Date : 21 st April 2011 Venue : PNB Darby Park, KL

Date : 21 April 2011 Venue : PNB Darby Park, KLbiomass-sp.net/downloads/sdhfsd65sda23fsdf234/D3 Forest Research... · FRIM • Five research divisions: • Forestry • Product Development

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Page 1: Date : 21 April 2011 Venue : PNB Darby Park, KLbiomass-sp.net/downloads/sdhfsd65sda23fsdf234/D3 Forest Research... · FRIM • Five research divisions: • Forestry • Product Development

Date : 21st April 2011

Venue : PNB Darby Park, KL

Page 2: Date : 21 April 2011 Venue : PNB Darby Park, KLbiomass-sp.net/downloads/sdhfsd65sda23fsdf234/D3 Forest Research... · FRIM • Five research divisions: • Forestry • Product Development



• Paper Mill Sludge Pellet

• Drum Method for Carbonization

• Rice Straw Pellet System

• HTD for Rubberwood and Tropical Hardwood

• Conclusion

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• Established 1929

• Statutory body

• Malaysia Forestry Research and

Development Board under the Ministry of

Primary Industries in 1985 (Act 319)

• In 2004, moved to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

• Carry out R, D & C across the forestry value-chain

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• Five research divisions:

• Forestry

• Product Development

• Biotechnology

• Natural Products

• Conservation of Forest Biodiversity

• With 5 other supporting divisions.

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Vision & Mission

• Vision

To make FRIM a world-class tropical forest research institute

• Mission

To achieve excellence in scientific research, development and forestry services

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Pellets from Paper Mill Sludge

Forest Product Division

Puad Elham

Ahmad SharafiOthman

Shamsuri Mohd Som

Nordin Puteh

Industry Sector

Renewable Energy

Phase of Project


R&D Completed*

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• Malaysia,

• 1 million metric tonnes of sludge generated

• Innovation

• Industrial Sludge Fuel Pellets

• Recycling Industrial fiber wastes into briquettes

• Environmentally Friendly Product can be widely used in industry – boiler feedstock


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• Producing Pellets from sludge ----�Environmentally friendly method of disposing sludge

• Pellets = converting loose material (saw dust) into a compact shape sans binder through compression

• Creates a new opportunity for the paper industries


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• Penggunaan 100% bahan enap cemar kertas

• Pembuatan produk pellet yang di hasilkan

kepada saiz yang diperlukan.

• Produk alternatif kepada kayu sebagai bahan


• Mengeksploitasi penggunaan bahan enap cemar

yang terhasil sebagai bahan produk nilai tambah.


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Bahan enap cemar

Proses pengeringan

EC pellet


Proses pemampatan

Flow Chart EC PelletEC 70:30 50:50

Kandungan lembapan (%) 7.5 4.0 4.3

Ketumpatan (kg/m3) 150 1223 1176

Bahan meruap (%) 52.1 67.4 62.9

Kandungan abu (%) 40.1 21.8 16.5

Kandungan karbon (%) 7.8 10.8 20.6

Kandungan kalori (MJ/kg) 5.2 11.7 13.1

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• Bersih dan mudah dikendalikan

• Mempunyai ketumpatan yang lebih tinggi

• Mempunyai bentuk dan saiz yang seragam

• Meningkatkan lebih daripada 10 isipadu sisa

• Tempoh penyimpanan lebih lama

• Pembakaran yang sekata dan lengkap

• Membuka peluang yang menguntungkan kepada

industri kertas yang menghadapi masalah

pelupusan bahan enap cemar.

• Kaedah pelupusan yang mesra alam.


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Page 13: Date : 21 April 2011 Venue : PNB Darby Park, KLbiomass-sp.net/downloads/sdhfsd65sda23fsdf234/D3 Forest Research... · FRIM • Five research divisions: • Forestry • Product Development

Drum Method for Carbonization

Forest Product Division

Puad Elham

Industry Sector

Renewable Energy

Phase of Project


R&D Completed

Commercial Ready

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• Charcoal is a carbonaceous solid with a fixed

carbon content of 70% or more

• The drum method is suitable for the production of

coconut shell charcoal.

• The major drawback is the emission of large

quantity of smoke and tar during carbonisation

process which makes it environmentally


• The other problems pertained to the quality and

uniformity of the charcoal produced


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• Charcoal in a Simple, Quick, Efficient, and

Economic kiln.

• reduce emissions and its greenhouse effect.

• It also and can be constructed in a suitable sizes

by local materials.

• Environmentally friendly, productive and

economical for charcoal production in Malaysia

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• Clean and easier handling

• Complete carbonisation

• Efficient – quality & quantity

• Low cost

• Environmental friendly


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Carbonisation (hours) 22 24

Charcoal (kg) 32 18

Efficiency (%) 40 20

Cost (RM) 60 50

Moisture content (%) 6.1 12.5

Volatile matter (%) 12.4 21.0

Ash content (%) 2.3 2.5

Fixed carbon (%) 85.3 76.5

Calorific value (MJ/kg) 32.7 31.0

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Rice Straw Pellet

Forest Product Division

Puad Elham

Ahmad SharafiOthman

Shamsuri Mohd Som

Nordin Puteh

Industry Sector

Renewable Energy

Phase of Project


R&D Completed

Patent Filed (PI2011000230)

Commercial Ready

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• Rice straw is the dry stalks of rice plants, after

the grain and chaff have been removed.

• More than 1 million tonnes of rice straw are

produced in Peninsular Malaysia annually.

• Burning in the open air is the common technique

of disposal that contribute to air pollution.

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• Pellets are a type of solid fuel, generally made

from compacted residues.

• Pellets are produced by compressing the

residues which has first passed through a crusher

to provide a uniform mass.

• They are usually produced as a byproduct of

agricultural activities.

• The pellets are extremely dense with low

moisture content that allow them to be burned

with very high combustion efficiency.

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Straw Wood Oil palm

Moisture content (%) 7.5 7.5 5.9

Volatile matter (%) 71.3 82.8 88.2

Ash content (%) 12.8 1.2 4.2

Fixed carbon (%) 8.4 8.5 1.6

Density (kg/m3) 1060 1265 982

Calorific value (MJ/kg) 15.8 19.1 19.7

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• Uniform in size and quality

• Easy to transport and store

• The process increases the net calorific value of

material per unit volume

• The process often helps to solve the problem of

residues disposal

• The process helps to reduce deforestation by

providing a substitute for fuel wood


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Process of EFB for Biodegradable Container

• Industry Sector

Eco-Products ;



Forest Product Division

Dr. Rushdan Ibrahim

Nurul Husna Mohd Hassan

Latifah Jasmani

Salmiah Ujang

Industry Sector

Renewable Energy

Phase of Project


R&D Completed

Commercial Ready

Samples sent to customer

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• In Malaysia, food containers, industrial packaging

and medical utensil are mostly made from plastic

either from polylactide (PLA) or polyethylene

terephthalate (PTE).

• Products made from plastic are not

environmentally friendly due to their difficulty in

composting, and costly due to the escalating

price of petroleum.

• In developed countries, these products are made

from lignocelluloses fibres that are


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Agricultural Residues

• Malaysia is blessed with abundant supply of natural fibres.

• There are million of tones of agricultural residues that can be used as a raw material to produce such moulded pulp packaging products.

• Moulded pulp packaging is made from pulp which is moulded into a shape designed to hold and protect the products to be packed.

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Oil Palm Biomass

• Oil palm biomass, the most abundant fibre resource, is

readily available from existing oil palm plantations and

palm oil mills.

• Each year, the oil palm industry generates approximately

13.9 million tonnes of moisture-free cellulosic materials

to act as renewable and permanent feedstock raw

material for the production of paper pulp.

• Thus, oil palm biomass that includes oil palm trunk

(OPT), oil palm fronds (OPF) and empty fruit bunches

(EFB) could become supplementary fibre sources of

short-fibered pulps that traditionally has been produced

from hardwoods.

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Examples of moulded products can be made by oil

palm biomass.

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HTD System for Rubberwood and Tropical Hardwood

Forest Product Division

Choo Kheng Ten

Sik Huei Shing

Ramzul Iklas Ab Lah

Industry Sector


Environmental Services

Phase of Project


R&D Completed*

Patent Filed (PI2010002410 &


Commercial Ready

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Description of Product (s)


• Main HTD Chambers built-up of proprietary K-Block panels- light weight with sufficient stiffness to limit deformation under high temperature.

• The handling line is a platform trolley holding timber packs which are forklift-loaded.

• A physical restraint protocol is also incorporated to ensure quality throughput of lumber batches.

• The humidification system to provide both the steam spray and water spray (at ambient temperature) which are essential stages of HTD protocol.

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Con’t… Description of product

• Pneumatic control ventilation system.

• Industrial PLC (programmable logic controller)

instrumentation which coordinates the monitoring and

controlling of various parameters as specified by the HTD


• Uniform cross-flow air circulation through timber stacks at

high speed of 2.5 to 3.5 m/s

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Properties of HT-dried Rubberwood

Reduced warping in timber

Enhanced grain feature

Better dimensional stability

Slight increased in specific strength

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Production Volume

• 14 ton per kiln per 1-day cycle

• 1,260 ton per month

• 15,120 ton per year

Standard and Regulation

• Compliance with EU Directives

– Categorisation of borates under “Reprotoxic Category 2”

under the Dangerous Substance Directive (67/548/EEC)



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• Proposed Selling Price RM 1,430/t

• Manufacturing Cost RM 1,267/t

• Profit Margin RM 163/t

Custom HT-Drying Service Charges

• Proposed Service Charges about RM 300/t

Customised HTD System Package

• Proposed Selling Price RM 5-6 million per package

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Current Drying Practice in Malaysia

95% 5%

Conventional System(Temp < 80 degC)



Targeted replacing 40% of existing conventional system in Malaysia

Midterm, TWI will explore the export market in the Asia Pacific Region

especially Indonesia, Vietnam, India and China.

Source: MTIB

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Some of the much improved attributes arisen from FRIM innovation are,

� Reduced negative impact on the environment

HTD system offers an alternative solution to use of chemical preservative

borates via use of high-heat treatment technique.

� Energy-efficient system

The HTD time for 30 mm-thick sawn dimension stocks is reduced to

about 2 days compared to conventional drying which requires 14-16 days.

� Cost-efficient operation

A techno-economic study shows that a complete HTD plant can be set

up with a capital investment comparatively less than that required for

setting up a conventional drying plant. The comparisons are based on

the same overall production capacity, designed for both types of kiln



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�Enhanced timber quality

• Minimise warping via a physical restraint protocol to maintain a

straight-form sawn timber.

• Enhanced wood grain feature and a more uniform albeit darker

colour throughout the lumber.

• Increased dimensional stability - has lower equilibrium moisture

content (EMC), less movement (shrink and swell due to

fluctuating ambient moisture) under general service condition.

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Products produced from HT-dried rubberwood

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� Environmentally friendly

� Cost-effective

� Just in time (JIT) stock holding

� Energy efficient

� Enhanced timber quality

� HTD the solution to chemical free rubberwood

� Ensures Malaysia’s continued dominance in the

rubberwood industries.

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Bil Researcher Division Title of Invention

1 Puad Elham Forest Products Versatile Charcoal Briquette Machine

2 Mohd Nor Mahat Forestry Biotechnology Torrified Acacia Wood As Bio-Coal (FRIM TRAW)

3 Abdul Rashid LiNatural Resources


Pectin-Rich fraction of Morinda Citrifolia as

glucose lowering agent

4 Dr Rushdan Ibrahim Forest ProductsConverting oil palm empty bunches into all types

of alkaline pulps for different types of paper

5Dr Nor Azah Mohamad

AliNatural Products

Natural based essential oil product with potential

adulticidal effects

6Mohd Shahidan Mohd

ArshadNatural Products

Standardised Tinospora Extract (Tinosporex™)

with anti-hypercholestrolemic property

7Dr Mohd Khairun

Anwar UyupNatural Products Phenolic-Treated Plybamboo (PTP)

8 Dr Nor Hasnida Hassan Forestry BiotechnologyInduction of hairy root culture from Tongkat Ali

explants using Agrobacterium rhizogenes

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Bil Researcher Division Title of Invention

9 Dr Nor Hasnida Hassan Forestry BiotechnologyProduction of Tongkat Ali bioactive

compounds from hairy root culture

10 Dr Hasnida Hassan Forestry BiotechnologyMicropropagation of Tongkat Ali using

tissue culture techniques

11 Dr Hasnida Hassan Forestry Biotechnology

In vitro propagation of Aquilaria hirta

(Chandan) using tissue culture


12 Dr Hasnida Hassan Forestry BiotechnologyMicropropagation protocol of Mas

Cotek (Ficus deltoidea)

13Dr Wan Tarmeze Wan

AriffinForestry Biotechnology

Bamboo-Oil Palm hybrid Engineered

Lumber (B-POPS™)

14 Dr Hasnida Hassan Forestry Biotechnology

In vitro propagation of Aquilaria

malaccensis (Karas) using tissue culture


15Dr. Wan Tarmeze Wan

AriffinForestry Biotechnology

Enginneered lumber from crushed and

dismantaled bamboo material

16 Dr. Mohd. Ilham Adenan Forest Biodiversity

ECfC 06: a standardized extract of

Erythroxylum cuneatum forma

cuneatum (Miq.) Kurz (cinta mula) as

herbal remedies for addition therapy.