Unsafe Drinking Water 93% bottled water samples ‘contaminated’ (Hindustan Times"20180316) http://paper.hindustantimes.com/epaper/viewer.aspx Report states contamination by plastic particles most likely occurring during industrial process of bottling We know that they are connected to these synthetic chemicals in the environment and we know that plastics are providing kind of a means to get those chemicals into our bodies. SHERRI MASON, State University of New York MIAMI: The world’s leading brands of bottled water are contaminated with tiny plastic particles that may be seeping in during the packaging process, according to a major study across nine countries published on Wednesday. Experts cautioned that the extent of the risk to health by such contamination remains unclear. “Widespread contamination” by plastic was found in the study, led by microplastic researcher Sherri Mason of the State University of New York at Fredonia, according to a summary released by Orb Media, a US-based nonprofit media collective. Researchers tested 250 bottles of water in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Thailand, and the United States. Plastic was identified in 93 % of the samples, which included major name brands such as Aqua, Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, Nestle Pure Life and San Pellegrino. The plastic debris included polypropylene, nylon, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is used to make bottle caps. DAILY NEWS BULLETIN LEADING HEALTH, POPULATION AND FAMILY WELFARE STORIES OF THE Day Friday 20180316

DAILY NEWS BULLETINnihfw.org/Doc/Daily Health News 20180316.pdf · Many risk factors are related to lifestyle, which means that by changing certain habits and leading a more healthful

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  • Unsafe Drinking Water

    93% bottled water samples ‘contaminated’ (Hindustan Times"20180316)


    Report states contamination by plastic particles most likely occurring during industrial

    process of bottling

    We know that they are connected to these synthetic chemicals in the environment and we

    know that plastics are providing kind of a means to get those chemicals into our bodies.

    SHERRI MASON, State University of New York

    MIAMI: The world’s leading brands of bottled water are contaminated with tiny plastic

    particles that may be seeping in during the packaging process, according to a major study

    across nine countries published on Wednesday.

    Experts cautioned that the extent of the risk to health by such contamination remains unclear.

    “Widespread contamination” by plastic was found in the study, led by microplastic researcher

    Sherri Mason of the State University of New York at Fredonia, according to a summary

    released by Orb Media, a US-based nonprofit media collective.

    Researchers tested 250 bottles of water in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon,

    Mexico, Thailand, and the United States.

    Plastic was identified in 93 % of the samples, which included major name brands such as

    Aqua, Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, Nestle Pure Life and San Pellegrino.

    The plastic debris included polypropylene, nylon, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET),

    which is used to make bottle caps.


  • “In this study, 65% of the particles we found were actually fragments, not fibres,” Mason told


    “I think it is coming through the process of bottling the water. I think that most of the plastic

    that we are seeing is coming from the bottle itself, it is coming from the cap, it is coming

    from the industrial process of bottling the water,” Mason said.

    Particle concentration ranged from “zero to more than 10,000 likely plastic particles in a

    single bottle,” said the report.

    On average, plastic particles in the 100 micron (0.10 millimeter) size range — considered

    “microplastics,” — were found at an average rate of 10.4 plastic particles per litre.

    Even smaller particles were more common — averaging about 325 per litre.

    Other brands that were found to contain plastic contaminated included Bisleri, Epura,

    Gerolsteiner, Minalba and Wahaha.

    Experts cautioned that the extent of the risk to human health posed by such contamination

    remains unclear.

    “There are connections to increases in certain kinds of cancer to lower sperm count to

    increases in conditions like ADHD and autism,” said Mason.

    “We know that they are connected to these synthetic chemicals in the environment and we

    know that plastics are providing kind of a means to get those chemicals into our bodies.”


    Previous research by Orb Media has found plastic particles in tap water, too, but on a smaller


    “Tap water, by and large, is much safer than bottled water,” said Mason.

    The three-month study used a technique developed by the University of East Anglia’s School

    of Chemistry to “see” microplastic particles by staining them using fluorescent Nile Red dye,

    which makes plastic fluorescent when irradiated with blue light.

    “We have been involved with independently reviewing the findings and methodology to

    ensure the study is robust and credible,” said lead researcher Andrew Mayes, from UEA’s

    School of Chemistry.


    Jacqueline Savitz, chief policy officer for North America at Oceana, a marine advocacy

    group that was not involved in the research, said the study provides more evidence that

    society must abandon the ubiquitous use of plastic water bottles.

  • “We know plastics are building-up in marine animals, and this means we too are being

    exposed, some of us, every day,” she said. “It’s more urgent now than ever before to make

    plastic water bottles a thing of the past,” she added.

  • Contaminated Water (The Asian Age:20180316)


  • Pancreatic Cancer

    How an existing diabetes drug controls pancreatic cancer (Medical News



    New research suggests that targeting a particular cell signaling pathway with the diabetes

    drug metformin might offer a way to stop the progression and spread of pancreatic cancer.

    Pancreatic cancer kills more than 44,000 people in the U.S. every year.

    The study — which was led by Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey in New Brunswick —

    is to feature at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research,

    which will be held in Chicago, IL.

    This study is not the first to suggest metformin as a potential treatment for pancreatic cancer,

    but it is the first to show that the underlying mechanism involves the drug's effect on the

    REarranged during Transfection (RET) cell signaling pathway.

    "Our data," says senior investigator XiangLin Tan, who is an assistant professor of

    epidemiology in the School of Public Health at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey,

    "indicate that targeting RET with metformin may be an attractive and novel strategy for the

    prevention and treatment of pancreatic cancer progression and metastasis."

    Pancreatic cancer

    Pancreatic cancer is a cancer that starts in the cells of the pancreas, which is an organ behind

    the stomach that helps with digestion and blood sugar control.

    The estimates for the United States suggest that around 55,440 people will find out that they

    have pancreatic cancer in 2018, and approximately 44,330 people will die of the disease.

    Though it is only responsible for 3 percent of all cancers in the U.S., pancreatic cancer

    accounts for around 7 percent of deaths from cancer.

    Because pancreatic cancer is hard to detect in the early stages, most cases are not diagnosed

    until the disease has started to spread. This makes it harder to treat and often leaves people

    with much poorer prospects compared with other types of cancer.

    Metformin and cancer

    Metformin is a drug that is approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The plant it comes

    from, the French lilac Galega officinalis, has been used to ease the symptoms of diabetes

    since the Middle Ages.

  • However, thanks to the evidence from extensive laboratory experiments and numerous

    studies that have followed large groups of people, there is now a lot of interest in the

    possibility that metformin might also be effective against cancer.

    Pancreatic cancer: Modified flu virus destroys tumors

    Learn how scientists modified a flu virus so that it kills pancreatic cancer cells without

    harming healthy ones.

    This interest has led to clinical trials that are testing metformin not only as a cancer treatment,

    but also as way to prevent cancer in people at higher risk, such as those who have already had

    one cancer and have a higher risk of developing another type.

    Laboratory investigations have revealed several ways in which metformin interacts with cells

    and tissue that might explain its anti-cancer effects.

    These studies revealed, for example, that the drug can target and kill cancer stem cells,

    control inflammation responses, and block a cell signaling pathway — called mammalian

    target of rapamycin — that plays an important role in tumor growth and progression.

    None of these, however, have identified the specific mechanism by which metformin might

    act against pancreatic cancer.

    Metformin and the RET signaling pathway

    RET is a cell membrane receptor that sends and receives signals from the cell's environment.

    It is also an enzyme that becomes active when it binds to a particular molecule. Together,

    these roles make RET a key player in the control of cell proliferation, survival, and death.

    Prof. Tan and colleagues decided to investigate RET because the receptor and the molecule

    that it attaches to are strongly expressed in pancreatic cancer and are also linked to the spread

    of the cancer and worse survival after surgery.

    In their experiments, they found that metformin reduced RET signaling in some pancreatic

    cancer cell lines.

    The team also found that silencing RET by other means, as well as treatment with metformin,

    significantly reduced cell migration.

    Therefore, the researchers conclude that blocking RET signaling is at least one of the

    mechanisms through which metformin stops the growth and spread of pancreatic cancer cells.

    "Completion of this study will form the basis for developing a novel clinical intervention

    strategy for inhibiting the growth and spread of pancreatic cancer using metformin and/or

    other selective RET inhibitors."

    Prof. XiangLin Tan

  • The scientists call for further studies to identify the precise manner in which metformin alters

    RET signaling in pancreatic cancer.

    Artificial Heart (The Asian Age:20180316)


  • Alzheimer's disease

    High fitness may slash dementia risk, study says (Medical News Today:20180316)


    Being physically fit is known to bring a range of health benefits — from staving off

    metabolic diseases to offering protection against heart disease. A new study may now have

    uncovered an additional advantage for women: a highly decreased risk of dementia.

    Could physical fitness in middle age influence the risk of dementia?

    Dementia, an umbrella term for a range of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by

    progressive memory loss and other cognitive impairments, affects approximately 50 million

    people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

    This condition is most common among older adults, and a recent report suggests that more

    women live with Alzheimer's disease — a form of dementia — globally than men.

    Many risk factors are related to lifestyle, which means that by changing certain habits and

    leading a more healthful life, a person's risk of dementia can be decreased.

    A new study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden has now found that women who

    are very physically fit in middle age have an almost 90 percent decreased risk of being

    diagnosed with dementia later in life, unlike their moderately fit peers, who are more exposed

    to this condition.

    The results of this study — which was led by Helena Hörder — were published yesterday in

    the journal Neurology.

    Fitness cuts risk by 88 percent

    For the purpose of the study, the researchers worked with 191 women, aged 50, on average.

    The participants' cardiovascular fitness — or their ability to sustain physical effort over a

    prolonged period — was assessed through a bicycle exercise test.

    Hörder and team asked the women to participate in the exercise until they felt physically

    exhausted; this allowed the researchers to establish what each participant's peak

    cardiovascular capacity was.

    How daytime sleepiness may raise Alzheimer's risk

    Learn how excessive daytime sleepiness could indicate the risk of Alzheimer's among older


  • In specialty literature, this peak capacity is defined as "the maximum ability of the

    cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to exercising skeletal muscle and of the exercising

    muscle to extract oxygen from the blood."

    The researchers behind this new study measured average peak workload at 103 watts.

    Following these assessments, 40 women qualified as highly physically fit (120 watts or

    higher peak workload), 92 women exhibited medium fitness, and 59 women had low fitness

    levels (80 watts or lower peak workload).

    Some of the women in the latter category had to interrupt exercise participation due to

    hypertension, chest pain, or other cardiovascular symptoms.

    The participants were then followed-up over a period of 44 years, during which time they

    were assessed for dementia six times. During that time, 44 of the participants developed the


    Of the women who has scored as highly fit, only 5 percent were diagnosed with dementia in

    that 44-year interval. In contrast, 25 percent of the moderately fit participants and 32 percent

    of the women with low physical fitness levels developed the disease.

    In other words, the women who were highly fit in middle age had an 88 percent lower risk of

    dementia than their moderately fit counterparts.

    Also, the highly fit women who ended up receiving a dementia diagnosis did so at a much

    later stage in their lives — 11 years later, on average, than moderately fit women.

    'Exciting findings' may speak to prevention

    Another notable finding is that among the women who had been forced to cease exercise

    participation due to cardiovascular problems, 45 percent went on to develop dementia.

    "This indicates," says Hörder, "that negative cardiovascular processes may be happening in

    midlife that could increase the risk of dementia much later in life."

    "These findings are exciting because it's possible that improving people's cardiovascular

    fitness in middle age could delay or even prevent them from developing dementia."

    Helena Hörder

    At the same time, however, Hörder warns that "this study does not show cause and effect

    between cardiovascular fitness and dementia, it only shows an association."

    She continues, saying, "More research is needed to see if improved fitness could have a

    positive effect on the risk of dementia and also to look at when during a lifetime a high

    fitness level is most important."

    The study also had a number of limitations, such as the limited population sample, the

    specificity of the cohort — all of the women were Swedish, meaning that the results may not

  • hold true for other populations — and the fact that the women's levels of fitness were only

    assessed at one point in the beginning of the study.

    This, Hörder explains, may mean that possible changes in fitness levels following that initial

    test were not accounted for.

    Alzheimer's Disease (The Asian Age:20180316)


    Superbugs (The Asian Age:20180316)


  • Smoking

    E-cigarettes 'may do more harm than good,' study suggests (Medical News



    Recently at Medical News Today, we have looked at a number of studies that assessed the

    potential harms and benefits of e-cigarettes. Now, we report on a new study published in

    PLOS ONE that suggests that use of these devices might be more harmful than beneficial.

    E-cigarettes could cause more harm than benefit, say researchers.

    Electronic cigarettes, also called e-cigarettes, are battery-powered devices that heat a liquid

    solution, which may or may not include nicotine, into a vapor that is inhaled — or "vaped" —

    by the user.

    The devices have become a popular alternative to conventional cigarettes in recent years, due

    in part to the belief that they present fewer health risks than regular ones.

    The use of e-cigarettes is growing rapidly in the United States. However, this surge in

    popularity is controversial — not only due to the questions posed by researchers over whether

    or not vaping is harmful, but also because of concerns that teenagers may be using e-

    cigarettes as a gateway into regular smoking.

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have banned the sale of e-cigarettes to individuals

    under the age of 18. But more scientific evidence is needed to inform the public debate about

    the effects of e-cigarettes at population level.

    A recent study reported by MNT found that teenagers who had used e-cigarettes had three

    times the amount of toxic compounds in their bodies than teenagers who had never vaped.

    And, another recent scientific paper that we covered suggests that the heating coils in e-

    cigarettes may contribute to these high levels of toxic compounds.

    The authors of that paper found that small concentrations of toxic metals were present in the

    liquid solutions in e-cigarette refilling dispensers, but that these levels were much higher in

    solutions that had already been heated within e-cigarettes.

    The authors explain that this finding indicates that it is the heating coils — rather than the

    solutions themselves — that are the main source of toxic metals.

    'More population-level harms than benefits'

    The new study analyzed data that were taken from census counts, previously published

    scientific literature, and surveys of national health and tobacco use.

  • The study authors weighed up the relative harms of using e-cigarettes and compared them

    with those of smoking regular cigarettes.

    E-cigarettes may cause cancer and heart disease, says study

    Researchers suggest that e-cigarettes can cause DNA damage, thereby raising the risk of heart

    disease and cancer.

    The scientists conclude that use of e-cigarettes is currently linked with more population-level

    harms than benefits.

    What is more, the authors note that e-cigarettes could slow or reverse the substantial

    reduction in smoking among young people that tobacco control efforts have driven since the


    Lead author Samir Soneji — an associate professor at the Dartmouth Institute for Health

    Policy and Clinical Practice at Dartmouth College in Lebanon, NH — says that although the

    tobacco industry markets e-cigarettes as smoking cessation tools, relatively few e-cigarette

    users are able to quit smoking successfully. Rather, e-cigarette use may actually lead to

    people taking up smoking.

    "E-cigarettes could lead to more than 1.5 million years of life lost because their use could

    substantially increase the number of adolescents and young adults who eventually become

    cigarette smokers."

    Samir Soneji

    The authors recommend that efforts should be made at national, state, and local levels to

    reduce e-cigarette use among young people. This could include taking steps to make e-

    cigarettes less appealing to teenagers, such as making "kid-friendly fruit flavors" less


    "E-cigarettes will likely cause more public health harm than public health benefit," concludes

    Soneji, "unless ways can be found to substantially decrease the number of adolescents and

    young adults who vape and increase the number of smokers who use e-cigarettes to

    successfully quit smoking."

  • Genetic

    Astronaut's gene expression no longer same as his identical twin, NASA finds (The

    Times of India:20180316)

    Space travel altered Kelly's chromosomes

    Story highlights

    93% of Scott Kelly's genetic expression returned to normal once he returned to Earth

    However, a subset of several hundred "space genes" remained disrupted

    (CNN)Spending a year in space not only changes your outlook, it transforms your gene


    Preliminary results from NASA's Twins Study reveal that 7% of astronaut Scott Kelly's

    genetic expression -- how his genes function within cells -- did not return to baseline after his

    return to Earth two years ago.

    The study looks at what happened to Kelly before, during and after he spent one year aboard

    the International Space Station through an extensive comparison with his identical twin,

    Mark, who remained on Earth.

    Twins study: How one-year mission affected astronaut's health

    Twins study: How one-year mission affected astronaut's health

    Though Scott Kelly's genetic expression changed, he and Mark are still identical. Changes in

    gene expression are how the human body reacts to the environment. Kelly's transformation

    suggests longer-term alterations related to at least five biological pathways and functions.

    'Space genes'

    The newest preliminary results from this unique study of Kelly, now retired from NASA,

    were released at the 2018 Investigator's Workshop for NASA's Human Research Program in

    January. Last year, NASA published its first round of preliminary results at the 2017

    Investigator's Workshop. Overall, the 2018 findings corroborated those from 2017, with some


    International Space Station Fast Facts

    To track physical changes caused by time in space, scientists measured Kelly's metabolites

    (necessary for maintaining life), cytokines (secreted by immune system cells) and proteins

    (workhorses within each cell) before, during and after his mission. The researchers learned

    that spaceflight is associated with oxygen-deprivation stress, increased inflammation and

    dramatic nutrient shifts that affect gene expression.

  • In particular, Chris Mason of Weill Cornell Medicine reported on the activation of Kelly's

    "space genes" while confirming the results of his separate NASA study, published last year.

    To better understand the genetic dynamics of each twin, Mason and his team focused on

    chemical changes in RNA and DNA.

    Although 93% of Kelly's genetic expression returned to normal once he returned to Earth, a

    subset of several hundred "space genes" remained disrupted. Some of these alterations, found

    only after spaceflight, are thought to be caused by the stresses of space travel.

    This change of gene expression is very minimal, according to NASA.

    Yet as genes turn on and off, change in the function of cells may occur.

    Looking to Mars

    Mason's work shows that one of the most important changes to Kelly's cells was hypoxia, or a

    deficient amount of tissue oxygenation, probably due to a lack of oxygen and high levels of

    carbon dioxide. Possible damage to mitochondria, the "power plants of cells," also occurred

    in Kelly's cells, as indicated by mitochondrial stress and increased levels of mitochondria in

    the blood.

    Our bodies in space: Zero gravity weighs heavy on your health

    Mason's team also saw changes in the length of Kelly's telomeres, caps at the end of

    chromosomes that are considered a marker of biological aging. First, there was a significant

    increase in average length while he was in space, and then there was a decrease in length

    within about 48 hours of his landing on Earth that stabilized to nearly preflight levels.

    Scientists believe that these telomere changes, along with the DNA damage and DNA repair

    measured in Kelly's cells, were caused by both radiation and calorie restrictions.

    Additionally, the team found changes in Kelly's collagen, blood clotting and bone formation

    due, most likely, to fluid shifts and zero gravity. The researchers discovered hyperactive

    immune activity as well, thought to be the result of his radically different environment: space.

    See the latest news and share your comments with CNN Health on Facebook and Twitter.

    The Twins Study helps NASA gain insight into what happens to the human body in space

    beyond the usual six-month International Space Station missions previously studied in other

    astronauts. Ten groups of researchers, including Mason's team, are looking at a wide variety

    of information about the Kelly twins' health, including how gut bacteria, bones and the

    immune system might be affected by living off planet.

    Kelly's one-year mission is a scientific stepping stone to a planned three-year mission to

    Mars, NASA said. Research into how the human body adjusts to weightlessness, isolation,

    radiation and the stress of long-duration spaceflight is needed before astronauts are sent on

    journeys that would triple the time humans have spent in space so far.

  • Swine Flu (Hindustan:20180316)



  • Þ Ĥȯ (Hindustan:20180316)

    कभी-कभार Þ Ĥȯ कम हो जाना आम है। पर हर समय Þ Ĥȯ कम रहना या बार-बार कम हो

    जाना ͩ   Ȣबड़ी परेशानी के होने का संकेत भी हो सकता है। È से पहले संभलना ¡ ȣ  ȡȣहै,

    बता रहे ¡ ɇराजीव कुमार

    मतौर पर लो Þ Ĥȯ (Ǔ à È ȡ) ȧ  è ȡको अनदेखा कर Ǒ ȡजाता है। लोग इसे

    थकान व Ȫȣका मामला समझकर रफा-दफा कर देते ¡ ɇ@पर ͪ ȯ£ ɉ ȧ ȡɅतो हाई बीपी

    (` Í È ȡ) िजतना परेशानी का ͪ है, उतना ¡ ȣलो बीपी भी। बार-बार बीपी कम होना, हमेशा

      ȡ ȡÛ से बहुत कम रहना ǿ पर खतरा मंडराने, ¡ ȡ Ⱦ असंतुलन या ͩ   ȢÛ ǗȪ Ȩǔ

    ͫ  Ȩ[का संकेत हो सकता है। गंभीर ȡ ɉ Ʌबीपी के बहुत नीचे होने से ǔè ç Ʌh È  Ȣ

    और ¡ ×Ǘ [पोषक ×ɉ ȧ] ǗǓ [बंद हो सकती है। [ ȡ ¡ ȡȣ ȯͫ कॉलेज,

    सफदरजंग के ȡ ȯÈ/ ĤȪȯ  डॉ. जुगल ͩ Ȫकहते ¡ ɇ‘लो Þ Ĥȯ Ʌ Ǘŝ ȡ ãȣआती है।

    ¡ ȣȲभी ͬ ȯ, चोट लगने का खतरा बना रहता है। चलने- ͩ ȯ Ʌ Ȫȣ, È आना, आलस

    महसूस होना इसके आम ¢ ¡ ɇ@लो Þ Ĥȯ Ï ȡȡ ¡ ȡ Ⱦ ȧकमी से होता है। उस ǔè Ǔ

    को ¡ ȡ Ⱦ असंतुलन कहते ¡ ɇ@या ͩ ȣ Ʌनमक ȧकमी   ȡ ȡÛ से बहुत कम हो जाए तो भी

    Þ Ĥȯ Ǔ ȯè पर चला जाता है। तेज ȸ Ʌǒ ȡखाए- ͪ f धपू ɅǓ ȯया देर तक धपू

    Ʌबने रहने से बीपी कम होने लगता है। देर से ȡæ ȡकरने, खाने-पीने पर Ú ȡ ना देने और लगातार

    काम करते रहने से भी बीपी कम होने लगता है।’ èè Ȫ ɉ Ʌǒ ȡ ¢ ɉके È ȡ कम रहना

    एक गंभीर मसला है। यह ǿ , ǔè ç एवं ǕÉ \ Ȳ ɉतक È ȧ\   ȡ ȡÛ ] ǗǓ [का संकेत

    हो सकता है। ^  ȧअनदेखी न Ʌ@

    कई बार इसके कारण बहुत   ȡ ȡÛ हो सकते ¡ ɇ, पर अनदेखी करना बड़ी   è ȡबन सकता है। डॉ.

    जुगल ͩ Ȫकहते ¡ ɇͩ ǿ Ȫͬ ɉ Ʌभी Ǔ à È ȡ के ¢ देखने को ͧ सकते ¡ ɇ@

    इसके अलावा ¡ ȡ ȾÛ  का असंतुलन, ȣ ɅȰǔã ,   Ȫͫ , ȪȰͧ ] Ǒ ͧ ɉ ȧ

    कमी से भी ऐसा होता है। ȣ ȧ Ǖġȡ, तनाव का è , ȡȣǐ ǔè Ǔ , दवाएं, खानपान ȧ] Ʌ

    जैसी तमाम ȡɅǓ à È ȡ के ͧ f ǔ à ȯȡ हो सकती ¡ ɇ@नींद ȧकमी से भी È ȡ ͬ ȯ

    लगता है। ȣ Ʌपानी ȧकमी होने से भी È का दबाव कम होने लगता है। कुछ कारण ¡ ɇ..

    पोषक ×ɉ ȧकमी

  • कुछ Ǿȣपोषक × और ͪȡͧ , जैसे बी-12 औरआयरन का संबंध f Ȣͧ ȡसे हो सकता है।

    इन पोषक ×ɉ ȧलगातार और लंबे समय तक कमी Ǔ à È ȡ के Ǿ Ʌभी सामने आ सकती


    नमक का कम सेवन करना

      Ȫͫ एक Ǿȣ^ ȯÈĚȪ ȡ̂ है, जो Ȫͧ ȡj Ȳके आसपास जल का è बरकरार रखता है।

      Ȫͫ ȧकमी Þ Ĥȯ का कारण हो सकती है, पर खाने Ʌनमक ȧ ȡğ बढ़ाने से पहले ȨÈ

    से सलाह Ǿ Ʌ@

    लो बीपी के ¢

    लो Þ Ĥȯ होने पर ǒè से उठकर खड़े होने पर ] Ȳ ɉके सामने अधेंरा छा जाता है और È

    आने लगते ¡ ɇ@हमेशा  ͧ [महसूस होता है। कुछ   ȡ ȡÛ ¢ इस Ĥ ȡ भी हो सकते ¡ ɇ:

    अगर ǿ Ǔ तेजी से ͬ ¡ ȣहै, × ȡ ȧरंगत Ȣ ȣपड़ ¡ ȣहै याæȡ  Ǔ तेजी से \ Ǔ ͧ

    हो ¡ ȣहै तो तुरंत ȨÈ के पास जाना ȡǑ¡ f @

    ’बेहोशी छाना

    ’` ãȣएवं उबकाई आना

    ’f ȡĒ ȡ Ʌकमी आना

    ’थकान का होना

    ’Ǒ ȯ Ʌधुधंलापन

    ’ È आना

    इलाज एवं   ȡ ȡǓ ȡȲ

    तरल ȡ Ⱦ ȧ ȡğ बढ़ाएं। ȸके मौसम Ʌपानी का सेवन Ï ȡȡ Ʌ@

    ǒ ȡf È  [ ȧसलाह के ͩ   Ȣभी तरह ȧदवाओं का सेवन न Ʌ@

  • नींद से जब ` Ʌतो ͪ ȯ Ú ȡ Ʌ, खासकर उस ǔè Ǔ Ʌजबआपको बीपी कम लग रहा हो।

    ǒè से खड़े होते È भी सावधानी Ʌ@È   Ȳ ȡको Ȥ करने के ͧ f खड़े होने से पहले

    अपने पैर और f °ͫ ɉको जमीन पर पंप Ʌ@ ȡȣवजन न उठाएं।

    अगर लो बीपी ȧǔè Ǔ लगातार बनी रहती है या बार-बार यह   è ȡहोती है तो खानपान और

    Ȣ Ȱ ȣ Ʌबदलाव लाएं। ¡ ȡ ȾÛ  ȧजांच भी करा लेनी ȡǑ¡ f @बीपी कम होने ȧ\   ȣवजह

    È ȡहै, इसका पता लगाएं। ¡ ȡ Ⱦ के ȨÈ यानी f ȲȪĐ ȡ̂ Ȫ Ȩǔ è थाइरॉएड, ȡ ǒȣ ] Ǒ ȧ

    जांच करने ȧसलाह दे सकते ¡ ɇ@इससे बचाव के ͧ f खाने Ʌतरल ȡ Ⱦको Ï ȡȡसे Ï ȡȡ

    ȡͧ Ʌ@ǔè Ǔ बहुत Ï ȡȡगंभीर होने पर रोगी को \ è ȡ Ʌ ȸ ͩ ȡजाता है। उसे

    सलाइन और Ê Ǘ Ȫ Ǒ ȡजाता है। È ȡ ȧ  è ȡको Ȣ Ȱ ȣऔर खानपान Ʌबदलाव के

    ǐf Ȥ ͩ ȡजा सकता है-

    Þ Ĥȯ से जूझ रहे Ȫ ɉके ͧ f नमक मददगार   ȡǒ हो सकता है। ¡ ȡ ȡȲͩ अपनी ȸसे खाने

    Ʌनमक ȧ ȡğ को   ȡ ȡÛ से \ ͬ न Ʌ@इससे पहले अपने ȨÈ से सलाह Ǿ Ʌ@Ǿȣ Ʌ

    ¡ ãȯ ȡȣǐ å ȡ ȡ ȡͧ करके भी È ȡ   ȡ ȡÛ ͩ ȡजा सकता है। चहलकदमी और

    Ȱȡ ȧभी ȣ के È संचार को   ȡ ȡÛ करने Ʌमददगार होते ¡ ɇ@

    f ã Ȫ¡ का सेवन \ ͬ ना Ʌ@इसी तरह चाय व Ȩ ȧजैसे Ȱ ȧ ǕÈ तरल ȡ [लेने Ʌ

    f ¡ Ǔ ȡ Ʌ@

    थोड़-ेथोड़े अतंराल बाद कुछखाते ¡ Ʌ@ ȡȯ¡ ȡ̂ Ĝȯ ȧ ȡğ कम Ʌ@सबसे Ǿȣबात ͩ भरपूर

    आराम Ʌ@

    ͩ ȡहोना ȡǑ¡ f Þ Ĥȯ

    हमारे ȣ Ʌ ȡ̀ Ĩ È संचार ȧĤ Đͩ ȡचलती रहती है। यह काम हमारे ǿ के ǐf धमनी

    एवं ͧ ȡf Ȳकरती ¡ ɇ@] [È संचार का è 120/80 माना जाता है।   ȡ ȡÛ भाषा Ʌ ¡ Ʌतो

    \ ͬ È ȡ 120 से \ ͬ ¡ ȣȲरहना ȡǑ¡ f और Ǔ à È ȡ 80 से नीचे ¡ ȣȲहोना

    ȡǑ¡ f @इससे अलग ǔè Ǔ ȡȲहोने पर È ȧ] ǗǓ [करते समय Ǔ ɉपर \ ͬ दबाव पड़

    रहा होता है। aȣऔर Ǔ ȯÈ ȡ का 90/60 से कम रहना कम बीपी का संकेत है। aȣè

    पर 90से 120 व Ǔ ȯè पर 60 से 80   ȡ ȡÛ È ȡ का è है। इससे ऊपर ` Í È ȡ व

    ¡ ȡ̂ Ʌ का è माना जाता है।

  • थाइरॉएड (Hindustan:20180316)

    थाइरॉएड Ē Ȳͬ का काम

    हमारे ȣ Ʌ¡ ȡ ȾÛ  ȧखास Ǘͧ ȡहोती है। थाइरॉएड Ē Ȳͬ से è ͪ ȣ-3 व ȣ4 ¡ ȡ Ⱦ \ Û

    ^Ȳ  Ǖͧ और ȪǑ[  Ȫ ¡ ȡ Ⱦ से ͧ हमारे ȯȡȨͧ Ï व वजन को Ȥ रखते ¡ ɇ@\ Û काम

    ¡ ɇ-’ ȣका तापमान   ¡ ȣरखना ’ǿ Ǔ Ǔ ͧ रखना ’Ǒ ȡ ȧĤ Đͩ ȡको   ¡ ȣरखना

    ’भोजन को a ȡ[ Ʌबदलने वाले पाचन- Ȳğ को Ȥ रखना

    Ǒ¡ ȡj Ȳ Ʌहोते ¡ ɇ\ ͬ मामले

    वजन बढ़ना ¡ ȣथाइरॉएड का ¢ ¡ ȣȲहै। \ Û ¢ ¡ ɇ..

    हमेशा थकावट रहना’ठंड Ï ȡȡलगना’भूख कम लगना, पर वजन बढ़ना ’बीपी भी बढ़ सकता

    है’ ȡ  ͧ ¢ ɉ Ʌf ȡĒ ȡ Ʌकमी, ȡȡæ कमजोर होना या उदासीनता के ¢ Ǒ ȯ

    ¡ ɇ’ Þ व Ȫ°ɉ Ʌ[के अलावा × ȡऔर ȡ ɉका ǽ ȡहोना’ \ Ǔ ͧ ȡ¡ ȡȣ

    ’¡ ȡ̂ ȡ̂ Ȩf ͫÏ Ʌवजन कम होता है। ȡȲ  ȯͧ ɉ Ʌ Ȫȣ, Ǔ ȡ ȡव \ Ǔ ġȡके ¢ होते

    ¡ ɇखदु से Ʌ ȡȲ [ Ʌ [ के Ú Ʌȯ Ʌ@ͧ  को पीछे रखते हुए थोड़ा सा पानी ͪ f Ȳ@ [ के

    Ú Ʌउभार नजर आना थाइरॉएड Ē Ȳͬ Ʌगड़बड़ी का संकेत हो सकता है। \ Û ¢ ¡ ɇतो ȨÈ

    से Ǿ ͧ Ʌ@

    Ǖǽɉ ȧतुलना Ʌ Ǒ¡ ȡj Ȳ Ʌथाइरॉएड के मामले पांच से आठ गुणा \ ͬ होते ¡ ɇ@इसका कारण

    f èĚȪ ¡ ȡ Ⱦ बताया जाता है। \ Ú येभी कहते ¡ ɇͩ ^  ȧदवा ले रहे 30 } Ȫ ɉको दवा लेने

    ȧ Ǿ ¡ ȣȲहोती या वे Ï ȡȡदवा ले रहे होते ¡ ɇ@  ¡ ȣȨÈ से उपचार Ǿ ȣहै।

    È ȡखाएं

    थाइरॉएड ¡ ȡ ȾÛ  को èè रखते ¡ ɇ] , ] Ȫͫ , िजंक,   ȯ ȯǓ , ͪȡͧ ई, बी2, बी3,

    बी6, सी और डीथाइरॉएड Ē Ȳͬ को   Ǖè करते ¡ ɇतनाव, पोषण ȧकमी, सूजन, ȨǔÈ  Û  ,   ȲĐ ,

    ͧ या ͩ Ȣ Ʌगड़बड़ी, कुछ दवाओं का असर उपचार ȨÈ ȧसलाह पर Ǔ ͧ खरुाक Ʌ@

    साल Ʌएक बार जांच Ǿȣहै।

  • Ê Ǘ से f ȸरखने ȡ ɉ Ʌथाइरॉएड का असर देखने को ͧ ȡहै। कुछ शोध, × ȡगोभी,

    ĦȪ ȣऔर सोया फूड का भी संबंध पाते ¡ ɇ@ȨÈसे सलाह Ʌ@अगर थाइरॉएड है तो इनके सेवन

    ȧ ȡğ   Ȣͧ Ʌ@’तनाव काबू Ʌ@å ȡ ȡ Ʌ@’ ͪȡͧ व ͧ से भरपूर आहार Ʌ@

    ͪȡͧ ए और डी, आयरन,   ȯ ȯǓ और िजंक ] Ǒ ȡ[Ü ȡğ Ʌ Ʌ@आयोडीन औरओमेगा-3

    Ȱȣf  ͧ तथा   ȯͧ Ǔ ǕÈ आहार Ʌ@’  Ǖġȣभोजन Ʌआयोडीन ȡ[Ü ȡğ Ʌहोता है। ¡ ȣ

    × ȯȡ   ǔÞ ɉ Ʌͪȡͧ ए Ĥ Ǖ ȡ Ʌपाया जाता है।

    थाइरॉएड और जीवन- Đ ȡ[è ȡके दौरान: ȡ[è ȡके दौरान मां या ħ Ǘ Ʌ¡ ȡ̂ Ȫ ȡ̂ Ȩf ͫÏ

    का \ Ǔ Ȳǒğ होना Í ȯके ͪ ȡ  और Ǒ ȡ Ȣसंतुलन पर असर डाल सकता है। मां Ʌ¡ ȡ̂ Ʌ

    से लेकर [ȡ तक हो सकता है।बाल \ è ȡ: थाइरॉएड गड़बड़ी के कारण Í ɉके å ¡ ȡ Ʌ

      è ȡदेखने को ͧ Ȣहै। बेचनैी और f ȡĒ ȡ Ʌकमी के ¢ भी Ǒ ȯ¡ ɇ@Ǚƨ ȡè ȡ: 60 के

    बाद थाइरॉएड Ē Ȳͬ Ʌ\ Ǔ ͧ ȡमामले तेजी से सामने आते ¡ ɇ@पूनम जैन

    Medical Test (Hindustan:20180316)



  • Infertility (Hindustan:20180316)



  • Nitrogen (Navbharat Times:20180316)


  • Family Planning (Dainik Jagran:20180316)



  • World Sleep Day

    World Sleep Day: देश Ʌहर 5 Ʌसे 1 को नींद ȧ  è ȡ(Hindustan:20180316)



    भारत Ʌहै और ऐसे ȡ ɉ Ʌलगभग 20.3 ĤǓ रोगी ȨÈɉसे नींद ȧ Ȫͧ ȡȲͧ ȯको

    कहते ¡ ɇ@एक शोध Ʌयह बात सामने आई है। शोध Ʌपता चला है ͩ कई Ȫͬ ɉको नींद नआने ȧ

    ͧ ȡ रहती है, िजसके ͧ f उनका \ × ͬ å è ȡ [Đ , रात के समय काम करना और

    ` Í ȡ  ͧ तनाव एक कारण है। h Þ  ĚǔÈ è ȣ f ǔÜ ȡ(ओएसए) सबसे   ȡ ȡÛ नींद

    ͪ ȡɉ Ʌसे एक है।

    ओएसए एक ͪ ȡ है, ǔ   Ʌनींद के दौरान सांस लेने Ʌबार-बार ǽ ȡ होती है। इसके कुछ ȡ ɉ

    Ʌ\ ͬ वजन, aȣȡ Ǖ ȡ [का छोटा होना, जीभ का बड़ा आकार और ȨǔÛ  Ĥ Ǖ ¡ ɇ@¡ ȡ[

    केयर फाउंडशेन ऑफ ^Ȳͫ ȡ के \ Ú ¢ एवं ^Ȳͫ ȯͫ f   Ȫͧ  f के Ǘ[ȡçĚȣ \ Ú ¢ डॉ.

    के.के. \ Ē ȡ ने कहा ओएसए नींद का एक सबसे   ȡ ȡÛ Ĥ ȡ है, िजसका एक संकेत है ȡȶ

    आना। ओएसए ȧवजह से È Ʌh È  Ȣ का è घट जाता है और नींद Ʌबाधा पड़ने से ǿ

    रोग का Ȫͨ पैदा हो जाता है। ओएसए वाले आधे Ȫ ɉ Ʌ̀ Í È ȡ भी होता है।

    ` Û¡ ɉ ȯकहा यह Ǖǽɉ Ʌ\ ͬ आम है और बुढ़ापे के साथ ^  ȧसंभावना बढ़ जाती है। यह

    ] ǕȡȲͧ भी हो सकता है। कुछ ȡǓ ɉके लोग Ǘ  ɉ ȧतुलना Ʌइससे \ ͬ Ē è पाए गए ¡ ɇ@

    Ǖǽɉ Ʌ17 इंच से \ ͬ और Ǒ¡ ȡj Ȳ Ʌ15 इंच से \ ͬ चौड़ी [ होने पर यह   è ȡहो

    सकती है। h Þ  ĚǔÈ के   Ȳȯ ɉऔर ¢ ɉ ɅǑ Ʌनींद आना, जोर से ȡȶलेना, नींद के

    दौरानæȡ  लेने Ʌ Ǒ ȡ_, अचानक जाग जाना, गले Ʌखराश, सुबह को  ͧ [, Ú ȡ ɅǑġ

    करने Ʌ Ǒ ȡ_, मूड Ʌǐ [ , ` Í È ȡ , रात को पसीना आना और ȡ ȯÍ ȡ Ʌकमी \ Ǒ

    Ĥ Ǖ ¡ ɇ@

    `Û¡ ɉ ȯबताया ͩ अगर आपको Ǒ Ʌ\ ͬ नींद आती है और थकान रहती है तो ͪ ͧ ç ¢ ɉ

    पर नजर रखना और ͪ ȯ£ ɉसे ȡ [लेना ¡ ×Ǘ [है। इसके ͧ f एक è ȣ लैब Ʌरातभर नींद

    का ȣ¢ ͩ ȡजाता है। नींद के दौरान ǔè ç Ȳ ɉ, ] Ȳ ɉऔर Ȱɉ ȧ Ǔ , h È  Ȣ के

    è , वायु Ĥȡ¡ और Ǒ ȧǐ को ǐ Ȩ[करके, इस कंडीशन का पता लगाया जाता है। बढ़े हुए

  • ȡ ɉ Ʌ  [ȣ ȧ] æ ȡहो सकती है। Ȣ Ȱ ȣ Ʌकुछ ǐ [ इस कंडीशन से बचने या

    इसे खराब होने से रोकने Ʌमदद कर सकते ¡ ɇ@

    Unsafe Drinking WaterPancreatic CancerArtificial HeartAlzheimer's diseaseSuperbugsSmokingGeneticsSwine Fluब्लड प्रेशर थाइरॉएडMedical TestInfertilityNitrogenFamily PlanningWorld Sleep Day