A publication of Sheridan House Family Ministries 1700 South Flamingo Road • Davie, FL 33325 • (954) 583-1552 • www.shfm.org December 2009 Honoring Christ by serving the needs of children and families SHFM Countdown to Christmas

December 2009 Family Advocate

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In this months family advocate, Sheridan House Family Ministries discusses the importance of teaching your child to give.

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Page 1: December 2009 Family Advocate

A publication of Sheridan House Family Ministries1 7 0 0 S o u t h F l a m i n g o R o a d • D a v i e , F L 3 3 3 2 5 • ( 9 5 4 ) 5 8 3 - 1 5 5 2 • w w w. s h f m . o r g

December 2009

Honoring Christ by serving the needs of children and families

SHFM Countdown

to Christmas

Page 2: December 2009 Family Advocate

This December we’ve added something unique to the Family Advocate. It is a Countdown Devotional to our Savior’s birth. The Sheridan House staff members have each selected a verse that means something special to them and have developed a short devotional around that verse. This will encourage all of us to remember the “reason for the season.”

On page 6, you will find our countdown list of verses leading up to December 25th. Due to limited space, we could only place a few of the devotionals in the issue. However, there is a complete version of the devotionals available on our website at www.shfm.org/devo.

To encourage participation, we will also post the devotionals each day on a Facebook page entitled SHFM Countdown to Christmas. Please feel free to leave your comments and insights on the Facebook page as we all rejoice together in the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Messiah.

Thanks for joining us this season as we offer our praise to the King of kings!

A Note From Bob -

SHFM Countdown to Christmas

Thank you for giving to a family in need!

Kindly deliver your donations to: 1700 S. Flamingo Road

Davie, FL 33325

Questions? Contact Miriam Duame at

954-414-3392 or [email protected]

Make a child’s Christmas special through the

Sheridan House Family Ministries

Christmas toy Drive

Please provide:

New, unwrapped toys (ages 1-12)

Gift cards (any denomination)

Page 3: December 2009 Family Advocate

Single Parent Ministry - Thanksgiving Blessings Event By: Miriam Duame

As tears of joy and gratitude welled up inside, Tina, a single mom of three kids, expressed her immense pleasure and gratefulness. Why was she so grateful? Well, you see, it had been many years since she had been able to serve and enjoy a complete Thanksgiving meal with her children on Thanksgiving Day. As she gathered the children around her table, loaded with a scrumptious- looking roasted turkey and all the trimmings, Tina reminded her children that God had not forgotten them. He had sent people who cared and thought of them this holiday season. She states, “This year we ate like kings and queens. This Thanksgiving, it is YOU we are thankful for!”

Tina is only one single mom of the hundreds who received much needed help and encouragement this Thanksgiving season. Our team of dedicated and wonderful volunteers felt honored to give out turkeys, grocery bags, hugs and smiles.

This Thanksgiving, we were honored to provide turkeys and all the trimmings to feed approximately 1,200 individuals in need. Additionally, the single moms also had the chance to “shop for free” in our fabulous, well-stocked Clothing Boutique. Cool weather clothing, shoes, purses, and much more were available to bless all those who participated.

Maureen wrote, “Thank you for the invitation to the Thanksgiving Event. I had nowhere else to turn and I am truly and sincerely grateful for keeping me on the list and providing for me and my family. I would be completely without anything if it were not for your generosity.”

God used you, our faithful donors, to show His love, care, and compassion to those in need. Your very generous and gracious donations of food and clothing made it possible for Sheridan House to not only meet physical needs, but more importantly, to share the gift of hope with our single moms.

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By Dr. Bob Barnes

“It is more blessed to give

rather than receive?” You’ve

got to be kidding! What kind of a

statement is that? That’s ridiculous!

Of course, it’s more awesome to receive than it is to give - that’s what

we’ve been taught all our lives. That’s what makes

us feel good isn’t it; getting more things?

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Many often wonder how giving could be better than receiving; but just because they don’t understand it doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. As crazy as it may sound to some, that statement is true. We must acknowledge it to be true because it comes from Truth. Acts 20:35 states, “…You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (NLT) Giving is kind of like eating vegetables. At first, I didn’t want them. Once I was taught to eat them, I eventually grew to like them. Then, I discovered that I actually really liked them. I realized that eating them made me feel better. I know that I am healthier now because of them - unlike my previous diet of burgers only.

You see, when I spend my life getting, I never seem able to satisfy that hunger. No matter how much I get, I want more and more…the bigger the better. My appetite becomes insatiable! The problem is the more things I have – the more I need to worry about things getting lost, stolen, or broken and I end up spending much of my time trying to protect my acquisitions.

On the other hand, when I risk learning the art of giving, I end up doing something that can’t be taken away from me. Sharing with others is free of baggage, warrantees, and contracts.

Giving to others is really an opportunity to do something for Jesus. He even said when we do things for people in need (He called them the “least of these” in Matthew 25:40) we are really doing it for Him. This kind of giving should excite us because we have the opportunity to help someone in Jesus’ name and for His glory alone. When I give like that, no one can take the blessing away. Whether the recipients express appreciation for my gifts or not is irrelevant, if I’m doing it for the right reasons.

This is a difficult lesson to learn because our culture doesn’t teach it. That is why it is so important for parents to instill this principle in the lives of their children. Children who are taught to give to others as an act of worship to Christ receive a great gift for life. As they grow up, they will not be victimized by marketers and advertisers; since they have been taught the great life lesson of learning to be content with what they have been given (Philippians 4:11).

Imagine what Christmas would be like this year if our children were more excited about giving rather than getting. As you and your family focus on Christ’s birthday celebration, you have the opportunity to turn Christmas upside-down. Start by scheduling a family meeting early in December. As a family, select the target for your giving. It could be a widow in your church, a single parent family in your neighborhood, or a charity of your choice (see below for a suggested list.) Then, get excited about giving to Jesus through your chosen target this Christmas.

If you’ve spent a lifetime believing that it is better to get gifts rather than give gifts, this Christmas season is a great time to take this faith step. Remember the vegetables? If you haven’t eaten them in a long time, asparagus will take some getting used to; but once you experience the health benefits, you see the value they have in enriching your life.

When it comes to this year’s Christmas, it’s time to teach our children the joy of another kind of healthy consumption – the joy of giving. It is a blessing that no one can take away, but it is a hunger and thirst that must be taught.

Sheridan HouseChristmas ToyShoppe

Page 6: December 2009 Family Advocate

Dec1st Miriam D. John 1:14

Dec 2nd Chuck M. Isaiah 30:21

Dec 3rd Bill S. Luke 2:15

Dec 4th Susy B. Luke 2:19

Dec 5th Tom M. Romans 12:1

Dec 6th Deborah H. Isaiah 9:6

Dec 7th Bob G. Galations 5:14

Dec 8th Efrain F. Luke 2:10

Mike & Shirley H. Proverbs 6:9

Dec 9th Kary J. Psalms 95:6

Dec 10th Ellen V. Isaiah 30:18

Dec 11th Kisha M. 2 Cor. 5:17

Dec 12th Kim W. Matthew 2:11

Dec 13th Bennetta G. John 3:16

Dec 14th Teri & Steve G. Luke 2:14

Dec 15th Julianna G. Proverbs 11:14

Dec 16th Marjorie H. John 1:12

Dec 17th Matt W. Phillipians 2:6-8

Dec 18th Paul D. John 3:17

Dec 19th Brian V. Luke 2:7

Dec 20th Ranger S. 1 Chron 4:10

Dec 21st Brenda S. Psalms 46:10

Dec 22nd Adam R. Isaiah 60:1,3

Dec 23rd Amy E. Luke 1:38

Dec 24th Angel A. Genesis 12:3

Dec 25th Bob B. Proverbs 3:5-6

December 1st, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us...” John 1:14

Miriam writes:Oh yes, it was a word....but not via email, text, a note or a speech. God’s highest expression of love and communication with us came in the form of The Word. God Himself came down in the “flesh” because He is in love with you and me. Jesus is The Word of God to you and me. Have you heard The Word?

December 12th, “They entered the house where the Child and his mother, Mary, were, and they fell down before Him and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”Matthew 2:11

Kim writes: The Magi worshipped Christ for who He was. It was not circumstantially based on anything He had done. Gift giving is a tradition at Christmas. The Magi gave Christ their most valuable treasures. What do you treasure that you would give the King of kings? Would it be your financial resources or, more importantly, would it be your time spent alone in prayer, studying the Word, or serving Christ by serving others?

December 19th, “And she brought forth her firstborn Son, andwrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7

Brian writes:Jesus came, not to the religious elite, nor to the rich and famous, but to a stable in a small village that no one gave much credit. He came during one of the busiest times in Bethlehem’s history, but His arrival was missed by almost everyone. What will you do to ensure that His message is not drowned out by the busy-ness of this Christmas season?

SHFM Countdown to ChristmasThis Christmas, join us as we countdown to our Savior’s birth with daily devotionals through the eyes of our Sheridan House staff. For a complete listing, check out SHFM Countdown to Christmas on facebook or on our website www.shfm.org/devo.The more - the merrier, so be sure to tell your friends. Merry Christmas from our house to yours.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


3 4 51 2


10 11 127 8 96

17 18 1914 15 1613

24 25 2621 22 2320


Alicia J. Dayton E. Dakota P. Ferdinand P. Heaven W.

Hunter P. Alexis O. Angel M. Madison B. Devin R. Gaby H. Wesley N.

Nashally S. Malik E. Tatiana P. William T. David M. Emma R. Jean L.

Chris S. Hailey H. Lenny G. Kayla H. Brandon S. Savanna S. Chris L.

Cassie D. John V.


Gregory D.


Ricky M.


Marcus W.

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Your contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free

(1-800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. Sheridan House Family Ministries registration number is CH24786.

Celebrating 40 Years of M



Sheridan House Family Ministries1700 S. Flamingo Road, Davie, FL 33325(954) 583-1552 • shfm.org

The Sheridan House Family Values License Plate is the perfect addition to your vehicle.... No matter what it is!

This Christmas, purchase the Family Values License Plate for your own vehicle, or give one as a gift. It’s the perfect way to spread holiday cheer while you help kids in your own community through the ministry of Sheridan House.

Buy one online right now at: