Communi National Par Email: Marie.harvey@lochlomond Tel 27 Dear RE: Skills Partnership – Launch Event Time: 10am – 12 noon Date: 11 th December 2013 Location: The Callander Youth Project, Callander In summer this year we invited you along to take part students to be involved in a new and exciting project a people aged 16 to 25 living in Loch Lomond and the Tros Park. The project which is all about investing in your local employers are given greater access to a skilled, l just like you. As part of your help to develop the project we would like along to take part in the official launch of the Skills the 11 th December at The Callander Youth Project. This attended by a wide range of young people and will not o opportunity for you to meet with a wide range of local Minutes of Board Meeting of LLTNP Community Partnership Held on 14 July 2015, The Waverley Hotel, Callander Present: Celia Burn (Chair) Kate Sankey (Vice Chair) Kelly Clapperton-Bates (Co-opted Director)

Dear - Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Community · Web viewSheila asked for copies for St Kessog’s and reminded Carol that she had been given space in the Friends of Loch Lomond magazine,

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Page 1: Dear - Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Community · Web viewSheila asked for copies for St Kessog’s and reminded Carol that she had been given space in the Friends of Loch Lomond magazine,

Community PartnershipNational Park Headquarters

Email: [email protected]


RE: Skills Partnership – Launch Event

Time: 10am – 12 noonDate: 11th December 2013Location: The Callander Youth Project, Callander

In summer this year we invited you along to take part as the first students to be involved in a newand exciting project aimed for young people aged 16 to 25 living in Loch Lomond and theTrossachs National Park. The project which is all about investing in your future ensures localemployers are given greater access to a skilled, local workforce just like you.

As part of your help to develop the project we would like to invite you along to take part in theofficial launch of the Skills Partnership on the 11th December at The Callander Youth Project.This event will be attended by a wide range of young people and will not only be a greatopportunity for you to meet with a wide range of local businesses and training providers, but alsoa chance for a special audience with Ms Angela Constance, Scotland’s Minister for YouthEmployment.

The programme for the day is attached, but it is hoped that you would be available for a formalpresentation of your World Host customer training certificates from the Minister. If you areavailable to come along to the event, it would be useful to bring along your certificates. confirm your attendance as soon as possible by calling our Project Support Officer MarieHarvey on the number above, alternatively drop an email to [email protected].

This is one step closer for you to invest in local learning and we hope you will be able to join us!

Yours sincerely, and in partnership

Minutes of Board Meetingof LLTNP Community Partnership

Held on 14 July 2015,The Waverley Hotel, Callander

Present:Celia Burn (Chair)Kate Sankey (Vice Chair)Kelly Clapperton-Bates (Co-opted Director)Alan Smailes (Director)

Page 2: Dear - Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Community · Web viewSheila asked for copies for St Kessog’s and reminded Carol that she had been given space in the Friends of Loch Lomond magazine,

Sheila Winstone (Director)Gordon Donaldson (Associate Director)Carol Hemfrey (Director)Ronnie MacDonald (Director)Marie Harvey (CP Support Officer)Tom Wallace (CP Development Officer)Hannah Robinson (NP Sustainable Development Officer)Dinah McDonald (Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust)Apologies:Owen McKee (Director)Iain MacInnes (Director)Elizabeth Bain (Treasurer)

Celia Burn in the Chair. The meeting started at 10am:

Agenda Item Narrative1. Introduction

and Apologies

1.1 Welcome from the ChairCelia commenced the meeting by welcoming the Board and Dinah McDonald from the Benmore & Kilmun Development Trust. Celia acknowledged Allyson Blue’s resignation from the CP Board having recently moved on from her post at the National Park; in her absence thanked her for all her support.

Tom advised the Board that The Waverley Hotel had been chosen as today’s venue as it was one of two local ‘hospitality’ businesses in Callander who have been taking part in the Skills Partnership pilot to look at ‘sharing apprentices’. Tom went into more detail about the project and advised what answers and results they hoped to gain in the projects final evaluation.

2. Approvalof minutesof Board Meeting, 23rd

Apr 15

2.1 Accuracy: Celia confirmed that the previous minutes had been circulated.

Following on from discussions at the last Board meeting Celia reported that the Forth Valley and Lomond (FVL) LAG had not yet agreed on their LAG Chairperson, and advised that they were still waiting on the final details of the next LEADER programme. Hannah added that the Argyll and Islands LEADER team were in the process of recruiting new staff members. Hannah advised that Iain MacInnes was the new Chairperson for the Argyll and Islands LEADER LAG, and added that they were also in a similar situation to FVL.

2.2 Matters arising from minutes. Updates were given on actions as follows:

Action 5.2i: Celia proposed a meeting with Tom, Jo (NP) and Hannah (NP) to agree the way forward (ref. LEADER): Action remains outstanding. Celia and Hannah agreed to convene a date tbc and the discussion should focus on making the most out of the next LEADER programme. Kate advised that lessons learnt from the recent

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Cairngorms/Community Partnership/National Park exchange should feed into these discussions.

For the WW1 project, Carol gave a short update and announced that the Commemorative Booklet was now at the printing stage and would be ready by the end of the week. Carol thanked all the heritage groups and societies taking part for their contributions. Carol confirmed that priority of distribution will go first to the heritage groups and societies. Sheila asked for copies for St Kessog’s and reminded Carol that she had been given space in the Friends of Loch Lomond magazine, VOICE, to write an article for the WW1 project.

The minutes were accepted and Proposed: Sheila Seconded: Ronnie3. Q1 Report Tom advised that the Q1 paper was to provide the Board with an interim progress

report since the last Board meeting in April providing a summary of all the CP’s key achievements and outputs since then. Tom briefly highlighted some of the key points in the report;

Area Networks – Tom advised that both the recent Lomond (LAN) and Cowal (CAN) had gone well and it was hoped that Gordon Watson (NPA) would be available for the next LAN scheduled early September. The Board discussed the challenges facing network development in the Trossachs’ area which should avoid any duplication of efforts provided by other agencies. Tom added that we saw valuen in holding area networks which address common key issues and the sharing of information. The Board agreed that area-networks should bear in mind what communities want rather than it being a top-down approach. Alan added that he felt that many of the residents in Strathfillan did not associate themselves with the wider Breadalbane area and that many looked to neighbouring communities outside of the park. Kelly noted that this was not always the case with younger families who come together across Breadalbane through common interests linked to child care. The Board discussed how Area Networks could be made more appealing to those in both Breadalbane and Trossachs.

The Board agreed that further discussion was required to resolve a conflict regarding area network boundaries and to identify where these start and finish eg: Arrochar is part of the Lomond Area Network but as a community it associates itself more with the Cowal Area Network which it is also invited to attend. Ronnie reminded the Board that it had been suggested previously that all CP Directors should make themselves visible at any opportunity, attending Development Trust meetings and CC meetings in all areas. Concerns were raised regarding the time commitment that this would entail. Tom advised that if we have a full complement of directors (three per area) that the workload would be minimal. Celia advised that further discussion by the Membership Services sub-group would identify what support the CP can offer to communities for those areas where there are currently no area networks, and stressed that it is not seen as a duplication of the Trossach’s area network or Breadalbane forum.

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Tom added that the WW1 joint heritage project is a great example to demonstrate that there are tangible benefits for communities to get involved with the Community Partnership. To reinforce this, Tom advised that the CP are finalising a series of training opportunities that offer community benefits to be delivered over the coming autumn.

Community Action Planning/Review of Outcomes – Tom announced that the new printed version of the CAP Toolkit was now being utilised in St Fillan’s as they begin their CAP process. Tom advised that funds available within this year’s budget have been allocated to undertake a detailed Review of Outcomes of the CAP process and wider Community Development work across all the NP communities. Tom advised that it is considering the CP seek match funding to ensure that there are adequate resources in place to complete this work to the highest standard.

Skills Partnership – Tom advised that following a period of high activity, the Skills Partnership team have been working with a range of secondary schools in and around the NP to deliver a unique series of child led work experience films. Directors will soon be receiving an invite along to a ‘glitzy’ event hosted by the Skills Partnership to launch the 5 careers films which will be used regionally and possibly nationally to encourage careers in rural industries and present a range of awards to some of the young people who have been involved.

Creative Places Award – Following the recent Creative Awards ceremony last month, Tom announced that the CP’s bid had been unsuccessful however the proposal was highly acclaimed as innovative and demonstrating real merit spurring on discussions with Creative Scotland around alternative funding streams.

Finances – Tom advised that in addition to the Treasurers quarterly accounts, work to develop a robust centralised system was now in place, with the attached supporting spread sheet’s giving the board a clear picture of the live spend to date and what has been budgeted for the remainder of the financial year. Tom advised that this will give the Board an indication of what will be the CP’s net surplus at the end of the financial year once all current and forecasted spend has been taken into consideration.

Mountains & the People – Tom announced that the NP Authority had recently been awarded funding for this exciting project which he feels there are opportunities for the Community Partnership and by continuing dialog can help identify what role(s) the CP can offer; whether this be either a supporting role (addressing community benefits) and/or in skills development.

SPEN – The Board discussed the new SPEN project which has the opportunity to build in to a pot of £500m of investment to look at mitigating the visual impacts of their infrastructure, but questioned how much of this would be allocated to the National

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Park. Tom advised that throughout his discussion with SPEN he has pushed to ensure that community benefits are part of their investment. Tom added that he would forward to the Board a map that covers the National Park and a list of some of the key issues that have been addressed. Tom advised the Board that the SPEN hoped to submit their bid by early next year allowing work to start in the 2016/17 financial year. Celia asked if the SPEN topic is an emotive subject that could be used to drive people to their area networks, and to ask communities what role they see that the Community Partnership could play.

Action: Tom to contact SPEN for more information, and forward SPEN’s summary and supporting information to the Board.

Cairngorms Exchange – Tom reflected on what had been a positive visit with the CP and NP visiting their counterparts at CNP. Tom advised that he will send to the Board a summary of the discussions from that visit and what was learnt.

Action: Tom to send board a summary of discussions and outcomes of the LLTNP / CNP exchange visit.

Strathard Catchment – Tom updated the Board of the discussions underway with SEPA for the CP to play a leading role in delivering the community engagement elements of their Ecosystem Services in Strathard. Tom advised that the CP are embarking on delivering a CAP in that area and it is hoped that by its involvement with SEPA the CP can reduce the risk of consultation fatigue whilst also generating some alternative income.

4. Admin 4.1 Finance Report to 30.6.15The Accounts were presented to the Board. Approved at the last Finance Sub Group meeting on 8th July Tom referred to each of the supporting coloured spread sheets which provide a more detailed breakdown per project etc. Celia advised the Board that whilst the figures were highlighted in red this did not indicate numbers were in a negative but that this is a forecasted figure; once into Q2 of the financial year the figures in Q1 will be changed to black to reflect as actual spend.

Based on the spread sheets Tom advised the Board that he did not see the CP encountering any financial difficulties, this financial year, and added that an adequate buffer had been factored into the figures forecasted, and by using top level figures will allow for any contingency.

Alan noted that the £10k allocated for the CAP Review of Outcomes had not been included on the cover sheet. Tom apologised for this and referred to it’s inclusion on the detailed working spreadsheet. and that this would be updated accordingly.

Kate congratulated everyone involved for their efforts to keep the CP organisation afloat throughout its difficult claims process with the last LEADER programme, and

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asked if there was still a borrowing arrangement in place with SIS if the CP did need it for the future. Tom advised Kate and the Board that this had now expired and that the CP no longer required it, however if the occasion arose it would be simple to resurrect the arrangement with SIS at an administration cost of £300.

The accounts were accepted by the Board. Proposed: Alan Seconded: Kate

5. Board Papers/ Update from Sub Groups

5.1 Membership ServicesAs nominated chair for the Membership services sub group, Carol provided an update featuring the decision to rename the subgroup Membership Services by removing ‘project delivery’ from its role and transferring this to the Management and Governance (M&G) sub group. Carol added that where some projects straddle membership services for e.g. Heritage, the lead director from each project will be invited to feed in to the M&G sub group as required.

Carol advised the Board that the last sub group meeting was mainly focussed on discussing this year’s Gathering’s theme and content. Carol added that the sub group had agreed that it felt that this year’s event would not just be a talking shop but an opportunity for our communities to ‘celebrate’ their achievements and with the introduction of 5 new champion themed categories for the annual CP awards would require support from our Board to publicise and push for nominations. With this year’s theme ‘Food & Drink’ there were plenty of ideas from the Board including: Food waste initiatives such as Forth Environmental Link’s ‘waste challenge’ and food foraging. Celia suggested contacting Change works to ask what initiatives they are trialling to reduce waste and carbon emissions. Marie advised the Board that a draft programme for the Gathering would be available on the CP’s one-drive.

5.2 Finance Sub GroupTom advised that most of what had been discussed at the last Finance sub group meeting had already been covered this morning in items 3 and 4.1. Celia added that the sub group had discussed the new legal pension implications for employers and their obligations to employees. Tom added that due to the nature of the CP organisation these won’t come into force until the next financial year. Celia added however that any costs associated with the new pensions will have to be included into the CP budget and any future funding applications.

6. AOB 6.1 Forestry Commission ScotlandGordon provided a short update of key activity since the last board meeting. Gordon reported that one of FCS’s main concerns was about the International Timber market and with a change in the current market price could have a significant impact on FCS’ annual budget availability. Plans for 2015 include: the House located at the Lodge in Aberfoyle is to be developed in to an outreach centre and is undergoing an upgrade. The contract at the FCS site in Ardgartan has been signed and a series of timescales have been put in place to see commencement on the delivery of its plans by this

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month. Larch die-back is ever present and tying in with climate change this could have an impact on the landscape over the next decade. Work to Ben Ainn’s original foot path is on-going but once complete the FCS is looking forward to some new amazing views as well as the existing ones.

6.2 National ParkHannah provided a quick update regarding some of the staff changes that have taken place in the NP. Hannah advised the Board that with the departure of Allyson Blue it would hope to secure someone that had the right skill set to fill Allyson’s position hopefully by the next Board meeting. Hannah explained that the community’s team has had to put in some short term temporary measures, and they are internally recruiting to fill one of the two community development officer’s posts. Hannah added that Jo Wright (Hannah’s maternity cover) had recently secured the post as the NP’s new ‘Policy and Strategic Advisor’. Jo will continue to offer a strategic view of the new LEADER programme together with Hannah who will eventually be involved with the development of the NP LEADER SUB LAG. Hannah added that the NP had been very busy with several positive ministerial visits, and the LIVE Park consultation featuring Neil Black’s visits to several of the high schools in the NP (facilitated planning workshops and scenarios) proved to be very productive. Hannah advised Tom that it is planned to add the Community Partnership on as an agenda item at the next NP Board meeting under partnership updates.

Action: Tom / Celia to provide a CP report for the next NP Board meeting.

6.3 Countryside TrustHannah advised on behalf of the CT that they are currently taking forward the development of the Strathfillan cycle way. Celia suggested that the CT would be good to approach for ideas for foraging.

7. Date of next Board Meeting

Thursday 22nd October 1-5pm Robert Grieve Suite, Balloch.

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