Day 7: ACADEMIC REFLECTION: What did you do? I started of the day by reviewing what we had read so far in the packet. I also had them write a quick summary of act 1 in their packets. Then we discussed assignments and grades and some housecleaning things. Then we watched act 2 scene 1 of Macbeth and discussed it. Then we watched act 2 scene 2 and then worked on a comic strip of that scene. They had to put the scene into their own words and they could add events to the scene if they wanted to make it more interesting. Overall, it was a successful activity, and most students got really involved with the assignment and did a pretty good job. They demonstrated that they really understood Macbeth. While they were working on the comics, I helped students individually, and I talked with all those student that were missing assignments or had Ds or Fs. What worked? The comic strip assignment went really well. I did the first square with them, and then I had various examples for them to look at. The comprehension questions in the packet are also still working fairly well. They are still interested in doing them and don’t find them lame. What did not work? I meant to go over some questions and predictions they had made in a google survey the last time, but I forgot because going over the questions in the packet about the play and discussing what had happened so far took a lot longer than I thought. Pulling students aside to discuss their grades really didn’t seem to make much of a difference. I didn’t feel like I was able to motivate them to do any better on their assignments. They

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Day 7: ACADEMIC REFLECTION: What did you do?

I started of the day by reviewing what we had read so far in the packet. I also had them write a

quick summary of act 1 in their packets. Then we discussed assignments and grades and some

housecleaning things. Then we watched act 2 scene 1 of Macbeth and discussed it. Then we

watched act 2 scene 2 and then worked on a comic strip of that scene. They had to put the scene

into their own words and they could add events to the scene if they wanted to make it more

interesting. Overall, it was a successful activity, and most students got really involved with the

assignment and did a pretty good job. They demonstrated that they really understood Macbeth.

While they were working on the comics, I helped students individually, and I talked with all those

student that were missing assignments or had Ds or Fs.

What worked?

The comic strip assignment went really well. I did the first square with them, and then I had various

examples for them to look at. The comprehension questions in the packet are also still working

fairly well. They are still interested in doing them and don’t find them lame.

What did not work?

I meant to go over some questions and predictions they had made in a google survey the

last time, but I forgot because going over the questions in the packet about the play and discussing

what had happened so far took a lot longer than I thought.

Pulling students aside to discuss their grades really didn’t seem to make much of a

difference. I didn’t feel like I was able to motivate them to do any better on their assignments. They

also struggled to focus and do their work. However, walking among them and helping each student

individually did help motivate them to do their work and turn it in.

Overall, I feel the best strategy is to help them do their work right then and when it is

assigned rather than hope they will turn it in later.

What students struggled and for what reasons?

Some students struggled because they didn’t really understand what was going on. For the level 1

ELLs, I provided a Spanish text that they could compare with the English text so they could complete

the comic strip. For others who didn’t understand for various other reasons, I let them look at

examples. The students who really didn’t get it done were those who rarely get anything done, and

the best strategy I have found is constantly reminding them to be on task and separating them from

each other.

Considering the six criteria listed above, where will you go next?

My classroom management got progressively better throughout the day. I still feel that I

need to improve my classroom management and be more consistent and aware. Walking among

the students as they worked was the best classroom management strategy I could think of.

Where possible, I will always follow the I do, we do, you do model when giving instructions

about an assignment that is a little more difficult to understand structurally.





1 3b Addie Gave me some


I pulled her out

of class and

talked to her

about it. She

complained a

little bit, but I

think her

attitude will be

better next time.

2 4b Tables 3 and 8 were talking


Lost points for

the table game

Day 8: ACADEMIC REFLECTION: What did you do?

We worked some more on the comic strip assignment. As I was observing third hour, I realized that

we wouldn’t have time to read the Hitler article and learn about vocabulary, so I decided not to

teach about vocabulary. I moved straight into teaching them about writing a response. Then I

divided them into groups of 3 and each member of the group was given a role or reading strategy to

focus on. Then we read an article about Hitler in the groups and took notes based on the reading

strategy. Then they wrote a summary of the article. However, we ran out of time to write the

response. Therefore, when I taught fourth hour, I didn’t even mention writing a response. I told

them to save it for next time. I also gave them more time to work on the comic strip….as long as

they were working. On top of that, I tried to do a better job modeling how to work in reading

groups, but it still wasn’t very successful. If I taught them again, I would do a much better job


What worked?

Finishing the comic strip worked for fourth hour. As long as they were working, I gave them enough

time to finish it. I didn’t do that for third hour, so I didn’t get as many comic strips in. Focusing on

only writing the summary of the article and saving the response for next time also worked really

well. I also let them work in groups to write the summary, so I ended up getting some pretty

thorough summaries of the article. The article also worked really well because they made some

pretty good connections between Hitler, politics now, and Macbeth.

I also gave different groups different levels of the article, which worked really well. All the

groups finished because they weren’t hung up on finishing an article that was too hard for them.

What did not work?

I meant to go over the questions and predictions which I forgot to do the last time. I also

meant to teach some vocabulary words. But I ran out of time. My transitions in third period were

awful. I didn’t give the students enough time to complete their work, and then I thought it would be

a good idea to show them how to write the response before we read the article, which didn’t work

at all. I should have modeled how to be a part of a reading group and have a role so then when they

were in their groups, they could have done it better. Third hour was not happy about my bad

teaching at all. I thought I felt some underlying rebellion going on.

What students struggled and for what reasons?

Students struggled to understand exactly how to do the reading group thing, which was totally my

fault for not modeling how to do it.

Addie, Nolan, Dustin, and a couple others struggled because they have an attitude problem. I know

that for Nolan it has to do with being distracted and not caring. Dustin has an IEP and sometimes is

under the weather, although he wasn’t today. He did better when I separated him from Nolan,

which is something I’m going to have to do more often from now on. Addie struggled because she

simply will not do what I ask her to do. I do not know what to do about her sometimes.

Considering the six criteria listed above, where will you go next?

I’m going to do the reading strategy activity again, but I’m going to do a lot better job modeling

exactly what I expect. Then, students can be much more successful at completing the assignment.

I’m going to separate Dustin and Nolan more often because I feel like Dustin was much more

successful without Nolan around to be a distraction.

I’m going to model writing a response and actually write a response with them next time. We

will also review our summaries and make sure they are formatted correctly.

I’m going to use a timer that I will project on the board so they can see how much time they

have left and remain much more on task.

I still think I need to be more consistent on classroom management. Whenever I think, okay, the

next time I will take the phone away, they subconsciously know and the phones stay away. But when I

think it’s okay if they have their phones out right now, they know. Or is it just me being a wimp at

classroom management.

I need to do something to help my transitions be better in third. I’m usually pretty good with

fourth, but third is suffering from my lack of ability to teach well.






1 3b Nolan Talking and



I separated Nolan and

Dustin for the next


2 3b David and


Wanted to talk a


They got separated for

the next assignment as

well, but then Joey put

his head down and quit.

Then I asked him to put

his phone away and

threatened to hold on to

it for a minute. I don’t

think he liked that very

much. David didn’t do

anything at all in the next

group over. But at least

he came to class. He

hasn’t been coming very


Day 9: ACADEMIC REFLECTION: What did you do?

First I gave them some more time to finish up the Hitler article and maybe their comics. Then I

modeled how to write a response to the Hitler article after our summaries and gave them 20

minutes (timed) to write that response. Then we learned about vocabulary, and I used youtube

examples, real life, and drawings to model the vocabulary. Then we finished watching act 2 of

Macbeth. Then we wrote a summary of act 2. Next time we’re going to clean up our summaries and

finish our responses.

What worked?

Modeling the response worked really well. Their responses for act 2 were pretty good. They could

have been longer, but at least they understood how to make a connection, write about it, and use

transition words. My transitions were pretty good because I used the online timer. I also did a very

good job modeling for them. The vocabulary worked really well. They were involved, and I hope

they remember what the vocabulary words mean.

What did not work?

I wish there would have been a way to fit writing a response for act 2 into the same day as when we

wrote the Hitler articles. I also need to find other ways for them to apply their knowledge of

vocabulary. I used a timer that was a bomb that blew up, and I told the students that if they finished

their work before the timer went off, they could “diffuse” the bomb. Because Nolan was talking a

lot and being distracting, I spent too much time by him to keep him quiet. I should have spent some

more time over by some struggling students I have. Fourth hour was very talkative today, and I

almost forgot about the table game. I wish I would have remembered because that would have

helped a lot.

What students struggled and for what reasons?

I feel like this time students understood the vocabulary pretty well, and they understood how to

write a response and a summary. Academically, I feel like it was a success. I let two of my ELLs write

their response in Spanish, and they actually wrote a very good response and are getting a passing

grade in class, which is super exciting.

The students who are struggling the most are the ones who don’t always come. Those who come

actually do something and therefore are getting a better grade. How do I help students come more


Considering the six criteria listed above, where will you go next?

I need to do some more creative vocabulary activities with them, so they can understand the

vocabulary a lot better.

Next time, we’re going to review how to write a response and then write a response for our act

2 summary.

I’m going to remember to use the table game on fourth period.

I’m going to continue using the timer because that worked really well.

I need to refine my classroom management strategy. I feel like I’m being too nice, but whenever

I try to do better, I just don’t know exactly how to do it. I always say that everytime, and every time I fail

at being better.






1 3b Nolan Not getting his

work done

I promised to watch a

magic trick if he did his

work. It actually worked

2 4b Elian Left class early

without asking

Got a tardy

Day 14


First, we played Kahoot to review for the post assessment next time. All the students got really

involved and loved it! Then we finished Macbeth. Then we wrote a summary of the whole play. To

assist them in writing their summary, I had them list some basic plot points on the board. Then, the

low level students really just had to write down those basic plot points and turn it into a paragraph.

That way all students were at least a little on their way to success. Next they had to respond to one

of a list of questions.

What worked?

Overall, both class periods were awesome and so much fun to teach. About 95% of the students

were involved and working the entire time. I think the Kahoot game really got them into it and

really involved. We should play that more often.

When we wrote a summary of Macbeth, it helped a lot to ask them for basic plot points

about Macbeth.

I pulled Zainab out of class and talked to her about her grade and tardies helped her come

to class and be much more focused.

I ignored Addie for the most part, but letting her know I was noticing her. Whenever I try to

be nice to her, she more or less blows up in my face. I try to just let her know I care.

I modeled how to write a response, which went really well and the students were able to

write a good response.

I moved Nolan to a different seat, which helped him focus more and get things done.

They were all actually doing a good job working on and writing their summaries. I’m really

impressed. It was a good day.

For 4B I did no distraction 10 minute time, and it worked wonders!! I also made sure

Christian sat in his assigned seat, and he fought me on it. He also really got into the kahoot game.

But he did do his work, and I rewarded him by letting him go to the bathroom. Chris also wrote the

summary and asked me if I thought it was good!! That made me so happy.

What did not work?

I should have asked each table to come up with one plot point and write it on the board where it

belongs. I should have explained how to write a summary by modeling where to put it in the

document in 3b. I did that in 4b, and it went so much better.

What students struggled and for what reasons?

April and Arianna G struggled because they are ELLS and were struggling understanding the


Nolan and Zainab struggled because they didn’t listen completely to the directions and then since

they really haven’t been paying attention to Macbeth they struggled to write a summary.

Prae because he just moved in and doesn’t really understand what’s going on.

Christian because he’s finally trying to work but feels a little lost.

Ibrahim but he just asked his neighbors for help.

Chris, but he used the helps on the board to write the summary.

Daniel because he’s an ELL, but he also left before we started the assignment. I should have had a

Spanish copy for him.

Considering the six criteria listed above, where will you go next?

I’m going to give them a quiz on their vocabulary. I’m going to keep Nolan in the seat where I put

him. I’m going to continue treating Christian really well. I’m going to allow more student input when

I’m structuring the completion of an activity. I’m going to have peer edits of this summary and

response to make sure they included transition words and all the right details. I’m going to

encourage Christian to include his own ideas. I’m going to have a back up plan in case the internet

goes down.






1 3b Kade, Nathan,

and Soto

Talking and

looking at their




Got called out in class

2 4b Christian Not sitting in his

assigned seat

Told him to go to his

assigned seat, and he


3 4b Tables 8, 3, 9,


Talking Lost points in our game

4 4b Erika and Leo Teasing each

other and being


Got a warning. If it

continues, they will be


Day 15


First they took the SRI, then they took my post assessment. After that, I gave them time to work on

the Macbeth Summary and Response. For some students, the SRI and the post assessment took the

whole time, so they didn’t have enough time to finish their Macbeth Summary and Response.

What worked?

Having a timer when they couldn’t distract each other. Having a list on the board of everything they

had to work through and do. I had some kids actually get some stuff done and raise their grade to

passing, which was good. I talked to some kids about their magic card tricks and even took some

cards away. I stayed after school with a couple kids and helped them get their work done. I gave

them each a chocolate kiss when they finished their SRI testing and again when they finished their

post assessment.

What did not work?

The fact that they had a lot things to do. And had to work. That was hard, but there was really no

other way around it. I also should have split up a couple kids because they copied off of each other

so then they got 0s. I’m going to have to talk to them about that and tell them that they have to do

their own work. A lot of tables lost a lot of points. Christian is doing more and more work, which is

exciting. It was also very cool to see their SRI scores and see how much they had improved. Overall,

fourth period was pretty chaotic because students have a lot of energy and really like to talk with

each other and distract each other. They got through the SRI and the vocab quiz, but then they

imploded. Next time I’m going to give them 10 minutes of absolute quiet time to get their Macbeth

Summary and Response done and turned in.

Looking back, I also should never have done the post assessment and the SRI on the same day.

What students struggled and for what reasons?

About 20 students struggled in fourth period to just stay quiet. The ELLs struggled to do well on the

test, even though I let them work together and gave them Spanish translations. Cesar struggled

anyway because he’s just not committed to doing any work yet. We’ll get them there. We have to

be patient.

I also have a lot of students missing class from my third period, so I’m going to email their parents

to see what’s happening.

I didn’t get around to talk to Christopher, and I feel pretty bad about that. He hasn’t turned in a

summary and response, but I’m pretty positive that if I would have made it over to talk with him, I

could have made some sort of a difference!

Considering the six criteria listed above, where will you go next?

I will seriously try to avoid spending that much time in individual work time. That was a serious

mistake. I don’t think anyone in fourth was nearly as productive as they usually are. But I couldn’t

move on because some students were really taking a long time doing the SRI or taking the post


I will give them some time next time to finish and turn in their Macbeth summary and response. I

will do it right at the beginning of the class period before we move into doing the socratic seminar.

Assessment wise, the students overall did a very good job, and I am very happy. Next time we will

move onto the Socratic seminar to assess understanding of Macbeth. I’m also going to be sure and

model how to do and participate in a Socratic seminar so I can make sure that it is successful.

Next time I have that much individual work time, I will offer incentives to get their stuff done. For

example, if they finish a certain assignment by a certain time, they get a treat or extra credit. I’m

going to have to try that some day.






1 3b Nolan and


Distracting each


Moved Nolan and told

Johnny it was his

responsibility if Nolan

didn’t finish

2 3b Johnny Cards out and

doing magic

tricks during the


Took his cards away

3 4b Elian,

Anthony, and


Copying from

each other

I’m going to talk to them

next class about how to

help each other without

copying word for word

from each other.

4 4b Frosty, Dom,



Talking and

being disruptive

10 minute no talking

timer, after which they

are aloud to talk and be

disruptive for five

minutes, and then

another 10 minutes of no


Day 16


First, I gave them some time to finish their Macbeth Summary and Response. Then we talked about

higher order questions and how to answer them. Then we did a Mix N Mingle where they found

partners, discussed their questions and answers, and then moved on to the next partner. Overall I

had pretty good participation; however, I think it would have worked better if I had been able to

structure my classroom so them moved to certain seats. It would also have worked better if they

could have talked first and then wrote. Instead, I had them talk and write at the same time, which

did not go as well. I gave a tootsie roll to those partners who were actually working together and

talking. Some students really got into it, and others not so much.

What worked?

The mix N mingle did work. I had a lot more participation and conversation. I feel like the students

did learn quite a bit and were able to talk about the play and their ideas. I also thought that giving

third hour time to finish their Macbeth Summary/response went really well. I wonder what I’m

going to do next time when I want them to finish an assignment in that hour. I’m probably also

going to have to make it worth a lot more points. And I’ll offer extra credit to those who want to

write two… maybe. At least, that’s the skill I’m looking for someone to demonstrate.

It also worked to feed them and offer them food if they came in after school. I like the idea of

offering them food. Then they feel like they actually can come in after school.

What did not work?

The chromebooks crashed on me during fourth hour so they didn’t get as much time to finish their

Macbeth Summary/response. I also think I focused way too much on the grades and I was way too

tired. I should have taken my lunch break instead of letting Zainab hang out in the room to finish

her act 2 summary/response. tHat was a bad idea and I was not prepared for fourth hour.

It did work to do the Mix N Mingle first, and I did get more Macbeth Summaries in.

Third hour went much better than fourth. They worked hard and did the mix n mingle, and it went

really well. I feel like overall they are much more motivated to get their work done. As far as fourth

hour, when the chromebooks stopped working, everything went to heck!

What students struggled and for what reasons?

Christopher struggled because he doesn’t like to interact with anyone ever. He also didn’t turn in a

Macbeth summary, which I know he was working on. And that concerns me.

My ELLs struggled with the Mix n Mingle assignment because they didn’t want to mingle and talk to

others. If I ever do it again, I will make sure to have lots of low stakes mix n mingles.

Caleb Williams slept underneath the table and didn’t do anything. I didn’t notice until the students

pointed it out to me at the end of class.

Considering the six criteria listed above, where will you go next?

I will be more forgiving and focus on welcoming them to class rather than focusing solely on their

grades. I will only kindly pull those who are between 50 and 60 percent aside to talk about their


I thought my transitions were pretty good and I saved the day pretty well with a back up plan.

Next time, I’m going to move write into modeling how to write the final summary and response. I’m

going to make it worth 50 points, that way it’s worth a lot and they know it’s their final assessment

type project. I feel like those who have good grades and don’t really care about their grades have

stopped caring about what’s going on in class.

I would like to do more mix n mingles and social activities so they can interact with each other


Next time I do a mix n mingle, I’ll give them more time to think of questions and answers, and I’ll

require that the answers have to be in depth, so it takes more than one sentence to answer it, or at

least an extra long sentence. Then I’ll do the mix n mingle in a share/write style. So they talk for

three minutes and then write one new thing they learned for a minute, and it has to be in depth. I

think that will go better than using a similar worksheet structure as what I used for the socratic








1 4b Jacob Phone out Warned

2 4b Erika Distracting


Water bottle must be in


3 3b Johnny Cards out Cards away until

assignments are done

Day 17


First we talked about the song the “Sound of Silence.” I thought it would be really cool, but it

was only cool to those students who are already doing well in class. It didn’t connect with those

students who are struggling anyway. Then we answered some more questions in the packet and turned

it in. It went really well to structure writing about the quotes. Then I explained the final writing

assignment of the quarter and showed them a couple examples. Then I had them work on writing the

summary and response. Third hour didn’t go as well because I didn’t do a no distraction timer, which I

should have done. I was too busy talking to students who were missing assignments and helping those

students get the assignments in. On the plus side, I did help several students get enough in that their

grade jumped up to passing. I meant to have them share their summaries with each other half way

through the class, but I didn’t because I was busy helping students.

What worked?

It worked really well to help individual students and help them get their assignments done.

However, other students suffered because my attention was divided, which meant they got

distracted. Maybe I should talk to them about that. Maybe then they would stay more on task??

The no distraction timer always works really well. After it goes off, students keep on working pretty

well. I am very pleased with it. I also structured the answers to explaining the quotes really well.

What did not work?

For some reason I can’t explain and don’t really understand yet, the song I picked to look at

and study didn’t really go well at all. The students were not involved with it at all. Next time I’m

going to assign an extra credit assignment they can do which will show me how they interact with

something they actually like and enjoy.

I should have separated Joey and David and Nolan a whole lot sooner. I didn’t because I was

more focused on helping some other students. I should have noticed they were a problem and

weren’t accomplishing anything, but every time I looked over, Joey was actually doing something.

Nolan and David sometimes don’t always do things anyway. If I would have realized the extent of

what was happening, I would have split them up sooner. As it is, I think I handled it okay,

considering I didn’t fully understand what was going on.

The ten minute no distraction timer worked really well for 4b, I should have used it sooner.

What students struggled and for what reasons?

David struggled because it turns out he doesn’t know how to use canvas, write in English, is worried

about his spelling. He came in after school and spent an hour with me working on his assignments.

Johnny is struggling simply because of his google docs and he is not sitting by the right people. I

have got to move that area of students. It’s becoming a problem.

Caleb is struggling because he slept through all period and also slept through all of last period. I

don’t know why.

Christian is struggling because he is still learning how to do the assignments.

Daniel and Frosty struggle because they get super distracted really easily.

Christopher struggles, but I don’t really know why.

Considering the six criteria listed above, where will you go next?

I will give extra credit for finishing on time or early. I will also provide timing standards so if

at certain points you’re not done with certain things, you know you should ask for help or come in

after school.

I will be much better and more aware when it comes to classroom management. I think I

really need to work on that. I need to figure out a way to be more strict with my classroom


I should have done some no distraction time with third period when it has to be completely


The assessment was pretty good, so next time we are going to do some peer edits to further

assess their understanding of the concepts and help each other further understand the concepts.






1 3b David, Nolan,


Got into a little



Joey got really

upset and started

acting up and

lightly shoved

Nolan on his way

out. David claims

that Joey kept on

deleting what he

had typed and

poking him with

a pencil

Joey left the classroom

for the time because he

was upset

Nolan got moved to

another spot

Nolan and David are

coming in after school to

get some stuff done

Joey and David will be

separated next time if the

behavior continues

I will also pull Joey out of

another class to talk to

him and see if there’s

anything I can do to

prevent it happening


2 4b Erika and Leo On phones while


They have to finish their

summary or next time I

walk around, I will take

their phone away

3 4b The whole


Talking a lot I stopped, asked them to

be respectful and listen,

and then kept on talking.

Day 18


I gave them more time to finish their final summary and response. I also offered extra credit and

had them do peer edits.

What worked?

Threatening to take away time if they weren’t working hard. Giving them a deadline to get

something done by and enforcing it. Giving them a treat if they finished. Giving them an extra credit

assignment to raise their grade. Having them write a final reflection worked pretty well because the

students wrote some very wise things. Most of them wrote about working hard for things to get what

they want, which I think is a very good understanding. I also timed them, which helped with keeping

them on task and giving them assignments to do . I also gave them extra credit to pick a favorite song

and talk to the text. A lot of students worked on it and seemed really interested in it and wanted to do

it. That was successful. I wonder if they would have responded the same way if it would have been an

actual assignment. I assigned it mostly so those students who finished early could have something to

work on. I also gave them a little talking to about being respectful and giving me five minutes of their

undivided attention, and then I will let them work as much as they like.

What didn’t work?

For some reason, not a lot of them turned in the Final Reflection. Somehow third hour always

gets so much more done than fourth hour.

What students struggled and for what reasons?

Everyone worked well and hard and got their stuff done. I gave everyone plenty of time and

in a low stress environment to get things done.

Christian, Ibrahim, and Daniel may or may not pass. We will have to see. I just need to have

Daniel turn in some stuff.

Considering the six criteria listed above, where will you go next?

I will do a much better job explaining how to grade oneself on the Final reflection. I will

emphasize looking at the rubric and making sure that one has all the parts of the rubric to get a 5. I

didn’t do a very good job explaining the rubric.

I will also do a better job at demonstrating how a student listens to their peer constructively

critique their work and then makes changes so that student can get a better grade. About half the

students actually made the changes their peers recommended. The other half just turned in their

assignment even though they knew they didn’t have all the parts.

I feel like the assessment went pretty well overall and my transitions were good.

Next time, I am going to be more prepared with understanding how those sophomores are

going to listen to and respond to my directions.






1 4b Tyce and


stealing candy They didn’t get any when

I handed it out

2 4b Renzel Talking while I’m


I didn’t answer his

questions about the



Unit Summary

Instructional Strategies: I improved a lot at learning how to model the activity and providing examples.

However, I think I could have done a lot better at providing a wider variety of visual examples. On the

other hand, I did a good job providing hands-on opportunities to learn but sometimes failed to use a

variety of colors and interesting presentations to teach my visual learners. While I did do this type or

presentation, I could have done it more. While I did use group work and group assignments, I can

improve on strengthening my group assignments and encouraging students to work together better. I

should have done something that would have allowed students to explore their own strengths and

weaknesses and then share them with others. I think this would have helped each individual student

learn about him or herself and then learn how to help others because they would understand that

others also have strengths and weaknesses. However, the struggle is discovering how to get a class of 40

traditional students to the point of trusting each other.

Preparation: I feel that I was always very prepared for the lesson, and I was also ready to adjust and

make changes as needed.

Transitions: For me, transitions depended on my level of energy and brain activity. The days when

transitions were smooth and seamless, I knew exactly how I was going to teach the students, and

nothing went wrong. I didn’t lose any papers, and the internet didn’t go down. Basically, when

emergencies or unexpected things didn’t happen, my transitions were pretty good. But when they did, I

lost my train of thought and had trouble remembering what came next. My transitions also got a lot

better as I got better at teaching the students, planning for them, and understanding what they would

and wouldn’t be able to do.

Assessment: This unit I used a variety of assessments to assess students learning and understanding of

Macbeth. I used google forms surveys, Kahoot, posters, comic strips, and summaries and responses.

Since writing summaries and writing a response was one of the main skills for the quarter, I provided a

variety of ways for students to demonstrate their understanding of said skill. They could write a

summary of Macbeth and then write a response in which they answered higher order questions. In the

authentic assessment, they wrote a summary and response that was related to real-world and real life

topics. They had the option of adapting the assignment to fit their own funds of knowledge. As far as

what I would do in the future to assess them better, I think it has to do with what kind of content

knowledge I teach. I feel I did a pretty good job at using multiple forms of assessment. I also used rubrics

to make sure I provided clear feedback and wasn’t biased.

Content Knowledge: I did my absolute best to connect the content knowledge to the Utah Core

Standards. I did my best to teach them skills they would need in the future, such as writing summaries

and using correct grammar. However, I don’t know if I could have taught them more or not. If I had to

do the quarter over again, I would be more specific about the skills I wanted to address and try to teach

them a little bit more content knowledge. Honestly, I don’t feel like I taught them enough.

Classroom Management: My classroom management improved a lot over the unit, but I also have so

much more to improve. I improved a lot because I got a lot better at helping students stay on task and

getting their attention. I actually achieved 100% student engagement in the traditional classes by using a

timer. However, I know I can be a lot better at keeping the students from talking and teaching at the

same time. Sometimes, especially in fourth period, the talking distracted me from what I was teaching,

which inhibited others’ learning. If I taught them again, I wouldn’t let that happen, and if it did happen,

then I would separate some people. Honestly, I think I should have moved some students in a couple of

the classes.

Next Steps: The biggest things I’d like to improve and work on are my classroom management,

instructional strategies, and content knowledge. In all these areas, I feel like I have a lot to learn and

there is so much I can do better. I need to be more firm with my students when they interrupt my

teaching, and I need to make sure they are paying attention to me when I talk. If I do this, it will also

improve my instructional strategies. A part of me thinks I did use enough visual aids, and students simply

didn’t pay enough attention. I feel like I need to understand how to teach the content knowledge a lot

better. I also need to understand what skills to prioritize in the content knowledge as I teach them. Then

I can prioritize those a lot better. However, I did a really good job validating students and helping them

work while in school. I know that I made a difference in the lives of many students, and I want to keep

on making that difference. Despite my the many things I need to do to improve and help the students, I

know I can do it because I improved during this unit.