Debbie Moosa Thistle QA

Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

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Page 1: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Debbie Moosa Thistle QA

Page 2: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics.

Six Sigma can be considered as an umbrella that covers all of these, but it also refers to new features and metrics.

This is in fact, a new marketing approach for TQM.

Champions, Master Black belts, Black belts, and Green belts describe the training and implementation structure.

However the emphasis on Six Sigma is also truly a more quantitative science.

Page 3: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Measure of quality that strives for near perfection

Disciplined, data-driven approach for eliminating defects

Statistical representation describes quantitatively how a process is performing

To achieve a Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 DPM opportunities

Page 4: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

The roots of Six Sigma can be traced back to Carl Frederick Gauss (1777-1855) who introduced the concept of the normal curve

Six Sigma as a measurement standard can be traced back to the 1920’s when Walter Shewhart showed that 3 Sigma from the mean is the point where a process requires correction

In 1984 Bill Smith a Motorola engineer coined the term “Six Sigma” (Six Sigma is a federally registered trademark of Motorola)

Page 5: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

In the early and mid 1980’s, Motorola engineers decided that measuring defects in thousands of opportunities was not good enough, instead they wanted to measure the defects per million opportunities

Motorola developed this new standard and created the methodology

As a result of Six Sigma efforts they documented more than $16 Billion in savings over the last 11 years

Since then hundreds of companies around the world have adopted Six Sigma as a way of doing business

Page 6: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Requires that “tolerance limits” be defined in order to describe good quality and identify poor quality or defects

Provides a standard scale – the Sigma scale - for measuring the quality of any process

Identifies the goal for how good quality should be – Six Sigma for “world class quality”

With Six Sigma, quality becomes measurable and manageable in a quantitative and objective way

Page 7: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Point A: Where You Are NowPoint A: Where You Are Now

Point B: Where You Want To BePoint B: Where You Want To Be



Page 8: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Plan what you want to do

Do it right

Check the data

Act on the results

Page 9: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as



Point A: Where You Are NowPoint A: Where You Are Now

Point B: Where You Want To BePoint B: Where You Want To Be

Page 10: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Define or Design - Understand the process to be improved and set a goal

Measure – Measure the current state

Analyse – Develop cause and effect theories; search for the real cause and scientifically prove it

Improve – Take action

Control – Measure to verify improvement has taken place and take actions to sustain the gains

Page 11: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Point A: Where You Are NowPoint A: Where You Are Now

Point B: Where You Want To BePoint B: Where You Want To Be




Page 12: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Six Sigma’s DMAIC methodology is nothing but a search for the real causes of problems.

Page 13: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

There are two methods and both are useful in the lab

Measure Outcome Measure Variation

Inspect outcomes and count defects

Measure variation of process

Calculate DPM

Convert DPM to sigma metric

Control process outcome

Calculate s, bias and sigma metric

Page 14: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Measure outcome is useful for pre-analytical processes e.g. specimen ID and labelling or post analytical processes e.g. TAT and error reports

You monitor the output of the process, keep count of the defects, calculate DPM, then convert to a Sigma metric using a standard table

Page 15: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Measure variation is useful for the analytical process where you evaluate the imprecision (SD, CV) and inaccuracy (bias) of the measurement procedure, calculate a Sigma metric, then establish proper QC to monitor the process

Page 16: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

The performance goal for any production process should be Six Sigma which means that Six Sigma’s or SDs of process variation should fit within the tolerance limits or quality requirement for the process

For analytical testing process, the precision is expressed as a SD (s) of the measurement procedure and that is the “sigma” of interest

The ideal is to have a small enough SD such that 6 times s will fit within the target plus or minus the tolerance limit

Page 17: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Assuming a Gaussian distribution for the variation of a process, the area in the tails of the distribution can be used to estimate the expected defects.

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For example, if the product specifications enclose 2SDs, the area in the tails would correspond to a 4.5% defect rate or 45400 defects per million (DPM).

The 4.5% figure doesn’t sound too bad, but the 45400 DPM doesn’t sound very good.

For 3SDs the defect rate would be less than 0.27% or 2700 DPM; for 4SDs the defect rate would be 0.0063% or 63 DPM; for 5SDs the defect rate would only be 0.57DPM and with a 6 SD the defect rate would only be 0.002 DPM.

Page 19: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

There would seem to be little to be gained from improving process performance beyond 5 Sigma

The advantage is that small shifts in the process mean can actually be tolerated without increasing the defect rate significantly

Page 20: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

A shift or bias of 1.5 sigma would hardly cause any defects in a Six Sigma process

Page 21: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as
Page 22: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Since shifts or biases equivalent to 1.5s are difficult to detect by statistical QC, a Six Sigma process provides a better guarantee that products will be produced within the desired specifications and with a low defect rate

Another way to look at this is that a Six Sigma process can be monitored with any QC procedure e.g. with 3SD limits and low N any important errors or problems will be detected and can be corrected

Page 23: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

As process capability decreases to 5 Sigma to 4 Sigma to 3 Sigma, the choice of QC procedure becomes more and more important in order to detect important problems.

Processes with lower capability may not even be controllable to a defined level of quality

Page 24: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

CLIA has defined the acceptability criteria for performance in proficiency testing surveys for approximately 80 regulated analytes.

These criteria are often thought to be “loose” and not very demanding for analytical performance, but that conclusion is based on a goal of 2-3 sigma processes.

If the goal were to establish 5-6 sigma processes, improvements in precision would be needed for many tests today.

Page 25: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Example: Cholesterol has a 10% tolerance specification as set out by the CLIA criterion for the acceptable performance in PT events.

A 5 sigma process should have a CV of 2.0% and a 6 sigma should have a CV of 1.7%.

The following table shows the CLIA criteria and corresponding precision that would be needed to establish 5 and 6 sigma processes for chloride and calcium.

Page 26: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Analyte CLIA Acceptable Performan


5 Sigma-Precision

6 Sigma-Precision

Chloride 5% 1% 0.83%

Calcium 1.0 mg/dl 0.2 mg/dl 0.17 mg/dl

Page 27: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

These figures should be useful for evaluating the current performance of lab methods

Six Sigma Quality Management sets demanding standards of performance for laboratory testing processes

Page 28: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

To determine the Sigma metrics for processes in your laboratory, the following information is needed:

The quality required for the test e.g. CLIA allowable total error for acceptability in PT

The imprecision of the method e.g. the SD or CV

The inaccuracy of the method e.g. bias

Page 29: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Six Sigma = TV-bias Precision 

TV = target performance, acceptable values?

Bias = how far (%) the value is from the mean

Precision = your lab’s precision on EQA

Page 30: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

For Cholesterol, the CLIA allowable total error is 10%

A method with a CV of 2% and a bias of 2% would give a Sigma metric of 4 [(10-2)/2]

A method with a 2% CV and no bias would be a 5 sigma process [(10/2)]

It would take a CV of 1.7% and no bias to achieve 6 sigma performance [10/6]

Page 31: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

In spite of all the quality management, QA, quality assessments and quality improvement programmes in place today, no one knows the quality of healthcare because we haven’t defined standards for acceptable quality and assessed the level of defective results and outcomes

Six Sigma offers the methodology and metrics to make quality measurable and understandable

Page 32: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

I hope you’ll agree that the answer is “YES”

Six Sigma is worth learning about – it will improve laboratories and healthcare if implemented properly

It’s easy to do for labs and testing processes because it’s a logical data-driven technique

Not only is it worth learning about, it’s worth doing well.

Page 33: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as
Page 34: Debbie Moosa Thistle QA. Quality Management involves philosophy, principles, methodology, techniques, tools and metrics. Six Sigma can be considered as

Six Sigma Quality Design & Control, 2nd edition, James O. WestgardSix Sigma Basics: DMAIC Like Normal Problem Solving, Chew Jian ChiehA review on Six Sigma in laboratories, Gras and PhillippeSix Sigma Quality Management and Desirable Laboratory Precision, James O. Westgard