DATA SHEET Enterprise Mobility Strategy

DATA SHEET Enterprise Mobility Strategy...Call us on 0333 015 8000Or visit ultima.comHead Office Gainborough House, Manor Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, RG2 0NA 0333 015 8000 [email protected]

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Page 1: DATA SHEET Enterprise Mobility Strategy...Call us on 0333 015 8000Or visit ultima.comHead Office Gainborough House, Manor Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, RG2 0NA 0333 015 8000 enquiries@ultima.com


Enterprise Mobility Strategy

Page 2: DATA SHEET Enterprise Mobility Strategy...Call us on 0333 015 8000Or visit ultima.comHead Office Gainborough House, Manor Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, RG2 0NA 0333 015 8000 enquiries@ultima.com

What is Ultima’s Enterprise Mobility Strategy Service?This service seeks to assist you by laying the foundations for your mobility journey through a proven four-stage methodology

With this drive towards new ways of working, the concept of a ‘workplace’ is changing; it is no longer confined to desktop PC’s in an office. To be productive, employees are now expecting to be able to access services needed to perform their work from a multitude of endpoint form factors and locations. As business technology and consumer technology continue to merge, a tech-savvy workforce will find ways of working with mobile technologies whether it has been sanctioned by IT or not – essentially introducing “Shadow IT”. Rather than hinder and stifle their use, IT departments should embrace these consumer devices and new ways of working, providing the fine balance between security and flexibility. By having a well-defined mobile strategy, IT can enable the appropriate technologies to meet the needs of the business now and into the future.

Why do you need an Enterprise Mobility Strategy? Many enterprise infrastructures have changed organically over recent years and have been influenced by culture change including; employee mobility, international business travel, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), as well as purchasing and support models. This is changing the way the business requires IT services to be delivered.

Enterprise Mobility Management can be divided up into three conceptual blocks; Mobile Device Management (MDM), Mobile Application Management (MAM), and Mobile Content Management (MCM). Each of these addresses a specific level of mobility management and enables a tailored solution to match the requirements of your users and IT policies. Although these blocks can be applied in isolation, implementing these together provides a holistic Enterprise Mobility Management solution. The strategy will consider key requirements including existing investments, skills, projects and budgets. We will make recommendations such as, expanding existing, or implementing new, technologies.

Ultima’s Modern WorkSpace Practice can assist your organisation in enabling the right technologies to meet your mobility requirements.

Page 3: DATA SHEET Enterprise Mobility Strategy...Call us on 0333 015 8000Or visit ultima.comHead Office Gainborough House, Manor Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, RG2 0NA 0333 015 8000 enquiries@ultima.com

Call us on 0333 015 8000Or visit ultima.com

Head OfficeGainborough House, Manor Park, Basingstoke Road, Reading, RG2 0NA

0333 015 [email protected]


Analyse Key activities within this engagement are the discovery and assessment of the existing environment, and definition of the desired target environment. It helps to evaluate the current maturity level of mobility within your organisation, and to determine what capabilities are needed.

Review Each of the Enterprise Mobility Management components will be analysed against the requirements for your organisation to formulate a tailored solutions matrix which forms the basis of the mobile strategy report. This output will be used to select the most appropriate set of technologies to satisfy your end user requirements.

Define A key objective of the strategy engagement is to review your existing environment and provide a new optimised and integrated strategy encompassing the core components of Enterprise Mobility Management. The report will describe the current business requirements, outline options available and make recommendations based on these.

Present Ultima will present the strategy back to the business in a structured workshop, and field questions against each of the sections within the report.

Steps to your Enterprise Mobility Strategy

Ultima’s ApproachUltima’s Advisory Services Framework Based on our extensive experience of delivering IT infrastructure solutions for enterprise customers, Ultima has developed an architectural framework and consultative approach to assist organisations in addressing these concerns and increasing the value of their IT infrastructure investments. By pinpointing inefficiencies, identifying opportunities for improvement, and defining initiatives, we can better align your IT environment with the objectives and goals of your business.

By utilising the Advisory Services Framework model we can assist you in defining the most appropriate Enterprise Mobility Management solution from market leading vendors that meets your capability, support and expenditure requirements, identifying and leveraging opportunities for efficiencies, as well as improving service and user productivity.