Explaining the planning process Ian Phillips

De Mystifying The Planning Process V 2

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Training session for community representatives for Sustainable Redhill and the Glass-House Community led Design,

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Page 1: De Mystifying The Planning Process V 2

Explaining the planning processIan Phillips

Page 2: De Mystifying The Planning Process V 2

What does planning do? Influences, manages and controls new

development – generally in the public interest ‘Development’ includes most construction works and

changes of useFavours appropriate development, rejects the

inappropriate – reasons for refusal can be challenged

Old system concentrated on land use New ‘spatial’ planning system looks at

environmental, economic and social issues – links to other strategies

Requires policies and development to be sustainable

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UK planning in perspective

Suburb in Melbourne (Preston) – one of the world’s most ‘liveable’ cities

Redhill – not noted for its special qualities

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Planning PolicyNational

Central government sets national policy and dictates targets (e.g. for housing)

Regional Regional assemblies produce Regional Spatial

Strategies (SE Plan) for approval and issue by central gov’t Formerly County Structure Plan

Local Local authorities produce Local Development

Frameworks – must conform with higher level policy guidance Formerly Local Plan

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Planning mechanismsPlanning policy based on

evidence used to forecast trends and needs political or good practice strategies

Planning decisions (development control) based on formally adopted policy professional appraisal and recommendations political considerations

Section 106 agreements provide funding for community benefits and infrastructure

Applicants can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate if their proposals are refused

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The Local Development Framework (LDF)

A set of documents for local planning: Local Development Scheme – programme of what will

be produced and when Statement of Community Involvement – how and

when the community will be consulted Core Strategy – sets the vision and objectives Proposals map – shows where policies will be applied Site allocations – identifies sites for development Supplementary Planning Documents – set out

policies for topics or standards that are not site-specific Area Action Plans – proposals for an area of significant

change or conservation value emphasising how these should be implemented

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ConsultationPublic consultation is key to planning processes

All planning policy is published for consultation before being adopted

All planning applications are publicised and notified to relevant people or organisations before decisions made

Consultation responses need to be based on planning issues (e.g. public not personal interest)

Planners do actually read and consider all responses

The local SCI sets out standards for consultationPlanning authorities must take into account

representations from consultees on Development Plan Documents (e.g. Redhill Town Centre AAP)

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Redhill Town Centre – policy backgroundCentre of Strategic Importance (Surrey

Structure Plan, 2004)Regional hub, Primary Regional Centrte

and Centre for Significant Change (draft SE Plan, 2008)

Development of high density housing, major business, retail uses and parking proposed for town centre (R & B Local Plan, 2005)

Town Centre Area Action Plan Issues & Options (R & B, 2005 & 2008)

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From R & B Local Plan

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Background & Evidence Studies

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Area Action Plans (AAPs)AAPs should:

deliver planned growth areas; stimulate regeneration; protect areas particularly sensitive to change; resolve conflicting objectives in areas subject to

development pressures; or focus the delivery of area based regeneration initiatives.

AAPs can help to form a consensus on the right approach, a basis for action and a focus for different developers, agencies and landowners to work together

Council should engage key stakeholders including community representatives and the public

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AAP proceduresIssues and Options published for 6 weeks

consultationResponses analysed and reportedSustainability appraisalPreferred Options published for 6 weeks

consultationResponses analysed and reportedRevised proposals submitted for

examinationIf proposals pass examination, formal


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Redhill Town Centre Area Action Plan Timetable (from R & B LDF newsletter)

Jun 2008 Issues and Options (based on Masterplanning process)

Sep 2008 Preferred Options Consultation (now Dec 2008?)

Mar 2009? Submission to Secretary of State

July 2009? Pre-examination meeting

Oct 2009? Examination

May 2010? Adoption