Data Types Chapter 8

Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

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Page 1: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Data Types Chapter 8

Page 2: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Chapter Topics

Enumeration Data Types




Looping with Enumeration Types

Anonymous Data Types

The typedef statement


The string type


Page 3: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Enumeration Data Types

A data type is

A set of values together with

A set of operations on those values.

In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration type, we need:

A name for the data type.

A set of values for the data type.

A set of operations on the values.


Page 4: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Enumeration Data Types

C++ allows the user to define a new simple data type by specifying:

Its name and the values

But not the operations.

The values that we specify for the data type must be legal identifiers

The syntax for declaring an enumeration type is:

enum typeName{value1, value2,



Page 5: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Declaration of Enumerated Types

Consider the colors of the rainbow as an enumerated type:

enum rainbowColors =

{ red, orange, yellow,


blue, indigo, violate }

The identifiers between { } are called enumerators

The order of the declaration is significant red < orange < yellow …


Page 6: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Declaration of Enumerated Types

Why are the following illegal declarations?

enum grades{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D',


enum places{1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th};


They do not have legal

identifiers in the list

• What could you do to make them legal?

enum grades{A, B, C, D, F};

enum places{first, second, third, fourth};

Page 7: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Declaration of Enumerated Types As with the declaration of any object

Specify the type name

Followed by the objects of that type


enum daysOfWeek { Sun, Mon,

Tue,Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat }

Then we declare:

daysOfWeek Today, payDay,



Page 8: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Assignment with Enumerated Types

Once an enumerated variable has been declared

It may be assigned an enumerated value

Assignment statement works as expected

payDay = Fri; // note no quotes

// Fri is a value, a constant

Enumerated variables may receive only values of that enumerated type 8

Page 9: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Operations on Enumerated Type Objects

Incrementing variables of an enumerated type

Do NOT use workaday += 1; NOR today++;

Instead, use explicit type conversion today = daysOfWeek (today + 1);


Page 10: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Operations on Enumerated Type Objects


normal, OK

in order of the enumeration definition


generally not possible to do directly

can be sort of done, indirectly

Used primarily for program control, branching, looping

Possible to have functions return an enumerated type


Page 11: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Looping with Enumeration Types

Use an enumerated type variable as the loop control variable of a for loop

for (day = Mon; day < Sat;

day = static_cast<daysOfWeek>(day

+ 1))


. . .



This works because the values are

represented internally as integers

Page 12: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Functions with Enumerated Types

Enumeration type can be passed as parameters to

functions either by value or by reference.

A function can return a value of the enumeration type.

daysOfWeek nextDay (daysOfWeek



return (daysOfWeek) ((d +




Page 13: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Anonymous Data Types

Named Type

user defined type

declaration includes typedef

As with daysOfWeek or Boolean

Anonymous Type

does not have an associated type

enum (MILD, MEDIUM, HOT) salsa_sizzle;

variable declared without typedef


Page 14: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

Anonymous Data Types


Cannot pass an anonymous type as a parameter to a function.

A function cannot return a value of an anonymous type.

Problems when:

enum {English, French, Spanish, German, Russian}


enum {English, French, Spanish, German, Russian}


languages = foreignLanguages; //illegal


Same values used but variables

treated as non compatible types

Page 15: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

The typedef statement


typedef existing_type_name new_type_name;

Example: typedef int Boolean;

Does not really create a new type

is a valuable tool for writing self-documenting programs


Page 16: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration


Recall use of using namespace std;

Namespace is another word for scope

In C++ it is a mechanism programmer creates a "named scope"

namespace std { int abs ( int ); . . . }


Page 17: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration


Identifiers within a namespace can be used outside the body of the declaration only if

use scope resolution operator

x = std::abs(y); a using declaration

using std::abs; z = abs(q);

a using directive

using namespace std; p = abs(t);


Note the distinction

between declaration

and directive

Page 18: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration


We usually place the using directive in global scope

All blocks { . . . } then have identifiers available from the std namespace


Page 19: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

The string type

We have used arrays of char to hold "string" information

char name[30]; cin >> name;

There are some problems with doing this

There is no assignment statement

Must use strcpy (name, "Clyde");

Cannot do comparisons with < or == or >

Must use if (strcmp (s1, s2) == 0) …

For all these must use #include <string.h>


Page 20: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

The string type

C++ has a string type which bypasses all the problems we've encountered

Gain these capabilities by

#include <string> // note no .h

Now we can use statements as shown:

string name = "Clyde";

if (title1 < title2) …

str1 = str1 + "Day";

// assignment and



Page 21: Data Types · Enumeration Data Types A data type is A set of values together with A set of operations on those values. In order to define a new simple data type, called enumeration

The string type

Some functions are available

string name, title;

name = "Alexander";

cout << name.length()<<endl;

cout << name.find('x') <<endl;

cout << name.substr(1,3)


title = "Big Cheese";


cout << name<<endl; 21

Guess what will be

the output of these

lines of code