DAVID FISHER(1949) Submitted by: Komal Verma 2011UAR1379 “Architecture is a combination of feasibility, functionality and engineering.”

David Fisher

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Submitted by: Komal Verma 2011UAR1379

“Architecture is a combination of feasibility, functionality and engineering.”


David Fisher (Haim David Fisher ) is an Italian architect born in 1949

Honors at Faculty of Architecture in Florence University. Later served as lecturer in architecture and structural engineering department at same university.

Not a traditional architect as he worked mainly in the field of construction redefining the technical and technological extremes of building

He launched Fiteco Ltd. in New York during the mid-1980s while also becoming involved in the development and building of hotels. He designed pre-assembled bathrooms for luxury homes and hotels

Pioneer in the field of prefabrication and dynamic buildings.

ARCHITECTURE IS TECHNOLOGY Since the beginning, with his involvement in “Binishells” technology, David Fisher‟s design studio has developed a vision of architecture resulting from technological and economic considerations, with aesthetics being the natural output of the above.

Killarney heights public school library, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

All the elements and planning is based on circular pattern and mixes with technology.


Since the first large project, “The Marriott Aruba” , Dr. Fisher has taken part in the complete process of construction, from the feasibility study, to financing, to construction management and the final commissioning of the project.


For David Fisher Architecture is the space for living and the life of the people must not be conditioned by an architect‟s extravagance.

Infinity Design gives puts a strong focus on the flexibility of the space as life, architecture must change together with the needs of the people and the changes of the environmental conditions.


“Today‟s life is dynamic, so the space we are living in

should be dynamic as well, adjustable to our needs that change continuously, to our concept of design and to our mood. Buildings will follow the rhythms of nature. They will change direction and shape from spring to summer, from sunrise to sunset, and adjust themselves to the weather.” -Ar. Dr. David Fisher


FEATURES Dynamic Architecture buildings keep modifying their


Traditional architecture – Gravity

Dynamic architecture – Motion dynamics

A mechanical approach to civil construction – Trans disciplinary

Buildings will no more remain the „fossilized imagination‟ of the architect

They will change, constantly bringing new views and experiences to us with time

Introducing the fourth dimension in architecture : TIME

PREFABRICATION “Doing buildings on site, as we do since the pyramids, is as if we were producing cars in the parking lot or an aircraft on the runway… Our building in fact are made of preassembled units, that arrive to the site completed of all finishing, equipment, plumbing and air conditioning, ready for a fast and easy installation process.

So these buildings are feasible.

I mentioned functionality-well also the interior partition will be flexible if they will ever exist. Look how flexible is our digital part of life. Why should we still life in a medieval castle..?”

-Ar. Dr. David Fisher


ARCHITECT- Bruno de Franco & David Fisher

LOCATION- Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

HEIGHT- 50 m, 17 floors(15 above ground & 2 below)

TYPE- Residential

STRUCTURAL MATERIAL- Concrete, Steel, Glass


COST- approx. R$ 400,000.00 ($US 300,000.00).

CONCEPT The concept of this proposal is to spin a metallic platform

rolling over a rigid concrete structure, To get the best visual appeal.

The glass walls rotate together with the platform being visible from outside.

Each apartment can rotate individually in both directions with its own control and timing.

The time for one complete turn is according to the needs of the customer. The Suite Vollard completes a turn in one hour.

All mobile parts are under the floor with easy access for inspection and maintenance.

Safety is an absolute priority.

FEATURES This building is the only one of its kind in the world, as each

of the apartments can rotate 360º. One rotation takes a full hour.

The facades are composed of double sheets of glass, in different colors (blue, gold, and silver) on different floors. This gives a spectacular effect as the floors turn in different directions.

The apartment rings rotate around a static core used for building services, utilities, and all areas which require plumbing.

Suite Vollard was a case study for more than 30 companies in Brazil and one from Germany.

The first two floors of the building are an Executive Center.

ADVANTAGES Simplicity Low energy consumption Low cost compared to similar equipment Low weight Low maintenance Demands low space allowing more floors for the same

building high The system is free of noise and vibration The starts and stops are quite smooth The concept has been severely tested System is highly reliable due its robustness and high

quality components. Components designed to high durability, most of them for more than 30 years




Large glass windows are used in all the facades for better view.

False floor is created for all the services and plumbing lines.


LOCATION- Dubai, United Arab Emirates

HEIGHT- 420m, 80 floors

TYPE- Office (1-20)

Luxury hotel (21-35 )

Apartments (36-70)

Luxury villa (71-80)

SIZE- Apartment sizes range from 124 sq.m to villa of size 1200 sq.m

STRUCTURAL MATERIAL- Prefabricated steel structures, Glass

COST- USD 330 million

FEATURES Each floor will be able to rotate independently a maximum of

6 meters per minute, or one full rotation in 90 minutes. It will be the world's first prefabricated skyscraper with 40

factory-built modules for each floor.

90% of the tower will be built in a factory and shipped to the construction site. This will allow the entire building to be built in only 22 months.

Only the core of the tower will be built at the construction site.

This prefabrication will be the decrease in cost, number of workers and 30% less construction time than a normal skyscraper.

The majority of the workers will be in factories, where it will be much safer.

The modules will be preinstalled including kitchen and bathroom fixtures. The core will serve each floor with a special, patented connection for clean water, based on technology used to refuel airplanes in mid-flight.

ROTATION WORKING The entire tower will be powered from wind turbines and solar

panels. Enough surplus electricity should be produced to power five other similar sized buildings in the vicinity.

The turbines will be located between each of the rotating floors. They could generate up to 1,200,000 kilowatt-hours of energy. The solar panels will be

located on the roof and

the top of each floor.

“I call the non-moving buildings Tombstones... Buildings should start being part of the universe, and therefore dynamic.. How could one think that digital homes of

future will be as immobile as our grandmother‟s house””






Personal space in your apartment for your car. There's an elevator especially made for the car.

Unobstructed outer view from every room which makes it a part of an environment.

Minimum of walls and more glass for better view

Living area

Adjustable walls which can be set according to user‟s needs.

The Rotating Tower brings three main futuristic aspects, three revolutions:

The first revolutionary aspect the shape of the building, which changes continuously. It is “Architecture as Part of the Environment”. The Rotating Skyscraper takes on shapes imposed by time and life, never appearing the same in any two given moments. It is the first building to have four dimensions: Designed by TIME, shaped by LIFE.

The second revolution that the Dynamic Skyscraper brings is the method of construction, Prefabrication. It is the first building produced in a factory, giving construction a new industrial approach.

The third revolution is born from combining technology and luxury with environment. The Rotating Tower, a unique architectural solution, becomes also a "power station" producing green energy for the city.


Difference b/w dynamic buildings &

traditional buildings

Lesser time in construction, because of prefabricated

structures .

Gives better outer view which makes it a part of environment.

Less cost in construction.