Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

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Page 1: Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

Page 2: Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004
Page 3: Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight,

and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  looking to Jesus, the founder

and perfecter of our faith…”

Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV)

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“For all of his spiritual zeal, Tom was not just a godly

man, he was a superb educator. He earned a

reputation as one of the finest teachers in the state.

His love for God’s Word, for his students and his wife

were always obvious. If anyone ever represented the ‘living curriculum’ that

DC talks about – it was Tom.”Bud Schindler

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“Winnyfred Casement led me to the Lord. Her door was

always open to any student needing someone to listen. She helped me grow in faith

despite having non-Christian parents. She taught me that

I must be the ‘light’ in the ‘darkness’ and that the only way to show others the love of Jesus Christ was to live a

life that glorifies Him.”Allison Bender French

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“Ron Pinsenschaum knew how pray in a way that

stormed the gates of heaven, and always with a

deep awe and humility. I have prayed with many

great men - but none taught me more about

talking to God than Mr. P.”Tim Kitchen

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”Geraldine Eyres was truly an inspirational woman!

Passionate about the transformational

nature of the spoken and the written word.

Exacting about personal responsibility, but with

a caring heart that could turn even the most

unlikely ruffian toward a deeper understanding of

Shakespeare or Scripture.”W. Dean Sellers

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Page 9: Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

“Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed,

revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed,

honor to whom honor is owed.”

Romans 13:7(ESV)

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“Lee Reno had the greatest impact on me, challenging me to grow as a thinker, as a leader, as a Christ-follower. He refused to let me settle for anything less than my best. I wish every student could experience the mentoring and coaching I received from him. He is the type of teachers and administrator for whom the Hall of Honor was created.”

Rob Campbell

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“Linda Mohler was the secretary at the south school when I was in elementary school. She always had a smile on her face and she always had time to stop and talk to you. She was a blessing to so many families at DC!”

Lori Steelman Wolf

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“A great part of the mission of DCS was to build Christ-like character qualities in the lives of its students. We did this through the medium of drama. Our desire was to glorify Christ through doing the ‘ordinary’ in an ‘extraordinary’ way, with an excellence that reflected Him.”

Ruth Clements

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Page 14: Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

“Honor all people. Love the brotherhood.

Fear God. Honor the king.”

I Peter 2:17 (NKJV)

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“Dan Grabill was a gentle and compassionate man. I could talk to him about anything and he always cared. He was a great teacher and friend and one of the sweetest people I've ever known. And I loved his smile!”

Karla Putnam Enix

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“Pacheco Pyle was a true woman of faith, whose love for Jesus shined through her every day. I just remember as we prayed at teachers’ meetings for the school and for individual students how she weaved verse after verse into her prayers from the Bible. She absolutely knew how to talk to God!”

Tom Minor

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“We loved John Anderson. He always stressed that our voices were to sing praise to the Lord. He had a profound affect on my lifelong love and involvement in all things musical… Actually, I married a music teacher!”

Lisa Butler Fox

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“I remember Mildred Sharp’s happy voice which almost sounded like she was singing – telling us to place ‘fingers on the home row’ and then immediately saying, ‘let’s bow for prayer’. It still makes me smile.”

Melody Hume Poole

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Page 20: Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially

those who labor in preaching and teaching.”

I Timothy 5:17(ESV)

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“Virginia Stubbs was my favorite teacher.

She brought the Bible to life for me as a 3rd grader.

I became a teacher because of her.

I wanted to impact the lives of children the

way she touched my life. I am so thankful for her

and her ministry!” Kristi Pollard McFadden

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“During high school at DCS, I felt the Lord was

calling me to one day join the Wycliffe Bible

Translators. I just couldn’t imagine that there were

people in the world who didn’t have the Word of God in their

own language.” Brooke Pederson Bryant

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“Faithful and dependable Carl and Judy Davidson are people who are excited about the Lord and the ministry of Dayton Christian. Their love and concern for the institution, as well as their prayers, have followed the school from its inception to this very day!”

Winnyfred Casement

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Page 25: Dayton Christian School Homewood Campus : 1973 - 2004

“We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord

and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work.”1 Thessalonians 5:12-13


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“Frank Eckenroth was there at the beginning of Christian High School and then as the first Director of Development at Dayton Christian. He dedicated so many hours to the school. Few understand the vision, the leadership and the impact this Air Force Colonel - WWII veteran, and ordained minister, had on the formation of this ministry.”

Ken Eckenroth

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“Norman and Doris Sharp began their partnership with DCS in 1973. Mighty prayer warriors and very generous with their time and resources, they planned and provided food for many on the schools’ events in the 70’s and 80’s. They even helped to pay teachers salaries when payroll could not be met. Norman was the first president of the Parent Teacher Fellowship.”

Brian Sharp

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“Jerry Armstrong was a man of God, devoted to building a relationship with Him. Jerry’s time in the Word poured out in all that he did. Because of his love for God, he genuinely loved others more than himself and readily gave of himself to serve.”

John Burkhardt

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“Bob and Ruth Clements were inspirational, endearing, faithful, creative, funny, committed, talented, loving, disciplined, truthful, spiritual, encouraging, gifted, and visionary.”

Cindy Douglas Gurekovich

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“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor..”

Romans 12:10(ESV)

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