Not yet, Max. Max c’mon look at me-You’re not done yet. I don’t know about heaven. But I do believe in angels. It’s not nearly enough yet, is it? Oh…Oh, ,it’s you. It was wonderful. For someone like that to actually exist…. I can’t believe it. I have to store up time first. But, I will not give up. In order to use Zaphkiel’s final attack, Yod Bet, I need that person’s power. I will definitely get it, I will never, ever give up. In order to kill that Spirit, who was the first to appear in this world thirty years ago…. The source from which all other Spirits came, the First Spirit… To kill that with thease hands…. Something we have not determined a winner for yet-in other words, attractiveness! The true Spirit, the hurricane child Yamai, should possess a charm that makes all of creation jelous, don’t you think? Yuzuru, do you have the courage to take up this challenge? The winner is obvious, though. Negative, there is no reason for Kaguya to win. I, Yuzuru am cuter, Frankly, your looks are just middling. Ha, your prattle, why don’t you admit that I am the most suitable Spirit to be Yamai? Negative, I am the one who will survive, The name Yamai does not suite you. What useless struggling, my future devil sight can see it already. I see a vision of you stabbed and pierced through my Sturm Lanze! Point, your devil sight has never been correct. Sh-Shut up! It has too been right before, and don’t make fun of me! Demand, I ask that you, kaguya, provide an explanation fo the sturm lanze. Ha, there’s nothing that can bind my Sturm Lanze to reason. Tangible yet intangible, visible yet invisible. Only specializing in the concept of stabbing and pierceing… Summary, in other words, it is meaningless. That’s not true! And it is too meaningfull, you’re just stupid for not understanding! Scorn, Sturm Lanze, LOL. Ha. Don’t laught, t-to compensate for making me angry you must pay with that body of yours! Question, who is cuter, poor Kaguya or me? What’s the deal with only kind of speaking ill of me? Ignore, I am cuter than pitiful Kaguya- What are you doing, making it worse?! Shido, I will allow you to cleanse the impurities of everlasting darkness you have accumulated. Translation, Please enter the bath. You better prepare yourself, SHido. I will make you unable to be satisfied by anyone but me. Negative. I will have him be ensnared by my body. Out of the knindness of my heart, I will allow you to seduce Shidou first, Yuzuru. Negative, it is unnecessary, you are the one who needs a handicap. Y-You fool, the moment I make my move, Shido’s eyes will never leave me. I just thought I would give you a chance to

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Date a live anime quotes

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Not yet, Max. Max c’mon look at me-You’re not done yet. I don’t know about heaven. But I do believe in angels.

It’s not nearly enough yet, is it? Oh…Oh, ,it’s you. It was wonderful. For someone like that to actually exist…. I can’t believe it. I have to store up time first. But, I will not give up. In order to use Zaphkiel’s final attack, Yod Bet, I need that person’s power. I will definitely get it, I will never, ever give up. In order to kill that Spirit, who was the first to appear in this world thirty years ago…. The source from which all other Spirits came, the First Spirit… To kill that with thease hands…. Something we have not determined a winner for yet-in other words, attractiveness! The true Spirit, the hurricane child Yamai, should possess a charm that makes all of creation jelous, don’t you think? Yuzuru, do you have the courage to take up this challenge? The winner is obvious, though. Negative, there is no reason for Kaguya to win. I, Yuzuru am cuter, Frankly, your looks are just middling. Ha, your prattle, why don’t you admit that I am the most suitable Spirit to be Yamai? Negative, I am the one who will survive, The name Yamai does not suite you. What useless struggling, my future devil sight can see it already. I see a vision of you stabbed and pierced through my Sturm Lanze! Point, your devil sight has never been correct. Sh-Shut up! It has too been right before, and don’t make fun of me! Demand, I ask that you, kaguya, provide an explanation fo the sturm lanze. Ha, there’s nothing that can bind my Sturm Lanze to reason. Tangible yet intangible, visible yet invisible. Only specializing in the concept of stabbing and pierceing… Summary, in other words, it is meaningless. That’s not true! And it is too meaningfull, you’re just stupid for not understanding! Scorn, Sturm Lanze, LOL. Ha. Don’t laught, t-to compensate for making me angry you must pay with that body of yours! Question, who is cuter, poor Kaguya or me? What’s the deal with only kind of speaking ill of me? Ignore, I am cuter than pitiful Kaguya- What are you doing, making it worse?! Shido, I will allow you to cleanse the impurities of everlasting darkness you have accumulated. Translation, Please enter the bath. You better prepare yourself, SHido. I will make you unable to be satisfied by anyone but me. Negative. I will have him be ensnared by my body. Out of the knindness of my heart, I will allow you to seduce Shidou first, Yuzuru. Negative, it is unnecessary, you are the one who needs a handicap. Y-You fool, the moment I make my move, Shido’s eyes will never leave me. I just thought I would give you a chance to appear—Skeptical, Truth is, you don’t know what do to, do you? Of course I do, I’m super sexi. And I’ve got a ton of adult techniques you can’t even think of! Suspicious, then please, show us. Fine, just you watch. Heh, snicker snicker hehe. What are you two laughing at, Scorn as expected, Kaguya’s feminine charms, LOL, are something else. What did you say?! You dodn’t know what to do either, do you!? Negative, such a thing is not possible. Then why don’t you give it a try, Acknoledged, Fine. Bewitching kiss, What was that??! Was that supposed to bewitch him? Indignant, I do not want to hear from you. Same here, Negative, your childish figure is nowhere near seductive. You’re not that different yourself! Rebutall. Even if the nymbers are not that different, they feel different( her boobs) You do not seem to know the attractiveness of a slender body. Scorn, Slender body, Lol. Even if you change the words to make it sound better, the truth doesn’t change. Hah, such a thing is just a mass of fat, after all. Offended, that is inexcusable. Is that your jealousy, Kaguya? Who’S JELOUS? I’m not jelous at all, Shido thinks Im cutter than fatty like you, anyway! Negative, when appealing to men, it is deterimined to be flat chested. No one would take a second look at chicked bones like you. Who are you calling chicken bones-Return attack, who are you calling fatty?! You have more split ends than I do! Point, you are slightly smellier than I am when you sweat. You have more body fat than I do! Pity, I feel bad that that’s the only thing you can comment on. Shut up, puffy puffball. Conterattack flat as a board flat flat, . Why are you in a place like this Shido? No x3, why are you in the men’s bath?! What are you talking about, I went in the place with the red sign, like everyone told me to. Don’t tell me you guys-Yes, we changed the signs before you came in,

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Shido. Supplement, after you came back in, we put them back. There’s no way we would enter the men’s bath. This is unfortunate, I was supposed to be the first in the bath, but now I’m the forth. Isn’t it a little early to sneak into a woman’s bedroom? (licks his neck) My master has informed me that this is the most desirable way to remove sweat. Come on, Yuzuru’s so hot! She might be a little shy, but she’s quiet and has a great rack, and she’s pretty much every guy’s dream girl! She may be a little stubborn, but she would be very faithful to you. And I can only describe the feeling of her slender body in my arms as like catching a glimplse of heaven itself. I mean, I wouldn’t if I could help it, but above everything, I want Yuzuru… to live! I want Kaguya to live. I want her to see the world and enjoy everything it has to show to her. Because Kaguya, is the true Yamai. I only suggested this duel because I was sure Yuzuru would win. Kaguya was clearly bound to win this duel. Hence the reason I accepted her challenge. Shido you will chose Kaguya tomorrow, or else… I’ll take this island and all your friends… and blow them off this planet. You’re the one who is out of her mind K. Very well, I though this would be a fair duel, but I guess I forgot to take your stupidity into account. Your idiocy was beyond my imagination. A third party could never have been the judge for our duel. So in the end, I guess it will be down to the two of us. When one of us goes down… That goes without saying. Survival of the weakest! You’ve always been like this. Every time something happens you try to fix it all by yourself. I’ll gift wrap those exact words you said in exquisite paper and send them right back to you! You better hurry if you don’t want to die. By concentrating our force field on small areas we can neglect the attack complete.y Is there nothing that I can do? Just like that time…. I’ll never let that happen! Thoka!!! Your wish created that Sandalphone, It’s up to you to make that come true. Calm yourself down and remember, What is it that you want to do? What is it that you wish for? Nothing else matters now. Concentrate. There is one thing to do: Embrace your wish and swing the sword. The angel will surely answer to you. Kaguya Yuzuru, stop fighting-You’re not a part of this anymore. I never said I’d quit being your judge! I’ll choose who the true Yamai is! I choose both if you! You’re crazy, you think that’s funny? How extremely childish if you. You think I have a choice?! Each of you have so many good things that give worth to your existences! Kaguya, you care about Yuzuru a million times more than she does about herself! Yuzuru, you care about Kaguya way more than she does about herself! You have the right to choose your future! Choose! One Yuzuru absorbs kaguya to become the true Yamai. Two Kaguya absorbs yuzuru to become the true Yamai. I’d never Three! Give up your spiritual powers and you both survive! I’ve had three choices for a lot of things, and two is unresasonable! What the eff-Doubt. How could that be possible Please believe me! I won’t ask you again. Give me a chance to save both of you! Shut up, human can’t do that! Did you forget who just split your winds in half?! If I fail go ahead and kill me. Please. What do you say Yuzuru, disbelief a human could never have such a power. Right? Shido’s giving us so much trouble. This is the second time he’s butted into our duel. Agreement, and I was just going to beat you and die. That’s not gonna happen, I’m going to win, and you’re going to survive. Hey yuzuru. Yes? If….just if… Shido was telling the truth, what would you do? It would be wonderful. Really? You’re more of a dreamer than I thought. Shame, what about you, then? Surprisingly enough, I’m the same. If we both survive, what do you want to do? Me? Hmm let’s see. Oh I’d like to try that soy flour roll that Tohka was screaming about. She said it tastes like heaven itself. Agreement that sounds truly delicious. What do you want to do? Reply. I want to attend a school. That sounds cool. I bet the guys will be all over you! Denial, that wouldn’t happen. They’ll be all over you. I’m going to school too? Confirmation. That is just my dream. Oh, right. Well, do you wanna go around town after school? Agreement, I’d like to go to a café. Yeah I know, but we’re paying fifty fifty! That’s unfair! You eat so much more than I do. I totally don’t! Doubt are you sure? Yuzuru. Reply Yes? Sorry. I lied to you. I…I don’t wanna die. I wanna live and…and be with you! Reply, So do I, I don’t want to disappear. I want ….to live with you! The only way to compensate for our failure is with a much greater success! Deployt every B were going to catch the princess and

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bersekers. What is that? They really had to crash the scene, didn’t they? Hey Yuzuru, wanna go? Confirmation, Let’s go! And, well, we don’t have much to give back, but… Request, please close your eyes. Wha-what the hell, I told you, we’re returning the favor. Apology, was it not necessary? Confussion, you pervert! Shido ripped our clothes off. Lament he’s taken my chastity. I swear I didn’t. And yet not managed to capture one single Spirit. What good is your opinion? This is strange why aren’t you down there, why aren’t you a pile of glee. Begone from this stage, from this world, from this standalone universe, right this instant! Why are you talking to me, don’t get your spittle on me. Don’t get your breath on me. Can’t you see the air around you becoming more and more polluted? You naughty naughty boy, can you tell me why I’m not crushing your hand and seding you tumbling toward your demise? It’s because the bottoms of my shoes are too good for you. When you talk about Spirits blending in, this girl blows Kurumi out of the water. Would you sell me your panties for 000. Well let’s see, I don’t take cash, but I will take yours as payment. I’m just kidding, I think I’m the one who should be flustered. They would gladly die for me, because they just love me. They do whatever I ask. I hate you though-Oh?-You’re prideful and arrogant and intolerable. If everyone in the world just accepts you, then I’ll reject you and youre actions more than they accept you! Oh….Being told that makes me want you even more. It’s made me want to tease you until you come to me crying with your face tear-strickead face…..saying, I love you. I will not become yours.Then…. how about we play a game? If… You should perform something too. Wh? But you have too much of an advantage! You think so? From my point of view ,I’m already making a concession by letting you compete with me. If R wins, I will have you and the Spirits you sealed as my own. What do you say? Do you want to quit? Oh, man, I’m so tired after dealing with that foreigner all day. I can’t keep my complaints in any longer! And it just so happens there’s n oone around. Tomorrow, septemner, at 1500 hours. Ah, tomorrow’s operation is so annoying! I’m so unmotivated, I’m afraid I might forget to lock the back door to Hangar 2. I’m counting on you, Origami. Once you become mine, it might be interesting to have you wear those clothes all the time to serve me. Really? But then what are you supposed to do if you can’t get it? You give up on it. Isn’t it sad for those girls if you force them like that? Sad? Shouldn’t those girls be happy that I would even accept it? Seriously?-It’s all right. Humans are just my pawns and playthings. I think highly of you. It’s not something that you need to worry about. I’m definitely going to beat you. So I can make you get to know humans. You’re saying some strange things. It’s okay if you don’t understand right now. But don’t underestimate humans! If you think everything will go your way, you’re in for a surprise. Oh? Then let’s test it. Let’s end our date here for today. I’ll be waiting for you on the stage—if you’re able to perform that is. Is that all right?-I’m saying I’ll figure something out. You underestimate me, Miku. If that;s how you’re going to be, I’ve got some ideas of my own. It’s impossible. There’s too much of a difference between us after all… There’s no way I can beat her. You look pretty despondent there. Like the dead have go t a hold of your feed. Disappointment. Then you’ve lost before you even started fighting. This line is currently unable to being used. If you’re too pushy, I’m going to hang up. You seem to be heading down a path of despair. I know everything about you, you know. You’re not being controlled?-Oh, my, how sweet. You think I’m so innocent as to be swayed by that level of performance? Yes, I just didn’t have the opportunity to see it up close. I would like to see it carefullu sometime, though.-Stop joking around!-You’re no fun. Just a little while is fine. I want to see the adorable Shiori’s face tremble with humiliation. Just what are you planning to do?! Don’t do anything weird to Shiori! Why not? Oh my, you’re hurt Shido. Oh I am. It’s okay, It’ll be fine with a little spit. Hmm…What are you doing-You said it’d be fine with a little spit, didn’t you? Not matter what, facing her straight on is… This is the most certain way to send you back to Miku. Persuading her after that is up to you, though, Shido. This is really unplesand, you’re so beyond worthless that it’s causing harm. It won’t do to have you gloating with success after just that, because you won’t beat me! I kept my promise Shido, All that’s left is to figure out how to make her

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promise. Sorry to interrupt in the middle of your little chat, but we’re about to reach the time limit. Shido, to your feet. My time is not inexhaustible. It’s about time we dispersed. I won’t let any enemy of ig sister live-Do you understand the situation now? Any way from what I’ve heard it doesn’t seem like she will put herself in danger to get in our way. More importantly, i was able to make her wary of me. But…..You were trying to get Miku to join your side while you were in the shadow, weren’t you? Are you saying that my help is not enough for you? That’s not what I ment-(face lick, ear playful bite) I’m just kidding. It’s true that we don’t know how powerful the enemy is. Your decision to try to increase our battle power deserves praise. But oh, my, you really are bad at lying, aren’t you? So, so, Oh, right, I have some news to report. Let’s go over the plan again. Once you and I reach the building in question, I will call all my Mes to the premises and attack the other facilities. We will disperse the enemy’s attack power with that and lessen the guard on Tohka as much as possible, right? Yes, yes. A space queek alarm, is there a spirit? That doesn’t seem to be the case. This alarm was most likely set off by DEM. If that’s the case….(jumps to save him) This might mean they are trying to reduce the number of witnesses so they can go wild. That’s amazing. This is no time to be impressed. Let us change the plan. I will use the mess and the…We will go past all their defences at once in the opening that creates. You’ve given me a violent welcome , as usual. Are you alright Shido? Yeah, somehow, there’s no time, let’s go Kurumi. Right, building nr 1 is this way- Do you really think you could kill me with this? That’s unfortunate. Just a little more, and I would have erased that interminably unpleasant, thin smile of yours. What an amusing thing to say, Did someone who survived by chance on a whim lose her memory from fear? Wait you two-Well this is pefect, I have another matter to settle with DEM, so let’s split up now. You should be fine with Mana-Hey Kurumi.-Please rest assured, the diversion using the Mes will continue. Well then, good day. Ah there’s no way, are you stupid. There’s no way that a human, especially an inferior man, could possibly hold anything more dear to him than his life…. It’s not possible! Because if it is, then I… Hey, girls, I want you to answer me honestly. What is Shido to Tohka? Do you think its true that Tohka is precious to him? I thought I said I wanted you to answer me honestly. I hate girls who lie. But everytime Tohka is with him she seems genuinely happy. Then, if he had to risk his life in order to save Tohka, what do you think Shido would do? I think Shido would save Tohka without a moment’s hesitation. If we’re talking about Shido I’m sure that’s what he would to, that idiot would face death without thinking of himself. Even if it were to save Yuzuru or me. Agreement, there’s something wrong with him. I’m sure he would do anything for Tohka’s sake no matter what he had to sacrifice to do it. I will bring Tohka back no matter what happenes, no—no matter what I have to do! Are you saying there’s no way to stop my brother from going into the organization emant to destroy….You should be more aware of how you never count yourself in the lives to be saved! Oh fine! It’s not like you’d listen if I tried to stop you, anyway. You know me to well. I haven’t been your little sister for over ten years for nothing. Seriously, us little sister with big brothers who don’t listen always have trouble to deal with. Even so, I wouldn’t accept a weak big brother who’d turn tail at a time like this. If you’re going to do it, I won’t allow you to do things halfway. I won’t consider it a success unless Tohka is saved and you and Mana are back safe. I understand, now, let’s begin our date. That’s why I must go ( the enemy of their organization, accomplice with Nightmare attacking…) He is the only thing I can rely on now that I’ve lost everything. If he dies, I will nto be myself any longer. So please, let go of me. Would you still go if I aid I would bite my tongue and kill myself if you did? You wouldn’t do such a thing….because you know that would make me sad. How frustrating. I’m jelous of him. Jealous that you would do so much for him. There is one thing I can think of. That’s White Licorice-You sure know quite a lot…it’s not exactly…. Stop if you don’t stop I’ll shot-You’re already shooting, aren’t you? Damn it, I can’t just stand around in a place like this! Tohka x3. An angel? Yeah, that’s right, let’s go save your master. I think what happened to you is unfortunate. Those producers and fans that had a change of heart make me angry! But I don’t think you should hate other humans because of what happened.-Please

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be quiet all men are pigs! Anyway, you don’t think there was a single person who really listened to your music?! I’m sure there were people who ere unaffected by the scandal who continued to enjoy your songs! Miku, you’ve created an illusion of ‘’scary humans’’ within yourself! I don’t want you to hide behind the voice you use to control people, I just want you to sing with your real voice!-Don’t talk like you know everything. As long as I have this voice, I can be the best idol! Without this voice- who would listen to me?-I would! I listened, it was only one song, though. An earnest song where you gave it your best. It was good! None of my fans who listened to my songs believed in me! During hard times, no one reached a hand out to me!-That’s not what I think! I know that there are fans out there who belive in you and are waiting for you! But….if it’s really as you say, then I promise to reach a hand out to you! –I don’t believe you, they’re all lies, they have to be-You know what! You need to listen better! Converging magic power cannon, mistelteinn. Target, ellen mathers, direct hit. If it is your command, I could hit an apple atop someone’s head. Even with the little disruption, you’re the only second person to ever injure me in my lifetime. Origami, you are a wonderful Wizard, You should be proud of yourself…. However, you can do that in the next world. What’s up with him? Oh that’s why I don’t like men-I don’t think it has anything to to with him being a man. Hurry up and release Tohka! I wonder what’ll happen if I don’t do what you say? Oh I forgot to tell you, if you stand there you’ll be in danger-I’ll break any sword pointed at Ike. Please, I don’t care what you do, save shido… Someone, please. Shido… I don’t care who. Just save Shido! I don’t care what happens to me. Shido save SHido x5 The kingdom has inverted, now, prepare yourselves, mankind. It’s time for the triumphal return of the demon king. You always were like that, so ambitious so jealous, always saying hateful things. But your loyalty deserved to be respected. I hated you….but you didn’t deserved this… Hey, hey Mana…I…I’m strong, right? I won’t lose to you anymore… DO you think…Mr W will acknowledge…me now….? Yes, of course. I see, so you weren’t all talk. Are you alright Miku? Ye, yes. Anyway, it’s not like I was saving you or anything! It was a coincidence! Thanks for saving me Ellen, No problem we can’t have you dying right now. Oh, so can you win? Of course. Nothing alive one arth can beat me—if I’m at my best, that is. I was distracted while defending and my wond from earlier opened up. I’m manipulating my pain threshold, but I’m at a disadvantage against that Spirit. I see, then I guess we have no choice. Let us retreat. We still have time. Is that alright? Yeah, I’m used to waiting. It’s good enough that we were able to draw out Princess’s inversion. Besides, we even saw someone unexpected. Sorry, but you’ll have to excuse us here. Let us meet again, if you survive. Takamyia…no I mean Shido. Wait, do you know who I am-Nope, I haven’t the foggiest. Not about Shido, Itsuka, anyway. Miku….You’re a complete idiot who climbed all the way here for Tohka’s sake, so I’m giving you just one chance. How irritating. Oh How insolent…. To try and bind my body…You should know your limits. I didn’t have anything but my songs, I didn’t had anything, so I thought if I didn’t have my voice, I was worthless. That nobody-nothing-would protect me anymore. But honestly, I wanted to see it just once. I wanted to see a person who truly loved another person from the bottom of their heart. If…if I had met you sooner, I would’ve…. Hey, Miku, are you okay? What….promi….-Because I promised.-So what? If I ended up in the same bind as Tohka, are you saying you’d come save me, too? Of course! He kept his promise….. This man…Shido…kept his promise! I’ll be right back. I’m going to save the princess. To keep my promise. He’s gone he’s gone he’s finally gone, the crafty and cunning human who was trying to trick me! What are you laughing at, servant? Isn’t it a little early to be celebrating your triumph? You…You’re still alive? Toh…ka… Hey, Tohka! I’m here to save you! Bastard, what are you…? Holding one of these things hurts, doesn’t it? Bastar--- What in the world is this man doing? He’s kissing the enemy…on the battlefield? Why? That doesn’t make sense. My head is spinning. Shido! It feels like my body isn’t my own anymore. Shido. Every time I hear that name, I feel sick. Shido. But it doesn’t put me in a bad mood. Oh, how could I forget? The one who gave me my nname…. Who turned my existence upside down… Shido?-Yeah. That? Nevermind, I’ll leave that to kotori and reine, in the meantime…(pat on the head) Welcome back, Tohka. Yeah, I’m back Shido! At

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that time, you promised, didn’t you? That you would listen to my songs even if I lost the voice I have now and everyone else ignored me. Yeah, of course. You kept your promise. You are the only one that’s okay. You are the only one…that I can trust. Even if I lose this voice…. If no one listens to my song anymore…. As long as you’re there, that’s enough. If that happens…I’ll sing just for you. Let me sing you a song, and let’s sing alone/ The millions of stars spread out are the best gifts.

It was, it was an endless journey A tale about a hero who saved you Once, in a fairy tale land A hero started his journey Running through the meadows Heading toward the princess A pitch black cave, overcoming a windy mountain wilderness With a sword held aloft Flames of courage reflecting in his eyes Shaking off the hands of darkness Clasping your hand Even now, even if it was a dream I would take up a sword And find you tearing through the darkness Even if I fall, even through hardships, I won’t be defeated Hold tight to my hand Inextinguishable flames of courage Illuminate the world.

Im TheRealGir btw and like I go hard in the paint, feel free to add me though know this, I will probably decline it, but keep your hopes high! Edit: I got zed, continued to destroy all hope people had to have fun with this game. good times. UPDATED: just do the new item build cause I said so. You can’t outrun, you can’t outgun, just stop running cause we just begun. There is some sort of lesson herut I’m enjying it too much to know what it is. Raphael, that a rash foolhardy and extremely dangerous act-Count me in(bust him out) We need to ouse our heads. Guess that leaves mikey out. Okay fearless leader how do we find Don, give me a second, if you couldn’t tell I’m making this up as I go. Hey Leo could you make up something else, something with a happy ending?