DBT Schemes Data Integration Approach Jun, 2018 1 | Page

DBT Bharat Portal - Direct Benefit Transfer · Web viewThe purpose of this document is to provide an understanding of the Central Sector (CS) / (Centrally Sponsored Scheme) CSS schemes

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DBT SchemesData Integration Approach

Jun, 2018

1 | P a g e

Version Control Table

Sr No.


Change Brief UpdatedDate


(if any)1 V1.4 Included tags for revised 5 MPR sections Nov 2017 -

2 V1.5 Included/updated below fields along with XML template:-Expenditure tag for inkind and composite schemes-MIS Scheme Integration Status Options Rename-Expenditure-incurred(through through Aadhaar-Authentication (/ Validated Transaction) field for DBT Expenditure Incurred (Inkind and composite schemes)

Apr 2018 -

3 V1.6 Included/updated fields along with XML template:-SHG/Group Schemes Parameters-Additional MPR parameters(only applicable to specific schemes)

Jun 2018

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1. DBT Bharat Portal........................................................................................................................4



Data Exchange Format..................................................................................................................4

Pre requisite to Integrate............................................................................................................14

2. Method to share the data with DBT Bharat Portal........................................................15

3. Integration Approach – Web Services................................................................................16

4. Manual data entry......................................................................................................................20

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1. DBT Bharat Portal

OverviewThe purpose of this document is to provide an understanding of the Central Sector (CS) / (Centrally Sponsored Scheme) CSS schemes data exchange through Ministry / Department scheme MIS system to DBT Bharat Portal on regular basis (at-least on monthly basis).

DBT Bharat Portal is a web based Portal developed by DBT Mission to provide aggregated real time view of DBT applicable schemes running in center as well as state and get aggregated dashboard and information.

Ministry / Department has complete access of the Portal which can be modified or enhanced by their own IT team / person as per business requirement of state.

ObjectiveTo share the aggregated data from Scheme MIS, data format along with approach has been defined.

In this document, we are explaining the approach to integrate the Scheme related data (till state level, as aggregated number) with DBT Bharat Portal for DBT on-boarded schemes.

Data Exchange FormatTo show the aggregated information of State wise for schemes, below mentioned format has been defined.

Fields related to Cash Benefit Type Schemes.

Cash Scheme Format

SNO Field name Format / Type Description

Scheme General Information

1 Scheme Code* String5 digit alphanumeric code generated from DBT Bharat Portal started with C or E

2 Whether notified u/s 7/57of Aadhaar Act* String Y / N

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3Status of Scheme

Specific MIS, integration and data


Please pass relevant status from below options-

Online system / MIS at Conceptual Stage

Online system / MIS under development

Online system / MIS implemented at field level (Roll out) and data reported manually

Online system / MIS integrated with DBT Bharat Portal but data reported manually

Online system / MIS integrated with DBT Bharat Portal and report submitted through web-services

4Overall Scheme Budget

(in ₹) (in FY 2018-19)

String Fund Allocation to scheme

5DBT Applicable

Component Fund Allocation (in ₹) (in FY 2018-19)

String Fund Allocation to DBT Applicable component

6 Funding Pattern String Center : State Share percentage7 Remarks String Scheme information and details

Scheme Monthly Progress Information8 Year* String Year for which data will be


9 Month* String Month for which data will be exchanged

10 Beneficiary type* StringPlease pass relevant beneficiary type value as Non-SHG since SHG schemes benefit type is Composite.

11Number of

Groups/SHG(should be unique

cumulative)String NA


Number of beneficiaries through Normative Central &

State share(should be unique


StringNo. of beneficiaries as per normative central government and state government fund allocation under the scheme (for CSS scheme)


Number of additional beneficiaries supported

by State , if any(should be unique


StringNo. of additional beneficiaries supported by State fund allocation under the scheme (for CSS / State scheme)

14 Total No. of String Total number of beneficiaries in the

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Beneficiaries*(should be unique

cumulative)scheme (cumulative)

15No. of beneficiaries

record digitized(should be unique


Total number of beneficiaries digitized in scheme MIS (cumulative)


No. of Aadhaar authenticated and

seeded Beneficiaries(should be unique


StringTotal number of Aadhaar authenticated and seeded beneficiaries in the scheme (cumulative)


No. of Beneficiaries for whom mobile number

is captured(should be unique


StringTotal number of beneficiaries for whom mobile number is captured (cumulative)

18 Central Share fund transferred String

Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month from Central funded amount (for CSS scheme)

19 Normative - State Share fund transferred String

Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month from State funded amount (for CSS / State scheme)

20Additional State Contributed fund


Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month from State funded additional contributed amount (for CSS scheme)

21 Total Fund transferred String Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month (aggregated in a month)

22State Share fund

transferred to additional beneficiaries

supported by StateString

Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month from State fund to additional beneficiaries (which are not covered under central fund) (for CSS scheme)

23Total No. of

Transactions for Electronic Modes

StringCash Scheme - Total number of transactions for electronic modes fund transferred to beneficiaries in a month

24Electronic Modes (ABP, NEFT, RTGS, AEPS) (in


Cash Scheme - Total fund disbursed through electronic modes in a month

25 Total No. of

Transactions for Other Modes

StringCash Scheme - Total number of transactions for other modes fund transferred to beneficiaries in a month

26 Other Modes (Cash, Cheque, DD, MO) (in ₹) String

Cash Scheme - Total fund disbursed through other modes in a month

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27 Unit of Measurement String NA28 Quantity Transferred String NA

29Total No. of Validated Transactions Aadhar based authentication

String NA


Total Expenditure incurred through

Aadhaar Authentication / Validated

Transaction (in ₹)

String NA

31 No. of Records De Duplicated String Number of beneficiaries removed

due to de-duplication using Aadhaar

32 No. of Ghost / Fake Beneficiaries removed String Number of fake / ghost beneficiaries


33Other Savings due to

process improvement / efficiency (in ₹)

String Other Savings due to process improvement / efficiency

34 Saving Amount (in ₹) StringSaving occurred due to removal of fake / ghost / de-duplicated beneficiaries

35 Remarks String Description of remarks; if any

36 Additional Parameter 1 StringIn case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(1) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value needs to be passed

37 Additional Parameter 2 StringIn case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(2) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value needs to be passed

38 Additional Parameter 3 StringIn case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(3) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value needs to be passed

39 RequestID* String A Unique id for each Web Request generated by Source

Note: *(asterisk marked) cells are mandatory to provide minimum information.

Fields related to In Kind Benefit Type Schemes.

In Kind Scheme Format

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SNO Field name Format / Type Description

Scheme General Information

1 Scheme Code* String5 digit alphanumeric code generated from DBT Bharat Portal started with C or E

2 Whether notified u/s 7/57of Aadhaar Act* String Y / N

3Status of Scheme

Specific MIS, integration and data


Please pass relevant status from below options-

Online system / MIS at Conceptual Stage

Online system / MIS under development

Online system / MIS implemented at field level (Roll out) and data reported manually

Online system / MIS integrated with DBT Bharat Portal but data reported manually

Online system / MIS integrated with DBT Bharat Portal and report submitted through web-services

4Overall Scheme Budget

(in ₹) (in FY 2018-19)

String Fund Allocation to scheme

5DBT Applicable

Component Fund Allocation (in ₹) (in FY 2018-19)

String Fund Allocation to DBT Applicable component

6 Funding Pattern String Center : State Share percentage7 Remarks String Scheme information and details

Scheme Monthly Progress Information8 Year* String Year for which data will be


9 Month* String Month for which data will be exchanged

10 Beneficiary type* StringPlease pass relevant beneficiary type value as Non-SHG since SHG schemes benefit type is Composite.

11Number of

Groups/SHG(should be unique

cumulative)String NA

12Number of

beneficiaries through Normative Central &

StringNo. of beneficiaries as per normative central government and state government fund allocation

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State share(should be unique

cumulative)under the scheme (for CSS scheme)


Number of additional beneficiaries supported

by State , if any(should be unique


StringNo. of additional beneficiaries supported by State fund allocation under the scheme (for CSS / State scheme)

14Total No. of Beneficiaries

(should be unique cumulative)*

String Total number of beneficiaries in the scheme (cumulative)

15No. of beneficiaries

record digitized(should be unique


Total number of beneficiaries digitized in scheme MIS (cumulative)


No. of Aadhaar authenticated and

seeded Beneficiaries(should be unique


StringTotal number of Aadhaar authenticated and seeded beneficiaries in the scheme (cumulative)


No. of Beneficiaries for whom mobile number

is captured(should be unique


StringTotal number of beneficiaries for whom mobile number is captured (cumulative)

18 Central Share Expenditure Incurred String

In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to beneficiaries in a month (for CSS scheme)

19Normative - State Share Expenditure


In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to beneficiaries in a month (for CSS / State scheme)

20 Additional State Expenditure Incurred String

In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to beneficiaries in a month (for CSS scheme)

21 Total Expenditure Incurred String

In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to beneficiaries in a month (aggregated in a month)


State Share Expenditure Incurred

for additional beneficiaries supported

by State


In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to additional beneficiaries (which are not covered under central fund) (for CSS scheme)

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23Total No. of

Transactions for Electronic Modes

String NA

24Electronic Modes (ABP, NEFT, RTGS, AEPS) (in

₹)String NA

25 Total No. of

Transactions for Other Modes

String NA

26 Other Modes (Cash, Cheque, DD, MO) (in ₹) String NA

27 Unit of Measurement StringIn Kind Scheme - Quantity units which transferred to beneficiary such as MT, Pieces (books, laptops etc.)

28 Quantity Transferred StringIn Kind Scheme - No. of In kind product transferred to beneficiary in a month

29Total No. of Validated Transactions Aadhar based authentication

StringIn Kind Scheme -Total No. of Aadhaar based / authenticated inkind Transaction in a month


Total Expenditure incurred through

Aadhaar Authentication / Validated

Transaction (in ₹)


In Kind Scheme -Total Expenditure incurred through Aadhaar Authentication / Validated Transaction (Bio / Demo / OTP / e-Sign)

31 No. of Records De Duplicated String Number of beneficiaries removed

due to de-duplication using Aadhaar

32 No. of Ghost / Fake Beneficiaries removed String Number of fake / ghost beneficiaries


33Other Savings due to

process improvement / efficiency (in ₹)

String Other Savings due to process improvement / efficiency

34 Saving Amount (in ₹) StringSaving occurred due to removal of fake / ghost / de-duplicated beneficiaries

35 Remarks String Description of remarks; if any

36 Additional Parameter 1 StringIn case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(1) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value needs to be passed

37 Additional Parameter 2 String In case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(2) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value

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needs to be passed

38 Additional Parameter 3 StringIn case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(3) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value needs to be passed

39 RequestID* String A Unique id for each Web Request generated by Source

Note: *(asterisk marked) cells are mandatory to provide minimum information.

Fields related to Composite (Cash-inkind) Benefit Type Schemes:

This table is also relevant to scheme where scheme Beneficiary Type is SHG since benefit type is only COMPOSITE

For SHG scheme guidelines, please the PDF attachment:

Cash Scheme Format

SNO Field name Format / Type Description

Scheme General Information

1 Scheme Code* String5 digit alphanumeric code generated from DBT Bharat Portal started with C or E

2 Whether notified u/s 7/57of Aadhaar Act* String Y / N

3Status of Scheme

Specific MIS, integration and data


Please pass relevant status from below options-

Online system / MIS at Conceptual Stage

Online system / MIS under development

Online system / MIS implemented at field level (Roll out) and data reported manually

Online system / MIS integrated with DBT Bharat Portal but data reported manually

Online system / MIS integrated with DBT Bharat Portal and report submitted through web-services

4 Overall Scheme Budget String Fund Allocation to scheme

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(in ₹) (in FY 2018-19)

5DBT Applicable

Component Fund Allocation (in ₹) (in FY 2018-19)

String Fund Allocation to DBT Applicable component

6 Funding Pattern String Center : State Share percentage7 Remarks String Scheme information and details

Scheme Monthly Progress Information8 Year* String Year for which data will be


9 Month* String Month for which data will be exchanged

10 Beneficiary type* StringPlease pass relevant beneficiary type value:SHG or Non-SHG

11Number of

Groups/SHG(should be unique

cumulative)String Total count of Groups/SHG


Number of beneficiaries through Normative Central &

State share(should be unique


StringNo. of beneficiaries as per normative central government and state government fund allocation under the scheme (for CSS scheme)


Number of additional beneficiaries supported

by State , if any(should be unique


StringNo. of additional beneficiaries supported by State fund allocation under the scheme (for CSS / State scheme)

14Total No. of

Beneficiaries*(should be unique

cumulative)String Total number of beneficiaries in the

scheme (cumulative)

15No. of beneficiaries

record digitized(should be unique


Total number of beneficiaries digitized in scheme MIS (cumulative)


No. of Aadhaar authenticated and

seeded Beneficiaries(should be unique


StringTotal number of Aadhaar authenticated and seeded beneficiaries in the scheme (cumulative)

17 No. of Beneficiaries for whom mobile number

is captured(should be unique

String Total number of beneficiaries for whom mobile number is captured (cumulative)

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18 Central Share fund transferred String

Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month from Central funded amount (for CSS scheme)

19 Normative - State Share fund transferred String

Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month from State funded amount (for CSS / State scheme)

20Additional State Contributed fund


Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month from State funded additional contributed amount (for CSS scheme)

21 Total Fund transferred String Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month (aggregated in a month)

22State Share fund

transferred to additional beneficiaries

supported by StateString

Cash Scheme - Fund disbursed in a month from State fund to additional beneficiaries (which are not covered under central fund) (for CSS scheme)

23 Central Share Expenditure Incurred String

In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to beneficiaries in a month (for CSS scheme)

24Normative - State Share Expenditure


In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to beneficiaries in a month (for CSS / State scheme)

25 Additional State Expenditure Incurred String

In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to beneficiaries in a month (for CSS scheme)

26 Total Expenditure Incurred String

In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to beneficiaries in a month (aggregated in a month)


State Share Expenditure Incurred

for additional beneficiaries supported

by State


In Kind Scheme - Expenditure incurred to transfer benefit to additional beneficiaries (which are not covered under central fund) (for CSS scheme)

28Total No. of

Transactions for Electronic Modes

StringCash Scheme - Total number of transactions for electronic modes fund transferred to beneficiaries in a month

29Electronic Modes (ABP, NEFT, RTGS, AEPS) (in


Cash Scheme - Total fund disbursed through electronic modes in a month

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30 Total No. of

Transactions for Other Modes

StringCash Scheme - Total number of transactions for other modes fund transferred to beneficiaries in a month

31 Other Modes (Cash, Cheque, DD, MO) (in ₹) String

Cash Scheme - Total fund disbursed through other modes in a month

32 Unit of Measurement String

In Kind Scheme - Quantity units which transferred to beneficiary such as MT, Pieces (books, laptops etc.)(Don’t pass any value in case beneficiary type is SHG in reference to Field 10.)

33 Quantity Transferred String

In Kind Scheme - No. of In kind product transferred to beneficiary in a month(Don’t pass any value in case beneficiary type is SHG in reference to Field 10.)

34Total No. of Validated Transactions Aadhar based authentication

StringIn Kind Scheme -Total No. of Aadhaar based / authenticated inkind Transaction in a month


Total Expenditure incurred through

Aadhaar Authentication / Validated

Transaction (in ₹)


In Kind Scheme -Total Expenditure incurred through Aadhaar Authentication / Validated Transaction (Bio / Demo / OTP / e-Sign)(Don’t pass any value in case beneficiary type is SHG in reference to Field 10. since DBT Bharat Portal webservice will automatically consider Total Expenditure value for this field)

36 No. of Ghost / Fake Beneficiaries removed String Number of fake / ghost beneficiaries


37Other Savings due to

process improvement / efficiency (in ₹)

String Other Savings due to process improvement / efficiency

39 Saving Amount (in ₹) StringSaving occurred due to removal of fake / ghost / de-duplicated beneficiaries

40 Remarks String Description of remarks; if any

41 Additional Parameter 1 String In case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(1) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value

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needs to be passed

42 Additional Parameter 2 StringIn case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(2) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value needs to be passed

43 Additional Parameter 3 StringIn case Ministry got additional MPR additional parameter(3) added in the DBT Bharat Portal, then value needs to be passed

44 RequestID* String A Unique id for each Web Request generated by Source

Pre requisite to Integrate

Ministry / Department has to ensure key functionality in Scheme MIS-

Scheme Code integration – Scheme code to be generated through DBT Bharat Portal (https://dbtbharat.gov.in), which is 5 digit code and used in Scheme MIS.

All relevant fields’ availability as mentioned in above section

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2. Method to share the data with DBT Bharat Portal

a. Ministry / Department will have to share information using the location code (State). To make it standardized in all schemes across all Ministries / Departments, it is recommended to use the Local Government Directory (http://lgdirectory.gov.in/ -> Download Directory Section).

b. Above shown fields are non-mandatory and uniform against all schemes. Ministry / Department has to provide all relevant information available to share with DBT Bharat Portal.

c. Before sharing the data with DBT Bharat Portal, Ministry / Department has to ensure following points.

i. Please send a communication to onboard a scheme on DBT Bharat Portal when Ministry / Department is ready to provide data to share with PMO on monthly basis. This will be analyzed by DBT Mission Officials.

ii. DBT Cell coordinator has to generate the Scheme code and should meet the minimum criteria provided by DBT Mission.

iii. Once Scheme is on-boarded on DBT Bharat Portal, Ministry DBT Cell Coordinator has to update the scheme data regularly which will generate the Monthly Progress Report (MPR).

d. Approach to Update scheme data on DBT Bharat Portal

iv. Web Service Based Integration: This is automated process to share the data with DBT Bharat Portal. In this approach, Ministry has to generate the webservice in defined signature and share with DBT Bharat Team. Detail information provided in section 3.

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e. Data uploaded should be incremental except for Beneficiaries details(unique cumulative)

f. Data ownership lies with Ministry / Department, DBT Portal is just an aggregator to show the data in MPR which will be used in multiple review meetings.

g. Scheme specific location code used by Ministry/ Department should be provided to DBT Mission Technical team to map with DBT Bharat Portal for before exchanging data with DBT Bharat Portal as mentioned approach in point c.

3. Integration Approach – Web Services

Interaction of DBT Bharat Portal with Schemes is depicted below.

DBT Bharat Portal will call a Web service exposed by the scheme by passing Scheme Code (5 digit alphanumeric number - generated through DBT Bharat Portal), Date as request parameter Scheme will send back the following details in Response:

1) Complete Dataset OR 2) No Data if No Records are found OR 3) Error Message if there was some issue.

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Technology Details

Technology: Restful web service / SOAP

Response: XML

Usage: This web service will push/insert beneficiary data to DBT Portal database for specific scheme.

Limitation: It only appends beneficiaries’ data into existing data.

Server: DBT Portal

Every time, system will publish the incremental data to DBT Portal.

To use this Service follow steps are needed:

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Ministry / Department need to ensure that scheme location master should be mapped with DBT Portal Location master (States and Districts) before using web services.

Data should be prepared in discussed XML format before pushing it to DBT Portal.

Response: XML will be taken by DBT Portal in response and need to grab response and update accordingly. Please note that fields in the response can be empty/hold zero data value.

Fields in XML given below:

Sample Xml and xsd

A sample xml and xsd have been attached for reference

XSD file:

XML files:

How webservice will work:

1. Ministry needs to publish the scheme wise webservices which must consume 3 parameters

a. Scheme Code – 5 digit alphanumeric number generated through DBT Bharat Portal by Ministry / Department DBT Cell coordinator.

b. StateCode – two digit integer code (this code will be LGD standard code, which need to be verified and mapped with DBT portal. This is one time activity during configuration. Any change in code by ministry need to be informed prior so that DBT portal can update mapping of location code into the system for smooth update / changes)

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c. Date in dd/mm/yyyy (assumed incremental data will be provided by ministry against the scheme; if not need to decide the update frequency based on scheme MIS update)

2. If Scheme MIS is having state wise, scheme MIS can share DBT Scheme monthly data for all states in single request. DBT Bharat Portal will send parameters as state code = 00 along with date to get last month state-wise data (aligned with LGD state codes)

3. In case state wise data is not applicable for a particular scheme and only Nation-wide is available, DBT Bharat Portal will send webservice input parameter as state code = 00 and DBT Bharat should get in-return state code=00 (instead of LGD state codes)

4. Once DBT Mission will receive the xml response, portal will be updated. For that period webservice will not be available to consume again by ministry.

5. If DBT Portal gets error response, DBT portal will try to consume again. Still it fails, we will inform Ministry DBT Cell to correct the issue and inform via mail to pull the data for defined date and statecode. DBT Portal will fetch (invoke the webservice) that information after getting ministry confirmation.

6. If DBT Portal gets no record, DBT portal will inform to ministry DBT cell on this as record. If any correction need to be done, ministry DBT cell needs to be confirmed to fetch data if required.

Integration Process (Webservice) with DBT Bharat PortalBelow are the points/steps which brief about integration process once Scheme MIS is hosted successfully in the PRODUCTION environment:

1. It is recommended that Technical team/SPOC should sync with Ministry/Department Nodal person/SPOC (who is entering data in DBT Bharat Portal) to understand the scheme MPR parameters (sections: I to V) that will help in getting effective understanding of webservice parameters.

2. Scheme MIS IT team will provide webservice URL (Test / Production) to DBT Mission Technical Team (at [email protected])

3. In parallel, Scheme MIS IT Team should proceed for Firewall level whitelisting (at NIC FARPS portal along with local Firewall in case

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applicable) for DBT Bharat Portal PRODUCTION environment (Public IP, Port & Private IP: will be shared by DBT Feedback Team) so that communication can be established timely.DEV instance IP details are as follows: Public IP and Port 80

4. DBT Mission technical team will access the webservice URL at test instance and verify the format (as provided in integration document)

5. If any discrepancy, DBT Mission Technical team will intimate to MIS Technical team to fix that.

6. Once format is verified, both teams will verify the data (may be atleast test data) against each field / parameter.

7. Once Scheme MIS - production webservice URL will be available, Ministry/Department technical SPOC will share the webservice URL and IP / Port details to DBT Mission

8. Firewall request needs to be raised at FARPS portal for NIC firewall whitelisting (in case it was not done earlier when PROD IP details of Ministry/Department MIS IP details were not known).

9. Once request Firewall access request is executed, production webservice URL access to be verified on DBT Bharat Portal (production instance)

10.DBT Mission team will share webservice SOP template which has to be filled by Scheme MIS IT team along with providing details of Technical nodal person and when to schedule webservice in auto-mode. DBT Mission recommends to have DAILY basis webservice schedule frequency. In case of monthly frequency, DBT Mission recommends to have DD parameter between 1 to 10.

11.DBT Mission team will verify information and will execute webservice on production with concurrence with Scheme MIS IT team

12.Scheme MIS IT team to verify production data which we are receiving once, before scheduling in auto mode.

13.Once confirmed, DBT Bharat Portal will get data and will be shown on MPR Page and based on defined date, data will be pulled from Scheme MIS for previous month accordingly.

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4. Manual data entry

1. Ministry / Department DBT Cell coordinator can login on to https://dbtbharat.gov.in using provided credentials. If not remember the password, can use forgot password functionality to reset the password.

2. Ministry / Department DBT Cell Coordinator has to Access Manage Scheme data through Administrator section.

3. Against each scheme, all sections – I, II, III, IV-A, IV-B and V. In case of

a. Cash schemes, fund transferred information will be in IV-Ab. In Kind schemes, transactions against benefit provided in IV-Bc. Composite schemes(cash-inkind), fund-transferred information will be

in IV-A and inkind transactions against benefit provided in IV-Bd. In case scheme beneficiary type is SHG, then scheme benefit-type

would be Composite.

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