Dealing With Risk: A View From The World Of Catastrophe Risk Modeling And Insurance Richard J. Murnane RPI/BIOS and Baseline Management Company, Inc. 8 June, 2010 MtnClim 2010 (Hurricane Fabian over Bermuda. Sept. 5, 2003.)

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Dealing With Risk:A View From The World Of Catastrophe Risk Modeling

And Insurance

Richard J. MurnaneRPI/BIOS and Baseline Management Company, Inc.

8 June, 2010

MtnClim 2010

(Hurricane Fabian over Bermuda. Sept. 5, 2003.)

RPI Corporate Sponsors• XL Re Ltd.

• PartnerRe

• Amlin Underwriting

• Renaissance Reinsurance Corporation

• Axis Specialty

• Platinum Underwriters

• Nephila Capital

• State Farm

• Aspen Insurance

• Risk Management Solutions

• FlagstoneRe

Overview• Extreme events, insurance and reinsurance

• Climate change

– Insurance industry perception

– Offshore industry

Top 40 For Victims (1970-2009)

Swiss Re Sigma, 1/2010

Top 40 For Victims (1970-2009)

Swiss Re Sigma, 1/2010

Top 40 Property Cat Losses 1970-2009

Losses total $340 billion in 2009 dollars

Swiss Re Sigma, 1/2010

2008 Non-life Premium Volume

Swiss Re, Sigma 3/2009

US and Europe have ~75% of global premium: ~$1.8 trillion

US Hurricane Insured LossesLosses For Year Of Occurrence

1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000











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Normalized Losses

1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000









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After Pielke et al., 2006

Insurance Versus Reinsurance • Primary Insurance

– Regulated by states– Rates set by filing with state– Shed risk by purchasing reinsurance

• Reinsurance– Insurance for insurance companies– “Regulated” by ratings agencies– Accept risk from primary companies– Diversify risk by hazard and geography

Event Intensity


t Fre


cyPrimary Insurer’s Retention

Reinsurance Layer 1Reinsurance Layer 2

Reinsurance Layer 3


Reinsurance Layer 4

Insurance And Reinsurance

How Do (Re)Insurers:

• Assess their risk?– Catastrophe Risk Models provide the

“technical price”.

Catastrophe Risk Model

Physical DamageRepair Costs


Terms of CoverageInsured Loss







How Do (Re)Insurers:

• Assess their risk?– Catastrophe Risk Models provide the

“technical price”.

• Price their (re)insurance?– Model results, in part, but also market

price, investment expectations, business considerations, …

Cat Market Price Cycle

Overview• Extreme events, insurance and reinsurance

• Climate change

– Insurance industry perception

– Offshore industry

“… future warming may lead to an upward trend in tropical cyclone destructive potential, and – taking into account an increasing coastal population – a substantial increase in hurricane-related losses in the twenty-first century.”

Changes In Hurricane Power?




ce T










K. Emanuel, Nature, 2005.

Changes In Intense Hurricanes?

“… global data indicate a 30-year trend toward more frequent and intense hurricanes, …”

Webster et al., Science, 2005.

Or, No Change?

“Subjective measurements and variable procedures make existing tropical cyclone databases insufficiently reliable to detect trends in the frequency of extreme cyclones.”

Landsea et al., Science, 2006.

“… the increase of [vertical wind shear] has been historically associated with diminished hurricane activity and intensity. A suite of state-of-the-art global climate model[s] project… [s]ubstantial increases in tropical Atlantic and East Pacific shear …”

Future Unfavorable Conditions?

Vecchi and Soden, GRL, 2007.

Upward Trend In Strongest Storms?

“We find significant upward trends for wind speed quantiles above the 70th percentile…”

Elsner et al., Nature, 2008

State Of KnowledgeIPCC, 2007 CCSP, 2008


Each Company Is Different• In response to the large number of US landfalls in 2004

numerous reports released by insurance companies

–Munich Re:“The year 2004 was marked not only by an increase in the windstorm

exposure of areas that were already known to be at risk but also by individual exceptional meteorological events which provided further evidence of change processes in the atmosphere.” (in Topics GEO Natural Catastrophes: 2004 Annual Review)

–Swiss Re:“The generally high cyclonic activity of 2004 was unusual, but not

unexpected….This, however, lies within the range of natural climatic variation and is not necessarily indicative of global warming” (in Hurricane season 2004: Unusual, but not unexpected)

European Storm PerspectiveDecember, 1999: Anatol, Lothar, and Martin

ERC Frankona Munich Re



Anatol Also, Benfield, Swiss Re, RMS (and others?)

Climate mentioned by insurer’s reports:– ERC Frankona: 1 time/28 pages– Munich Re: 28 times/76 pages

How, If At All, Do (Re)insurers Account For Climate Change?

Offshore Industry Interests

Top 40 Property Cat Losses 1970-2009

Losses total $340 billion in 2009 dollars

Swiss Re Sigma, 1/2010

Piper Alpha, 1988 - $3.6 billion

Deepwater Horizon MODUApril 20

Types Of Offshore Modeled Losses

• Physical damage• Operator extra expenses• Well control• Debris removal• Business Interruption• Contingent business interruption

Climate Change AndOffshore Insurance

• Reinsurer who actually writes offshore risk– Offshore insurance “behind the curve”– Prior to 2004/2005 there was complacency

• people were happy with Mineral Management Service (MMS) standards

• North Sea was the worry for severe storms - Gulf was in shallower water and a more “benign” environment

– Past 4-5 years focus on construction, anchoring, age, design, and orientation of rig

– Deeper water rigs in Gulf will be more like North Sea - wind not as important as wave height and air-gap

• Environmental issues covered (in 3.5 pages) are:– Deep-sea currents– Deepwater shipwrecks (finding

them is a benefit)– Environmental impacts, mainly

on biology• The word:

– “hurricane” occurs 5 times, mainly in conjunction with an explanation of a drop in production

– “weather” occurs 2 times (in a single paragraph)

– “climate” does not rate a single mention…

U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 102 pages, New Orleans, May 2008

U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 102 pages, New Orleans, May 2008

Conclusions• Cat models drive many business decisions and are

the mechanism by which science and engineering enters the business decision process.

• Market forces are bigger influence on pricing than interannual fluctuations in risk due to natural modes of climate variability

• (Re)insurers limit exposure by specifying covered risks, they can’t effectively price for events that haven’t happened in the past

• In my opinion:– Reinsurance will likely survive unless a catastrophic loss

collapses a company, rates will rise as losses mount– Insurers and buyers of insurance at most risk

Post-Piper Alpha• Piper Alpha loss in 1988 made insurers start to focus on

engineering– Reinsurers demanded more engineering information– Insurers started to monitor aggregation of offshore exposure

• Hurricane Ivan (2004) had ~$2.5 billion insured loss– Some of largest waves ever recorded, ~30m wave hit Chevron

Petronius platform, caused significant damage, and a production halt of nearly 6 months

– Classed by NHC as 2,500y event (current design parameters were for 100y storms)

– Caused small “hardening” in rates and increase in deductibles

Post Katrina And Rita (2005)

• Katrina/Rita (2005) had ~$20 billion insured loss– Damaged over 3000 platforms– 113 platforms destroyed, of these 108 were designed

to pre-1988 standards– Rates more than doubled, deductibles increased,

limits lowered

Offshore Industry In Gulf Of Mexico

Offshore structures: >4000Length of pipeline: >56,000 kmProperty Value: ~$150 Billion

MMS, 2008 MMS, 2008

Deepwater Horizon

Deepwater Rigs

MMS, 2008

Gulf Hurricanes And Insurance

• Flossie was first hurricane to cause widespread production halt in Gulf

• Instigated formation of API committee on Fundamental Research on Weather Forecasting (industry, academia, consultants)

Flossie, 1956

Clinton, 2008

Pre-Piper Alpha Disaster• Hilda (1964), Betsy (1965), Camille (1969)

– All but one platform destroyed by Hilda designed for 25y event.– Two 100y storms, one 400y storm in 6 years forced operators to

design for 100y event. – 75 foot waves in Camille higher than expected.– Mudslides and currents increased water depth so that some rigs

needed to be raised to increase air gap

• London Master Drilling Rig Cover formed after these storms, no use of engineers by insurers

• Move into North Sea increased insured values, but rates still supported profits

• Oil Insurance Ltd (OIL) formed in mid-70s, prided itself on not analyzing exposure, premiums based on assets and adjusted according to losses

Example CatXL Reinsurance ProgramM


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Primary InsurerLayer 1, Reinsurer ALayer 2, Reinsurer BLayer 3, Reinsurer C

Layer 4,Reinsurer D

Primary Insurer300







Layer 4,Reinsurer E

0 25 50 75 100% of Layer