External - Data Requirements Specification for Lenders Confidential \ Copyright © 2015, Markit Securities Finance Analytics Limited. All rights reserved Data Requirements Specification for Lenders June 2015

Data Requirements Specification for Lenders · The second row comprises the column headings of the data sent in the file, e.g.: ... — Column headings should exactly match those

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Page 1: Data Requirements Specification for Lenders · The second row comprises the column headings of the data sent in the file, e.g.: ... — Column headings should exactly match those

External - Data Requirements

Specification for Lenders

Confidential \ Copyright © 2015, Markit Securities Finance Analytics Limited. All rights reserved

Data Requirements Specification for Lenders June 2015

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Data Requirements Specification for Lenders

Introduction ............................................................. 3

Service Overview .................................................... 3

Data Format ............................................................. 3

Data Delivery ........................................................... 4

Business Entity (Fund) Structure ......................... 4

Regular Data Requirements – Inventory .............. 6

Inventory Data Requirements................................ 6

Data Validation Notes - Inventory ......................... 7

Regular Data Requirements - Trades ................... 9

Close of Business File .............................................. 9

Intraday File .............................................................. 9

Trade Data Requirements ...................................... 9

Cash Pool Loans ................................................... 13

Worked Cash Pool Example: .................................. 13

Data Validation Notes – Trades ........................... 13

Ad-Hoc Data Requirements – Business Entities

................................................................................. 15

Business Entity Data Requirements................... 15

Appendix 1: Fiscal Location Codes .................... 19

Markit Securities Finance Support ..................... 26

Revision History

Date Comments

June 2015 Structure Type and Notice Period fields added to support Evergreen trades

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Introduction Markit Securities Finance is a secure comparative performance measurement and analysis service.

Participants ranging from beneficial owners through custodian lenders to prime brokers submit data on a

daily basis which is displayed for analysis in Markit Securities Finance products and services.

Service Overview The data required by Markit Securities Finance is split into two types:

— Regular files: intraday and close of business files

— Ad-hoc files

Regular files contain inventory and trade information.

Ad-hoc data is that which defines the organisation; its name, funds and their interrelationships. This data

needs to be provided at the point of joining the service and then updated when necessary.

Please note the following:

— Regular data for a Lender participant means the inventory held and the securities lending transactions

undertaken from that inventory by that organisation

— Regular COB trades files contain all open transactions (not just new transactions) as on the day for

which the data is sent

— Intraday trades files can contain today’s new transactions only, or today’s new transactions plus all

existing transactions. They must contain ALL of today’s new transactions, not just new transactions since

the last intraday file was produced. Intraday files should be sent as many times as possible during the

day so new transactions are captured as soon as possible after they are booked

— Intraday files are in addition to the close of business trades file, not a replacement

— Trades files can contain both pending (pre-settlement) and settled transactions. Pending transactions

can be provided in the intraday file or the close of business file, but not both. The file must contain ALL

pending transactions, not just new transactions

— The trades files should only contain securities lending transactions and not other trade types such as

repo and swaps

— Financing trades should only be included in the file if they can be flagged based on the requirements in

the data specification

Data Format

Data extracts are provided for every business date in one of the following formats:

— Tab-, csv- or pipe-delimited text file

Data extracts comprise two header rows and one row per data item. The first header row identifies the file

type, the date of data extraction, the data supplier and the data version.

For example, the header of a close of business file containing trades for the 21st May 2013 would have the

following in the first row:

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File Type<tab>Trades<tab>Date<tab>21/05/2013<tab>Data Supplier<tab>Company DEF<tab>Data


Example 2, the header of an intraday file on the 21st May 2013 would have the following in the first row:

File Type<tab>Intraday Trades<tab>Date<tab>21/05/2013<tab>Data Supplier<tab>Company

DEF<tab>Data Version<tab>2.1

Note the data version for the close of business and intraday trades files is 2.1. For all other files it is 1.0.

The second row comprises the column headings of the data sent in the file, e.g.:

ISIN<tab>SEDOL<tab>CUSIP<tab>QUICK<tab>Security Description<tab>Quantity<tab>Trade

Value<tab>Currency of Trade Value<tab>Margin<tab>Collateral Type (BP)<tab>……

To enable the analysis to be conducted efficiently, and for the outputs to remain timely, data must be

provided in the specified Markit Securities Finance format which will be explained in the later sections. Markit

Securities Finance provides an Excel spreadsheet with sample data to supplement the information contained

in this document. Deviation from the standard format will result in the omission of non-standard data.

General formatting rules:

— Column headings should exactly match those detailed in this document but can be in any order. Please

use the order specified if possible

— Delimiters, e.g., single or double quotes, should not be placed around values as these are not supported

— All date values must be in the format dd/MM/yyyy and all digits are required. For example, 21st May

2013 would only be represented as 21/05/2013

— All numeric values must consist of 0 or more digits, optionally followed by a decimal point (ASCII full stop

character) followed by 1 or more digits. No other characters are required or supported. For example, 1

million would only be represented as 1000000.00

Data Delivery

Markit Securities Finance favours SFTP as the delivery method for files; although FTP delivery is also

supported. Delivery of production files by email is not supported although test file can be delivered via this

method. Markit Securities Finance currently has a strong preference to use SFTP for file transfer wherever

possible. SFTP is a subset of the popular SSH2 protocol and provides strong data encryption to prevent

login, data and session information from being intercepted and/or modified in transit.

Business Entity (Fund) Structure

Markit Securities Finance can display information at multiple levels. Participants need to define a hierarchy of

entities/funds to enable them to view information in a way that best suits their organisation. The number of

fund levels and the hierarchy are defined by the participant and will reflect the structure of the participants

business. Your data will be displayed at the fund level as provided in your business entities file. It is

mandatory to have at least one business entity in the hierarchy. If you want your data to be broken down into

multiple fund levels e.g., the parent company at the highest level with subsidiary companies and their funds

beneath the parent company then this information is required in the business entities file.

For example, Bank ABC submits data for all their funds or underlying clients and wishes to view information

for the entire company and individually for each fund and their sub funds. Their entity level structure would

comprise the following:

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Entity Level 1 Entity Level 2 Entity Level 3

Bank ABC Fund 1 Sub Fund 1

Bank ABC Fund 1 Sub Fund 2

Bank ABC Fund 2 Sub Fund 1

Bank ABC Fund 2 Sub Fund 2

Bank ABC

Fund 1 Fund 2

Sub Fund 2 Sub Fund 2 Sub Fund 1 Sub Fund 2

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Regular Data Requirements – Inventory Markit Securities Finance requires an inventory extract for each and every run of the service. Inventory data

requirements constitute the full inventory of all assets held by a lending organization. Inventory values

should ignore any capping restrictions imposed against quantity or value that can be lent.

Details and accompanying notes of the data items required to define each Inventory asset are detailed in the

table below. Note that all columns must be present in the data files even if the contents are null or blank.

— The file type required in the first header row of the inventory data file is Inventory

— The version required in the first header row is 1.0

— The field names in the second header row should exactly match those in the field name column below

— The format required for the file name of the inventory file is:

ClientName _Inventory_ddMMyyyy.tsv

where the date is the business date.

Inventory Data Requirements

Field Name Acceptable Values Notes

ISIN A 12 character alphanumeric code Markit Securities Finance use international

securities identifiers to ensure consistent

instrument mapping and reporting. All valid

codes available will be displayed

CUSIP A 9 character alphanumeric code As ISIN above

SEDOL A 7 character alphanumeric code As ISIN above

QUICK A 4 digit numeric code As ISIN above



An alphanumeric value of up

to 75 characters

The security description is an optional field

but may be provided to assist in identifying

securities which have been excluded. A

security will be excluded if Markit Securities

Finance is unable to identify the security

from the security codes provided

Quantity A positive whole number Quantity (nominal value) of the assets held

Inventory Value of Asset A positive number with up to 2

decimal places

Market value of asset available for lending

including any value already on loan

Currency of Inventory


3 character ISO currency code ISO currency code to enable conversion to

base currency for subsequent calculations

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Field Name Acceptable Values Notes

Entity Level 1 A valid business entity Entity code of the top level entity in the

business entity hierarchy

Entity Level 2 A valid business entity Required if the business entity hierarchy has

more than one level

Entity Level <n> A valid business entity The number of entity level fields required

depends on the number of levels in your

business entity hierarchy. Holdings must be

booked to a lowest level entity

Exclusive Entity Level 1 A valid exclusive business entity For Exclusive holdings only; entity code of

the top level entity in the business entity


Exclusive Entity Level 2 A valid exclusive business entity Either the unique entity code of the

exclusive fund, the second-level parent of

the exclusive fund or, if a specific entity

hasn't been defined for the exclusive in the

hierarchy, the word Exclusive

Exclusive Entity Level <n> A valid exclusive business entity The number of entity level columns depends

on the number of levels in the hierarchy.

The lowest level is the entity code of the

exclusive fund and holdings must be booked

to a lowest level entity. If a specific entity

hasn't been defined for the exclusive, this

column can be omitted

Data Validation Notes - Inventory

Data validation checks should be performed at source and as part of ongoing efforts to ensure that data

delivered to Markit Securities Finance is in the correct format and error free wherever possible. Quality

assurance and data validation checks are performed again by the Content Operations and Quality team in

Markit Securities Finance to ensure that the data provided is correct.

Some of the following data validation notes may seem to state the obvious, however, all points have arisen

from data submitted to previous analyses.

— Inventory value should be the value of the asset as on the date for which the data is sent

— Ensure that unit of quotation (or lot size) is considered when deriving inventory value and quantity. This

is especially relevant for bonds, where prices are often quoted per unit of 100 bonds and for Brazilian

equities, where prices are often quoted per unit of 1,000 shares

— Ensure that all values have an associated Currency of Inventory Value to enable conversion to base

currency for the analysis. All records can be provided in a single currency (e.g. already converted to

GBP sterling) as long as a currency reference is provided for all rows in the Currency of Inventory Value


— Ensure that all transaction records have a valid security identifier and include leading zeros in the

identifiers where relevant

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— Ensure that there are no decimals in the quantity value

— Ensure that commas are removed in Quantity and Inventory Value figures

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Regular Data Requirements - Trades Markit Securities Finance requires a transactions extract for close of every business day (the Close of

Business trades file) and if possible, extracts throughout the day (Intraday trades files). Data requirements

constitute pending and settled trades, pending returns and pending rerates. Intraday files should be

provided as often as possible during the day and can comprise your whole book, i.e., all open transactions,

or just those that have been booked today. If the files contain just today’s trades, they must contain all of

today’s new trades, not just trades booked since the last file was produced.

Pending transactions can be provided either in the intraday files or in the close of business file. In either

case, all open pending transactions must be provided, not just those booked today.

Details and accompanying notes of the data items required to define each transaction are in the table below.

Please note that all columns should be present in the data files, even if the contents are null or blank.

Close of Business File

— The file type required in the first header row of the close of business data file is Trades

— The version required in the first header row is 2.1

— The field names in the second header row should exactly match those in the field name column below

— The format required for the file name of the close of business file is:

ClientName _Trades_ddMMyyyy.tsv

where the date is the business date

Intraday File

— The file type required in the first header row of the intraday data file is Intraday Trades

— The version required in the first header row is 2.1

— The field names in the second header row should exactly match those in the field name column below

— The format required for the file name of Intraday files is:


where the date is the business date and the time is the local time when the file was produced

Trade Data Requirements

Field Name Acceptable Values Notes

ISIN A 12 character alphanumeric


Markit Securities Finance use international securities

identifiers to ensure consistent instrument mapping and

reporting. All valid codes available will be displayed

SEDOL A 7 character alphanumeric


As ISIN above

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Field Name Acceptable Values Notes

CUSIP A 9 character alphanumeric


As ISIN above

QUICK A 4 digit numeric code As ISIN above



An alphanumeric value of up

to 75 characters

The security description is an optional field but may be

provided to assist in identifying securities which have been

excluded. A security will be excluded if the Markit Securities

Finance is unable to identify the security from the security

codes provided

Quantity A positive whole number Quantity (nominal value) of the asset traded

Trade Value A positive number with up to

2 decimal places

Market value of the asset traded

Currency of Trade


3 character ISO currency


ISO currency code of the Trade Value to enable conversion

to base currency for subsequent calculations. This field is

case sensitive

Margin A positive number with up to

2 decimal places

The margin requirement of the transaction in the format

999.99, e.g., 105.00

Collateral Type CASH


Indication of whether the collateral given against this

transaction is cash or non-cash, accepted values are CASH


Cash Collateral


3 character ISO currency


ISO currency code of the cash collateral (if Collateral Type =

CASH). This field should be null for records with Collateral

Type = NON CASH. The Cash Collateral Currency field is


Optional for pending transactions but please provide if


Fee (BP) A positive number with up to

4 decimal places

Securities lending fee in basis points for non cash trades

(required only if Collateral Type = NON CASH)

Optional for pending transactions but please provide if


Rebate (BP) A positive or negative

number with up to 4 decimal


Blended or transaction specific rebate rate applicable to the

cash collateral in basis points, i.e., when Collateral Type =

CASH. This field should be null for records with Collateral


Optional for pending transactions but please provide if


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Field Name Acceptable Values Notes


Rate (BP)

A positive number with up to

4 decimal places

Blended or trade specific reinvestment rate applicable to the

collateral in basis points (if Collateral Type = CASH). This

field should be null for records with Collateral Type = NON


Optional for pending transactions but please provide if


Gross Dividend %


A number between 65 and

180 with up to 4 decimal


Dividend percentage required for assets of the type traded

(including any amount due to any revenue body). This

should be set to 100 for bonds

Optional for pending transactions but please provide if


Trade Type OPEN


Type of transaction, accepted values are OPEN or TERM

Trade Entry Date

and Time

Date in dd/MM/yyyy

hh:mm:ss format (Universal


Date and time when the trade was entered on the trading

system in dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss format (Universal Time)

e.g., 24/05/2013 08:15:50

Trade Date A date on or before the

analysis date in the format


Trade date of the transaction in dd/MM/yyyy format, e.g.,


Settlement Date For SETTLED trades, a date

on or before the analysis


For PENDING transactions,

a date on or after the

analysis date


Settlement date of the transaction in dd/MM/yyyy format,

e.g., 24/05/2013

Rerate Date Date in dd/MM/yyyy format Date when the trade was last rerated

End Date A date after the analysis

date in the format


End date for TERM transactions in dd/MM/yyyy format.

Required only if Collateral Type = TERM

Structure Type EGR Flag as EGR if the trade is an evergreen

Notice Period A positive whole number The number of days’ notice required to terminate an

evergreen trade.

When notice is given, change the Trade Type from

OPEN to TERM and populate the End Date field.

Required when Structure Type = EGR

Callable Y


Y if the trade is a callable trade, N for non-callable trades

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Field Name Acceptable Values Notes

Callable Date Date in dd/MM/yyyy format For Japanese trades, the latest date the securities can be

returned. Required for Japanese trades if Callable = Y

Trade Category DIVIDEND



Whether the trade is a dividend, financing or stock loan

trade, accepted values are DIVIDEND, STOCK LOAN or


Trade Status SETTLED


Flag to indicate the status of the stock loan transaction,

accepted values are SETTLED or PENDING

Trade Flow LOAN



Types of trade, accepted values are LOAN, LOAN


LOAN – if the transaction is a pending or settled loan

LOAN RETURN – if the transaction is a pending return

LOAN RERATE – if the transaction is a pending rerate

Recall Y


For transactions with Trade Flow = LOAN RETURN only

Y if the stock has been recalled by the lender, otherwise N



An alphanumeric value of up

to 50 characters

Full name of the counterpart. The Markit onboarding team

will work with you to map your counterparts to Markit’s

standard counterpart names



An alphanumeric value of up

to 50 characters

Transaction or bargain reference assigned to the

transaction. This data is only visible to the participant

providing the data. A maximum of 50 alphanumeric

characters is permitted

Entity Level 1 A valid business entity Entity code of the top level entity in the business entity


Entity Level 2 A valid business entity Required if the business entity hierarchy has more than one


Entity Level <n> A valid business entity The number of entity level columns depends on the number

of levels in your business entity hierarchy. Transactions

must be booked to a lowest level entity

Exclusive Entity

Level 1

A valid Exclusive business


For Exclusive transactions only; entity code of the top level

entity in the business entity hierarchy

Exclusive Entity

Level 2

A valid Exclusive business


Either the unique entity code of the exclusive fund, the

second-level parent of the exclusive fund or, if a specific

entity hasn't been defined for the exclusive in the hierarchy,

the word Exclusive

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Field Name Acceptable Values Notes

Exclusive Entity

Level <n>

A valid Exclusive business


The number of entity level columns depends on the number

of levels in the hierarchy. The lowest level is the entity code

of the exclusive fund and transactions must be booked to a

lowest level entity. If a specific entity hasn't been defined for

the exclusive, this column can be omitted

Cash Pool Loans

Cash pool loans, which are also a form of securities lending transaction, behave somewhat differently to

typical fee and rebate trades. Cash is essentially used as collateral, however a fee is accrued which forms

the intrinsic rental value of the stock.

Cash is paid back to the borrower, including a full benchmark reinvestment rate that is previously agreed

between both parties (i.e. the return on the cash is not discounted as it would be for a traditional rebate

based transaction).

Cash pool loans should be reported in your regular trades files; however the following method should be

adopted/observed when doing so.

Field name Accepted values

Collateral Type CASH

Cash Collateral Currency Refer to previous section

Rebate (BP) Full Benchmark Reinvestment Rate* - SL Fee**

Reinvestment Rate (BP) Refer to previous section

*Full Benchmark Reinvestment Rate is essentially the overnight risk free rate associated with the relevant


**SL Fee is the intrinsic rental value of the stock (similar to a Non Cash transaction).

Worked Cash Pool Example:

A cash pool loan at an agreed fee of 150 bps (1.5%), cash collateral in $:

Rebate = Full Benchmark Reinvestment Rate – SL Fee

Rebate = 525*** – 150 = 375

(***Overnight Fed Rate as at 2nd October 2007)

Data Validation Notes – Trades

Data validation checks should be performed at source and as part of ongoing efforts to ensure that data

delivered to Markit Securities Finance is in the correct format and error free wherever possible. Quality

assurance and data validation checks are performed again by the Content Operations and Quality team in

Markit Securities Finance to ensure that the data provided is correct.

Some of the following data validation notes may seem to state the obvious, however, all points have arisen

from data submitted to previous analyses.

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— Check for duplication of records

— Remove all collateral records. For the avoidance of doubt, Markit Securities Finance seeks to identify

trades completed with market members external to the participant’s organisation only

— Ensure that the Trade Value is as of the date for which the data is sent

— Ensure that unit of quotation (or lot size) is considered when deriving Trade Value and Quantity. This is

especially relevant for bonds, where prices are often quoted per unit of 100 bonds and for Brazilian

equities, where prices are often quoted per unit of 1,000 shares. Quantity should be provided in single


— Ensure that all values have an associated Currency of Trade Value to enable conversion to base


— Ensure that the appropriate Cash Collateral Currency is provided for every settled transaction record that

has collateral type of CASH

— Ensure that there is no negative or zero Fee (BP) for settled non cash trades

— Check that trades collateralised by cash have a null value in the Fee (BP) column

— Check that trades collateralised by non-cash have a null value in the Rebate (BP) and Reinvestment

Rate (BP) columns

— Double-check any extreme fees which fall outside the normal range for any security, or which are very

high or very low and may distort the analysis

— Ensure that all transaction records have a valid security identifier and include leading zeros where


— Ensure fee, rebate and reinvestment rates are shown in basis points. For instance, 50bp should be

identified as 50 and not 0.5

— Where acceptable values have been stated, e.g. OPEN or TERM for Trade Type, note that any other

terms used will be rejected by the automated data mapping process

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Ad-Hoc Data Requirements – Business Entities Business entities should represent the logical hierarchy of the participant’s internal structure. A set of

common characteristics is defined at the levels at which regular data is assigned; this facilitates comparative

analysis. Business entity details should be provided in a file when initially subscribing to the Markit

Securities Finance service and updated when necessary.

See the examples of business entities on page 4.

When regular data is provided for the Markit Securities Finance service, i.e. inventory and trades data, the

data files will identify the level within the business entity hierarchy which owns each row of data.

The levels of the hierarchy to which regular data is assigned are given a set of characteristics which enable

filtering and comparison within the services. Entity characteristics can be defined at any level of the

hierarchy; the levels below will inherit the characteristics of the parent level. If characteristics are defined for

a lower level, these will override the characteristics of the level above. It is not mandatory to define

characteristics at all levels, providing characteristics have been defined – or have been inherited - for all

levels to which regular data is assigned. However if all entities at the same level have some common

characteristics, those characteristics should also be defined for their parent. For example, if the fiscal

location of all sub-funds under sub fund 1 is CA, then sub fund 1's fiscal location should also be CA.

Markit Securities Finance is constantly reviewing the range of accepted values for entity characteristic fields.

Please advise Markit Securities Finance if there are currently no suitable accepted values to represent your

entity characteristics.

Details of the data items required for business entities are described in the table below. Note that all columns

must be present in the data file even if the contents are null or blank.

— The File Type required in the first header row of the business entities data file is Business Entities

— The version required in the first header row is 1.0

— The field names in the second header row should exactly match those in the field name column below

— The format required for the file name of the business entity file is:


where the date is the business date

Business Entity Data Requirements

Field Name Mandatory Acceptable Values Notes

Entity Code Yes A text code up to 50


Code to represent an internal entity.

Note that the entity codes supplied in

inventory and trades files should match

codes in the business entities file

Entity Name Yes Alphanumeric text of up to

50 characters

Descriptive name of entity code (up to

50 characters). Entity Name will

appear in Markit Securities Finance

products and hence should be

recognisable to end users of the


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Field Name Mandatory Acceptable Values Notes

Parent Hierarchy Yes, with the

exception of highest

level of the business

entity hierarchy

String indicating the parents of the

entity in the hierarchy. The parent

hierarchy field comprises the code of

the highest level entity followed by a

decimal point followed by the next

highest level entity and so on. For

example, the parent hierarchy for Sub

Fund 1 in the example on page 4

would be Bank ABC.Fund 1. There is

no limit to the number of entities

specified in the parent hierarchy field.

The Parent Hierarchy field will be null

for the highest level of the hierarchy,

Bank ABC

Agency / Principal


Yes Agency


Indication of how assets are traded by

this entity. Accepted values are

Agency and Principal

Fiscal Location Yes An ISO Country Code

(see Appendix 1)


Middle East

Far East

Either the ISO country code of the

fiscal location of the entity or Offshore,

Middle East or Far East. Fiscal

Location relates to the tax jurisdiction

applicable to the entity

Industry Sector Yes Assurance Company


Building Society

Central Bank


Delaware Business Trust


Erisa Fund


Insurance Company

Insurance NAIC

Investment Trust

Life Insurance

Limited Liability Company

Mutual Fund

Non-Public Pension Plan

Pension Fund

Public Pension Plan

Industry sector relating to the beneficial

owner of the entity

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Field Name Mandatory Acceptable Values Notes

Quasi-Governmental Body



Unit Trust

US Public Fund


Collateral Style Yes CASH



Describes the permissible collateral

style for the business entity. Accepted

values are CASH, NON CASH and


Cash Collateral


Yes, if Collateral Style







Describes restrictions on what can be

bought when reinvesting cash

collateral. Accepted values are 1, 2, 3,

4, 5:

1 – US Treasury Government Bond

Repo with trade maturity up to 7 days

2- AAA Government Bond Repo with

trade maturity up to 7 days

3- OECD Government Bond Repo with

trade maturities in excess of 7 days

4- 2a-7 or equivalent (legal max final

maturity up to 13 months and WAM up

to 90 days)

5- Legal max final maturities in excess

of 13 months and WAM over 90 days

Non Cash



Yes, if Collateral Style

is NON CASH or







Describes the type of non-cash

collateral that the entity is allowed to

receive. Accepted values are 1, 2, 3,

4, 5:

1 – AAA Government Debt including

US Treasuries, Agencies and G7

2- OECD Government Debt (including

Gilt DBV for UK markets)

3- Primary Exchange equities and

Primary Exchange ETF's

4- Investment Grade Corporate debt

including IG ABS and Letters of Credit

(UK market only)

5- Other equities, Non-Investment

Grade Corporate debt (including equity

DBV's for UK market)

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Field Name Mandatory Acceptable Values Notes

Inventory Size

(Billions of Euros)

Yes <1



Scale of inventory value in billions of

Euros. Accepted values are <1, 1<5

and >5

Investment Style Yes Active


Indication of whether investment for the

entity is actively or passively managed.

Accepted values are Active and


Lending Route Yes Asset Manager




Third Party

Indication of whether lending from the

entity is managed directly or through

another organisation

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Appendix 1: Fiscal Location Codes Fiscal location is required for all business entities to which regular data is assigned.

The table below lists the ISO country codes which can be used in the Fiscal Location field for business

entities (See “Ad-Hoc Data Requirements - Business Entities” on page 15).

ISO Code Country Name

AD Andorra, Principality of

AE United Arab Emirates

AF Afghanistan, Islamic State of

AG Antigua and Barbuda

AI Anguilla

AL Albania

AM Armenia

AN Netherlands Antilles

AO Angola

AQ Antarctica

AR Argentina

AS American Samoa

AT Austria

AU Australia

AW Aruba

AZ Azerbaijan

BA Bosnia-Herzegovina

BB Barbados

BD Bangladesh

BE Belgium

BF Burkina Faso

BG Bulgaria

BH Bahrain

BI Burundi

BJ Benin

BM Bermuda

BN Brunei Darussalam

BO Bolivia

BR Brazil

BS Bahamas

BT Bhutan

BV Bouvet Island

BW Botswana

BY Belarus

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ISO Code Country Name

BZ Belize

CA Canada

CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands

CF Central African Republic

CD Congo, The Democratic Republic of the

CG Congo

CH Switzerland

CI Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire)

CK Cook Islands

CL Chile

CM Cameroon

CN China

CO Colombia

COM Commercial

CR Costa Rica

CS Former Czechoslovakia

CU Cuba

CV Cape Verde

CX Christmas Island

CY Cyprus

CZ Czech Republic

DE Germany

DJ Djibouti

DK Denmark

DM Dominica

DO Dominican Republic

DZ Algeria

EC Ecuador

EE Estonia

EG Egypt

EH Western Sahara

ER Eritrea

ES Spain

ET Ethiopia

FI Finland

FJ Fiji

FK Falkland Islands

FM Micronesia

FO Faroe Islands

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ISO Code Country Name

FR France

GA Gabon

GB Great Britain

GD Grenada

GE Georgia

GF French Guyana

GH Ghana

GI Gibraltar

GL Greenland

GM Gambia

GN Guinea

GP Guadeloupe (French)

GQ Equatorial Guinea

GR Greece

GS S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isles.

GT Guatemala

GU Guam (USA)

GW Guinea Bissau

GY Guyana

HK Hong Kong

HM Heard and McDonald Islands

HN Honduras

HR Croatia

HT Haiti

HU Hungary

ID Indonesia

IE Ireland

IL Israel

IN India

IQ Iraq

IR Iran

IS Iceland

IT Italy

JM Jamaica

JO Jordan

JP Japan

KE Kenya

KG Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)

KH Cambodia, Kingdom of

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ISO Code Country Name

KI Kiribati

KM Comoros

KN Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla

KP North Korea

KR South Korea

KW Kuwait

KY Cayman Islands

KZ Kazakhstan

LA Laos

LB Lebanon

LC Saint Lucia

LI Liechtenstein

LK Sri Lanka

LR Liberia

LS Lesotho

LT Lithuania

LU Luxembourg

LV Latvia

LY Libya

MA Morocco

MC Monaco

MD Moldavia

MG Madagascar

MH Marshall Islands

MK Macedonia

ML Mali

MM Myanmar

MN Mongolia

MO Macau

MP Northern Mariana Islands

MQ Martinique (French)

MR Mauritania

MS Montserrat

MT Malta

MU Mauritius

MV Maldives

MW Malawi

MX Mexico

MY Malaysia

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ISO Code Country Name

MZ Mozambique

NA Namibia

NC New Caledonia (French)

NE Niger

NF Norfolk Island

NG Nigeria

NI Nicaragua

NL Netherlands

NO Norway

NP Nepal

NR Nauru

NU Niue

NZ New Zealand

OM Oman

PA Panama

PE Peru

PF Polynesia (French)

PG Papua New Guinea

PH Philippines

PK Pakistan

PL Poland

PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon

PN Pitcairn Island

PR Puerto Rico

PT Portugal

PW Palau

PY Paraguay

QA Qatar

RE Reunion (French)

RO Romania

RU Russian Federation

RW Rwanda

SA Saudi Arabia

SB Solomon Islands

SC Seychelles

SD Sudan

SE Sweden

SG Singapore

SH Saint Helena

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ISO Code Country Name

SI Slovenia

SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands

SK Slovak Republic

SL Sierra Leone

SM San Marino

SN Senegal

SO Somalia

SR Suriname

ST Saint Tome (Sao Tome) and Principe

SV El Salvador

SY Syria

SZ Swaziland

TC Turks and Caicos Islands

TD Chad

TF French Southern Territories

TG Togo

TH Thailand

TJ Tadjikistan

TK Tokelau

TM Turkmenistan

TN Tunisia

TO Tonga

TP East Timor

TR Turkey

TT Trinidad and Tobago

TV Tuvalu

TW Taiwan

TZ Tanzania

UA Ukraine

UG Uganda

UK United Kingdom

UM USA Minor Outlying Islands

US United States

UY Uruguay

UZ Uzbekistan

VC Saint Vincent & Grenadines

VE Venezuela

VG Virgin Islands (British)

VI Virgin Islands (USA)

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ISO Code Country Name

VN Vietnam

VU Vanuatu

WF Wallis and Futuna Islands

WS Samoa

YE Yemen

YT Mayotte

YU Yugoslavia

ZA South Africa

ZM Zambia

ZR Zaire

ZW Zimbabwe

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