Daneels - Active Listening

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  • 8/12/2019 Daneels - Active Listening


  • 8/12/2019 Daneels - Active Listening


    ). Listen carefully to !hat the other person is saying

    a. 'hink about !hat your body language and posture are saying to them.

    b. *o not interrupt.

    c. +se silence effectively & !ait for them to say !hat they need to say.

    . Paraphraseor summari-e the emotion and content of !hat you are hearing.

    ou are not agreeing !ith the person & merely reiterating !hat they said. ou

    can use their o!n precise !ords, but it is better to do it in your o!n !ords.

    a. ou can reflect the emotion & You are feeling angry

    b. ou can reflect the content & You feel angry because these things

    have happened to you.

    c. ou must omit judgement or evaluation, just reflect back !hat the other

    person is saying & If I understand what youre saying, then your

    perspective is that women should stay in the home, and not be allowed

    to go into town by themselves

    /. Ask the person to say more about their e$periences or feelings in a !ay that

    sho!s you are interested in !hat they have to say.

    0. Affirma person !hen you agree !ith !hat they are saying.

    Sometimes this is remembered by theLIST!mnemonic &

    Look interested, get interested.

    Involve yourself by responding

    Stay on target

    Test your understanding

    valuate !hat you hear

    !eutrali-e your feelings.

    ou can contrast Active Listening !ith *efensive listening. Active Listening

    demonstrates to the other person that you are really listening to them & this helps to

    reduce conflict. *efensive listening does not demonstrate understanding, or that you

    care about them.

    Contrast "et#een Active and Defensive.


  • 8/12/2019 Daneels - Active Listening


    A Daughter says to her $other%

    Mama you never have time for me! You are always woring and doing things for

    other people.

    Active Reply Defensive Reply

    It sounds lie you are really frustrated

    that I am so busy and you are missing

    me. hen do you really wish I was

    around to be with you the most" #ets try

    to find a way to spend more time


    $ut I am woring so that I can mae

    money to send you to school, buy your

    clothes, and your food!
