Darien and Kacey’s trip to China ;) Day 1 to day 9 Darien and Kaceys diary

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  • Darien and Kaceys trip to China ;) Day 1 to day 9 Darien and Kaceys diary
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  • Shanghai costs We started with $10,000 Costs in Shanghai $1,570 Hotel and plane= $1,532 (first class) Shopping each= $10 Food each=$10 These are our seats on the plane
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  • Day 1 Shanghai I t was a long trip on the plane until We finally landed in Shanghai, we went straight to the urban planning museum, we saw the whole of Shanghai in small models. After we went to the museum we went to the Pearl Tower and we stood on the glass it was a beautiful view when we looked down. Next we went to our hotel and it had 2 beds so we didnt have to share anyway time to go to bed. Byeee
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  • Day 2 of Shanghai We are now in day 2 of Shanghai. Today we are going to Dongtai road, its a place with a bunch of chinese antiques. Darien and I bought 1 thing each, Darien bought a chinese plate and I bought a chinese pot, so I can put flowers in when I get home. Next Darien and I went to Shanghai disneyland park, it cost $40 per person and together it cost $80. go to next page
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  • Shanghai Disneyland park. (yay) We arrived at Shanghais Disneyland park after we got past the entrance we went on Dumbo the flying elephant, (not scary). Then we went on the night fear, its a roller coaster. It had a loop and so much more the we went on 3 more rides and Kacey was feeling sick so we needed to go back to the hotel. 1 hour later we packed our bags and went to the bus station. We couldn't understand the language so they got someone to help us. we finally got on the bus to Xitang it was crowded but we did find a seat, now off to Xitang bye :)
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  • Photos in Shanghai Urban Planning museum Disney land Shanghai The Pearl tower
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  • Costs in Xitang The bus= $45 The boat= $30 The tea= $10 =$85
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  • Day 3 in Xitang We made it to Xitang. Its so peaceful compared to the city (Shanghai). We went on a boat that cost $30, we laid down and it was a beautiful view. Later on we went to a cafe and had a cup of tea that cost $10. The tea cups were beautiful, then Kacey and I got lunch, I had chicken and plum sauce and Kacey had fried rice then we went to the station to go on our sleeper train and we had a good day at Xitang bye :)
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  • Photos in Xitang Xitang water town Xiang's map
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  • On the sleeper train zzzzzzz We finally got the tickets and hopped aboard the sleeper train. It was a little crowded like the bus, we found our seats and we played our ipads until we were hungry. Darien went to the cafe to get some dumplings and she then came back. We had some yummy dumplings and we went to sleep. When we woke up there was 2 hours until we got there, so we went to the cafe for breakfast. Kacey had some satay chicken and I had some chinese noodles and prawns. Now there is 1 hour to go so we were planning what we were going to do when we arrived in Xian, byeee :)
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  • Xian costs Train= $55 Hotel=$250 Terracotta=$20 The giant tower=free Bell tower=free Prawn crackers=$10 Together =$335
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  • Day 4 in Xian We finally made it to Xian and went to our hotel. It was beautiful, but sorry we weren't allowed to take photos and there was no photos online,sorry. But in our room, we had a little see through box and it was all different colors. We had a little tv but it didn't matter because it was all in Chinese. Then we went to the Terracotta army bus, sorry not allowed to take photos so we got the photo from the internet. Next we went to the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda Tower. We went straight to the top and we loved the view, then we went down to the bottom. We got 3 postcards each of China. I got one of the Great Wall of China then we got a taxi to our hotel and its time to go to bed. byee :)
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  • Day 5 in Xian We got up and had breakfast and went to the city wall, there was a Chinese cultural dance. It was beautiful and we joined in, it was hard for us but easy for them now we are off to the bell tower of Xian. They were giving out Chinese lanterns, and we went to the top of the tower and lit them up and let them go. It was so cool, then we done some activities and then we went to Xi Iing temple and we heard so many stories. We went down the mine and after that we went for some takeaway food and Kacey and I shared some prawn crackers, yummm. We then went back to our hotel and packed our bags again and went to the train station and went to Beijing, byee :)
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  • Photos in Xian Terracotta army Giant wild goose Pagoda Bell tower of Xian The city wall Xi mining temple
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  • Day 6 Great wall We finally made it to Beijing and we went to the Great wall of China and we hired some bikes. We took them up the ramp and rode them on the Great Wall for the whole day and Darien brought some prawn crackers. We rode 24 km for the whole day. When it was time to go back to Beijing we found our hotel and it was called Beijings Shamrock hotel then we had dinner and went to bed byee :)
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  • Photos of the great wall Entrance Map
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  • Costs of Beijing Train=$45 $555 Hotel=$350 Liyuan=$30 Snack wine=$10 Zoo=$50 Bargaining=$20 Boost=$20 Train=$30
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  • Day 7 in Beijing As we woke up we heard something. It was coming from down the street so we walked to see what it was. It was a group of people with bagpipes. They played a show for us for an hour then we went to the Liyuan theme park for some mini games. Darien won a dragon puppet and I won a little panda plushie. It was so cute, then we went on the Beijing Capital Ferris Wheel and it was so high. We then went to the hotel to get some dinner and Darien and I tried some snake wine and we also tried some dog. It tasted like pork. Now we are going to bed. byee :)
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  • Day 8 Beijing We got out of bed and had breakfast and went bargaining in China. We found a zoo and we saw some pandas and we saw a newborn, she was so cute. Her name was Lola, we got to hold her. She was so soft. Then we went to the Beijing Zoo gift shop. I got a little panda key chain that says Beijing public zoo in chinese and Kacey got a notebook and a cool pen. We looked at other stuff and then went off to the hotel and hired a movie in English. It was called the Rabbit proof fence. We had dinner whilst watching now we are going to sleep. byee :)
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  • Day 9 Beijing We got up at 9:45 am and we had breakfast. Kacey got some chinese toast and I had some rice and curry. While we were waiting at the hotel, we watched tv for an hour and then we put our bathers on and a shirt over the top and hired a taxi and went to the Beijings indoor water park. Kacey took a photo, we were there for 4 & hours then we had a good time in China then we went to the Capital Beijing airport and we waited 1 & hours to get on the 1:20 PM flight. Later we got our lollies and boarded the plane. We loved our time at China, now time to sleep. :)
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  • Photos of Beijing Chinese bagpipesZoo map lola newborn panda Beijing's indoor water park
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  • Goodbye from Darien and Kacey We finally landed in Melbourne and we went straight to the bus station and caught a bus to the train station. We both had a smoothie. Darien got a strawberry and kiwi and I got a Banana and blueberry smoothie at Boost. We found a train to Epsom at 6:00 pm. It cost $25, it was the 5:45pm so we boarded the train and left Melbourne. Two hours later we stopped arrived in Epsom. It was time to say goodbye so thank you for reading this and this has been our trip to China, byyee
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  • Total costs Thank you for watching and this is the total cost in China we started off with.. $10,000 We spent... $5,135 and we still have... $4,865
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  • Where we are now Well after Darien and I got back from China we split the money in half so we could have the same amount each.This is how much we got each $2,432 we had $1 doller spare so Darien took it to the bank and got them to change it to 50c each so now we have $2,432 and 50c. Byeee ;)