THE DAI · IQWAN PUBLISHED BY THE STUDEN ft- OF THE STA.TE tTNIVER8lTY OF IOWA VOLUME XII IOWA CITY. IOWA. FRIDAY 1912. THE GlEf CLUB ROll IS NOW COMPlETE ET AME HINDUS GI Ii ENTERTAI T TAG DAY Hindu Students of Cosmopolitan lub Give Program In L. A. Hall Tomorrow igbt TO HElP ENG\N££RS llA ,7E BEEN WORX1NG }'OR LONG TUfE WINTER ERT TOUR Tomorrow afternoon at 2: 30 the I The lowa team is alBo equipped whistle will sound the beginning of with plays built for the Jlne-smash- Real Hindu magi c performed in costume and an l11ustrated trip through Rundustan will be two tbe big state battle of the year. lng, pounding game; but the light CI-edlt I J)ue Professo .. 1<'olJe .. interesting features of the "Hindu S1'l T UBST CENTRAl, OllM1nEJoJ PLANS TO CONDuor I<'IOHT AGAINST A TION tp at Ames, WlJllams has been Hawkeye backs are not fitted for ton a Director-Asserted That Night" program to be given Saturday !roomlng his men for this contest this play. Their shiftness and tIeet- Jow/\ WUI Have Better lub Than by the Hlndustan association under 'l'WCl New Oltlceftl are Elected--To I'uIlU"b Hlln:i-boOk StatJB'; Facts and ollceming ReIolu· Iloce practice started th re at th e ness of foot are their chief assets, Eve .. Before--Sixtren Da)'8 Trill. the auspices of the Cosmoolltan Club. and th se will proba.bly be utilized The program promises to be un- Utili ChalltPng Sta JJl8tJtu.tlo eod ot August. Every move made to th utmost. The Aggles think The state unlvflrslty of Iowa I usually Interesting as the great maj- by lhe Aggles has been made with they know the secret of the famous Men's glee club has been working orlty of the numb ra will be given by tral ommlttee held In th n«lnee r a view of deteatlng the Hawkeyes , Iowa spread play, because they stop- for more than a month on the ma- Hindu students who have just en- Ip_( JuI,udiu& 11 t evening, two new long regarded as the big state rival. ped It when It was tried at Grinnell terlal for the wlnt r concert tour tered the university this year and At a me tlng ot the Stwlent Cen- Th Ames schudule, thus tar, has and Cornell; . but there are ways and ot the southern part of the ,tate, who win no df)ubt be abl to present otll ers w r d d to tb executive been I{ght. MInnesota Is the only ways ot operating the spread, and but only yesterday 'l"as It announced new aspects of the civilization In staff of the organization . Morley D. really trong team which has been there l are many other plays on the j t h t th '" t 011 r thiS I tId Th McNeal was elected treaBurer and mel, and with the exception of Mls- us w a e com..., e era tb r ather an . en, too, the schedule which resemble the spread year's club was to bf' because ot the Hindu element In the Cosmopolitan . F. Murpby vice pre. . The com- lOurl, all of the other rivals of the not at all. difficulty to secure men to till some lub has an adva.ntage In bavlng an mlttee pent the greater part of the 10 tbe state. Williams bas had 0. e open pos t.ons. oweve organization ot their own which haa ev nlng In the discussion ot a plan rarmers have bee n minor collegel:l Viewed trom this angle, the Ames # tb I t H r I defense Is much superior to its off- tbese places have been filled now, been preparing this entertainment every facility for covering up his ense; the Iowa offense Is much su- and the members the club ha.ve for a number of weeks. ot action to be carried out In the plays, and for developing his teaM perlor to the d fe se This may be b d j t 11 Th s campaign for the retention at the en- to ItJI hlghellt ffleclency. It Is UJ,l en. I een announce n u. e name Tbe program tomorrow wiJI be the (0 tbe Aggles to win or forever figured either way; you may say fol1ow: first In a series ot national entertaln- gin e rlng college. The student cen- hold their peace. the strong Ames defense wllI bol First tenor: Wilkinson, ments staged by the osmopolitan tral co mmitte is.a ting and means A J t t II d' ff t·t the strong Iowa ol'lense, and that the I Denison; O. W. Larson, Odebolt; S. , lub through out the year It wlll be tJ t °lwta, aTo a Yf thl ebren t t Sl ua- Weak Ames defense will be unable L May, Wllliow Litke, S. Dak .; R. followed by Japan se Nlg ' ht Armen- to a t throughout the campaign en- on ex s s. wo 0 e es eams . . , I I d d f th I I tb t Chi d MI to gain again st the weak Iowa ot- T Brown, Ralona . Ian Night etc until all the natlonall- t rely n epen ent 0 any 0 er un- n ewes, cago an nneso- . , ., I b id I d' h t I fense; or you may figure that both ecoud tenor : It '\ . EmmolL'l, ties in the organization have been verslty organization. Several plans t a , n lallta h , at Amuch 8 ronger t teams wlll be able to gain. This lat- Iowa Ity; J D. H P, lIamy, I\m- represellted ea m oran any a mes as me ' . . . . . were suggested but at a lat hour except Cornell, and the ter looks like. tbe most plausible out- brid ge, Neb.; Paul . r. 1'1 l'ca, HeJ- The program w\llch will be held In none had been definitely accepted. It Hurst (Capt.) QUlIrtel'-back State Teuchers, have made up the Hawkeye schedule. I.n every ga.me played with the ex.ceptlon ot the first, the Old Gold eleven has been rorced to struggle for everything It bas fougb t to the lim i t time after time, it has been beaten, and It has won . The Ames game Is not the all·absorbing affair for ' lowa that tbe Iowa game is for Ames. Con- tilts with Minnesota, Chicago, and WlJc:oosln has overshadowed it. Iowa bts evei'Yt hlng to lose and nolhlog to gain by winning from Ames; but (he spirit of battle which Hawlsy's men learned will cause them to light to the limit. The game tomorrow should be a battle between weight and strength on one aide, and speed and shiftness on the other. rt will be a test of the old IIne-smashing game as taught by Williams, and the modern open- work style used by Hawley. The Aggie backs, helVY and powerful, de- vote their time to smashing of!' the (ackles or straight through center, with an occasional forward pass, more (or the lake of variety than for tbe amount of ground I1kely to be gained. Added to this are the tackle-srollnd plays In which Reeve and Pfand, the big Amell linemen, play the stellar parts . All the ele- DlentJI or the game as it was when Clyde Williams played it himself on the old Iowa team In the days ot 1900 are tbere. ,'jact'nt. Full·back com. Of course, the Ames attack mond; L. J . Alii SOIl , .\larlllt9ll. tbe Liberal arts auditorium com- may PI'ove much stronger than ex- Baritone: Car] ' ll. IJruckner, mencing at i ht o'clock, Is as fol- Is thought that a com bination may be Right-half peeted; and the same might be true of the Iowa defense, and in either dase, all the dope Is upset. But right now, th best thing to do Is to put your guess on a big scoring game. Taking a general glance at the situation, the farmers have a better change for the game. They have and experience In their favor, ag. alnst which the Hawkeyes must balance only one element, speed. The Aggies have also the advantage of battling on their home field, al- though this not count for much. The Ames line looks stronger than the Iowa forwards; the Iowa backs, although eleven pounds per mall lighter , IIIre probably superior. The Hawk yes have the advantage ot u Ing th modern game; and other things being qual, this should win. But the trouble is that other things are not equal; they never are; and so the same old problem remains as to which side holds the balance. One th ing must be remembered about the Aggi s, tbey al'e a second half team, and have been so for the past two years. Their best game is Invariab- ly played In the third and fourth quarters . Missouri was routed by them in the closing moments of the game, and Cornell met the same fate after holding the farmers to a tie in th first half. The Hawkeyes have, so far, played a fairly consis- tent g'!Lme. They are likely to finish about as they start; and In view of these circumstances they should take to roll up a lead In the first half. T11e ability of Burge, the Aggie haH and full, to kick field goals, gives his t am !In advantage In this respect. Parsons is a fair hand at field goals, but is not In a class with l\lcOonal<1. Left-end Iowa City; L. B. Brokaw, M:mllJa ; lows : hit upon of two of the most populat F. A. Richards, Sloan; E. C. Yoder, lntrodu ·t!on-PI·of. harl s Bundy plaus. Many of the members of the I Iowa City. WUson com mitt e favor a system ot co unty Basso : F. Mah"b rg, St. ['etcr, National Anthem- B. Bhattcharya 11 rallies dl1rlllg tile Thanksgiving ho - Minn.; John T. Hanna, Willi! Jd: Id ea ls of Hindu LiCe- B. Bhattach- Leo J. Bru ckner, Iowa Ity, ptf)ll days as a means ot organizing the W I , k b "arya . . . alumni throughout the state, while erneI', ar ers erg. H,ndll Melody· S. J\f. Sanyal. othprs f vol' a canvass ot the alumni The officers of th(' club ar as [,,1- Awakpned 1Il ndus(an - Sl1dhllldra I b,' I ttel'. It is thought that a com- lows : C. F. Malmberg, pr esident; Bose J , \ b;natlon of these two might prove M. H. Wilkinson, ,Ic e presldpnt; J lllustrat ed Through Hlndus(an bett r than eithe r as the loc ality in T. Hanna, secretary; O. W. Larson, - B. l\1ukherJI, U. Abm d which th Ilians are used Is an Im- treasurer,' L. J. Bru ckner, libra- Hind I l\laglc '[r "Ild l\lro B Bhat lh I -". " ..,.. - por tant feature in the determination rlan. t a The club and the music del>art- ac rya of It I! ucc ss. In some ounti es a t r h . it r I th t I rally would be great 1J00st while In men 11 l e UUlV rs y ee a n \\'11,1, J')'lA rJi J HJ<m.1 Professor Robert Fullerton, a most AT ONE 1'01).\ y other s It would be les sue' ssru). By able director is In charge as dlr - using the two plans the work can be ctor. In fact it is asserted that the ('ro\\'() Will at " 'het'lton('8 . 01'- adapt ed (0 rhe dln'erent counties and I · t 'Jl d b tt cltl of the tate ud thu th best new (I r ec or WI 1'0 uc a. e er nel' II lul Ji]!j('OI·t'l'eam to Al'IlI01'Y- club than Iowa has ever had in tbe flnnd IIncl }o'1;,hel' Will be There result possi bl e will be obtained. At history of Iowa glee ciubs. the propos d ('ounty rallies, In The hrlstmas Itenerary of the Every body out for a rousing send- lion to organizing the allimnl , It Is club has not been made public by off for the team when they leave this planned to develop methods of pr - the managel's, Reed and Sjulln, as noon Is the order of things. The senting th cause to the legislatUre yet, although it Is known that the coaches, trainers, rubbers, manager and of presenting the issue to the trip will extend nearly across the Kellogg and about twenty men will various senators and representatives southern portion ot the state. In leave for Ames at one o'clock today as Individuals. as much as there are about sixteen by way of Cedar Rapids and 1\far- One of the most Important steps days' vacation during the holiday shaJJtown. They will take a special the committee has so far taken is the recess, a very extensive trip may be car to Cedar Sapids, which wW leave preparation for a bulletin or hand- taken. the armory Ilt one. bok whlcb Is soon to be gotten ou t. To sent them off fe ling good, a A sub-committee has been appointed rousing pep meeting has been staged to look after this matter and It now for this nooll and will start trom at work getting the material In shape Wbetstone'l\ corner a 12: 30. It Is for publication. A hand-book or evident that as many as possible get this sort wlll undoubtedly prove a but to this meeting as It '''ill be the big asset In the fight as a complation last chance to see the team before of the facts In handy form w\ll mos\. they go on state field Saturday atter- certainly prove favorably to the noon. The band w\l1 b out as usual cause. Jt is not yet known how ela- and "Pete" Fisher has promised to borate tbis bulletin Is to be but It be on hand and take charge of thel will be printed In attractive form yelling. lnd will contain tbe most Important Art Lecture GlV('n Tbe Wednesday evening lecture on art was given by Pro . Cumming. Ow- ing to the use of the large l ecture room for another purpose, it was nec- essary to give tbe l ecture in the small room. Prof Cumming told some In- teresting tales of his studies In Paris, and of some of his assoc iat es over there. These lectures are given every Wednesday evening on the third floor of the ney physics building, and are open to the public. Prot to Chicago Prof. Cumming and wife made an enjoyab le automobile trip to Chica- go during the past week, where they attended the annual exhibition of American painters and scu lptors . The trip was made in company with Sena- tor and Mrs. Stuckslager of Des Moines, in their touring car. the exhibition In Chicago Prof Cum- ming l eft for Keokuk, where he ga.ve an address before the National Asso- ciation of Architects , of which he Is an honorary member. Burge. In the punting line, Hanson should outklck Burge, although the latt er is trlckey and sends his kicks to unprotected spots, where they roll for additional yards. The Iowa line-up is as fo llows: TOWA- Bowen, R E, 162; Kirk, n. T, 1 7; lemens, R G, 181; Houghton C, 175; Hanson (C) L G, 197; Trickey L T, 183; Gunderson , L E, 173; Meloy, 138; or Curry; Parsons R H, 147; Dick, L H 158; McGinnis, F D, 166. The Ames Jln e-up as n arly as can beascertained at the pres nt time tol- lows: AMES-McDona ld, L E, 160; Pfund, L T, 190; WllS Oll, L G, 180; Hunt, ,1 5; Juhl, R G, 190; Reeve, R T,184; Nagle R E, 165; HUl'st (C) Q B, 145; Burge L H B, 165; Wey- rauch, R H B, 168; Vincent, F B, 175. The scrubs, freshmen, band and all tacts and statistics which are to be those wbo go on the special train present d to the elgls latur e. will le8 ve here tomorrow morning The now plans to have promptly at seven o'clock. The cars a mass meettng Thursday ven- w111 arrjve In edar Iapids about ing. At this meeting the problem 8 '15 and the special train will leave wlll be presented to the students and Rapids at 8: 30. their co-operation will be solicited Ahout two hundred and fifty tick- In the work. After the meeting a ets have been sold to-date and tag day for Wednesday Thursday and manager Kellogg says that he w111 Friday has been proposed as a means have fifty more to sell this noon at of raising money. These tags will be Whetstones. l,Il'he s at sale at Ames sold for any amount from 25 cents has exceeded all expectations 08nd up and thus every student will get a bumper crowd Saturday Is an as- an opportunity to contribute som - SlIred fact thing towards the fight. As the Returns' will be received as usual alumni wilJ be coming In tor the In the N. S. auditorium starting at home-coming on next Saturday, It Is 2: 30 tomorrow a.fternoon. thougbt that this plan w1ll prove Baconlan ('Jub Regular meeting of the Baconian lub wl11 be held in the new phYSics hall on Friday evening, November 15 at 7: 30. The evening will be de- voted to voluntary reports and a very Interesting program is assured . The pLPbllc Is cordlaJly invited. Nugent at "espers Father J. F. Nugent of the Visita- tion churcb, at Des Moine s, will speak at vesper s rvice n t Sunday after- noon at 4 O'clock. Father Nugent needs no introduction to a university audience. He has not announced th subject upon which he will talk. The vesper cboir of 40 voices wlll be II part of the service as usual Ilext Sunday. I a satisfactory and effective way ot raising money. ]n order to make the fight at all successful the com- mittee will require a considerab le amount of funds as the printing of tbe propos d bulJetin and the other plans of getting the probl m before the legislature are necessarily rather cost ly. to JA'lul At 4: 30 Mrs. Fox w111 have charge of a v sper s rvice at Close hall. This meting was to have b en Wednes- day eve ning but on acco un t ot the mass meeting It was postponed . Be- caus of Mrs. Fox's work in Japan she is parU ularly fitted to talk on the subject of "Prayer and Missions" and II very Interesting time Is as- sured . All the new members es- pecially are Invited.

Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1912-11-15dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1912/di1912-11-15.pdf · the dai·l¥ iqwan published by the studen ft-of the sta.te ttniver8lty of iowa volume

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Hindu Students of Cosmopolitan lub Give Program In L. A. Hall

Tomorrow igbt TO HElP ENG\N££RS


TOUR Tomorrow afternoon at 2: 30 the I The lowa team is alBo equipped

whistle will sound the beginning of with plays built for the Jlne-smash-

Real Hindu magic performed in costume and an l11ustrated trip through Rundustan will be two

tbe big state battle of the year. lng, pounding game; but the light ~Iuch CI-edlt I J)ue Professo .. 1<'olJe .. • interesting features of the "Hindu



tp at Ames, WlJllams has been Hawkeye backs are not fitted for ton a Director-Asserted That Night" program to be given Saturday !roomlng his men for this contest this play. Their shiftness and tIeet- Jow/\ WUI Have Better lub Than by the Hlndustan association under

'l'WCl New Oltlceftl are Elected--To I'uIlU"b Hlln:i-boOk StatJB'; Facts and "'IJCUI~ ollceming ReIolu·

Iloce practice started th re at the ness of foot are their chief assets, Eve .. Before--Sixtren Da)'8 Trill. the auspices of the Cosmoolltan Club. and th se will proba.bly be utilized The program promises to be un-

Utili ChalltPng Sta JJl8tJtu.tlo •

eod ot August. Every move made to th • utmost. The Aggles think The state unlvflrslty of Iowa I usually Interesting as the great maj-by lhe Aggles has been made with they know the secret of the famous Men's glee club has been working orlty of the numb ra will be given by tral ommlttee held In th n«lneer a view of deteatlng the Hawkeyes, Iowa spread play, because they stop- for more than a month on the ma- Hindu students who have just en- Ip_( JuI,udiu& 11 t evening, two new long regarded as the big state rival. ped It when It was tried at Grinnell terlal for the wlnt r concert tour tered the university this year and

At a me tlng ot the Stwlent Cen-

Th Ames schudule, thus tar, has and Cornell; .but there are ways and ot the southern part of the ,tate, who win no df)ubt be abl to present otll ers w r d d to tb executive been I{ght. MInnesota Is the only ways ot operating the spread, and but only yesterday 'l"as It announced new aspects of the civilization In staff of the organization. Morley D. really trong team which has been there lare many other plays on the j t h t th '" t 011 r thiS I tId Th McNeal was elected treaBurer and mel, and with the exception of Mls- us w a e com..., e era tb r ather an . en, too, the

schedule which resemble the spread year's club was to bf' because ot the Hindu element In the Cosmopolitan . F. Murpby vice pre.. The com-lOurl, all of the other rivals of the not at all. difficulty to secure men to till some lub has an adva.ntage In bavlng an mlttee pent the greater part of the

10 tbe state. Williams bas had 0. e open pos t.ons. oweve organization ot their own which haa ev nlng In the discussion ot a plan rarmers have been minor collegel:l Viewed trom this angle, the Ames # tb I t H r I

defense Is much superior to its off- tbese places have been filled now, been preparing this entertainment every facility for covering up his ense; the Iowa offense Is much su- and the members o~ the club ha.ve for a number of weeks. ot action to be carried out In the plays, and for developing his teaM perlor to the d fe se This may be b d j t 11 Th s campaign for the retention at the en-to ItJI hlghellt ffleclency. It Is UJ,l en. I een announce n u. e name Tbe program tomorrow wiJI be the (0 tbe Aggles to win or forever figured either way; you may say tha~ fol1ow: first In a series ot national entertaln- gin erlng college. The student cen-hold their peace. the strong Ames defense wllI bol First tenor: ~I.H. Wilkinson, ments staged by the osmopolitan tral committe is.a ting and means

A J t t II d ' ff t·t the strong Iowa ol'lense, and that the I Denison; O. W. Larson, Odebolt; S. , lub through out the year It wlll be tJ t °lwta, aTo a Yf thl ebrent t

Sl ua- Weak Ames defense will be unable L May, Wllliow Litke, S. Dak.; R. followed by Japan se Nlg'ht Armen- to a t throughout the campaign en-

on ex s s. wo 0 e es eams . . , I I d d f th I I tb t Chi d MI to gain against the weak Iowa ot- T Brown, Ralona. Ian Night etc until all the natlonall- t r ely n epen ent 0 any 0 er un-n ewes, cago an nneso- . , ., I b id I d' h t I fense; or you may figure that both ecoud tenor : It '\ . EmmolL'l, ties in the organization have been verslty organization. Several plans ta, ~"e n lalltah, at Amuch

8 rongert teams wlll be able to gain. This lat- Iowa Ity; J D. HP, lIamy, I\m- represellted eam oran any a mes as me ' . . . . . were suggested but at a lat hour

except Mlnne~ota, Cornell, and the ter looks like. tbe most plausible out- bridge, Neb.; Paul .r. 1'1 l'ca, HeJ- The program w\llch will be held In none had been definitely accepted. It

Hurst (Capt.) QUlIrtel'-back

State Teuchers, have made up the Hawkeye schedule. I.n every ga.me played with the ex.ceptlon ot the first, the Old Gold eleven has been rorced to struggle for everything It bas fougb t to the lim i t time after time, it has been beaten, and It has won. The Ames game Is not the all·absorbing affair for ' lowa that tbe Iowa game is for Ames. Con­tilts with Minnesota, Chicago, and WlJc:oosln has overshadowed it. Iowa bts evei'Ythlng to lose and nolhlog to gain by winning from Ames; but (he spirit of battle which Hawlsy's men learned will cause them to light to the limit.

The game tomorrow should be a battle between weight and strength on one aide, and speed and shiftness on the other. rt will be a test of the old IIne-smashing game as taught by Williams, and the modern open­work style used by Hawley. The Aggie backs, helVY and powerful, de­vote their time to smashing of!' the (ackles or straight through center, with an occasional forward pass, more (or the lake of variety than for tbe amount of ground I1kely to be gained. Added to this are the tackle-srollnd plays In which Reeve and Pfand, the big Amell linemen, play the stellar parts . All the ele­DlentJI or the game as it was when Clyde Williams played it himself on the old Iowa team In the days ot 1900 are tbere.

,'jact'nt. Full·back

com. Of course, the Ames attack mond; L. J . Alii SOIl , .\larlllt9ll . tbe Liberal arts auditorium com-may PI'ove much stronger than ex- Baritone: Car] ' ll. IJruckner, mencing at i ht o'clock, Is as fol- Is thought that a combination may be


peeted; and the same might be true of the Iowa defense, and in either dase, all the dope Is upset. But right now, th best thing to do Is to put your guess on a big scoring game.

Taking a general glance at the situation, the farmers have a better change for the game. They have welgh~ and experience In their favor, ag.alnst which the Hawkeyes must balance only one element, speed . The Aggies have also the advantage of battling on their home field, al­though this shoul~ not count for much. The Ames line looks stronger than the Iowa forwards; the Iowa backs, although eleven pounds per mall lighter, IIIre probably superior. The Hawk yes have the advantage ot u Ing th modern game; and other things being qual, this should win. But the trouble is that other things are not equal; they never are; and so the same old problem remains as to which side holds the balance. One thing must be remembered about the Aggi s, tbey al'e a second half team, and have been so for the past two years. Their best game is Invariab­ly played In the third and fourth quarters. Missouri was routed by them in the closing moments of the game, and Cornell met the same fate after holding the farmers to a tie in th first half. The Hawkeyes have, so far, played a fairly consis­tent g'!Lme. They are likely to finish about as they start; and In view of these circumstances they should take to roll up a lead In the first half.

T11e ability of Burge, the Aggie haH and full, to kick field goals, gives his t am !In advantage In this respect. Parsons is a fair hand at field goals, but is not In a class with

l\lcOonal<1. Left-end

Iowa City; L. B. Brokaw, M:mllJa ; lows : hit upon of two of the most populat F. A. Richards, Sloan; E. C. Yoder, lntrodu ·t!on-PI·of. harl s Bundy plaus. Many of the members of the

I Iowa City. WUson com mitt e favor a system ot county

Basso : F . Mah"b rg, St. ['etcr, National Anthem- B. Bhattcharya 11 rallies dl1rlllg tile Thanksgiving ho -Minn. ; John T. Hanna, Willi! Jd: Idea ls of Hindu LiCe- B. Bhattach-

Leo J. Bru ckner, Iowa Ity, ptf)ll days as a means ot organizing the W I, k b "arya . . . alumni throughout the state, while

erneI', ar ers erg. H,ndll Melody· S. J\f. Sanyal. othprs f vol' a canvass ot the alumni The officers of th(' club ar as [,,1- Awakpned 1Ilndus(an - Sl1dhllldra I b,' I ttel'. It is thought that a com-

lows : C. F. Malmberg, president; Bose J

, \ b;natlon of these two might prove M. H. Wilkinson, ,Ice presldpnt; J lllustrated 'lou~ Through Hlndus(an bett r than either as the locality in T. Hanna, secretary; O. W. Larson, - B. l\1ukherJI, U. Abm d which th Ilians are used Is an Im­treasurer,' L. J. Bru ckner, libra- Hind I l\laglc '[r "Ild l\lro B Bhat

lh I -". " ..,.. - portant feature in the determination rlan. t a The club and the music del>art- ac rya of It I! ucc ss. In some ounties a

t r h . it r I th t I rally would be great 1J00st while In men 11 l e UUlV rs y ee a n TJi~A~l \\'11,1, J')'lA rJiJ HJ<m.1 Professor Robert Fullerton, a most AT ONE O'Cl~OC){ 1'01).\ y others It would be les sue' ssru ). By able director is In charge as dlr- using the two plans the work can be ctor. In fact it is asserted that the ('ro\\'() Will ~Ieet at " 'het'lton('8 .01'- adapted (0 rhe dln'erent counties and

I· t 'Jl d b tt cltl of the tate ud thu th best new (Irec or WI 1'0 uc a. e er nel' II lul Ji]!j('OI·t'l'eam to Al'IlI01'Y-club than Iowa has ever had in tbe flnnd IIncl }o'1;,hel' Will be There result possi ble will be obtained. At history of Iowa glee ciubs. the propos d ('ounty rallies, In addl ~

The hrlstmas Itenerary of the Every body out for a rousing send- lion to organizing the allimnl , It Is club has not been made public by off for the team when they leave this planned to develop methods of pr -the managel's, Reed and Sjulln, as noon Is the order of things. The senting th cause to the legislatUre yet, although it Is known that the coaches, trainers, rubbers, manager and of presenting the issue to the trip will extend nearly across the Kellogg and about twenty men will various senators and representatives southern portion ot the state. In leave for Ames at one o'clock today as Individuals. as much as there are about sixteen by way of Cedar Rapids and 1\far- One of the most Important steps days' vacation during the holiday shaJJtown. They will take a special the committee has so far taken is the recess, a very extensive trip may be car to Cedar Sapids, which wW leave preparation for a bulletin or hand­taken. the armory Ilt one. bok whlcb Is soon to be gotten ou t.

To sent them off fe ling good, a A sub-committee has been appointed rousing pep meeting has been staged to look after this matter and It now for this nooll and will start trom at work getting the material In shape Wbetstone'l\ corner a 12: 30. It Is for publication. A hand-book or evident that as many as possible get this sort wlll undoubtedly prove a but to this meeting as It '''ill be the big asset In the fight as a complation last chance to see the team before of the facts In handy form w\ll mos\. they go on state field Saturday atter- certainly prove favorab ly to the noon. The band w\l1 b out as usual cause. Jt is not yet known how ela­and "Pete" Fisher has promised to borate tbis bulletin Is to be but It be on hand and take charge of thel will be printed In attractive form yelling. lnd will contain tbe most Important

Art Lecture GlV('n Tbe Wednesday evening lecture on

art was given by Pro . Cumming. Ow­ing to the use of the large lecture room for another purpose, it was nec­essary to give tbe lecture in the small room. Prof Cumming told some In­teresting tales of his studies In Paris, and of some of his associates over there.

These lectures are given every Wednesday evening on the third floor of the ney physics building, and are open to the public.

Prot ~ulllming to Chicago Prof. Cumming and wife made an

enjoyable automobile trip to Chica­go during the past week, where they attended the annual exhibition of American painters and scu lptors . The trip was made in company with Sena­tor and Mrs. Stuckslager of Des Moines, in their touring car. Aft~r the exhibition In Chicago Prof Cum­ming left for Keokuk, where he ga.ve an address before the National Asso­ciation of Architects, of which he Is an honorary member.

Burge. In the punting line, Hanson should outklck Burge, although the latter is trlckey and sends his kicks to unprotected spots, where they roll for additional yards.

The Iowa line-up is as fo llows: TOWA- Bowen, R E, 162; Kirk,

n. T, 1 7; lemens, R G, 181; Houghton C, 175; Hanson (C) L G, 197; Trickey L T, 183; Gunderson , L E, 173; Meloy, 138; or Curry; Parsons R H, 147; Dick, L H 158; McGinnis, F D, 166.

The Ames Jln e-up as n arly as can beascertained at the pres nt time tol­lows:

AMES-McDonald, L E, 160; Pfund, L T, 190; WllSOll, L G, 180; Hunt, ,1 5; Juhl, R G, 190; Reeve, R T,184; Nagle R E, 16 5; HUl'st (C) Q B, 145; Burge L H B, 165; Wey­rauch, R H B, 168; Vincent, F B, 175.

The scrubs, freshmen, band and all tacts and statistics which are to be those wbo go on the special train present d to the elglslature. will le8 ve here tomorrow morning The com~iltee now plans to have promptly at seven o'clock. The cars a mass meettng nex~ Thursday ven­w111 arrjve In edar Iapids about ing. At this meeting the problem 8 '15 and the special train will leave wlll be presented to the students and C~dar Rapids at 8: 30. their co-operation will be solicited

Ahout two hundred and fifty tick- In the work . After the meeting a ets have been sold to-date and tag day for Wednesday Thursday and manager Kellogg says that he w111 Friday has been proposed as a means have fifty more to sell this noon at of raising money. These tags will be Whetstones. l,Il'he s at sale at Ames sold for any amount from 25 cents has exceeded all expectations 08nd up and thus every student will get a bumper crowd Saturday Is an as- an opportunity to contribute som -SlIred fact thing towards the fight. As the

Returns' will be received as usual alumni wilJ be coming In tor the In the N. S. auditorium starting at home-coming on next Saturday, It Is 2: 30 tomorrow a.fternoon. thougbt that this plan w1ll prove

Baconlan ('Jub Regular meeting of the Baconian

lub wl11 be held in the new phYSics hall on Friday evening, November 15 at 7: 30. The evening will be de­voted to voluntary reports and a very Interesting program is assured . The pLPbllc Is cordlaJly invited.

Nugent at "espers Father J. F . Nugent of the Visita­

tion churcb, at Des Moines, will speak at vesper s rvice n t Sunday after­noon at 4 O'clock. Father Nugent needs no introduction to a university audience. He has not announced th subject upon which he will talk.

The vesper cboir of 40 voices wlll be II part of the service as usual Ilext Sunday.


a satisfactory and effective way ot raising money. ]n order to make the fight at all successful the com­mittee will require a considerable amount of funds as the printing of tbe propos d bulJetin and the other plans of getting the probl m before the legislature are necessarily rather costly.

~h's. J<~ox to JA'lul At 4: 30 Mrs. Fox w111 have charge

of a v sper s rvice at Close hall. This meting was to have b en Wednes­day evening but on acco un t ot the mass meeting It was postponed. Be­caus of Mrs. Fox's work in Japan she is parU ularly fitted to talk on the subject of "Prayer and Missions" and II very Interesting time Is as­sured. All the new members es­pecially are Invited.

THE DAILY IOWAN ~--------------------------------~----~----------------I+++++++++++++++~ Vol. XII NO. 45.

ubllshed every morn ing except Sat­urday and Monday

LPH G. GRA • FIELD Edltor-In-Chlet


CARL O. SJULIN Aanaglng Editors and Business I

Managers £fIlce Hours: 5:00 to 6:00 P. · M. I

FrIday fornlng, Noy. 15, 1912.

}JT 'l'U )IES We ar on the yerge of the biggest

state battle of yea~, that football I game \' Ith Ames. This Is a time "hen lit! can be said but w feel that a f w words or ncourag ment l will not b out of place. We have

nd avo!"' d to arous the spirit of I the student body through our colu­mns and it th y have not r sponded by this time It Is too late. We fee l that w have b lIuccessful, llow­ever, for tbe mass meeting of Wed­nesday evening was full of Iowa. en- \ tbuslasm, well worty of a unlver· sity student body.

Iowa has ev rythlng to lose In this contest and nothIng to gain, while Am s has everything to gain and nothing to lose. Do you know that th Ames game Is one of our minor games when considering the Iowa ! schedul for this year. ompare our I schedule with that of the Ames schedule and you will know the reason for the foregoing statement. : Our t am bas been through a hard i struggle this fa ll and need the loyal support and encouragement of every .student in the university. They leaye today at one o'clock for Ames.

The Logical Place To Buy Clothes

A greater dollar's worth for every clothes-dollar you expend --.. That is a claim we are makIng good on ~very da y in the year---That is why this store is the logical place for you to buy your Fall suit and overcoat.

We are featuring clothes from

HIRSH-WICKWIR~ AND KUPP~NH~IM t R Young men will appreciat our

rather unusual Fall and Winter showing. The Prjces are right

$17.50 $20 and $25

GLOVES Tbis is the weatber and Here is tbe plae" to get anytbiAg lOU want in tbe glove line.


\VlLL BE HELD HERR ~~=-~~-=~~====~~~~====:~~~=~==~~~~.~j--~==~~~===="., I The college of agriculture of the WANTED-University girl to LOST-Lady's mesh pocket book

Big ~leeUJlg D ember 5 k> 8-- ' unIversIty of Missouri bas begun an work tor board and

extensive land survey which they ex- work. Phone 1275L. room. Light containIng omney. Finder please

11-15 leave at this office. 11-14 W or\(\ ' ·'allled Men 81) ak- tany

Me tillgS to be Held pect to make eventually Include the

For four Gays the men of the uni- entire state. A soli map of each LOST- Wednesday, Nov. 13, a -FOR SALE-Kinne's Iowa Plead-verslty are to be favored by a series particular locality. The survey has Mores' uon-Ieakable fo untain pen, of religious meetings, probably the mattled red and black. Finder re- Ing and Practice as new, $8.00. Cost greatest ever held In this city. already been completed In five coun-

The state university of Iowa In turn to 614 Iowa Ave, prone 1473 R. $12. Address S. G., 1636 D. Ave. ties. 11-15

preference to the I adlng universities -==========~=~====--=:---========- Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 11-13 ot the country have secur d to con· ::: duct this series of me tings, Mr. ~-"-""~.'---"~~"''''-'''-'''''_'''_.'''''''''-1Ii!! Fr d B. l\lith, advertis d otten as the greatest speaker In til world on

. r eligIon; Ialld Raymond Robins, prov­erty, and whos care r as having done more in arbitration between labor and cap tal then any other man I In this country has given him a nat-\ 10nal reputation . These meetings will be held just previous to a tour of the world when they will speak in New York ity, Washington, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver and San Francisco, in the United States and t he big coWlt cities in Japan, Hawal,

hlna, the Phllllpine Islands South Africa, and the British Isles.


Newspapers and Magazines Finest Cigars Tobaccos and Pipes at -


On The (7or"< r

College Stationery Fountain Pens

Dally Papers and Magazines

The university Is to be congratu- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lated uPctn securIng these men for this serIes of meetings as this is the smallest City at which they are going to stop on their tour and also the only university at which they are going to stop.


Sophomores and JunJors \Vlll Battle For ias Title on Iowa


·Girls $2.50 Special Friday and Saturday This Week

+ + + BUSINESS DWECTORY + + +. +++++++++++++++~


Eye, Ear, No and Tbroa&

Office, Paul-Helen Bldg.

Phones: ffice 66J, Res. 33

CHARLE S. GRANT, ~l. D. Office 17 1.2 . Dubuque St., 0..

Stach's hoe tore· R""'"Jidence 229 Summit t.

Office Pnone, 380 R Res., 673 B

DR. E. T. J{EGEL Office Hour 10 to 12 A.. U., 1 tAl

3 P. 1\1. Office, Paul Helen Dldg., Room 4

Wa hington Street Office Phone 378 J Ite . 378 If

Resl~ence 17 S. Governor I DR. JOHN G. l\IllELLER

Phy IClan an(1 urgeon 14 1·2 South Dubuque St.

Over Iowa Thelltre Phone: Office 950; Res. 9111

LOLA OLARK 1\UGRELL, 1'1. D. 218 1·2 E. Washington St.

Office HolU'8 2.7 P. M. Or by Special Appointment

'Sunday 3·6 P. 1\1. Phone 12iS01


15~' South Dubuque Street , Phone 1185

S. K. STEVENSON Attorney.at-Law

Life Insurance Written 111S 1·2 South Olinton Street

DR. J. WARD Dentist

US 8. Washington Street South ot llnlversfty Cllmpllt

Telephone 350 R


Fruit, Candy, Cigars


130 S. Clinton


DisCilSes ot

e. o. do

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

No. 8 N. Clinton St.

F. T. BREENE, D. D. S., 1\1. D. Dentist

Iowa City, Iowa 11 1·2 South Dubuque Street

OMce Hours: 8 A. M. to 12 M ....

1:00 to 5:00 P. M.

A nna Smith Close Soprano

Vocal Instruction Studio 114 S. Clinton Street

LOVELL SWISHER Real Estate Loans, Real Estate ...

InvestmentB First NatiQnal Bank BolldiDg

Money to Loan C. BOTHELL

This af ternoon on Iowa field will be staged the first hockey game of tbe year between the sophomores and the junior girls. Considerabl e pre­paration has been made for this match nd much interest taken. The game will start at 3:00 o'clock.

Following" is the line-up of the two tams: Junior team:

1!'orwards-Fan Bradley, Lydia OSier, Esther Paulue, Johanna Busse, Gall Stahl.

WE have been working all week prepar-ing for this special offering at $2.50

and you will be delighted with the variety and taste of our display. Whatever style you m'ay desire---Felts, Velvets or Velours.

Dorothy De France I Public Stenographer

PAUL-HELEN BLOCK Suite No. e 'phone 673

Half-backs-Selma Pieper, Ruby Frampton, Beulab Elliott.

Full-backs-TllIie Tieden, Jna Whiteford.

Goal-Carrie Rogers. SQpbomore team:

Forwards- Hannah Ward, Mar­garet Sleigh, Edna Westfall, Emma Blythe, Cecil Collaton. ,

Half-backs-Alice Brooks, Hazell Llstebarger, Chelsea Final.

Full-backs-Florence McCall, Mar­guerI te Lavender.

Goal-Olive Thomas. The sophomores have not had as

much experience as the juniors, but tbe juniors in turn have not had as much constant practice as the sopho­mores. Eeacb team Is full of pep and determination to win, so a good game III anticIpated.

"We Have a Hat For You" •

TAFT MILLINERY CO. Over Ford & Benda's Shoe Store on S. Dubuque St.


S. A. s;;: ISBER Sells the Most Liberal


111 East Wa bJngton Sueet

Invest;gate And learn the cause of fOur diIo

ease. It will co t you nothing fer

spinal analysis of your cue.


130 1-2 S. Dubuque. Phone 915 L


------.------------~------------~.~- --~------~--~~~------- --. -. --~~~~~

One of the many funny:scenes from May Robson's latest comedy success-"A NIGHT OUT", in which Miss Robson will appear at the Englert Theatre, Saturday, Nov. 16

Seats on sale at Box office at noon today

You cannot afford to -Buy a Suit or Overcoat ---.-; -

I Until You Have Seen

Our Splendid Display -

Of NEW \vOOLENS _ .. _-Suits and Overcoats tailored to your ·meas­sure, a perfect fit, and absolute satisfaction' guaranteed every-. way

ivien, W e Can Give You The Best Overcoat That Can Be Bought in Iowa City For $15.00 or $18.0U

we will be glad to show you both of these lines knowing that they cannot be equalled anywhere for the money. They are strictly all­wool .fabrics, cut in the most ap­proved styles.

AT $15.00 you will find light and dark colors in smooth or rough fabrics, conve~ble velvet and ,slh.awl collars.

IN $18.00 line, · you have the choice of shawl or convertible collar coat cut full and long, plain or belted backs, also the nobby split-sleeve coats that are so popular with young men. There are also staple black kerseys and vicun&S in this line a.ctually worth $25.000.

Young men's suits, hundreds to select from in a var­iety of snappy styles and woolens that will please the careful, nifty dresser, light and dark colors, mostly two· button coats, $15.00.

OVERCOATS for BOYS--$S.SO Hundreds to select from of the very newest fa.brics,

made in convertible collar, Russian style, cut full and long; many with fiannellining, plain or belted back, sold elsewhere at from $7.50 to $8.50, our regular price $5.50.

Saturday Evening, Nov.16th

Varsity Dancing Party - '

At Company I Armory

Saturday Evening, Nov. 16th





Secret Service.


Admission, toc

~RsONALS~ a~ooooc»ooooo«» Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson,

former Iowa students. now on a farm In northern Iowa, are spending the week In Iowa City visiting his uncle, Professor eashore and friends.

R. H. raw ford left for Des Moines y sterday afternoon and will go to A es Saturday to wltnes8 the game.

OW81'd T. Holt has returned from hi~ hom In Waverly where he has b n th past w ek.

Freshman coach Thomas go 8 to Falrneld today where he will referee the Highland Park-Parsons game to-

You out-of-door men This IS your coat. greatest storm and Winter coat ever made.


Hark Schaffner & Marx I put out this great big roomy garment to please out-af-door men. Collar can be turned ( way up, or part way; three ways.

You'll see this coat in our store w hen you ~ome


TaYllor's fOR THEIR



t ho


fce Cream, Candy, Hot Chocolate andBou il lu re~ 16 CLINTON STREET 'e

~------------------------------... ~

'LUSCOMBE · Is making some special On Sliturda y, :SOy. 16, we have

aDother grea t .10J Bison (ea tul'e : I Sueppel's has the. Agency for prices to Junior students • THE VENGENCE OF FATE Manito Silk and Lisle Haser);. I photos for" Hawkeye."

showing exciting battles between the

Redsldns and soldJers. __ ::~r:.:::::::::::::~:~:~::::::~~-:.~:.: i ••••

Tickets sold only to freshmen, including professional colleges, matriculating t his Yfar, or to one at­t('ndil1g' with such a freshman. GET

Friday ' November

22 Armory

Tickets 50 Centl )
