Cohort 10 Keeping in touch 29th March 2020 Dear Cohort 10, I hope that you and your family are all well and that you are starng to adjust to what is a very different way of being educated and living! I know that I am missing being in school and whenever I am asked why I enjoy teaching the answer is easy (as it is for all teachers) – it is being able to work with youngsters, so not seeing you on a daily basis is really strange. I have always been proud of the way that you come together as a cohort and by pung this together we hope that it will help keep you in touch with your learning group and each other. Your learning group leaders have wrien to you and it would be great if you could share what you are doing, this could be pictures, videos, something that you have created or tried for the first me. Have found a new way of communicang with family and friends? I am trying out a video games night this weekend with my family so that will be a new experience for me. With every challenge comes opportunies and the one thing that you are going to have plenty of is me! As well as connuing with your learning use this me to try new things, daydreaming about what you will do when there is no restricon on movement or what you are going to do when you leave Honywood. The possibilies are endless. There is me to think of others, can you do anything to help your family? this may just be you being a bit more thoughul or doing something to cheer a friend up; we have brilliant youngsters in our cohort, I know that you will use this me well. Take care and I look forward to you sharing with the cohort what you are doing. Mr Hall Cohort Leader C10 At least Buddy appreciates the extra me at home!

Dear ohort 10, ohort 10 · 2 days ago · Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already

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Page 1: Dear ohort 10, ohort 10 · 2 days ago · Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already



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Keeping in touch 29th March 2020

Dear Cohort 10,

I hope that you and your family are all well and that you are starting to adjust to

what is a very different way of being educated and living!

I know that I am missing being in school and whenever I am asked why I enjoy

teaching the answer is easy (as it is for all teachers) – it is being able to work with

youngsters, so not seeing you on a daily basis is really strange.

I have always been proud of the way that you come together as a cohort and by

putting this together we hope that it will help keep you in touch with your

learning group and each other.

Your learning group leaders have written to you and it would be great if you

could share what you are doing, this could be pictures, videos, something that

you have created or tried for the first time. Have found a new way of

communicating with family and friends? I am trying out a video games night this

weekend with my family so that will be a new experience for me.

With every challenge comes opportunities and the one thing that you are going

to have plenty of is time! As well as continuing with your learning use this time to

try new things, daydreaming about what you will do when there is no restriction

on movement or what you are going to do when you leave Honywood. The

possibilities are endless.

There is time to think of others, can you do anything to help your family? this

may just be you being a bit more thoughtful or doing something to cheer a friend

up; we have brilliant youngsters in our

cohort, I know that you will use this time


Take care and I look forward to you sharing

with the cohort what you are doing.

Mr Hall

Cohort Leader C10

At least Buddy appreciates the extra time at home!

Page 2: Dear ohort 10, ohort 10 · 2 days ago · Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already

Some of you have just had birthdays or are about to

have them – these are ones that you will remember!

So Happy birthday to:

Evie Byrne 10DCa

Shafira Collins 10RHo

Phoebe Freeland 10HGi

Maxine-Emily Harvey 10HGi

Sophie Myhill 10PBl

Tallulah Skeys 10DCa

Saskia Stickings 10EPe

Luke Wells 10EPe

Pacey Wells 10PBl

Max Wooldridge 10KGu

Remember When…?

Page 3: Dear ohort 10, ohort 10 · 2 days ago · Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already

Hi 10ASa,

I hope you are all doing well. When I was last in school,

walking past HU3 without you lovely lot being in there was

not the same. But I hope you are all doing some of the col-

ouring in or things Mr Briggs has sent out. Feel free to send

me pictures of your colouring in. As you can see I’ve added a

picture of my pet duck, I only have 2 now but I’ve had them

for 11 years. Do any of you have any pets? If so I would like

to see pictures of them helping you to study!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for

being so lovely and for making me feel welcome in January.

I’m really proud that I am your learning guide.

Keep safe and email if you need me.

Kind regards,

Miss Sadler

Hi 10DCa,

I hope you are all well and getting

into some sort of routine now for

your home learning. It's a strange

world right now but routines will

help create a new normality for

you. And of course the best way

to start this off each day is a good


I am posting a workout of the day on Google Classroom for you every week day and I would like

you to give it a go posting your time/scores each time.

Congratulations to Finlay Faraway for completing the first workout I posted last week. I have

started each day with a HIIT sprint session 3 times a week and a 5 mile 25kg load carry once a

week and on the other 3 I do one of these circuit training style work out of the days. It really

does help you to then be in a better frame of mind for the rest of the day.

Home schooling my own kids has been interesting and so far they have created a visual display

about Orangutans, Made an exploding volcano and paper mache monsters. I'm starting to run

out of cardboard to make stuff with them now though so starting to struggle!

Keep well everyone,

Mr Calver

Page 4: Dear ohort 10, ohort 10 · 2 days ago · Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already

Hi 10EPe

I hope you are all well and staying safe during these peculiar times.

Some of you have contacted me this week to check in which is lovely

to see. Please don't stay quiet, I'd love to know you are all safe even if

it's just a quick .

I know some of you will be bored already. Make sure you complete all

the work uploaded onto google classroom and any assignments your

subject teachers have added. I’ve had lots of conversations with

teachers and it seems a lot of you are doing this which is great- well


Also, if you have completed all of your school work and fancy a small

project, I'm after some artwork for our learning group walls. I've bought

lots of A3, A4 and A5 frames so if you can create something to go into

these, I'd love that!

If you need any resources or help at all in the coming days or weeks,

even if it's for a chat, please email me. I'll be available during school

hours. As you can see from the picture below, Sooty is rather enjoying

me at home in isolation although not sure I can say the same!

Stay safe!

Miss P

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all okay and settling into working at

home. It is a really strange time for all us at the

moment. I am actually in school today doing my

shift for the learners in school, it feels really lovely

to be out of my home and having conversations

with other people!

I know not all of you are creative people but take a

look at the resources I have put together on the

Site directory (I emailed them out the other day) I am sure you would find some enjoyment in stop

motion videos or even the sketchbook challenge when you get to that level boredom!!

Please remember that we are always at the end of an email and try to think of this as added extra time

for revision. Your GCSEs are still going to happen next year and you really need to be doing all you can

now to better your knowledge and confidence with your subjects.

Hope you try to keep yourself busy, Complete the work set by your teachers and even consider what

you can learn for yourself. Challenge yourself to learn something new! I have just signed up to a

Calligraphy/ Typography course! Enjoy the sunshine whilst it lasts. I have been trying to sit outside for

my coffee breaks – even with the company of the neighbour’s cat!!

Keep talking to each other, FaceTime etc.

often and help keep each other’s spirits

up! My nephew sends me a Joke by

video every day! Today’s joke is “Where

do toads keep their jackets?....... in the

croak room!” (He’s only 7! Humour him!)

Take care & best wishes, Miss Ginn

Page 5: Dear ohort 10, ohort 10 · 2 days ago · Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already

Hi guys,

I hope you and your families are all doing well.

It's a very strange and surreal world we find ourselves in right

now. I know I am finding it tricky to adjust to e-learning although

I do appreciate not having to get up so early - the commute to

my dining room doesn’t take long…

I am also definitely enjoying being able to drink tea whenever I

want but I really miss being in the classroom and seeing you all.

Hopefully you are all getting into the swing of learning from

home and doing your best to complete the work set. Make sure you are

taking the time to do things you enjoy (not just watching Netflix) to help

with the inevitable boredom of lockdown. I have been making the most of

getting out for a walk in the sunshine (and admiring the artwork of the kids

down the road…) and joining in with Miss Ginn’s art challenge as well as

talking to friends and family on video chats. I am going to attempt to make a

pizza from scratch later….

There are loads of virtual tours online if you want to escape the house

without actually leaving it. The link below takes you to live camera feeds of

various enclosures at Edinburgh Zoo


Make sure you check in with each other and support your friends as best you can from a

distance. Take care, stay safe and stay in


Week 1 working from home

I hope everyone is well and keeping themselves busy and safe at home

during the current difficult situation. I have been impressed with the

quality and amount of work being produced by you guys learning at

home. Indeed, I have got myself into a good working routine alongside

my wife who is also working from home.

To keep busy and active I have begun a project to redesign the garden

ready for the summer months. I have recently dug a new flower bed

and will be busy planting 300 summer bulbs over the next few weeks.

So by the end of May there will be a nice display of flowers to enjoy in the garden.

Unfortunately, due to the current situation I have been unable to ride my bike with my friends. However, this has not stopped me from keeping fit and healthy as I have been using my bike on Zwift an interactive cycling app where you can cycle in a virtual world racing against people across the world! This is all done from the comfort of my garage using my bike on a smart turbo trainer and running the app via my iPad. Excuse the mess in the garage, this is my next job on the todo list! All this whilst busy setting learning for the virtual school day providing feedback for you guys. Plus busily preparing for the arrival of our baby due at the beginning of May. Being stuck at home is not as good as our normal day to day life but I hope you guys are making the most of your time and keeping all safe!

All the best,

Mr Bilby

Page 6: Dear ohort 10, ohort 10 · 2 days ago · Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already

I hope you are all keeping well and staying healthy!

Now that a partial lockdown has been announced

by our Prime Minister you'll have even more time at

home; it's really important to stay healthy in both

body and mind. I'm sure there's the temptation

there to be distracted by other things, but keeping

a good routine and getting into the habit of doing

your school work every day will keep you sane I


I've been working from home since Friday and I'm keeping my routine

too, so please do email me during the school day should you need any-

thing! On top of that I've been using my time to do things I usually don't

find time to do. For example I've started reading a book I've been mean-

ing to read for ages and I've found time to bake a couple of cakes as

well! I'm trying to stay active by doing yoga most days and also going

for walks in the sunshine. I feel really lucky that I live by the water, so

have nice scenery when I get out of the house.

Please do keep ma'am and me updated on how you're getting on!

Take care everyone,

Miss A

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine that is being very kind to us this

week! I had a good weekend all things considered. Mother’s Day was a bit strange

not being able to visit my Mum but I kept myself busy in the garden in the morning

then chilled in the sun in the afternoon.

My neighbour was very sweet and baked us some delicious chocolate cupcakes

which helped brighten our day. I have been home-schooling Emily (7) and Charlotte

(5) this week which has been good fun so far, with the odd tantrum throw in (from

them, not me...yet!). They insisted on wearing their school uniform on Mon-

day! They have enjoyed writing letters and making cards for their friends, I've

joined in with this too. The friends who have received something have loved it so

this might be a good suggestion for you to help brighten family member's or friend's


We have been doing daily PE lessons which they enjoy, it's a good way to use up

some energy and keep them smiling. I hope you are all keeping active, we did Joe

Wickes' workout this morning and Emily and I learnt a dance yesterday with Oti

Mabuse (from Strictly).

I've been making the most of my daily exercise and going out for walks to get a bit

of fresh air and have some 'me' time! I hope you are all keeping in touch with each

other and checking in regularly. I have come up with a daily routine with my girls to

help us all stay focused during the day and it really helps the days go quickly.

Please do keep in touch and let us know what you're up to, have you decided to

learn a new skill or set yourself any challenges while you're at home?

Keep smiling and look after each other,

Mrs Borella

Page 7: Dear ohort 10, ohort 10 · 2 days ago · Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already

Hello 10 RHo/LMo

How are you all doing? I hope you are keeping

busy at home and staying safe! It was very quiet

at school without you yesterday. I missed nagging

Harley to tuck his shirt in and Bella to take her

coat off and Teyha to put her bag on the floor

and Zane to stop chatting and Felix to take his

feet off the desk!!!!

I hope the remote learning is going well? You all

know that IT is not my strong point to say the least so I am determined to master my Ipad and Google

classroom whilst I am at home! Miss Armstrong has been trying to train me by sending me step by step

clips of what to do! She is a great teacher - I guess some of you already know that!

At least it is sunny outside and I hope you all manage to get out for some fresh air once a day even in this

lockdown period. I’ve been out in the garden with our dog Jasper today.

Take care and stay safe!

Mrs Hoogakker

Don't forget to send in pictures/ videos of anything you have been up to or share any activities you have found to keep you busy