Death or Physical Injuries due to Barotrauma 1. Effect of increase of atmospheric pressure 2. Effect of decrease of atmospheric pressure

Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

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Page 1: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

Death or Physical Injuries due to

Barotrauma1. Effect of increase of atmospheric

pressure2. Effect of decrease of atmospheric


Page 2: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

What is a barotrauma? - means injury to your body because of changes in barometric (air) or water pressure. One common type happens to your ear. A change in altitude may cause your ears to hurt. This can happen if you are flying in an airplane, driving in the mountains, or scuba diving. Divers can also get decompression sickness, which affects the whole body.

Page 3: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

Different Kinds Of Barotrauma:

1. Otic Barotrauma(Barotitis Media or Aerotitis Media)

2. Eye Barotrauma3. Sinus Barotrauma4. Lungs Barotrauma

Page 4: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

OTIC BAROTRAUMA? - ear pain or damage to the tympanic membrane caused by rapid changes in pressure.

Effects: - The eardrum can rupture (break) in severe cases of ear barotrauma, causing bleeding or leaking of fluid from the ear. A ruptured eardrum can result in hearing loss.

Page 5: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

Otic Barotrauma

Page 6: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

Eye Barotrauma? - Mask squeeze results from failure to add air to the mask via the nose on descent. The air in themask will be compressed and may cause the delicate capillaries around the eyes to rupture. This canresult in reddening of the sclera and ecchymosis (bruising) around the eyes, along with swelling of theeyelids and conjunctiva (lining of the eyelid).

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Eye Barotrauma

Page 8: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

Sinus Barotrauma?If a diver begins a descent with blocked sinus openings, the air in the affected sinus will be compressed. This exerts a pulling force on the mucous membranes, and can result in rupture of the tiny capillaries and subsequent entry of blood into the sinus.

Page 9: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

Lungs Barotrauma?

- Free divers may suffer from lung squeeze if the lungs are compressed beyond their residual volume, or the amount of gas that remains in the lungs after a full expiration.

Typically, residual volume in an adult isabout 1 liter.

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Lungs Barotrauma

Page 11: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

Effect of Increase of Atmospheric pressure? - The Higher the altitude the more

pressure and greater damage it will cause.

Aircraft Injuries and Fatalities vs. Helicopter Injury

- The airplane is more pressurized than the Helicopter. The Helicopter will have lesser damage than compared to the airplane because the mass of the airplane is lesser unlike the Helicopter.

Page 12: Death or Physical Injuries Due to Barotrauma

Effect of Decrease of Atmospheric Pressure? - The Lower the altitude the lesser pressure and less damage it will cause.

Aircraft Injuries and Fatalities vs. Helicopter Injuries

- The airplane is more pressurized than the Helicopter. In regards to Helicopter Injuries you might only have minor bone injuries, minor abrasions, and hematoma than compared to the airplane one might suffers from Hemorrhage, lacerations, hematoma, and broken bones.

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Roshielle Sotto MercadoLLB-IV A