DailyTech Report 18.07.12

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  • 7/31/2019 DailyTech Report 18.07.12


    www.angelbroking.com 1

    Daily Technical Report

    July 18, 2012

    Sensex (17105) / NIFTY (5193)

    Yesterday, our benchmark indices opened on an

    optimistic note in-line with some of the Asian bourses

    but could not sustain at higher levels and closed once

    again below the 5200 ma rk. O n the sectoral front,

    the correction was mainly seen in Realty, Auto and

    Power counters; wherea s defensive sectors like, FMC G

    and Health Care stood firm during yesterdays

    session. The advance to decline ratio was strongly in

    favor of decl ining counters (A= 1048 D= 1758 )

    (Source www.bseindia.com).


    The weekly 61.8% Fibonacci retracement of thefa l l f rom 18524 /5630 (February 22, 2012)

    157 49 / 477 0 (June 4, 2012) is seen at 17464 /

    5302 .

    O n the weekly chart, we are witnessing aDownward Sloping Trend Line resistance near

    17687 / 5386 formed by jo in ing the h ighs of

    21109 / 6339 (November 5, 2010) 18524 /

    56 30 (February 24 , 201 2).

    A horizontal consolidation band is observed inthe range o f 17034 / 5159 and 1763 5 / 5350.

    The 20 day EMA is placed at 17200 / 5218level.

    Trading strategy:

    Despite strong opening , o ur m arkets could not sustain

    at higher levels and again closed below 5200 mark.

    Indices are now moving towards the lower range of

    the gap area (1713 5 - 1703 4 / 5189 5159 levels)

    formed on 29 thJune 2012. This support zone also

    coincides with 20-week EMA. Hence, looking at the

    weekly chart, our view is that indices may find decent

    int raday suppor t around 17135 17034 / 5189

    51 59 levels. O n the upside, Monda ys high of 1 727 3

    / 52 47 m ay act as an im m ed ia te in traday resista nce

    level. A sustainable move above this mark may push

    indices higher to test 17343 17467 / 5267 5300


    Exhibit 1: N ifty Daily Chart

    Source: Falco n

    Actionable poin ts:

    View N eutral

    Resistance Levels 52 47 - 52 67

    Support Levels 518 9 - 515 9

  • 7/31/2019 DailyTech Report 18.07.12


  • 7/31/2019 DailyTech Report 18.07.12


    www.angelbroking.com 3

    Daily Technical Report

    July 18, 2012

    Daily Pivot Levels for Nifty 50 Stocks


    SENSEX 16,977 17,041 17,139 17,203 17,300

    NIFTY 5,149 5,171 5,204 5,226 5,259

    BANKNIFTY 10,429 10,494 10,584 10,648 10,738

    ACC 1,238 1,248 1,260 1,269 1,281

    AM BUJACEM 166 168 169 170 171

    ASIANPAINT 3,595 3,629 3,674 3,707 3,752

    AXISBANK 984 1,004 1,032 1,052 1,081

    BAJAJ-AUTO 1,395 1,420 1,457 1,482 1,518

    BANKBARODA 724 727 731 735 739

    BHARTIARTL 316 320 324 329 333

    BHEL 221 224 228 231 235

    BPCL 369 373 379 383 390

    CAIRN 315 316 317 318 320

    CIPLA 325 329 333 336 341

    COALINDIA 350 352 354 356 357

    DLF 198 200 204 206 210DRREDDY 1,671 1,688 1,704 1,720 1,736

    GAIL 341 348 354 361 366

    GRASIM 2,548 2,567 2,591 2,610 2,634

    HCLTECH 467 473 479 485 490

    HDFC 679 681 683 685 687

    HDFCBANK 573 578 584 588 594

    HEROM OTOCO 2,077 2,087 2,104 2,114 2,131

    HINDALCO 118 119 120 121 121

    HINDUN ILVR 439 442 444 446 448

    ICICIBANK 911 917 924 930 938

    IDFC 132 134 137 138 141

    INFY 2,141 2,156 2,177 2,192 2,213

    ITC 251 253 255 257 258

    JINDALSTEL 407 411 418 422 429

    JPASSOCIAT 75 76 77 78 79

    KOTAKBANK 581 587 594 600 607

    LT 1,358 1,368 1,384 1,394 1,410

    M &M 6 9 0 6 9 9 7 1 2 7 2 1 7 3 4

    M ARUTI 1,176 1,186 1,201 1,211 1,226

    NTPC 156 157 159 160 161

    ONGC 279 281 286 288 293

    PNB 846 852 858 864 870

    POWERGRID 111 112 112 113 114RANBAXY 483 489 496 502 509

    RELIANCE 711 715 722 726 732

    RELINFRA 501 509 524 532 547

    SAIL 91 91 92 93 94

    SBIN 2,160 2,180 2,202 2,221 2,243

    SESAGOA 181 183 186 188 191

    SIEM ENS 674 683 694 703 714

    STER 98 100 101 103 104

    SUNPHARM A 618 623 630 635 642

    TATAMOTORS 221 223 228 230 235

    TATAPOW ER 93 94 96 97 99

    TATASTEEL 399 403 408 411 417

    TCS 1,146 1,166 1,195 1,215 1,244

    W IPRO 349 356 360 367 371

  • 7/31/2019 DailyTech Report 18.07.12


    www angelbroking com 4

    Daily Technical Report

    July 18, 2012

    Research Team Tel: 02 2 - 39 35 78 00 E-m ail: research@a ngelbroking .com Website: www.a ngelbrok ing.com


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    Research Team

    Shard ul Kulkarni - Head TechnicalsSam eet Ch avan - Technica l Ana lyst

    Sacchitana nd Uttekar - Technica l Ana lyst

    M ehul Kothari - Technica l Ana lyst

    Anku r Lakhotia - Technica l Ana lyst

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