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Results of Ketu vimshottari MahadashaThe Shadow planet Ketu is one of the most malefic planets in the astrological arena and is perceived to bring the worst period of natives life as it is the carrier of hurdles and obstacles in life. The ketu mahadasha is perceived to be generally a negative period for a person as it would be a very much difficult path.The presence of impediments all around would make the native weaker from inside and would reduce his/her mental strength besides which it would effect the happiness and peace of the person. This period of ketu mahadasha would require much of tough efforts and hard work from the person though most of them wont give worthy results due to Ketu. On the other part, the high presence of difficulties could take the person towards evil and immoral path.The person would become insincere and reckless in this period and would confront many conflicts & quarrels which altogether would lead towards differences and distances in professional and personal relations. The person in Ketu mahadasha would face downfall in professional and social stature besides which could also have financial crises if the planetary positions would be that adverse.The negative impacts of Ketu mahadasha would include fear from thieves, poison, fire & water, increasing foes, obstacles in education, accidents, unworthy traveling and losses in ventures. This would be a period of unhappiness which could lead till the extent of miseries and agonies.Sub-periods or antardashas of all planets under Ketu vimshottari mahadasha are as follows:Ketu Mahadasha - Ketu Antardasha :The Rahu Rahu combination would bring most of adverse effects to the native as here the planet would dominate completely over the natives life and would leave....Read moreKetu Mahadasha - Sun Antardasha :The Sun is perceived to be one of the supremely benefic planets and the bringer of true happiness and prosperity to the natives besides which it is one of the potent astro...Read moreKetu Mahadasha - Moon Antardasha :The Moon is perceived to be one of the benefic planet in the arena of Indian astrology but it is one of the soft and fragile presence as it can rarely dominate over the oth....Read moreKetu Mahadasha - Mars Antardasha :The planet Mars is believed to bring most of adverse effects to the natives while its arrival with another highly malefic Ketu would lead this combination towards a w....Read moreKetu Mahadasha - Saturn Antardasha :The planet Saturn is perceived to be one of the malefic planets though it is believed to carry problems for making the native learn and emerge high besides which it also...Read moreKetu Mahadasha - Mercury Antardasha :The planet Mercury being a benefic planet would pacify some of the adverse effects of Ketu from the natives life and would bring somewhat betterment in their lives....Read moreKetu Mahadasha - Venus Antardasha :The planet Venus is one of the benefic planets in Indian astrology which brings positive impacts to the native but it could also appear as somewhat malefic in some adverse...Read moreKetu Mahadasha - Jupiter Antardasha :The planet Jupiter is perceived to be one of the most benefic planet and the one with supreme and true goodness to bestow human beings while on the other hand, Ketu is ..Read moreKetu Mahadasha - Rahu Antardasha :The shadow planets Rahu and Rahu are the two most malefic planets which are perceived to bring fiercely adverse effects to the native in all kinds of placements....Read more

Ketu Mahadasha-Ketu Antardasha | Ketu - Ketu Dasha or BhuktiGo back to Mahadasha Main article|Sun or Surya Mahadasha|Moon or Chandra Mahadasha |Mars or Mangal Maha dasha|Mercury or Shukra Mahadashas|Jupiter or Guru Mahadasha |Saturn or Shani Mahadasha|Rahu Maha dasha|Ketu MahadashaResults of Ketu-Ketu dasha | Ketu vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe combination of Ketu Ketu would be one of the worst appearance and the most adverse period for human beings as here ketu would be a complete dominant and highly potent and so on would bring most of adverse impacts to the person. The native would receive all the negative shades of Ketu which will make his/her path much difficult and harsh.The native in Ketu- Ketu dasha or bhukti would confront hurdles in the professional path where he/she would confront unreasonable criticisms even after being truly sincere and intellectual in approach. The impediments at work wont let the hard work give worthy results besides which efforts would fail as further reducing the professional stature. Finances will also be affected.The personin Ketu- Ketu dasha or bhuktiwould come near to wicked and evil-soul people who would try to harm the person in various ways which will make the surrounding full of negative air and would bring distress and lack of optimism to the native. Altogether, it will affect the happiness at home besides which this period could reduce the friends & well wishers and enemies would increase. Diseases and distances in relations will be other adverse impacts..Ketu Mahadasha-Venus Antardasha | Ketu - Venus Dasha | Ketu- shukra period or BhuktiGo back to Mahadasha Main article|Sun or Surya Mahadasha|Moon or Chandra Mahadasha |Mars or Mangal Maha dasha|Mercury or Shukra Mahadashas|Jupiter or Guru Mahadasha |Saturn or Shani Mahadasha|Rahu Maha dasha|Ketu MahadashaResults of Ketu-Venus dasha | Venus vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe appearance of antardasha of Venus or Shukra in the Mahadasha of Ketu would bring the negative aspects of Venus as Ketu would reduce its benefic impacts and so on it would also be a period of difficulties but it would appear as better than previous for bringing some positive shades as well from the planet Venus.The person in Ketu-Venus dasha or bhukti would be able to emerge out of some of obstacles in the professional arena in this period though the hurdles wont end and it will take the person towards some growth in the professional and financial stature. On the other part, tensions would prevail at the family front which could be due to ailing family member and conflicts at home leading to separation.The nativein Ketu-Venus dasha or bhuktiwould be very much sensitive at the core and would be easy receptor of negativity. The person would get enclosed with foes and untrue people while on the other hand, disagreements and oppositions would prevail around as further creating difficulties in every aspect. Ketu -Shukra bhukti would be a period of high restlessness and instability. The other negative impacts of this combination would include harm to near & dear ones, fever, unreasonable quarrels, headache, eye trouble, heart disease, body aches and mental agonies.

Results of Ketu-Sun dasha | Sun vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe arrival of Sun antardasha in the Mahadasha of Ketu would be another harsh combination as producing a intricate and thorny picture for the native as these planets are natural enemies besides which Sun wont generate its positive impacts in the presence of Ketu as here the Sun will get afflicted adversely. This Ketu-Sun dasha would be one of the worst combinations for bringing much difficulties to the person.The native in Ketu- Sun dasha or bhukti would confront much opposition and lack of support in the professional and social arena besides which their could be some quarrels with the mighty people or government officials. Altogether, the person would be made to walk through a harsh path and would need to jump over many hurdles. Enmity would prevail in the air around and would make the native weaker at the core.The adverse impacts of this Ketu-Sun combination would make the person highly aggressive and irksome in attitude besides which there would be high impatience & anxiety to the native due to much difficulties around. Rest of the negative shades could include, distances in relations, cough & fever, problems with government, fear from thieves & snakes, failures in ventures and inclination towards evil & immoral pursuits in Ketu - Surya bhukti.Results of Ketu-Moon dasha | Moon vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe arrival of Moon antardasha in the arena of Ketu mahadasha would again bring some alteration in the harsh picture of Ketu Mahadasha as it will bring some pleasing colors though the severity will also sustain. It would bring some reasons of relief but hurdles would also be there which altogether would make this combination as a blend of all kinds of shades though the majority would be at the side of negative impacts.Ketu will reduce the benefic effects of Moon to some what extent due to which only few benefic impacts of Moon will be available and it would be dominated by shadow planet Ketu. The native in Ketu-Moon dasha or bhukti would require a lot endeavor though due to the presence of much hurdles, all the efforts wont give results besides which much hard work would be needed to emerge high in this period. In this way, it would be quiet a instable period.There would be many reasons for distress to the native in Ketu- chandra bhukti but some would also be present for happiness as in explicit words, the person would require to walk through a thorny path which will lead him/her towards comfort and satisfaction. Their would be continuous changes in the relations around while laziness, financial losses and migration from native place would be other ill-effects of thisin Ketu-Moon dasha or bhukti.

Results of Ketu-Mars dasha | Mars vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe planet Mars as a sub-period or antardasha in the Mahadasha of Ketu would bring more harsh picture for the natives as Mars bestows both pleasing and adverse impacts but in the company of Ketu, it will only confer negative impacts while if the planetary positions in the horoscope chart would be effective then, it might bring some positive shades as well in this Ketu-Mars dasha.The native in Ketu-Mars dasha or bhukti would confront hurdles in every path besides which there would be much negativity around in the air as the person would be surrounded by evil people around in the professional and social arena who would try their best to harm the native. The person in ketu mangal bhukti would get enclosed with unreasonable quarrels and with much oppositions which would further reduce the self believe in the person and would lead to stoppage in growth and more losses.The native in Ketu-Mars dasha or bhukti could turn much aggressive besides which distances & bitterness could arise in relationships as some friends could also turn enemies in this period. The individual would suffer physical and mental pain due to variant reasons creating difficulties in life as including agony, diabetes, natural disasters and miseries.Results of Ketu-Rahu dasha | Rahu vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe Shadow planets Ketu and Rahu are the most malefic planets in the Indian astrological arena as they are perceived to bring only adverse impacts upon the native which could also become highly negative at times. The arrival of these two together will make it a most worst combination as there are no indications of any positive shades from Ketu and Rahu.This Ketu-rahu dasha or bhukti will be a period of high presence of obstacles and hurdles in the path when difficulties would raise and much predicament would prevail around. The native would be made to confront much impediments as making his/her path almost unworkable towards success as it would require much amount of hard work to emerge safe. On the other part, this period would bring indolence and lethargy to the person and could take him/her towards evil & immoral path.The individual inKetu-rahu dasha or bhuktiwould found him/her self enclosed in many foes and tainted people while their would be very lesser true relations. All of these would bring high mental distress to the person and lack of peace & persistence in life. Besides this, there would be fear from thieves, opposition with king, loss of wealth, diabetes, stomach problems, cold & fever and lack of happiness due to this period inKetu-rahu bhukti.

Results of Ketu-Jupiter dasha | Jupiter vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe planet Jupiter is one of the supremely benefic planet and is believed to be truly positive in expressions but arrival of Jupiter antardasha in the Mahadasha of Ketu would reduce some of its positive impacts as here only somewhat extent of pleasing impacts of Jupiter will reach to the natives.The Jupiter would bestow some strength of intellect and wisdom to the native which would take him/her towards some heights as brings some development in career and financial stature of the person. It would further take the approach of the person towards positive and moral path and will bring believe upon self and divinity. The person in Ketu-Jupiter dasha or bhukti would see the changes from his/her own core as he/she would turn towards pious aspects with pure thoughts.The personin Ketu-Jupiter dasha or bhuktiwould become somewhat lively in attitude and would be liked & admired by many around. Besides this, positive energy will prevail in the air and there would be many reasons for happiness and peace at home though the native would require to work really hard for achieving all of these for the presence of Ketu who would bring hurdles as well.Some other adverse impacts of Ketu would include fears from thieves, distances in relations, loss of wealth, fear from snakes, harm from enemies and possibilities of attaining wounds in Ketu-Guru bhukti.

Results of Ketu-Saturn dasha | Saturn vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe arrival of antardasha of Planet Saturn in the Mahadasha of Ketu would enhance the harshness of this period while if the placement of Saturn in the horoscope chart is pleasing enough then it could bring some positive impacts as well. The combination of Ketu and Saturn will possess much of obstacles for the native though Saturn would bring some goodness as well.The native in Ketu-Saturn dasha or bhukti would be made to face many hurdles as it would be a quiet difficult path and will affect the professional and financial stature of the person besides which the native would be needed to put much endeavor to emerge out safe in this period. There would be some antagonism and opposition as well surrounding the native as bring lack of self believe and distress to the person.Thisin Ketu-Saturn dasha or bhuktiwould be a period of much restlessness and anxiety to the person besides which harm from thieves and loss of wealth is also possible in this period. The person could be made to migrate to foreign lands and some bitterness could also arise in relations inKetu-Shani or bhukti. On the other part, if the planetary position of Saturn would be pleasing in the horoscope chart, then it could bring success and growth to the person along with happiness at home though the difficulties would also reside due to Ketu.Results of Ketu-Mercury dasha | Mercury vimshottari antardasha under Ketu Maha dashaThe planet Mercury is believed to be one of the most benefic planets in the astrological arena which dominates over the intellectual composure of an individual and brings optimism to the person besides which it would make the person stand strong. The presence of Ketu will reduce the positive shades of the planet Mercury which altogether would take this combination to a balanced level in the Ketu-Mercury dasha.The planet Mercury would enhance the sincerity and determination in the native besides which he/she would incline more towards learning and it will pave a strong path further. The person in thisKetu-Mercury dasha or bhuktiwould emerge wiser in this period besides which, there would be a explicit professional and financial growth. The native would also receive reverence and there would be good development in professional and social relationships.Ketu will surely bring some hurdles and impediments in the path of the person for which the native would be needed to put much of endeavor and hard work and most of these will be productive due to Mercury. Altogether, the person inKetu-Mercury dasha or bhuktiwould have a good time but the difficulties would also prevail as their would be many reasons for happiness but for distress as well.Ketu could bring some opposition with higher officials and could also bring some harm to family but Mercury would keep the person upon the moral path with positive approach besides which health would be balanced and betterment will arrive in life inKetu-budh dasha..

Results of Sun MahadashaSun is perceived to be a positive and powerful planet which is believed to bring potency and brilliance in the natives life. It is a potent and strong planet and is believed to be of supreme place and so on in general, it bestows the native with dominance and higher position. Altogether, Sun is believed to be a celestial body which brings luminous to the world and so on its is perceived to bring goodness in lives but as it is also the expression of heat and aggression, the native could also receive the same.The natives of Sun Mahadasha are perceived to attain a good and strong place in the social circle as they would receive the support of higher authorities, government institutes and the person would acquire power & authority but this period could also cause distance or separation from some close relations besides which it would also decrease the number of people serving you as your servants.In this period, people are perceived to receive good affluence from variant sources with significant involvement of pursuits related to medicines, weapons, fire, land and royalty. Besides this, it will enhance the inclination and vision towards the spiritual aspects and could lead the person towards pilgrim visits but this period will also enhance the anxiety and restlessness.This period also holds the fear and threat from thieves, enemies, government and fire along with some health problems including venereal diseases, severe and fever besides which there could be lack of mental peace leading to unhappy living. It could enclose the person and his closed ones with fears, distress and sorrowfulness. But the person would grow socially even if his/her personal life wont remain good.Sub-periods or antardashas of all planets under Sun mahadasha are as follows:Sun Mahadasha - Sun Antardasha :Sun as the Sub-Period of Sun Mahadasha is the first segment of Sun Mahadasha where Sun becomes more potent and effective and leaves much of its impact upon ....Read moreSun Mahadasha - Moon Antardasha :The Sun Moon period in the Mahadasha of Sun generally brings positive results and brings the betterment in ones life as they both are perceived to be benefic planets ....Read moreSun Mahadasha - Mars Antardasha :The sub-period of Mars in the Mahadasha of Sun brings the two powerful planets together and this emerges as the most potent combination which will bestowthe same....Read moreSun Mahadasha - Mercury Antardasha :The planet Mercury is a soft and fantastical planet but it is perceived to be a benefic presence and when it comes along with the potent and powerful Sun, theycreates a....Read moreSun Mahadasha - Jupiter Antardasha :The planet Jupiter is perceived to be a teacher among all the planets and so on it provides wisdom and knowledge to the natives and so on the combination of Sun -Jupi....Read moreSun Mahadasha - Venus Antardasha :The combination of Sun and Venus is again a balanced arrangement as the planet Venus is a soft and flexible planet which would sit finely with the highly energetic....Read moreSun Mahadasha - Saturn Antardasha :The Sub period of Saturn in the Mahadasha of Sun is perceived to be a powerful combination as both the planets are potent creatures while the Saturn is perceived to....Read moreSun Mahadasha - Rahu Antardasha :The shadow planet Rahu is perceived to be a malefic planet in astrology which usually perceived to bring negative impacts besides which Sun and Rahu do not share....Read moreSun Mahadasha - ketu Antardasha :The combination of planet Ketu and Sun would bring most of negative impacts as the Ketu is a malefic planet and Sun is highly powerful and aggressive. Ketuis a malefic....

Results of Sun -Sun dasha | Sun vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaSun as the antardasha of Sun Mahadasha is the first segment of Sun Mahadasha where Sun becomes more potent and effective and leaves much of its impact upon the native. It would be entirely a period of Sun for the native where he/she would attain much dominance and authority as this period would take them towards the good heights and would make them stand potent socially. The individual would also receive good financial benefits if the placement of Sun in the horoscope chart is not adverse.The natives of Sun Sun dasha or bhukti period are perceived to bestow the native with social potency and authority as he/she may attain honor and higher positions in this stage. Besides this, the person would get triumphs in all sorts of his/her wars or disputes and would receive all the gains but his/her mental composition wont remain much balanced as the restlessness will also be a part of this period. It could also include traveling for the native due to variant reasons in Surya-Surya bhukti.Results of Sun -Moon dasha | Moon vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaThe Sun Moon period in the Mahadasha of Sun or Surya generally brings positive results and brings the betterment in ones life as they both are perceived to be benefic planets. Besides this, as Sun is an aggressive planet and Moon is a calmed one, their being together could be taken as creating a balance here but the dominance would be of Sun only for its being his Mahadasha besides which Sun is also stronger than Moon.The individual in Sun Moon dasha or Bhukti would attain true respect and honor in this period which would make him/her stand high with authority as well as with high affluence due to good gains and triumphs in the period. People enjoy comfortable, luxuries and blissful phase of life with closed ones in this combination if the planetary positions are not against. Some positive and significant happenings could also be seen in this period but some disputes, distress and fears are also indicated. The person would stand invincible but he/she might not be able to attain peace.The negative aspects of this combination would include clashes with the sovereign authority, possibility of imprisonment, difficult and fearful traveling, danger from water and theft in Surya-Chandra bhukti.Results of Sun -Mars dasha | Mars vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaThe antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Sun brings the two powerful planets together and this emerges as the most potent combination which will bestow the same potency to the natives and would make them stand high with authority and dominance. The native having this period of Sun-Mars dasha would get endowed with good affluence besides which it would be a period of comfort and luxuries.Apart from this, Mars antardasha under Sun indicates some auspicious happenings in the natives life and his family arena would get filled with goodness. This Sun-Mars period is also one of the period of gains and triumphs but its worst impacts comprises lack of peace, family conflicts, loss of kinsmen and some failures too. In the end, there might be some dissatisfaction from the side of governmental issues.Results of Sun -Mercury dasha | Mercury vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaThe planet Mercury is a soft and fantastical planet but it is perceived to be a benefic presence and when it comes along with the potent and powerful Sun, they creates a balance in between but still the Sun would be dominant here for its being Suns Mahadasha. It would be a period with the blend of both good and bad which would make the native quiet restless as well.The individual under Sun- Mercury dasha could receive some distress from the side of closed ones but people would be supportive to the person and he/she would also receive happiness at family in variant ways. This period of Mercury antardasha under Sun mahadasha comprise the possibilities of some significant happenings of life as well as some important recognition and achievements though the path could be quiet troublesome. It will bring fame and higher position in the social circle and the native would get endowed with reverence.The financial goodness in Sun- Mercury dasha or bhukti would also be present in this period and the person would get truly inclined towards spiritual directions and would pursue pious and scared pursuits. Some little health problems would be present and as the period would be quiet unstable, the lack of peace is also possible in Surya - budh bhukti.Results of Sun -Venus dasha | Venus vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaThe combination of Sun or Surya and Venus or Shukra is again a balanced arrangement as the planet Venus is a soft and flexible planet which would sit finely with the highly energetic and impatient Sun and will bring quiet balanced impacts upon the natives life though, we wont call it completely a period of all the goodness.The period of Sun-Venus dasha would lead the person towards more of enjoying all the possible comforts and luxuries and for same he/she would pursue lavish spending of money and would get involved in unworthy and useless pursuits. The person would receive good gains and so on the financial aspects would stay satisfying and he/she would attain good place with respect and dominance but their could be some conflicts at the personal front.Some auspicious happenings are also possible in this period of Sun mahadasha and Venus antardasha and traveling could also be a part. At the whole, this would be a period of pleasures and amusements but this could also lead you towards some loss of position and mental distress later besides which some health problems including body aches and fever are also indicated in Surya - Shukra bhukti .

Results of Sun -Saturn dasha | Saturn vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaThe antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha of Sun is perceived to be a powerful combination as both the planets are potent creatures while the Saturn is perceived to be a malefic planet which would bring some negative impacts upon the natives life. This period would bring a blend of both positive and negative shades.The person in Sun-Saturn dasha would confront some hurdles in his/her path of education and career besides which he/she would become somewhat indolent too besides this, the flow of money would also decrease to some extent and much of hard work would be needed in this period. The foes would increase but the native would win over them but the path would be difficult and it wont be a smooth walk which would lead towards the lack of peace though some auspicious happenings are also indicated.The person under the influence of Sun-Saturn dasha would lead towards the recognition and achievements through his/her hard endeavors which would make the middle phase of the period quiet blissful but in the end, the distress would emerge due to distance and separation in some close relations. Some possible negative aspects in the antardasha of Saturn would comprise fever, dysentery diseases, loss of money, disputes and imprisonment.Results of Sun -Rahu dasha | Rahu vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaThe shadow planet Rahu is perceived to be a malefic planet in astrology which usually perceived to bring negative impacts besides which Sun and Rahu do not share good relations as they are perceived to be enemies and so on this combination could leave some adverse impacts upon the natives life.The native under Sun-Rahu dasha or bhukti would confront much of conflicts and some of losses in this phase as failures are possible at most of the places and this would lead to much of tension and distress. The person could also receive harm from closed ones and enemies could bring serious losses. Besides this, the person could confront his social downfall as his/her power and authority would reduce and he/she might face lack of respect.The loss of affluence is also possible in this period of Sun -Rahu and the person holds the fear from thieves and snakes. But this difficult picture will not last for the full period as some period would see some positive rays as well in which everything will begin to change towards the positive picture and the person would receive recognition and affluence which altogether would bring happiness at home in Surya - Rahu bhukti.Results of Sun -Ketu dasha | Ketu vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaThe combination of planet Ketu and Sun or Surya would bring most of negative impacts as the Ketu is a malefic planet and Sun is highly powerful and aggressive. Ketu would induce problems in the path even if Sun would bring positive impacts, hurdles would surely be there due to the presence of Ketu and this combination wont let the person solve them with patience which would again bring distress and lack of peace.in this period of Sun-Ketu dasha or bhukti, the problems in career and finance would lead towards the downfall of the person besides which this will be a period of health problems including, eye ailments, diseases of mouth, urinary problems and fear from authority and the loss of closed one is also indicated. The native would require to work really hard and would be needed to stand strong.In this Sun-ketu dashaor bhukti, the person would get some happiness from the side of his closed ones and would attain some of the calmness due to them besides which, friends would render supportResults of Sun -Jupiter dasha | Jupiter vimshottari antardasha under Sun MahadashaThe planet Jupiter or Guru is perceived to be a teacher among all the planets and so on it provides wisdom and knowledge to the natives and so on the combination of Sun Jupiter is perceived to bring positive impacts and betterment in the life of the native. Besides this, the positive relationship between the two planets is the another reason for their receiving goodness.The individual in Sun Jupiter dasha or bhukti would attain strong wisdom and true knowledge besides which he/she would acquire true vision towards morals and trueness and altogether, they will stand at higher platter of respect and social stature. The influence of Sun mahadasha Jupiter antardasha combination would take them towards spiritual directions and they could also confront some growth of affluence in this phase. The person would be endowed with all the comfort and luxuries which would turn his/her life all of goodness in Surya - Surya Bhukti.

Results of Moon or Chandra MahadashaMoon or Chandra is perceived to be a supreme planet with immense purity and trueness besides which it expresses the divinity and wisdom. Moon is believed to be an explicit expression of beauty, charm and fantasy besides which it represents the goodness. It also indicates softness and ocean of emotions as planet Moon or Chandra is all about love and benevolence which could also appear as fragileness and feebleness at times. The period of Moon or Chandra would be highly influenced with the presence of fantasies and dreams as the person would be quiet inclined towards the same or in other words, he/she would bend towards art and artistic arenas while a native of Moon or Chandra is believed to be a creative person and this period would bestow natives with artistic attributes. It would be a period of love, lovely things and splendor while on the other part, Moon is also a bringer of mental weakness and makes the native quiet frail at the core besides which it would bring some peace to an aggressive persona. Moon is the provider of trueness of the soul and keeps the person pure till the core as it bestows the humans with superior vision and blend of righteousness. Moon or is the explorer of spiritual portraits as it leads the person towards the spiritual directions and make him/her walk upon the divine path. The native would have a good knowledge of scriptures and sacred perceptions or would be inclined towards the same.People would emerge intellectual in this period and would attain acknowledgement and good positions in the Mahadasha of Chandra along with the good support of all. Social and financial heights would grow further and it would bring happiness and immense satisfaction to the person. Pursuits related to gardening and agriculture would bring good profit and traveling could also be a part of this period. The natives would appear vivacious in this period though they would possess quiet an unstable form of mind but they will attain all the goodness and purity at the core which makes a human stand superior in true. A weak and adverse placement of Moon or Chandra in the horoscope chart could bring laziness and could make the native confront quarrels and conflicts besides which he/she would repel good pursuits and all of these would happen along with the gradual decrease in wealth.Sub-periods or antardashas of all planets under Moon mahadasha are as follows:Moon Mahadasha - Moon Antardasha :The period of Moon with its own sub period brings the complete domination of planet Moon in the natives life which would be a blend of positive and negative ....Read moreMoon Mahadasha - Sun Antardasha :The combination of Sun and Moon brings a balanced formation as the planet Moon would pacify the vigorous and aggressive Sun and the Sun would reflect the power to ....Read moreMoon Mahadasha - Mars Antardasha :The presence of planet Mars as the sub period of Moon mahadasha would bring some of difficulties and hurdles in the path besides which it would bestow some....Read moreMoon Mahadasha - Mercury Antardasha :The planet Mercury is believed to be one of the benefic planets which bestows the person with some positive impacts with special indication towards intellectual and....Read moreMoon Mahadasha - Jupiter Antardasha :Planet Jupiter is perceived to be the most wisest celestial presence as it the teacher of planets and one of the true benefic planet which bestows the person with....Read moreMoon Mahadasha - Venus Antardasha :The Planet Venus is perceived to be one of the benefic planets in astrology as it bestows the native with all the comforts and luxuries along with the materialistic wealth. Here ....Read moreMoon Mahadasha - Saturn Antardasha :The planet Saturn is perceived to be one of the malefic planets but in true it is one of those presence which purify ones soul as it makes the person walk over a difficult path....Read moreMoon Mahadasha - Rahu Antardasha :The shadow planet Rahu is perceived to be highly malefic and its the one which brings much adverse effects upon human life and could turn things into negative ap....Read moreMoon Mahadasha - ketu Antardasha :The shadow planet Ketu is another most malefic planet which is perceived to bring much of negativity and evil impacts upon the natives life and here, it would be one of....Read more

Results of Moon -Moon dasha | Chandra vimshottari antardasha under Chandra MahadashaThe period of Moon with its own sub period brings the complete domination of planet Moon in the natives life which would be a blend of positive and negative arrivals in his/her life path. In true, there will be most of the goodness in the natives life but hurdles would also play their role besides which Moon would bring some mental weakness and instability.The person would receive good respect and place in social circle and would also grow professionally besides which he would receive good affluence, materialistic wealth and ornaments. The native would stay enclosed with good people and would get involved in learning and worthy pursuits which would make him/her appear as wiser personality. He/she would possess pure thoughts and true core as these people would walk upon moral path and would pursue only righteous deeds in in Chandra -Chandra dasha or bhukti.The natives in Moon -Moon dasha or bhukti would get highly inclined towards creative and artistic arena as including music, art, poetry and such other segments besides which he/she would receive betterment in their attributes. On the other part, the planet Moon would take them towards the spiritual aspects as their believe upon divinity would enhance and it could also include some holy traveling.This will be a period of happiness and comfort but if the planetary positions would stand against the same than it could bring some adverse impacts as well and that would be almost the opposite of all the positive impacts of Moon or chandraResults of Moon -Mars dasha | Mars vimshottari antardasha under Moon MahadashaThe presence of planet Mars antardasha of Moon mahadasha would bring some of difficulties and hurdles in the path besides which it would bestow some of the strength to the Moon natives. Besides this, though the planet Mars is far potent than Moon, the period will be dominated with Moon only and this would bring a balance to somewhat extent in the natives life.The native in the Moon-Mars dasha or bhukti would confront some loss of wealth but he/she would keep on growing professionally besides which the native would also attain some of self believe and would be quiet stronger at core than before. He/she would get the support of authorities and would receive acknowledgment but there would be some hurdles in the path.In this period of Moon-Mars dasha, the native would only get what he/she deserves for as it will only their hard work and endeavor which would pay to them. Besides this, some noise in close relations is also possible which could create some tensions at the personal and family front and at some places, distance could also emerge as leading the native to leave the native place for variant reasons.The natives in the Chandra-Mangal dasha would have danger from fire and may confront acidity, blood ailments and some stomach problems but at the whole, it will be a good period of happiness, hard work and comforts.Results of Moon -Rahu dasha | Rahu vimshottari antardasha under Moon MahadashaThe shadow planet Rahu is perceived to be highly malefic and its the one which brings much adverse effects upon human life and could turn things into negative appearance. The presence of Rahu here, as the sub period of Moon Mahadasha would bring some changes in the natives life due to the presence of much hurdles in the path.In this period of Moon-Rahu dasha, the presence of much hurdles in the path would slow the growth rate of the person and may bring some down fall besides which the financial stature would decrease due to variant reasons and so on the mental distress would increase in this period and all this would lead to the lack of enthusiasm and self believe in the native.In the dasha of Moon-Rahu, the person would see distancing from friends and an increase in the foes and enemies as people would turn against him/her and the native would lack at the side of support from all the sides. Natives may fear from snakes, thieves and from the authority person as well. It would be a period of high mental agony and the person would get inclined towards spiritual arenas and he/she might took a pilgrim.This painful situation in the antardasha of Rahu in the mahadasha of Chandra would get begin to change and would move towards positive direction towards the end of the period.

Results of Moon -Jupiter dasha | Jupiter vimshottari antardasha under Moon MahadashaPlanet Jupiter or Guru is perceived to be the most wisest celestial presence as it the teacher of planets and one of the true benefic planet which bestows the person with many positive aspects. The combination of Moon antardasha and Jupiter in the Mahadasha of Moon would bless the native with much of goodness and happiness .The individual in the Moon-Jupiter dasha or bhukti would appear learned and wiser in this period and would attain respect and higher platter along with acknowledgements and rewards. He/she would attain the support from authority and would see a positive growth in the personal relations as well besides which they would be endowed with the worthy results of efforts. This would lead him/her towards the financial and social growth of the individual and he/she would have a good time besides enjoying all the comforts and luxuries.Learning would be a significant part of this period of Moon-Jupiter besides which peace of mind would also stay around as here the person would grow further mentally and intellectually. Possible auspicious happenings could also be a part of the natives happiness and he/she would get truly inclined towards the divine presence which would further enhance the eternal bliss to the person in this Chandra-guru bhukti.Toward the end of the period of Moon-Jupiter , the appearance of the surroundings could change to somewhat extent and it could appear to be quiet a difficult periodResults of Moon -Saturn dasha | Saturn vimshottari antardasha under Moon MahadashaThe planet Saturn is perceived to be one of the malefic planets but in true it is one of those presence which purify ones soul as it makes the person walk over a difficult path so that he/she could emerge high with chaste and trueness. Presence of Saturn as a antardasha to Moon mahadasha would bring some hurdles in the life path of the native and would lead him/her confront some difficult times.In this period of Moon-Saturn dasha, the obstacles in path would bring delay in work which will lead towards the distress and would require much of hard work and efforts. Besides this, the person would have danger from fire and theft besides which he/she could pursue harsh conversation and so on could confront conflicts and arguments. This period of Moon-Saturn dasha could also bring insults and degradation of social stature.Sufferings to mothers could also be some possible reasons for distress to the native and he/she could also indulge in bad addiction and could also get inclined towards spiritual aspects as he/she might pursue some pilgrimage. Some physical problems are also possible. Towards the end of this period of Saturn antardasha in Moon mahadasha, some betterment would arrive as the native would see some growth in his/her life path.

Results of Moon -Mercury dasha | Mercury vimshottari antardasha under Moon MahadashaThe planet Mercury is believed to be one of the benefic planets which bestows the person with some positive impacts with special indication towards intellectual and professional growth. The combination of Moon mahadasha and Mercury antardasha would bring most of the goodness to the person but would also make the person quiet weak at the mental state as the natives would be much emotional and soft at the core in this period.The native in Mercury antardasha of Moon Mahadasha would become more vivacious and lively in his/her attitude and would emerge as more open minded in this period besides which he would acquire good knowledge and would appear as intellectual and wiser personas. This all would lead him/her enclosed with supremely intelligent people and with noble souls. It will be a straight path towards success and peace.This period of Moon- Mercury dasha would bring growth to the person in every aspect including finance and career besides which he would enjoy all the respect and comforts & luxury in the sub period of Mercury. Recognitions and rewards would be high in this segment and he/she would attain precious things. It would be a special presence of spiritual aspects in this period and he/she would attain the true perception towards the same. Some auspicious happenings are highly indicated in this Moon- Mercury period which would further enhance the bliss around the native but there could be some health problems including fever and body aches besides which some loss of agricultural stuff is also possible. Though there could be some distress to wife and children,Chnadra-Budh dasha would be altogether a period of contentment.Results of Moon -Ketu dasha | Ketu vimshottari antardasha under Moon MahadashaThe shadow planet Ketu is another most malefic planet which is perceived to bring much of negativity and evil impacts upon the natives life and here, it would be one of the worst combinations as Moon or Chandra is a softer presence for which Ketu would bring much of adverse effects with special indication towards much mental distress to the person.The period of Moon-Ketu dasha would bring some loss in the wealth and would bring hurdles in the path of the native towards success. This would be a period of difficulties at every aspect of life as their could be some conflicts at the personal side as well. On the other part, In the Moon-Ketu dasha, amusements and comforts will also be there and family would become the reason of happiness besides which it would be a period of spiritual significance in life.The person in Ketu antardasha of Moon Mahadasha would confront obstacles in his/her path from the sides of foes and enemies which would create tensions and quarrels but the native would manage to bring a balance towards the end and would not receive much harm if the position of Ketu in not much adverse in the horoscope chart. At the whole, it would be quiet a tough time but should not be called as a bad period.Results of Moon -Venus dasha | Venus vimshottari antardasha under Moon MahadashaThe Planet Venus is perceived to be one of the benefic planets in astrology as it bestows the native with all the comforts and luxuries along with the materialistic wealth. Here the Moon-Venus dasha would bring him/her most of positive aspects and will keep everything in a blissful manner around the person.The antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of Moon would bring unexpected gains and growth in wealth to the person and this would be without much of hard work as it would be a period of amusements and luxuries. Besides this, he/she would attain really good place with authority and respect.The person in the Moon-Venus dasha would enjoy most of pleasures with his/her closed ones and could attain a good life partner in this segment. He/she would acquire materialistic treasures. Natives could grow well in business in this segment as they will get good support from all the sides including government and their fortune will be high on mounts.Though it would be a period for most of the goodness, the person could confront some genetic problems besides which there are some possible fear from thieves and snakes. They could also be made to leave for foreign lands.Results of Moon -Sun dasha | Sun vimshottari antardasha under Moon MahadashaThe combination of Sun and Moon brings a balanced formation as the planet Moon would pacify the vigorous and aggressive Sun and the Sun would reflect the power to planet Moon. In this way, it could be a admirable arrangement and so on a period of goodness and happiness if the planetary positions wont go against. Here the native would receive the impacts of both the planets in a equalized manner.The natives in Moon-Sun dasha would emerge high with wisdom and would confront growth of position and wealth in the social and professional circle. In this period of Sun antardasha in Moon Mahadasha, He/she would stay dominating as well as charming as people would respect them and would love them as well. The person would stay in the righteous path and enemies wont be able to harm the person even when he/she wont be defending themselves.This period of Moon-Sun dasha would recover all of natives loss in the previous times besides which some auspicious happenings like birth of sun would further enhance his/her happiness. The person could confront problems from snakes, fever, thieves, government and could have indefinable troubles during foreign travels. These perceived impediments could be wiped off by worshipping Lord Shiva.

Results of Mars or Mangal MahadashaPlanet Mars or mangal is perceived to be one of the most potent and aggressive planet in the astrological arena which mostly brings adverse effects to the native though it does good to many others as well but its nature has made it to be counted in malefic planets. It expresses the authority and power and so on provides the same to the natives besides which it lack at the side of persistence and patience.Planet Mars or mangal could be a reason for the hurdles in peoples life but it would bring obstacles through a long process in which the native would be made to walk as in vivid explanation, the native would attain power and dominance from the planet Mars which could lead him/her towards the snobbery and wickedness as taking them towards the evil effects and bad impacts. On the other part, Mars or mangal could strengthen the weak path of a native as it would pay strength to fragile composition and would lead the weak persona towards the heights. In general, planet Mars or mangal enhances the possibilities of foes while on the other hand, it induces the feeling of enmity in the mind of the native. Mangal could bring a difficult path and some distress due to conflicts and emerging bitterness at the personal side while on the other part, Mangal would make the person stand firm and potent. It may defend the person from all the harms if the planetary positions would favor and would make him/her attain the triumph at most of the places. But the predicament is that it wont be equally good for the personal aspects.The adverse placement of planet Mars or mangal would bring much negative impacts in this period as the person would have danger from fire and thieves and may loose some of his/her wealth besides which imprisonment could also be possible. Distances and differences could arise in relations while on the part of health, possibilities of accident are indicated, body aches, urinary problems, kidney problems and pain in eyes is also be possible. At the whole, it would be a period of difficulties and distress to the person and there would be much anxiety and lack of peace.Sub-periods or antardashas of all planets under Mars mahadasha are as follows:Mars Mahadasha - Mars Antardasha :The sub period of Mars in the Mahadasha of Mars itself would further enhance the domination of planet Mars upon the natives life in this period. Here the native would....Read moreMars Mahadasha - Sun Antardasha :The presence of Sun as the sub period to Mahadasha of planet Mars would make a blend of both negative and positive impacts because of both the planets being with....Read moreMars Mahadasha - Moon Antardasha :The planet Moon is perceived to be one of the most benefic planet for human beings and the one with brilliant attributes to endow the native with most of goodness.....Read moreMars Mahadasha - Mercury Antardasha :The planet Mercury is one of the benefic planets which brings most of positive impacts upon the natives while its arrive with planet Mars could be a good combination....Read moreMars Mahadasha - Jupiter Antardasha :The planet Jupiter is believed to be one of the supreme benefic planet in the astrological arena as it bestows most of positive impacts upon the native and expresses....Read moreMars Mahadasha - Venus Antardasha :The planet Venus is perceived to be a benefic planet and here it will balance and pacify the effects of Planet Mars for these two being entirely opposite at their expr....Read moreMars Mahadasha - Saturn Antardasha :The planet Saturn is again a very potent and vigorous presence due to which its immense dominating attitude makes it quiet malefic for human beings while it could also ....Read moreMars Mahadasha - Rahu Antardasha :The shadow planet Rahu is a highly malefic presence in the astrological arena and the arrival of Rahu with planet Mars in its Mahadasha would make a worst combinat ....Read moreMars Mahadasha - ketu Antardasha :This would be quiet a difficult period as their would be much hurdles in this period and much negativity would prevail around for its being the combination of two malef....Read moreResults of Mars -Mars dasha | Mars vimshottari antardasha under Mangal MahadashaThe sub period of Mars in the Mahadasha of Mars itself would further enhance the domination of planet Mars upon the natives life in this period. Here the native would receive most of Mars impacts and his/her surroundings and path would be highly impacted by planet Mars.The native under Mars-Mars dasha would stand dominated in this period and they would emerge powerful and with much authority while on the other hand, there would be an increase at the side of foes and there would be much obstacles and impediments in the path though people wont be able to harm them as these natives will attain triumph in almost every aspect besides which their courage and valor would increase further.The person in the mars antardasha in Mangal Mahadasha would acquire growth in the professional and financial aspects though obstacles would also be present, but would see quiet a bitter picture at the sides of personal aspects as there would be some conflicts and clashes which will bring distance and misunderstandings in between. The person would confront fulfillment of his/her desires and dreams but they would need to pay more concern at the personal front.The adverse effects of the planet could include differences in between the siblings, urinary troubles, fear from snakes, fear from government, body pains and lack of peace.Results of Mars -Rahu dasha | Rahu vimshottari antardasha under Mars MahadashaThe shadow planet Rahu is a highly malefic presence in the astrological arena and the arrival of Rahu with planet Mars or Mangal in its Mahadasha would make a worst combination as these planets together would bring most of negative impacts upon the native as he/she would receive it from the sides of both Mars and Rahu.The native in the Mars-Rahu dasha would confront a difficult time and would see many hurdles in his/her path while they wont receive much of harm but it will definitely affect them adversely. There would be many enemies and they will try their best to harm the person while the native could emerge out safe but would be needed to put much of efforts for the same. The person in this Mars-Rahu dasha would stay strong even in this tough period but would have a unstable composition of mind.The person would confront downfall in affluence while on the other hand, there could be some harm to the relatives and friends, danger from snakes and animals, fear from thieve and fire, body aches, imprisonment and destruction of cattle are highly indicated. The native could get involved in evil and immoral pursuits due to the presence of Rahu while Mars would make him/her win over them but it will definitely bring negative effects later.Altogether, this period of rahu antardasha in Mars mahadasha would be a period of downfall and instability leading towards lack of peace.

Results of Mars -Jupiter dasha | Jupiter vimshottari antardasha under Mars MahadashaThe planet Jupiter is believed to be one of the supreme benefic planet in the astrological arena as it bestows most of positive impacts upon the native and expresses knowledge and wisdom. On the other part, Mars is also not completely a malefic planet as it provides some good shades as well if placed in favorable position. Altogether, it would appear as a good combination with positive impacts upon the natives life.The native in the Mars-Jupiter dasha would attain strength of mind as well of appearance as he/she would stand strong with authority and dominance at a higher platter. The individual would attain good intellect and would emerge wiser besides which his/her valor and vigorous attitude would take the person towards achievements and acknowledgements. Here the natives would appear as noble souls but they would carry some pride as well.Mars-Jupiter dasha would be a period of true growth in professional and financial arena besides which he/she would attain good respect and reverence from the surroundings. On the other part, the native would get more inclined towards spiritual aspects and would pursue pious pursuits as devoted towards the divine presence. The only harm that could arise is from thieves, snakes, bilious diseases and loss of servants & co-born.At the whole, the antardasha of Jupiter in Mahadasha of Mars, it would be a period of happiness, comfort and bliss as enclosed with family and friends with most of positive shades in the air around.

Results of Mars -Saturn dasha | Saturn vimshottari antardasha under Mars MahadashaThe planet Saturn is again a very potent and vigorous presence due to which its immense dominating attitude makes it quiet malefic for human beings while it could also appear benefic at times. On the other part, here as Mars and Saturn have come together, this combination would provide some of adverse effects for both of them possessing similar expressions and impacts upon the natives life and that is quiet malefic.The native under Mars-Saturn dasha would confront hurdles in his/her path of professional as well as personal life which would make their walk quiet difficult though they would carry enough strength to continue their walk which would lead them towards heights but it would require them put much endeavor & believe and to confront some losses through their walk. Foes and enemies would try to harm the native in this period though he/she would emerge almost unwounded in the end.The person under Mars-Saturn dasha would be made to see some loss of position as well and their could be some pain from the sides of family and friends as some domestic and personal problems are also indicated which altogether would lead towards lack of peace and instability of mind. Some bitterness could also arise in personal relations. The native would be needed here to keep the patience and to keep putting efforts which will make him/her succeed in the end.The most indicated dangers and fears in the Saturn antardasha of Mars mahadasha includes, imprisonment, thieves, fire, wrath of authority, loss of closed one, unwanted journey, loss related to agriculture and rheumatism. The person would become much hasty and impatient in this segment and this could bring much problems to the native.Results of Mars -Mercury dasha | Mercury vimshottari antardasha under Mars MahadashaThe planet Mercury or Budh is one of the benefic planets which brings most of positive impacts upon the natives while its arrive with planet Mars could be a good combination as Mars could bestow strength to Mercury or budh and could balance the instability of Mercury. This segment would be with most of positive aspects but some hurdles and difficult aspects would also be present around in the path of the native.The native in Mars-Mercury dasha would see hurdles and negativity from the sides of those around and would confront some wicked personalities too which altogether will be a reason of distress but the native because of being intellectual and wiser in this period would emerge high and attain success besides which, some other little positive aspects would also make the person stay happy and feel blessed. On the other part, the spiritual involvements and pious happenings around would also keep the arena of Mars-Mercury positive. There would be a special inclination towards arts and music during Mars-Mercury dashaThe individual in Mercury antardasha of mars mahadasha would become restless and impatient at times but his/her intellectual understanding would make them walk stable besides which the enclosing arena would keep bringing the reasons for happiness. They would face danger form enemies, authority, thieves, unreasonable quarrels, loss during travel, harsh speaking, hasty attitude, sinful thoughts, besides which distance & separation from closed ones could also be possible but he/she would achieve the success and rewards at the end. It would almost be a good period and quiet balanced.

Results of Mars -Ketu dasha | Ketu vimshottari antardasha under Mars MahadashaMars-Ketu dasha would be quiet a difficult period as their would be much hurdles in this period and much negativity would prevail around for its being the combination of two malefic planets. Ketu is well perceived for bringing obstacles in peoples life besides which Mars makes the person impatient and hasty in approach as leading them towards creating more problems for themselves.The native in Mars-Ketu would walk through a path of hurdles and would be made to face losses and downfall in the professional arena besides which he/she would be surrounded by many of those wanting to harm them and those of wicked personas. The native would see some losses in business and would confront hurdles in his/her path. Still the person wont receive much harm but the effect would also enclose family and friends along with the native.The person in Ketu antardasha under Mars mahadahsa would have problems including stomach ailments, fire, weapons, unreasonable quarrels, thieves, animals and tooth problems. The mental distress and agony will be present and loss of wealth could also be possible. But, this wont stay longer as the hard work and tough efforts of the native would lead him/her towards the heights, would attain support of authority, cordial relations with government related arenas would emerge and birth of son is also indicated.This would be quiet a difficult period but the person would bring back the stability in life through his/her believe and endeavor.Results of Mars -Venus dasha | Venus vimshottari antardasha under Mars MahadashaThe planet Venus or Shukra is perceived to be a benefic planet and here it will balance and pacify the effects of Planet Mars for these two being entirely opposite at their expressions as Mars is highly aggressive while the Venus or Shukra is deeply soft. This combination is perceived to be one of the pleasant arrivals as it will provide most of good impacts to the native.The native in this dasha of Mars-Venus would be quiet free minded and calmed at the core besides which their would be enhanced attributes in the person and he/she would get involved in variant pursuits either professionally or personally. They would receive wealth from various channels and would confront further development. He/she would attain materialistic wealth including property and precious jewelry.On the other part, this Mars-Venus dasha would be a period of comfort, luxury & amusements and the money would be spent lavishly. Happiness would prevail around in this segment and there would be many reasons for celebration which could also include birth of son. The native would also pursue pious and spiritual deeds. Fortune would increase and people surrounding the native would be supportive and would be good to him/her.The adverse placement of planet Mars and Venus in the horoscope chart could bring some negative impacts including harm from thieves, bitterness with authority, miseries, body aches and distress to the native as well as to his/her family in this period of Mars mahadasha and Venus antardasha. To avoid these negative impacts, the native should donate Cow or female buffalo to a needy person or institution

Results of Mars -Sun dasha | Sun vimshottari antardasha under Mars MahadashaThe presence of Sun or Surya as the sub period to Mahadasha of planet Mars would make a blend of both negative and positive impacts because of both the planets being with similar expressions and impacts and that is power, authority and dominance. The native would receive much potency and would stand highly dominant in this segment but he/she would be very much hasty and impatient due to the impacts of planet Mars and Sun or Surya .The native in the Mars-Sun period would attain good place of respect and authority in this period and would be endowed with achievements and rewards. There would be a visible enhancement in self believe and the native would be more influencing besides which the person would feel much liberal and would wish to roam and travel around. The person in the Mars-Sun Dasha would be surrounded by blissful air in the family and there would be pleasant atmosphere around.On the other part, if the placement of these planets in the horoscope chart is not well than the impacts could reverse for the native due to which he/she would confront enmity from the relatives and closed ones besides which body aches, failures in venture, fever, snake attacks and distress to son could be present.Altogether, the antardasha of Sun or Surya and Mars would be a period with balanced blend of good and adverse aspects to the native.

Results of Mars -Moon dasha | Moon vimshottari antardasha under Mars MahadashaThe planet Moon or Chandra is perceived to be one of the most benefic planet for human beings and the one with brilliant attributes to endow the native with most of goodness. Here, both the planets are the presence of opposite expressions and so on would make a balance in between to make this period a segment with much of positive impacts upon the native.The native in Mars-moon dasha would become somewhat softer at the core but would become more impatient in attitude. This Moon or Chnadra antardasha in Mars mahadasha would be a period of rewards and acknowledgement for the native along with which he/she would be enjoying most of comforts and worldly pleasures. Besides this, Mars-moon dasha would be a period of fortune and auspicious happenings when his/her most of desires would come true. There would be a explicit growth of affluence along with increased materialistic treasures.The native in Mars-moon dasha would confront most of goodness in this period as it would be a period of happiness and bliss while some problems could be present due to being impatient and restless. In the end, the well placed planets would lead towards the positive impacts while the weakly placed would lead towards adverse effects including distress to the native and closed ones, loss of wealth & treasures and danger from conflicts.

Results of Rahu vimshottari MahadashaThe planet Rahu is one of the most malefic planets in our astrological arena and is perceived to bring most of adverse impacts upon human life. It makes the life of a person tough and carry harshness and hurdles in peoples life. The natives of shadow planet Rahu would require to walk over a fragile path and would be made to confront many obstacles as it is very rare and with very few combination of placement when Rahu emerges benefic and positive.The Rahu mahadasha or major period is generally believed to be a segment of agony and miseries when difficulties would be present in most of the aspects and the person would confront much hardship. It would be a state of highly unstable form of mind with much fluctuations in life and distress to the person. The native would see many failures and would confront some loss of wealth as well in this phase.The native could get involved in immoral and evil deeds in this segment and would get inclined towards materialistic pleasures besides this, there would be fears due to thieves, poisonous stuff, weapons and authority. The native would get enclosed with many enemies and would face separation from his/her closed ones. People wont be supportive towards the native in the Rahu mahadasha and he/she could also face loss of respect and position.There could be some change in the personal and professional places and some diseases including veneral diseases, asthma, urinary ailments and weakness are also possible besides which the person would become unreasonably aggressive at times. On the other part, the positive placement of planet Rahu could reverse all the impacts and could bring goodness in lives.

Sub-periods or antardashas of all planets under Rahu vimshottari mahadasha are as follows:Rahu Mahadasha - Rahu Antardasha :The Rahu Rahu combination would bring most of adverse effects to the native as here the planet would dominate completely over the natives life and would leave....Read moreRahu Mahadasha - Sun Antardasha :The Sun is perceived to be one of the supremely benefic planets and the bringer of true happiness and prosperity to the natives besides which it is one of the potent astro...Read moreRahu Mahadasha - Moon Antardasha :The Moon is perceived to be one of the benefic planet in the arena of Indian astrology but it is one of the soft and fragile presence as it can rarely dominate over the oth....Read moreRahu Mahadasha - Mars Antardasha :The planet Mars is believed to bring most of adverse effects to the natives while its arrival with another highly malefic Rahu would lead this combination towards a w....Read moreRahu Mahadasha - Saturn Antardasha :The planet Saturn is perceived to be one of the malefic planets though it is believed to carry problems for making the native learn and emerge high besides which it also...Read moreRahu Mahadasha - Mercury Antardasha :The planet Mercury being a benefic planet would pacify some of the adverse effects of Rahu from the natives life and would bring somewhat betterment in their lives....Read moreRahu Mahadasha - Venus Antardasha :The planet Venus is one of the benefic planets in Indian astrology which brings positive impacts to the native but it could also appear as somewhat malefic in some adverse...Read moreRahu Mahadasha - Jupiter Antardasha :The planet Jupiter is perceived to be one of the most benefic planet and the one with supreme and true goodness to bestow human beings while on the other hand, Rahu is ..Read moreRahu Mahadasha - ketu Antardasha :The shadow planets Rahu and Ketu are the two most malefic planets which are perceived to bring fiercely adverse effects to the native in all kinds of placements....Read more

Results of Rahu-Rahu dasha | Rahu vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe Rahu Rahu combination would bring most of adverse effects to the native as here the planet would dominate completely over the natives life and would leave most of its impacts. Its being entirely a period of Rahu would lead the person towards hurdles and difficulties upon land and the native could receive some wounds as well in this period.The native in the rahu - rahu dasha or Bhukti would have downfall in his/her professional life where they would confront some failures and losses besides which there could be some loss of position and respect in this period. He/she would be enclosed with many enemies besides which some friends would also turn foes and so on the native would lack at the side of support and could also face deceit and treachery.The difficulties of life in rahu - rahu dasha or Bhukti would lead the person towards evil and immoral deeds and could leave him/her with mental distress and lack of peace. Sorrows and agony may prevail in the surrounding and family may not stay safe and would suffer. Distances could emerge in the closed relations for variant reasons. In general, this would be period of unhappiness while if the Rahu is placed in benefic position than all of negative effects would turn positive and would bring happiness to the person.

Results of Rahu-Jupiter dasha | Jupiter vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe planet Jupiter or Guru is perceived to be one of the most benefic planet and the one with supreme and true goodness to bestow human beings while on the other hand, Rahu is perceived to be a fiercely malefic planet. So on here, the arrival of Jupiter would pacify the adverse effects of Rahu to some extent and would bring some betterment and somewhat goodness in the natives life in this antardasha of Jupiter in the mahadasha of Rahu.The native in Rahu-Jupiter dasha would face some development in his/her life as he/she may receive back respect and influence of their personality due to being emerged with knowledge besides which they would see the positive growth in the relations around in the personal as well as professional arena. Enemies would be defeated either by friendship or war and good health may prevail.The person in Rahu-Jupiter dasha would get inclined towards spiritual aspects and may pursue some pilgrimages besides which the person would get enclosed with sages and pious souls. The person would attain good treasury and would be endowed with good gains in this period besides which there would be growth in social status as well.The ill-placement of planets in the horoscope chart would bring most of negative impacts as loss of wealth and professional downfall besides which there could be bad health till the extent of premature death in the Rahu-Guru bhukti.

Results of Rahu-Saturn dasha | Saturn vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe planet Saturn or Shani is perceived to be one of the malefic planets though it is believed to carry problems for making the native learn and emerge high besides which it also brings divine blessings at times. The arrival of antardasha of planet Saturn as a sub period to mahadasha of one of the most malefic planet Rahu makes this combination more fierce and adverse for the native as both of them would bring negative effects and would carry many problems for the native.These planets would creates hurdles in the professional path of the native as resulting towards the loss of position and downfall of financial stature of the native. The people of this Rahu-Saturn dasha or Bhukti would confront conflicts and quarrels besides which they would be surrounded by many evils souls and enemies who would harm them. They could also loose their respect & dominance besides which some clashes are also indicated with governmental institutions.In this period of Rahu-Saturn dasha or Bhukti, bitterness or distances in relations may arise besides which there would be distress and lack of peace to the native due to unfavorable environment all around. Harm and injuries to the body is also possible in this period due to diseases or accidents. Heart problems and foreign travels could also be a part of this segment. In the end, this period of Rahu-Shani would be of much difficulties when the native would require to possess much persistence.Results of Rahu-Mercury dasha | Mercury vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe planet Mercury or Budh being a benefic planet would pacify some of the adverse effects of Rahu from the natives life and would bring somewhat betterment in their lives. Here the Rahu would bring problems in the path of the native while the Mercury would show him/her the way to emerge out unwounded. Besides this, as the domination of Rahu would prevail for its beings in Rahu Mahadasha, Mercury in it's antardasha would be able to wipe out the negativity to a extent only. So on we wont call it a balanced combination but will call it as a better one.The person in Rahu-Mercury dasha or bhukti would emerge as more intellectual in this period and would become more sincere & careful than before due to the presence of Mercury and this would help him/her to safely jump over many hurdles. Besides this, the health of the native would also improve and there would be some peace at mind. This period would also bring some positive development in closed relations.The native in Rahu-Mercury dasha or bhukti would see some growth in his/her financial stature besides which the person would enjoy comforts and luxuries. There would a development in his social stature and dominance of personality as he/she would attain respect and admiration and they would receive the support of governmental arenas. Besides this, his/her treasury of materialistic wealth would also increase.On the other part, the impact of Rahu would lead the person towards some evil and immoral deeds though the planet Mercury wont let it go towards much extent. These would include disrespecting divine presence and affronting spirituality and related arenas, habit of lying, unwanted and unreasonable quarrels besides which there could be fear from government, thieves and snakes in this bhukti of Rahu-Budh.

Results of Rahu-Ketu dasha | Ketu vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe shadow planets Rahu and Ketu are the two most malefic planets which are perceived to bring fiercely adverse effects to the native in all kinds of placements as there would be very few horoscopes in which the negative effects of these planets would get suppressed while turning it completely positive is not feasible.The Rahu-ketu dasha or Bhukti would make this period very much tough and harsh for the native as he/she would confront obstacles in almost every aspect while their would be much impediments in the career and financial path. This all would result in loss of position and respect besides an explicit downfall in affluence and stature of respect.The native in Rahu-ketu dasha or Bhukti would get inclined towards immoral and illegal pursuits while he/she would repel spiritual aspects and would not believe much upon divine presence. The native people would receive harm from thieves, fire, poison, quarrels and weapon besides which they could suffer from fever and ailments caused by gaseous substances. On the other part, the natives could be made to go away from closed ones and family due to variant reasons besides which he/she could be compelled to wander unreasonably.In the end, distress and agony would play a major role in this period of Rahu-ketu or Bhukti and peace would be absent in the surroundings..Results of Rahu-Venus dasha | Venus vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe planet Venus or Shukra is one of the benefic planets in Indian astrology which brings positive impacts to the native but it could also appear as somewhat malefic in some adverse placements. Here, in the combination of Rahu Venus, it would wipe out some of the adverse impacts of Venus but as the domination would be of Rahu only, the hurdles and difficulties would also be present in the natives path.The natives in Rahu Venus dasha or bhukti would be needed to put much of endeavor which would lead them towards growth but they wont receive worthy and deserving amount of results from their hard work. Their would be a somewhat betterment in finances and social stature. There would be some differences with friends but the spouse of the native would be a reason of bliss as well as of wealth. Altogether, this would be a period of distress but there would also be some positive happenings to bring some happiness in the natives life like birth of son or building of a new house. The person in Rahu Venus dasha or bhukti would also enjoy some comforts and good moments of life but at the whole, it would comprise difficult times of life.The other hurdles of natives path would include fear from government, urinary problems, blood problems, anemia, nervous disorder, wrath of Brahmins, imprisonment, loss of wealth and snakes in the Rahu - Shukra Bhukti.

Results of Rahu-Sun dasha | Sun vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe Sun or Surya is perceived to be one of the supremely benefic planets and the bringer of true happiness and prosperity to the natives besides which it is one of the potent astrological presence. For the same reasons, Sun would vanish most of malefic effects of Rahu and would bring much of betterment and positive shades in the natives life.The person in Rahu-Sun dasha or Bhukti would become strong at the core and would walk potent in the path of success besides which there would be an explicit growth in the financial stature of the person. The impact of Sun or Surya would make the person see in the positive direction and would make him/her walk towards the moral and true path besides this, the native would get truly inclined towards the spiritual aspects and religious enclosures.The stature of respect & authority of the native would enhance further to a good height in their period, besides which the native would receive support from government and would be endowed with acknowledgements and rewards. This would be a segment of fulfillment of most of the ambitions and dreams of the native and so on his/her self believe would also grow further.The native in Rahu - Sun dasha or Bhukti would have some hurdles as well in his/her path due to Rahu and those would include efforts of enemies to harm the person, fear from poison, weapon & king, fever, dysentery, danger form thieves & foes and unreasonable quarrels. Altogether, this rahu - Surya would almost be a period of growth but would have some obstacles in the path.

Results of Rahu-Moon dasha | Moon vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe Moon or Chandra is perceived to be one of the benefic planet in the arena of Indian astrology but it is one of the soft and fragile presence as it can rarely dominate over the other planets and so on for the same reasons, Moon or Chandra wont be able enough to wipe off the malefic effects of Rahu and the native would confront much of Rahu impacts in his/her life path. It would emerge as one of the worst combinations for human beings.The natives in Rahu Moon dasha or bhukti would have much of restlessness and anxiety in this period which would emerge from the difficulties enclosing them. They would confront many conflicts with closed ones and their foes would increase in this period besides which they would face lack of support in the professional as well as personal arena.There would be a downfall in professional and financial heights as there would be much presence of obstacles in the natives path and it would make the person disturbed and weak at the mental composure. He/she would loose the authority and dominance of their personality in Rahu Moon dasha or bhukti. On the other part, children would be the reason for happiness and there would be some comfort at home besides which the native would lead towards success through a very difficult path. Death of daughter in law may happen in this period of Rahu- Chandra bhukti .Results of Rahu-Mars dasha | Mars vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dashaThe planet Mars or mangal is believed to bring most of adverse effects to the natives while its arrival with another highly malefic Rahu would lead this combination towards a worst appearance. These planets would bring most of negative impacts upon the natives life and would make him/her confront much difficulties in life.The native in Rahu-Mars dasha or bhukti would confront a downfall in career and financial stature which would vividly effects his/her dominance and position as the person would loose his social strength too because of much presence of impediments and hurdles in the path. The native Rahu-Mars dasha or bhukti would loose his/her memory in this period and would face a period of much distress and absence of peace. But, the hard work and efforts of the person would save the person to somewhat extent.On the other part, if the placement of Rahu and Mars are favorable in the horoscope chart then, this combination would lead the person towards much heights in the professional and social enclosure and would make him/her stand highly dominating and potent. While on the general part, Rahu - mangal bhukti would bring much difficulties and agony to the person.

Results of Jupiter or Guru vimshottari MahadashaThe planet Jupiter or Guru is perceived to be one of the supremely benefic presence in the Indian astrological arena as it is believed to bring most of the goodness and positive shades to the natives life. Jupiter is the giver of true wisdom as leading towards prosperity and happiness besides which it bestows the person with the positive strength at core and with respect upon land.Jupiter or Guru in it's mahadasha makes the person see the right things in the right direction and take the right decisions besides which here the natives would be sincere and honest towards every aspects of life which would take them towards the professional heights and would endow them with financial strength as well. People would emerge wiser in this period or Jupiter or Guru and will attain reverence from the surroundings as leading towards a strong & dominant position.The person would under Jupiter or brihaspati ' s vimshottari maha dasha receive positive impact upon mind and would have pure thoughts & perceptions which would take him/her over the righteous path besides which they would be inclined towards spiritual and religious aspects for which they would get truly involved in the same. He/she would stay close to pious people and sacred pursuits. In this segment, the native would acquire true knowledge and would emerge high as wiser.There would be high peace and persistence from mind to the surrounding in the Jupiter period besides which their would be betterment in all sorts of relations and some good relations with the sovereign people would develop. Happiness and bliss would be a major part of this segment as both at the personal and professional arena. This segment would bring all the goodness to the person while the only indicated problem would be of body aches he/she may face.Sub-periods or antardashas of all planets under Jupiter vimshottari mahadasha are as follows:Jupiter Mahadasha - Jupiter Antardasha :The planet Jupiter is perceived to be a supremely benefic planet as it is the giver of wisdom and knowledge which takes the person towards heights of success with ....Read moreJupiter Mahadasha - Sun Antardasha :The Sun is perceived to be one of the supremely benefic planets and the one which brings brilliance of goodness and happiness into lives besides which it is the giver of pow...Read moreJupiter Mahadasha - Moon Antardasha :The celestial Moon is believed to be one of the benefic planets in the astrological arena which brings most of the goodness in the natives life besides which Jupiter also .... Read moreJupiter Mahadasha - Mars Antardasha :The Planet Mars is believed to be one of the potent planets in our Indian astrological arena and so on these planets because of their high potency are perceived to....Read moreJupiter Mahadasha - Saturn Antardasha :Planet Saturn is perceived to be one of the malefic planets which is believed to be the bringer of harshness into lives though it leads towards the good in the end. So on the...Read moreJupiter Mahadasha - Mercury Antardasha :The planets Mercury and Jupiter are strongly believed benefic planets as they are only the givers of goodness to the person but they lack at the aspect of pote....Read moreJupiter Mahadasha - Venus Antardasha :The planet Venus is perceived to be one of the benefic planets which brings most of the positive effects to the person while it could also appear as adverse at some places.....Read moreJupiter Mahadasha - Rahu Antardasha :The shadow planet Rahu is one of the well perceived malefic planet which would always bring negative impacts upon the natives and would bring much hurdles in t....Read moreJupiter Mahadasha - ketu Antardasha :The shadow planet Ketu is well known as a highly malefic planet and is believed to bring much hurdles in the natives life while here when Ketu has come as a sub p....Read moreResults of Jupiter-Jupiter dasha | Jupiter vimshottari antardasha under Jupiter Maha dashaThe planet Jupiter or Guru is perceived to be a supremely benefic planet as it is the giver of wisdom and knowledge which takes the person towards heights of success with respect from the surroundings. Here in this combination of Guru-Guru dasha, it is dominated with Jupiter which would bring most of the positive shades to the person.The natives in Jupiter-Jupiter dasha or bhukti would attain a mature vision and understanding towards life besides which he/she would emerge true and loyal from the core and would appear as noble personalities. The native would have a strong place in the professional as well as social arena besides which there would be immense peace at home.Altogether, Jupiter-Jupiter dasha would be a blissful period and the native would have true satisfaction

Results of Jupiter-Saturn dasha | Saturn vimshottari antardasha under Jupiter MahadashaPlanet Saturn is perceived to be one of the malefic planets which is believed to be the bringer of harshness into lives though it leads towards the good in the end. So on the arrival of planet Saturn antardasha in the Mahadasha of Jupiter would result in the balanced form of impacts as it would be a blend of both difficulties and blissful moments.In this Jupiter-saturn period, the natives would confront hurdles in most of pursuits for which they would be needed to put more hard work and much efforts to emerge safe towards success besides which Jupiter would bestow them the right vision to make them keep walking over the righteous path even if difficulties are compelling towards evil.The native in Jupiter-Saturn dasha or Bhukti would lead a normal period of life if the planetary placements wont go against besides which some health problems could also be present.Results of Jupiter-Mercury dasha | Mercury vimshottari antardasha under Jupiter MahadashaThe planets Mercury and Jupiter are strongly believed benefic planets as they are only the givers of goodness to the person but they lack at the aspect of potency. This combination of Jupiter-Mercury would bring both good and bad times and would keep a balance in between while the ill-placement of ruling planets in the horoscope chart could take this segment towards bitterness.The natives of Jupiter- Mercury dasha or Bukti would receive good intellect and wisdom besides possessing trueness of the core but the ill-placement of Mercury could turn the natives weak at the mental composure. He/she would receive good rewards and acknowledgement as leading towards the success and would be a