Dark Island©1994,1999 By Michael C. LaBossiere [email protected] Call of Cthulhu Legal Information This adventure is copyright 1999 by Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere. It may be freely distributed for personal use provided that it is not modified and no fee above the normal cost of distribution is charged for it. Visit my web site at www.opifex.cnchost.com. Call of Cthulhu is Chaosium Inc's registered trademark for their game of horror and wonder in the worlds of HP Lovecraft. For more information, contact Chaosium Inc., 950-A 56th St, Oakland, CA 94608 -- or call us at 510-595-2440. Visit Chaosium's web page at www.chaosium.com/cthulhu/. Keeper's Timeline 1956: Dr. David Johnson's Antarctic expedition recovers artifacts from the ruins of an ancient city. These artifacts are confiscated by the government and put into storage. 1964: Major Gerald Green is put in charge of Operation Dark Ice, a special project involving the artifacts Johnson found. 1965: Major Gerald Green contacts Dr. David Johnson. Green attempts to persuade Johnson to join his project, but Johnson refuses and threatens to go to the press. Green has Johnson killed. 1966: Operation Dark Ice is renamed "Angband" and is moved from its location in a remote part of Maine to a small Pacific island after an unpleasant accident. 1970: Operation Dark Ice steps up its operations due to pressure to produce weapons for the Vietnam war. Green is promoted to Lt. Colonel. 1971: A terrible accident on "Angband" results in the horrible deaths (and worse) of all the personnel, except Green. Green escapes in a damaged helicopter, which crashes in the sea. He is rescued after several days at sea and spends several months recovering for his ordeal. An expedition to the island vanishes without a trace. The government declares the island quarantined and spreads a cover story about radiation. To back up the story, canisters of nuclear waste are dumped (by air) on the island. 1972-1974: Green heads up a variety of special projects (mostly "black ops") during the war. 1993: After a leak, a congressional investigation of certain special projects begins. Representative Janet Sloane learns of "Angband" and begins her investigation of the project. 1994: Sloane contacts the investigators and requests their aid in her investigation. General Green learns of Sloane's plans and starts putting together a team to recover material from "Angband" and put an end to Sloane's investigation once and for all. Keeper's Introduction This adventure takes place on a small island in the Pacific that was once the site of a top secret government project involving dreadful Mythos artifacts. During the course of the adventure, the investigators will face threats from the horrible remnants of an accident that occurred over thirty years ago and from General Green's "clean- up" crew. Getting the Players Involved At some point prior to the running of this adventure, the investigators should become known (directly or indirectly) to Representative Sloane. This may be done in an earlier adventure or the

Dark Island©1994,1999 By Michael C. LaBossiere · together a team to recover material from "Angband" and put an end to Sloane's investigation once and for all. Keeper's Introduction

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Page 1: Dark Island©1994,1999 By Michael C. LaBossiere · together a team to recover material from "Angband" and put an end to Sloane's investigation once and for all. Keeper's Introduction

Dark Island©1994,1999By Michael C. LaBossiere

[email protected] of Cthulhu

Legal InformationThis adventure is copyright 1999 by

Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere. It may befreely distributed for personal useprovided that it is not modified and nofee above the normal cost of distributionis charged for it. Visit my web site atwww.opifex.cnchost.com.

Call of Cthulhu is Chaosium Inc'sregistered trademark for their game ofhorror and wonder in the worlds of HPLovecraft. For more information, contactChaosium Inc., 950-A 56th St, Oakland,CA 94608 -- or call us at 510-595-2440.Visit Chaosium's web page atwww.chaosium.com/cthulhu/.

Keeper's Timeline1956: Dr. David Johnson's Antarcticexpedition recovers artifacts from theruins of an ancient city. These artifactsare confiscated by the government andput into storage.1964: Major Gerald Green is put incharge of Operation Dark Ice, a specialproject involving the artifacts Johnsonfound.1965: Major Gerald Green contacts Dr.David Johnson. Green attempts topersuade Johnson to join his project, butJohnson refuses and threatens to go tothe press. Green has Johnson killed.1966: Operation Dark Ice is renamed"Angband" and is moved from itslocation in a remote part of Maine to asmall Pacific island after an unpleasantaccident.1970: Operation Dark Ice steps up itsoperations due to pressure to produceweapons for the Vietnam war. Green ispromoted to Lt. Colonel.

1971: A terrible accident on "Angband"results in the horrible deaths (andworse) of all the personnel, exceptGreen. Green escapes in a damagedhelicopter, which crashes in the sea. Heis rescued after several days at sea andspends several months recovering forhis ordeal. An expedition to the islandvanishes without a trace. Thegovernment declares the islandquarantined and spreads a cover storyabout radiation. To back up the story,canisters of nuclear waste are dumped(by air) on the island.1972-1974: Green heads up a variety ofspecial projects (mostly "black ops")during the war.1993: After a leak, a congressionalinvestigation of certain special projectsbegins. Representative Janet Sloanelearns of "Angband" and begins herinvestigation of the project.1994: Sloane contacts the investigatorsand requests their aid in herinvestigation. General Green learns ofSloane's plans and starts puttingtogether a team to recover material from"Angband" and put an end to Sloane'sinvestigation once and for all.

Keeper's IntroductionThis adventure takes place on a

small island in the Pacific that was oncethe site of a top secret governmentproject involving dreadful Mythosartifacts. During the course of theadventure, the investigators will facethreats from the horrible remnants of anaccident that occurred over thirty yearsago and from General Green's "clean-up" crew.

Getting the Players InvolvedAt some point prior to the running of

this adventure, the investigators shouldbecome known (directly or indirectly) toRepresentative Sloane. This may bedone in an earlier adventure or the

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investigators and the congresswomancould have a mutual friend. In any case,the investigators will receive a letter orfax from the congresswoman thatrequests their aid in one of herinvestigations. The letter provides somedetails of her current investigation andthese details are provided in Handout#1.

If the investigators do not knowSloane personally, they will have at leastheard of her exploits in the newspaperand on TV. Most of her activities havefocused on devastating investigationsinto various illicit and illegitimategovernment projects and she has builtquite a reputation (and a substantialnumber of powerful enemies).

If the investigators agree to go alongwith Sloane, she will send (bygovernment courier) them a briefingpacket and tickets to Bangor, Maine. Thebriefing packet contains a variety ofnews clippings, declassified documents,notes and photographs. The moreinteresting information is given in theform of handouts for the players.Briefly, the contents of the packetsuggest that a Dr. Johnson was involvedin some sort of research in the Antarcticthat was later taken over by thegovernment. The details are sketchy, butthere is a suggestion that Dr. Johnsonwas later murdered as part of a coverup. The packet also contains a fewdetails and some guesswork about aproject called "Angband", which beganin a wooded section of Norway, Maineand was later moved to a small PacificIsland. The information suggests thatsomething rather unwholesome wasgoing on that began in the frozen wastesof the Antarctic and ended on a tropicalisland.

If the investigators do not go alongwith Sloane, they will read of her tragicdeath in a helicopter accident in thePacific. In actuality, Green's "clean-up"crew will have arranged the "accident"

for her, before they went on to meettheir deaths (or worse) on "Angband."

A Trip to MaineSloane's investigation will begin in

Maine. She learned that a top-secretproject, "Operation Dark Ice", wasoriginally located in Maine and wasmoved to an island in the Pacific. Shesuspects that General Green eliminatedall evidence at the site in Norway, butshe wants to check, just in case. Besides,she has to wait for her transportation tothe island.

As noted above, Sloane will providethe investigators with tickets to BangorInternational Airport. Bangor is a smallcity in Maine. Investigators can findalmost anything they need (provided itis legal) in Bangor or in a nearby town(such as Orono or Old Town). Sloanewill meet the investigators at the airport.Sloane (as well as two Secret ServiceGuards and two aides) will accompanythe investigators to Norway, Maine.

Norway, MaineNorway is about a three hour drive

from Bangor. It is an extremely smalltown whose main industry is a lumberyard and the nearby Oxford HillsSpeedway. There are a few stores (asmall department store, a drugstore, asporting goods store, and some others)on main street and there is a hospital inthe town (which serves Norway, OxfordHills, and nearby communities). NearNorway is a small mall and some otherstores. Aside from fishing at NorwayLake and hunting in the vast woods,there is not much to do in Norway.

The local people will be curiousabout the presence of Sloane and theinvestigators, but they will be friendlyas long as the investigators behaveproperly (Sloane and her people will notinstigate any problems). As long as theinvestigators behave appropriately, theworse threat they will face in Norway is

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a couple of high school kids who mighttry to steal some of their possessions (toget money for drugs).

A Meeting with Captain JosephLeland, Retired

The primary reason for Sloane's tripto Maine is to talk to Captain Leland.Leland was part of Green's operationfrom the start and was with him untilthe accident in Maine. Horrified by the"accident", Leland requested transferfrom Green's unit and was promptlysent to the worst combat zone inVietnam. After losing his right arm,Leland was given a medical dischargeand returned to the States. Afterreturning to the states, he wanderedaround and spent several years as ahomeless vet. He finally ended up inNorway after hearing about a "killerbear" in the woods. Leland rightlysuspected it was some survivingproduct of Project "Dark Ice." Lelandhunted it through the woods, finallytracking and killing it at the oldcompound. Since then, Leland hasresided in Norway.

Leland lives in a modest cabin in thewoods near Norway. The cabin is wellkept and two German Sheppards rompabout the yard. They are friendly, butwill bark a warning and not allowanyone to approach the cabin withoutLeland's permission.

Leland will be home when theinvestigators arrive (he retired as aschoolteacher some years ago and he istoo sick to get around much). He willgreet them at the front door and thenslump into his chair. He is sufferingfrom several types of cancer and knowshe will be dying soon, so he wants topass on what he knows to somebodyelse.

After any small talk, he will tell thefollowing story:

"Back in 1964 I was assigned to

Major Green's special operations. It wasa real honor to be assigned to such aproject and the pay was great. Greenwas a man of vision and his fanaticismwas contagious. For some time Ibelieved him, then I began to see whatwent on behind the closed doors. Thethings I saw...you wouldn't believe thethings I saw. Green had these items thatwere way beyond any technology I hadever seen. I think they might have beenfrom crashed space vessel...or maybesomething worse. In 1966 things came toa head here in Norway. One of Green'sexperiments got out of control andseveral people died. Dave didn'tdie...something far worse happened tohim. Since things were getting a bit topublic, Green's superiors ordered him toshut down operations. We burnedeverything that would burn and thenwe sealed the area with concrete. I toldGreen I had had enough of his projects.The next thing I knew I was on a planeto Vietnam. It was hell there. I lost a lotof friends and my arm, too. After I cameback to the States, I was a real mess. Iwandered the streets for years, until Iread about a killer bear in the woodsnear Norway. Since I never actually sawDave die, I suspected that he, or whatwas left of him, might have been stillout in those woods. I traveled back toNorway and went hunting. After weeksof tracking and stalking, I ambushedDave by the ruins. Dave washorrible...half man and half...halfsomething else. It took five shots frommy .30-30 to take him down. I soakedthe remains in gasoline and then prayedfor Dave while they burned. I decided tostay in the area, just in case anythingelse survived out there in the woods. SoI could stay alive and keep watch, I keptquiet about what I know. I'm dyingnow, so I have nothing to lose by tellingyou what I know. Even though my timeis nearly at an end, it is good to knowthat there are people who will be

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watching out for the things that comeout of the dark."

Leland knows a fair amount of whatwent on at Dark Ice. If asked about theoperation, he will tell the investigatorsthat it was a military operation thatinvolved research on a variety ofstrange items. According to Leland, theitems were extremely strange and werecomposed of materials that did notappear to be native to earth. These itemswere taken from the project site when itwas shut down. If asked about theaccident, Leland will say that one of thecontainment chambers failed and Dr.David Norton was infected withsomething that seemed to melt half hisbody down to the bone. If asked moreabout David's fate, Leland will say thatthe thing he encountered in the woodswas completely mad, violent, andmonstrous in appearance. According toLeland, David had an unnatural vitalityand was able to sustain wounds thatwould have killed any normal man. Oncloser examination, some parts of hisbody appeared normal, while otherparts seemed to be composed of atranslucent jelly and twisted rubberyflesh.

Leland will be willing to provide theinvestigators with the location of theDark Ice site. Because of his rapidlyfailing health (he has less than a monthleft), he will be unable to accompany theinvestigators.

Project "Dark Ice" Ruins MapThe ruins of the project are located

deep in the woods of Norway. The roadthat went to the project was deliberatelyruined and blocked years ago. The onlyway to reach the site is on foot,horseback, or on a cross country cycle.The site is located three miles from thenearest road.

The ruins are located in a smallclearing amidst the pine trees. A few

scattered bits of wood and concreteindicate that a variety of buildings werelocated in the area (barracks, the mess,and storage buildings). The maincomplex of Project Dark Ice" waslocated underground. This complex wasemptied out and then filled withconcrete. All that is visible is a slab ofconcrete. Located next to some buildingremains and buried beneath the soil arethe remains of Norton. If theinvestigators exhume the bones, it willbe evident that the bone structure of oneside of the body appears quiteunnatural. Dental records will revealthat the remains are clearly those ofDavid Norton. Careful analysis of theremains by a competent scientist ormedical examiner will reveal that theunnatural looking sections haveradically altered DNA. The altered DNAwill appear to contain sequences thatexist nowhere else in the natural world.In fact, those sections have been alteredby material recovered from the ruins ofan Elder Thing city. Aside from theremains, there is nothing else that can berecovered from the area.

Because of the great care which wastaken in "cleaning up" the project, thereis nothing the investigators will be ableto find that will link the ruins to aspecial military project. If theinvestigators do further checking aboutDavid Norton, they will find a record ofhis discharge in 1966. According to thefiles on Norton (which Sloane canacquire, if the investigators ask), hebecame mentally unbalanced and beganprivate experiments. The records statethat he was given a dishonorabledischarge in 1964 for conductingdangerous genetic experimentationwithout official approval.The files alsosay that he was scheduled for criminalprosecution, but escaped and was neverlocated. Naturally, these files areforgeries. If the investigators contact hissister (his only surviving relative), she

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will say that she received a phone callfrom the government saying that herbrother was a fugitive from militaryjustice and that he was very dangerous.She didn't believe them. She won't beable to help the investigators any furtherand if they persist in drawing attentionto her, Green will make her vanish.

The Island

Journey to the IslandSloane has arranged transport to the

island aboard a research vessel throughone of her influential friends. The ship,the Neptune, is sponsored by severalfoundations and universities and is wellequipped. It even has a helicopter padand a small helicopter (it is actually arefitted naval vessel). The vessel will bemaking several stops along the way forfilming and research (there are currentlytwo major documentaries underway),giving the investigators a chance torelax a bit (except when the are asked tohelp out in some shark filming...). Thecrew of the vessel will be curious aboutSloane and the investigators. Sloane'scover story is that she is concernedabout the environment and that she isconducting a fact-finding tour aboardthe Neptune. Since this story is true, thecover will hold quite well. Theinvestigators might have some difficultyfitting in, but the crew won't press themtoo much. Unless the Keeper wishes toarrange some trauma for theinvestigators, the journey to the islandwill be interesting, but not particularlydangerous.

The Neptune will anchor about twomiles from the island (the area aroundthe island is full of coral reefs, makinggetting to close to the island quitedangerous) and the crew will beginoperations in the area (filming, research,etc.). After two days, the captain willallow Kelley to fly Sloane and her party

to the island. The helicopter is equippedwith a tool kit and a survival kit (a smallraft, life vests, a medical kit,desalination kit, rations, flare gun,fishing kit, and survival knife). Thehelicopter can carry five passengers(and a limited amount of gear)internally. In an emergency, up to fourpeople could stand on the landing strutsand hold on to the outside of thehelicopter. Doing this without safetylines of some kind would require aDEXx5 roll every mile of travel. Rollswill also be required if the helicopterperforms violent movements. Theresults of fallingoff the helicopterdepends on the particularly situation. Afall from a great height onto an exposedreef would certainly kill an investigator,while a fall from a moderate height intothe ocean would not be particularlydangerous.

Because of the passenger limit, thehelicopter will have to make multipletrips to drop people off. After all thosewho are going to shore have beendropped off, Kelley will return thehelicopter to the ship, unless theinvestigators ask her to remain on theisland. If the investigators persuade herto stay (which shouldn't be too difficult,since her alternative is sitting around onthe ship).

If the helicopter is unavailable whenthe investigators decide to leave theisland, they can call the ship, which willsend a launch to the edge of the reef.The investigators will have to swim outto meet the launch, which will requireone swimming roll. Unfortunately,sharks frequent the water. There is a10% chance that swimminginvestigators will attract the attention of1D3 sharks per investigator. If anyinvestigators are bleeding, the chanceincreases 20% per bleeding investigator.The sharks are detailed below.Island Maps

The island is rather small and is the

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product of volcanic activity and coralgrowth. The island has a single slopinghill and is surrounded by a coral reef.The island is heavily overgrown withtropical growth and protrudes like aswollen tumor from the sea.

On the island are a landing strip, the"Anband" project compound, andseveral small dumpsites. From the air,the landing strip and compound arevisible. Both are heavily overgrownwith jungle growth, and a badlydamaged plane and a helicopter arevisible on the landing strip. However,those viewing the island will feel ashiver run up their spines and havevague premonitions of doom.Player's Island Map

The player's island map shows whatwill be visible from an over flight of theisland. The reef will be clearly visible, aswill the landing strip (although it isbadly overrun with growth). Thecompound is also noticeable, but it isbadly overgrown.Player's Compound and Airstrip Maps

From the air, using binoculars, theinvestigators will be able to get a decentview of compound. The compound hasa intact wall around it with watchplatforms. The wall is heavilyovergrown with vegetation. Thecompound buildings appear mostlyintact, although there are signs ofweather damage and they are heavilyovergrown with vines. The pavedsections of the compound are barelyvisible, as plants have torn through theasphalt. The compound’s flagpole is stillintact and a few tattered rags of the flagare still left hanging from it. The bonesof the skeletons are not visible from theair, since they have been overgrownwith plants. An investigator who makesan Idea roll will notice that although theother areas of the island are rife withbirds and animals, the area around thecompound is devoid of such life.

Flying over the airstrip will reveal

that it is intact enough to land ahelicopter on, but that it is badlyovergrown. A badly damaged transportplane is located on the runway (it is alsooverrun with vines) along with a Marinehelicopter, which appears intact, butbadly weathered (like it has been therefor years-which it has). If theinvestigators scan the area withpowerful binoculars, they will be able tosee the bony remains of two people onthe runway. The airfield shack, like allother structures on the island, isovergrown, but appears intact. Like thecompound, animals and birds appear toshun the shack, as an Idea roll willreveal.

The investigators will havegovernment maps of the compound andlanding strip which provides the layoutof the compound, with labels for thebuildings. The maps do not provide anydetails of the building interiors or anychanges that have taken place since themaps were drawn up.

Keeper's MapsThe Keeper's maps reveal the details

of the current conditions on the island.

Island MapOcean: The area outside of the reef isnormal ocean.Reef: The reef is a normal coral reef.Sections of it protrude above thesurface. The reef's surface will cutunprotected individuals who attempt tocross it (1D3 of damage in most cases).An investigator with boots or sturdyshoes on would be able to walk over thereef safely.Rad: These are areas where one or more55-gallon drums of radioactive materialwere dropped. The drums have largelyrusted away and the contents havecontaminated the areas around thedrums. The radiation has caused someinteresting (and nasty) mutations in

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some of the plants and animals in thearea. All of the mutations are unpleasant(birds with twisted beaks and feet, fishwith twisted bodies) and manycreatures have cancer and tumors.Investigators that spend too much timein radioactive areas (a successful Idea,Biology, or Physics roll will indicate thatradiation is present) might become sick.If the crew of the Neptune learns aboutthe radiation, they will want to film anddocument it for inclusion in a newsshow.Hill: The hill is a gentle rise. The highestelevation is thirty-five feet above theocean.Landing Strip: This is the island'slanding strip. The landing strip is inpoor condition, as described above.Further details about the landing stripare given below.Compound: This is the "Angband"compound. It is detailed below.

Compound MapWall: The wall is wood and pouredconcrete. It is five feet high. The wall hascrumbled in some places and is heavilyovergrown with vines, moss, and otherplants. The wall is easy to scale, butthere are still sections of intact razorwire, which is hidden by the vegetation.If an investigator attempts to cross thewall, they will need to make a SpotHidden roll to see the wire. If theinvestigator spots the wire, he will beable to move it out of the way. If aninvestigator crosses the wall withoutmoving the wire, he must make a Luckroll to avoid taking one point ofdamage.Watch Platforms: These plywoodplatforms are badly rotted. If aninvestigator climbs onto one, he willcrash through it. If the investigator failsto roll under his DEX x 5, he will sustain1-2 points of damage.Gate: The gate is made of wooden polls

that have been reinforced with metalbands. The gate doors are hanging open.Skeleton #1: This is a skeleton of one ofthe Marines who came to the island to"clean up" the project. The tatteredremains of his uniform hangs from thebones and his rusted M-16 and .45 (bothof which are useless) lay nearby. He waskilled while trying to escape from thecompound (the Marines had attackedthe Gerthuths, who responded in kind).The dog tags are still intact, whichenables the investigators to determinethe remains are those of a Marine.Skeleton #2: This is another Marineskeleton (as the dog tags indicate). Thearm bones are broken in several placesand he skull is shattered.Skeleton #3: This is another Marineskeleton. The skull has several bulletholes in it (a Gerthuth used the Marinesown weapon to finish him off).Skeleton #4: This is a skeleton of aGerthuth (the remains have a set ofArmy dog tags among them).Theskeleton looks mostly human, but asuccessful Idea roll will indicatesomething is odd about the bones. Asuccessful Biology or Medicine skill rollwill reveal that the bones appear to havebeen mutated. To the trained eye, theyare clearly not the remains of a normalhuman being. There are dozens ofbullets amidst the bones and the bonesthemselves show signs of having beentorn apart by gunfire.Skeleton #5: This skeleton is that of aGerthuth. It appears to have beenshredded by gunfire.Skeleton #6:This is another Gerthuthskeleton. It has a combat knife stuck inits ribs and has been ripped up withgrenade shrapnel.Skeleton #7: This is another Gerthuthskeleton. The top of the skull is missingand shrapnel is embedded in its ribs.Living Quarters #1: This was thebarracks for the twenty enlisted men.The building is made out of poured

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concrete and has a wooden roof. Somesections of the walls are crumbling a bitand all of the walls abound with moss,fungus, and other slimy growths. Theroof is clearly in very bad shape. Thewooden door is hanging open and thereare bullet holes in the door. Thewindowpanes have been either brokenor shot out. Several small pieces offurniture and footlockers are strewn infront of the building.Living Quarters #2: this was thequarters for the four officers and twopilots assigned to the project. Thebuilding is of the same construction asthe enlisted men's quarters and is in badshape. The door has been torn off ithinges and lies, rotting, in front of thebuilding.Mess Hall: This was where thepersonnel used to eat. The building is ofthe same construction as the otherbuildings, and is in bad shape. Cookingutensils, ripped open cans, and othersuch items litter the area. After theirtransformation, the Gerthuths wereravenously hungry and ravaged theirway through the food supplies in themess building. Hence the mess outsidethe mess building.Rec Hall: The rec hall was where themen would try to relax. The building isconstructed in the same manner as theother buildings. The outside of thisbuilding is littered with the rottedremains of a couple tables and chairs.There are plastic pieces from variousgames and broken records strewnaround the building.Storage Building: This building wasused to store various things, such asfood, lab material, ammunition, fuel,and so forth. The storage building isconstructed in the same way as theother buildings and it is in the sameshape they are in. The doors are hangingopen and strewn in front of them arepieces of broken equipment, torn openfood containers, and other bits of debris.

Office Building: This building housedthe radio room, infirmary andadministrative offices. This building isof the same construction as the othersand is in fairly rough shape. The frontdoor has been forced open and there arebullet holes in it.Lab Building: The lab building is ofheavier construction than the otherbuildings (it is made of reinforcedconcrete), so it is in better shape than theothers.Unlike the other buildings, thisone has no windows, but it does haveseveral rusted ventilation grills. Themain doors are made out of reinforcedsteel. The doors are hanging open andappear undamaged.

Landing StripAirfield Shack: The shack is made outof corrugated metal and is quite rusted.It is heavily overgrown with vines andseveral varieties of fungi are growing onit. The doors show signs of having beendamaged and crudely repaired.Skeleton #1: This is the skeleton of oneof the project scientists who was killedby the MPs.Skeleton #2: This is the skeleton of aGerthuth that the pilot killed. The skullis shattered.Skeleton #3: This is the skeleton of oneof the project scientists who was killedby the MPs.Marine Helicopter: This helicopter isintact, but is in terrible condition. It isbadly rusted and covered with plantsand fungal growths. Inside thehelicopter is the Gerthuth that was thehelicopter pilot. He is in a state ofhibernation and plants and fungus hasgrown over his body, so he looks like aplain skeleton (the rotted remains of hisflight gear conceal most of the body).The Strip: The strip is in poor condition,thanks to years of neglect. A badlydamaged cargo plane rests on therunway, with the skeleton of one of the

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scientists near it. The plane appears tohave been deliberately sabotaged. Someof the project scientist, after realizingwhat was happening, crippled theplane to prevent anything fromescaping from the island. FollowingGreen's orders (Green thought thescientists might have been infected), theMPs killed the scientists.

Keeper's Building Interior Maps

Compound Buildings

Living Quarters #1Bunk Room: This was where thesoldiers slept. There are 10 bunk beds inthe room, all of which are in terriblecondition. The bedding is rotted andcovered with various growths. There areseveral footlockers scattered about theroom, with their contents in terriblecondition. Hibernating under one of thebunks is Soldier Gerthuth #1. He iscoated with fungus and only asuccessful spot hidden will reveal hispresence. If the investigators make agreat deal of noise, there is a 10%cumulative chance that the Gerthuthwill awaken (10% the first minute, 20%the second, 30% the third, etc.). TheGerthuth's likely actions are describedbelow.Generator Room: This room containsthe rusted remains of a gasolinepowered generator. The generator is nolonger functional and cannot berepaired. There are several rusted outfuel cans in the room as well as a rustedfuse box.Bathroom: The bathroom is in badcondition, with fungus nearly filling theshower stalls

Living Quarters #2Quarters #1: This was the quarters forGreen. The quarters have been tornapart and burned (the survivors

expressing their hatred of Green). Thereis nothing left intact in the quarters.Quarters #2: This was William'squarters. The furniture is mostly intact,although it has been damaged by waterleaking through the roof and the growthof various funguses. The footlocker inthe room is in surprisingly good shape(Williams worked to preserve it). In thelocker is one of Williams' uniform (it hashis name on it) which has been carefullywrapped in plastic.Quarters #3: This is the quarters for thejunior officers. Their skeletons lie on thefloor with two empty (and ruined) M-16s nearby. The door has been smashedopen and is full of bullet holes. Thesetwo officers were killed by theGerthuths when the Gerthuth firstunderwent transformation (the twoofficers shot at some Gerthuths andended up getting trapped in their livingquarters.Quarters #4: This was the quarters forthe sergeants. The room has been badlydamaged by water leakage, but itotherwise reasonably intact. There aretattered and rotted uniforms andvarious other personal items in thefootlockers. There is nothingparticularly useful or interesting in theroom.Generator Room: This room containsthe building's generator. It is badlyrusted and quite useless. A plasticgasoline container is in the room thatholds five gallons of gasoline that is stillin decent condition. There are alsoseveral rusted out metal containers.Bathroom: The bathroom is largelyintact, but has suffered from years ofneglect. There are massive amounts offungus growing everywhere. Needlessto say, there is no running water.

Mess HallDining Hall: The dinning hall containsfour large tables. The doors have beenforced open and there are bullet holes in

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them. On the floor, amidst brokenutensils, are the bones of three men.These men were soldiers who tried tohole up in the mess hall (because of thefood stores). The famished Gerthuthsforced their way into the building andkilled the soldiers when they wereattacked. The soldiers' bones show signsof having been gnawed on. Near thebones are three M-16s, all of which areobviously not usable. The interior isquite messy and several leaks in the roofhave facilitated the growth of a widevariety of slimes, molds, and funguses.Kitchen: The kitchen door has beenforced open and there are bullet holes inthe walls of the kitchen. Variouscooking utensils and old food containersare scattered about the floor, along withthe bones of a soldier. The bones appearto have been gnawed upon. The soldiersM-16 is bent almost in half and liesrusting on the floor. Gerthuth #2 iscurled up inside the oven, hibernating.If there is a lot of noise in the kitchen,there is a 40% he will wake up toinvestigate the noise.Generator Room: The room contains themess hall's generator. It is nonfunctional. Three rusted out gasolinecontainers are in the room, along withtwo gas cylinders (for the stoves). Acompetent individual could make thecylinders into rather destructive bombswith some modification.

Rec HallRec Room: The Rec Room was were thepersonnel used to attempt to relievetheir boredom (due to the secrecy of theproject, there was little in the way ofleave). The room holds severaloverturned tables, three pin ballmachines, pool tables, and various otherrecreation items (such as dart boards,game sets, etc.). The floor is strewn withgame pieces, darts, and various otheritems. A leak in the roof has enabled acolony of mushrooms to take up

residence on a pool table.Generator Room: This room contains thegenerator. It is in surprisingly goodcondition (there are no leaks in theceiling of this room) and can be made torun with successful Mechanical Repairand Electrical Repair rolls. This repairprocess will take 1D3 hours. Oncerepaired, the generator has a 20%chance of breaking down every fivehours of use. If it breaks down, it can berepaired again with the requiredrolls.There is enough usable gas incontainers to keep the generatorrunning for two days (the tank holdsenough gas to run the generatorcontinuously for 24 hours).

Office BuildingRadio Room: The room houses a varietyof 1970s radio and communicationequipment. The equipment is no longerfunctional, since a clip from an M-16was emptied into it by one of thescientists (to cut the island off from theoutside world). If an investigator canmake a successful Electrical Repair roll,she can jury rig a receiver or atransmitter. With two successful rolls,an investigator can rig atransmitter/receiver with a 50 milerange. Each roll will take 1D4 hours ofwork.Infirmary: The infirmary was a fairlywell equipped facility, with one of thescientists serving as a doctor and twoenlisted medics. The infirmary is badlytorn up (some of the transformedindividuals sought relief throughmorphine and other pain killers) andyears of rain have come through thebroken window. There are the remainsof various medicine containers,syringes, and other such items scatteredon the floor. The medical storage closetis also torn up quite badly.Hallway: The hallway doors have beenforced open (one of the doors is brokenoff its hinges) and there are spent shell

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casings on the floor. Gerthuth #3 ishibernating in the closet, covered withrotting bandages, sheets, and other stuff.There are nearly a dozen empty syringesaround him. There is a 20% chance hewill react to noise in the room.Generator Room: The generator roomholds the office building's generator.The generator is in fairly good conditionand can be made to run again with athorough cleaning. There is enoughusable fuel stored in the room to run thegenerator for twelve hours. Gerthuth #5is hibernating on the floor of the room.There is a 30% chance he will react tonoise outside of the room. He willawaken if the generator room door isopened.Office #1: This office was shared by thetwo lieutenants. The office has twodesks, two filing cabinets and other suchfurniture. There are typewriters on thedesks which are in rather poor condition(the windows have been broken,allowing the weather to get in). Dues tothe years of water accumulation, there isnothing salvageable in the office.Office #2: This office belonged toCaptain Williams. The door to the officehas been knocked off its hinges and it isfull of bullet holes. The room contains adesk, typewriter, and other office items.The room is quite a mess and it is clearthere was a fierce fight in the room.Williams made his last stand as ahuman being in this office. Carefullywrapped in plastic and tacked on theback wall is a sheet of paper, the text ofwhich is given in Handout #6.Office #3: This office belonged to Green.The office contains a desk, several filingcabinets and various other items. Twobadly rusted cavalry sabers hang on thewall (due to their condition, they do1D8-2 and only have 12 HPs left) alongwith several pictures, awards and soforth. The trash can on the floor is full ofold ash from papers that Green burnedprior to escaping from the island. One of

the filing cabinets has been wrapped inplastic sheets. Inside it are files whichhave also been wrapped in plastic. Afterhis transformation, Williams gatheredthe surviving records from Greens filingcabinets and then did his best topreserve them. These files reveal a greatdeal about the project, what governmentand military officials were involved, andvarious other revealing facts. Theinformation contained in the files wouldcreate quite a stir if it was carefullyreleased to the press (as long as nointeresting celebrity news eclipses it). IfSloane uses the information carefully,she will be able to begin severalgovernment investigations. Theinformation will also be very interestingto historians. Williams is curled upunder Green's desk and is hibernating.There is a 50% chance he will awaken ifthe investigators make noise in thebuilding. If the investigators mess withthe filing cabinet, he will wake up.William will attempt to communicatewith the investigators and will, if hetrusts them, tell them about the papershe has preserved.

Storage BuildingStorage Space:This building was usedto store the various items the projectneeded, ranging from pencils tomicroscopes. The interior is quite messyas the Gerthuths went tearing througheverything looking for food, alcohol,and medical drugs.There are also someareas where water has leaked throughthe roof, creating some rather slimyareas. If the investigators take the timeto dig around in the containers, theywill be able to find a case of four M-16swhich are stored in thick oil. Oncecleaned, they will be usable. There isalso a case with six .45 Automaticswhich are stored in thick oil. They are inexcellent condition and can be usedafter they are cleaned. There are twentyM-16 clips and 20 .45 clips in boxes,

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which are all in good condition. Theinvestigators can also dig up 250 M-16shells and 150 .45 shells that appear tobe in good condition. If this ammunitionis used, there is a 15% chance that theround will be a dud (for ease ofhandling, the round can be considered adud if the player rolls 15% or less underthe malfunction roll. For example, if aweapon has a malfunction number of00, the round will be a dud on a 84-99roll. There is a variety of otherpotentially useful items, such as combatknifes, spare parts, tools, and so forth.Exactly what the investigators are ableto find is left up to the Keeper.Freezer: The freezer door has beenpulled off the hinges and the foodcontainers have been ripped apart. Aftertheir transformation, many of theGerthuth tore into the freezer in searchof food. Gerthuth #4 has taken upresidence in the freezer. He ishibernating under a pile of moldy foodcontainers. If the investigators makequite a bit of noise (by searching aroundin the storage space), there is a 35%chance that the Gerthuth will wake upand come to investigate.Generator Room: The generator in thisroom is badly rusted and cannot berepaired. There are several rusted outcans of gasoline in the room.

Lab BuildingHallway: The doors to the hallway areundamaged and are open. The interioris quite damp and dirt has graduallybeen washed into the hallway in whichplants have grown.Room #1-#3: These rooms were thequarters for the project scientists.Because of the solid construction of thebuilding and the lack of windows therooms are still in good condition. Eachroom has a bed, desk, closet and avariety of personal effects.Room #4: This is a room like the others,but Scientist Gerthuth #1is hibernating

under the bed. there is a 45% chance hewill wake up if the investigators createnoise. He is not likely to attack theinvestigators and will instead try tocommunicate with them.Room #5-#6:These rooms are similar tothe other quarters, except they have twobeds in them. The rooms are otherwiseempty.Bath Room: The bathroom is inrelatively good condition, with only alittle dried mold on the facilities.Generator Room: The generator is intactand shows signs of having been wellmaintained. It has been carefully oiledand there are enough containers of fuelto run it for 36 hours.

Underground LabAccess to the underground lab is via

a heavy duty door. The door is lockedand requires a key for access. The doorcan be forced (two investigators can pittheir STRs against the doors STR of 30)blased open with explosives, or the lockcan be picked.Lab #1: This lab contains a wide varietyof scientific instruments. Investigatorswith advanced knowledge of biology,genetics, or medicine (a skill at 40% orbetter) will recognize the equipment asadvanced (for the 1970s) equipment forgenetic engineering. The equipmentshows signs of heavy wear and there arepiles of notes on the table. The notes aredated and date up until a few years ago.After the 1970s, there are monthsbetween the dates (due to periods ofhibernation) and the handwriting ismuch worse than previously. To aknowledgeable investigator, it will beclear that the later writings aresubstantially inferior to the earlier work.A successful roll of biology or medicalskill will reveal that the later notes arefocused on trying to restore alteredhuman DNA back to its originalconfiguration. The earlier notes makereference to various highly complex and

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technical procedures in the area ofgenetic alteration. The notes (even thelater ones) are quite complex and wouldrequire several months of study by atrained individual to figure them out.The processes described make veiledreference to what appears to be somesort of alien DNA patterns.Lab #2: This lab is similar to #2, exceptthere are more notes piled up on thetables. The equipment also appears lessused. Most of the notes piled up on thetable are written in crude script andappear less advanced than the earlierwritings. These writings are all on thetopic of genetic engineering. Aninvestigator who makes a successfulBiology or Medicine skill roll will knowthat the writers of the notes are trying tocreate a virus that will selectively alterthe DNA in cells based on a template.Scientist Gerthuth #2 is hibernating inthis room, under on of the tables. Thereis a 35% chance he will wake up if theinvestigators are noisy.Lab #3: This room appears to have beenunused for years. There are old notesscattered about on the tables and theequipment has been removed from theroom. An investigator who makes asuccessful Biology or Medicine skill rollwill realize that the notes detail a seriesof advanced experiments involving theintroduction of extremely strange DNAto laboratory animals.Storage Room: This room holds theequipment from Lab #3 as well as avariety of supplies. Many of thechemicals have dried up or gotten tooold. Many of the supplies have beenused up.Airtight Lab: Access to this lab is via anairlock. The airlock shows signs ofhaving been forced open from theinside. The doors show signs of havingbeen crudely repaired. The interior ofthe lab contains advanced equipmentfor genertic engineering. The equipmentappears to be well used. There are six

Gerthuth Guinea Pigs in cages in thelab. They look quite horrible, requiring aSanity Roll. If the roll fails theinvestigator loses 1 point of Sanity.These creatures are quite harmless andwill flee if let out of their cages. In alarge, coffin shaped container is whatwas once a human being. This scientistwas infected by the Gerthuth agent andthen infected the others in his madnessand pain. The agent did terrible thingsto him, literally melting his flesh as itadapted itself to human DNA. Thescientist is no longer self aware andappears to be a puddle of fleshymaterial loosely attached to humanbones. The creature is incapable ofmoving. Seeing this thing costs 1/1D8Sanity points. There is also a specialmaterial container which holds thirty sixgrams of the original Gerthuth agent.Scientist Gerthuth #3 is hibernating inthis room. There is a 35% chance he willawaken if the investigators are noisy.Generator: The generator room is inexcellent condition. The generator hasbeen well cared for and there is 48 hoursof fuel stored in containers in the room.

Airfield ShackFuel Dump: The fuel dump holdsseveral badly rusted fuel drums. Most ofthe drums have completely rustedthrough and the fuel has leaked out anddried up years ago. Some of the barrelsstill have fuel in them and could catchfire or explode.Tool Shed: The tool shed is filled withrusty tools and other pieces ofmaintenance equipment. There is a fairamount of mold and other such growthson the walls and tools.Gerthuths #6 and#7 are hibernating in the tool shed,under some of the machinery. There is a25% chance they will awken if theinvestigators are noisy.

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LandingThe approach to the island will be

somewhat unsettling, due to the oddstillness and the presence of the(apparently) abandoned structures. Thelanding will not be dangerous since thelanding strip is relatively clear and thepilot is quite experienced (without avery good reason to do otherwise, thepilot will land at the strip).The landingstrip will appear rather spooky and canbe described in a way that will unnervethe players a bit "As the helicopterheads in for a landing, you can clearlymake out the craft on the strip. Likebodies left after a brutal murder, ahelicopter and a transport plane lierotting away on the runway, abandonedby all except the encroaching plants. Thearea appears still and empty, butsomewhere deep inside you, somethingfeels very wrong."

Once the helicopter is down, theinvestigators will be free to explore. Thehelicopter pilot will want to stay withthe helicopter, but she can be persuadedto accompany the investigators if theyinsist. If the Soldier Gerthuths in theshack are awakened by the sound of thehelicopter landing, they will watch fromthe shack and attempt to avoid detectionuntil they have observed for a while. Ifthe pilot is left with the helicopter, theywill attempt to capture and interrogateher (which might result in her death). Ifthe helicopter is left unattended, theSoldier Gerthuths will examine it andmay accidentally damage it (Keeper'sdiscretion). If the Soldier Gerthuthsremain undetected, they will trail theinvestigators and attempt to awaken theother Soldier Gerthuths before takingaction. If the pilot Gerthuth awakens, hewill probably attempt to communicatewith the investigators and will seemoddly interested in their helicopter and

the pilot. He will do his best to preventthe other Gerthuths from harming thehelicopter. If the Gerthuth do notawaken, they will remain hibernatinguntil they are disturbed.

If the investigators enter the shack orexamine the Marine helicopter, theymight well awaken the Gerthuth. If theGerthuth awaken, the Gerthuth willreact as described below (where theirstatistics are given).

Exploring the CompoundIn order to reach the compound, the

investigators will need to travel alongthe badly overgrown path to hecompound. The path was created bycutting through the jungle and appearsto have been used by a wheeled vehicle.The path is overgrown, but can still befollowed (it was well treated with somerather nasty chemicals, so the plant lifestill hasn't fully recovered). As theinvestigators walk along the path, theywill notice (if they make Idea rolls) thatthere is a surprising absence of animallife. There are plenty of nasty, bitinginsects, however. About halfway up thepath is an overturned jeep (a Gerthuthattempted to drive it down the path attop speed and didn't quite make it). It isbadly rusted and overgrown and cannot be made to run. Near the end of thepath (just in front of the entrance to thecompound) is a human skull on a metalpole. The skull is mossy, but a spraypainted biohazard symbol is still visibleon the skull. This skull was put up byone of the scientists, for some oddreason known only to him (perhapstriggered by some vague memory).

Encountering the GerthuthsAt some point, the investigators will

come across the Gerthuths. TheGerthuths' responses to theinvestigators will vary from Gerthuth toGerthuth and guidelines for Gerthuthbehavior are provided below (with the

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statistics for the Gerthuths). Thesurviving soldier Gerthuths will be themost likely to attempt violence againstthe investigators. If a soldier Gerthuthreacts violently to the investigator, hewill persist in his attempts at violenceuntil he succeeds, is defeated, orCaptain Williams is able to order a stopto the violence. The surviving scientistGerthuths are likely to seek aid from theinvestigators and they will not be proneto violence. Captain Williams isobsessed with returning himself and hismen to normal and with gainingrevenge on Green. He will do whateveris necessary to get off the island, gainaccess to research facilities, and to huntdown Green.

The initial encounter with theGerthuth should be utterly horrifying(You see what appears to be the fungusencrusted remains of a long deadman...something about the body looksvery wrong...you stare harder, trying todetermine what is wrong...then itmoves...). Gradually, the investigatorsshould learn of the horrible tragedy thatbefell the men of Project Angband (Thenoises the horrid thing in front of you ismaking suddenly come clear: "helpme...please...help me").

The investigators and members ofSloane's party will certainly react to theGerthuth in a variety of ways. Thedescriptions of the various NPCs will beuseful in determining their reactions.While Sloane will be terrified by theGerthuths, once she learns the truth, shewill be horrified and outraged. Sloanewill be determined to help the survivorsand expose the truth.

Green's Special TeamSloane's investigations attracted the

attention of Green and he has kept acareful watch on her. He has madeseveral indirect attempts to discredither, which have failed. When he learnedthat Sloane intended to visit the island,

he put together a team of trusted men todeal with the threat to his secrets. Thisteam will be dropped into the ocean bya long range aircraft and swim to theisland, towing a small raft with theirsupplied. They are equipped to cross thecoral reef and (due to their training) willbe able to do so without injury. Oncethey arrive on the island, they willconduct a quick recon sweep and thenseek out Sloane's party.

The team has orders to captureSloane's group and remove them fromthe island (they are scheduled to bepicked up by helicopters operating froma converted freighter) if possible. IfSloane and her people have learned tomuch, the team leader has orders toarrange an "accident." Because of thepotential for fallout, the team leader willprefer to avoid killing anyoneimportant. He will have his team searchanyone who is captured and willdestroy any incriminating evidence theymight find. Once the team leader hasrounded up Sloane's party, he will sendsome of his men to "clean up" the labsand other structures.

Green has warned the team that theymight encounter some "very strangethings," and that these things should bedestroyed on contact. Hence, the teammembers will attempt to kill anyGerthuth they encounter. The Gerthuthwill respond in kind, which might resultin a great deal of violence.

The team will also be expecting theinvestigators to be present. Unless theinvestigators are extremely secretive,Green's intelligence operatives will haveprovided the team members withinformation about them. The team willalso have a great deal of informationabout any investigators who were inthe military (US or foreign). Unless theinvestigators are important orinfluential, the team members will havequalms about killing them.

If the investigators are able to defeat

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the team members, they will beunwilling to talk, even if they aretortured. Of course, the threat ofexposure to the Gerthuth agent willprobably make them talk.

ResolutionIf the investigators survive the

adventure and are able to save Sloaneand most of her people, they shouldreceiv 1D3 Sanity points as a reward.Ifthe investigators are able to recoverenough evidence so that Sloane (or they)can get an investigation underway, theyshould receive a 1D3 bonus to theirSanity Points. If the investigators areable to rescue some of the Gerthuthsand bring them back safely, they shouldreceive another 1D3 points. If theinvestigators learn that a way has beendeveloped to restore the Gerthuths'humanity, they should receive a 1D6Sanity Point bonus.

If the investigators flee the island,leaving their companions to their fate,they should lose 1D6 Sanity points.

The actions of the investigatorsmight well have larger repercussions. Ifthe investigators are able to gatherenough evidence (such as the paperswhich Williams preserved), Sloane willbe able to begin an in depthinvestigation into the project andGreen's involvement. If Sloane is able tocarry out the investigation, it will shakeup some of the power structure. Ifthings get too hot, Green will sacrifice asmany of his underlings as he needs to topreserve himself (Green has too muchinfluence and power to ever be broughtdown). The evidence contained in thepapers William's preserved is quitedamning. It contains details of theprocedures used, signed orders andother such material. If Sloane gets herinvestigation underway, a specialinvestigation team will be sent to securethe island and an effort will be made to

reverse the effects of the Gerthuth agent.Naturally, various hidden governmentagencies will become involved and theywill attempt to acquire informationabout the agent. The exact results of theinvestigation are left to the Keeper. Apossible follow up adventure couldinvolve the investigators in an attemptto recover stolen Gerthuth material.

If the investigators are captured byGreen's team, they will be stripped oftheir equipment and any evidence theymight have gathered. Green's men willdo their best to "clean up" the islandwith fire and explosives. Capturedinvestigators will receive no SanityPoint reward, but they will also receiveno penalty (as long as they tried). OnceGreen's team has taken control, ahelicopter will come to pick up thesurvivors. Sloane and her people(including the investigators) will bedropped off at an abandoned islandwith a long range radio and enoughsupplied to last until they are rescued.Naturally, the team members havenothing with them that would link themto Green. If the investigators end upstranded on the island, they will berescued. Because of the lack of evidence,Sloane's investigation of this matter willcome to an end.

NPCSJanet Sloane, U.S. RepresentativeSTR 11CON 12SIZ 11INT 14POW 14DEX 12APP 15EDU 16SAN 70HP 12Damage Bonus: NoneWeapons: Fist 55% 1D3, Kick 36% 1D6,Grapple 27%

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Skills: Accounting 25%, Bargain 25%,Credit Rating 25%, Drive Auto 26%, FastTalk 35%, Law 45%, Library Use 38%,Occult 15%, Persuade 35%, Psychology15%.Equipment: Macintosh PowerBook520(with fax/modem), cellular phone,briefcaseDescription: Sloane is a relatively youngwoman (for a representative) with darkhair and brown eyes. She is of averageheight and is very good looking. Moreimportantly, she is very intelligent, well-educated and quite willful. Politically,she is a traditional liberal with someradical leanings. She is vehementlyopposed to governmental secrecy, sinceshe believes it generally concealscorruption, waste, inroads into libertyand illegal dealings. While she comesfrom a very safe background and hasnever been exposed to personalviolence, she will remain cool and incontrol during a crisis. She is mildlyreligious and has no real belief in thesupernatural or the extremely unusual(UFOs, monsters, etc.).She is friendlyand easy going, but is accustomed tobeing in charge (which may annoy someinvestigators).Sarah Spencer, Secret ServiceSTR 13CON 14SIZ 12INT 13POW 12DEX 15APP 14EDU 14SAN 60HP 12Damage Bonus: +1D4Weapons: Fist 70% 1D3+1D4, Kick 55%1D6+1D4, Grapple 27%, Mini Uzi 50%1D10, .357 Magnum 55% 1D+1D6Skills: Climb 45%, Conceal 25%, Dodge40%, First Aid 46%, Jump 35%, Listen36%, Martial Arts 55%, Sneak 18%, SpotHidden 55%, Swim 33%.

Equipment: Cellular phone, mini-headset radio, Mini Uzi (2 clips), .357Magnum (2 speed loaders), light bulletproof vest .Description: Spencer is a strong andhandsome woman who is obviously inexcellent physical condition. She has redhair and green eyes. She is an excellenttactician, but tends to be a bit prone toexcessive violence (she has beenreprimanded on a few occasions).Because of this, her supervisor assignedher to protect Sloane on her fact findingmissions. Her supervisor hoped thatSpencer would find protecting an anti-gun, anti-violence liberal like Spencernauseating, but the two women havebecome friends, despite theirdifferences of opinion. Spencer is quitewilling to take a bullet for Sloane.Spencer is very religious, but has no realbelief in the supernatural. She has heardrumors about extremely strangegovernment projects from friends ofhers in the military and intelligenceservices, but she places little faith in therumors. Spencer is at her best in highstress situations. She has never beenknown to panic and seems to becompletely without fear. The onlyslightly odd thing about her is that shehas an obsession with crosswordpuzzles.John Lasker, Secret ServiceSTR 16CON 15SIZ 15INT 14POW 13DEX 13APP 12EDU 13SAN 65HP 15Damage Bonus: +1D4Weapons: Fist 75% 1D3+1D4, Kick 57%1D6+1D4, Grapple 57%, Ingram Mac 1051% 1D10,9mm Parabellum 54% 1D10

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Skills: Dodge 45%, Law 16%, First Aid48%, Jump 37%, Listen 35%, MartialArts 50%, Sneak 38%, Spot Hidden 52%,Swim 43%, Track 23%.Equipment: Cellular phone, mini-headset radio, Ingram Mac 10 (3 clips),9mm Berreta, light bullet proof vest .Description: Lasker is a large, toughlooking man of average appearance. Heplayed football in college and still lookslike he could play. He has black hair andblue eyes. Lasker is politically liberaland requested to be assigned to Sloaneso he could protect her. He suspects,rightly, that she will be targeted forassassination at some point and hewished to prevent this. Lasker likesSloane a great deal and is veryprotective of her (sometimes this mightseem to border on paranoia). Sloaneappreciates his concern, but isconstantly telling him to ease up a bit.Lasker also like Dale quite a bit, sinceDale seems to be the only one that cankeep Lasker's headset radio working(for some reason, Lasker is a "jinx" forheadset radios and they stop workingon him on a regular basis. Lasker's wifeis a political journalist who is reasonablywell known. Lasker is quite calm in highstress situations and is content to followSpencer's plans (he knows she is a bettertactician than him). Lasker is notparticularly religious and has no realbelief in the supernatural or theextremely unusual.

Anne Lee, Aide (Dana Torres, MilitaryIntelligence)STR 13CON 14SIZ 12INT 15POW 14DEX 17APP 12EDU 16SAN 70HP 13

Damage Bonus: +1D4Weapons: Fist 65% 1D3+1D4, Kick 67%1D6+1D4, Grapple 47%, 9mmParabellum 45% 1D10,.22 Long Rifle Pistol 65% 1D6, Uzi SMG50% 1D10, M16 45%Skills: Climb 46%, Fast Talk 55%, Hide33%, Jump 37%, Law 12%, Library Use37%, Listen 36%, Martial Arts 65%,Persuade 23%, Pilot Helicopter 15%,Psychology 24%, Sneak 24%, SpotHidden 38%Equipment: Macintosh PowerBook145B(with fax/modem), cellular phone,briefcase, .22 pistol (2 clips).Description: "Lee" appears to be a fairlysmall, mousy woman with brown hairand thick glasses. She is the paradigm oforganization and serves to handle allorganizational matters for Sloane. Inactuality, she is an experienced militaryintelligence officer named Torres. Torresis an extremely efficient individual whois skilled and experienced at playingvarious roles. She is dedicated to theUnited States military and is determinedto protect America from all its enemies(real or perceived by her and hersuperiors). She tends to be a bitparanoid and irrational when it comesto matters of national security and iswilling to kill anyone who appears topose a threat to national security. Torreswas assigned, by paranoid elements inthe military, to infiltrate Sloane'sorganization two years ago.Torresorganization skills and efficiencyquickly caught Sloane's notice and shemoved up in Sloane's staff quickly.Torres is actually quite loyal to Sloaneand takes her duties seriously, butwould kill Sloane in an instant if hersuperiors gave her a legitimate order todo so (she would pray for herafterwards, though). Torres is anintensely religious woman and sees theworld as a struggle between good(America) and evil. In high stresssituations, she will remain efficient and

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organized. Despite her rather extremeviews, she is no fool and is aware thatnot everyone who waves a flag is a goodguy. Her commanding officer is afriend of Green's and he has kept Greeninformed of Sloane's doings. If theinvestigators can convince her thatGreen is a threat to America (exposingthat he was to blame for the deaths onthe island might do this), she will actagainst him.

Clarence Dale, AideSTR 12CON 13SIZ 13INT 13POW 11DEX 12APP 14EDU 15SAN 55HP 13Damage Bonus: NoneWeapons: Fist 50% 1D3, Kick 25% 1D6Skills: Accounting 15%, African History15%, Computer Use 35%, ElectricalRepair 24%, Electronics 11%, Law 13%,Library Use 42%, Photography 37%,Swim 55%Equipment: Apple Newton PDA,PowerBook 170 (with Fax/Modem),cellular phone, camcorder. briefcase.Description: Dale is a young man, freshout of college. He is of slight build, hasblack hair and brown eyes. While he isnot particularly athletic looking, he is avery good swimmer and is alwaystrying to find time to swim while on theroad with Sloane. In addition to his loveof politics (Dale is a liberal), he isfascinated by technology (he doublemajored in political science andcomputer science). He also has anamateur interest in photography.Because of his talents, Dale helps Sloanewith various technical matters (like theInformation Super Highway) and runsthe camcorder. Dale is moderately

religious and has little belief in thesupernatural. He has been exposed tolittle in the way of violence in his lifeand will prefer to avoid high stresssituations.

Kelley Burnett, Helicopter PilotSTR 11CON 12SIZ 11INT 13POW 13DEX 16APP 14EDU 14SAN 65HP 12Damage Bonus: NoneWeapons: Fist 50% 1D3, Kick 25% 1D6,Handgun 35%, Rifle 34%Skills: Astronomy 10%, ElectricalRepair 31%, Electronics 14%,Mechanical Repair 41%, Navigate 53%,Pilot Helicopter 61%, Photography 45%,Swim 32%Equipment: CameraDescription: Burnett is a medium sized,attractive woman with brown hair andbrown eyes. She learned to flyhelicopters in the national guard andshe has basic military training. Becauseof her years of flying helicopters indangerous situations, she has verystrong nerves and is unlikely to panic inmost situations. She is not particularlyreligious and has no experience with thesupernatural. She believes she saw aUFO once, but she will only tell peopleshe really trusts about that experience.

Capt. Gerald Jones, Special TeamLeaderSTR 15CON 15SIZ 14INT 15POW 14DEX 16APP 13

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EDU 16SAN 63HP 15Damage Bonus: +1D4Weapons: Fist 66% 1D3+1D4, Kick 77%1D6+1D4, Grapple 67%, 9mmParabellum 65% 1D10,Heckler & Koch MP5 61%, M-16 42%,Combat Knife 51% 1D4+2+1d4Skills: Climb 51%, Conceal 46%, Dodge47%, First Aid 47%, Hide 45%, Jump37%, Martial Arts 56%, Listen 43%,Navigate 23%, Persuade 37%, Sneak47%, Swim 37%, Track 25%.Equipment: 9mm Parbellum (2 clips),Heckler & Koch MP5 (4 clips), combatknife, Kevlar T-shirt (4 armor points),night vision goggles, medical kit,headset radio,4 C-4 Charges.Description: Jones is a tall, toughlooking man. He has short blonde hairand icy blue eyes. An experiencedspecial forces officer, he is extremelyresourceful, very competent, andexceptionally skilled in combat. Jones isa ruthless and efficient killer, but he isvery professional about it. If he has tokill anyone, he does so as quickly and asmercifully as possible. Jones has beenwith Green's operation for three yearsand worked for two years before that"cleaning up" certain special projects. Inhis time he has seen some very strangeand unusual things (hence his lowerSanity Points). Because of his experiencein such matters, he can handle justabout anything. Jones has been orderedby Green to "clean up" the Angbandproject, recover any data that can berecovered, and prevent Sloane fromlearning about what really went on. Ifnecessary, Jones will kill Sloane and herparty.

Lt. Doug Smith, Special Team Member(Tech & Science)STR 13CON 13SIZ 13

INT 16POW 11DEX 12APP 12EDU 15SAN 51HP 13Damage Bonus: +1D4Weapons: Fist 65% 1D3+1D4, Kick 57%1D6+1D4, Grapple 47%, 9mmParabellum 38% 1D10,Heckler & Koch MP5 55%, M-16 35%,Combat Knife 45% 1D4+2+1d4Skills: Biology 32%, Climb 46%, Conceal17%, Cthulhu Mythos 3%, Dodge 44%,Electrical Repair 35%, Electronics 25%,First Aid 37%, Hide 25%, Jump 37%,Listen 33%, Martial Arts 26%,Mechanical Repair 45%, Medicine 13%,Navigate 13%, Sneak 41%, Swim 37%,Track 15%.Equipment: 9mm Parbellum (2 clips),Heckler & Koch MP5 (4 clips), combatknife, Kevlar T-shirt (4 armor points),night vision goggles, medical kit, mini-electronics kit, mini-tool kit, bio-samplerkit, headset radio, binoculars.Description: Smith is a middle size manwith brown hair and brown eyes. He isan experienced special operations officerand has been working on Green'sspecial operations for nearly a year (hispredecessor met an unfortunateaccident). He is a competent soldier andreasonable skilled in a variety oftechnical and scientific areas. His mainfunction on the team is to handle fieldrepairs and to investigate various oddphenomena (this is the most dangerouspart of the job). Smith is fairly young,but has had encounters with some verystrange things. Because of theseexperiences, he can deal with bizarresituations. Smith has been ordered torecover any surviving data from the"Angband" and to assist Jones in"neutralizing" the situation.Smithdoesn't particularly like killing people,but he is obsessed with protecting

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humanity from "them."

Sgt. Joe Calburn, Special TeamMemberSTR 17CON 15SIZ 16INT 12POW 10DEX 13APP 10EDU 11SAN 50HP 16Damage Bonus: +1D6Weapons: Fist 75% 1D3+1D6, Kick 75%1D6+1D6, Grapple 80%, M79 55%, 9mmParabellum 55% 1D10, M-16 57%,Combat Knife 59% 1D4+2+1d4Skills: Climb 58%, Dodge 45%, First Aid44%, Hide 45%, Jump 44%, Martial Arts46%, Listen 44%, Navigate 27%, Sneak49%, Swim 47%, Track 35%.Equipment: 9mm Parbellum (2 clips),M-16A1 (2 clips), M79 (20 grenades),combat knife, Kevlar T-shirt (4 armorpoints), night vision goggles, medicalkit, headset radio, 4 C-4 charges.Description: Calburn is an extremelylarge man who is obviously extremelystrong. He is career military and hasserved with Green for over 15 years. Heis extremely loyal to Green and willcarry out his orders without question. Ifnecessary, he is willing to kill anyone,including fellow team members, inorder to complete the mission. Calburnis a professional killer and fears nothing.Weird things are just targets to him. Heis rather fond of his M79 grenadelauncher and will even use it as a directfire weapon against human targets.

Sgt. Frank Jackson, Special TeamMemberSTR 13CON 14SIZ 11INT 12

POW 12DEX 17APP 12EDU 10SAN 60HP 13Damage Bonus: noneWeapons: Fist 55% 1D3, Kick 57% 1D6,Grapple 47%, 9mm Parabellum 85%1D10,M-14 85% (4 clips), Combat Knife 45%1D4+2, 4 C-4 Charges.Skills: Climb 57%, Conceal 34%, Dodge47%, First Aid 47%, Hide 55%, Jump37%, Martial Arts 26%, Listen 43%,Navigate 33%, Sneak 57%, Swim 37%,Track 35%.Equipment: 9mm Parbellum (2 clips),Heckler & Koch MP5 (4 clips), combatknife, Kevlar T-shirt (4 armor points),night vision goggles, medical kit,headset radio.Description: Jackson is a thin, wiry manwith thinning hair. He is an extremelyquite man and looks more like a clerkthan a killer. Despite his appearance, heis a professional sniper with dozens ofkills.Jackson is not easily rattled byanything and is loyal to Green. His job isto take care of "problems" from adistance.

MonstersSharksCharacteristics Rolls AveragesSTR 2D6+6 13CON 4D6 13-14SIZ 3D6 10-11POW 3D6 10-11DEX 3D6 10-11Move 8 12-13Av. Damage Bonus: 0Weapon: Bite 25%, 1D8Skills: Find Prey 80%Description: The sharks that live withinthe confines of the reef are man sizedfish. They feed primarily on the fish thatdwell in the area. While they are notparticularly vicious sharks, they are

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inclined to bite things that attract theirattention (such as swimminginvestigators). If the sharks are attractedby the investigators, there is 10% chancethey will attempt to "taste" aninvestigator, 40% if the investigator isalready bleeding. If a shark approaches,there is a 45% chance the investigatorswill be able to frighten it away bystriking it in the nose. If a shark frenzies,it cannot be frightened away. Once ashark bites an investigator, there is a25% chance it will try to bite theinvestigator again. Each round a sharkbites an investigator, there is a 50%chance it will frenzy. A frenzied sharkwill attack until the investigators escape,die, or kill it.

Gerthuths ("Melt Men"), AlteredHumansDescription: Gerthuths are humanbeings who have been severely alteredthrough an infestation of an alienorganism. This organism was firstproduced by the enigmatic Elder Thingsand later revived by American scientistsin the 1970s. The process of alteration ishorrible and radically alters the body ofthe victim. The flesh and organs aretransformed into a fleshy material(similar in many respects to Shoggothmatter) that are stretched out across thevictim's skeleton (which remains intact).This makes a Gerthuth look like ahuman skeleton with slimy, gelatinousmasses stretched out across the bones,connecting to it in disturbing andunnatural ways. From the massesextrude small, writhing tentacles andsmall orifices open and bubble in theflesh. The victims internal organs(including the brain) are changed andare distributed throughout the fleshlymass, making Gerthuth's very resistantto physical damage.Sharp calciumdeposits are formed on the ends of aGerthuth's fingers, giving it clawssuitable for raking attacks. Gerthuths

have excellent senses of smell (theorifices act as organs of smell and assmall mouths as well) and have lightsensitive patches on their outermembranes. With a great deal of effort,a Gerthuth can make some semblance ofhuman speech (it requires an Idea rolleach minute to make out what aGerthuth is saying). Gerthuth arecompletely insane by human standards,and are often possessed of a terriblehunger, especially after their initialtransformation. Those that retain a fairamount of their intelligence may bereasoned with. After all, the Gerthuthswere once human and some remembertheir former humanity.Attacks: Gerthuth's attack with theirclaws. They may strike with both handsat the same time. When a Gerthuthwounds a victim, the victim must makea Luck roll to avoid getting infectedwith material from the Gerthuth. Thismaterial will inflict one point of damageeach round for 1D3 rounds, before thevictim's natural defenses take care of it.The infected skin will seem to melt andwill look a great deal like Gerthuthflesh. The infection "damage" will healat half the normal healing rate (andmedical treatment will be half aseffective with such "wounds"). If aninfected victim dies, the infection willspread throughout the victim's bodywith unnatural speed (taking oneminute per size point of the victim).Gerthuth can use weapons, providedthey retain the skill to use them.Gerthuths are extremely long lived andan individual will exist for 100 + 1D100years. Upon the end of its lifespan, aGerthuth will dissolve into a fetid,stinking pool of slime. Gerthuth canhibernate for extended periods of time(up to four years) in order to avoidstarvation or just to pass time. Ahibernating Gerthuth has a 20-50%chance of waking up when there isactivity in the area. If a Gerthuth is

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disturbed physically, then it willautomatically wake up. Afterhibernating for an extended period oftime, a Gerththuth will be ravenouslyhungry.Creation: Gerthuth's are created when ahuman being becomes infected via awound from a Gerthuth or is exposed tothe agent that originally created theGerthuth. When a human being istransformed, the individual's STRincreases by 3 points and his CONincreases by 2 points. The victim's INT isreduced by 2D6 and his DEX by 1D6.Each of the victim's skills are reduced by1D20 percentage points, due to theradical restructuring of the victim'smind and body. The victim loses 2D8Sanity Points upon transformation andthen loses 2D8 Sanity Points each dayuntil complete madness ensues. Thevictim will retain many of theirmemories and some of their personality.Of course, the experience will certainlyalter the person severely. If an antidotecan be manufactured, an individualcould, in theory, be transformed backinto a human being. Of course, the SANloss would remain. Gerthuth findexposure to salt and direct sunlight verypainful (this is due to theircomposition). Because of this, they willnot enter the ocean and will avoid directsunlight (this is why the Gerthuth havebeen unable to leave the island bybuilding a raft).

CharacteristicRolls AveragesSTR 3D6 +3 13-14CON 3D6 +2 12-13SIZ 3D6 10-11INT 3D6-2D6 3-4POW 3D6 10-11DEX 3D6-1D6 7Move 6 HP 10-11Average Damage Bonus: +1D4.Weapons: Claw 25% 1D4+db+Special.Armor: None, but all impaling weaponsinflict half damage.Spells: NoneSkills: See above.Sanity Loss: It costs 1/1D8 to see aGerthuth.

Soldier Gerthuths#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

STR 15 15 15 16 17 19 20CON 14 13 15 15 16 17 17SIZ 12 13 11 13 13 15 16INT 3 7 6 5 7 8 7POW 11 12 10 12 13 9 11DEX 10 9 8 7 9 8 10HP 13 13 13 14 15 16 17Damage +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d4 +1d6 +1d6Weapons: Claw 30% 1D4+db+Special., Combat Knife 20% 1D4+2+dbSkills: 30%, Climb 35%, Conceal 20%, First Aid 20%, Hide 15%, Listen 20%, Sneak 15%,

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Rifle 30%,

Description: These Gerthuths wereformerly soldiers assigned to the project.They are the seven survivors from thecomplement of twenty men. Greeneselected these soldiers because of theircombat skills, loyalty, and willingness tokill. The process of transformation, andtheir years of horror on the island havedriven them completely mad. Most ofthem are quite psychotic and will beprone to attack and kill people. Theystill believe they should be protectingthe island from intruders. If a personencounters one of these Gerthuth, andthe individual is not actively hostile(and speaks English), there is a 20%chance the Gerthuth will say somethinglike "You in restricted place...leave nowor I kill." If the individual leaves, theGerthuth will let him go. Otherwise, theGerthuth will savagely attack. TheGerthuth still remember how to useweapons and will use them if theyacquire them. They still have sometattered remains of their uniforms andgear hanging from their bodies. #2, #5,#6, and #7 have developed apathological hatred of Greene, while theothers barely remember anything. IfCaptain Williams gives them an order,they will obey if they make an Idea roll.Otherwise, they will do whatever theywant to.

Scientist Gerthuths#1 #2 #3

STR 12 13 14

CON 13 11 13

SIZ 12 11 11

INT 10 13 9

POW 11 14 13

DEX 9 7 9

HP 13 11 12

Damage None None +1d4Weapons: Claw 25% 1D4+db+Special.

Skills: Claw 25%, Biology 55%,Chemistry 45%, Pharmacy 15%Description: These Gerthuths wereformerly scientists assigned to theproject. Their transformation has robbedthem of some of their former intellectualabilities. This loss, combined with themadness associated with thetransformation, has horribly twistedthese men. Because of their currentcondition, there is a 25% chance theywill attack if they are startled. Ifapproached carefully, they will beamenable to reason (though they willoften do some rather odd things, such as"stirring" empty beakers, attempting touse ruined instruments, etc.). They havebeen futilely working on a way ofreversing their condition over the years,but have met with no success (whilethey remember a fair amount of whatthey previously knew, they simplyaren't up to the task). Their two mainobsessions are finding a cure and killingGreene (because they, rightfully, blamehim for their fate). #2 and #3 wereforced to work on the project (thealternative was being sent to front linecombat duty in Vietnam) and they havea special hatred of Greene. #1 was amilitary scientist, but he has grown totruly hate Green over the years.

Lt. David ParkerSTR 17CON 16SIZ 12INT 10POW 13DEX 14HP 14

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Damage +1D4Weapons: Claw 25% 1D4+db+Special,Combat Knife 35% 1D4+2+1D4.Equipment: Combat KnifeSkills: Astronomy 6%, Listen 34%,Navigate 34%, Pilot Helicopter 44%,Spot Hidden 34%,Description: Lt. Parker was a Marinehelicopter pilot with special operations.His unit was assigned to "clean up""Angband." While waiting for the teamto return, Parker saw some Gerthuthscome from the shack. Frightened, heopened fire on them, killing one. Theothers wounded him badly and heretreated to the helicopter and tried tolift off. Parker ended up "dying" in thehelicopter, with the engine still running.After his transformation, he stayed withhis helicopter, hoping to be able to leavesomeday. If disturbed, there is a 10%chance he will attack. Otherwise, he willattempt to communicate. He retainssome of his mental faculties, but hasforgotten a great deal. He now onlywants to fly away from the island.

Captain WilliamsSTR 19CON 17SIZ 14INT 10POW 14DEX 12HP 16Damage +1D6Weapons: Claw 35% 1D4+db+Special,45 Automatic 43% 1D10+2 (6 shots left),Combat Knife 1D4+2+1D6.Equipment: .45 Automatic, CombatKnife, BinocularsSkills: Climb 41%, Conceal 18%, Hide21%, Jump 30%, Listen 31%, Navigate31%, Persuade 34%, Sneak 21%, SpotHidden 32%Description: Captain Williams waschosen by Green to replace Leland (whowas sent to Vietnam). Williams was anambitious young officer who hoped to

advance quickly through the ranks andthen enter into politics. Unfortunatelyfor Williams, he ended up in thenightmare of "Angband." Williams wasinfected during a fight with severalGerthuth and ended up becoming one.Williams retained a fair amount of hisintellect and personality through thetransformation. Though he is quite madby human standards, he is still fairlyrational and has a great deal of selfcontrol. He will only fight in self defenseand will attempt to communicate withanyone who arrives on the island (aftermaking sure they are not here to "cleanup" the island). His main concerns arefinding a way to return himself and theother survivors back to normal and togain revenge on Green. Williams haskept one uniform intact (he sealed it in aplastic bag) and he still has his service.45 (with six live rounds left). Because ofhis former rank, the other Gerthuthswill sometimes obey his orders.

The Gerthuth AgentThe agent appears to be a milky,

gelatinous mass in which small greenflecks are suspended. The material emitsa faint odor, which smells very strangeand very unpleasant. Analysis by askilled individual (one who has accessto advanced equipment and is able tomake a Biology skill roll) will reveal thatthe material consists, in part, of DNA.There is also material within the agentthat does not appear to be native toearth. A successful Biology orChemistry skill roll will reveal that thematerial does fall within the realm ofconventional material, however.

The Gerthuth agent is still quiteactive. If the agent contacts the bareflesh of a terrestrial creature, thematerial will begin to "melt" the fleshand the material will quickly spreadover the surface of the victim, as themass expands at the expense of thevictim's flesh. The material will inflict

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one point of damage per gram that is incontact with the victim. Every tenseconds, the agent will double in size.When the victim's hit points are usedup, the victim is transformed into aProto-Gerthuth. A Proto-Gerthuth isidentical to a Gerthuth, except thevictim's STR increases by 6 and his CONincreases by 4. The victim's INT dropsby 1point every five minutes and thevictim loses 1D6+4 Sanity Pointsinstantly and 1D4 every 5 minutes afterthat. When the victim's INT is reducedto 0, the victim will collapse and remainhorribly alive until killed or 100 + 1D10years passes. Seeing a Proto-Gerthuthcosts the same as seeing a Gerthuth. Thevictim will also automatically becomecrazed and ravenously hungry. Due tothe madness and hunger, the victim willblindly attack all other living things in aconfused attempt at self protection anda desperate feeding frenzy. The Proto-Gerthuth fights like a Gerthuth and caninfect others. Those infected will become"normal" Gerthuths (the Gerthuth Agentwill have tailored itself based on thevictim's DNA).

The original material used to createthe Gerthuth agent was discovered byDr. Johnson during his expedition. Thematerial was originally created by theElder Things in the course of theirexperiments. Their goal was to create amore tractable breed of servant fromterrestrial life forms to replace thetroublesome shoggoths. Theseexperiments were never completed dueto an incursion of Shoggoths. Certainartifacts from the Elder Thing city,including a few containers of thematerial. Centuries and centuries later,Dr. Johnson recovered some of theartifacts. These artifacts were taken bythe government and researched andexperimented on for years until theGerthuth agent was produced.

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HandoutsHandout #1

"...My current investigation focuses on a rather mysterious government projectcalled "Angband" (which, according to one of my aides, is a horrible breeding ground ofmonsters from one of Tolkien's fantasy novels). From my previous research, I havediscovered some tenuous links between "Angband" and an Antarctic researchexpedition lead by a Dr. Johnson in the later 1950s. I'm not sure exactly how "Angband"began, but it got fully underway in some isolated section of Maine and was later movedto an island in the Pacific. There are no available records that detail what reallyoccurred on the island, but the official story is that it is a nuclear waste disposal site.However, some checking with a friend in the Department of Energy revealed that thisstory is almost certainly a cover up. My friend sent me information that indicates thatonly 17 drums of nuclear waste were transferred to the island from a storage facility.This small amount of waste would hardly make the island a storage facility. Because ofthis, I suspected that "Angband" was not a project for disposing of waste, but somethingelse entirely. I do not have all the details, but I suspect that the project was anillegitimate wartime "black operation."

Because of your investigatory skills and experience with potentially hazardoussituations, I would like to request your aid in my investigation. I am hoping that thisinvestigation will turn out to be another misappropriation scandal and that "Angband"was just another illicit luxury resort for government officials. However, I am afraid thatit is something much worse..."

Handout #2-Notes on Dr. Johnson1.Bangor Daily News (March 13, 1956) - Dr. Johnson returns from the Antarctic afterthree months.2. US Army Records (March 12, 1956)- Materials from Dr. Johnson's expedition areconfiscated by the US Army.3. US Army Records (June 15, 1964) - Materials from Dr. Johnson's expedition aretransferred from the Army's High Security Storage Facility to a project called"Operation Dark Ice."4. Bangor Daily News (October 11, 1965) - Dr. David Johnson killed in a car accident.Handout #3 Notes on "Operation Dark Ice" and "Angband."1. US Army Records (June 12, 1964) - Funding is set aside for a special weapon researchproject, code named "Operation Dark Ice." Project head: Major Green. Project location:Norway, Maine. Classification: Top secret.2. US Army Records (May 13-20, 1966) - Funding allocated to the shutting down of"Operation Dark Ice." Funding allocated to a continuity special weapons project,"Angband." Project Head: Major Green. Project Location: unnamed Pacific Island.Classification: Top Secret.3. US Army Records (June 22 - July 15, 1971): Funding for "Angband" officiallyterminated. Funding allocated for "Operation Purification." Funding listed as beingallocated to convert the "Angband" island to a nuclear waste storage facility. ProjectName: Pacific Storage Operation #12. Project Head: Captain Jones. Classification: TopSecret.4. Government Memorandum (July 12, 1971): 17 containers of nuclear waste transferred

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to the US Army from Storage Facility 13.5. US Navy Records (July 14th, 1971): a Leahy class vessel is assigned to operations ofthe "Angband" island. Two helicopter pilots are treated for radiation exposure,according to Naval medical records.

Handout #4-Clipping from the Oxford Hills Democrat ( May 12, 1966)Mutilated Deer Found Near Crooked RiverCarl Donaldson reported finding several mutilated deer while looking for a fishing spotyesterday. According to Carl "I noticed a terrible smell and then I saw the deer scatteredaround. They were torn up something fierce and I never have seen anything like it. Iknow somebody will say it was a bear, but no bear did that. No way." Local volunteerscleaned up the carcasses.

Handout #5-Clipping from the Oxford Hills Democrat ( May 13, 1966)US Army Corps of Engineers Conducts Exercises Near Crooked RiverYou may have noticed the Army trucks driving around Norway and Oxford hills.According to Major Green, his engineering unit is practicing bridge building anddemolitions on Crooked River. Local residents are warned to avoid the Crooked Riverarea until the exercises end, because of the blasting exercises. Major Green said that heexpects to have the exercises wrapped up in about a week.

Handout #6-Typed NoteJune 5, 1971My name is Captain David Terrence Williams of the United States Army. This is my lastrecord. I can hear them pounding on the door, so I don't have much time. There was anaccident, a terrible accident, earlier. Some of the guys in Green's special lab wereexposed to something and Corporal Kensen told me he saw them melt. The alarms wentoff right after Kensen reported to me. People started running all over the place, some ofthem were screaming. A couple of the docs destroyed our only plane and damaged thehelicopter. The MPs shot them. Things just got worse from there. That bastard Greentook off in the helicopter, leaving the rest of us here. Something happened to some ofthe men. I think they aren't men any more. I can hear them outside the door, poundingto get in, to get at me. God forgive us for what we have done here. That son of a bitchGreen must pay for what he's done.

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Project "Dark Ice" Ruins


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g Stri


Island Map



g Stri










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Landing Strip

Airfield Shack

Landing Strip

Skeleton #1

Skeleton #2


Skeleton #3













Watch Platform

Compound Map

Skeleton #1

Skeleton #2

Skeleton #3

Skeleton #4

Skeleton #5

Skeleton #6

Skeleton #7

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Living Quarters #1


FreezerStorage Space

Compound Buildings

Airfield Shack

Gen.Room Bathroom

Living Quarters #2

Quarters #1

Quarters #2

Quarters #3

Quarters #4


Mess Hall


Dining Hall


Rec Hall

Rec Room

Office Building








Storage Building

Lab Building

Underground LabRoom#1





Room #5


Gen.Room Room #6

Lab #1 Lab #2 Lab #3 Storage Room

Airtight Lab Generator

Fuel Dump

Tool Shed

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"A Dark Island" Player's Island MapCall of CthulhuIsland Map






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Watch Platform

Compound Map Player's Compound & Airstrip Maps

Landing Strip

Airfield Shack

Landing Strip