DAILY RESPONSE What are the two types of stress? Explain a situation when you felt one of these types of stress. The responsible party is the person who has the shortest hair. Please pick up the notes page for the day. Thanks.

DAILY RESPONSE What are the two types of stress? Explain a situation when you felt one of these types of stress. The responsible party is the person who

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DAILY RESPONSEWhat are the two types of stress? Explain a situation when you felt one of these types of stress.

The responsible party is the person who has the shortest hair. Please pick up the notes page for the day. Thanks.

Mental Illnesses

1.Did you like the meditation? Yes or no2.Would you want to do it again? Yes or no

3.Did you feel relaxed after meditation? yes or no

CATEGORIES Anxiety disorders – intense anxiety or fear keeps a

person from functioning normally.

Personality disorders – variety of psychological conditions that affect a person’s ability to get along with others.

Mood disorders – a person undergoes changes in mood that seem inappropriate or extreme.

Eating disorders – extreme and damaging eating behaviors that can lead to sickness and even death.


PANIC DISORDER –A disorder characterized by a fear of losing

control followed by sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, and nausea.

PHOBIAS –A disorder characterized by an intense and

exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object.

There are over 700 specific phobias documented. More than ten percent (10%) of the U.S. population has some form of phobia. It is the most common mental disorder in the United States. Phobias frequently begin in childhood and affect females more than males.

• Achluophobia: Darkness

• Acrophobia (6): Heights

• Aerophobia (3): Flying

• Agoraphobia (4): Open Places

• Agyrophobia: Crossing Streets

• Aichmophobia: Sharp Objects

• Alchiphobia: Failure

• Apiphobia: Bees

• Carcinophobia (8): Cancer

• Catagelophobia: Ridicule

• Claustrophobia (5): Small Spaces

• Coulrophobia: Clowns

• Cynophobia: Dogs

• Emetophobia (7): Vomiting

• Epistemophobia: Places of Learning

• Arachnophobia (1): Spiders

• Automysophobia: Being Dirty

• Ballistrophobia: Being Shot

• Barophobia: Falling

• Bibliophobia: Books

• Bogyphobia: Bogeyman

• Bromidrosophobia: Body Smells

• Brontophobia (9): Thunderstorms

• Erythrophobia: Red Color or Blushing

• Gatophobia: Cats

• Gephyrophobia: Crossing Bridges

• Gerascophobia: Growing Old

• Glossophobia: Public Speaking

• Hemophobia: Blood

• Hydrophobia: Water


OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD) –A disorder characterized by obsessions such

as a need to perform behaviors over and over accompanied by compulsions such as hand washing, counting, hoarding, and arranging possessions.

POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD) –A disorder characterized by a withdrawal or

depression after a distressing experience such as an accident, witnessing a violent act, natural disaster, etc.


PARANOID PERSONALITY DISORDER –A disorder characterized by a distrust or

suspiciousness of others.

SCHIZOPHRENIA –A severe mental disorder in which people lose

contact with reality.



When you have antisocial personality disorder, you typically have no regard for right and wrong. You may often violate the law and the rights of others, landing yourself in frequent trouble or conflict. You may lie, behave violently, and have drug and alcohol problems


SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD) –A disorder characterized by a mild form of depression occurring during certain seasons

of the year.

CLINICAL DEPRESSION -A disorder characterized by a loss interest in life and no longer being able to find

enjoyment in anything.

BIPOLAR DISORDER - A disorder characterized by periods of mania (hyperactivity) and depression


ANOREXIA NERVOSA –An eating disorder characterized by self-

starvation leading to extreme weight loss these folks constantly see themselves as overweight and can be obsessed with standing on the scale.

BULIMIA NERVOSA –Bulimia nervosa is a serious, potentially life-

threatening eating disorder. People with bulimia nervosa may binge and purge, eating large amounts

of food and then trying to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way.


BINGE EATING DISORDER–Binge-eating disorder is a serious eating

disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food.


Steps:1. Name the celebrity2. Name the mental/emotional illness

• Robin Williams


• David BeckhamObsessive Compulsive Disorder

Ben Stiller Bipolar Disorder

Drew Barrymore

Clinical Depression

Demi Lovato


Johnny Depp

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Owen Wilson

Clinical Depression

Harrison Ford


Howie Mandel