scalable IT enabled capabilities are delivered 'as a service' to

17 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

scalable IT-enabled capabilities are delivered 'as a service' to external customers using Internet technologies. Gartner

Page 18: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Forge.mil Community Approach

Software Systems

Collaborative Development & TestSoftware, Systems,

ServicesSoftware, Systems,


AgileD l t






DOD Acquisition Community

DOD Test and Evaluation Community DOD IA


Community DOD Development


18 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Government, Industry & Academia

Page 19: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

D t tiDemonstration

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Page 20: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Forge.mil Capabilities

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Page 21: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Collaborative Victories

Sample Hosted ProjectsArmy

• Battle Command Innovation Platform: A system targeting emergent innovation within the battle spaceNov 2 innovation within the battle-space

• Active Directory: a collaborative space for code related to Active Directory management.

Navy• Gargoyle: a network activity monitoring and analysis system

Nov 2

• Gargoyle: a network activity monitoring and analysis system• ACE: a testbed for SSC-LANT’s Advanced Compose-able Environment (ACE)

Air Force• AF EIM: code supporting Air Force’s Enterprise Information Management, • UAS TSPI Server: a common network interface to multiple UAS ground-• UAS TSPI Server: a common network interface to multiple UAS ground-

stations for sensors requiring real-time telemetry source

Marine Corps• NECC C2 Alerting CM: NECC Capability Module for C2 Alerting• MAGTF C2: Marine Air Ground Task Force Command and Control

SoftwareForgeInitial Forge.mil capability (April 2009) supporting collaborative software development & reuse MAGTF C2: Marine Air Ground Task Force Command and Control

Joint Chiefs & DISA• NSLDSS: National Senior Leader Decision Support Service• CommunityCAC: CAC Utilities/Firefox plugin• DODBastille: RHEL STIG lockdown utilities

software development & reuse

Over 430 software releases available for download (11/2/09)

21 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

O ast e S G oc do ut t es

Page 22: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline


Key Benefits:• Project Teams and

How to participate:• LOAj

Developers• Eliminate Silos to Improve

CollaborationC t ll Sh M &

• Join now

• Launch• Join later

• Centrally Share, Manage, & Reuse Assets

• Minimize Admin Overhead

• Executives

• etc

Executives• Consolidate and Unify • Gain Visibility and

Predictability• Drive Innovation

22 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 23: December 8, 2009 - cmwg.orgCollabNet TeamForge 5.3 – Give your Team a Lean Tool they can use – easily! One Agile platform thatplatform that… • Provides a strong set of baseline

Question & Answer

Learn More:

• CollabNet TeamForge: www.collab.net• Forge.mil in action: www.disa.mil/forge• Register for DISA Partner Conference:


• Steel Thread Software: www.steelthread.com

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Steve MacDonaldDirector, Federal AccountsCollabNet IncCollabNet, Inc. [email protected]

Drew ShowersF d l P ti MFederal Practice ManagerCollabNet, Inc,[email protected]

Kevin HourihanePresident ???Steel Thread Software, [email protected]@

24 Copyright © 2009 CollabNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.