Dan Wilson, Pastor [email protected] In my previous Ivy Vine reflecon, we considered ways in which people of God bear fruit. That message explored and celebrated the variety of spiritual fruit that God nourishes within humankind. One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the Church to be fruiul. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts about growing.You will receive this reflecon in the month of July. In agriculture, this is the me of year known as the growing season.Christ our Savior longs for us to grow. This very day, God is envisioning a just world for all.Moment by moment, God is giving creaon a limitless array of growing edges. A central one is that Christ longs for us to grow in our relaonships. These include: Love of Children, Love of Neighbor, Love of Creaon. All of these are expressions of our relaonship with God. For our enre lives, there will connue arising new possibilies for growth. This is excing! Some may resist growth and change, because these are perceived as taxing; demanding; requiring much (too much?) energy. In truth, growing and embracing change do require effort. Working for Gods Jusce and seeking to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ require great energy. Indeed, an acve faith is highly demanding. Yet we must not be alarmed or concerned by this. Our resources are not limited. As children of the Living God, resources available to us forever will be ample. We have no need to fear using them all up. As God promised Abraham, God will provide.(Genesis 22:14) Gods blessings will connue flowing. Gods provision is inexhausble. Remarkable! But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which God loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been savedFor by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the giſt of God—remember that you were at one me without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus, you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of ChristSo Christ came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to God. So then you are no longer strangers and God, built upon the foundaon of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him, the whole (Growingconnued on page 2)

Dan Wilson, Pastor [email protected] vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

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Page 1: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

Dan Wilson, Pastor [email protected]

In my previous Ivy Vine reflection, we considered ways in which people of God bear fruit. That message explored and celebrated the variety of spiritual fruit that God nourishes within humankind. One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the Church to be fruitful.

This month, I would like to offer some thoughts about “growing.”

You will receive this reflection in the month of July. In agriculture, this is the time of year known as “the growing season.”

Christ our Savior longs for us to grow. This very day, God is envisioning “a just world for all.” Moment by moment, God is giving creation a limitless array of growing edges. A central one is that Christ longs for us to grow in our relationships. These include: Love of Children, Love of Neighbor, Love of Creation. All of these are expressions of our relationship with God. For our entire lives, there will continue arising new possibilities for growth. This is exciting!

Some may resist growth and change, because these are perceived as taxing; demanding; requiring much (too much?) energy. In truth, growing and embracing change do require effort. Working for God’s Justice and seeking to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ require great energy. Indeed, an active faith is highly demanding.

Yet we must not be alarmed or concerned by this. Our resources are not limited. As children of the Living God, resources available to us forever will be ample. We have no need to fear using them all up. As God promised Abraham, “God will provide.” (Genesis 22:14) God’s blessings will continue flowing. God’s provision is inexhaustible. Remarkable!

“But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which God loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved… For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God—… remember that you were at one time without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus, you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ… So Christ came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to God. So then you are no longer strangers and God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him, the whole

(Growing…continued on page 2)

Page 2: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

The Ivy Vine, July 2018 2 Ivy Chapel UCC • 620 N Woods Mill Rd www.ivychapel.org www.facebook.com/IvyChapel Chesterfield, MO 63017 • 314-434-4991

structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.” (Ephesians 2:3-5, 8, 12-13, 17-22)

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?... For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in God.” (Lamentations 3:24)

Do you recall the incident when critics were finding fault with Mary for sitting idly at Jesus’ feet? Right away, Jesus defended her, declaring, “Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42) Through prayer and openness, may we live in this manner. May we embody the unselfish love of Christ. “…we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)

“Light has shown in our darkness; God has shown in our hearts With the light of the glory of Jesus the Lord.

He has chosen the lowly Who are small in this world. In this weakness is glory, in Jesus the Lord.

We hold a treasure, not made of gold in earthen vessels - wealth untold. The treasure only - the Lord, the Christ, in earthen vessels.”

(Bob Dufford, Dan Schutte - St. Louis Jesuits 1975)

Imagine what God’s vision is for who you and I can become. Surely, it is extravagant, and frightening, and much, much more. Let’s strive to grow into this vision! Christ’s disciples are summoned by God to love, to act, to grow. Who is God dreaming Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ will be? What more can you and I do?

By the grace of our risen Savior, may each one of us treasure this earthly body as a holy temple which God is providing. By the grace of our Risen Savior, may our pursuit of “a just world for all” continue growing.

God’s “growing season” is now, Pastor Dan

(Growing...continued from page 1)

“Intruder Response” Let’s be safe and secure

The Trustees and Council continue to work

on review and update of Ivy Chapel ’s

safety and security procedures. On Sunday July 1st, a

representative from the Chesterfield Police Department

will give a presentation on “Intruder Response”. The

PowerPoint presentation will last approximately 30

minutes in Fellowship Hall DURING coffee hour.

After many long years of faithful service, Frank Purviance

has retired from his seat at the sound system. The

Deacons are looking for a few good men and/or women

to serve in this position. ~Quarterly? Monthly? One

Sunday each month? Please contact Pastor Dan or a

deacon (Gail Thoele 314-576-0091, Carl Ramey 314-578

-0638, Dottie Foster 314-878-4286, Carl Winship 636-

394-5991, Michelle Moody 636-627-9115, Diane Droege

314-369-6349) if you would be willing to help.

To my Ivy Chapel family: As most of you know my sister

Lynn Goeddel has been courageously battling

Pancreatic Cancer for the past 3 1/2years which is

according to statistics almost unheard of. It is because

of her faith and the love of her family and many, many

friends that she has continued to fight this dreadful

disease. Due to the unbelievable work of the Pancreatic

Cancer Action Network Lynn has been able to enjoy her

seven grandchildren and life itself! I would love for you

to join us September 23rd in Forest Park for the

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Purple Stride St.

Louis walk. If you aren’t able to join us (Lynn plans to

walk with us too) please consider donating to this

wonderful organization. Thank you all for your support

and continued prayers. You can reach the website at

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Purple Stride St.

Louis. Our team name is Walking for Lynn for your

donation. Please reach out to me, 636-391-9096, with

questions. Thank you so much! Celeste Tichy

Page 3: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

The Ivy Vine, July 2018 3 Ivy Chapel UCC • 620 N Woods Mill Rd www.ivychapel.org www.facebook.com/IvyChapel Chesterfield, MO 63017 • 314-434-4991

Linda Lowry Youth Prog. Coordinator

[email protected]


Experience the Ride of a Lifetime with God!

SIGN UP NOW! July 23 - 27, 9 a.m. – noon Ages 3 through 5th grade.

Registration forms now available on the table in the Narthex or in this month’s Ivy Vine. Or talk to Sarah Heend [email protected]

or Linda Lowry [email protected]

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Youth Grades 6 – 12 and adults are needed. We have many positions to fill, so please

consider being one of our wonderful volunteers. If you’d like to be involved in this wonderful and fulfilling ministry contact Sarah Heend,

Linda Lowry or Erin Winship. See page 5 about VBS meeting.

Can’t work during the actual week of Vacation Bible School?? We also need help with Decorating and people to help set up (July 22) and take down

(July 29 following worship)!

DECORATORS NEEDED On Sunday, July 22 following worship we’ll be transforming our space

into a River Rafting Adventure! Come and help us! Even if you think you’re not artistic,

we have LOTS of jobs for you! Also bring along any items you think might help us

to achieve our Rolling River Rampage theme. And start collecting your school supplies now for our VBS offerings.

July 2018

Page 4: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

The Ivy Vine, July 2018 4 Ivy Chapel UCC • 620 N Woods Mill Rd www.ivychapel.org www.facebook.com/IvyChapel Chesterfield, MO 63017 • 314-434-4991

Page 5: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

The Ivy Vine, July 2018 5 Ivy Chapel UCC • 620 N Woods Mill Rd www.ivychapel.org www.facebook.com/IvyChapel Chesterfield, MO 63017 • 314-434-4991

I have some great news. I have accepted a part time music position at Lafayette Preparatory Academy. This is the charter school that Miller currently attends, and Charlie will hopefully attend next year (2019). We love the school, and I hope it will be great fit. As you know, my goal as a teacher is to reach and instill a love of music in all my students. I believe this position will expand my reach especially to those students who otherwise may not have been able to join my private studio.

Now, I am sure you all are thinking “how will this affect me?” Hopefully, not much will change. This is a part time day position only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As many of you know, I feel strongly that music ministry is my calling just like teaching, loving and sharing with kids is my calling. So, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. Please pray for me as I begin this new chapter in my career. I will be praying for discernment and focus. I pray that I will bring a love of music to the kids that is infectious. I pray that this is the right path for me and that God will illumine my steps on this new journey.

As far as Ivy Chapel goes, it’s FRIENDS and FAMILY TIME! Please join me in making a beautiful song on July 15th. You can show up early at 9 for a quick rehearsal or you can just hop on up and sing! We would love to hear your voice. Additionally, my family and I will be on a quick vacation July 8th so please welcome Ms. Abby Foehrkolb to the bench. She is a past student of mine and is studying music at the collegiate level. I'm so proud of her, and I think she will do great. I love nothing more than encouraging the next generation in music ministry, and I hope you do too.

Anyway, I am so thankful for each and every one of you. I hope you are enjoying your summer. Whew. It is hot! See you next time.

Anna DiVesta 314-609-0865


[email protected]

Anna DiVesta-Minister of Music

Highway Clean-Up Dates We will be picking up trash along Woods

Mill Road after Coffee Hour weather

permitting. Please bring a change of

clothes and some walking shoes and join

us. Future dates to help:

Aug 26 Nov 18

School Supply Drive Summer seems to have just started and yet we are already thinking of school supplies! This year we participating in two different ways:

* Circle of Concern: if you wish to purchase notebook paper, pencils, pens, crayons, markers, folders, index cards, glue sticks, scissors (list will be available in the Narthex) for Circle of Concern school drive please bring items by July 29. A collection box will be available in the Narthex

* Isaiah 58 will be having their back to school event on Saturday, July 21. They have asked Ivy Chapel to participate by providing spiral notebooks. You can purchase the spiral notebooks yourself or can make a contribution by putting a check in the offering plate, made out to Ivy Chapel with Isaiah 58 in the memo line. Christian Action will purchase the spiral notebooks on your behalf.

* Underwear drive - yes, an important school supply too! We will be collecting packages of underwear and socks for school age children. We will be collecting items in baskets in the Narthex or you can make a contribution as noted above.

The Christian Action Board thanks you for all your assistance in giving children all over the area a great start for the new school year!

Please contact Marsha Ramey ([email protected] or 636-405-2576 with any questions.)

Ballgame Fellowship Cancelled

Due to lack of interest there will be no fellowship

event at the Rascals ballfield in July.

Page 6: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

The Ivy Vine, July 2018 6 Ivy Chapel UCC • 620 N Woods Mill Rd www.ivychapel.org www.facebook.com/IvyChapel Chesterfield, MO 63017 • 314-434-4991

On June 19th the Mary and Martha Women’s Group had a summer luncheon with the theme ‘He has the Whole World in His Hands’. The white-clothed tables were beautifully decorated with hand cutouts of all colors and sizes as well as globes surrounded by flowers designed and provided by Dottie Foster. The Guest Speakers were Darlene Sowell, president and CEO of Unleashing Potential (UP) and Denise Carter, Director of the Early Childhood Program which is a part of UP. They explained their Mission and how they are trying to accomplish it and how the UCC Neighborhood Houses became Unleashing Potential. They showed a video with a young mother who explained what UP had done for her. Following their talk, they were presented with a check for $300 which was half of the proceeds from the M&M Spring Plant Sale. We also showed the T-Shirts that were made by Magnificent Creations, also an arm of UP for teen-agers. The design for the T-Shirts was created by Jan Wirtz for the Emmaus residents of Seven Pines with their house surrounded by seven pines. The Seven Pines residents and staff were in attendance and took T-Shirts for each staff member and resident home with them. Twenty people attended the luncheon.

There will be no meeting in July. The next meeting will be August 21st. A Bake Sale, ‘Dessert for a Dollar’ will be held on Aug. 26th after worship in Fellowship Hall.

Office Volunteers needed Frieda will be on vacation September 4-14th and will need volunteers to answer phones, check mail, copy/collate the worship and KYP with the Purple Pages. Most of the work is preprinted. Please let Frieda know if you would like to help, 314-434-4991. Thursdays and Fridays are the most active days. You may come in for lessons to use copier. Instructions are also printed for you.

Albert and I are going to Washington state to meet our First great grandson!

July 1~6th Sunday after Pentecost: 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27, Psalm 130, Lamentations 3:22-23, Psalm 30, 2 Corinthians 8:7-15, Mark 5:21-43

July 8~7th Sunday after Pentecost: 1 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10, Psalm 48, Ezekiel 2:1-5, Psalm 123, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-13

July 15~8th Sunday after Pentecost: 1 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19, Psalm 24, Amos 7:7-15, Psalm 85:8-13, Ephesians 1:3-14, Mark 6:14-29

July 22~9th Sunday after Pentecost: 1 Samuel 7:14a, Psalm 89:20-37, Jeremiah 23:1-6, Psalm 23; Ephesians 2:11-22, Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

July 29~10th Sunday after Pentecost: 1 Samuel 11:1-15, Psalm 14, 2 Kings 4:42-44, Psalm 145:10-18, Ephesians 3:14-21, John 6:1-21

Lectionary readings from: http://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/

Teach Sunday School

We need Sunday School teachers. Some of our

teachers are teaching multiple Sundays a month. The

job is not hard—the curriculum is easy to use and our

children are eager to learn. Please prayerfully consider

teaching our children. Contact Sarah Heend if you are

interested in learning more about this opportunity to

share God’s love with our children.

Calling for help!

The ad hoc committee looking at challenges and opportunities for Ivy Chapel hopes someone in our congregation can identify a person to assist with web site development and upkeep. Rich Heend wouldn’t mind letting go of this project, which he’s ‘owned’ for several years—for which we are most thankful. Best case would be to find an individual who’d be willing to provide some pro-bono effort. Anna DiVesta has committed to Facebook posts so the web site work would complement those timely communications. Please let Bruce Wilking 314-640-4902, Sally Dodge 636-519-0823 or Nancy Litzinger 314-954-2526 know if you have someone we could contact.

Page 7: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

Lay Ministry Schedule for—JULY 2018-JANUARY 2019—Please find your name or your family member name. If you cannot assist please find a substitute OR contact : Gail Thoele 314-576-0091/ Nancy Marston 314-878-1317 May-Nov

Date Nursery Acolyte/Assistant Greeters Ushers Liturgist Coffee

July 22 Jo Ann Moody Stuart Kirk Rory Winship Carl, Pat Winship Rich, Calvin Heend Russ Washburn Wilking Family

July 29 Sally Dodge Nick Wintrode Curt, Jennifer Wintrode Bill, Donna Stevens Calvin Heend Heend Family

Aug 5 Sally Dodge Matthew Wehling Gregory Scott

Ralph, Myrna Weiland

Jack, Nancy Litzinger Diann Sheahan Foster Family

Communion Team 1-Pew: Beth Noonan, Evelyn Stecher, Jack Molyneaux, Frank Pfau

Aug 12 Jo Ann Moody Stuart Kirk Miller DiVesta

Marilyn Gulotta, Evelyn Stecher

Annie Sampath, Nancy Marston Ben Wehling Washburn Family

Aug 19 Rally Day Sally Dodge Audrey Farrell

Miller DiVesta Jim, Diann Sheahan Jack, Ann Molyneaux Annie Sampath Rally Day


Aug 26 Jo Ann Moody Matthew Wehling Rory Winship

Linda Ledbetter, Marsha Ramey

Mike, Celeste Tichy Nancy Litzinger Wehling-Noonan


Sep 2 Sally Dodge Ben Wehling Miller DiVesta Bill, Donna Stevens Tom, Debbie Glenn John Weiland Donna Grote,

Marilyn Gulotta

Communion Team 3-Pew: Kathryn Kuntzman, John Weiland, Jan Wirtz, Gary Lindhorst

Sep 9 Jo Ann Moody Gregory Scott Matthew Wehling

Annie Sampath, Brenda Otterson Jim, Diann Sheahan Ronn Foster Lindhorst Family

Sep 16 Sally Dodge Ben Wehling Audrey Farrell Earl, Kay Kreder Cleo Steffens,

Marilyn Gulotta Nick Wintrode Annie Sampath, Jo Ann Moody

Sep 23 Jo Ann Moody Stuart Kirk Nancy Marston, Marsha Ramey

Rod, Judy Hertenstein Gloria Wintrode Wintrode Family

Sep 30 Jo Ann Moody Ben Wehling Jennifer Noonan, Tom Wehling Bruce, Janet Wilking Mike Tichy Litzinger Family

Oct 7 World Communion Sally Dodge Nick Wintrode Mark, Trish Baker Bob, Diane Droege Peter LaSalle Lauer Family

Communion Team 5-Intinction: Jennifer Noonan, Tom Wehling, Kay Kreder, Earl Kreder Oct 14

Consecration Jo Ann Moody Gregory Scott Miller DiVesta

Jack, Ann Molyneaux

Sarah Scott, Carol Faust Frank Pfau Luncheon

Oct 21 Sally Dodge Audrey Farrell Miller DiVesta

Michael Winship, David Knieriem

Jo Ann Moody, Kathryn Kuntzman Michael Winship Tichy Family

Oct 28 Jo Ann Moody Miller DiVesta Rory Winship

Rod Hertenstein, Joe DelCarmen

Jan Wirtz, Cleo Steffens Carl Ramey Glenn Family

Nov 4 Totenfest Sally Dodge Stuart Kirk Bob, Diane Droege Gary, Sue Lindhorst Michelle Moody Kreder Family

Communion Team 1-Pew: Beth Noonan, Evelyn Stecher, Jack Molyneaux, Frank Pfau

Nov 11 Jo Ann Moody Matthew Wehling Carol Faust, Annie Sampath

Marsha Ramey, Sally Dodge Russ Washburn Gerdes Family

Nov 18 Congregatl Mtg. Sally Dodge Ben Wehling Bruce, Janet Wilking Russ, Debbie

Washburn Tom Wehling Carol Faust, Nancy Litzinger

Nov 20 Comm. Thksgivg Wrshp ––––––– ––––––– ––––––– Sally Dodge,

Jo Ann Moody Rod Hertenstein –––––––

Nov 25 Jo Ann Moody Nick Wintrode Jack, Nancy Litzinger Curt, Jennifer Wintrode Mike Tichy Donna Grote,

Marilyn Gulotta

Dec 2 Hanging of the Greens Sally Dodge Gregory Scott

Miller DiVesta Gary, Sue Lindhorst Mark, Trish Baker Ann Molyneaux HOG Luncheon

Communion Team 2-Pew: Judy Hertenstein (Cpt), Liz Schurwan, Celeste Tichy, Donna Grote

Dec 9 Jo Ann Moody Audrey Farrell Rory Winship Mike, Celeste Tichy Tom Wehling,

Jennifer Noonan Cindy Kettler Molyneaux Family

Dec 16 Cantata Sally Dodge Gregory Scott

Ben Wehling Tom, Debbie Glenn Earl, Kay Kreder Skylar Droege Lauer Family

Dec 23 Christmas Pgnt Jo Ann Moody Rory Winship

Audrey Farrell Jan Wirtz, Liz Schurwan

Joe and Jamie DelCarmen

Michael Winship Droege Family

Dec 24 Christmas Eve ––––––– ––––––– ––––––– Marsha Ramey, Sally

Dodge Sue Wilson –––––––

Communion Team 4-ALTAR: Sally Dodge, Rod Hertenstein, Marsha Ramey

Dec 30 Sally Dodge Stuart Kirk Mark, Jo Ann Moody

Rod, Judy Hertenstein Nancy Litzinger –––––––

Jan 6 Sally Dodge Nick Wintrode Mark, Nancy Gerdes Jack, Ann Molyneaux Cindy Kettler Tichy Family

Communion Team 3-Pew: Kathryn Kuntzman, John Weiland, Jan Wirtz, Gary Lindhorst

Jan 13 Jo Ann Moody Matthew Wehling Joe DelCarmen, David Knieriem

Evelyn Stecher, Donna Grote Tom Wehling Glenn Family

Jan 10 Sally Dodge Gregory Scott Sarah Scott, J an Wirtz Bill, Donna Stevens Annie Sampath Litzinger Family

Jan 17 Annual Luncheon Mtg Jo Ann Moody Audrey Farrell

Rory Winship Debbie Glenn, Kathryn Kuntzman Earl, Kay Kreder Ann Molyneaux Luncheon

Page 8: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

Care Corps Care Corps Jul: Leader Myrna Weiland 314-878-3230 Co-Leader Rose Share 314-434-2840 Care Corps Aug: Leader Diann Sheahan 314-275-2913 Co-Leader Ann Molyneaux 314-878-0966

Assisting in Lay Ministry Please find YOUR Name. Reminders are sent each Tuesday. If you cannot help on your specific day, please switch with someone then inform the church office-314-434-4991.

Date Nursery Acolyte Greeters Ushers Liturgist Coffee

July 1 Sally Dodge Stuart Kirk Miller DiVesta

Peter LaSalle, Sally Dodge Bruce, Janet Wilking Stephen Lowry Marilyn Gulotta,

Donna Grote Communion Team 4-ALTAR: Sally Dodge, Rod Hertenstein, Marsha Ramey

July 8 Jo Ann Moody Ben Wehling Audrey Farrell

Julie Mc Allister, Kathryn Kuntzman Tom, Debbie Glenn Calvin Heend Carl, Pat Winship

July 15 Sally Dodge Nick Wintrode Rory Winship Ronn, Dottie Foster Rich, Sarah Heend Nancy Litzinger Weiland Family

July 22 VBS week Jo Ann Moody Stuart Kirk

Rory Winship Carl, Pat Winship Rich, Calvin Heend Russ Washburn Wilking Family

July 29 Sally Dodge Nick Wintrode Curt, Jennifer Wintrode Bill, Donna Stevens Calvin Heend Heend Family

Aug 5 Sally Dodge Matthew Wehling Gregory Scott

Ralph, Myrna Weiland Jack, Nancy Litzinger Diann Sheahan Foster Family

Communion Team 1-Pew: Beth Noonan, Evelyn Stecher, Jack Molyneaux, Frank Pfau

God has called us to our positions, and we rejoice when we are able to serve God in these places of ministry. If there is some way in which our staff may be of help to you, please contact us at 314-434-4991.

Pastor Dan Wilson: [email protected] 314-580-4564 Linda Lowry: [email protected] Anna DiVesta: [email protected] Frieda Clark: [email protected]

Office open: Monday/Friday 8:30am–3pm Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am–2:30pm ➢Need Giving Statement: Peter LaSalle 636-519-0823. ➢borrow Chairs/Tables: Ralph Weiland 314-878-3230.

7/23/2000 Robert and Diane Droege

1 Ronn Foster 10 Ashwath Sampath 12 Bob De Fer 14 Malvika Sampath 18 Stephen Lowry 20 Jim Sheahan 21 Christopher Moody

23 Tyler Ray 23 Elizabeth Schurwan 24 Jessica Kempa 28 Bill Pasia 30 Jack Litzinger 31 Cole Winship

Please place items on the designated shelves in the coatroom for these local charities.

Circle of Concern A Shopping and monthly needs List is on Fellowship Hall bulletin board. Call 636-861-2623 or visit www.circleofconcern.org

Isaiah 58 Ministries accepts donations of food, clothing, plastic bags/egg cartons—place in plastic grocery bags on marked shelves in the coatroom. Mark bags with “Isaiah 58.” Meal a Month Chart sheet on Fellowship Hall bulletin board. www.i58ministries.org/

Ritenour Co-Care Food Pantry Collects food and personal care items. www.ritenourcocare.org/

Chesterfield Community Preschool teaches children over three years, in the lower level of Ivy Chapel on weekdays. www.ccpstl.org/

Lions Club recycles old eyeglasses: An orange collection basket in the office or in the wall pocket next to the office door.

ShoeCrew Project: Put your unwanted footwear in the white box/bag in the coatroom. www.shoecrewwater.org

Instituto El Rey: Explore the website how YOU can help students in rural northern Honduras pursue their dreams. www.ierschool.org

Page 9: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

AA=Alcoholics Anonymous CA=Christian Action CC=Chancel Choir CE=Christian Education C.C.P.=Chesterfield Community Preschool

EMMP=Eric Moody Memorial Pavilion FH = Fellowship Hall KYP=Keeping You Posted LL=Lower Level LS=The Lord’s Supper

M&M Grp=Mary and Martha Women's Group Nursery=Ny PP=Purple Pages SS=Sunday School

Monday C.C.P. 9am-12pm AA 1pm

Tuesday C.C.P. 9am-12pm AA S.O.S 10-11am Anna DiVesta 4:30-8:30pm

Wednesday C.C.P. 9am-12pm Anna DiVesta 4:30-6:30pm

Thursday C.C.P. 9am-12pm AA 12:00pm Anna DiVesta 7-8:30

Friday C.C.P. 9am-12pm

Saturday AA 10:30am

In August: 26th Highway Clean-Up-pg 5


1 6th S aft Pentecost-Grn 9am Adult Bible Study 10am Worship w/LS, SS








8 7th S aft Pentecost-Grn 9am Adult Bible Study 10am Worship/SS Mtgs Aft Worship: •Deacons •Christian Action •Trustee




West County Community Action Network (WE CAN)

5 pm - 8 pm FH/Ny




15 8th S aft Pentecost-Grn 9am Adult Bible Study 10am Worship/SS

The Ivy Vine articles due


NO Council Mtg

17 NO M&M Women’s Grp

18 Men's Lunch 11:30am Creve Coeur Lakehouse, 2160 Creve Coeur Mill Rd, 314-576-7200



21 Private party at Eric Moody Mem. Pav.

22 9th S aft Pentecost-Grn 9am Adult Bible Study 10am Worship/SS

VBS Set-up

23 Vacation Bible School See pages 3-4

24 Vacation Bible School See pages 3-4

25 Vacation Bible School See pages 3-4

26 Vacation Bible School See pages 3-4

27 Vacation Bible School See pages 3-4


29 10th S aft Pentecost-Grn

VBS Sunday

9am Adult Bible Study 10am Worship/SS


31 August 1 August 4

Page 10: Dan Wilson, Pastor pastordan@ivychapel...One vital truth which we discovered together is that God desires the hurch to be fruitful. This month, I would like to offer some thoughts

Good Grief Gathering

A new group may begin at Ivy Chapel UCC in August.

In response to God’s encouragement, our church may

attempt hosting a grief support group.

Initially, the group will meet every Monday, 10 am to

11:30 am, in the church sanctuary.

We will call this group “Good Grief Gathering.”

Conveners will be Ann Molyneaux and Pastor Dan.

Our plain and simple vision is for this group to serve as a

grief support gathering.

All that is shared will remain confidential.

Please contact Ann, 314-878-0966, or

Pastor Dan, 314-434-4991 to make us aware that

you would like to participate.