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  • 7/27/2019 DBQ10



    Per 5

    Euro History

    DBQThe throughout the ages there has been much disagreement in Europe over the issue of poverty.

    How much ,if any, support should be issued to those in need. The opinions of various groups on this

    subject can be seen quite clearly in this documents written or spoken by various members of the

    church, the wealthy , the government itself ,and the various publications reflecting popular opinion

    among the publishing middle class.

    Documents 1 ,8 and 10 reflect the opinions of various members of the clergy. Doc 1 refers to

    how god treats those who help the poor while they still can and offers an interesting and unique out

    look on it. Doc 8 is spoken by an angry royal councilor who is referring to those people who would

    attempt to steal money from the poor by pretending to be needy while in actuality being perfectly

    healthy. Doc 10 is spoken by Vincent de Paul to his peers , he speaks of how priests who perform kind

    acts for the poor have a better chance to be elevated to sainthood. This document is biased for this

    specific reason, if Vincent believes that his priests can attain saint hood by simply helping the poor then

    he would most certainly be named a saint for convincing the priests to begin their chain of kind acts.

    Docs 4 ,6 ,and 11 show the opinions of various wealthy people usually also in positions of

    power and influence thus making their opinions, while biased , also worth more in terms of affecting

    change. Doc 1 speaks again of how idleness is indeed the root of all evil and how horrible wicked

    people insist on stealing money that should be used by the poor. Doc 6 is a report by a doctor

    describing how all of the beggars he has encountered refused his services to heal him. This is an

    obvious reflect of one or two bad experiences among the beggars and a mistaken assumption on

    Williams part that all beggars are wicked, making this doc largely biased. Doc 11 is a letter from a

    merchant describing the behavior that he claims to hear is rampant among the lower class, He claims in

  • 7/27/2019 DBQ10


    a round-a-bout way to have over heard two beggars talking about how they never wish to work again

    he , similar to doc 6, extrapolates this to the rest of the beggar population.

    Doc 2 ,5 ,and 7 are government proclamations showing their stance on the issue of poverty.

    Doc 2 is a simple order by the town council laying out terms for the help of those who cannot afford toclothe and feed themselves. Doc 5 is a conversation form a town council meeting describing the

    intricacies of why the issue of poverty strikes deep. The biased nature of the council meeting are

    revealed when the issue is discussed that they will need every able bodied man rich or poor if they are

    attacked from an outside force. Doc 7 are the regulations for a poor house in England showing how

    harshly and cruelty the poor are treated in what are supposed to be their safe havens.

    The publication shown in Docs 3 ,6 ,and 9 reflect the opinions of the relatively middle class on

    the issue of poverty. Doc 3 is the work of a Spanish Humanist who pleads with those who have it

    within their power to help the poor in whatever way they can. Doc 6 is written by a doctor and would

    most likely reflect instead of his own opinion, that of his lords who were all fairly wealthy. Doc 9 is a

    simple drawing showing some beggars receiving alms at the door of a priest, while it is hard to discern

    the opinion of the artist on the issue itself. It can be imagined that the artist perhaps tried to refrain from

    placing his opinion into the drawing, making it an observation that would reflect that of the admirer of

    the artwork instead of the artist, this would make his painting appeal to a larger audience making his

    refusal to choose a side biased.

    The opinions of most of the classes are reflected in these docs what is never spoken of is the

    opinions of the poor which they are all concerning. While of course they would be biased in favor of

    the support for them it would be interesting to hear some of the opinions of the wicked people who

    would abuse the system.