THE BOOK Meredith Meredith

DAY 07

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DAY 07

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Meredith Meredith


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.



Meredith Meredith © 2015


Hi, how are you today? Hope you had an angel of a day.

Beyond the veil God is experienced as feeling. Thus, you

cannot put a fixed image to the Supreme Being – “He” is always

revealing himself in different ways. Through feeling we can

connect to “Him” and see “Him.” In that way you won’t get

vaporized I am the living proof; I am still here.

I meet the Supreme Being regularly now and I can tell you

“He” is the most down to earth “person” you can ever befriend.

Infact I think I am more spiritual than “Him” ha ha ha. I could have

easily have mistaken “Him” as a father or a brother or a sister or

perhaps a close friend by the way “He” relates to me.

The sooner we climb down from the tree we have climbed

to spot “Him”, the quicker you will see “Him.” Why “He” is at the

door now. When you open it “He” will ask you where have you

been? Then say to “Him” I was away but now I have returned. You

see it was you who left years ago. He has always been in your

house waiting for you.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Frankly I want to tell you something about the Supreme that

could well shake your foundation, so if you are not ready for a

shaking you might want to skip this portion or day and know it

is Ok with me. I’ll live and I promise I won’t call you a chicken!

“God” has no agendas; “He” has no axe to grind; “He” has no

sad stories to relate; “He” has no big whip; “He” has no list of laws

to teach; “He” has no “book”; “He” has no dairy of wrong; “He”

has no children; “He” has no favourites; “He” has no castle or

fortress; “He” has no army or annihilation weapons; “He” has no

desire to own anything or anyone; “He” has no priest or order;

“He” has no want or need; “He” has no reason to act or speak:

“He” has no desire for a friend or foe; “He” has no equal or co-

council; “He” has no title or even desires one and so much more.

I will summarize the “more” in three words; God is

SOVEREIGN. A powerful word meaning “I AM IT” that is all there

is to it! So what is the fuss (reason) for holy books, laws, rules,

regulations, priest, pastors, mullahs, gurus, judges, police, etc.?

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Are you ready for this? WE ASKED FOR IT. Yes we asked for

all the laws, rules, kings, judges, police, prophets, priests, rabbis,

pastors, mullahs, gurus etc. The whole shebang is our sole doing

and responsibility. How did this happen?

We lost our ability to feel, so when feeling goes you need

this “stuff” for you own protection and sanity. Let me give you an

illustration; love is a choice and so is hate, because we choose

hate we need law. If we can’t love then rules must come into

motion to regulate behaviour. But if we naturally love (i.e. forgive,

forget, give, contribute, provide, care, share, help etc.) which we

can do through “Angel”, we have no need for law, rules etc.

Sounds so simple doesn’t it? Do you know how you can

gauge how insane, debased and depraved the world has

become? Go down to your nearest law library and have a look at

how many laws books now fill the shelves. And on the way there

stop off at your religious library and see the section for rules and

regulations. It should have grown by a few books this year.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


You know God did not write a set of laws and rules for us.

Some “angels” throughout our human history saw how un-rudely

and vile people had become, so they asked God for a solution

and “He” gave men the wisdom to formulate these things.

The process should have ended with these men but it

continues today. Men are still writing thousands of laws and the

law givers are still prospering. With every new religion and new

field of knowledge comes new laws, rules and regulations.

Thank goodness we now have digital storage because if we

still needed trees for paper to write all the laws, rules and

regulations we make and pile up every year, we would have run

out of trees. A sad but sober thought.

God has no desire to law you, rule you or regulate you. In

fact “He” just wants to be your “buddy” or “girly” and talk with

you and be a part of your day. Since I realised this some years

ago, I decided to let “Him” in on my private business. Before I

was just comfortable with “Him” in my public domain.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


What do I mean by private business? I mean stuff like asking

“Him”: What have you been up to today? What do you think of

this man (or woman) I am talking to? Would you like to watch a

movie with me? Would you like to join me for drinks with my

mates etc.? Seriously “He” likes the buddy or girly stuff.

Some of you may be exclaiming ‘that is sacrilege (profanity)’.

The all “Holy God” now down to a human level! Let me ask this

person something? Where does your title “Holy” come from?

Would you agree it came from a book? It could be the Torah; the

Old Testament; the New Testament; the Talmud; the Koran; the

Veda; the Bhagavad Gita etc. Books I have read and admire.

The Supreme Being does not own a title, “He” is not “Holy”

but the WHOLE. There is a big difference? Holy means apart or

separate, “the whole” means sum of or inclusive. When you

exclaim “holy” you detach your person from “Him”. You cannot

separate your being from the Creator. You exist by virtue of the

fact that “He” IS (the NOW).

Meredith Meredith © 2015


God does not need a fence or a wall around “Him” my friend,

we are the ones who want/need the fence/wall and that

fence/wall is all our religious books and traditions. Hey! Please

don’t get me wrong again. If you need the fence/wall then by all

means have it but please understand that God does not want it

let alone require it. About the only real thing religion does is

fence or wall God out of our lives. I am sorry but it is the truth.

We politely let “Him” in (so we believe) when we open our

special gate on our particular holy day. It sounds ridiculous

doesn’t it! We are a race full of games we like to play and we now

believe that these games are real, when in fact the only thing real

right now is God and you. It reminds me of this man who woke

up one day, for the first time realized he was blind because he

thought blindness (darkness) was the normal thing.

In the same way we have been conditioned and

programmed with so many manmade “stuff” that we no longer

know what is pure and real. We feel lost without these things.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


I think this is my day of challenging the barriers. Here is

another one. Just about everyone likes the idea of a “supreme

being” seated on a throne high and lifted up and the whole world

worshipping this deity. Have you thought of how impersonal that

is and how belittling that is. Is God supposed to get some kind

of “high” from this, seriously?

Why would the Supreme Being need our accolades, your

devotion, your precious time and your hard earnt money?

Remember “He” is “the whole”. He has no need of the human

race or even angels. The bottom line is; God does not need the

Universe, it is the Universe that needs “Him”. The Universe being

you and I and everything in it. I want to share with you a secret

to end our day and I expect you to keep it very quiet. OK!

God is SIMPLE! God is GOOD! God is LOVE! If you can just

shut down your world for a moment and reflect on this, a light

bulb will illuminate in your house I spoke of earlier and you might

just notice “Him” if you have not already. Feel “Him” please!

Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.


BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith