Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling Zhenpeng Zhao, Rachael Marr, and Niklas Elmqvist University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (a) Data Comic of the European debt crisis. (b) DATACOMICSJS tool used to construct the comic. Figure 1. A Data Comic built using our DATACOMICSJS tools that is based on datasets, visualizations, and images clipped from the web. The Presenter mode allows for viewing the comic as a whole, or viewing the panels in sequence. Comic-style symbols and annotations provide emphasis. ABSTRACT We present Data Comics, a novel method for storytelling us- ing sequential art—also known as comics—constructed from data-driven visualizations. This allows for building narratives using comic layouts of panels containing both snapshots and live visualizations. Each panel in a comic layout can be dec- orated with visual comic symbols—such as captions, speech and thought bubbles, directional arrows, and motion lines— to augment the narrative. To validate our method, we imple- mented a web-based Data Comics application that consists of (1) a Clipper for capturing data-driven content from the web, (2) a Decorator for creating panels and adding comic sym- bols, (3) a Composer for arranging clips into comic strips, and (4) a Presenter for viewing a finished comic. We com- pared the method to PowerPoint slideshows in a qualitative study, and found that participants perceived Data Comics as more engaging, efficient, and enjoyable. HCIL Technical Report HCIL-2015-15. Published on October 9, 2015. University of Maryland, College Park. Author Keywords Comics; storytelling; visual communication; narrative visualization; sequential art; evaluation; presentation. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 Information Interfaces and Presentation: User Interfaces—Interaction styles; I.3.6 Computer Graphics: Methodology and Techniques—Interaction techniques INTRODUCTION Comics—also known as sequential art [29] or sequential im- ages [9]—represent a casual yet effective and engaging way of telling stories using a juxtaposition of illustrations, text, and visual annotations [8, 9]. By now an established—if not always respected [15]—narrative medium, comics com- bine the powerful visual language of film and pictograms with the evocative and imaginative nature of books to tell stories on any topic [6]. Because of their popularity, many people around the world have experience with comics from childhood, and sometimes even from adult graphic novels later in life. This means that they already have a common ground [7] with the visual language of comics for conveying narrative structure through time, motion, and action. For this reason, comics have also been harnessed for more “serious” applications beyond entertainment, including statistics [18], physics [17], and even the study of comics itself [29]. In this paper, we advance the idea of using the comics medium as a vehicle for telling stories about data (Figure 1): 1

Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling · Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling Zhenpeng Zhao, Rachael Marr, and Niklas Elmqvist University of

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Page 1: Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling · Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling Zhenpeng Zhao, Rachael Marr, and Niklas Elmqvist University of

Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling

Zhenpeng Zhao, Rachael Marr, and Niklas ElmqvistUniversity of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

(a) Data Comic of the European debt crisis. (b) DATACOMICSJS tool used to construct the comic.

Figure 1. A Data Comic built using our DATACOMICSJS tools that is based on datasets, visualizations, and images clipped from the web. The Presentermode allows for viewing the comic as a whole, or viewing the panels in sequence. Comic-style symbols and annotations provide emphasis.

ABSTRACTWe present Data Comics, a novel method for storytelling us-ing sequential art—also known as comics—constructed fromdata-driven visualizations. This allows for building narrativesusing comic layouts of panels containing both snapshots andlive visualizations. Each panel in a comic layout can be dec-orated with visual comic symbols—such as captions, speechand thought bubbles, directional arrows, and motion lines—to augment the narrative. To validate our method, we imple-mented a web-based Data Comics application that consists of(1) a Clipper for capturing data-driven content from the web,(2) a Decorator for creating panels and adding comic sym-bols, (3) a Composer for arranging clips into comic strips,and (4) a Presenter for viewing a finished comic. We com-pared the method to PowerPoint slideshows in a qualitativestudy, and found that participants perceived Data Comics asmore engaging, efficient, and enjoyable.

HCIL Technical Report HCIL-2015-15. Published on October 9, 2015. University ofMaryland, College Park.

Author KeywordsComics; storytelling; visual communication; narrativevisualization; sequential art; evaluation; presentation.

ACM Classification KeywordsH.5.2 Information Interfaces and Presentation: UserInterfaces—Interaction styles; I.3.6 Computer Graphics:Methodology and Techniques—Interaction techniques

INTRODUCTIONComics—also known as sequential art [29] or sequential im-ages [9]—represent a casual yet effective and engaging wayof telling stories using a juxtaposition of illustrations, text,and visual annotations [8, 9]. By now an established—ifnot always respected [15]—narrative medium, comics com-bine the powerful visual language of film and pictogramswith the evocative and imaginative nature of books to tellstories on any topic [6]. Because of their popularity, manypeople around the world have experience with comics fromchildhood, and sometimes even from adult graphic novelslater in life. This means that they already have a commonground [7] with the visual language of comics for conveyingnarrative structure through time, motion, and action. For thisreason, comics have also been harnessed for more “serious”applications beyond entertainment, including statistics [18],physics [17], and even the study of comics itself [29].

In this paper, we advance the idea of using the comicsmedium as a vehicle for telling stories about data (Figure 1):


Page 2: Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling · Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling Zhenpeng Zhao, Rachael Marr, and Niklas Elmqvist University of

Data Comics (DC),1 for data-driven comics. Pioneered byGershon and Page’s seminal paper on the topic [16], story-telling has recently received significant attention in the fieldof visualization and sensemaking, including workshops atIEEE VisWeek 2010 and 2011 [11, 12], surveys [20, 33],and actual techniques (e.g., [14, 25, 28]). Even the commer-cial tool Tableau includes a presentation feature called storypoints since 2013 [26]. Using comics as the narrative mediumfor storytelling builds on this trend, and has the benefit ofleveraging the visual language of comics that many of us al-ready have learned by heart, as well as bringing its engaging,vivid, and often whimsical nature to sensemaking.

But what is a Data Comic, and, more importantly, how doesone create one? In general, comics depend on mastery ofvisual artistry and design as well as intimate knowledge ofnarrative techniques, so creating them often falls outside theskills of the average person. For Data Comics, however, thevisuals are understood to be mainly data-driven, with onlycomic-style visual elements added for effect, engagement,and annotation. This implies that a Data Comic can be cre-ated by juxtaposing multiple visualizations into comic striplayouts consisting of a sequence of panels, each appropri-ately annotated and decorated with both visual and textualelements, and arranged into a sequence that progressively de-velops the overarching story told in the comic.

To facilitate the creation of Data Comics, we present DAT-ACOMICSJS (Figure 1(b)), a Google Chrome extension thatconsists of four components: (1) the Clipper, for collectingboth snapshots of visualizations and images as well as rawdata from any webpage viewed in the browser; (2) the Dec-orator, for editing the visual design of an individual panel,including clips, images, captions, and comic-style visual ele-ments; (3) the Composer, for managing the layout, size, andposition of panels making up the comic; and (4) the Presenter,for ultimately allowing a viewer to navigate in a finished DataComic, including viewing the entire comic as a whole, as wellas view single panels in sequence. Note that DataComicJS isnot a replacement for PowerPoint or any other presentationsoftware. Our purpose is merely to show that Data Comics isan effective mechanism for telling stories about data.

We validate our ideas on Data Comics in two separate ways:(1) using three examples of Data Comics we have created us-ing our tool based on real-world datasets and visualizationsfrom the Internet, and (2) using a qualitative evaluation com-paring the Data Comics method to standard PowerPoint pre-sentations. Our results from the evaluation study do not showany significant difference in knowledge acquisition betweenthe two presentation methods, but does indicate that partic-ipants were significantly more engaged and interested whenusing Data Comics compared to the PowerPoint slideshows.This confirms our intuition about the Data Comics method:that it is a more compelling and exciting narrative mechanismthan traditional slideshows.

1The acronym’s similarity to the name of influential comic bookpublisher DC Comics—steward of well-known comic book charac-ters such as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman—is coinciden-tal but fortuitous.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: We be-gin by reviewing the literature on narrative visualization. Wethen present our design space for Data Comics. This is fol-lowed by a description of the implementation of the GoogleChrome extension we built to realize the new method. Wethen review our example Data Comics, followed by our eval-uation methods and our results. We close with a discussion,our conclusions, and our plans for future work.

RELATED WORKOur data-driven storytelling method using comics lies at theintersection of visual communication, storytelling, and se-quential art. Below we review relevant work in these areas.

Visual Communication and VisualizationVisual aids such as images, signs, typography, icons, anddrawings have long been used as a particularly effectivemedium for communication [35]. Beyond human perceptualfactors, part of the reason for this effectiveness is the mu-tual knowledge, mutual beliefs, and mutual assumptions thatvisual communication enjoys. Commonly dubbed “commonground” [7], these mutually agreed-upon conventions allow aparticular medium—such as the visual—to encode significantamounts of information given minimal resources.

Visualization, defined as the use of graphical representationsof data to augment cognition [3], is a particular form of visuallanguage traditionally used for solitary sensemaking. Thenotion of communication-minded visualization (CMV) [36]builds on ideas from visual communication by noting that vi-sualization can often be used for more than just individualinsights. A precursor to storytelling with visualization, sev-eral examples of CMV systems exist, including Themail [37],the Baby Name Explorer [38], and Isis [31].

Visual StorytellingStorytelling, where a sequence of events are conveyed us-ing plot, locations, and characters, is a particularly effec-tive communication medium because of the typically highdegree of common ground shared between narrator and lis-teners. Visual storytelling draws upon imagery—both staticand dynamic—for this purpose, and includes media such asfilm, television, animation, design, and even art.

Already in 2001, Gershon and Page [16] suggested using sto-rytelling in visualization to improve its use for visual com-munication. In fact, the newly popular infographics practiceon the web builds on many such storytelling principles. De-spite this, it is only recently that data-driven storytelling wasfully embraced by the visualization community, with a surveyby Segel and Heer in 2010 [33], and successful workshops atthe annual conference in 2010 and 2011 [11, 12]. Hullmanand Diakopoulos followed this up by studying how framing,context, and design impact the rhetoric of a narrative [20].Since then, several practical methods and techniques havebeen proposed, including using free-form sketching for narra-tion [28], story points in Tableau [26], and automatic spatial-ization for visual exploration [23]. Most recently, Hullman etal. [21] studied sequence in narrative visualization, proposinga graph-driven approach for transitioning between views tominimize load on the viewer.


Page 3: Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling · Data Comics: Sequential Art for Data-Driven Storytelling Zhenpeng Zhao, Rachael Marr, and Niklas Elmqvist University of

Comics as a Communication MediumComics are often defined as sequences of images—“sequential art” [29] or “sequential images” [9]—that com-bine to tell a story using graphical means [15]. It is thereforea visual communication medium, and, by virtue of being pop-ular particularly for children and teenage audiences, but alsofor adults, enjoys a high level of common ground for convey-ing information. Furthermore, the visual language of comicsis often clear, concise, and intuitive [8, 9].

How comics affect the reader has long been a topic ofstudy. Dorfman et al. [13] discussed the ideology in Disneycomics from the perspective of culture and economics. Mc-Cloud [29] built on these ideas by suggesting that the engage-ment in comics mainly arises from the simplified and non-photorealistic appearance of faces and characters, increasingrecognizability and facilitating imagination. In a way, this“vague and unspecific” nature and lack of fixation in comicshelps bridge the gap between books and film [6].

Some efforts have tried to harness comics for computergraphics and visualization. The non-photorealistic renderingcommunity uses cartoon-style rendering for artistic effect—examples include motion emphasis [10], squash and stretchdeformation [4], and cartoon-style animation [5]—and it hassince been employed in several computer games. For visual-ization, Jin and Szekely [24, 25] proposed a visual query en-vironment that uses a comic-strip metaphor for querying andpresenting temporal patterns. However, their system solelyuses comics strip for layout, and does not leverage the fullpotential of comics as a visual communication medium.

DESIGNING DATA COMICSData Comics is a visual storytelling method based on se-quential images consisting of data-driven visual representa-tions. Its purpose is to build engaging narratives about data.Our inspiration for this method came from a conflux of fac-tors, including the recent focus on storytelling for visualiza-tion [27], the increasing use of comics for “serious” appli-cations (e.g [17, 18, 29]), and the EuroVis 2011 keynote byScott McCloud on comics as a medium in transition [30]. Ourmotivation is to both take advantage of the plethora of exist-ing visualizations on the web as well as the familiar visuallanguage of comics, including layout, characters, and comicelements such as motion lines, speech bubbles, and arrows.

To explore the design space of this idea, below we review anoperational model for data comics and then discuss each ofits aspects in turn, including creating panels, managing theirlayout, and letting a viewer navigate the final product.

Basic ModelFor the purposes of this paper, a comic consists of a sequenceof panels organized into one-dimensional tiers (or strips) andseparated by gutters, or spacing, between the panels [15, 29].The panels in a tier are typically organized to be read from leftto right to form a narrative (at least in Western cultures). Tierscan in turn be organized into pages, where each tier becomesa row separated by a vertical gutter, and several pages can belinked together into a book (or comic book).

Panel ContentUnlike a normal comic, most panels in a Data Comic con-sist of visualizations that convey information using graphi-cal means.2 These could be simple and familiar statisticalgraphics such as barcharts, time-series charts, and piecharts,or more advanced visualizations such as treemaps [34], node-link diagrams, or even parallel coordinate plots [22], all de-pending on the visualization literacy of the intended audienceand the instructional annotations in the panel.

Because of this focus on data-driven graphics, the designeris largely relieved of creating artistic content, which requiresdrawing skills that only few people have. Instead, the visualcontent can be constructed by either creating entirely new vi-sualizations in a panel using raw data, or by clipping a snap-shot from an existing visualization into the panel.

Characters, Annotation, and EffectsA Data Comic would not truly be a comic if it did not alsoleverage the visual language of comics. Designers creatingData Comics can be given access to this in several ways:

• Comic-style rendering and layour: To emphasize thecomic medium, clipped content can be redrawn using non-photorealistic rendering techniques (e.g. [10]).Benefit: This puts the user in a comics state of mind, allow-ing them to engage their preexisting knowledge of comics.

• Characters: To drive the narration in a Data Comic, thedesigner should include characters that complement thedata-driven visualizations. Because this requires artistictalent, Data Comic designers should probably be furnishedwith a visual library of existing characters.Benefit: Putting a human face on the story makes the nar-rative more engaging and personal.

• Comic elements: The above library mechanism can alsobe used to provide designers with access to common visualelements used in comics, such as motion lines, highlights,or even onomatopoeia (words that mimic sounds).Benefit: Comic elements direct users’ attention to specificparts of a visualization and propel the narrative.

• Captions, speech, and thoughts: The visuals in sequen-tial art is typically scaffolded by text in both captions,speech balloons, and thought balloons [29, 15]. A DataComic should support these same mechanisms.Benefit: Narrative visualizations need captions and expla-nations to drive the story and guide the reader.

Layout ManagementMcCloud [29] postulates that it is closure, the mental processthat the reader performs to connect images in one panel to thenext, that is the real narrative “magic” of comics. This is akinto the closure that readers routinely perform for books: thefact that not all information is given by the written word (orthe comic) means that the reader will fill in the blanks and2For engagement and effect, a few panels may consist solely of artis-tic content, but this puts corresponding artistic burden on the de-signer.


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make the narrative come alive in their mind’s eye [6]. Forthis reason, the layout management of a Data Comic—theorganization of panels into tiers and pages—is an importantconsideration in creating a narrative.

Several design aspects are important when creating a DataComic. In terms of geometric size, we simplify our modelsomewhat by stipulating that each panel in the same tier hasthe same height. This leaves the designer with the abilityto change the height of an entire tier, as well as the aspectratio of individual panels. Furthermore, to facilitate easilyconstructing a narrative, the Data Comics model should allowa designer to easily change the order of individual panels.

ViewingFinally, after a Data Comic has been created, its ultimate pur-pose is to be viewed by its intended audience to convey itsdesigner’s story (and message). Just like a traditional comic,the default view for a Data Comic is to view an entire page,with all of the panels visible. Since screens are different fromthe written page, however, it also makes sense to support asingle-panel navigation mode, where the viewer can sequen-tially navigate backwards and forwards in the comic.

In a way, this navigation mode is not unlike that of a tradi-tional slideshow, such as PowerPoint or Keynote. However,since our focus is on supporting communication-minded vi-sualization [36] and social data analysis [19], it may be usefulto allow viewers to markup, annotate, and comment on indi-vidual panels in the viewer.

IMPLEMENTING DATA COMICSWe have implemented Data Comics as a web applicationcalled DATACOMICSJS. It is a hybrid application consistingof both client-side and server-side components communicat-ing using JSON-RPC:

• Clipper: a mechanism for capturing remote content, suchas visualizations, images, and raw data, for use in a comic;

• Decorator: a visual editor for creating panels consistingof visualizations, images, captions, and comic elements;

• Composer: a layout editor for arranging panels of visualcontent into a comic page; and

• Presenter: a viewer to allow the intended audience to nav-igate and discuss a Data Comic.

The layout of these components are illustrated by Figure 2and Figure 3. All of these components are part of a webservice that allows for creating, editing, and sharing DataComics over the web. Below we review each of these com-ponents in turn.

ClipperThe Clipper component of DataComicsJS is implemented asa Google Chrome extension that the user downloads and in-stalls in their local browser. This allows the system to seam-lessly integrate with and extend the browser so that users canclip content from any website they visit. This is achieved bytraversing the DOM from the element that the user indicates.Three different types of content can be clipped:





Figure 2. Basic DataComicsJS interface with the Composer in the mid-dle of the workspace and Decorator on the left side. The Decorator iscomposed of four expendable menus including data importing, opera-tions, comic elements, and collection of clips.



Figure 3. The Presenter in slideshow mode.

• Raw data: Structured data, such as in an HTML table ele-ment or tab-delimited text, can be parsed and saved;

• Snapshot (SVG): Parts or all of an SVG element can beclipped, including any CSS that affect its appearance; and

• Snapshot (raster): A specified bounding box of the web-page can also be clipped as a raster screenshot.

The extension is implemented using JavaScript using theJQuery and JQueryUI libraries for DOM manipulation. Thecaptured content is transferred to and stored on the server-side backend, implemented as a simple Python server, usingJSON-RPC.

Visual Editor: Decorator and ComposerAfter the user has collected the visual content to create a DataComic, they would open the DataComicJS client-side editor


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itself.3 The main editor consists of two separate yet interde-pendent components: the Decorator and the Composer.

Figure 4. Cropping a portion of a visualization clip to include in a comicpanel. A modal window will pop up to help the user control the croppingarea. The user can use an auto-fit operation to resize a visual element tobest fit the panel size while keeping its aspect ratio.

Figure 5. The Data Import section of the interface is used to load andupdate visualization clips from a server where the user can also savefinished work and reload them for presentation. The SVG Clips sectionis the collection of all content captured by the clipper.

DecoratorThe panel is the basic building block of a Data Comic, andpanels are created using the Decorator. The Decorator inter-face consists of four main components:

• Toolbox: The graphical tools that the designer use to cre-ate the panel, including transformation tools (translation,scaling, rotation), annotation, cropping (Figure 4), etc.

• Workspace: The main panel workspace is a blank area withpanel borders. The borders can be dragged to change theaspect ratio of the panel. Any visual content placed inside

3The user can at any time use the Clipper—perhaps in a differentbrowser tab—to add more visual content to the editor.

Figure 6. Raw data interface for inserting clipped data from an HTMLtable form into one of several types of visualizations; here, a donut chart.

the panel will be clipped to the border when viewed outsideof the Decorator.

• Clip collection: The visual (and raw data) content that theuser has collected using the Clipper. The user can simplydrag and drop elements from the collection (located in leftbottom corner of Figure 5) to the workspace to add them tothe panel. Dropping a raw dataset into the panel brings upa dialog where the user selects which built-in visual repre-sentation to use to visualize the data; we currently supportsimple barcharts, donut charts (Figure 6), and line graphs,all implemented in D3 [2].

• Symbols library: To give access to a wide range of comic-style visual elements and annotations, we provide a libraryof such symbols in a visual format (Figure 1(b)). Thesecan be added to the Workspace using standard drag-and-drop. We also provide a general interface for searchingand dynamically loading vector graphics element from thefree icon library of the Noun Project.4

Figure 7. Composer interface allowing the user to add or remove pan-els using appropriate buttons (right). All panels in the same tier (row)share the same height; they can still have different width. The exampleshows an intermediate state of creating a Data Comic. Three frames arefinished, and the rest of the three empty frames are ready to be filled in.

ComposerThe Composer gives the user control over the layout and or-ganization of panels for a specific Data Comic; Figure 7. Thelayout flows to fit the page from left to right, top to bottombased on the number of panels and the page width. The in-terface provides buttons for adding and removing panels aswell as dragging and dropping them to change their order.Double-clicking on a panel will open it in the Decorator.

For simplicity, all panels in the same tier (i.e., row of thecomic) have the same height. This height can be changed4https://thenounproject.com/


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by dragging on the row itself. Changing the aspect ratio of apanel in the Decorator will update the scaling of the panel onthe main comic page.

Finally, the Composer interface also provides tools for pro-viding meta-data about the comic, such as the author, title,and data sources, as well as for exporting the comic for dis-semination to its intended audience.

Figure 8. Viewing individual panels using The Presenter in slideshowmode. Buttons allow for navigating slides in sequence.

PresenterOnce the designer has created and exported a Data Comic,he or she can share it widely using a unique URL that canbe sent via e-mail, shared on social media, or posted on a fo-rum. Everyone opening the URL will be given the Presenterview of the comic, which is a read-only viewer. The Presentersupports two viewing (and printing) modes: (1) viewing theentire comic, as is common for normal comics, and (2) view-ing individual panels by navigating using on-screen buttonsor the arrow keys (Figure 8)). The latter presentation mode isimplemented as smooth animated transitions from one panelto the next to reinforce the comic metaphor.

We have yet to add any collaborative features to our Data-ComicsJS system, but we anticipate supporting two separatemechanisms in the future: (1) commenting and annotation forentire comics as well as individual panels, as well as (2) theability to fork a comic to allow for further modification be-yond the original (similar to GitHub or JSFiddle).

DATACOMICS EXAMPLESTo validate the Data Comics method and give a concrete ideaof what it is capable of, we present a few examples based onreal-life data. The inspiration for these Data Comics comesfrom online data visualizations and infographics we experi-ence on a daily basis. Our work here reformulates some ofthese insights using the comics medium.

Euro Debt CrisisDataset: The comic is based on a European Debt visualiza-tion available from The New York Times.5 The visualizationis a flow chart describing the debt relations between majorEuropean countries, the United States, and Japan.5http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/10/23/sunday-review/an-overview-of-the-euro-crisis.html

Figure 9. A Data Comic panel highlighting how the Greek debt crisis isthe source of the European debt crisis.

Data Insight: The original visualization shows the directionand amount of the debt. It is obvious that the debt system istangled, and the debt is huge. The Data Comic can tell thestory in smaller, more manageable chunks.

Construction and Visualization: We snapshot the visualiza-tion and add comic figure and comic style text diagram to it.Figure 9 shows that the Greek debt crisis has a great nega-tive impact on the economy of the whole Europe. The exag-gerated lightning sign and the character figure is intended toshow the seriousness of this crisis while adding a human an-gle. This shows how the Data Comic method can change thestyle of an existing visualization.

U.S. Census Population PyramidDataset: Figure 10 is the Data Comics version of a U.S. Cen-sus dataset from 1960s to 2000s. 6

Data Insight: The horizontal bar chart illustrates a populationdistribution based on an age scale and time scale in decades,partitioned by gender. We can clearly see the babies born ineach decade and the trend of the population growth. We wantto make a story about the population growth during the babyboom period and after to reveal how the babies born are thekey factor to shape the population structure.

Construction and Visualization: To track the changes of ba-bies born during the period of 1960 to 2000, we captured thebar charts of population pyramid during this time period, andthen generated another line chart based on these data. Withineach panel, we labeled dimensions such as age, number ofbabies, and changes in births from previous years. The pan-els clearly show that the number of babies born decreased



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Figure 10. The U.S. Census data shows that there was a baby boom in the 1960s. The panels explain the population in each decade and shows a simpletrend with line chart for both male and female babies born.

during the middle two of the four decades. Later, the num-ber of babies born increased in the last bar chart. The comicsymbology in this visualization is fairly simple and straight-forward, but it can help with the story initialization and tran-sition, which improves the users’ engagement to the system.

Scientific Journal ComparisonsDataset: The data is from a visualization comparing publica-tion counts over time in scientific journals covering differenttopics in neuroscience and brain stimulation. Data gatheredfrom the U.S. National Library of Medicine.7

Data Insight: The comparison among different publicationsover time is vastly distributed on the visualization space.Through comparison, we found that the Journal Brain Stimu-lations has steady growth in the field of transcranial magneticstimulation.

Construction and Visualization: We captured the visualiza-tion, and then added a hand-shaped indicator and a femalefigure to help guide the narrative. As part of the whole storyof six panels we built for this topic, in Figure 11, the DataComic performs the role as a personalized guide highlightingthe difference for comparison.

QUALITATIVE EVALUATIONOur working premise in this paper is that Data Comics pro-vide a compelling way of telling stories about data. To em-pirically explore the virtues of this premise, we conducted7http://neuralengr.com/asifr/journals/

a qualitative user study comparing Data Comics to tradi-tional PowerPoint slideshows. The reason we chose Pow-erPoint is not to prove that our prototype implementation—DataComicsJS—is in any way superior to PowerPoint or anypresentation software, but to pick an application and style ofpresentation widely used in the real world. Here we describethe methods and results from this evaluation.

ParticipantsWe recruited 12 paid participants (6 male, 6 female) to par-ticipate in the user study. The participants were self-selectedfrom the student population at our university, were aged be-tween 20 and 31 years of age, had normal or corrected-to-normal vision, and were proficient computer users (all demo-graphics were self-reported).

ApparatusWe conducted the experiment on a standard laptop computerequipped with a 15-inch LCD screen (resolution 1280×800),a standard keyboard, and a three-button mouse. Both the DataComics prototype and Microsoft PowerPoint was maximizedto fill the entire screen during the experiment.

Task and DatasetsEach trial consisted of the participant using either MS Power-Point or Data Comics to answer questions about a data story.Each story consisted of several panels of narration. The num-ber of panels were limited to five or six to keep the simplicityof layout while providing sufficient information for the story.


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Figure 11. A Data Comic for scientific journals in neuroscience. Thecharacter in the Data Comic performs the role of a guide describingtrends in the data, such as that there are more publications every yearin optogenetics.

Each story presentation focused on a single topic of visual-ized data and came with an associated list of 7 to 9 questionsdesigned to make the participant focus on details of the visu-alization. Participants had access to all questions during thetime they were interacting with the story.

All in all, we created four separate stories for the evaluation:Twitter heatmap for stocks (S 1), the U.S. Census Populationpyramid (S 2), the world happiness (S 3), and Star Wars char-acter fans’ personality rating (S 4).

(a) Panel in a story made byDataComicJS.

(b) Slide in a story made byPowerPoint.

Figure 12. A comparison of the test story frames with DataComics andPowerPoint. To make sure the user study is fair, every story is composedwith two different methods but with one-to-one correspondence betweenthe visualizations and captions. This frame is about babies born datafrom the U.S. Census database.

The stories were first created as a Data Comic by clippingfrom online data sources and visualizations, creating an ap-propriate number of panels to tell the story, and finally deco-rating the panels with comic annotations, characters, and cap-tions. We then created a corresponding PowerPoint slideshowwith the exact same number of slides as the number of panelsin the Data Comic. There was a one-to-one correspondence

between the visualizations and captions between panels andslides as Figure 12; the only difference between the two ver-sions was that the PowerPoint slideshow only used visual-izations and text, whereas the Data Comic included charac-ters and comic-style symbology. Furthermore, while the textexplanations were identical across versions, the Data Comicversion integrated them in comic-style captions or speech andthought balloons.

MetricsOur focus with the evaluation was not to primarily studyquantitative metrics, such as time and accuracy, but to collectsubjective and qualitative feedback on the difference betweenData Comics and traditional slideshow presentations. For thisreason, we developed a questionnaire polling participants ontheir subjective experience of a story. This was administeredto participants directly after each story, and consisted of thefollowing 1–5 Likert-scale questions:

Q1 Engagement: How engaged and attentive did the partici-pant feel by the story?

Q2 Speed: How fast did the participant feel they were in find-ing answers to questions?

Q3 Space-efficiency: How well does the story make use ofvisual space in the presentation tool?

Q4 Ease of use: How approachable and easy to use was thestory to view and understand?

Q5 Enjoyability: How enjoyable was the experience of view-ing the story to the participant?

Beyond the Likert-scale questions, we also asked participantsfor their freeform feedback on the story and the tool.

FactorsWe included two factors in the experiment, described below.

Presentation (P)This factor modeled the presentation technique P given to theparticipant for solving questions in a particular trial:

• Data Comics: The narrative visualization is presented asa Data Comic in the Presenter in our prototype implemen-tation. Participants were able to view the entire comic, aswell as navigate panel by panel in the comic.

• PowerPoint: The narrative is presented as a PowerPointslideshow. Participants can navigate backwards and for-wards in the slideshow. They were also able to view all ofthe slides at once in the “slide sorter” view.

Story (S)We also hypothesized that the specific story and topic of thedata visualization may impact our outcome. Thus we added afactor S to model the different stories.

ProcedureAn experimental session started with the participant arriving,reading and signing the consent form, and being assigned anidentifier and story order. The administrator then explained


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5Engagement Ease of use EnjoyabilitySpeed



Figure 13. Subjective ratings (Likert 1-5 scale) for engagement, speed, space-efficiency, ease of use, and enjoyability.

the general goals and task for the experiment. Each trialstarted with the administrator demonstrating how to use aData Comic. The participant was then given two examples,one Data Comic and one PowerPoint, and was allowed to askquestions about the examples and task during this time.

When the participant finished the training, they were given astory opened in the appropriate tool as well as a paper sheetwith the corresponding questions. They were given up to 10minutes to answer the questions, and were encouraged to useall of the time. After answering all questions, the participantwas given the subjective questionnaire polling their experi-ence in the trial. This was repeated for all four stories—twousing Data Comics, two using PowerPoint.

A full experimental session lasted approximately 50 minutes,including training and questionnaires.

ResultsWe organize our reporting of the results into quantitative ver-sus qualitative aspects.

Quantitative ResultsFigure 13 depicts boxplots of the subjective ratings for bothData Comics and PowerPoint on engagement, speed, space-efficiency, ease of use, and enjoyability (Q1 through Q5).We analyzed the 5-point Likert scale of subjective ratings foreffects of presentation technique P (Data Comic vs. Power-Point), and found that the engagement (Q1), efficiency (Q3),and enjoyability (Q5) were significantly different between thetwo techniques (Friedman tests, p < .05), but the speed (Q2)and ease of use (Q3) had no significant difference (Friedmantests, p = .51 and p = .08 separately). We also found nosignificant effect of story S on any of the metrics.

Qualitative FeedbackInviting Reading: Nine out of twelve participants mentionedthat the comic-style rendering helped them view the materialsas a whole story from the very beginning without any explicitdirection. They noted that the speech balloon helps focus bycreating a feeling that there is a virtual conversation going on,and the comic figure helped them more involved in the sce-nario of the story. All these comments from the participantssuggest that Data Comics invite reading, even when incorpo-rating only simple and trivial comic elements.

Viewing as a Story: The Presenter is organized to show notjust the current panel, but also the two surrounding ones (Fig-ure 3). While this nominally is a waste of visual space—

a slideshow shows each slide in full-screen mode, yieldingmore pixels to complex visualizations—participants seemedto enjoy this view, presumably because it suggests continu-ity and story flow (“there is more to see beyond this panel”)and it evokes the “comic state of mind” we seek. Our obser-vations and interviews confirmed this fact; the extra contextpanels seem to encourage participants to keep reading. Also,our Likert scale results show that participants actually felt thatcomics were more space-efficient (Q3) than the slideshows.

In fact, we observed that all but two of our participants wouldstart each Data Comic task by first reading through the en-tire comic from beginning to end. Thus, the comics formatseems to invite reading. This is in contrast to the PowerPointslideshows, which no participants were observed to read fullybefore answering questions. Several participants remarkedthat the slideshows did not “feel” like stories, but rather in-formation sheets that they were just flipping through to findinformation. While there is no intrinsic value to this storyaspect of Data Comics, we do think it increases user engage-ment, as evidenced by our quantitative results.

Facilitating Memory: Eight out of twelve participants men-tioned that the comic version of each story helped them re-member the contents, even down to the individual panel forspecific information. Figures are naturally memorable, evenwhen they are not relevant to the current topic; this mirrorsfindings by Bateman et al. [1] on the beneficial effect of “chartjunk” on recall in visualizations and infographics. We alsonoted that a Data Comic does not need to be designed in avery artistic way, but can incorporate basic clipart-like im-agery and graphics. Participants also mentioned that even alittle variation of comic figures can help distinguish frames.

DISCUSSIONOur qualitative evaluation indicated that Data Comics weresignificantly more engaging, space-efficient, and enjoyable touse than PowerPoint slideshows. While this may partly comefrom a novelty effect, this is still an intuitive result since manypeople associate comics with entertainment and fun. It con-firms our belief that comics are generally a more compellingmedium than traditional slideshows. Furthermore, this is sup-ported by qualitative feedback from our participants that wasoverwhelmingly in favor of the comic representation.

We explicitly chose not to measure the completion time orcorrectness in our user study. We do not think that there ismuch difference in the communicative power of Data Comics


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versus PowerPoint slideshows, and this perception was alsoconfirmed by participants in our experiment. While signifi-cant differences in objective measures would have providedpowerful evidence in favor of Data Comics, such results arenotoriously difficult to attain for high-level sensemaking tasksbecause of individual differences between participants suchas existing knowledge, varying interpretations of the task, andmixed visual and cognitive abilities [32]. We also think thatsuch objective measures miss the point—our focus is on sto-rytelling and engagement. Our approach is further validatedby Lee et al. [28], who chose to only collect subjective ratingsfrom participants in their SketchStory evaluation.

Our implementation of Data Comics is only one point in thesolution space, and the general idea of sequential art for sto-rytelling can be applied to other settings. For example, oneapproach may be to add comic storytelling features, such aspanel layouts, visual annotations, or speech and caption, toexisting visualization systems. This may lead to more enjoy-able and more compelling storytelling mechanisms than tradi-tional ones, such as integration with PowerPoint slideshows.Furthermore, while our DataComicsJS system is aimed at al-lowing data analysts with little to no artistic talent to createData Comics, we think that the basic method of using comicsto tell stories can be used to great effect by real designers andcomic book artists. We hope to see many such Data Comicinfographics in the future.

It is important to note that all of the functionality of theDataComicsJS tool can be replicated in presentation tools—such as Microsoft PowerPoint—and drawing tools—such asAdobe Illustrator—with sufficient time and effort. While Dat-aComicsJS makes constructing Data Comics easy with itsclipping functionality, comic layout and elements, and NounProject integration, each of the Data Comics showcased inthis paper can be built using other tools. However, our contri-bution in this paper is not the tool, but the Data Comics ideaof using sequential art for data-driven storytelling.

Our work in this paper has several limitations. First of all,much of our argumentation of using sequential art for data isbased on two assumptions: that the audience has (a) prior ex-perience, and (b) a favorable opinion about comics. With noprior experience, much of the benefit of an established com-mon ground in the visual language of comics is lost. Fur-thermore, given the sometimes questionable respectability ofcomics [15, 29], its use as a communication medium may beproblematic. For example, it can be argued that a Data Comicmay not be the best vehicle for presentations in very formalsettings, such as a boardroom meeting. Similarly, the intrinsi-cally light-hearted nature of comics may be inappropriate forsensitive or difficult topics, such as natural disasters, emer-gency situations, and other types of crises or stories on theloss of lives or livelihoods.

Another weakness with the Data Comic method is that itdoes require a certain time investment to create; typicallymore than would be required for a comparable PowerPointslideshow. Even if our DataComicsJS tool is designed to fa-cilitate this process, there are certainly more steps involvedin creating a comic than a slideshow because of the need for

narrative structure and comic-style annotation, steps that can-not easily be automated. In fact, to take full advantage ofthe comic medium, the designer may want to find (or draw!)customized characters and annotations to fit the narrative,which can be very time-consuming. Furthermore, while aData Comics authoring tool such as ours can help suggest ap-propriate ideas, the process also requires some knowledge ofstorytelling techniques on behalf of the designer.

Finally, it is also important to note that adding multiple vi-sualizations into the same Data Comic may yield high visualcomplexity. This can be a problem both for viewers as well asthe visualization system that is rendering the resulting comic.These issues should be considered and appropriately balancedby the designer of the Data Comic.

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKWe have presented Data Comics, a new approach to captur-ing and editing existing online data visualization to tell sto-ries about data. We have implemented a hybrid web applica-tion that consists of a Google Chrome extension for clippingcontent, a visual editor to create panels consisting of visu-alizations and comic-style symbols, a composer to arrangethe panels into entire comics, and a viewer for disseminatingthe results to a wider audience. Results from a controlleduser study indicate that Data Comics significantly outper-forms PowerPoint in terms of engagement, space efficiency,and enjoyability. This is consistent with the power of usingthe comic medium for narration in general.

Our future work will be to continue exploring narrative vi-sualization using sequential art. For example, perhaps thereare situations when it is appropriate to combine dynamic vi-sualizations with a static comic. Furthermore, we also wantto incorporate more collaborative features into the system.We also plan to add SVG editing functionality to DataComic-sJS to make the system even more versatile. Finally, we arealso interested in exploring other storytelling media beyondcomics for narrative visualization.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS[Anonymized for double-blind review.]

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