December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine

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  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Believe in Yourself

    and make it Happen!!

    This had been the site Slogan

    since day one when Breeze thought

    of the site and we have held true to

    that idea every since. Empowering

    people to come above all that came

    at them in Life. To help guide them

    to a more peaceful resolution indealing with the daily life chaos it

    can present on us. There are ways

    to help manifest a healthier more

    positive direction and happiness

    with following a few steps in

    doing so and on Enchanted Forest

    is what we do along with itsmembers which many have been

    with us since the beginning. Takes

    time and little patience and

    dedication to truly want it and

    thats when the Real magic comes


    Thanks to all who have supported

    us through time and all these years

    with their help we couldnt had

    done it.

    Breeze and Shadow

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Mobile pages for those who use Mobile to visit EnchantedForest!!

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    Have also added "My Page"

    This is in Beta stage so if you have any questions orproblems let us know so we can report it..

    Thank you

    Shadow and Breeze

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    We at the Enchanted Forest are honoured to support and host the live chats given bySusun Weed on a monthly basis. Susun is an expert in her field of Herbs and this is agreat opportunity for all to increase their knowledge and skills by learning fromSusun FREE !!!

    To come along to these chats join (classes held in theSusun Weed Group)

    Times of classes below

    USACentral - 6 pmEastern - 7 pm

    Western 4 pmMountain Time 5 pmAustralia (Melbourne) - 11 am

    UK - Midnight

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    12 Great Decorations for a Pagan Yule Tree

    Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle Raven)

    12 Great Decorations for a Pagan Yule Tree

    1) Crystals - just wrap some thin floral wire around them and hang them on the tree.The lights will bounce off of them and they'll look gorgeous. I especially like clearquartz; they remind me of icicles.

    2) Snowflakes - what commemorates the winter season more? Either buy somesnowflake shaped ornaments, or cut out your own out of paper.

    3) Dried fruit - give your tree a woodsy, natural look with dried fruit. Hang slices ofdried citrus- oranges, tangerines, grapefruit and lemons. Hang them in front of a light,they are translucent and the light shines through. They look like little slices of the sunDried apples are also great for the season, especially if you can cut a slice sidewaysshowing off the pentacle imbedded within.

    4) Cranberries - just string cranberries to create a beautiful, vibrant red garland to drapover those lush, green branches. Or, make a hole in them and stick and ornamenthanger in it and hang larger ones individually.

    5) Cinnamon sticks - either stick an ornament hanger inside of the small tube, or stringthem on a long length of twine. They not only look great, but will make your roomsmell fantastic.

    6) Pomanders - create pomanders by pushing cloves into small fruits, such as lemons,tangerines or apples, and roll them in seasonings until they dry. Put a wire throughthem with a ribbon around the top and you've got a beautiful, scented ornament.

    7) Stars and Suns - make them out of clay and a cookie cutter or template, or cut themout of heavy cardstock and paint glitter on them.

    8) Animals - purchase some small toy or decorative animals, glue some ribbon on themor hook an ornament into them, and display some furry woodland creatures on the tre

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    9) Birds - likewise, get some small bird statues. Glue some ribbon to the bottom of theand tie them on a branch as though they are sitting on it.

    10) Pine Cones and Acorns - hang them as natural as you found them, or paint them tomake them sparkle and shine.

    11) Punched Tin Moons - reserve your aluminum can tops. Put them on some scrapwood and poke holes in them with a hammer and a nail to create crescent shapes, ormake a pentacle design on them. Spray paint them silver first if you want them toshine.

    12) Herbal sachets - cut a circle of lace, and fill it with seasonal potpourri or yourfavorite seasonal herbs. Gather it, tie it with a ribbon and hang it on the branches.

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Serenity Prayer

    Goddess grant me the SerenityTo Accept the Things I Cannot Change;

    Courage to Change the things I can;And Wisdom to Know the Difference.

    Living one Day at a Time;Enjoying One moment at a Time;

    Accepting Hardships as the Pathway to Peace;Taking this World as it Is,

    Not as I would have it;Trusting that Time will make all things right if I Faith;

    That I may be Reasonably Happy in this LifeAnd Supremely Happy and,

    Forever in the Next.A friend sent this to me I thought I would share it

    Thank you cindiwhispr

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    The wind of Life

    Posted by Cynthia G

    The wind of Life

    I give thanks for the life I have had.I give thanks for the family I have shared withI give thanks for the friends i have met along the way.

    I give thanks to have been given the gift of appreciation andlove.Life has been full, and I count my blessings for having hadthe opportunity to play my part in it.Now that I have reached the fall season of my life,I continue to look forward to many more adventures on themorrow of life.


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Chocolate biscuit men

    Posted by Autumn

    Chocolate biscuit men ingredients-

    70g brown sugar

    70g caster sugar

    125g butter

    1 egg

    175g plain flour

    1 tsp bicarb soda

    175g chocolate, grated or chunked

    cream the sugar and butter together, gradually add the egg.

    when the egg is incorporated add the flour and the chocolate, this should now mixtogether to form a firm dough. If its still a tad too sticky add a bit more flour til thedough is dry and workable.

    flour the surface and roll out the dough and cut into shapes, we used the gingerbreadman cutter but any shape will work!

    place on baking tray and cook in the oven for 15 - 20 mins, until the edges start tobrown up. the temperature of our oven is roughly 150 degrees Celsius, I don't knowthe exact temp as its wood fired and there is no temperature dial.

    once cooked transfer to a cooling rack, when cold you can eat as is, ice or dip in morechocolate for a treat.

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Yummy Bathscrubs

    Posted by The North Star Brigid )

    This is a fun, simple, and immensely useful little gift. It protects your skin from harshwintry winds and dry air, and leaves it so incredibly soft and glowing that you wontneed to apply any extra lotion for days.

    Its sold in stores for upwards of $20, and while the ingredients can be pricey(depending on your taste) it shouldnt run you more than $7 or so abatch. Heres whayou need:

    Containers (Glass is best, as the salt wont corrode it. They should have an openingbig enough to put a hand in.)

    Sea salt (Get a finer grind, so that it wont be too abrasive on the skin. You can also ussugar, which has compounds that really exfoliate well, but Ive found it can feel toosweet and sticky at times.)

    Oil (My favorite is almond oil, as its light and not too expensive. You can also use

    olive, jojoba, and many others. Grape seed oil is luxurious feeling and great for yourskin, but it can stain lighter-colored towels and such.)

    Scents (perfumes, essential oils, etc.)

    Fill your container with salt until it is nearly full, then pour your oil over it and keepadding oil and stirring the mixture until the oil has worked into all of the salt (achopstick works great for stirring). When the oil is fully distributed, add your scent(s)Nearly anything can work.

    When using an essential oil, you generally wont need any more than ten drops, so alittle vial of it will make many, many scrubs. You can use just one scent, or mix severatogether. Here are a few scent combination ideas:

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine



    Peppermint (can be irritating, so use only a few drops)




    ChamomileLemon balm

    Woodland God



    Moon Goddess

    JasmineYlang ylang


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    31 Affirmations That Can Transform Your Life

    Posted by Monarch

    Affirmations simply work. We really can influence our bodies and feelings with

    techniques designed to hone the mind, like meditation. Pick one of these each dayfor a month and say it to yourself all day long. Write them down, email them toyourself, and post them where you will see them every day. See for yourself thataffirmations are a way for us to harness the mind's power by directing our intentionstoward our best selves and our happiest lives. Love your day, love yourself, love yourlife!

    1. I am ready for change.

    2. I love and accept myself exactly as I am.

    3. I attract amazing people.

    4. I always deserve love.

    5. I am grounded in acceptance.

    6. Others love me easily and joyfully.

    7. People are just waiting to love me, and I

    allow them.

    8. I am radiating love.

    9. I am happy in my own skin.

    10. I express love to all those I meet.

    11. I bathe in unconditional love.

    12. Love radiates from me at all times.

    13. I love myself completely.

    14. Love comes to me easily and effortlessly.

    15. I give and receive love easily and joyfully.

    16. I create my reality.

    17. I trust myself.

    18. I compare myself only to my highest self.

    19. I now feel loved and appreciated by myparents, my friends.

    20. I express love freely.

    21. As I give love, I am instantly suppliedwith more.

    22. I radiate love to all persons and places andthings.

    23. I breathe in universal love.

    24. I am open to receiving love.

    25. I am a radiant being filled with light andlove.

    26. I know my wisdom guides me to the rightdecision.

    27. I attract loving people and relationshipsinto my life.

    28. I project love to everyone I meet.

    29. Happiness is a choice.

    30. I love and approve of myself.

    31. The past has no power over me anymore.

    By Silvia Mordini,

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine



    Posted by The North Star Brigid )

    For the Celtic Wiccan out there, this is the rebirth of Lugh, the sun god. It's also called

    "The Festival of Light." You want candles, candles, candles. Use the electric ones ifthe place where you live doesn't allow for other kinds, or if you feel that's wrong foryour energy you could also put out candles that are unlit, something I used to do incollege.

    Colors for the Celtic festival are red and gold, silver, green, white and even blue, soput several of these on and around your altar. A decorative idea might be to use smallcolored scarfs and drape them around the altar, and in back of it - always beingconscious of where the flame might be. You could also have construction paper in

    these colors around the altar, or make snowflakes in them and hang them from theceiling around it.

    Put bells and reindeer at the altar as well, representative of the Horned God who'sabout to appear at this time. You could "ring in the new god" with the bells, or justhave one large one, either a real bell or one made of paper-mache.

    Young Celtic Wiccans could have a good time with making paper snowflakes andpaper mache bells, in particular. It could be a good alternative to the real ones for

    them, in fact, because I don't know a kid alive who doesn't like to make lots of noise!

    As far as incense goes, if you can do it, great, though it isn't hugely necessary. Myfiance is allergic to many herbs, so I have to be careful - I've found that cedar andeucalyptus are good incenses to burn at this time. In your case, you could use manyother options including apple, pumpkin and rosemary. In addition, you might thinkof putting evergreen boughs at or around the altar .


    I've put a generic solitary druidic altar here, for those druids who haven't decided orare dedicants. Basically you want to be thinking of things that will be used in yourYuletide rite. So you want a representative of each of the elements: a vessel of water, candle or incense for Fire, a sword or athame for Air, and a stone for Earth. Ipersonally use a pewter tree statue I got years ago to represent Earth. You could use apaper flame if there are youngsters around - they could help make it, or even drawone. Going out to collect the stone for your altar is something good for you and/oryoung ones, as well, because it helps bind your energy and theirs, makes it more


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    The Sun is coming back; that should be a central theme in your altar. Remember toput out the representations for each Element, but remember the Sun. Another thing tothink of is that the battle of the Oak and Holly Kings for ruling of the year happensat this time, and maybe that's something you want to incorporate.

    But for the most basic of these, you only need three candles - they could be votives,

    tapers or tea lights - a representation of a tree, and some container of water fromwhich to drink. This is nice and simple, and pretty well within the budget of anyonearound.


    Candle, cauldron, holly, water. These should be on your altar in some form, becausethey're all a good way to incorporate the season into your Elements representatives.

    Remember that holly is poisonous, so if you've youngsters you could make paperholly. Little statues of men representing each of the fighters involved in the Battle ofthe Oak and Holly Kings - children could later on act out the battle with supervision,to help them understand it better - or conversely just a sprig of oak and one of holly,are good too.

    For the Celts, the gods around this time of year are Brigit and the Dagda. (Lugh, thegod who can do anything, is often thought of as an aspect of Dagda; I tend to pray tohim). So, you should include in your altar a Brigit's Cross or a picture of a bee, both o

    whom are symbols of this goddess, as well as a picture of the Sun who is returning.


    Norse Druids, on the other hand, should have a Harrow with nine candles (one foreach of the Aesir), a horn and blessing bowl, a sprig and a Tree of Life (Yggdrasil -very important). If you don't have much room, you could buy a little tree statue oreven just put a Tree of Life pendant on the altar.

    Also, since this is a great feast, you might think of putting bits of your feast on thesides of the altar. There is a Fire and a Well to be put below the Tree, but if you're inthe space constraint and must use a small pendant or statue, you can change that tohave a small Fire and Well representative of the real ones on either side of it.

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  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine



    you know who you are)

    Posted byBZ

    When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

    When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,When the funds are low and the debts are high,And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

    When care is pressing you down a bit-Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists andturns,

    As every one of us sometimes learns,And many a fellow turns aboutWhen he might have won had he stuck it out.Don't give up though the pace seems slow -You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer thanIt seems to a faint and faltering man;Often the struggler has given up

    Whe he might have captured the victor's cup;And he learned too late when the night came down,How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned insideout -The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,And you never can tell how close you are,It might be near when it seems afar;So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Take These Thoughts With You On

    Your Journey To Your Dreams

    Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle Raven)

    Take These Thoughts With You On Your Journey To Your Dreams

    Don't ever forget that you are unique. Be your best self and not animitation of someone else.

    Find your strength and use them in a positive way. Don't listen tothose who ridicule the choices you make.

    Travel the road that you have chosen and don't look back withregret. You have to take chances to make your dreams happen.

    Remember that there is plenty of time to travel another road - andstill another - in your journey through life.

    Take the time to find the route that is right for you. You will learnsomething valuable from every trip you take, so don't be afraid tomake mistakes.

    Tell yourself that you're okay just the way you are. Make friendswho respect your true self.

    Take the time to be alone, too, so you can know just how terrificyour own company can be.

    Remember that being alone doesn't always mean being lonely; itcan be a beautiful experience of finding your creativity, yourheartfelt feelings, and the calm and quiet peace deep inside you.

    Don't ever forget that you are special and you have within you theability to make your dreams come true.

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Incredible uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

    Posted by dragonlove

    Prevents flu and stomach illness

    Dissolves kidney stones

    Helps relieve nausea

    Helps relieve heartburn or chronic reflux

    Helps relieve asthma

    Helps relieve allergies

    Helps relieve gout

    Helps lower glucose levels in diabetes

    Helps weight loss by curbing appetite and breaking down fat

    Helps relieve migraines

    Helps relieve sinus pressure and infection

    Lowers blood pressure

    Lowers cholesterol

    Reduces inflammation, relieves arthritis

    Conditions and detangles hair

    Gets rid of nail fungus

    Works well to clean up fungal, bacterial rash

    Soothes bug bites

    Gets rid of warts

    Helps reduce/prevent acne

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    You Throw Away The Used Tea Bags?

    Posted by Ha-nu

    Drinking tea can not only provide you with health benefits but also can save youmoney. How can it be if we spend money in the first place? Well, consider it as amultipurpose product that can be both beneficial internally for our health andexternally for our homes. So, do not discard your used tea bags just yet! There aremany effective uses of tea bags.

    10 Effective uses of tea bags that work

    Soothing puffy and tired eyes. This is the most common use of tea bags. Soak tea

    bags in ice-cold water or simply pour on water and leave in the refrigerator. Tea notonly relieves redness and swelling, but also refreshes tired eyes.

    Minimizing the effect of bruising. Apply a fresh-brewed, but cooled tea bag of blacktea on the injured spot and it will help reduce bruising. This is due to the substancecontained in black tea, tannic acid, which reduces swelling and constricts the bloodvessels. For best results, apply the compress twice a day, leaving 20 minutes.

    Tea bags can be used as a remedy for sunburn. Wet tea bags will ease the pain ofsunburns and if your entire body is sunburned, take a bath and add tea bags to thewater.

    Tea bags can help with razor cuts. Wet tea bags can reduce and calm nagging painfrom a razor cut.

    Tea bags can help with acne. Wipe your face with used green tea bag.

    Tea bags can help with oral hygiene. If you have painful sores in your mouth, youcan speed up the healing process by soaking the tea bag in water, and slightly bitingonto it with your teeth. It will ease the pain and speed up healing. Similarly, you canstop the bleeding from an extracted or lost tooth.

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    Tea bags can refreshen your breath. Rinsing with strong brewed tea reduces theunpleasant smell from the mouth.

    Tea bags will help with the sweaty feet. Before going to bed, soak your feet inlukewarm tea for 10-15 minutes, then wipe them with a towel.

    Tea bags can effectively absorb unpleasant odors. Tea bags can be used to eliminatethe unpleasant smell of hands after dealing with fish or garlic. Also tea bags can beused as a deodorizer in the fridge or trash can. Just stick them in there. You can alsostick tea bags with lavender flavor or other herbal tea in the seat covers of your car,you get a natural air freshener.

    If you are allergic to detergents or soaps, tea bags could be used for washing dishes.

    It may sound strange, tea truly has cleaning properties. With a few re-brewed teabags, you can remove dirt and grease on mirrors, windows, floors, kitchen countertops and unpainted wooden furniture. Remember that after cleaning, make sure todry the surface, because tea is a good natural dye.

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine



    Posted byBZ

    The cold north wind begins to blowLady Winter pulls up her blanket of snow

    She tucks the land in nice and tightThe land then sleeps through winter's plight

    For several months the land will sleepBut hush my darling don't you weepSoon...the land agian will wake

    Lovely flowers Mother Spring doth make

    She sends her warm, nurshing showersThat are full of her growing powers

    The snow crocus is the first to wakeFrom it's head, winter's plight it doth shake

    At this time the faries begin thier workand thier chores they never sherk

    They wake the land and paint it brightSo open your eyes and enjoy the sight!

    The days begin to grow longerAs summers sun grows stronger

    Children play in the sprinklers streamAs summer birds sit and preen.

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Summers end is drawing nearThe fall colors will soon be here

    Autumn comes with it's colorful arraysAnd the night begins to overtake the days

    Then tha days begin to coolFor this is Mother Natures rule

    The leaves turn red, yellow, brown and goldAs summers days begin to grow old

    Jack Frost prepares his paints and brush

    The animals begin their harvest rushLady Winter again will soon be here

    But don't you cry my little dear.

    For the circle of seasons you seeAre meant for the enjoyment of you and me

    For Mother Nature is fair and wise

    And she always creates a new surprise!!!

  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/10/2019 December 2014 Enchanted Forest Magazine



    The site yearly fees are $600, this is at the moment paid for bythe kind donations of all our members - please help out if you



    Many ThanksBreeze and Shadow

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    the message about the site..Where your friends can come to a friendly environment from all

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