1 UNESCO – Hewlett Packard Partnership Piloting Solutions for Alleviating Brain Drain in South East Europe Database Construction and Computer-Human Interaction: Status and Plans Ana Jerončić October 2004 Meeting

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UNESCO – Hewlett Packard Partnership Piloting Solutions for Alleviating Brain Drain in

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Database Construction and Computer-Human Interaction: Status and Plans

Ana Jerončić

October 2004 Meeting

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UNESCO – Hewlett Packard Partnership Piloting Solutions for Alleviating Brain Drain in

South East Europe

Sociological study hypothesis:1: Younger researchers ( 31-40 ) - more likely to emigrate.2: Never-married and divorced scientists - more likely to emigrate.3: Men more likely than women express a disposition to emigrate.4: Knowledge of English will positively affect disposition to emigrate.5: Publication activity will relate positively to dispositions to emigrate.6: Dissatisfaction with living conditions 7: Representatives of the natural sciences and the applied sciences will

exhibit higher propensity to emigrate than social scientists. 8: Dissatisfaction with the general state of science within the country. Overall

neglect of science and technology during this period of social cataclysms has promoted a sense of frustration, "weightlessness", and futurelessness among scientists and hence a disposition to seek ways for individual affirmation andprosperity outside Croatia.

9: Evaluation of the future perspectives of the employing scientific unit will be negatively related to disposition to emigrate.

10: Orientations to particular countries and regions will vary.

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......The project – part of it ....

TASK: Establish a comprehensive database of Croatian physicists all over the world.

AIM: enable/accelerate the communication between the physicists in the country and the ones currentlyliving abroad.

SUPPORT-NET enables fast knowledge/information exchange. In the long run this should elevate the quality of working conditions for physicist in Croatia.

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Defining what data to collect? – RESEARCH RELATED

7. Grants

Other activities:

Conferences/workshops organized and/or attended:

6. Professional development

5. Related/other experience

4. Research, technical and specialized skills

Teaching evaluations:

Innovation in teaching:

Courses taught:

Courses introduced/developed:

Academic/teaching experience:

3. Academic/teaching experience

Undergraduate work/degree(s), major/minors honors:

Graduate work/degree(s), major/minors, thesis/dissertation titles, honors:

Postgraduate work:

2. Academic background/education

1. Personal information


13. List of 10 most important publications

12. Professional/academic honors and awards

11. Foreign language abilities/skills


9. Academic/research interests




8. Service

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Data collector – MySQL/Python database web-application

MySQL 4.0

Python 2.2Apache 2.0

IE, Mozilla

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Prerequisite: Server Installation & Configuration

OSOSweb server

1.Red Hat Enterprise AS (2.4.21-4-EL)(1donated PC)

A serious platform for the heavy tasks applications

2. Linux, kernel 2.4.25, Debian 3.1 (Sarge) distributionfor Itanium systems


(2 HP servers rx2600 with Itanium@2 dual processor)64-bit architecture

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Prerequisite: Server Installation & Configuration

SQLObject objectSQLObject object--relational relational mappermapper

MySQLdb Python databaseMySQLdb Python database2 additional Python packages: 2 additional Python packages:

Sendmail (SMTP) Sendmail (SMTP) Mail ServerMail ServerMySQL MySQL Database serverDatabase server

Advanced firewall Advanced firewall (arptables)(arptables)FirewallFirewall

Python 2.2Python 2.2Server Side Web ProgrammingServer Side Web ProgrammingApache 2.0Apache 2.0Web Server

Important server applications to installImportant server applications to install

Web Server

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Different software versions were not compatible!!! ☺

Instead of using RPM packages we had to edit some source codes and proceed installation manually

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Setting up an Apache web server Setting up an Apache web server –– local specificitylocal specificity

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• Specify correct paths to the directories for HTML documents andCGI scripts.

(DocumentRoot and ScriptAlias variables)

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Database construction Database construction

Table structure - automatic scripting create_table_people.pycreate_table_people.py

1 table – 1 record ~ 47 fields

Security and PermissionsThe name of the database, as well as the username (DB USER) and password (DB PASSWD) are specified in `config.py‘ file, not available online



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Python modules

CGI initialization

Dynamic HTML


CGI script – SQL query completion

SearchList of people

Application form

Personal record

About the project

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CPAW web site URL


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So far so good … 171 entries of active physicists

From: faculties, institutes, industry

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RESULTS RESULTS -- troubleshootingtroubleshooting

INFORMATION OVERLOAD people are not very efficient when it comes tovoluntary registration on the web-site

COMPREHENSIVE APPLICATION FORM although not obligatory, may discourage the applicant

Going back to e-mails – personal touch

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Elevating the cooperatiElevating the cooperativeve and knowledge level and knowledge level ––


Skills/knowledge needed!Skills/knowledge needed!

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INTERREG IIIINTERREG III project project –– regional importanceregional importance

““Environmental conservation and improvement of Adriatic coastEnvironmental conservation and improvement of Adriatic coast””

In cooperation with Italian and Albanian partners, interdisciplinary team of natural scientists including physicists is involved in natural conservation issues

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Gelato project proposal – in the submission

Users - champion the Linux Itanium platforms with high-performance computing

•Application - port and tune•Libraries and modules development (port and tune)•Packaging•Web services

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High energy physics

CERN’s FORTRAN applications (simulation, analysis, physics, etc.)

Class Library for High Energy Physics (not a stand-alone application, but a collection of matrix, rotation, rand-number classes,.)

Physics simulation toolkit (C++)

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Sequence analysis applications : multiple/pair wise alignment applications (primary, secondary, tertiary structure), phylogenetic tree applications

Genomic database creation larger than 4Gb

Modules port and tune development for bioinformatics

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Impact on local community of scientists Impact on local community of scientists

high-performance computing

Monte Carlo simulations

MD simulations

Different physical data analysis

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Contact: [email protected]

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