David C-RCG

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  • 7/30/2019 David C-RCG


    To: All Pastors and Hosts

    For: Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, Presiding Evangelist

    Sent By: Bonnie Miller, Exec. Secretary

    ** Note: Pastors, please forward this message and the notice of marking to the Deacons, Elders and/or Hosts inyour area or region that are responsible for the conduct of weekly Sabbath services.**

    The attached .pdf file contains the marking of David C. Pack (in-line text appears below as well). This

    document is signed by Dr. Meredith and must be read in all congregations this coming Sabbath, or, if that is not

    possible or practical, the very next Sabbath.

    If you would, please ensure that this notice of marking is read word-for-word (without commentary or

    editorializing). It is important that it be announced as written. As you know, this is a sober and unpleasant duty,

    and some brethren may even have family members in his group; so once this notice of marking is read, please

    exercise caution as to any additional comments.

    Here is the marking as an attachment:

    *To Be Read In All Congregations*


    Dear Brethren,

    I regret that it is my duty to inform you that, based upon biblical instruction, an ecclesiastical determination

    has been made to MARKDavid C. Pack as an enemy of the Church for the protection of our members.

    Therefore, for your own spiritual well-being, you are advised to refrain from contact with this individual or

    his representatives.

    Romans 16:17-18

    :17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark

    them which cause divisions and offences

    contrary to the doctrine which ye have

    learned; and avoid them.

    :18 For they that are such serve not our

    Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and

    by good words and fair speeches deceive the

    hearts of the simple. (KJV) (emphasis mine.)

    The following precedes this marking of David C. Pack as an enemy of the Church:

    1. His removal, for cause, from being a Regional Pastor in the pre-split Global Church of God;

    2. His suspension, for cause, by the full Council of Elders of the pre-split Global Church of God in 1998;

    3. His precipitation of, and complicity in, the rebellious "disruption" and divisiveness that occurred in

    November of 1998;

    4. His subsequent suspension from the post-split Council of Global, brief ministerial probation, and eventual

    d C. Pack - Marked http://web.archive.org/web/20080720120608/http://home.neo.rr.c

    2/25/2012 1

  • 7/30/2019 David C-RCG


    disfellowshipment, for cause, after the sowing of division and discord occurred there once again;

    5. His current defamatory smear campaign of disinformation, innuendo and overtly false accusations against

    the leadership of the Living Church of God;

    Mr. Pack was not marked earlier because his activities against the Church seemed to subside for a time. This

    is no longer the case, as Mr. Pack has made fresh attempts to sow discord and cause division in our fellowship

    once again, hence his being marked at this time.

    The Living Church of God bears David C. Pack no ill and we should all pray that God would grant him


    In Christ's Name,

    [Signature on file]

    Roderick C. Meredith

    [Information Page] [Home]



    d C. Pack - Marked http://web.archive.org/web/20080720120608/http://home.neo.rr.c

    2/25/2012 1