Debating the Case

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Debating the Case. Mikaela Malsin, Univ. of Georgia DUDA 2012 Partner kitties. Partner kitties. Work together!. Work together!. Glossary. Case – Arguments presented by the affirmative in favor of a particular plan of action - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Partner kittiesWork together!Partner kittiesWork together!

  • GlossaryCase Arguments presented by the affirmative in favor of a particular plan of actionAdvantage a benefit to doing the plan, or set of reasons the plan is a good ideaOffense why something is actively good or badAff offense vs. neg offenseDefense minimization of the other teams offenseCard piece of evidence read in support of an argumentAnalytic argument made by the debater without written evidence

  • The Stock IssuesS Solvency H Harms I InherencyT Topicality (S) SignificanceDebating the case usually means debating the first 3, often mostly the first 2

  • Stock issues kittyNeeds all 4 legs of the table

  • What is the goal? AFFFor the Aff, the case isDEFEND THE HOUSEStock issuesDefeat negative objectionsOutweigh the negatives arguments (offense)Debating the case begins in what speech?Importance of the flow (Pre-flow!)

  • Watermelon helmet kitty Knows how to defend the house

  • What is the goal? NEGStock issues in reverse try to create doubt on every levelMinimize AFF to maximize your arguments (make NEG offense outweigh)Diversity [HSR example competitiveness advantage)Give yourself many options then collapseOne option turning the case (impact turning or link turning)Debating the case begins Importance of the flow

  • Laser eyes kittySees his opponents arguments in advance

  • Importance of the CasePolicy debate what is the policy?Foundation of the debateAll arguments trace back to the case is it a good or bad idea?Point of comparison

  • 1AC 1AC CXWhat does the 1AC say? What is the goal?1AC has built-in responses to the 1NC [HSR climate change example]All 4 debaters working during this time1AC CX goals for the 2N, 1N

  • 1NC 1NC CXHow much time on case? Structure alternate evidence with analyticsArguments from 1AC cross-exCover every advantage + solvencyDiversity various types of ways to answer S, HAgain, all 4 debaters workingCross-ex goal of the 1A?

  • 2AC 2AC CXCase goes ON TOP why?Answer 1NC arguments in order; keep flow organizedUse the 1AC built-in answers!2AC blocks not just for off-caseTime allocation; efficiencyAdd-onsWhat are all 4 debaters doing?Job of the 1N in 2AC CX

  • 2NC/1NRExtending 1NC argumentsAnswering 2AC responsesBegin making choices, both strategic and substantiveReading more evidence when? Why? Discussion of impactsBlock divisionMaking the 1AR difficult

  • 1AROrder still firstDifficulty of the 1ARJob of the 1AR DEFEND THE HOUSEMake choices this doesnt mean drop argumentsThe beauty of cross-applicationTime allocation, efficiencyGoal = give the 2AR the tools they need

  • 2NRThis speech is all about making choicesWhat case arguments to extend? Depth vs. breadthCovering advantages, solvencyWhy still important in the 2NR?

  • 2AROrder still firstMost important part of the 2AR Assess the threatChoose your route to victory which impact(s)? AssessmentWrite the ballot for the judge (the case outweighs because)

  • Jumping kittenIs running off to write blocks

    *Types of case args harms alternate causality (impact and policy), uniqueness/status quo solves, internal link takeouts, no impact, no solvency. Solvency args structural reasons the policy is ineffective or otherwise does not resolve the case impacts e.g., HSR gets too congested so people wont use it; government intervention is ineffective discussion of the mechanism
