David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen

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  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen



  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    David Martin

    The mystery

    of the 500 rescued airmen


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen



    The mystery of the 500 rescued airmen " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " #

    The $escue of the Airmen " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 5

    The Air Cre% $escue Mission &oes into 'u(os)avia " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " *

    The Last Days of Mihai)ovich " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 1+

    A,out the David Martin " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 1-


    otes By American Airmen rescued ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich /artici/atin( in a Memoria)

    service ashin(ton D"C" u)y 13 1435" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 13

    !tatement ,y !enator !trom Thurmond $6!C7 on the !enate f)oor reference a ,i)) to

    authori8e the erection of a Memoria) to &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich u)y 13 1435" " " " 20

    9etition to the Con(ress of the .nited !tate for )e(is)ation /ermittin( the srection in

    ashin(ton of a monument to :;&enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich

    saviour of American Airmen

  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    The mystery of the 500 rescued airmen

    This is the story of one of the ,est =e/t secrets of or)d ar >>"

    Durin( the )ater /art of 14## an American Air Cre% $escue .nit air)ifted from a series of

    secret airfie)ds in the heart of A?is6occu/ied 'u(os)avia #+2 American airmen %ho had ,een

    shot do%n on their %ay ,ac= from raids on A?is oi) insta))ations and communications in

    $omania and had ,een rescued ,y the forces of &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich 'u(os)av

    resistance )eader" >n one t%enty6four6hour /eriod a)one on Au(ust 4 14## 250 rescuedairmen %ere evacuated ,y three %aves of C#3;s from a ma=eshift airfie)d on)y *0 mi)es from

    Be)(rade" >t %as ,y far the )ar(est and most darin( o/eration of its =ind conducted any%here

    in A?is6occu/ied Euro/e durin( the %ho)e or)d ar >>" But the story %as =e/t secret at the

    time and the facts a,out it %ere not officia))y re)eased even after the %ar"

    On March 24 14#* 9resident Truman on the recommendation of &enera) D%i(ht D"

    Eisenho%er a%arded the Le(ion of Merit in the De(ree of Chief Commander to &enera)

    Dra8ha Mihai)ovich in reco(nition of his services to the A))ied cause first as a resistance

    )eader and second in rescuin( hundreds of American airmen" Amon( other thin(s 9resident

    Truman;s citation said a,out Mihai)ovich @Throu(h the undaunted efforts of his troo/s many

    .nited !tates airmen %ere rescued and returned safe)y to friend)y contro)"@

    But for the first and on)y time in American history the a%ard of the Le(ion of Merit %as

    c)assified and =e/t secret" The facts a,out the a%ard %ere not made /u,)ic unti) Con(ressman

    Ed%ard " Der%ins=i of >))inois intervened in 14-3 6 a)most 20 years after the a%ard 6 to

    o,)i(ate the !tate De/artment to ma=e /u,)ic the te?t of 9resident Truman;s citation"

    hy %as the story =e/t secret The ans%er is @/o)itics@"

    Durin( the %ar there %ere t%o com/etitive resistance movements in 'u(os)avia 6 the so6

    ca))ed @Chetni=@ movement )ed ,y &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich a (ifted officer of the $oya)

    'u(os)av Army and the so6ca))ed @9artisan@ movement )ed ,y osi/ Bro8 Tito %ho had ,een

    )eader of the communist under(round in 'u(os)avia durin( the +0;s" The British and

    Americans initia))y su//orted &enera) Mihai)ovich" But in ear)y 14## 9rime Minister

    Churchi)) on the ,asis of ,iased and inaccurate inte))i(ence and a(ainst the recommendationsof a)) the 206odd British and American officers %ho had ,een attached to Mihai)ovich

    decided to %ithdra% su//ort from Mihai)ovich and thro% Britain

  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    Every reasona,)e /erson %ou)d have /ut the uestion hy %e are a,andonin( this man in

    favor of the communist And uestions %ou)d have ,een as=ed too a,out the nonsensica) 6

    and dan(erous 6 ,riefin(s that %ere ,ein( (iven to American airmen %arnin( them to avoid

    the Chetni=s if they %ere shot da%n over 'u(os)avia ,ecause accordin( to the ,riefers the

    Chetni=s %ere co))a,orators %ho %ou)d turn them to the &ermans"

    To /revent such uestions one of the ti(htest censorshi/s of or)d ar >> %as im/osed in,oth Britain and America" The secrecy itse)f and the a,andonment of a faithfu) a))y %ere ,ad

    enou(h" But the )ac= of (ratitude %ent for ,eyond this" >t is shamefu) to re)ate that the very

    aircraft that )anded in Mihai)ovich;s territory to evacuate the hundreds of American airmen

    %ho had ,een rescued ,y his forces 6 freuent)y in cost)y ,att)es %ith &ermans 6 these very

    aircraft on their %ay into 'u(os)avia airdro//ed %ea/ons and ammunition to the 9artisan

    forces %hich %ere then attac=in( the forces of &enera) Mihai)ovich" >n this %ay did %e sho%

    our (ratitude at the time"

    The Rescue of the Airmen

    The 9)oesti oi) com/)e? in $omania %as Git)er;s most im/ortant source of oi) durin( or)d

    ar >>" !hort)y after the A))ies insta))ed themse)ves in >ta)y in the fa)) of 14#+ they em,ar=ed

    on a sustained cam/ai(n of ,om,in( directed a(ainst 9)oesti" Durin( the first /art of 14##

    many hundreds of A))ied sorties %ere f)o%n from >ta)ian ,ases a(ainst 9)oesti fie)ds" The

    casua)ties %ere heavy" !ince the route home )ed across !er,ia 'u(os)avia;s )ar(est state7 and

    since !er,ia %as so)id)y under the contro) of &enera) Mihai)ovich ri(ht u/ unti) the entry of

    the !oviet $ed Army in !e/tem,er 14## hundreds of American airmen %ho %ere forced to

    ,ai) out over 'u(os)avia found themse)ves ,ein( /ic=ed u/ ,y Chetni=s 6 the ,earded

    fo))o%ers of &enera) Mihai)ovich %ho they had ,een %arned %ou)d /ro,a,)y turned them

    over &ermans" >n this %ay they ,ecame eye%itnesses to one of the most ,itter)y dis/uted

    issues of or)d ar >> as (enera) Mihai)ovich a co))a,orator and shou)d %e have

    a,andoned him The airmen formed some very stron( o/inions on this matter"

    >t mi(ht ,e ar(ued that %hat one or t%o or three or four airmen o,served in 'u(os)avia durin(

    a ,rief soourn %ith Chetni= forces %ou)d not dis/rove the char(e that there %as %ides/read

    co))a,oration ,et%een the Chetni=s and the &ermans" But %hen 500 American airmen dro/ in

    une?/ected)y on Chetni= forces a)) throu(h 'u(os)aviaH %hen many of them are rescued in

    /itched ,att)es %ith the &ermansH %hen scores of Chetni= vi))a(ers are e?ecuted in /u,)ic

    re/risa)s ,y the &ermans ,ecause of their fai)ure to turn over American airmen %ho had

    /arachuted to safetyH %hen a)) of the airmen %ithout e?ce/tion /raise the sacrificia) efforts

    made ,y Chetni=s in rescuin( them carin( for them concea)in( them and (ivin( themmedica) treatment if they %ere %oundedH %hen they re/ort that they %ere (iven com/)ete

    freedom of movement durin( soourns in Chetni= territory %hich sometimes )asted # to -

    months that they %itnessed count)ess c)ashes ,et%een &erman and Chetni= forces and sa%

    a,so)ute)y no evidence of co))a,oration 6 a)) of this testimony ta=in( to(ether creates an

    inte))i(ence mosaic so /anoramic and so detai)ed that its va)idity is ,eyond any reasona,)e


    The fe% case histories that fo))o% are characteristic of the hundreds of statements (iven to

    de,riefin( officers after the rescue and to the American /ress at a )ater date"



  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    >t %as the mornin( of une - 14##" As Lt" Dona)d " !mith2 ,an=ed his Li,erator ,om,er

    into a fina) a//roach to his 9)oesti tar(et the s=y %as a)ive %ith ac=6ac= fire" The /)ane

    shuddered as a round e?/)oded underneath it 6 and one en(ine =on=ed out" Lt" !mith

    readusted his rudder to =ee/ his /)ane headin( for tar(et he dro//ed his ,om,s 6 and as he

    did so his Li,erator %as hit a(ain and a second en(ine %ent dead" As he reversed course for

    his ,ase in >ta)y he ordered his men to dum/ every /ossi,)e e?cess item in order to )i(hten the/)ane" !ince it seemed hi(h)y dou,tfu) that they cou)d (et ,ac= to >ta)y the cre% %as a)so

    ordered to stand ,y for ,ai)out" They %ere f)yin( over mountainous terrain a,out 30 mi)es

    south%est of Be)(rade %hen a third en(ine e?/)oded in a ,a)) of fire" !mith ordered his cre%

    to ,ai) out immediate)y"

    !mith hit the (round hard 6 and %as treated a)most immediate)y on )andin( ,y a ,earded man

    on a horse" The ,earded man cou)d s/ea= no En()ish and !mith =ne% no !er,ian ,ut

    someho% they mana(ed to converse" !mith;s an=)e %as dis)ocated and enormous)y s%o))en

    so the ,earded man dismounted and ,ec=oned to him to (et on his horse" >n the va))ey ,e)o%

    they cou)d hear a heavy rat6tat6tat of machine (uns and the ,urstin( of (renades 6 and it too=

    on)y a fe% %ords in !er,ian from the ,earded man for !mith to understand that there %as a

    ,att)e %ith the &ermans (oin( on near,y" The rest of !mith;s cre% had come do%n near,y ,utnone of them %ere visi,)e" The ,earded man 6 a Chetni= officer 6 instructed !mith to round

    them u/ as ra/id)y as /ossi,)e ,y shoutin( to them from a rise of (round" !mith ,e))o%ed at

    the to/ of his )un(s 6 and ,efore too many minutes had /assed the other nine mem,ers of his

    cre% had a)) ,een rounded u/"

    The Chetni= officer on foot )ed Lt" !mith and his cre% a)on( a river ,ed unti) they came to a

    )itt)e farm house" At that /oint !mith discovered that he and his cre% had dro//ed into

    'u(os)avia virtua))y smac= on to/ of &enera) Mihai)ovich;s secret headuarters" The &enera)

    /ersona))y (reeted the American airmen and invited them to share )unch %ith him 6 sittin( on

    the (round" There %ere a fe% officers in the &enera);s headuarters /arty %ho understood

    some En()ish so from here on in the conversation moved more easi)y" The Americans )earned

    that the &ermans had seen them ,ai) out and had initiated an intense search for them in the

    area" Because of this &enera) Mihai)ovich had to move his headuarters out of the area" As

    soon as it ,ecame dar= Mihai)ovich and his headuarters (rou/ accom/anied ,y the

    American airmen moved out to%ards the north" !)ee/in( ,y day and movin( at ni(ht they

    trave)ed to(ether for three days" Durin( this time as a resu)t of constant com/anionshi/ and

    many hours conversation !mith and his fe))o% airmen fe)t that they had come to =no%

    &enera) Mihai)ovich intimate)y" They had dro//ed into 'u(os)avia =no%in( very )itt)e a,out

    the &enera) and the )itt)e they had ,een to)d had inc)ined them to ,e sus/icious" But )i=e a))

    the American airmen %ho met Mihai)ovich /ersona))y they fe)t they %ere in the /resence of a

    tru)y (reat man 6 a man %ho ,ore himse)f %ith humi)ity des/ite his ran= %as %ithout rancor

    des/ite his a,andonment ,y the estern a))ies and %hose humanity %as a//arent in hisre)ations %ith his /easant fo))o%ers" The a))e(ations of co))a,oration %ith the enemy sim/)y

    cou)d not ,e reconci)ed %ith the e?treme)y hard )ife )ed ,y their Chetni= rescuers" Their )ac=

    of ammunition and even medica) su//)ies and the freuent sounds of ,att)e %herever they


    After the third day Mihai)ovich /arted com/any %ith the American airmen and assi(ned a

    com/any of troo/s under the command of Lt" Mi=e 9anovich to escort them"+ For the ne?t

    -+ days !mith and his cre% %ith their Chetni= escorts trave)ed from vi))a(e to vi))a(e never

    remainin( in one /)ace )on(er than four or five days" Fina))y on Au(ust 4 they %ere

    evacuated to(ether %ith 2#0 other rescued airmen from the secret airfie)d %hich the Chetni=s

    had /re/ared near the to%n of 9ranane"#



  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    As Lt" $ichard L" Fe)man te))s the story his /)ane @ever a Du)) Moment@ on %hich he %as

    navi(ator %as shot do%n ,y a s%arm of a8i fi(hters over 'u(os)avia after ,om,in( the

    9)oesti fie)ds" @hen %e )anded@ said Fe)man @a)) of us had the same fear" e had ,een

    %arned to stay a%ay from the Mihai)ovich;s Chetni=s" This came from our inte))i(enceJ

    ee=s )ater %e =ne% the truth" &enera) Mihai)ovich %as no traitor ,ut a /atriot 6 the on)y/eo/)e %ho didn;t thin= so %ere communists"@

    @The /eo/)e of the countryside cou)dn;t do enou(h for us" They had t%o =inds of ,read 6

    rou(h ,ro%n ,read and other su,stitute made from corn" one of us %ere a))o%ed to eat the

    corn ,read 6 a)%ays the ,ro%n ,read" >f they had one e(( 6 %e (ot it@ Fe)man continued"

    One ni(ht it rained very hard" Loo=in( out of the %indo% of the /easant house %here they

    %ere uartered Fe)man sa% 10 Chetni= so)diers %ho had ,een assi(ned to (uard his (rou/ of

    airmen standin( motion)ess in the heavy rain and mud" hen he /rotested to one of the

    Chetni=s the so)dier re/)ied that he %as sim/)y o,eyin( Mihai)ovich;s orders They %ere

    never to )eave the @Ameri=ans=i@ un(uarded"5


    !(t" Mi=e McKoo) of Da))as Te?as %as one of the many airmen %ho %as rescued ,y forces

    of &enera) Mihai)ovich" Gere are a fe% /ara(ra/hs from a much )on(er story he (ave to the


    @>n 14## > %as a tai) (unner on a B62# in the 15th Air Force in >ta)y and the rumors

    circu)atin( amon( our ,oys at that time %ere to the effect that the Chetni=s %ere coo/eratin(

    %ith the &ermansH that they %ere our enemiesH that they %ou)d turn over a)) Americans to the

    &ermans etc"

    On u)y # 14## my cre% %as forced to ,ai) out over 'u(os)avia" The Chetni=s rescued me

    and my cre% from the &ermans" hen the &ermans didn;t catch any of us Americans they

    too= 20 hosta(es from amon( the /easants in the area a)) of %hom %ere sym/athi8ers of

    Chetni=s" Ten of those hosta(es %ere shot %hen the &ermans cou)dn;t (et any information

    from them as to %here %e esca/ed" >s it /ossi,)e that these Chetni=s and their sym/athi8ers

    %ou)d coo/erate %ith the &ermans

    > %a)=ed some 500 mi)es durin( my +* days %ith the Chetni=s and had the o//ortunity to

    meet a )ot of them" ery freuent)y durin( our trave)s %e met %omen 6 o)d %omen 6 %ho on

    findin( out %e %ere Americans %ou)d =iss our hands and cry their hearts out to us" Once >

    /assed throu(h a sma)) to%n ,y the name of &orni Mi)anovac %hich in norma) times had a

    /o/u)ation of a,out +000" But %hen > /assed throu(h it the entire to%n %ithout e?ce/tion of

    a church %as com/)ete)y ,urned to the (round 6 and > mean to the (round"

    The reason A (rou/ of &erman so)diers %ere am,ushed and %i/ed out near this to%n ,y theChetni=s" A stron( &erman (arrison %as sent to %rea= reven(e %hich they did ,y =i))in( a))

    the inha,itants they cou)d catch and ,urnin( out their city %ith f)ame thro%ers" >s it /ossi,)e

    that these Chetni=s and their sym/athi8ers %ou)d aid the &ermans"""

    hi)e under their care the Chetni=s (ave us everythin( they had to ma=e us comforta,)e

    even thou(h they had ,ut very )itt)e to offer" Many a time they (ave us their )ast si/ of ;ra=ia;

    %his=ey made from /)ums7 )ast )oaf of ,read )ast ,it of cheese etc" henever %e %ere

    )uc=y enou(h to stay in a home they (ave us their o%n ,eds and s)e/t on the f)oor" >s it

    /ossi,)e that these Chetni=s and their sym/athi8ers %ou)d aid the &ermans"""-



  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    A))en Carrico a ,om,ardier from Oa=)and Ca)ifornia %ho %as rescued ,y the Chetni=s

    descri,ed his e?/erience in this %ords to the Oa=)and 9ost >nuirer

    @A Chetni= officer found me %ith a s/rained an=)e" Ge (ot off his horse and made me ride

    even thou(h he %as sufferin( from a ,ayoned %ound in the )e(" Ge hid me %hi)e some

    Bu)(arian troo/s searched for my cre% and > then too= me to near,y vi))a(eJ

    They /aid the )oca) mayor for a)) our food uarters c)othin( 6 everythin( %e desired orneeded" The officer in char(e of us said he had to ta=e (ood care of us"

    And once > %ent out on a ;/arty; %ith them and he)/ then %rec= a &erman su//)y train They

    %ere fi(htin( a civi) %ar %ith 9artisans a)) ri(ht 6 ,ut they certain)y %eren;t ;co))a,oratin(;

    %ith &ermans"


    The American airmen rescued ,y the Chetni=s may not have ,een trained inte))i(ence officers

    ,ut it does not reuire trained >nte))i(ence officers to see co))a,oration" Fundamenta))y it is a

    matter of %hether you shoot %ith the &ermans or a(ainst them" To uote the e)ouent %ords

    of !taff !er(eant &us T" Bro%n of Lu)in( Te?as a mem,er of the first American cre% to ,eshot do%n over 'u(os)avia @>n five and a ha)f months > %itnessed not a sin()e friend)y

    encounter %ith the &ermans" The on)y encounters > ever %itnessed %ere shootin; encounters"@

    Most of the airmen ,ai)ed out at 1*000 to 20000 feet in ,road day)i(ht" Freuent)y it

    ha//ened that ,y the time they hit the (round ,oth the &ermans and the Chetni=s %ere racin(

    to (et them and their /ossession %as decided on)y after &ermans and Chetni=s had fou(ht it

    out" !taff !er(eant Le)and 9orter of Le?in(ton Kentuc=y %ho %as shot do%n near Be)(rade

    after the ,om,in( raid of !em/tem,er 4 made the fo))o%in( de/osition @The &ermans %ho

    %ere (arrisoned at a near,y rai)road station tried to ta=e us from the Chetni=s" A ,att)e

    fo))o%ed" One Chetni= and four &ermans %ere =i))ed" !i? &ermans %ere ca/tured"@J

    Lieutenant Merri)) L" a)=er of Com/ton Ca)ifornia to)d a simi)ar story" a)=er %as in a

    /)ane %hich crash6)anded on une - 14## near the to%n of $udni= #0 mi)es south of

    Be)(rade" Gis de/osition re)ates @On the day %e crash6)anded t%o men %ere tra//ed in the

    /)ane" Before %e cou)d (et them free a &erman /atro) attem/ted to ca/ture us ,ut they %ere

    he)d off ,y the Chetni= forces unti) %e (ot t%o men free" There %as some fierce fi(htin(J

    and > =no% that the Chetni=s suffered some casua)tiesJ The &ermans %ere in ha)f6trac=s and

    on motorcyc)esJ@

    The Air Crew Rescue Mission Goes into Yugoslavia

    The )ast mem,ers of the British mission )eft Mihai)ovich on une 2 14##" !hort)y after theirde/arture the British )in= in >ta)y %hich sti)) remained in o/eration ,e(an to receive messa(e

    after messa(e informin( them that the Chetni=s had rescued many American airmen and that

    %ith A))ied coo/eration it %ou)d ,e /ossi,)e to evacuate them"

    The officia) /osition at that time %as that the Chetni=s %ere handin( A))ied airmen over to the

    &ermans" British authorities %ho acce/ted this /osition found it difficu)t to ,e)ieve that the

    Chetni=s had actua))y rescued as many A))ied airmen as Mihai)ovich c)aimed" hat made

    them even more sus/icious %as that some of the messa(es %ere ,ein( sent in the c)ear i"e"

    uncoded" A fe% British officers even su((ested that the %ho)e thin( %as a &erman come6on"

    After severa) communications %ith the British had fai)ed to ,rin( a tan(i,)e re/)y

    Mihai)ovich im/atient %ired the 'u(os)av Am,assador in ashin(ton Constantin Fotich on

    u)y 12 14##


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    @9)ease advise the American Air Ministry that there are more than one hundred American

    aviators in our midstJ e notified the En()ish !u/reme Command for the Mediterranean a

    )on( time a(oJ The En()ish re/)ied that they %ou)d send an officer to ta=e care of the

    evacuation" Mean%hi)e to date this has not ,een doneJ >t %ou)d ,e ,etter sti)) if the

    Americans and not the En()ish ta=e /art in evacuation"@

    Every once in a %hi)e Fotich %ou)d receive a te)e(ram (ivin( him the names and num,ers ofanother ,atch of rescued airmen and conveyin( messa(es to their ne?t of =in" The )on(est of

    these %hich %as received on Au(ust # %as ten /a(es )on( and conveyed messa(es from over

    one hundred airmen" For these messa(es Fotich /ersona))y /aid at the rate of 1- cents /er

    %ord" Freuent)y the re)ayed messa(es from the Mihai)ovich;s radio reached the an?ious

    fami)ies %ee=s in advance of any officia) messa(e from ar De/artment"

    By the ,e(innin( of u)y the 15th Air Force Command %as ,ecomin( serious)y concerned

    over the %e)fare of the rescued airmen" Lar(e sca)e o/erations %ere im/endin( in 'u(os)avia"

    >t %as o,vious)y necessary to (et the rescued airmen out of the %ay as soon as /ossi,)e" The

    chief difficu)ty odd)y enou(h %as di/)omatic" The British authorities %ere insistent that there

    shou)d ,e no rene%a) of American re/resentation in Mihai)ovich;s headuarters ,ecause they

    feared that the 9artisans %ou)d consider such re/resentation an evidence of du/)icity" 15th AirForce GN (ot around this difficu)ty adroit)y ,y creatin( an entire)y ne% authority 6 the Air

    Cre% $escue .nit" The .nit enoyed the status neither of a mission nor of an inte))i(ence

    team it so)e tas= 6 and this %as ri(id)y s/ecified 6 %as the rescue and evacuation of airmen"

    The three men se)ected for the initia) reconnaissance %ere Lieutenant &eor(e @&uv@ Musu)in

    a 2506/ound e?6/ro6foot,a)) /)ayer %ho had ,een attached to Mihai)ovich from Octo,er 14#+

    to May 14##H Master !er(eant )ater Lieutenant7 Mi=e $ayachich %ho had /revious)y ,een

    at an O!! des=H and Arthur i,i)ian a feather%ei(ht nava) radio o/erator %ho had /revious)y

    ,een in %ith the 9artisans"3

    The o/eration %as descri,ed as a ,)ind dro/ a//ro?imate)y 50 mi)es south%est of Be)(rade"

    Everythin( %as very indefinite" The /recise /osition of the fie)d %as uncertainH the num,er of

    airmen concentrated in the area %as un=no%n 6 British sources estimated the num,er of #0H

    accordin( to British >nte))i(ence ma/s moreover the /osition indicated ,y the Chetni= radio

    %as su//osed to ,e in an area firm)y he)d ,y the 9artisansH and to dro/ everythin( somethin(

    seemed to ,e %ron( %ith the British )in=" !evera) sorties %ere attem/ted on the ,asis of

    arran(ements made over the British )in=" A)) of them ended in fai)ure" Either no (round

    si(na)s %ere received or the %ron( (round si(na)s %ere received"

    >n des/eration sensin( that somethin( %as %ron( a (rou/ of airmen under the )eadershi/ of

    Lt" T" K" O)iver* a ,om,er /i)ot constituted themse)ves a @communications committee@ and

    decided to try to esta,)ish contact %ith American headuarter in Bari >ta)y usin( a

    transmitter they had ,orro%ed from the Chetni=s" They had no code ,oo=s so they had to

    o/erate in the c)ear" To confuse the &ermans and to convince headuarters that the messa(e%as authentic they used s)an( and a @code@ si(nature" The messa(e said @ 1-5 'an=s are in

    'u(o" !hoot us %or=horses"@ The C#3;s %ere ca))ed @%or=horses@ ,y American airmen7" >t

    %as si(ned @F)at6$at um,er 5@" O)iver;s tent in Bari ,ore the name @9o=er F)at@ and its

    occu/ation %ere =no%n as @F)at $ats@" um,er 5 %as the /osition of O)iver;s ,un="

    A fe% days )ater messa(e %as received from Bari" O/eratin( %ith their ne% a))6American

    )in= a successfu) sortie %as carried out on the ni(ht of Au(ust 12"

    Musu)in $ayachich and i,i)ian um/ed in a stic= and come do%n in a stic=" Bi( &uv

    des/ite his outsi8e +26foot chute %as the first to hit the (round" Ge )anded on to/ of a chic=en

    coo/ utter)y demo)ishin( it" Mi=e $ayachich came do%n ne?t" Ge hit in a tree near chic=en

    coo/ and ho))ered for &uv to he)/ him untan()e himse)f" Litt)e i,y %as the )ast to touch



  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    Gard)y %ere they out of their harness %hen the /easant %oman on %hose /ro/erty they had

    )anded came charrin( u/" ot sto//in( to notice her demo)ished chic=en coo/ she ,esto%ed

    re/eated =isses on the em,arrassed Americans ca))ed them @)i,erators@ 6 she a//arent)y

    thou(ht it %as /art of a /arachute invasion 6 and insisted they have somethin( to eat" &uv

    (ave her 15000 dinars 6 a,out 10 do))ars 6 to cover the cost of her chic=en coo/ and then she

    directed them to the near6,y Chetni= unit"The trio set off a)on( the road in the direction indicated ,ut the o)d %oman and around a ,end

    they ran ,an( into a (rou/ of Chetni=s" There %ere cheers and more =isses" !ome of the

    Chetni=s %ho =ne% &uv Musu)in from his /revious stay %ith Mihai)ovich actua))y %e/t oy

    a)thou(h Musu)in em/hasi8ed that they %ere attach no di/)omatic si(nificance to his arriva)

    the Chetni=s cou)d not he)/ ,e)ievin( that it meant the return of A))ied ,ac=in("

    !ome of the American airmen a)most %e/t for oy too" They informed the mission that there

    %ere rou(h)y 250 airmen in the district of %hom 2- %ere sic= and %ounded" The Chetni=

    /easants had ,een %onderfu) to them" The airmen to)d to mission ho% the /easants had (iven

    them their o%n ,eds and had themse)ves s)e/t on the f)oorH and ho% they had insisted on the

    airmen eatin( first %hi)e they themse)ves ate %hat %as )eft over" But des/ite the =indness of

    the /easants a)) of the airmen %ere fed u/ %ith %aitin(" They =ne% that Chetni=s had ,eensendin( out re/eated si(na)s and they had not ,een a,)e to understand %hy the A))ied

    authorities had not acted sooner on them"

    That day the mission he)d a counci) of %ar %ith a committee of severa) airmen and

    re/resentatives of the Chetni= command" The airmen %ere divided into si? (rou/s of #0 to 50

    men each uartered in a se/arate vi))a(e and each under the command of its o%n officer" The

    /ur/ose of this %as to minimi8e the dan(er if the &ermans %ere to sta(e a sur/rise attac="

    Each (rou/ %as assi(ned to a definite %ave of aircraft they %ere not to re/ort to the fie)d

    unti) short)y ,efore the assi(ned %ave %as due it"

    The Chetni=s for their /art had ta=en the most com/rehensive security measures" The

    /roected airfie)d %as (uarded ,y the 1st and 2nd $avna &ora Cor/s under the command of

    Ca/tain von=o uch=ovich and maor Mu8i=ravich"4 The troo/s num,erin( some 10000

    men %ere distri,uted throu(h a)) the vi))a(es %ithin a radius of 10 to 15 mi)es" They ,)oc=ed

    a)) of the roads and even the co% /aths and they enforced a tota) ,an on movements to and

    from the o/erationa) area" T%o thousands of the ,est6armed men %ere distri,uted in the

    immediate vicinity of the airstri/"

    The airstri/ itse)f %as a natura) /)ateau e?treme)y )eve) and some 300 yards )on(" This %as a

    ,it on the short side for C#3;s and it %as therefore decided to e?tend it a,out 35 yards to

    ,rin( u/ it to the ma?imum for safety" There hundred /easants and si?ty carts %ere mo,i)i8ed

    and they %ent to %or= cartin( (rave) and fi))in( in" For this %or= they refused to acce/t any


    To offset the /ossi,i)ity of a sur/rise attac= ,y the &ermans teams %ere sent out toreconnoiter t%o au?i)iary airfie)ds %hich %ere %ithin one day;s tre="

    There %as /)enty of reason to fear &erman attac=" !evera) hundred American airmen %as a

    maor /ri8e in the eyes of the &ermans" Moreover %ithin radius of 206+0 mi)es there %ere

    some ha)f do8en im/ortant centers 6 Chacha= Kra)yevo a)yevo Kra(uevats &ornyi

    Mi)anovats .8itse 6 %ith &erman (arrisons ran(in( from severa) hundred to severa) thousand

    men" At Kra)yevo some +0 mi)e a%ay there %as an airfie)d %hich housed a Luft%affe unit"

    Chetni= officers %ho /artici/ated in evacuation o/eration are divided on %hy the &ermans

    fai)ed to attac=" !ome fee) that the &ermans had a fair)y (ood idea of %hat %as (oin( on ,ut

    %ere too dis/irited at that time to venture on attac= on an army of 10000 determined

    Chetni=s" Others fee) that e?traordinary security measures ta=en ,y the Chetni=s com/)ete)y

    ,aff)ed the &erman inte))i(ence"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    The first evacuation %as schedu)ed for the ni(ht of Au(ust 4" There %ere t%o an?ious

    moments ,efore it too= /)ace" The ni(ht ,efore the evacuation mem,ers of the mission %ho

    %ere s)ee/in( in 9ranyane sudden)y a%o=e to the sound of machine6(un fire" They s)o//ed

    into their trousers on the dou,)e and (ot ready to move" Minutes )ater Ca/tain ouch=ovich

    came around and informed them that the (uard has cha))en(ed a movin( o,ectH the o,ect

    hadn;t ans%ered and the (uard had fired 6 =i))in( a co%"On the mornin( of the 4th Musu)in and $ayachich %ere out on the airstri/ su/ervisin( the

    fina) touches" From the direction of Be)(rade t%o s/ec=s ,e(an to a//roach" Everyone made

    for a cover" The s/ec=s came c)oser" They (re% into &erman hos/ita) aircraft and f)e% a)most

    )oiterin()y ri(ht for the fie)d at a hei(ht of 1000 feet" !evera) hundred hearts san= at the

    same time" A sma)) herd of co%s noticin( the meado% deserted for the first time in a %ee=

    sauntered on munchin( at the turf" >t %as /ro,a,)y this )itt)e act of /rovidentia) camouf)a(e

    more than anythin( e)se %hich /revented the &ermans from noticin( the fie)d"

    That ni(ht at 11 o;c)oc= the first %ave of four C#3;s arrived" The (round cre% f)ashed the

    )etters of the day" The aircraft f)ashed ,ac=" The (oosenec= f)ares im/rovised out of oi) cans

    %ere )it" And the aircraft came in" The /easants from a)) around 9ranyane had con(re(ated to

    %itness the si(ht" >f $in()in( Brothers and Com/any had come to this )itt)e !er,ian vi))a(e itcou)d not have caused more e?citement" The /easants (ar)anded the rescued airmen and

    arrivin( aircre% they thre% f)o%ers on them they ,rou(ht them ,ott)es of ra=ia they

    em,raced they san("

    The C#3;s too= off ha)f an hour )ater" Before they did so the airmen %ho %ere a,out to ,e

    evacuated ,ade a (ood6,ye to those %ho had rescued them and cared for them" They too= off

    their shoes they too= off their ac=ets and some of them even too= of their soc=s and their

    shirts and )eft them %ith their ,enefactors" The /)anes too= off to the cheers of the assem,)ed


    At ei(ht o;c)oc= the ne?t mornin( a %ave of si? C#3;s came in %ith a fi(hter cover of t%enty

    9651;s" The 9651;s shot u/ the fie)d and /ut on a rea) aeria) rodeo for the entertainment of the

    )oca) /o/u)ace" The )oca) /o/u)ace for its /art cou)d hard)y contain its /ride" @e)) %hatever

    you say@ remar=ed one octo(enarian @this is the on)y American airfie)d in !er,ia"@ The

    commander of the airfie)d (uard strutted around %ith his chest out a yard" @Te)) me he as=ed

    one of the Americans @is La &uardia Fie)d anythin( )i=e this@

    Ga)f an hour )ater another f)i(ht of C#3;s %ith a fi(hter cover of t%enty came in for the

    ,a)ance of the airmen" hen the ro)) ca)) for the )ast aircraft %as ta=en one airman %as

    missin(" The C6#3 %as ust ta?iin( u/ for the ta=e6off %hen the missin( airman came

    stum,)in( onto the fie)d" Ge had ,een overindu)(in( in ra=ia the /otent !er,ian /)um ,randy"

    Ca/tain ic= La)ich10 of C)eve)and %ho came %ith the first aircraft on Au(ust 4 too= over

    as Commandin( Officer of the A"C"$"." at this /oint" hi)e the o/eration %as ,ein(

    /re/ared airmen =e/t arrivin( a)most every day" One %ee= )ater there %as another sma))evacuation" Mihai)ovich arrived at 9ranyane on Au(ust 20 and he)/ed /)an su,seuent

    evacuations" On the ni(hts of Au(ust 2- and 23 another 5* American airmen %ere evacuated"

    At the direction of &enera) @i)d Bi))@ Donovan O!! sent Maor acues Mitrani and

    Co)one) a)ter T" @Doc@7 Car/enter into 9ranyane to )oo= after the hea)th of the evacuees

    and tend to the %ounded" Doctor Car/enter had ust come from 9artisan hos/ita) at the >s)and

    of is %here A))ied medica) su//)ies %ere so /)entifu) that the commissars %ere a,)e to

    commandeer for themse)ves sheets and to%e)s and ,)an=ets and s/ecia) foods" Arrivin( at

    9ranyane Dr" Mitrani and Dr" Car/enter found a situation that %as the /o)ar e?treme of the

    situation at is" The )oca) hos/ita) %as ,ein( administered ,y t%o !er,ian doctors and one

    >ta)ian doctor %ith the aid of severa) vi))a(ers" The doctors %ere ca/a,)e 6 on the %ho)e the

    Chetni=s %ere much ,etter off for a,)e doctors ,ecause fe% doctors (ravitated of their o%nvo)ition to the 9artisan movement" But the Chetni= doctors %ere %or=in( %ithout anythin("


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    They had no medicines no anesthetics no soa/ no sheets no /ro/er sur(ica) instruments"

    There %asn;t even a decent first6aid =it avai)a,)e" The /atients s)e/t on stra% on the f)oors"

    Maor o/erations %ere /erformed %ithout anesthesia"

    >n e?chan(e for +00 American airmen turned over ,y Mihai)ovich u/ to the end of Au(ust the

    Chetni=s received one and one6ha)f tons of medica) su//)ies 6 one6ha)f of an aircraft )oad" >n

    certain British and American circ)es at Bari there %as much o//osition to sendin( in even thissma)) uantity"

    One incident %hich too= /)ace on Au(ust 23 the Chetni=s never for(ave" The first of the si?

    aircraft came in direct)y and )anded at 9ranyane" The other five too= off )oaded %ith

    munitions for 9artisans and carryin( /artisan dis/atcher cre%s" The munitions %ere dro//ed

    to the 9artisan Army drivin( into !er,ia and than the five aircraft came in to )and usin( the

    aircraft a)ready on the fie)d as a radio ,eacon" hen they )anded severa) of 9artisan

    dis/atchers /erha/s not rea)i8in( %here they %ere ho//ed out of the aircraft"

    @e)) Comrades@ said one of them @%e;ve ust had a successfu) dro/"@

    >f the American officers had not intervened and ,und)ed him ,ac= into the aircraft the

    Chetni=s %ou)d have hit him"

    At the time this incident too= /)ace the 9artisan invasion of !er,ia %as a)ready under%ay"ithin a %ee= scores of %ounded %ere ,ein( ,rou(ht ,ac= to 9ranyane from the front" ith

    the fe% materia)s they had Chetni=s doctors co/ed as ,est they cou)d" Those %ho %ere (oin(

    to die %ere not hos/ita)i8ed or (iven dru(s" On)y those %ho had a ,etter than fi(htin( chance

    of survivin( cou)d ,e tended to"

    The aircraft %hich arrived on Au(ust 23 a)so ,rou(ht %ith them Lt" Co)one) $o,ert G"

    McDo%e)) Ca/tain ohn Mi)odra(ovich and Lt" E))s%orth Kramer %ho %ere to act as an

    >nte))i(ence Mission in Chetni= territory"11

    On !e/tem,er 2 a Chetni= escort arrived at 9ranyane ,rin(in( %ith them a (rou/ of +5

    esca/ed $ussian /risoners6of6%ar" Mihai)ovich as=ed them %hether they %ished to ,e

    evacuated to >ta)y or %hether they /referred to ,e returned to the $omanian ,order" They

    o/ted to $omanian ,order" Mihai)ovich %rote out a safe conduct /rovided them %ith an

    escort and the fo))o%in( day they %ere off"

    Mean%hi)e mem,ers of Air Cre% $escue .nit %ere fannin( out in uest of stray American

    airmen" Mi=e $ayachich %as (iven the assi(nment of e?/)orin( Be)(rade area" After many

    adventures he succeeded in ma=in( his %ay throu(h to the su,ur,s of the ca/ita) and

    esta,)ished contact %ith the Be)(rade under(round" Gis (uides conducted him to an i))e(a)

    Chetni= hos/ita) in the vi))a(e of $i/an five and one6ha)f mi)es from the city /ro/er" Gere

    $ayachich found a %ounded American airman ,y the name of i))iam $o(ers of Chica(o"

    $o(ers had ,oth his )e(s in casts so that it %as out of uestion to move himH a)) $ayachich

    cou)d do %as assure $o(ers that the authorities %ou)d ,e notified and that he %ou)d ,e ta=en

    care of someho%"The (enius ,ehind this i))e(a) ten6,ed hos/ita) %as Dr" La)ovich Chief6!ur(eon of the !tate

    Gos/ita) in Be)(rade and a co)one) in the Chetni= under(round" !evera) times a %ee= he

    ris=ed his )ife to come out to $i/an to treat his /atients" On the occasion of $ayachich;s visit

    La)ovich drove out of $i/an in a sto)en &erman am,u)ance %ith a driver dressed in &erman

    uniform and %ith $ayachich in American uniform )yin( on the ,ac= f)oor"

    $ayachich re/orted the /osition of $o(ers to the American authorities and the re/ort %as

    for%arded to the $ed Army %hen it ,e(an to a//roach Be)(rade" The 9artisans too= over the

    vi))a(e of $i/an and the i))e(a) Chetni= hos/ita) on Octo,er 1-" A fe% days )ater Lt" $o(ers

    %as evacuated to safety"

    After the ar i))iam $o(ers received a )etter from a Chetni= he had =no%n at $i/an" The

    )etter informed him that many of those %ho had ,een connected %ith the hos/ita) had ,eene?ecuted ,y the 9artisans and that their homes had ,een destroyed"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    >n ear)y !e/tem,er the 9artisan @!er, Li=a Bri(ade@ ,ro=e throu(h on Mihai)ovich;s %ea=

    southern f)an= ,y6/assin( the &erman (arrison at ishe(rad .8ice and 9o8he(a and made

    strai(ht for the Chetni= headuarters at 9ranyane" On !e/tem,er 4 Mihai)ovich ,ro=e cam/

    and moved north%ard throu(h the re(ion of !em,erya to Bosnia"

    On !e/tem,er 13 the Air Cre% $escue .nit evacuated t%enty6odd American airmen from anairstri/ near Kotse)yevo on the a)yevo6!ha,ats hi(h%ay" hi)e a ,att)e ,et%een 9artisans

    and Chetni=s %as ra(in( no more than four mi)es a%ay t%o DC6+;s came in %ith a cover of

    si? fi(hters and too= off the American airmen"

    The Mission trave)ed %ith Mihai)ovich u/ into East Bosnia %here they esta,)ished contact

    %ith his commanders 9o/ !ava and 9o/ Mi)osh"12 To%ards the end of Octo,er another

    evacuation of American airmen too= /)ace from an airstri/ at Bo)yanich * mi)es east of

    Do,oy under the /rotection of the troo/s of 9o/ !ava and 9o/ Mi)osh"

    A)) the %hi)e Ca/tain La)ich %as trave)in( %ith Chetni= headuarters re/orts =e/t comin( in

    a,out American airmen %ho had ,een rescued and %ished to ,e evacuated" ear ishe(rad

    they /ic=ed u/ nine airmen" Then they continued further south to !rednye 20 =i)ometers

    north of !araevo" Gere they /ic=ed u/ seven more American airmen a)) of %hom %ereinured" There %as an airstri/ near !rednye ,ut it %as considered unsuita,)e" Ca/tain La)ich

    %ith the t%enty6four American airmen he had accumu)ated decided to head ,ac= to the

    airstri/ at Bo)yanich"

    On Decem,er 10 the day ,efore they )eft !rednye the vi))a(ers sta(ed a ,i( dance in honor

    of Mihai)ovich and the Americans" 9eo/)e came from as far as !araevo to attend the

    ce)e,ration" The fo))o%in( day Mihai)ovich and Ca/tain La)ich shoo= hands for the )ast time"

    To the ama8ement of a)) the Americans Mihai)ovich a//eared o/timistic"

    @The A))ies have made a mista=e@ he said" @But some day they %i)) come ,ac= to us"@

    ,efore he made this statement Mihai)ovich had refused an American offer to ,e evacuated to

    safety in >ta)y %ith the American airmen 6 ,ecause he considered it a com/e))in( mora) duty

    to remain %ith his /eo/)e"

    Mihai)ovich headed south into the !anda= and La)ich %ith his %ounded airmen mounted on

    horses headed north for Bo)yanich airstri/ on Decem,er 23" At that time re/orts had arrived

    of the rescue of severa) (rou/s of airmen in other /arts of !er,ia" >n vie% of the di/)omatic

    im/ossi,i)ity of continuin( evacuations from Chetni= territory the Chetni= command a(reed

    to for%ard these airmen to 9artisan units"

    The Last Days of Mihailovich

    hat ha//ened %ith Mihai)ovich after he had co))a,orated %ith the Americans in arran(in(the evacuation of the #+2 rescued airmen

    Des/ite communist su/eriority in arms 6 than=s to massive British and American shi/ments 6

    Mihai)ovich had remained in so)id contro) of !er,ia the )ar(est and strate(ica))y the most

    vita) /art of 'u(os)avia unti) the Fa)) of 14##" Mihai)ovich had )on( ,een committed to a

    nationa) u/risin( a(ainst the &ermans at the /ro/er moment" At midni(ht on Au(ust + the /re6

    arran(ed si(na) %as (iven" The church ,e))s ran( out in every vi))a(e in !er,ia" Commentin(

    on the events of ear)y !e/tem,er Lt" Co)one) $o,ert G" McDo%e)) chief of the American

    inte))i(ence unit said

    @>nsofar as the sma)) (rou/ of American officers %ere a,)e to cover the front and ma=e

    o,servations durin( !e/tem,er ationa)ist forces en(a(ed &erman and Bu)(arian forces to

    the e?tent of their ca/a,i)ity and eui/ment" A?is movements %ere thorou(h)y disru/ted andconsidera,)e uantity of munitions and /risoners %ere ta=en" @


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    At that /oint Mihai)ovich;s forces %ere hit ,y com,ined assau)d of the !oviet $ed Army

    drivin( in from Bu)(aria on the East and the 9artisan Army drivin( from the orth and est"

    The Mihai)ovich forces co))a,orated %ith the $ed Army in the ca/ture of a num,er of maor

    centers 6 ,ut it soon ,ecame a//arent that the communist forces ,oth !oviet and 'u(os)av

    %ere committed to the tota) destruction of the Chetni= Army" >n this merci)ess /incer

    ons)au(ht the Chetni=s suffered fearfu) casua)ties"Mihai)ovich and some of his units he)d out in the mountains of 'u(os)avia for another year

    and a ha)f ,ut the odds %ere ho/e)ess)y a(ainst them" On March 25 14#- the Be)(rade /ress

    /roud)y announced that (enera) Mihai)ovich had ,een ca/tured" On une 10 14#- he %as

    ,rou(ht to tria)" After ty/ica) Mosco% sho% tria) %hich e?c)uded a)) evidence for the defense

    and hose ,)atant unfairness %as editoria))y condemned ,y every maor /a/er in the Free

    or)d Mihai)ovich %as e?ecuted on u)y 13 14#-"

    hen the ne%s of Mihai)ovich;s ca/ture a//eared in the /ress the American airmen %ho had

    ,een rescued ,y him esta,)ished contact %ith each other and or(ani8ed a @nationa) Committee

    of American Airmen to Aid (enera) Mihai)ovich and the !er,ian 9eo/)e"@ The airmen raised

    heaven and earth to /resent the truth as they sa% it" >n )ate A/ri) 14#- a de)e(ation of 2+

    airmen re/resentin( the nationa) de)e(ation f)e% to ashin(ton in a s/ecia))y charted /)ane%hich they ,a/ti8ed for the occasion @Mission for Mihai)ovich@" >n meetin(s %ith 9resident

    Truman and .ndersecretary of !tate Dean Acheson as %e)) as severa) score !enators and

    Con(ressmen they ur(ed that the .nited !tates intercede on ,eha)f of Mihai)ovich and as=ed

    that they ,e /ermitted to testify as %itnesses for the defense" hen the Be)(rade &overnment

    reected the !tate De/artment;s reuest that the airmen ,e /ermitted to testify the airmen

    sou(ht to have their evidence transmitted to the 'u(os)av court ,y /resentin( it to the

    @Commission of >nuiry in the Case of Dra8ha Mihai)ovich@ a ,ody consistin( of four of the

    nation;s most distin(uished urists"1+

    The -00 /a(es of s%orn testimony ta=en ,y the Commission %ere transmitted to


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    + Mi=e 9anovich no% )ives in &ary >ndiana" As a resu)t of &enera) !mith;s /artici/ation in a

    first (atherin( of the rescued airmen in ashin(ton on u)y 13 143# 9anovich heard !mith;s

    voice on a )oca) radio station decided that Maor &enera) !mith %as the same Lt" !mith he

    had he)/ed to rescue 6 and after +0 years the t%o men %ere reunited in Chica(o"

    # >n addition to the American airmen the $escue .nit evacuated # British airmen 2

    Canadians 2 Be)(ians +0 $ussians and 3- >ta)ians %ho had ,een /ic=ed u/ ,y Chetni=s"

    5 Maor $ichard L" Fe)man .!AF $et"7 no% resides in Tuscon Ari8ona" he is Chairman of

    the ationa) Committee of American Airemen $escued ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich"

    - Mi=e McKoo) %ho sti)) resides in Da))as served recent)y as a Te?as !tate !enator"

    3 &eor(e Musu)in retired from the army Active $eserve in 143+ %ith the ran= of Lt"

    Co)one)" he resides in Mc)ean a" Mi=e $ayachich died of natura) causes in ashin(ton

    D"C" in 14-1" Arthur i,i)ian no% )ives in Tiffen Ohio"

    * Co)one) T" K" O)iver .!AF $et"7 no% a resident of $a/id City !outh Da=ota teaches at

    the !tate Da=ota !choo) of Mines"

    4 Ca/tain ouch=ovich no% resides in (ary >ndiana" Gis son has recent)y (raduated from

    est 9oint" Ca/tain Mu8i=ravich %as =i))ed short)y after the evacuation in fi(htin( %ith the


    10 Ca/tain La)ich %ho %or=s for the ."!" Customs !ervice no% resides in Ba)timore Md"

    11 Co)one) McDo%e)) retired after many years as the 9enta(on;s Chief soviet ana)yst no%

    )ives in C)ear%ater F)orida" ohn Mi)odra(ovich )ives in Missou)a Montana" E))s%orth

    Kramer )ives in Ar)in(ton ir(inia"

    12 9o/ is !er,ian for @reverend@ or @father@" Many orthodo? /riests served as commanders

    of Chetni= mi)itary units"

    1+ The commission of >nuiry %as set u/ ,y the Committee for a Fair Tria) for Dra8ha

    Mihai)ovich an e?ce/tiona))y distin(uished ,y6/artisan committee su//orted ,y many

    !enators Con(ressmen and &overnors" The Commission of >nuiry consisted of Arthur

    &arfie)d Gayes at that time the nation;s foremost civi) )i,erties )a%yerH Ado)/h Ber)e formerassistant !ecretary of !tate for Latin American AffairsH Char)es 9o)etti former (overnor of

    e% 'or=H and Theodore Kiend) a /rominent a)) !treet )a%yer"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    Aout the David Martin

    DA>D MA$T> is the author of @A))y Betrayed 6 The .ncensored !tory of Tito and

    Mihai)ovich@ /u,)ished ,y 9rentice6Ga)) in 14#-" Ge is a)so author of numerous /o)itica)

    artic)es" From 1454 to 1430 he %as forei(n /o)icy assistant to the )ate !enator Thomas "Dodd of Connecticut" After or)d ar >> he served as E?ecutive !ecretary of the /resti(ious

    @Committee for a Fair Tria) for Dra8ha Mihai)ovich"@ >n that ca/acity he or(ani8ed the

    Commission of >nuiry in the Case of Dra8ha Mihai)ovich %hich too= the testimony of

    American officers %ho had served %ith Mihai)ovich and of more than 100 airmen %ho had

    ,een rescued ,y him" >n the fifties he served as E?ecutive Director of the >nternationa) $escue

    Committee as s/ecia) assistant to Admira) $ichard E" Byrd and as E?ecutive Director of the

    e))er,ach Commission on the Euro/ean $efu(ee !ituation"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen




    9A$T>C>9AT>& > A MEMO$>AL !E$>CE A!G>&TO D"C" .L' 13 1435

    @On une - 14## at 1025 in the mornin( on a ,ri(ht sunny day > /arachuted out of our

    disa,)ed B62# ,om,er a)on( %ith nine other mem,ers of our air cre%" From a hei(ht of

    10000 feet > cou)d see sma)) homes and /eo/)e" > fe)t uite a)one in a stran(e country" > %as

    fortunate to )and %ith friend)y forces the Chetni=s" > suffered a fracture of the ri(ht an=)e in

    the )andin( ,ut did not notice the /ain ,ecause of the tension invo)ved in the )andin(" Most of

    our cre% %ere uic=)y /ic=ed u/ and ta=en to safety in an o?6dra%n cart" Those days ahead

    %ere fi))ed %ith res/ect and )ove for a /eo/)e that did a)) they cou)d for us even to the ris= of

    their o%n )ives"

    > %i)) a)%ays ,e in the de,t of the !er,ian /eo/)e and their %onderfu) mi)itary (enius &enera)

    Dra8ha Mihai)ovich"@DA>D E" LA B>!!O>E$E

    au%atosa isconsin


    @TQ!(t" Anthony " Buc=ner f)yin( out of 15th Air forces in >ta)y on a mission to 9)asite

    9)oesti Oi) fie)ds on A/ri) 15th 14## %as shot do%n in a B62# over 'u(os)avia" 9ic=ed u/ ,y

    &enera) Mihai)ovich;s forces he %as =e/t out of the hands of the &ermans and /artisan

    forces" &enera) Mihai)ovich;s troo/s fed c)othed she)tered and /rotected me and nine other

    airmen for 1-2 days ,efore stea)in( a ,oat from the &ermans an ena,)in( us to return to 15th

    Air force Geaduarters at Bari >ta)y"@ATGO' " B.KCE$

    ohnsto%n e% 'or=


    @hi)e f)yin( a ,om,in( mission %ith 15th Air Force in >ta)y !e/tem,er 14## our B62#

    ,om,er %as hit ,y &erman anti6aircraft fire over Be)(rade 'u(os)avia"

    Our ,om,er dama(ed ,eyond contro) had to ,e a,andoned ,y our 4 man cre%" e

    /arachuted into territory that %e had ,een to)d %as contro))ed ,y unfriend)y 'u(os)avs

    (uerri))a forces that %ou)d either =i)) us or turn us over to the &ermans" As %e %ere to find

    out in the ne?t 10 days this mis6information ,y our o%n inte))i(ence %as to ,ecome one ofthe ,i((est )ies to come out of >>"

    There !er,ian (uerri))as under &en" Dra8ha Mihai)ovich seemed to ,e a,so)ute)y fear)ess in

    their efforts to =ee/ us from harm" They suffered many casua)ties in order that %e mi(ht )ive"

    There %ere a,out 500 airmen rescued ,y (enera) Mihai)ovich and his men ,ut these 500 men

    )ivin( and dead if a))o%ed to s/ea= mi(ht %e)) as= ;Go% can this nation or any nation deny

    this man &enera) Mihai)ovich his ri(htfu) /)ace in history;

    Ge %as tru)y a (reat man" > am /roud to have met him"@

    C.$T>! D>LE! r"

    9ortsmouth Ohio



  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    @Mi)ton E Friend Mc)ean ir(ina %as a 2nd Lieutenant navi(ator on a B62# shot do%n over

    'u(os)avia on D6Day une - 14## and %as rescued ,y the forces of &enera) Dra8ha

    Mihai)ovich and ta=en /ractica))y out of the hands of &erman forces" Gidden on the

    mountains and /rotected ,y Chetni= so)diers unti) the &erman /atro)s had (iven u/ their

    search Lt" Friend %as ta=en to the nearest so)diers (arrison manned ,y Mihai)ovich;s forces"

    A (rou/ of 20 American airmen and four Canadian $AF cre% mem,ers a)) of %hom ,rou(htto(ether in the mountain (arrison %here /)ans %ere made for esca/e to 15th Air Force

    Geaduarters in >ta)y" !i?ty6t%o days )ater on Au(ust 10th 14## the /)ans materia)i8ed and

    the 20 @D@6Day airmen %ere rescued ,y American trans/ort /)anes /rovided ,y fi(hter

    escort a)on( %ith a)most 200 other do%ned airmen and f)o%n to >ta)y and safety"@

    LT" COL" M>LTO E" F$>ED .!AF $ET"7

    Mc)ean ir(inia


    @My name is ea) !" anos=y" > %as in the .nited !tates Army Air Force ,ased in !o" >ta)y"

    On u)y #th 14## our /)ane deve)o/ed en(ine trou,)e on the %ay to $omania and the oi)fie)ds" e dro//ed out of formation and %ere /ic=ed u/ ,y &erman fi(hters and a)) hands

    eventua))y ,ai)ed out south of a(re," e %ere rescued ,y Chetni=s" The &erman forces on

    the (round sa% us ,ai) out and the Chetni=s (ave them a runnin( ,att)e unti) %e %ere a))

    safe)y in the hi))s" Oru cre% a)on( %ith severa) hundred other airmen %ere evacuated ,ac= to

    >ta)y a,out #0 days )ater" Than=s to Dra8ha Mihai)ovich and the Chetni=s > am a)ive today"

    The sacrifices that the !er,ian /eo/)e made to save us can never ,e re/aid"@

    EAL !" AO!K'

    Mi)%au=ee isconsin


    ohn E" !cro((s Lt" Co)" .!AF$ $et"7" Kansas City Missouri" 9i)ot ##a Bom, &rou/

    15th Air force

    @Bad)y cri//)ed ,y enemy anti6aircraft and fi(hter fire over the oi) com/)e? at 9)oesti

    $omania %e fina))y %ere forced to a,andon our B62# ,om,er over Ba)=an soi)" This %as

    enemy territory in 14##" Five of our ten cre%men %ere %ounded"

    One of our men %as ca/tured ,y the &ermans" e found that %e had t%o enemies 6 the

    &ermans and the .stashi" >t %as my (ood fortune to ,e found and defended ,y !er,ian

    /easants %ho eventua))y )ed me to the fear)ess Chetni= under(round army of &enera) Dra8ha

    Mihai)ovich" ith ,ut the mea(er necessities for themse)ves these /easants /)aced a)) in their

    /ossession at my dis/osa)" My comfort /)easure and safety %as /aramount at a)) times" >naddition to my /rotection these Chetni=s a)so had the /ro,)em of conductin( successfu)

    (uerri))a o/eration a(ainst the &ermans %hi)e sufferin( the harassment of the Communist

    /artisans and anarchist .stashi" Ama8in()y enou(h the Chetni=s sti)) %a(ed successfu)

    cam/ai(ns a(ainst &ermans under these conditions" This > /ersona))y %itnessed severa)


    The Chetni=s treated our %ounded miracu)ous)y 6 our ,om,ardier %ith a shot6u/ =nee %as

    carried ,y !er,ian /easants for %ee=s on a crude stretcher over mountains"

    .)timate)y %e %ere evacuated ,y ." !" O!! and Air Cor/s from the mountains of !er,ia"

    !er,ian /easants had toi)ed cease)ess)y for months %ith no mechanica) too)s to c)ear this

    )andin( s/ace for ." !" /)anes"

    Go% stran(e)y the A))ies re%arded our ,enefactor &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich and his/eo/)e"@


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    OG E" !C$O&&! Lt" Co)" .!AF$ $et7

    Kansas City Missouri


    MQ&en" Dona)d " !mithChief !taff >))" Air" at" &d"

    152- " 9ine Avenue

    Ar)in(ton Gts" >))inois -000#

    @A veteran of >> and Korean ar sti)) active after +3 years %as shot do%n over

    'u(os)avia on @D@ 6 Day -th une 14##7 and su,seuent)y rescued from the &ermans and

    returned safe)y to a))ied contro) in >ta)y si?ty6si? days )ater ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich" Ge has

    come to ashin(ton D"C" %ith his (ood friend Mi=e 9anovich of &ary >ndiana %ho %as

    direct)y invo)ved in the rescue and /rotection of &en" !mith and hundreds of other ."!"

    airmen on direct orders of &enera) Mihai)ovich" Mi=e 9anovich re6)ocated &en" !mith in

    Chica(o after thirty6one years throu(h the @ationa) Committee of American Airmen $escued

    ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich"@ &enera) !mith throu(h his /ersona) contact and discussions %ith&enera) Mihai)ovich durin( the dar= days of the American and En()ish %ithdra%a) of su//ort

    for Mihai)ovich;s Chetni=s ,e)ieves most stron()y that the 500 /)us American airmen simi)ar)y

    rescued o%e a /ersona) de,t of honor to the memory of this tru)y outstandin( a))y %ho %as

    a)so a%arded the @Le(ion of Merit@ ,y the .nited !tates of America" These rescued American

    airmen are no% in increasin( num,ers dedicated to the erection of an a//ro/riate memoria)

    monument here in ashin(ton D"C" to this friend of American airmen"@


    Chica(o >))inois


    @> %as a ,om,ardier on a B62# Bom,er that %as shot do%n on 'u(os)avia fo))o%in( a raid on

    the 9)oesti oi) fie)ds on une - 14##" For the fo))o%in( nine %ee=s the fo))o%ers of &enera)

    Mihai)ovich fed and she)tered myse)f and my cre% a)on( %ith many other American airmen

    a)thou(h the country %as occu/ied ,y the &ermans at that time"

    &enera) Mihai)ovich;s Chetni=s /rovided security for hundreds of American airmen that year

    unti) %e cou)d ,e evacuated ,ac= to >ta)y"

    > am in ashin(ton D"C" a)on( %ith other American airmen this %ee= to attend a

    commemoria) service to remem,er the death of &enera) Mihai)ovich 24 years a(o"@

    GAL !O.TE$

    Go/=in( Minnesota


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen




    &EE$AL D$AGA M>GA>LO>CG .L' 13 1435"

    Mr" 9resident

    > send to the chair for reference to the a//ro/riate committee a ,i)) desi(ned to authori8e theationa) Committee of American Airmen $escued ,y &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich to erect a

    monument in ashin(ton %ith /u,)ic)y su,scri,ed funds dedicated to @&enera) Dra8ha

    Mihai)ovich !aviour of American Airmen"@

    Durin( or)d ar >> the .nited !tates and &reat Britain initia))y su//orted the nationa)ist

    resistance movement in 'u(os)avia )ed ,y &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich" Due to a tra(ic

    com,ination of errors and mista=en information the A))ies %ithdre% their su//ort from

    Mihai)ovich at the end of 14#+ and thre% their %ei(ht ,ehind the Communist resistance

    movement under the )eadershi/ of Marsha) Tito" Des/ite his a,andonment ,y the A))ies and

    des/ite the merci)ess %ar %a(ed a(ainst him ,y ,oth the communists and the a8is durin(

    14## &enera) Mihai)ovich and his forces =no%n as the Chetni=s succeeded in rescuin(some 500 American airmen %ho %ere shot do%n over 'u(os)avia" Most of these men %ere

    safe)y evacuated to >ta)y in a series of dramatic air rescue missions %hich /ic=ed them u/

    from the heart of a8i6occu/ied 'u(os)avia and f)e% them to >ta)y"

    9resident Garry !" Truman in 14#* /osthumous)y a%arded the Le(ion of Merit to &enera)

    Mihai)ovich for his services in rescuin( American airmen and for his )ar(er services to the

    A))ied cause" .nfortunate)y the !tate De/artment =e/t the a%ard to Mihai)ovich c)assified

    @secret@ for a)most 20 years for fear of offendin( the sensitivities of the 'u(os)avia

    Communist (overnment"

    o% more than +0 years after their rescue a (rou/ of American airmen have or(ani8ed

    themse)ves into a ationa) Committee of American Airmen $escued ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich

    and have )aunched a movement to ,ui)d a memoria) in ashin(ton D" C" dedicated in

    (ratitude to the man %ho saved their )ives" Today is the anniversary of &enera) Mihai)ovich;s

    e?ecution" to mar= this anniversary the rescued airmen have assem,)ed in ashin(ton today

    and are ho)din( a memoria) service on the ste/s of the Ca/ito)"

    > am introducin( this )e(is)ation in res/onse to a /etition > have received si(ned ,y 2- of the

    rescued airmen and ei(ht mem,ers of the Air cre% $escue Mission that or(ani8ed their

    evacuation from 'u(os)avia" > %ou)d )i=e to uote a fe% /ara(ra/hs from this /etition

    To say that (enera) Mihai)ovich and his men saved our )ives te))s on)y a very sma)) /art of the

    story" Freuent)y they had to fi(ht off the &ermans in order to rescue us" Because of

    Mihai)ovich;s commitment to /rotect us at a)) costs scores of innocent hosta(es %ere

    e?ecuted ,y the a8isH the a8is a)%ays =ne% %hen an American cre% ,ai)ed out and %hen

    they cou)d find no trace of the cre% they assumed uite correct)y that they %ere ,ein(

    she)tered ,y the Chetni=s" Those of us %ho %ere %ounded received the ,est medica) attention

    avai)a,)e sometimes in under(round hos/ita)s" Des/erate)y short of su//)ies Mihai)ovich;s

    men freuent)y %ent hun(ry themse)ves in order to feed us"

    A)) this %e can never for(et"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    Our ran=s have ,e(un to thin %ith the /assa(e of years" But the years have in no %ay

    diminished the admiration affection and (ratitude %hich %e ho)d in our hearts for &enera)

    Mihai)ovich and his (a))ant forces"

    Gavin( consu)ted %ith each other and confident that %e s/ea= for a)) of the 500 airmen %ho

    %ere rescued ,y the forces of (enera) Mihai)ovich the undersi(ned airmen have decided thatit %ou)d ,e /ro/er to (ive endurin( e?/ression to this (ratitude ,y erectin( a monument in

    ashin(ton D"C" %ith funds contri,uted ,y ourse)ves and ,y mem,ers of the American

    /u,)ic to @&enera) Mihai)ovich !aviour of American Airmen"@ This concrete e?/ression of

    (ratitude %e fe)) %ou)d a)so ,e in com/)ete harmony %ith American tradition"

    e res/ectfu))y /etition the Con(ress of the .nited !tates to enact )e(is)ation /ermittin( the

    errection of such a monument so that %e may a//ro/riate)y dischar(e %hat a)) of us re(ard as

    a sacred de,t of honor 6 a de,t of honor a)) the more com/e))in( ,ecause Mihai)ovich in his

    )ifetime received no reco(nition and no re%ard for the many services to the A))ied cause of

    %hich 9resident Truman s/o=e in his citation"

    Mr" 9resident > can thin= of no ,etter %ay of dischar(in( this de,t than to authori8e these

    airmen to erect the monument they have in mind" > %ant to em/hasi8e that this %ou)d ,e done

    %ith /u,)ic)y su,scri,ed funds funds and %i)) not cost the American ta? /ayer one /enny"

    Additiona))y > %as informed that the airmen %ant to avoid /o)itics and that they intend to

    a,stain from any /ro/a(anda a(ainst Tito (overnment 6 a)) they %ant to do is to (ive endurin(

    e?/ression to their (ratitude to (enera) Mihai)ovich ,y erectin( a monument in his memory"

    This %i)) ,e a sim/)e memoria) ,earin( on one side a /)aue )istin( the names of 500

    American airmen rescued ,y (enera) Mihai)ovich and on the other side the te?t of /resident

    Truman;s citation in a%ardin( the Le(ion of merit to (enera) Mihai)ovich"

    > as= unanimous constant to insert into the $ECO$D at this /oint fo))o%in( documents

    17 The fu)) te?t of my ,i))

    27 The te?t of a fore%ord to a recent ,oo= a,out &enera) Mihai)ovich %ritten ,y former

    !enator Fran= " Lausche of Ohio a son of 'u(os)av immi(rant /arents"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen





    The undersi(ned veterans of or)d ar >> are amon( the 500 or more American airmen %ho

    %ere shot do%n over 'u(os)avia durin( the ar and rescued ,y the forces of &enera) Dra8haMihai)ovich and fina))y evacuated to >ta)y in a dramatic air rescue o/eration"

    e %ere a)) /)eased to )earn that 9esident Truman had s/ecifica))y mentioned this (reat

    service to the A))ied cause in /osthumous)y a%ardin( the Le(ion of merit to &enera)

    Mihai)ovich in 14#* a)thou(h %e %ere /er/)e?ed ,y 20 year de)ay in revea)in( the fact of the

    a%ard to the /u,)ic" But the a%ard of the Le(ion of Merit ,y the .nited !tates &overnment

    does not dischar(e the /ersona) o,)i(ation %hich the undersi(ned airmen fee) to%ard the man

    %ho saved their )ives" This de,t on)y dischar(ed ourse)ves"

    To say that (enera) Mihai)ovich and his men saved our )ives te))s on)y a very sma)) /art of the

    story" Freuent)y they had to fi(ht off the &ermans in order to rescue us" Because of

    Mihai)ovich;s commitment to /rotect us at a)) costs scores of innocent hosta(es %eree?ecuted off the &ermans in order to rescue us" Because of Mihai)ovich;s commitment to

    /rotect us at a)) costs scores of innocent hosta(es %ere e?ecuted ,y the a8isH the a8is

    a)%ays =ne% %hen an American cre% ,ai)ed out and %hen they cou)s find no trace of the

    cre% they assumed uite correct)y that they %ere ,ein( she)tered ,y the Chetni=s" Those of

    us %ho %ere %ounded received the ,est medica) attention avai)a,)e sometimes in

    under(round hos/ita)s" Des/erate)y short of su//)ies Mihai)ovich;s men freuent)y %ent

    hun(ry themse)ves in order to feed us"

    A)) this %e can never for(et"

    Our ran=s have ,e(un to thin %ith the /assa(e of years" But the years have in no %ay

    diminished the admiration affection and (ratitude %hich %e ho)d in our hearts for &enera)

    Mihai)ovich and his (a))ant forces"

    Gavin( consu)ted %ith each other and confident that %e s/ea= for a)) of the 500 airmen %ho

    %ere rescued ,y the forces of (enera) Mihai)ovich the undersi(ned airmen have decided that

    it %ou)d ,e /ro/er to (ive endurin( e?/ression to this (ratitude ,y erectin( a monument in

    ashin(ton D"C" %ith funds contri,uted ,y ourse)ves and ,y mem,ers of the American

    /u,)ic to @&enera) Mihai)ovich !aviour of American Airmen"@ This concrete a)so e?/ression

    of (ratitude %e fe)) %ou)d a)so ,e in com/)ete harmony %ith American tradition"

    e res/ectfu))y /etition the Con(ress of the .nited !tates to enact )e(is)ation /ermittin( the

    erectin( of such a monument so that %e may a//ro/riate)y dischar(e %hat a)) of us re(ard as a

    sacred de,t of honor 6 a de,t of honor a)) the more com/e))in( ,ecause Mihai)ovich in his

    )ifetime received no reco(nition and no re%ard for the many services to the A))ied cause of%hich 9resident Truman s/o=e in his citation"

    !o that the con(ress %i)) have a c)ear conce/tion of the monument they %ou)d ,e a//roved

    throu(h such )e(is)ation it is our intention to ma=e this a very sim/)e memoria) ,earin( on

    one ,ron8e /)aue the te?t of the /resident Truman;s citation in conferrin( the Le(ion of Merit

    to &enera) Mihai)ovich /osthumous)yH and one another /)aue the names of the airmen

    rescued ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich to(ether %ith a ,rief statement of tri,ute and (ratitude"

    ." !" mi)itary /ersonne) invo)ved in the Air Cre% $escue O/eration have oined in si(nin(

    this /etition ,ecause they too %ere direct /artici/ants in this @ma(nificent secret@ of or)d

    ar >>"

    M$!" 9$E!TO A&LEBE$&E$II

    Frederic= Mary)andDA>D LA B>!O>E$E


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    au%atosa isconsin

    &.! T" B$O

    Lu)in( te?as

    ATGO' " B.CKE$

    ohnsto%n e% 'or=

    LT" COL" CGA$LE! L" DA>! .!AF $et7Fa))s Church ir(inia


    &ary >ndiana

    C.$T>! D>LE! $"

    9ortsmoth Ohio

    MAO$ $>CGA$D L" FELMA .!AF $et7

    Tuscon Ari8ona


    Buffa)o e% 'or=

    LT" COL" M>LTO E" F$>ED .!AF $et7

    McLean ir(inia$OBE$T D" F.LK!R$ushvi))e >))inois

    $>CGA$D GOBB'

    !torrs Connecticut

    &EO$&E $" G.$D

    Fort orth Te?as

    LT" COL" AME! M" >K! .!AF $et7

    L)ano te?as

    EAL !" AO!K'

    Mi)%au=ee isconsin

    A$TG.$ >BEL>AI

    Tiffin Ohio

    ELL!O$TG $" K$AME$I

    Ar)in(ton ir(inia

    >CK LAL>CG

    Ba)timore Mary)and

    9A.L F" MATO

    But)er 9ennsy)vania

    LT" COL" $OBE$T G" MCDOELL .!A $et7I

    C)ear%ater F)orida


    Da)as Te?asOG M>LOD$A&O>CGI

    Missuo)a Montana

    LT" COL" &EO$&E M.!.L> .!A $et7I

    mC)EA ir(inia

    COLOEL T" K" OL>E$ .!AF $et7

    $a/id Citry !outh Da=ota

    ATGO' " O$!>>

    E)i8a,eth e% ersey

    LELAD 9O$TE$

    Le?in(ton Kentuc=y

    TGOMA! E" !A>!B.$'9a%acatuc= Connecticut


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    &EO$&E !ALA9A

    orth $oya)iton Ohio

    OG E" !C$O&&!

    Kansas City Missouri


    Chica(o >))inoisGAL !O.TE$

    Go/=ins Minnesota

    &EO$&E .OO>CGI

    Nueens e% 'or=

    MAO$ ME$$>LL L" ALKE$ .!AF $et"7

    Lon( Beach Ca)ifornia

    A$$AT OFF>CE$ CA$L " AL9.!K .!A7

    Corao/o)is 9ennsy)vania

    IMem,ers of Air Cre% $escue Mission

    IIido% of rescued airmen


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen




    !e/tem,er * 143-" 6 Order to ,e /rinted

    Mr" Cannon from the Committee on $u)es and Administration su,mitted the fo))o%in(

    $E9O$TTo accom/any !" 21+57

    The Committee on $u)es and Administration to %hich %as referred the ,i)) !" 21+57 to

    authori8e the construction and maintenance of the &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich Monument in

    ashin(ton District of Co)um,ia in reco(nition of the ro)e he /)ayed in savin( the )ives of

    a//ro?imate)y five hundred .nited !tates airmen in 'u(os)avia durin( or)d ar >> havin(

    considered the same re/orts favora,)y thereon %ith an amendment and recommends that the

    ,i)) as amended do /ass"

    !" 21+5 as referred %ou)d authori8e the !ecretary of the >nterior to /ermit the nationa)

    Committee of American Airmen $escued ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich to construct and maintain

    monument to &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich in reco(nition of the ro)e he /)ayed in savin( the

    )ives a//ro?imate)y five hundred .nited !tates airmen in 'u(os)avia durin( or)d ar >> asdescri,ed in that committee;s /etition to Con(ress concernin( the authori8ation of such

    monument" The monument %ou)d ,e )ocated on /u,)ic )and %ithin the District of Co)um,ia

    in accordin( %ith /)ans a//roved ,y the ationa) Ca/ita) 9)annin( Commission the Fine Arts

    Commission and the !ecretary of the >nterior"

    The nationa) Committee of American Airmen $escued ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich %ou)d acce/t

    /rivate funds %hich %ou)d ,e the so)e source for the construction and maintenance of the

    monument" The !ecretary of the >nterior %ou)d authori8e the committee to ,e(in the

    construction of such monument on)y after he determines that it has sufficient funds to

    com/)ete the construction and to /rovide for its maintenance e?ce/t that the committee

    %ou)d have to have such funds in hand no )ater than t%o years after the date of enactment of

    this Act"

    As envisioned ,y the ationa) Committee of American Airmen $escued ,y &enera)

    Mihai)ovich the memoria) %ou)d ,e a very sim/)e one ,earin( on one ,ron8e /)aue the te?t

    of 9resident Truman;s citation in conferrin( the Le(ion of Merit to &enera) Mihai)ovich

    /osthumous)y and on another /)aue the names of the airmen rescued (ratitude"

    Additiona) information e?/)ainin( the reasons for this )e(is)ation e?cer/ted from a /etition to

    the Con(ress ,y the ationa) Committee is as fo))o%s

    The undersi(ned veterans of or)d ar >> are amon( the 500 or more American airmen %ho

    %ere shot do%n over 'u(os)avia durin( the ar and rescued ,y the forces of &enera) Dra8ha

    Mihai)ovich and fina))y evacuated to >ta)y in a dramatic air rescue o/eration"

    e %ere a)) /)eased to )earn that 9resident Truman had s/ecifica))y mentioned this (reatservice to the A))ied cause in /osthumous)y a%ardin( the Le(ion of Merit to &enera)

    Mihai)ovich in 14#* a)thou(h %e %ere /er/)e?ed ,y the 20 year de)ay in revea)in( the fact of

    the a%ard to the /u,)ic" But the a%ard of the Le(ion of Merit ,y the .nited !tates

    &overnment does not dischar(e the /ersona) o,)i(ation %hich the undersi(ned airmen fee)

    to%ard the man %ho saved their )ives" This de,t %e can on)y dischar(e ourse)ves"

    To say that &enera) Mihai)ovich and his men saved our )ives te))s on)y a very sma)) /art of the

    story" Freuent)y they had to fi(ht off the &ermans in order to rescue us" Because of

    Mihai)ovich;s commitment to /rotect us at a)) costs scores of innocent hosta(es %ere

    e?ecuted ,y the a8isH the a8is a)%ays =ne% %hen an American cre% ,ai)ed out and %hen

    they cou)d find no trace of the cre% they assumed uite correct)y that they %ere ,ein(

    she)tered ,y the Chetni=s" Those of us %ho %ere %ounded received the ,est medica) attention


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    avai)a,)e sometimes in under(round hos/ita)s" Des/erate)y short of su//)ies Mihai)ovich;s

    men freuent)y %ent hun(ry themse)ves in order to feed us"

    A)) this %e can never for(et"

    Our ran=s have ,e(un to thin %ith the /assa(e of years" But the years have in no %ay

    diminished the admiration affection and (ratitude %hich %e ho)d in our hearts for &enera)

    Mihai)ovich and his (a))ant forces"Gavin( consu)ted %ith each other and confident that %e s/ea= for a)) of the 500 airmen %ho

    %ere rescued ,y forces of &enera) Mihai)ovich the undersi(ned airmen have decided that it

    %ou)d ,e /ro/er to (ive endurin( e?/ression to this (ratitude ,y erectin( a monument in

    ashin(ton D" C" %ith funds contri,uted ,y ourse)ves and ,y mem,ers of the American

    /u,)ic to @&enera) Mihai)ovich !aviour of American Airmen"@ This concrete e?/ression of

    (ratitude %e fee) %ou)d a)so ,e in com/)ete harmony %ith American tradition"

    e res/ectfu))y /etition the Con(ress of the .nited !tates to enact )e(is)ation /ermittin( the

    erection of such monument so that %e may a//ro/riate)y dischar(e %hat a)) of us re(ard as a

    sacred de,t of honor 6 a de,t of honor a)) the more com/e))in( ,ecause Mihai)ovich in his

    )ifetime received no reco(nition and no re%ard for the many services to the A))ied cause of

    %hich 9resident Truman s/o=e in his citation"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen



    ./on the recommendation of the !ecretary of the >nterior the Committee on $u)es and

    Administration is re/ortin( !" 21+5 %ith an amendment %hich %ou)d c)arify 17 that the

    monument %ou)d ,e )ocated on Federa) /u,)ic )and in the District of Co)um,ia or environs

    and 27 that not on)y the )ocation of the monument ,ut a)so its desi(n %ou)d ,e su,ect toa//rova) ,y the ationa) Ca/ita) 9)annin( Commission the Fine Arts Commission and the

    !ecretary of the >nterior"

    A oint )etter in su//ort of !" 21+5 addressed to !enator Go%ard " Cannon Chairman

    Committee on $u)es and Administration ,y !enator !trom Thurmond s/onsor of the

    measures and !enator i))iam D" Gatha%ay a co6s/onsor is as fo))o%s

    ." !" !enate

    Committee on Armed !ervice

    ashin(ton D" C" u)y 2* 143-

    !enator Go%ard " Cannon

    Chairman !enate $u)es and Administration Committee

    !uite +05 ashin(ton D" C"Dear Go%ard On u)y 13 1435 %e %ere /)eased to introduce !" 21+5 a ,i)) to authori8e the

    construction and maintenance of the &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich Monument in ashin(ton"

    Durin( or)d ar >> the .nited !tates and (reat Britain initia))y su//orted the nationa)ist

    resistance movement in 'u(os)avia )ed ,y and mista=en information the A))ies %ithdre%

    their su//ort from Mihai)ovich at the end of 14#+" and thre% their %ei(ht ,ehind the

    Communist resistance movement under the )eadershi/ of marsha) Tito" Des/ite his

    a,andonment ,y the A))ies and des/ite the merci)ess %ar %a(ed a(ainst him ,y ,oth the

    Communist and the a8is durin( 14## &enera) Mihai)ovich and his forces =no%n as the

    Chetni=s succeeded in rescuin( some 500 American airmen %ho %ere shot do%n over

    'u(os)avia" Most of these men %ere safe)y evacuated to >ta)y in a series of dramatic air rescue

    missions %hich /ic=ed them u/ from the heart of a8i6occu/ied 'u(os)avia and f)e% them to


    9resident Garry ! Truman in 14#* /osthumous)y a%arded the Le(ion of Merit to &enera)

    Mihai)ovich for his services in rescuin( American airmen ad for his )ar(er services to A))ied

    cause" .nfortunate)y the !tate De/artment =e/t the a%ard to Mihai)ovich c)assified @secret@

    for a)most 20 years for fear of offendin( the sensitivities of the 'u(os)avia Communist


    o% more than +0 years after this rescue a (rou/ of American airmen have or(ani8ed

    themse)ves into a ationa) Committee of American Airmen $escued ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich

    and have )aunched a movement to ,ui)d a memoria) in ashin(ton D" C" dedicated to him"

    The construction and maintenance of monument %ou)d ,e of no cost to the (overnment sincethe ationa) Committee of American Airmen $escued ,y &enera) Mihai)ovich %ou)d acce/t

    /rivate funds for the monument"

    Other co6s/onsors of the ,i)) are yourse)f !enators Gu(h !cott Domenici !tevanc Fannian

    Buc=)ey and Bea))"

    e ho/e the Committee can act on this matter at an ear)y date so /)ans for constructions can

    (et under%ay"

    ith =indest re(ards and ,est %hishes

    ery tru)y

    !trom Thurmond

    i))iam D" Gatha%ay


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    A )etter in su//ort of !" 21+5 addressed to !enator Go%ard " Cannon Chairman

    Committee on $u)es and Administration ,y ohn Ky) Assistant !ecretary of the >nterior is as


    ." !" De/artment of the >nterior

    Office of the !ecretary

    ashin(ton D" C" Au(ust - 143-"Gon" Go%ard " Cannon

    Chairman Committee on $u)es and Administration

    ." !" !enate ashin(ton D" C"

    dear Mr" Chairman 'our Committee has reuested the vie%s of this De/artment on ! 21+5 a

    ,i)) @To authori8e the construction and maintenance of the &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich

    Monument in ashin(ton District of Co)um,ia in reco(nition of the ro)e he /)ayed in savin(

    the )ives of a//ro?imate)y five hundred .nited states airmen as in 'u(os)avia durin( or)d

    ar >>"@

    e have no o,ection to enactment of !" 21+5 if the ,i)) is amended as descri,ed herein"

    !" 21+5 directs the !ecretary of the >nterior to /ermit the @ationa) Committee of American

    Airmen rescued ,y &e,era) Mihai)ovich@ to construct and maintain a monument to (enera)Dra8ha Mihai)ovich on /u,)ic )and %ithin the District of Co)um,ia" The ,i)) further directs

    that the !ecretary sha)) on)y /ermit the Committee to ,e(in construction %hen he determines

    that the Committee has sufficient funds to com/)ete it and to /rovide for maintenance e?ce/t

    that the Committee must have the necessary funds no )ater than t%o years after the date of

    enactment of the ,i))"

    Durin( or)d ar >> the .nited !tates and &reat Britain initia))y su//orted the nationa)ist

    resistance movement in 'u(os)avia )ed ,y &enera) Dra8ha Mihai)ovich" Due to a tra(ic

    com,ination of errors and mista=en information the A))ies %ithdre% their su//ort from

    Mihai)ovich at the end of 14#+ and thre% their %ei(ht ,ehind the Communist resistance

    movement under the )eadershi/ of Marsha) Tito" Des/ite his a,andonment ,y the A))ies and

    des/ite the merci)ess %ar %a(ed a(ainst him ,y ,oth the communists and the a8is durin(

    14## &enera) Mihai)ovich and his forces =no%n as the Chetni=s succeeded in rescuin(

    some 500 American airmen %ho %ere shot do%n over 'u(os)avia" Most of these men %ere

    safe)y evacuated to >ta)y" 9resident Truman in 14#* /osthumous)y a%arded the Le(ion of

    Merit to &enera) Mihai)ovich for his services in rescuin( American airmen and for his )ar(er

    services to the A))ied cause"

    >n 14-3 the te?t of 9resident Truman;s citation %as made /u,)ic" The reason that the British

    %ith .nited !tates su//ort su//orted Tito as o//osed to Mihai)ovich %as that it %as ,e)ieved

    that Mihai)ovich %as co))a,oratin( %ith the a8is" Go%ever the case histories of the

    a//ro?imate)y 500 .nited !tates airmen %ho %ere shot do%n over a8i occu/ied 'u(os)aviaindicate that Mihai)ovich and his forces the Chetni=s saved their )ives often at the ris= of

    their o%n and often at the ris= of the =i))in( of scores of hosta(es ,y the &ermans in re/risa)"

    The De/artment of the >nterior does not /ur/ort to ans%er the uestion of %hatever durin(

    14#+ and 14## the revo)utionary forces )ed ,y Tito or those )ed ,y Mihai)ovich in 'u(os)avia

    shou)d have ,een su//orted ,y the .nited !tates" There is no uestion ho%ever ,ased on

    individua) case histories of airmen %ho %ere shot do%n over the country that Mihai)ovich

    and his men at hi(h cost to themse)ves %ere res/onsi,)e for savin( )ives of a//ro?imate)y 500

    American airmen" e ,e)ieve it %ou)d ,e a//ro/riate therefore to /ermit the rescued airmen

    to erect a sim/)e monument to Mihai)ovich as a memoria) to his humanitarian actions durin(

    this /eriod of %or)d hosti)ity"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    The ationa) Ca/ita) Memoria) Advisory Committee %hich %as esta,)ished ,y the !ecretary

    of the >nterior to advise on /ro/osed memoria)s in the District of Co)um,ia considered this

    su,ect on March 1 143- and recommended that the De/artment su//ort this )e(is)ation" e

    concur in that recommendation"

    The ationa) Committee referred to in the ,i)) to our understandin( is not yet forma))y

    or(ani8ed as a )e(a) association" e understand that the memoria) to ,e erected andmaintained ,y the Committee %i)) consist of a sim/)e structure ,earin( on one ,ron8e /)aue

    the te?t of /resident Truman;s citation in conferrin( the Le(ion of Merit to &enera)

    Mihai)ovich /osthumous)y and on another /)aue the names of the airmen rescued ,y &enera)

    Mihai)ovich to(ether %ith a ,rief statement of tri,ute and (ratitude" The Committee intends to

    raise the necessary funds entire)y ,y /rivate contri,utions" e have no estimate of the cost of

    memoria) nor have %e revie%ed a /ro/osed desi(n" >n this connection the ,i)) reuires that the

    monument to ,e erected ,e )ocated accordin( to /)ans a//roved ,y the ationa) Ca/ito)

    9)annin( Commission the Fine Arts Commission and the !ecretary of the >nterior" e

    recommend that the ,i)) ,e amended to reuire such a//rova) of the desi(n of the monument

    as %e))" e a)so recommend that !" 21+5 ,e amended to c)arify that the )ocation of the

    monument on @/u,)ic )and %ithin the District of Co)um,ia@ means )and o%ned ,y federa)&overnment" e understand that the District of Co)um,ia su//orts such an amendment"

    The Office of Mana(ement and Bud(et has advised that there is no o,ection to the

    /resentation of this re/ort from the stand/oint of the Administration;s /ro(ram"

    !incere)y yours

    ohn Ky)

    Assistant !ecretary of the >nterior"


  • 8/9/2019 David Martin, The Mystery of the 500 Rescued Airmen


    LE&>O OF ME$>T

    @&enera) Mihai)ovich and his forces contri,uted materia))y to the A))ied cause and %ere

    instrumenta) in o,tainin( a fina) A))ied ictory@"

    9resident of the ." !" Garry !" Truman on March 14 14#* a%arded &enera) Dra8ha

    Mihai)ovich a /osthumous Le(ion of Merit the hi(hest honour that can ,e (iven a forei(nnationa)"

    &enera) Dra(o)u, Mihai)ovich distin(uished himse)f in an outstandin( manner as

    Commander6in6Chief of the 'u(os)avian Army Forces and )ater as Minister of ar ,y

    or(ani8in( and )eadin( im/ortant resistance forces a(ainst enemy %hich occu/ied 'u(os)avia

    from Decem,er 14#1 to Decem,er 14##" Throu(h the undaunted efforts of his troo/s many

    .nited !tates airmen %ere rescued and returned safe)y to friend)y contro)" &enera)

    Mihai)ovich and his forces a)thou(h )ac=in( adeuate su//)ies and fi(htin( under e?treme

    hardshi/s contri,uted materia))y to A))ied cause and %ere instrumenta) in o,tainin( a fina)

    A))ied ictory"

    March 24 14#*

    !i(ned7 GA$$' !" T$.MA


    The first and second /art of the ,oo= 6 an artic)e ,y David Martin and addendum 6 are

    cha/ters in testimonia) ;;Thirtieth anniversary of death of the )eader of Third !er,ian ./risin(

    Dra8ha Mihai)ovich;; %hich %as /u,)ished in Chica(o ,y Or(ani8ation of !er,ian Chetni=s

    S$avna &ora in 143-"