VOLUME XI. WHEELING W. V., MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 22, 1863. - NUMBER 260. *m. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY~ CAMPBELL feM'DERMOT, IttTBLlilOGIfCKR BCILDINQS, .V. £. coma- of Quimey and Main-Hi. TERMS: D*lly, (by mail, payable Id advance.) _$fi 00 By the f . 'jj Eff"Wwkly,(prtyear, payable fti advance,)... 3,00 EP"Advertising done on reaaonalbe term*. All adrertiMwin.ta from# distant, crfrtm tt*o »le°' cuatomera, must lie paid In advance. insurance" of wheeling. I.1COUPOHWBD ISS«J1, rA»KS?.R1HKB at tub lowest rate* on ud"n'rr^.0n of Ooo<1» on riT«", eeaa, Uk<*. SSaO, R w. Haedevo, Seo*y. aU>iOunii,Fni>, DlKKOTOftfi R.Cr^.f i°D^°a' ' Dan'l Lamb, James DaUell, ' OP WHEELIITG, va. G- 1 $150,000. J DIRECTORS I 0»n£±i 5- M"Ler» ««. K Wheat, nur ii T. , ''"""kler, Sam' McdeUan G W.«ranxheim.Jaa. N. Vat,,-., Alex. LaiVhBn ' ' ntlTH n iiliiiuv ... ,. uuiac' manutact Uriug eetablian* mente, furniture, ateamboola and cargoes on the I>er«M'f<,rTin! * l?kw' *l"° un tll# "»M "I ^"0'u.'or.» term of ytara. This Company ofTera '"^nr.rf nt* whereby they eaa be fnanred foi three yatrs at reduced rates Tbhhe- at«kh!l!deeJ.'^!i.,itl0rn'?0'np"8edor""ni' alSSL ' °r .!lom ar" among onr beat bn- 'f Tto0?,D°n?" "»"¦«.> th« favorable eon- SSwilfS. in-nring public, a.,l solicit* their te^£l^L&2.~ WUI * " """"y »'. ®JFce' No\ V JlcLnre House, being the Mme for¬ merly occupied b, A«i:ung Expru-ta Company. JOHN REID, Pr, eldest.C' AltTHUK- Swret«<*. SAM L McCLKLLAN, Vice-President. N.f IC«rflJ^?'A|5eSt.f<>rPJ5,ngPena,ou"- SASSZi:'°.reir" ^TIN\A.\ Insurance Company! I?AaTPORDJ ot. ASSETS JtfLT I. 1803. CASH AND TREASURY NOTES, hand and deposited on call, and In Agents haudv- ^ fVr a_ BANK STOCKS in New York, U«V/brT '** 84 Boston, St. Louis, Philadelphia, and other placed .QM.,m UNITED STATES and MATE STOCKS ' .Xurlc' Ohio, Kentucky, Tontjt**-' cm-' "ftS*. wwu 66 u^«fordrk«d 225-0W 00 New Haven. Boston and Worceeter, Moinxi ao lellaio So' REAL ESTATK, Unincumbered..*.*1111" S7.'wc3 18 Total Aaaeta TT. t2.488.188 IB LOSSES PAID, UPWARD OF . IB,000,000. .Jilfi.*1 ffliH1?" c®' promptueea and reliabili¬ ty of this well-tried a <1 sterling Compauy recom- mend It to preference- ,th tho e neodintc Insurance. .V.C. ARTHUR, Ag't. j Girard Fire & Marine lus. Co. TJULAURLPlflj _ Capital A*b Suri-lii* ....4318 7'28 83 N. C. ARTHUR, Ag't. Pennsylvania Insurance Co. OK PITTSBURGH, PA. C"IT" ui'hEcTOHs'V *3W'000 lLw>"l>ilf",r'' fI*«Inter, Robert Patrick, A? l»tter»iu, Henry Sprout. Henry Uerwlg! Alex.Negley, J.vr II Hopkina, J. C. Lappe. C. A. Colton, A.J. Jonos, A. A. Carrier, <»rtyr Sproal. J.GREER 8PROUL. Sec"* V0K0TtV* Jr- IMiK above Company having appointed thennder- .ii "P* As"ut for Wheeling, and rlcinity. wouldrMpectfully aoilcit the patronage of the pnblic. SaidOompaniee are well knoirn to be Mnitclaaa offlcea. nil ol1 ? 18 ra"" on building* or all tinda. Steamboata, Furniture, Merchandiae and aaamat all the peril, of the lU^ra andS^i ' 111 loaaea promptly adjusted. ... . N. C. ARTHUR, Agt. _!Ei Office No. X il' Lure Houae. TO THOSE WHO WISH TO BE X 1ST 8TJEED AGAINST ALL CONTINGENCIES. 'IIHKHOMKHSSVUAKCK COHPAHY A or New York. °A3B Oawml (every dollar paid ini. 41.000,000 Coutlugeut Fund (ore) S00 000 Th.tarfeat Caah Capital forO.e amount of riak o auy olflee in tile Unite<l Slatoa. ».- F. PETERSON, Ag't. rrIIEIKSVRANCKCO. OF THKVAL 1 LEY OF VIRGINIA. VAl.- Caaa Carnal.(paid in) $300,000 ^tbuSute8"*' °"h C"PiU1 °f°««°h"te^ Loaseeoqaitably adjnated aud promptly paid br W. P. PHTERSON, Agt. Oisn Capital (paid In) «iM ooo Cub Contingent Pund(orcr) ^STfilooO In thlaofflce the aaaured participate In the proflu without incurring any risk. w. r. PETERSON, Agent. r 1UK__ V!,CI,BllRa BOSS AFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 0*8H Capital :. ti00^00 W. F PETBR80N, Jr, Ag«nt. ti«»^)»<>rM,600,000of Cash Capita] repreaented hi. old and well eatabliihed A ency, where ereryloea Ii the abo»e office haa been promptly paid in Wheel, log.beloreit waadueby tlie tormaof the policy. , W. F. PETERSON, . . Office next door to the M. A M. Bank, Jy7- 59-ly Main atreet. Whe»llng. QTTTI/ 1-1 rvT.Ql m tt m >i OF WHEELING, va; DIRECTORS I John List, L. S. Delaplain, Michael Reflly, Jacob llerger, K. M. Norton, Tboa, Sweener A. B.Caldwell, J. 0. Harbour, And. P. Woo<2' Bf-Thla Company (a owned aad managed by many of oar moet wealthy and InDnentlal Mer- chanta. Their oOcehas lately been removed to No. McLnre House Building, and Is fully organised and prepared to take risks on Frame and Brick Buildings. Manufacturing Establishment*, Stocks ot Merchandise, Household Furniture, Ac, Ac. On Unlls ef Steamboat*, Marges, Flatboats, and their cargoes, upon the Western rivers; and on Steamships. Stea inboats and Sailing Veaaels, and their cargoes upon the lakes; also on Llrea,at reasonably low rate* and accommodating term*. L S. DELAPL AIK, Preet. W. W. SHRIVKR, Sec'y. ' Co*pa ttr'B Qmcm, No. 7, M*Lcas Houu Bcituwo. dec*-ly Saddles, Harness,Trunks &e WHOLESALE * RETAIL. JD. SHEPPARD No.lSl Main Street, oorner . Union, will oonUnue to keep on hand alargeand complete assortment of all artlcloalu hia UneioSaist jug of lAdie**and Gentlemen'a Saddle*. Fine A Coarse I would reopNBctftulr call attention to my stock,and trait by strict attention and promptneM. to marit continuance of the public patronage All kinda of repairingpromptly dona, and in a bm Per manner. J. B. 8HKPPARD. '** ' ^ Main Street "pn'OTOQRAPH ALBUMS at la myie^'y tbe Variet7 Store o low prioee and good ot NICOLL A BRO. BUSINESS CARDS. ». P. TURNER, M lb.; i H OMtEP ATHIC PHYSICIAN, OFFICE IT# FOURTH STREET, (In the office formerly occtipied by Dr. Houston ) _d«aMta' "Wheeling. Va. AUMaD owomm M. ¦on>. UAU)WBLL Ss BOYD, Attorneys at Law, No. Malm Street, UP 8TAIRS. T. H. LOGAN &CO. WHOLESALE ORUGGISTS, WHEBllSO, VA. I Kutr'"100' °«xt door to Baker en,rmnee -°-r «*. . PAINTS, oxls ^?s5ad el,'7 »ndooui.try,at lotopricti .nil of thefrerf quality. Cash and prompt tftomera arc InTlted to tall. apl,'69 " SUSSS? LIST, MORRISON % CO., Wholesale Grocers AND PBODUCE DEALERS, NOB. 78 AND 80 MAIN STREET, WHEELING, VA. apr2S JAS. M. DILLON, et Street. WHEELING, VA. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, AKD ' brass POUN RV D*tSBS I|f WRr°»ua?i IRON, galvanized, and all sizes of Lernl Pipes, Shoo* Lead. Brass Uocks and Vai vee Steam Whistles. Steam and Water a'dtlmonyT'Crnc/bels^ Pi:-t.i constantly on hand. 4 0 *»'. P»ld for Copper, Brass and Laid. oct10 DANIEL PECK attorney at l,vw. OrnCKon thu corner of Pourth and Qiilucv sts rpfmarty the residence of Dr. Hughes lebao tim" METCALF & BURT, MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS, OAR .ods, ¦ i 8l'nng«, Axles, Window Glass, Wine Bot- .loe, Demljuhn*. PUnks, Wooden Ware, Wrapping iJSpi ' 0l"u"nt> Plaster Paris, Ac. .tfZZt 0!?V" lor Vt'c,<? not in "ur "n® w»l he fur- ilJh rat«. 0,1 *"ho1" d»'V »t the lowest .UUM. In i*; C. L. ZANE flt-OO. ¦WT»Wrter "* Dtaler* foreign <t Domestic nines and Liquors, Manufacturers of Pure Catawba Winca. Qdikct Siun, BjrrwsBn Mini A Miun Bra. WHKKLINQ, VA If EEP constantly on hand Brandies, Scotch and £?? WTd«U««, Jamaica Rums and Cordials? jholce Old Hye and Bourbon Whiskies. aep27 ly rha Citizen's Deposit Bank 0* WHEELING. BA«??,OPJUM FR0M 9O'CLOCK A. M.. UNTIL3 I*. M. Discount days.Thursdays at 10 A. M. oner received on transient deposit. fci^In erest paid on special deposits. Bty~"Collections mide and proceeds promptly re¬ mitted "r J DIRECTORS: N. C. Arthur, J. N. Vauce, Jacob Hornbrook, O. W. Vranzheim, Wui.Unsbey, J. K. Botsfor Geo. K. Wheat, Chester D. Kr.ox, . . Samuel Harper. J. R. MtLLKft,Cishler. Geo. K. Whkat, Pres't. dec31-ly JAMES P.ROGERS, ATTORNEY .A.T T. a WIIKBLIKU, VIRGINIA. OFFICE North-east corner of Monroe and Fourth streets, opposite the Court Houee. oovl7-tf Hats <& Caps. S. N. PRATHER, NO. 30 MAIN STREET. Alhat98.n!J nsul r C^?,'"e.,nd T*riea ,tock of HATS and CAi S for Mens* and Bojs* wear. lw*X *?."* of ?*tal,,I*hinga Permanent trade, both in the city and surrounding couutry, all those In^MnllfliS* T»kh#ihe»!r P*tro,mK© can rel) on bo- Ing supplied with the best goods at the lowest fig- rW,nM"d ,0 ??tU N. PRATHKR. The People's Bank. /"~VPFICK No. OS Main street. Wheeling, Va. .Vri^ JOe^lJr"iT0<1 °D <,,,p0<rt,. Int#rMt »",don £«*«. and bills discounted. Exchange bought and .old. Collections at home or from abroad promptly attonded to. r' MBSOTOU. J.C Harbour, Christian Hese. «* Jw0.1 John Yockler, 8am1 J. Boyd, Richard Cuter. J. B. DIOKKY, OMh^ HABB0PB' ^ "THE T JION,". ARCH 8TRKET, Between 3rd and *tb, PlUladelphla. riMIK DNDBRSIONED, baring renewed the lease _L or the aboTe popular IloM for a series of jeers ronl.22r!c,ruU*0,Ulth0 »"«nUonot the Trarel- ing Public to iu central locality, either for business or pleasure. The Honse will he entirely renoTmted and re-far- nlshed, and kept in such a manner, as to merit as heretofore, a liberal share of public patronage With many thank* to former rlends, and the trar- eling public, we trnst we may bare the pleasure or waiting upon them on again visiting the city. Very Respectfully, THOMAS S. WEBB k SON. F~. B. wSi!} Propri<,t°nu mart 6m WM. SHAFFER, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER JEWELER & ENGRAVER. nun ik Watches,Jewelry,SHrer & Plated Ware, FANCY GOODS, ftc No. aa Monroe St. orroerra u. a m ba»x. Savings Bank of Wheeling" C&*, Jfam-Jt, brt-Bfrn Monrar and Otion. VJTONKY RBCHVJD ON TRAN8IKNT DEPOSIT 1T1 Interest paid on Special Deposits. Ooliections promptly att.ndwl to. Kzchanmou the East bought .nd told. thos. H. LIST, President. SAM'L HILDRETH, Treasurer. Janli-'M. ailgfttteWijMCJC* X KH#1» 6If" AO VKHT1S1NO . Twilti Bo up Luiib or Noxpamil. (on on» raca,)o* Lxs, Hill A SQOABI, Three Week*. (teo Onr Month,... 5 06 Two Months.. 8 00 Three Months..._.10 00 81* Months, K'i 00 One Y«ir. on nn One »»7r~l MB 76 **<> D*y«, i oo Three D»yV 1 26 Four Days^_ j 50 ! .... 176 00 2n* "i 00 j One YW, :: 2000 Two WaeJu, 8 60 | ..ir-SprciiL Noncra Doable the above rates. . W Yearly Advertising on reasonable terms, accor- 10 ,he "P«e occupied and the immberof cliaacee made. x- ^, ^"^."^""ot.'frum :.ul'ent persons orstrang ere, to be paid for in advance. Bosineu Cards not exreodlug live Unee, $10 per rear, wln M"^ "VV""-. fmt for * »hur"r P®rlod nothing "Nl be eonnted le«« than a square. The privilege .,r Annual Advertising is limited to the Advertisers' own Immediate buainws; and-all adrertlsements for the ben.st of otherprsons as well its all legal mlvertlamenth. and advertisements o.aactjon sale* and real estate,sent in by them tnuM be paid for at the usual rates. -^Advertisementa not accompanied with wr Iteu accoMhS^y inserted until torbid,and charged j Notices for Political Meeting* to be charged In *11 ommjs at lull rate*. l . Marriages, Notices of Funerals, and annoncemente of sermons, 50 cents ouch. nonvll-'60 Assessor's Notice. TH5 A8BB880K of the Ylwt Oellectlon Dlatrlctof X Virginia, would give notice thut the Assistant Assessors of thin District will proceed Iramediately to assoss the Income Tax for the year 180;;, the said tax to be based on th > income of 1802. The follow, ing de isious iu relation to the assessment oPthe In¬ come Tax have been indued by^the Commissioner of futernal Revenue: Each parson will be required to return his total income, ?o far specifying the Bonrues from whloh ft is derived, ay to enable the Assistant Asseaeor to decide what dednctltfns shall be made therefrom. The income tax must be assessed and paid in the district iu which the assesaed person resides. The place whole a person votes? or ia entitled to vote, is deemed his residence. When not a voter, the place where tax on personal property is paid is hold to be the place of residence. lu cases of limited partnerships, formed with the. condition that fio dividend or division of profits shall be made until the expiration or tho partuerahip,each n ember of auch firm will be required to return liia share of profits arising from snch business, for the year 1862, as, had they ae desired, a division of the profits could havetoeen made. Gains or profits realised from the sale of property during the year 1862, which property was purchased before the Kxciee Law went Into effect, ahould be re¬ turned as iucome for the year 1802. The executors or administrators of the estates of per-.ons, who died In the year 1862 should make re¬ turn of the income i hereof for tho year 1S62. A merchant's return of income ahould cover the business of tho year 1802, excluding previous years. Uncollected accounts must be estimated. Physicians and lawyers should inclndo actual re¬ ceipts for services rendered in 1862, together with an estimate ot unrealized or contingent income due to that year. Dividends and futereet payable in 1882 should be returned as income fur that j ear. no matter when declared. Dividends derived from gas stock are taxable aa iu¬ come. Income derived from coal mines luunt he returned, although a tax haa been previously paid on the coal produced. No deduction can be made because of the iliminished value, actual or 8Upposed, of the coal vein i>r bed, by the procesa of mining. Rent derived from coal mines is income. Premiums paid for lifo insurance shall not be" al¬ lowed aa a deduction in statement of income. Pensiuna received from the United States Govern¬ ment must be returned with other iucome anhject to taxation. Old debt^, formerly considered hopelessly lo3t, hut paid within the t uie covered by the return of iu- L'ome, thould be lucludutd iu this statement. Debts considerei hopelessly lost on the 3lst of De¬ cember, 1862, aud-due to the businesa of tfi&year 1SG2, may be deducted from the profits of buaincte; In order to give full effect to the proviso tothepl** section of the act of July 1st, 1862, respecting th* lax on that portion of income der.ved from United States tecuritiea. it is directed that when income is derived pattly from those and partly i'roai other nourcea, the $600 and other allowaucea made by law shall he deducted, as far da possible, from that i»or- tlou of income derived from other sources, and sub¬ ject to thtee per cent. tax. * No deduction can be allowed from the taxable in¬ come of a merchant for compensation paid for the services of a minor son. A farmer, wlieu making return of the total amount of hi* "farm produce," shall be allowed to deduct therefrom the subsistence of liors^a, mules, oxen, and cattle used exclusively in the carrying on of said farm. The term ufarm produce*' is construed to in¬ clude all production! of a farm, of what nature or kind soever. The account of stock sold by a farmer siuce De¬ cember 31st, 1862, should not be included in the pre* sent assessuieut, but the profit realized thereby must be account d for in his next year's return. Where he haa iuc.udcd iu hie return produce raised bv him, and fetl in whole or part to stock subsequently sold, he tnuit acrouut for the gain realized by the l'eediug and selling of said stock. Where he has not includ¬ ed the produce so fed, he must return, as profits, the difference between the value ol aald at:ck ou the 31st of December, 1SCI, and tiie amount reilized for them. Fertilizers purchased by farmers, to maintain their land in prcaeut productive conditiou, will be consid¬ ered as "repairs" ia estimating Income. Interest should be considered as iucoiue ouly when paid, unless it ia collectable aud remains uupaid by the consent or agreement of ihe creditor. Los-es incut red iu the proatcntion ol" bus! netware a fdr offset to gains derivvd from buaiuess, but not from those portious of iucome derived from fixed in¬ vestments, siit.li as bouds, mortgages, rents, and the like Property u&ed iu busiuess, aud furuishing profits, when dcetrojed bv fire, may be restored, at the ex- pernio of those profits, to the conditiou when destroy¬ ed; If iusured, the difference betweeu Insurance re¬ ceived and amount expended In restoration will be allowed. The increased value g'ven a new building by per¬ manent improvements will be charged to capital. not income. . The contingent fund of manufacturing corpora¬ tions, made up during the year 1862, and not distrib¬ uted, should not be returned as part of the iucome of the stockholders. The undistributed earnings of a corporation, made previous to September l*t, 1862, whether the corpo¬ ration ia requ red to pay tax ou dividends or not, -ahould not be considered as the iucome of the stock¬ holders, nor should the corporation be required to make returu of eald reserved earnings aa trustees, under section 9S ol the Kxcl.te Law. The Income of literary, scieutific, or other charita¬ ble Institutions, in the hands of trustees or others, la not subject to income tax. When a person boarda, and rents a room or rooms, the rent theteof, In lieu of rent of houte,.should be deducted from the ameunt cf iucome subject to tax¬ ation. Losses sustained In businesa since December Hat, 1S62, will not enter Into the income assessment for 11862. Interest on borrowed capital used in busineaa may be deducted*from income. If a planter returns ail hia farm producta, he will be allowed to deduct the actual expense of subsist¬ ing and clothing his slaves. Legatees are not required to return their 1 gaciea aa income. There Is a special tax on legaciee of per¬ sonal property in aectiou 111. eT.he,.iD5°me faaaaeesed upon the actual income of individuals. Firms, aa such, will not make re- tnrna. *j he profits ofa manufacturer from hia business are not exempt from income tax, in consequence of hia having paid the excise tax imposed by law upon ar¬ ticles manufactured by him. As bridge, expreaa, telegraph, steam and ferryboat companies or corporaUona_are not authorized bylaw to withhold aud paj to Government any tax upon In¬ terest oaid, cr dividend declared bj them, all income of individual derived from thoae sources is lfeble .to Income ta^ The tax must be levied on all dividends declare* prior to September 1st^ IS62, and upon all aalarta'tf officers or payments to persona in tbe civil, military naval, or other service of the United State*, fjr aer- vicea rendered prior to said dare, as auch dividenda aud proportion of salaries were not subject to deduc¬ tion orassesunent. All persons neglecting or refoalng to make return of income, except in case of sicknesa, are brought within the p* rialties prescribed by the 11th aectfoo of the act of July 1st,1868, vix: auadiition of 50 per cent, to the amount ascertained by the Assistant Ae- aeasor, upon such informationfasfhe can obtain, and a' penaltv of $luu, to be recovered for the UnitedStatee, with costs ot suit. blank forms will be left by the Assistant Asses¬ sors on *hlch to make the returna, on tbe outside ot which ia a convenient detailed itatement.of sources of income. Those returns must l>e made'to the As distant Assessors within ten daji rrom ihe time they *rc !'". JOHN PARKINSON, Assessor 1st Col. Dial, of Va. Cameron, June 10th, 1863. janU IwdAltw I \y ells burs Herald, ralrmont'XaUooal and Middle- bourne PlalndealercopyS times aud a ndbiil toJohn Parkinaon, Assessor, at Cameron.1 FANC\ BASKETS..Jnat received, a fine stock of Traveling Baaketa. For sale low by JOS. GRAVES k CO. J ^ Wami Departmext. WA»:lUNaTOX ClTT, June Oth, 1868. J Ororr (Extracts.) 1st. The Department of the MonongaheU will em¬ brace that portion cf the. State of Pennsylvania Weal of Johnstown, And the Laurel Hill range of mountains. anil" th'e Counties of Hancock, Brooke and Ohio In the .State of Virginia, a-.d the Counties of Golumhi^n^, Jefferson and Belmont, in the State of Ohio. _ Brigadier General WillfamT. H; Brooks is assigned to the command ^-thi*-.1 Department, Headquarters nt Pittsburgh. ;t (JL -C ' PfeAHfcj llgnated r ...i'be en¬ rolled and organixed in acooedaace with regulations of U. S. (Service Tor the protection and dof;nse of public property Mrithlri that Department, and will be mustered into the service of the United States to serve during the pleasure of the. Prejtident. or the continuance of the war. , . The Company and Field Officers of the Depart mental \ orps will be provisionally commissioned by the President. i. They will be anned, uniformed and equipped, and while inactive wrvlce, subsisted and snpplied, at ©titer troops of the United -States Cavalry Volunteers4naj furukh their own horses, to be tnruo<l over to ^b'e United Slates at the ap¬ praised value, or alIowanc#vwiU be made^fdr the extent that horses can be. farntohed. The Department Coirs win littt b* entitl._ bounty* and cannot be pjkld tfrilH Congress ma1c4s an appropriation for that purpose, 3rd. Volunteers in the Departmental Corps, may,, at their own request; be transferred and mristered into the service for thteet years or during the war, and upon such transfer and ropster they will be al¬ lowed the pay and bounty authorised by the Act of Congress to Volunteers for three years or durlug the war... Volunteers in the Departmental Corps will re- inaiu subject to enrollment and. draft for general senrfffe.. The enllstmeut. recruiting! and orgatlzing of Volunteers for three years or during the war, Is to be stimulated and encouragedJt.be officers to be ap¬ pointed aud commissi >ned by the Governors of the respective S'ates. . » The enlistments heteiu specified and transfers fMn the Departmental service>to the three years service must be reported Vo lj»e Provost Marshal General iu order tint the respetftfve"8tates and Con¬ gressional Districts uiay. receive- appropriate credit under the Emoliujent Act of Congress. 4tli. All the troops wllh'n tHis Department will be under the command of the (ttueral commanding the Department, with the uwal-Department Staff. # * c * « * * i»ch. The operation* against thaenemy are not to be limited by the geog:apbICal since of the Depart¬ ment, but may exteud to adjacent territory as Iki the judgment of the Commanding General maybe expedient to resist or pursue tlifc enemy. Volunteer Companies and Regiments organized in plac s not within the Department of the Monon- gahela may be attached for temporary servico to the Army Corps of the Monongahela and mustered into service upon special application aud order of the War Department. * * a * $ . # By order of the President. [Signed] £. M. Staktos, ik>cretary of War. Headquarters Dep't. of the Mononoahbi.a, / Pittsburgh, J one IRth, 1SC8. J Tho undersigned hereby assumes command* ef the Department. The Staff of the Department will be announced in subseqnout orders. All communications fjr these Headquarters will be directed to "Assistant Adjutant£teneral," Depar;- tneut of the Monougaliela. W. T. H. Brooks, _Junl8 8t H»j >r General. Hkadquartcxs 94th Brioaoe. ) Wheeling, 10th June, 1863./ General Order No. 0, 3863.] I. The 163d Begiment, Hancock county, will be mustered for service, at snch hour and place as may be designated by the Colonel commanding, on Fri¬ day, the 19th Inst,, and proceed Jjpcac* to thtt place, by,the Cleveland hnd Pittsburg Railroad, reporting upou arrival, at these headquartefe II* The 103d Regiment, Broqljp connty, will be mubtered for service,_at su£h, hoaftftsd' place as may porting upou arrival, at these headquarters. ill. The 1st battalion of the 161*t Regiment, Ohio couuty, will be mustered for service, at 9 o*clobk, A. M., on Thursday, the 16th inst., nt Triadelpbia; and the 2d battalion of the name regiment, oa Friday, the lWtli lust., at the saute place; each battalion, on the day or muster, will proceed to this place, by the Heuiptleld Railroad, reporting upon aarival, at these headquarters. IV. The 134th Regiment, Marshall county, will be mustered for service, on Friday, the 19th inst., at 3 o'clock, P. M., at Monndsville, Marshall county. V. The 5th and 4th Reidmeuts, Ohio county, will be mustered for servico, at 9 o'clock, A. M., on wed uesday, the 17th inst., on Fourth Street betwaeu Union and Qnincy Streets, in tho city of Wheeling. VI. The circular letter of Instructions accompa¬ nying these orders, must be strictly enforced by the commandant of each regiment. VII. Capt. Henry K. List, A. Q. M.. of this Bri¬ gade, will provide subsistence and quarters for .the Regiments concentrated in Wheeling and the 134th Regiment at Moundsville. The Quartermaster of each Begiment, will, upon the receipt ef this order, report to Capt. List, A. Q M. at Wheeling, for or¬ ders and instructions. VIII. For the information of j 11 whom It may con¬ cern, the following officers are announced as compo¬ sing the Staff of the 24th Brigade ot V. M. Capt. B. Davenport, Assistant Adjutant General. Capt. II K. List, Assistant Quartermaster. 4 Lieut. II. C. Fleslier, Aid-de-Camp. John 6. Kelly, Ksq., having offered his services, is appointed a volunteer aid. These officers will be recognized and obeyed ac¬ cordingly. By ordtrof Brig. Geo. JAMES S. WHEAT. B. Davenport, A. A. G. junlT CO-PARTHfERSHIP. l^nB UNDERSIGNED have formed a co-partner- JL ship under the firm name of A; M. ADAMS A CO.. for the purpose of wholesaling and retailing clothing aud merchant tailoring business, at the old stand ot A. M. Adams, No. 8ff Water street. A. M. ADAMS; A.J.ADAMS, March 2nd, 1863. WM. M. D1TTMAR. NOTICE. To those who ire indebted to me either by not. or book, will call and settle th.fr accounts without fur- thor notice, as my old business mast b. closed op. apri-flm A.M. ADAMS. P. C. HILDRETH Sc BBO-, 53 Mala Street "HOWE'S" STANDARD SCALES, HAY or Cattle. Platform, Counter and Orocr'i | 8CALB8, "HOWE'S" ARMY SCALES. Every Scale warranted. P. C. HltDBBTH k BBO., my21 A (rents (or the Mannfsctnrer. PLOWS, PLOWS, PLOWS. T30R TUB SPRING OP 1B63. PitYOB * PR08T I would call the attention ot Parmer, and Dealer, to their very extensive stock of of Patent and Cen¬ ter Levers, Iron and Wood Stocked, Hill SIdea, Cen¬ ter Draught, and Steel Monk) Boart Plows, of all .ilea, both right and left hand. Among them will bo found every aire of tho Pittsburgh Plow., QOr own make of fteel Plows, QUI k Son*. Steel Mould Board Plowa, the Wellsbnrg Plow, and » foil anpplj of Iron and Wooden Double and Single Shovel Plowa, Cultivator*, kc.kc. PRYOR * FROST, 'an3 Noa. 81 and «3 M.ln ttreet. FISH. halt BBLS. No. * mod. MackenL WU 250 bbl«. No. S do do. 20 . hf bb'a. Lake Herring. 100 do do White FWi. 100 kits No. 1 and S Mackerel, for sale by aprtg LIST, MORRISON * CO STBRLINO'3 AMBROSIA TOR THE HAIR, just I r.reived at the Odd fellow Han Drug Store. myC K DOCKING. Acent /^ATMBAUBrotoa.Oocoa and" Chocolate for nl. I II by T. n. LOO AN ACOL myA sod I.OOAN. LIST k 00. SUGAR, *c. HHDS. choice New Orleans. SO do prime do TS bbbls. Bertroad's N. Y. 8yrup. SO do crushed and refine!Sugars. Far aal.by I apr28 LIST. MORRISON k CO. 50 HEAD DRBSSSS~New StJles just received at the Variety Store of D. XICOLL k BRO. Junll 109 Main street. LEVI STEIN, FashionableMerchantTailor AND Wholesale & Betail Dealer IN READY MADE CLOTHING, So. 13 HONROE STREET, WHKKLING, VA. y~VFFKRS to tbedtfeera of Wheeling and vicinity, V ) and to the pabllo in general, a large and well ne lected atock of CLOTHS, DOESKIN CAS8IMKRK8, VKSTINQS, FCR9HSHI.NG GOODS AND rfRADY MADE CLOTHING, Which taring been purchased for NETT GASH, he la enabled to sell on more reasonable terms than ai«v other similar establishment in this part of the country. Among the stock will be found BLACK CLOTHS of the very beet make*. DOESKINS of English and Ffencli manufacture.' FANCY 0A8S6IBRE8 of all stjlea and qualities, mnc entirely new, suitable for making snitn. SILK, CASHMERE, ft MARBA1LLES VKSTINOS FURNISHING GOODS, Such as , WOOLEN AND WHITE 0VKR8HIRT8, UNDER¬ SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BILK AND LINEN HANDKERNHIEF8, NECK-TIBS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUS¬ PENDERS, In endless variety. i Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to the establishment in the past, be trusts to merit a continuance of the same. 1 LEVI BTBIBl. N. B..All work warranted as represented. apr7-2mtIAw Sundries. HOT-PRBSSED NUTS AND WASHERS. Steel and Iron Plow Wings Boat Spikes and Nail*. may25 P. 0 HILDRETII A BRO. KAfl BBLS. OOLEBAY'S FAMILY AND PAS- I JUU TRY J>I.OUR. 200 bbls. Bait. 75 bags Prime Rio Coffee. 60 boxes Pearl Starch. 60 doe. WaihboHrdn. 75 doz. Buckets, Tubs, Ac. On hand and for sale by PAXTON, DONLON A OGLBBA1. may2 5 ITER LINO'S AMBR08IA. ) Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative. Mrs. Allen's llalr Restorer. Mrs. Allen's Hair Dresner and Zylobalsamum. Circassian Hair Restorer. Burnett's Cocoaine. Burnett's Kalliston. Barry's Tricopherous. i Lyon's Kathairon. Always on hand at the Odd fellow Hall Drug Store. _my22 B. BOOKING, Agent. BOYS'GOODS. Black and white plaid mersaillks, Fancy French Linen Drillings, Fancy Striped Pique, . Black, Brown and Mode Cashmeretts, Duck, Blue and Tan Cloth, Linen Checks and Cottonkdes, Tweeds, Jeans and Batioelts, Fancy Plaid Casslmered. Juri4 J S. RHODES. GROCERIES. S' 160 . ...» II. ¦¦ Pf WWttJp fcO. £v) bbls. Bruce"A Sotffc Golden Sytup". 50 bbla. Extra B ^ehiv^ w uiiuo.-w. \j. ami r. n. Sugars. 100 bbls. assorted ReOned Sugar. Just received, and for sale by PAXTON, DONLON A OGLEBAV. may25 BBLS. No. 3 MACKEREL. 100 half bbls. No. 3 Mackerel. 75 half bbls. No, 2 d j. 25 bbls New Potomac Herring. 25 hair bbls. Lak« White Fish. For sale by PAXTON, DONLON A OGLRBAY. may25 1AA QROSS ESSENCE OF COFFEE. lUU SO boxes Dandelion and Ground Coffee. 60 boxes and bbls. Garrett's Scotch Snnff- 50 blf chests Gunpowder and Youug Hyson Tea. 100 hlf bbls. Bi. Car. Soda Gronnd Cinnamon, Cream Tartar, Indigo, Indigo Blue, Pepper, and Spices of all kinds, Madder, Alum, Soap, Candles, Starch, Nails, Ac., Ac. On band, and for sale by PAXTON, D3NL0N A OGLEBAY. maj26 Sewing Machines. G ROVER A BAKER'S new Improved Lock 8ftlteh Sewing Machines, with Hem mens, Fellers and Braiders, Aa* are the best in use. All Machines warranted. JOS. McDON AL, General Agent for Western Va. Office No. 105}£ Main St., Wheeling, Va. jan20-6m For Rent and Sale. The subscriber has for rent, 8tore Booms, small and large; also Offices in good buildings, >2d story; Dwelling Houses for rent; Building Lots and other real estate for sale. THOS. nOBNBROOK, Custom-House, Surveyor's Office, 2d floor '¦lHEPLACETOBUY CHEAP WALL PAPER AND | X BORDERS .Just received, another stock of cheap Wall Papers, Fine Glased Wall Papers at 2oc | per bolt Common 10 to 16 cts per bolt. For sale by JOS. GRAVE8 A CO , juuO No. SO Monroe bt. PPOTOGRAPH ALBUMS-.Another lot received | by Express to-day at the Variety Store of my3Q D. NICOLL A BRO. ROGERS' LEMON SODA and Citrate Magueaia, in powder, for sale by T. H.' LOGAN A CO., JunlS and LOGAN, LIST A CO. BLOOD PUMFIBRS, AYER'S, Bull's, Band's; Townsend's, Brentlioger's, Boback'sand other Purifier*, for sale by 3»JUL.IX)GAN A CO., Junl3 and UOtfAK LIST A CO. SILK MITTS for Ladies and Childreu receircd to- day at the Variety Store of D. NICOLL A BRO., junl3 109 Main street. CORSETS, White and Grey, Just received by ex press at the Variety Store of Jtml3 D. NICOLL A BRO. HOOP 8KIBT8for Ladies and Missesjust received at the Variety Store of jnnlS D. NICOLL A BRO. 7r B0XE8 6's 10's and LBS. LUMP TOBACCOS. O 20 cases lb Lump Tobacco. 20 kegs 6 Twist Tobacco. - 100,000 Common Cigars On hand, and for sale by PAXTON, DONLON A OGLEBA may26 TkjfERRIMAC PRINT8, jjJL Ballard Veil Flannels. Gauxe Flannel, Shirting Flannels, small plaid, Shirting Muslims ust received by Jeb2. GEO. R.TAYLOR. FRENCH AND ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, EMBRACING all the newest and most favorite styles,jnst received and f«.r sate at greatly re¬ duced prices. Also, Fashionable Mantillas and Black Lve Man¬ tles, choioe Paris ahape, in great variety at old prices. ALKX. I1EYMAN, Bmj2fllw 137 Main street. CHEAP WHITE QUIL.T.S ONLY 91 50, i* mjtS W. B. SSHBEJTEYn*. oaaAXD***- . tEW BEAUTIPCL OROANDIRS- k Brmunuat old my27 SHRBT MUSIC, an additional luppljr, jn.t received at the Variety Store of D. NICOLL A BBO. The United State/*, "j The Roods and "battels, credits | Cp°- SmmStt" D"k 01 "" J Coofl-a,ion- WHRHEA8, »n information has been Bind in the D'Strirt Court of the United State, for tK dk^.rm uistrictof Virginia at Wheeling, on the 20th thZZ,?JP'18?*-oa b«>,«lrof the United Statcfbr Roods chMtelsl'crMi't f°r Dlrtrte«. against the U«la^^L ^J.?P»r",of 'I" United State, M^lnenrret* H«J. H. *»,th. V*~"au0o?.'V- '¦*$?£ The United State. . CjH)I1 Inrornult|ljn V"*rs£%2£t!* I *»«S«'on. W'S^I: ,?'nir,^'8,a,h"hb«nlfl'^ °° ***. on the »'«hd^of Mai' hg» SSif,'°r f^d district, property of J. B. Morton ^ ^ " Personal K.rt and the Bank ol B^rkel" ! ?n^ ff D .B»rk- iu MQbstiince. that said Vnr#.* i ^ .iuce the 17 th "vt i't " '¦"*» *wE.4 against the United jut. «.,j*i .', '"snrrectlon fort to the ene^^t^,!>»d nmong other reason, In "aidSm.H """-by aald property became furlJit .«^?" "rationed, and praying that the snm« \ United States, forfeited as aforesaid y "mdemned Hi defSS tSSft&Sfffi°tf »». dellTered. I .|u hereby give Dublin nSj* ?®''.'! aI"1 sons claiming .aid protSrtv Sr W" a" I«,r- ested therein, that thev he «n i manner Inter- Hid District Court, to & tfehl St "SRff-, l«foretlie for the said Weetexti JJiiitrict^or Vir of June, ]S;:l, at l7u&«k 2^,3 ?" the lrtth that day.If thesame shall oe».,fo"»o°n or if not, on the next day of InriilhK ^Sr ®tIon, then and there t j intei^s «h.$ ,,n ""'rearter. "'.Ir allegations in th .?behalr " aud n">'<e Bated this SSSth day of May, 1863 BK.VJ. n. SMITII C i AfJ??' ". Marshal. "Attorney. tu.v2il.i6t notice. Paovoax Maaras* Ommal's orrtdt, . '|1 UK attention ofall Ooi«.'°nn^MKay ».»&». f »U[ ;sr u, dh,~; published in the nanera Thi w r Depiirtu,Pnt» Such officers are requested to? ?Ut tho co«ntry. the pro-Wong of th2» order and tlfii I),l?/n|'l,-v w,t*» applteAtious.a* therein nmrtii » e'r"'Hen Invalid Corps? (stating the rl, T°.r P"'"." In the bility.) with ?«iimJchHr»ct r of their disa- Assistant Provost Marshal poi,BI!',H' to|hfc Acting which they .Iy fefc.cl. Ac.l'I.Ti 1 'be S,a,« Marshal General will i*t on « Assistant Provost tlons, with his Inrtoriement M ,°hr,,5rd M'Plica- General at WaahlngtoS. Provost Marshal ImmMUtiiy'upon furrtshlSTiha "iU be ^pointed General Order'xo. "5? ot f^S? ^ not fromaateoroTSuio^r ,KP^,u,mCTU- kni m«.d» to which thfy may b, as,igntdr.MP6<,l'V" C'Jm I'^_o..U,nL?aen,tem,. BUAHU AI b'AHAtUbA b'Hfil^Gs; fo ^ sh^"^ ^^^^"''^^ by ^'np'e ana beaijilf jymwHAu.,8AiL^gy,g^ fyA8"; HO! FOR THE SUMMER RESORTS. The Ohio White Sulphur Springs ZSSStes%su$*B «d on^^'r,he s.°?^ Proprietor! ANDr'wiruoM* v|!I"lv''.|C*>ntro1 °r ,he dueled cou" A8HIONABLE RKSOTfT suss Reference to A WH SSv p"8 '? .AM*WOA: #oraco TttPSTEElg »ALK B'mSses »»«>. the fniut door of the PnnJt ^ ° ^*®®UnKt at day of Jnlv 1g«V.h. r u , ou',t- on the Hrst Mon- m8«, ¦Iw/wVllfo lll^'Sf?nV"ly- via : Lot. parts of fyiu " , w"* ^ feet of Lot No. 102. in the Firat Ward' *W» iia,fof Lot No. f»y, ail Mine philee aud tfma f W,wt '"¥¦ Al^. at SsS"s«S-srl U.e second Monday in Jn|r "JfiSJ J^V* °n Moundsville, Maniixll o?* in t,,e town of fartn known mm the Sorkman^l c,®f Virginia, a Mai shall c.unty on *l,,n»tod '¦> "aid tainine 950 acroi. mA» Wttfer8 of Fish creek, con- mUes front Olen Easton and il^bt tnt /*rn' »'* on. Also will ma 11 » "ou eigut miles from Catner- yszsstei l/.oT1V^nlh7°wnUhannm^,h' *"JbaUn« C. "WnednntU the'money uSd? MCn y' "d "tie o£c'auavl", Chromcle^aS Wthl, henhy c. p£esheb! AToILAW ' W°Bii.^-r« «.»». Will wheeling, va aprlB-tf A CArBD. 0LIVn^D^WAR1> WH>X,N- SAMUEL M. AN- WIlflON, AMD EDWARD DE CKKNKA, r of P?" connected with the old firm. aasaaftrar; WII48OM, ANDER805 <*> CEKSEA, and have opened at the(r NEW STORE. *15 MARKET St., a splendid stock of STAJKLJ3 DBT GOODS SoSSmSSss WILSOS, ANDERSON *. CEBIEA marf^wW4RKBT ". PaI^»«LPHlA A' TERMS OF WEEKLY.. One Co per Year-- ;. Six Months. Uf*l5TA>lUl.r is Aotahcb."®* The Weekly lnteliigcncer. Will contain thirty-two columns, mostly filled w It choice and carefully prepared reading matter.em ? bracing all subjects.thna making the largest, t> and cheapest Newspaper in this section of country WHEELING Business School. ClONDUCTKn by 1. I. HITCHCOCK, at No. 63 J Main streeet, over the Savings Bank. Open day and evening. The design of this institution is to aid young men (women too) preparing themselves for active business life, By making them competent Account- ants, and familiar with business science and proces¬ ses generally. BOOK-KEEPING, By the most modern and best methods is the leading subject of attention. A WRITING SCHOOL is open day and eveulng, attended by both ladies and gentlemen. -AJE^XTKCJ^dCZETIO and its application to all manner of Counting-House Calculations receive the attention their primary importance de- mauds. There is open to the student also a course of BUSINESS SCIENCE comprising Political Economy, Commercial Law and usages, Finance Bankiug and Currency; also maxim of.eminent Business Hen in regard to the best methods of conducting business successfully and avoiding failure. Instructions in the above subjects are inters per* ed with maxims and inculcations tending to the formation of high character as men and citizens. The course of instruction is intended to be as comprehensive and thorough as that of any of ti* Commercial Colleges, while the expense to the sro¬ dent is much less. 1.1. H. begs leave to refer those to whom he Is unknown to tieo. W. Smith, Ksq., to the officer of the bauks in Wheeling and Bridgeport, and to his students. nov24-6mdAw 18637 1863 NEW GOODS. IaJnKW AND.OOMrLF.TB stock ok; SPRING GOODS &Just Received at W. D, SAWTELL & BROS. No. 9 Monroe Street, frblS WHIIELIN-G, va. THE FAMILY GOLDEN & GIANT ALES, AT STOREY'S PHCENIX ALE BREWEllY rpUKSE ALES AJtK MADE FKOM TI1K 7$im wvwi Witt tf fcvuwi N. B..The Family Ale is an excellent dinner Ale a wholesome and strengthening tonic, aud Is put up in kegs aud half kegs for Family use. Orders left fxt G. W. Reosaing & Co.'s, corner oi Qnlncy andTtTarket streets, will be promptly atten¬ ded to. SAMUEL P. WHEELER, -A.TTOKNB1T, COLLECTOR OF FiSNSION'S, SOLDIERS* CLAIMS AND CERTIFIED ACCOUNTS. ALL Officers. Soldiers, or Seamen, disabled in the service cf the United States, are entitled to Pen sion for life; and iu case of their death,, the widow, orphan children, mother or sister ot any such officer, soldier or seaman, iseutitled to a pension, and al*o the bounty of one hundred dollars, aud all bnrfc pay due. My fee in each case is FIVE DOLLARS if the claim or pension is collected, and NO CHARGE in case of iailnre. Certified Accounts collected on the most reasona¬ ble terms. Office, No. 160 Fourth street, t ear the Court-house, Wheeling, Va. marU-tf |XJ3srxoisr Wholesale and Retail; BEDSTEAD AND BOX FACTORY" P. PHILLIPS, Eoff Street, Centre Wheeling, Va. IHAVEON HANDa large and complete assortment of Bedsteads Loungvs and Cribs, which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms. Made to order every desertion of Trunk, Valise, Grape, Strawberry. Cracker and Packing Boxes. Particular attention paid to Job Turning for Cabi¬ net Makers and other*. Bedposts, Table and Stand Logs, Newall Posts and Banisters ou hand and made to order. Scroll. Pannel, Weatherboard aud RIp-s ving promptly done. ALL GOODS WARRANTED I would respectfully call ti e attention of the pob- licto my stock, and trust by strict attention and promptness to merit a continuance of their favors, novd-ly S. P. HILDEETH, NOTARY PUBLIC: OFFICE N«». 63 Main street, Wheeling, Va., will atteud to taking acknowledgements of Deeds, Powers of Attorney, Ac., and also to obtaining"ar- rearsof pay and bounty money due the heirs or de¬ ceased soldiers. myS-Iyd J. C. H A~? B O IT B. . WhoUtnh HOa a Deaxr in CARPETS RUGS, OIL CLOTHS Wall Papei, Curtain Katerlalsf 3PV | AndUpholstery Ware of every description 143 MainStreet. WHEELING, VA Jt^Gilt and Mahogany Vramed Looking Glasse n hand and made to order. sep9*'69 jobkph roan. jobx cook. j. a. ooh*xiat. CONNELLY, COOK & CO. Wheeling Petroleum Works Ofllce and Refinery Corner of Ijlnaley A 5th Sts, HAVING COMPLETED ARRANGEMENTS FOB the pr duct ion of No. 1 Illuminating Oarbon' Oil and Lubricating Petroleum, are prepared .to sell at Pittsburgh prices In quantities to suit the trade (not intending to retail)/ Having contracted for a large quantity of Crude Petroleum we will be ena¬ bled to meet the demands of the market during the season. novlS-Sm pTc. hildreth &tbro. 63 Main Street, Wheeling, T?«.J WHOLESALE DKALKKB IN Nail Bod, Window aim, Maryland Lime, Bar Iron, Printing Paper, Common Lime, Nalla, Wrap. Paper, Floor, Shoet Iron, Plaster Pari,, Shanghai Matohr* Wire, Land Plaater, Salt, Cast Steel Cement, Wooden Ware, Ac Agents for Hews'* Improrod Coo titer and Platfoim Scale*. Thr.Htghett Market Prlctpaidfor Ragt,Fla*tvi Otoueag, Scrap Jron, 4c. lylS WINDOW SHADES, REKN OILED BLINDS, with Gold Border, Green Paper, Buff Paper, and common Blind* all stjlee, for sale by JOS. GRATBS A CO., aulB-tl No. DO Monroe . treat.

Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1863-06-22 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · VOLUMEXI. WHEELING W. V., MONDAYMORNING.JUNE22, 1863. - NUMBER260. *m. PRINTEDANDPUBLISHEDBY~ CAMPBELLfeM'DERMOT,

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Page 1: Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1863-06-22 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · VOLUMEXI. WHEELING W. V., MONDAYMORNING.JUNE22, 1863. - NUMBER260. *m. PRINTEDANDPUBLISHEDBY~ CAMPBELLfeM'DERMOT,




.V. £. coma- of Quimey and Main-Hi.

TERMS:D*lly, (by mail, payable Id advance.) _$fi 00Bythe f

. 'jjEff"Wwkly,(prtyear, payable fti advance,)... 3,00EP"Advertising done on reaaonalbe term*.All adrertiMwin.ta from# distant, crfrtm tt*o»le°' cuatomera, must lie paid In advance.


of wheeling.I.1COUPOHWBD ISS«J1,

rA»KS?.R1HKB at tub lowest rate* on

ud"n'rr^.0n of Ooo<1» on riT«", eeaa, Uk<*. SSaO,R w. Haedevo, Seo*y. aU>iOunii,Fni>,


R.Cr^.f i°D^°a''

Dan'l Lamb, James DaUell,'

OP WHEELIITG, va.G- 1 $150,000. J


0»n£±i 5- M"Ler» ««. K Wheat,nur ii T. , ''"""kler, Sam' McdeUanG W.«ranxheim.Jaa. N. Vat,,-., Alex. LaiVhBn '

' ntlTH n iiliiiuv ...

,.uuiac' manutactUriug eetablian*

mente, furniture, ateamboola and cargoes on the

I>er«M'f<,rTin! * l?kw' *l"° un tll# "»M "I

^"0'u.'or.» term of ytara. This Company ofTera

'"^nr.rf nt* whereby they eaabe fnanred foi three yatrs at reduced rates Tbhhe-

at«kh!l!deeJ.'^!i.,itl0rn'?0'np"8edor""ni'alSSL ' °r .!lom ar" among onr beat bn-'f Tto0?,D°n?" "»"¦«.> th« favorable eon-

SSwilfS. in-nring public, a.,l solicit* their

te^£l^L&2.~ WUI * " """"y »'.

®JFce' No\ V JlcLnre House, being the Mme for¬merly occupied b, A«i:ung Expru-ta Company.JOHN REID, Pr, eldest.C' AltTHUK- Swret«<*.SAM L McCLKLLAN, Vice-President.

N.f IC«rflJ^?'A|5eSt.f<>rPJ5,ngPena,ou"-SASSZi:'°.reir"^TIN\A.\

Insurance Company!I?AaTPORDJ ot.

ASSETS JtfLT I. 1803.

CASH AND TREASURY NOTES,hand and deposited on call, and InAgents haudv- ^ fVr a_

BANK STOCKS in New York, U«V/brT '** 84

Boston, St. Louis, Philadelphia, andother placed .QM.,m


.Xurlc' Ohio, Kentucky, Tontjt**-'cm-' "ftS*. wwu 66

u^«fordrk«d 225-0W 00

New Haven. Boston and Worceeter,Moinxi ao lellaio So'REAL ESTATK, Unincumbered..*.*1111" S7.'wc3 18

Total Aaaeta TT. t2.488.188 IB


.Jilfi.*1 ffliH1?" c®' promptueea and reliabili¬ty of this well-tried a <1 sterling Compauy recom-mend It to preference- ,th tho e neodintc Insurance.

.V.C. ARTHUR, Ag't. jGirard Fire& Marine lus. Co.


Capital A*b Suri-lii* ....4318 7'28 83N. C. ARTHUR, Ag't.

Pennsylvania Insurance Co.OK PITTSBURGH, PA.

C"IT" ui'hEcTOHs'V *3W'000

lLw>"l>ilf",r'' fI*«Inter, Robert Patrick,A? l»tter»iu, Henry Sprout. Henry Uerwlg!Alex.Negley, J.vr II Hopkina, J. C. Lappe.C. A. Colton, A.J. Jonos, A. A. Carrier,

<»rtyr Sproal.J.GREER 8PROUL. Sec"* V0K0TtV* Jr-

IMiK above Company having appointed thennder-.ii "P* As"ut for Wheeling, and rlcinity.

wouldrMpectfully aoilcit the patronage ofthe pnblic.SaidOompaniee are well knoirn to be Mnitclaaa offlcea.

nil ol1 ? 18 ra"" on building* or alltinda. Steamboata, Furniture, Merchandiae andaaamat all the peril, of the lU^ra andS^i '

111 loaaea promptlyadjusted.... .

N. C. ARTHUR, Agt._!Ei Office No. X il' Lure Houae.



'IIHKHOMKHSSVUAKCK COHPAHYA or New York.°A3B Oawml (every dollar paid ini. 41.000,000

Coutlugeut Fund (ore) S00 000Th.tarfeat Caah Capital forO.e amount of riak o

auy olflee in tile Unite<l Slatoa.».- F. PETERSON, Ag't.


Caaa Carnal.(paid in) $300,000^tbuSute8"*' °"h C"PiU1 °f°««°h"te^

Loaseeoqaitably adjnated aud promptly paid brW. P. PHTERSON, Agt.

Oisn Capital (paid In) «iM oooCub Contingent Pund(orcr) ^STfilooOIn thlaofflce the aaaured participate In the proflu

without incurring any risk.w. r. PETERSON, Agent.


0*8H Capital :. ti00^00W. F PETBR80N, Jr, Ag«nt.

ti«»^)»<>rM,600,000of Cash Capita] repreaented b»hi. old and well eatabliihedA ency, where ereryloeaIi the abo»e office haa been promptly paid in Wheel,log.beloreit waadueby tlie tormaof the policy.


. .Office next door to the M. A M. Bank,

Jy7- 59-ly Main atreet. Whe»llng.QTTTI/ 1-1 rvT.Ql

mtt m



John List, L. S. Delaplain, Michael Reflly,Jacob llerger, K. M. Norton, Tboa, SweenerA. B.Caldwell, J. 0. Harbour, And. P. Woo<2'Bf-Thla Company (a owned aad managed by

many of oar moet wealthy and InDnentlal Mer-chanta. Their oOcehas lately been removed to No.

McLnre House Building, and Is fully organisedand prepared to take risks on Frame and BrickBuildings. Manufacturing Establishment*, Stocks otMerchandise, Household Furniture, Ac, Ac. OnUnlls ef Steamboat*, Marges, Flatboats, and theircargoes, upon the Western rivers; and on Steamships.Stea inboats and Sailing Veaaels, and their cargoesupon the lakes; also on Llrea,at reasonably low rate*and accommodating term*.



Co*pa ttr'B Qmcm, No. 7, M*Lcas Houu Bcituwo.dec*-ly

Saddles, Harness,Trunks &eWHOLESALE * RETAIL.

JD. SHEPPARD No.lSl Main Street, oorner. Union, will oonUnue to keep on hand alargeand

complete assortment of all artlcloalu hia UneioSaistjug of lAdie**and Gentlemen'a Saddle*. FineA Coarse

I would reopNBctftulr call attention to my stock,andtrait by strictattention and promptneM. to maritcontinuance ofthe public patronage

All kinda ofrepairingpromptly dona,andin a bmPer manner. J. B. 8HKPPARD.

'** '̂ Main Street


myie^'y tbe Variet7 Store olow prioee and goodotNICOLL A BRO.



(In the office formerly occtipied by Dr. Houston )_d«aMta' "Wheeling. Va.

AUMaD owomm M. ¦on>.UAU)WBLL Ss BOYD,

Attorneys at Law,No. I» Malm Street,



Kutr'"100' °«xt door to Bakeren,rmnee -°-r «*..

PAINTS, oxls

^?s5adel,'7 »ndooui.try,at lotopricti.nil of thefrerf quality. Cash and prompt

tftomera arc InTlted to tall. apl,'69"


Wholesale GrocersAND



JAS. M. DILLON,et Street.



brass POUN RV

D*tSBS I|f WRr°»ua?i IRON, galvanized,and all sizes of Lernl Pipes, Shoo* Lead. BrassUocks and Vai vee Steam Whistles. Steam and Water

a'dtlmonyT'Crnc/bels^Pi:-t.i constantly on hand. 40 *»'. P»ld for Copper, Brass and Laid.oct10

DANIEL PECKattorney at l,vw.OrnCKon thu corner of Pourth and Qiilucv stsrpfmarty the residence of Dr. Hughes lebao tim"METCALF & BURT,


¦ i 8l'nng«, Axles, Window Glass, Wine Bot-.loe, Demljuhn*. PUnks, Wooden Ware, WrappingiJSpi ' 0l"u"nt> Plaster Paris, Ac.

.tfZZt 0!?V" lor Vt'c,<? not in "ur "n® w»l he fur-

ilJh rat«. 0,1 *"ho1" d»'V »t the lowest

.UUM. In i*;C. L. ZANE flt-OO.

¦WT»Wrter "* Dtaler* foreign <t Domestic

nines and Liquors,Manufacturers ofPure Catawba Winca.

Qdikct Siun, BjrrwsBn Mini A Miun Bra.WHKKLINQ, VA

IfEEP constantly on hand Brandies, Scotch and£?? WTd«U««, Jamaica Rums and Cordials?

jholce Old Hye and Bourbon Whiskies. aep27 lyrha Citizen's Deposit Bank


BA«??,OPJUM FR0M 9O'CLOCK A. M.. UNTIL3I*. M. Discount days.Thursdays at 10 A. M.

oner received on transient deposit.fci^In erest paid on special deposits.Bty~"Collections mide and proceeds promptly re¬

mitted"r J

DIRECTORS:N. C. Arthur, J. N. Vauce,Jacob Hornbrook, O. W. Vranzheim,Wui.Unsbey, J. K. BotsforGeo. K. Wheat, Chester D. Kr.ox,

. .Samuel Harper.

J. R. MtLLKft,Cishler. Geo. K. Whkat, Pres't.dec31-ly


WIIKBLIKU, VIRGINIA.OFFICE North-east corner of Monroe and Fourth

streets, opposite the Court Houee.oovl7-tf

Hats <& Caps.S. N. PRATHER,


Alhat98.n!J nsul r C^?,'"e.,nd T*riea ,tock ofHATS and CAi S for Mens* and Bojs* wear.

lw*X *?."* of ?*tal,,I*hinga Permanent trade,both in the city and surrounding couutry, all thoseIn^MnllfliS* T»kh#ihe»!r P*tro,mK© can rel) on bo-Ing supplied with the best goods at the lowest fig-

rW,nM"d ,0


The People's Bank./"~VPFICK No. OS Main street. Wheeling, Va.

.Vri^ JOe^lJr"iT0<1 °D <,,,p0<rt,. Int#rMt »",don£«*«. and bills discounted. Exchange bought and

.old. Collections at home or from abroad promptlyattonded to.

r '

MBSOTOU.J.C Harbour, Christian Hese.«* Jw0.1 _¦

John Yockler,8am1 J. Boyd, Richard Cuter.


Between 3rd and *tb, PlUladelphla.riMIK DNDBRSIONED, baring renewed the lease_L or the aboTe popular IloM for a series of jeers

ronl.22r!c,ruU*0,Ulth0 »"«nUonot the Trarel-ing Public to iu central locality, either for businessor pleasure.The Honse will he entirely renoTmted and re-far-

nlshed, and kept in such a manner, as to merit asheretofore, a liberal share of public patronageWith many thank* to former rlends, and the trar-

eling public, we trnst we may bare the pleasure orwaiting upon them on again visiting the city.

Very Respectfully,THOMAS S. WEBB k SON.

F~. B. wSi!} Propri<,t°nu mart 6m




FANCY GOODS, ftcNo. aa Monroe St.

orroerra u. a m ba»x.

Savings Bank of Wheeling"C&*, Jfam-Jt, brt-Bfrn Monrar and Otion.

VJTONKY RBCHVJD ON TRAN8IKNT DEPOSIT1T1 Interest paid on Special Deposits. Ooliectionspromptlyatt.ndwl to. Kzchanmou the East bought.nd told. thos. H. LIST, President.SAM'L P« HILDRETH, Treasurer. Janli-'M.

ailgfttteWijMCJC*XKH#1» 6If"AOVKHT1S1NO .

Twilti Boup Luiib or Noxpamil. (on on» raca,)o*Lxs, HillA SQOABI,Three Week*. (teoOnr Month,... 5 06Two Months.. 8 00Three Months..._.10 0081* Months, K'i 00One Y«ir. on nn

One »»7r~l MB 76**<> D*y«, i ooThree D»yV 1 26Four Days^_ j 50

! .... 176 002n* "i 00 j One YW, :: 2000Two WaeJu, 8 60 |..ir-SprciiL Noncra Doable the above rates..W Yearly Advertising on reasonable terms, accor-

10 ,he "P«e occupied and the immberofcliaaceemade. x-^,

^"^."^""ot.'frum :.ul'ent persons orstrangere, to be paid for in advance.BosineuCards not exreodlug live Unee,$10 per rear,

wln M"^ "VV""-. fmt for * »hur"r P®rlod nothing"Nl be eonnted le«« than a square.The privilege .,r Annual Advertising is limited tothe Advertisers' own Immediate buainws; and-alladrertlsements for the ben.st of otherprsons aswell its all legal mlvertlamenth. and advertisementso.aactjon sale* and real estate,sent in by them tnuMbe paid for at the usual rates.-^Advertisementa not accompanied with wr Iteu

accoMhS^y inserted until torbid,and charged jNotices for Political Meeting* to be charged In *11

ommjs at lull rate*. l .

Marriages, NoticesofFunerals, and annoncementeof sermons, 50 cents ouch. nonvll-'60

Assessor's Notice.TH5 A8BB880K of the Ylwt Oellectlon DlatrlctofX Virginia, would give notice thut the AssistantAssessors of thin District will proceed Iramediately toassoss the Income Tax for the year 180;;, the saidtax to be based on th > income of 1802. The follow,ing de isious iu relation to the assessment oPthe In¬come Tax have been indued by^the Commissioner offuternal Revenue:Each parson will be required to return his total

income, ?o far specifying the Bonrues from whloh ftis derived, ay to enable the Assistant Asseaeor todecide what dednctltfns shall be made therefrom.The income tax must be assessed and paid in thedistrict iu which the assesaed person resides. Theplace whole a person votes? or ia entitled to vote, isdeemed his residence. When not a voter, the placewhere tax on personal property is paid is hold to bethe place of residence.lu cases of limited partnerships, formed with the.

condition that fio dividend or division of profits shallbe madeuntil the expiration or tho partuerahip,eachn ember of auch firm will be required to return liiashare of profits arising from snch business, for theyear 1862, as, had they ae desired, a division of theprofits could havetoeen made.Gains or profits realised from the sale of propertyduring the year 1862, which property waspurchasedbefore the Kxciee Law went Into effect, ahould be re¬

turned as iucome for the year 1802.The executors or administrators of the estates of

per-.ons, who died In the year 1862 should make re¬turn of the income ihereoffor tho year 1S62.A merchant's return of income ahould cover the

business of tho year 1802, excluding previous years.Uncollected accounts must be estimated.Physicians and lawyers should inclndo actual re¬

ceipts for services rendered in 1862, together with anestimate ot unrealized or contingent income due tothat year.Dividends and futereet payable in 1882 should be

returned as income fur that j ear. no matter whendeclared.Dividends derived from gas stock are taxable aa iu¬

come.Income derived from coal mines luunt he returned,although a tax haa been previously paid on the coal

produced. No deduction can be made because of theiliminished value, actual or 8Upposed, ofthe coal veini>r bed, by the procesa of mining. Rent derived fromcoal mines is income.Premiums paid for lifo insurance shall not be" al¬

lowed aa a deduction in statement of income.Pensiuna received from the United States Govern¬

ment must be returned with other iucome anhject totaxation.Old debt^, formerly considered hopelessly lo3t, hut

paid within the t uie covered by the return of iu-L'ome, thould be lucludutd iu this statement.Debts considerei hopelessly lost on the 3lst of De¬

cember, 1862, aud-due to the businesa of tfi&year1SG2, may be deducted from the profits of buaincte;

In order to give full effect to the proviso tothepl**section of the act of July 1st, 1862, respecting th*lax on that portion of income der.ved from UnitedStates tecuritiea. it is directed that when income isderived pattly from those and partly i'roai othernourcea, the $600 and other allowaucea made by lawshall he deducted, as far da possible, from that i»or-tlou of income derived from other sources, and sub¬ject to thtee per cent. tax. *

No deduction can be allowed from the taxable in¬come of a merchant for compensation paid for theservices ofa minor son.A farmer, wlieu making return of the total amount

of hi* "farm produce," shall be allowed to deducttherefrom the subsistence of liors^a, mules, oxen, andcattle used exclusively in the carrying on of saidfarm. The term ufarm produce*' is construed to in¬clude all production! of a farm, of what nature orkind soever.The account of stock sold by a farmer siuce De¬

cember 31st, 1862, should not be included in the pre*sent assessuieut, but the profit realized thereby mustbe account d for in his next year's return. Wherehe haa iuc.udcd iu hie return produce raised bv him,and fetl in whole or part to stock subsequently sold,he tnuit acrouut for the gain realized by the l'eediugand selling of said stock. Where he has not includ¬ed the produce so fed, he must return, as profits, thedifference between the value ol aald at:ck ou the 31stof December, 1SCI, and tiie amount reilized forthem.

Fertilizerspurchased by farmers, to maintain theirland in prcaeut productive conditiou, will be consid¬ered as "repairs" ia estimating Income.

Interest should be considered as iucoiue ouly whenpaid, unless it ia collectable aud remains uupaid bythe consent or agreement of ihe creditor.Los-es incut red iu the proatcntion ol" bus!netware

a fdr offset to gains derivvd from buaiuess, but notfrom those portious of iucome derived from fixed in¬vestments, siit.li as bouds, mortgages, rents, and thelikeProperty u&ed iu busiuess, aud furuishing profits,

when dcetrojed bv fire, may be restored, at the ex-pernio of those profits, to the conditiou when destroy¬ed; If iusured, the difference betweeu Insurance re¬ceived and amount expended In restoration will beallowed.The increased value g'ven a new building by per¬

manent improvements will be charged to capital.not income. .

The contingent fund of manufacturing corpora¬tions, made up during the year 1862, and not distrib¬uted, should not be returned as part of the iucome ofthe stockholders.The undistributed earnings ofa corporation, made

previous to September l*t, 1862, whether the corpo¬ration ia requ red to pay tax ou dividends or not,-ahould not be considered as the iucome of the stock¬holders, nor should the corporation be required tomake returu of eald reserved earnings aa trustees,under section 9S ol the Kxcl.te Law.The Income of literary, scieutific, or other charita¬

ble Institutions, in thehands of trustees or others, lanot subject to income tax.When a person boarda, and rentsaroom or rooms,

the rent theteof, In lieu of rent of houte,.should bededucted from the ameunt cf iucome subject to tax¬ation.

Losses sustained In businesa since December Hat,1S62, will not enter Into the income assessment for11862.Interest on borrowed capital used in busineaa maybe deducted*from income.

Ifa planter returns ail hia farm producta, he willbe allowed to deduct the actual expense of subsist¬ing and clothing his slaves.

Legatees are not required to return their 1 gacieaaa income. There Is a special tax on legaciee of per¬sonal property in aectiou 111.eT.he,.iD5°me faaaaeesedupon the actual income

of individuals. Firms, aa such, will not make re-tnrna.

*j he profits ofa manufacturer from hia business arenot exempt from income tax, in consequence of hiahaving paid the excise tax imposed by law upon ar¬ticles manufactured by him.As bridge, expreaa, telegraph, steam and ferryboatcompanies or corporaUona_are not authorized bylawto withhold aud paj to Government any tax upon In¬

terest oaid, cr dividend declared bj them, all incomeof individual derived from thoae sources is lfeble .toIncome ta^The tax must be levied on all dividends declare*prior to September 1st^ IS62, and upon all aalarta'tf

officers or payments to persona in tbe civil, militarynaval, or other service of the United State*, fjr aer-vicea rendered prior to said dare, as auch dividendaaud proportion of salaries were not subject to deduc¬tion orassesunent.

All persons neglecting or refoalng to make returnof income, except in case of sicknesa, are broughtwithin the p*rialties prescribed by the 11th aectfooof the actofJuly 1st,1868, vix: auadiition of50 percent, to the amount ascertained by the Assistant Ae-aeasor, upon such informationfasfhe can obtain, and a'penaltv of$luu, to be recovered for the UnitedStatee,with costs ot suit.blank forms will be left by the Assistant Asses¬

sors on *hlch to make the returna, on tbe outside otwhich ia a convenient detailed itatement.of sourcesof income. Those returns must l>e made'to the Asdistant Assessors within ten daji rrom ihe time they*rc !'". JOHN PARKINSON,Assessor 1st Col. Dial, of Va.Cameron, June 10th, 1863. janU IwdAltwI \y ellsburs Herald, ralrmont'XaUooal and Middle-bourne PlalndealercopyS times aud a ndbiil toJohnParkinaon, Assessor, at Cameron.1

FANC\ BASKETS..Jnat received, a fine stock ofTraveling Baaketa. For sale low by


J^ Wami Departmext.

WA»:lUNaTOX ClTT,June Oth, 1868. JOrorr (Extracts.)

1st. The Department of the MonongaheU will em¬brace that portion cf the. State of PennsylvaniaWeal of Johnstown, And the Laurel Hill rangeof mountains. anil" th'e Counties of Hancock,Brooke and Ohio In the .State of Virginia, a-.d theCounties of Golumhi^n^, Jefferson and Belmont, inthe State of Ohio._Brigadier General WillfamT. H; Brooks is assignedto the command ^-thi*-.1 Department, Headquartersnt Pittsburgh. ;t (JL -C '

PfeAHfcjllgnatedr ...i'be en¬rolled and organixed in acooedaace with regulationsof U. S. (Service Tor the protection and dof;nse ofpublic property Mrithlri that Department, and willbe mustered into the service of the United States to

serve during the pleasure of the. Prejtident. or thecontinuance ofthe war. , .The Company and Field Officers of the Departmental \ orps will be provisionally commissioned bythe President. i.They will be anned, uniformed and equipped, andwhile inactive wrvlce, subsisted and snpplied, at©titer troops of the United-StatesCavalry Volunteers4naj furukh their own horses,to be tnruo<l over to ^b'e United Slates at the ap¬praised value, or alIowanc#vwiU be made^fdr the

extent that horses can be. farntohed.The Department Coirs win littt b* entitl._bounty* and cannot be pjkld tfrilH Congress ma1c4s anappropriation for that purpose,3rd. Volunteers in the Departmental Corps, may,,at their own request; be transferred and mristeredinto the service for thteet years or during the war,and upon such transfer and ropster they will be al¬lowed the pay and bounty authorised by the Act ofCongress to Volunteers for three years or durlugthe war...Volunteers in the Departmental Corps will re-inaiu subject to enrollment and. draft for generalsenrfffe..The enllstmeut. recruiting! and orgatlzing ofVolunteers for three years or during the war, Is tobe stimulated and encouragedJt.be officers to be ap¬pointed aud commissi >ned by the Governors of therespective S'ates. . »

The enlistments heteiu specified and transfersfMn the Departmental service>to the three yearsservice must be reported Vo lj»e Provost MarshalGeneral iu order tint the respetftfve"8tates and Con¬gressional Districts uiay. receive- appropriate creditunder the Emoliujent Act of Congress.4tli. All the troops wllh'n tHis Department willbe under the command of the (ttueral commandingthe Department, with the uwal-Department Staff.# * c * « * *i»ch. The operation* against thaenemy are not tobe limited by the geog:apbICal since of the Depart¬ment, but may exteud to adjacent territory as Ikithe judgment of the Commanding General maybeexpedient to resist or pursue tlifc enemy.Volunteer Companies and Regiments organizedin plac s not within the Department of the Monon-gahela may be attached for temporary servico tothe Army Corps of the Monongahela and musteredinto service upon special application aud order ofthe War Department.* * a * $ . #

By order of the President.[Signed] £. M. Staktos,

ik>cretary of War.Headquarters Dep't. of the Mononoahbi.a, /

Pittsburgh, Jone IRth, 1SC8. JTho undersigned hereby assumes command* ef theDepartment.The Staff of the Department will be announced insubseqnout orders.All communications fjr these Headquarters willbe directed to "Assistant Adjutant£teneral," Depar;-tneut of the Monougaliela.

W. T. H. Brooks,_Junl8 8t H»j >r General.Hkadquartcxs 94th Brioaoe. )

Wheeling, 10th June, 1863./General Order No. 0, 3863.]I. The 163d Begiment, Hancock county, will bemustered for service, at snch hour and place as maybe designated by the Colonel commanding, on Fri¬day, the 19th Inst,, and proceed Jjpcac* to thtt place,by,the Cleveland hnd Pittsburg Railroad, reportingupou arrival, at these headquartefeII* The 103d Regiment, Broqljp connty, will bemubtered for service,_at su£h, hoaftftsd' place as may

porting upou arrival, at these headquarters.ill. The 1st battalion of the 161*t Regiment, Ohiocouuty, will be mustered for service, at 9 o*clobk, A.M., on Thursday, the 16th inst., nt Triadelpbia; andthe 2d battalion of the name regiment, oa Friday,the lWtli lust., at the saute place; each battalion, onthe day or muster, will proceed to this place, by theHeuiptleld Railroad, reporting upon aarival, at theseheadquarters.IV. The 134th Regiment, Marshall county, will be

mustered for service, on Friday, the 19th inst., at 3o'clock, P. M., at Monndsville, Marshall county.V. The 5th and 4th Reidmeuts, Ohio county, willbe mustered for servico, at 9 o'clock, A. M., on weduesday, the 17th inst., on Fourth Street betwaeuUnion and Qnincy Streets, in tho city of Wheeling.VI. The circular letter of Instructions accompa¬nying these orders, must be strictly enforced by thecommandant of each regiment.VII. Capt. Henry K. List, A. Q. M.. of this Bri¬gade, will provide subsistence and quarters for .theRegiments concentrated in Wheeling and the 134thRegiment at Moundsville. The Quartermaster ofeach Begiment, will, upon the receipt ef this order,report to Capt. List, A. Q M. at Wheeling, for or¬ders and instructions.VIII. For the information of j 11 whom It may con¬

cern, the following officers are announced as compo¬sing the Staff of the 24th Brigade ot V. M.Capt. B. Davenport, Assistant Adjutant General.Capt. II K. List, Assistant Quartermaster. 4Lieut. II. C. Fleslier, Aid-de-Camp.John 6. Kelly, Ksq., having offered his services, isappointed a volunteer aid.These officers will be recognized and obeyed ac¬

cordingly.By ordtrof Brig. Geo. JAMES S. WHEAT.B. Davenport, A. A. G. junlT

CO-PARTHfERSHIP.l^nB UNDERSIGNED have formed a co-partner-JL ship under the firm name of A; M. ADAMS ACO.. for the purpose of wholesaling and retailingclothing aud merchant tailoring business, at the oldstand ot A. M. Adams, No. 8ffWater street.

A. M. ADAMS;A.J.ADAMS,March 2nd, 1863. WM. M. D1TTMAR.

NOTICE.To those who ire indebted to me either by not. or

book, will call and settle th.fr accounts without fur-thor notice, as my old business mast b. closed op.apri-flm A.M. ADAMS.

P. C. HILDRETH Sc BBO-,53 Mala Street

"HOWE'S" STANDARD SCALES,HAY or Cattle. Platform, Counter and Orocr'i |


Every Scale warranted.P. C. HltDBBTH k BBO.,my21 A (rents (or the Mannfsctnrer.

PLOWS, PLOWS, PLOWS.T30R TUB SPRING OP 1B63. PitYOB * PR08TI would call the attention ot Parmer, and Dealer,to their very extensive stock of of Patent and Cen¬ter Levers, Iron and Wood Stocked, Hill SIdea, Cen¬ter Draught, and Steel Monk) Boart Plows, of all.ilea, both right and left hand. Among them willbo found every aire of tho Pittsburgh Plow., QOrown make of fteel Plows, QUI k Son*. Steel MouldBoard Plowa, the Wellsbnrg Plow, and » foil anppljof Iron and Wooden Double and Single ShovelPlowa, Cultivator*, kc.kc.

PRYOR * FROST,'an3 Noa. 81 and «3 M.ln ttreet.

FISH.halt BBLS. No. * mod. MackenLWU 250 bbl«. No. S do do.20 . hf bb'a. Lake Herring.100 do do White FWi.100 kits No. 1 and S Mackerel, for sale byaprtg LIST, MORRISON * CO

STBRLINO'3 AMBROSIA TOR THE HAIR, just Ir.reived at the Odd fellow Han Drug Store.

myC K DOCKING. Acent/^ATMBAUBrotoa.Oocoa and" Chocolate for nl. III by T. n. LOOAN ACOLmyA sod I.OOAN. LIST k 00.

SUGAR, *c.HHDS. choice New Orleans.SO do prime doTS bbbls. Bertroad's N. Y. 8yrup.SO do crushed and refine!Sugars. Far aal.by I



HEAD DRBSSSS~New StJles just received at theVariety Store of

D. XICOLL k BRO.Junll 109 Main street.

LEVI STEIN,FashionableMerchantTailor


Wholesale & Betail DealerIN


WHKKLING, VA.y~VFFKRS to tbedtfeera of Wheeling and vicinity,V) and to the pabllo in general, a large and well nelected atock ofCLOTHS, DOESKIN CAS8IMKRK8,


rfRADY MADE CLOTHING,Which taring been purchased for NETT GASH, hela enabled to sell on more reasonable terms thanai«v other similar establishment in this part of thecountry. Among the stock will be foundBLACKCLOTHS of the very beet make*.DOESKINS of English and Ffencli manufacture.'FANCY 0A8S6IBRE8 of all stjlea and qualities,mnc entirely new, suitable for making snitn.





NECK-TIBS, HOSIERY,GLOVES, SUS¬PENDERS,In endless variety. iThankful for the very liberal patronage extendedto the establishment in the past, be trusts to merit

a continuance of the same. 1LEVI BTBIBl.

N. B..All work warranted as represented.apr7-2mtIAw


Steel and Iron Plow WingsBoat Spikes and Nail*.may25 P. 0 HILDRETII A BRO.

KAfl BBLS. OOLEBAY'S FAMILY AND PAS- IJUU TRY J>I.OUR.200 bbls. Bait.75 bags Prime Rio Coffee.60 boxes Pearl Starch.60 doe. WaihboHrdn.75 doz. Buckets, Tubs, Ac.

On hand and for sale byPAXTON, DONLON A OGLBBA1.may25

ITERLINO'S AMBR08IA.) Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative.Mrs. Allen's llalr Restorer.Mrs. Allen's Hair Dresner and Zylobalsamum.Circassian Hair Restorer.Burnett's Cocoaine.Burnett's Kalliston.Barry's Tricopherous. iLyon's Kathairon. Always on hand at the Oddfellow Hall Drug Store.

_my22 B. BOOKING, Agent.

BOYS'GOODS.Black and white plaid mersaillks,Fancy French Linen Drillings,Fancy Striped Pique, .

Black, Brown and Mode Cashmeretts,Duck, Blue and Tan Cloth,Linen Checks and Cottonkdes,Tweeds, Jeans and Batioelts,Fancy Plaid Casslmered.Juri4 J S. RHODES.




. ...» II. ¦¦ Pf WWttJp fcO.£v) bbls. Bruce"A Sotffc Golden Sytup".50 bbla. Extra B ^ehiv^w uiiuo.-w. \j. ami r. n. Sugars.100 bbls. assorted ReOned Sugar.Just received, and for sale by


BBLS. No. 3 MACKEREL.100 half bbls. No. 3 Mackerel.75 half bbls. No, 2 d j.25 bbls New Potomac Herring.25 hair bbls. Lak« White Fish.


may251AA QROSS ESSENCE OF COFFEE.lUU SO boxes Dandelion and Ground Coffee.

60 boxes and bbls. Garrett's Scotch Snnff-50 blf chests Gunpowder and Youug HysonTea.

100 hlf bbls. Bi. Car. SodaGronnd Cinnamon, Cream Tartar,Indigo, Indigo Blue,Pepper, and Spices of all kinds,Madder, Alum, Soap, Candles,Starch, Nails, Ac., Ac.

On band, and for sale byPAXTON, D3NL0N A OGLEBAY.


Sewing Machines.GROVER A BAKER'S new Improved Lock 8ftlteh

Sewing Machines, with Hemmens, Fellers andBraiders, Aa* are the best in use. All Machineswarranted.JOS. McDON AL, General Agent for Western Va.

Office No. 105}£ Main St., Wheeling, Va. jan20-6m

For Rent and Sale.The subscriber has for rent, 8tore Booms,small and large; also Offices in good buildings,>2d story; Dwelling Houses for rent; BuildingLots and other real estate for sale.

THOS. nOBNBROOK,Custom-House, Surveyor's Office,2d floor

'¦lHEPLACETOBUYCHEAP WALL PAPERAND |X BORDERS .Just received, another stock ofcheap Wall Papers, Fine Glased Wall Papers at 2oc |per bolt Common 10 to 16 cts per bolt.For sale by JOS. GRAVE8 A CO ,juuO No. SO Monroe bt.

PPOTOGRAPH ALBUMS-.Another lot received |by Express to-day at the Variety Store ofmy3Q D. NICOLL A BRO.

ROGERS' LEMON SODA and Citrate Magueaia, inpowder, for sale by T. H.' LOGAN A CO.,JunlS and LOGAN, LIST A CO.

BLOOD PUMFIBRS,AYER'S, Bull's, Band's; Townsend's, Brentlioger's,Boback'sand other Purifier*, for sale by

3»JUL.IX)GAN A CO.,Junl3 and UOtfAK LIST A CO.

SILK MITTS for Ladies and Childreu receircd to-day at the Variety Store of

D. NICOLL A BRO.,junl3 109 Main street.

CORSETS, White and Grey, Just received by express at the Variety Store ofJtml3 D. NICOLL A BRO.

HOOP 8KIBT8for Ladies and Missesjust receivedat the Variety Store ofjnnlS D. NICOLL A BRO.

7r B0XE8 6's 10's and LBS. LUMP TOBACCOS.O 20 cases lb Lump Tobacco.20 kegs 6 Twist Tobacco. -

100,000 Common CigarsOn hand, and for sale byPAXTON, DONLON A OGLEBA


TkjfERRIMAC PRINT8,jjJL Ballard Veil Flannels. Gauxe Flannel,Shirting Flannels, small plaid,Shirting Muslims ust received byJeb2. GEO. R.TAYLOR.


EMBRACING all the newest and most favoritestyles,jnst received and f«.r sate at greatly re¬duced prices.Also, Fashionable Mantillas and Black Lve Man¬tles, choioe Paris ahape, in great variety at old prices.ALKX. I1EYMAN,Bmj2fllw 137 Main street.CHEAP WHITE QUIL.T.S

ONLY 91 50,i*

mjtS W. B. SSHBEJTEYn*.oaaAXD***-



SHRBT MUSIC, an additional luppljr, jn.t receivedat the Variety Store of


The United State/*, "jThe Roods and "battels, credits | Cp°-SmmStt" D"k 01 ""J Coofl-a,ion-

WHRHEA8, »n information has been Bind in theD'Strirt Court of the United State, for tK

dk^.rm uistrictof Virginia at Wheeling, on the 20ththZZ,?JP'18?*-oa b«>,«lrof the United StatcfbrRoods chMtelsl'crMi't f°r Dlrtrte«. against the

U«la^^L ^J.?P»r",of 'I" United State,


H«J. H. *»,th. V*~"au0o?.'V- '¦*$?£The United State. . CjH)I1 Inrornult|ljn

V"*rs£%2£t!* I *»«S«'on.W'S^I: ,?'nir,^'8,a,h"hb«nlfl'^ °° ***.

on the »'«hd^of Mai' hg» SSif,'°r f^d district,property of J. B. Morton ^ ^ " PersonalK.rt and the Bank ol B^rkel" ! ?n^ ff D .B»rk-iu MQbstiince. that said Vnr#.* i

^.iuce the 17th"vti't " '¦"*» *wE.4against the United jut. «.,j*i .', '"snrrectlonfort to the ene^^t^,!>»dnmong other reason, In "aidSm.H """-byaald property became furlJit .«^?" "rationed,and praying that the snm« \ United States,forfeited as aforesaid y "mdemned Hi

defSStSSft&Sfffi°tf »».

dellTered. I .|u hereby give Dublin nSj* ?®''.'! aI"1sons claiming .aid protSrtv Sr I»

W" a" I«,r-ested therein, that thev he «n i

manner Inter-Hid District Court, to & tfehl St "SRff-, l«foretliefor the said Weetexti JJiiitrict^or Vir

of June, ]S;:l, at l7u&«k 2^,3 ?" the lrtththat day.If thesame shall oe».,fo"»o°n orif not, on the next day of InriilhK ^Sr ®tIon,then and there t j intei^s «h.$ ,,n ""'rearter."'.Ir allegations in th .?behalr " aud n">'<eBated this SSSth day of May, 1863BK.VJ. n. SMITII C i AfJ??' ". Marshal.

"Attorney. tu.v2il.i6t

notice.Paovoax Maaras* Ommal's orrtdt, .

'|1UK attention ofall Ooi«.'°nn^MKay ».»&». f

»U[ ;sr u,dh,~;

published in the nanera Thi wr Depiirtu,Pnt»

Such officers are requested to? ?Ut tho co«ntry.the pro-Wong of th2» order and tlfii I),l?/n|'l,-v w,t*»applteAtious.a* therein nmrtii »

e'r"'HenInvalid Corps? (stating the rl, T°.r P"'"." In thebility.) with?«iimJchHr»ct r of their disa-Assistant Provost Marshal *« poi,BI!',H' to|hfc Actingwhich they.Iy fefc.cl. Ac.l'I.Ti 1 'be S,a,«Marshal General will i*t on i» «

Assistant Provosttlons, with his Inrtoriement M ,°hr,,5rd M'Plica-General at WaahlngtoS. Provost Marshal

ImmMUtiiy'upon furrtshlSTiha "iU be ^pointedGeneral Order'xo. "5? ot f^S? ^

not fromaateoroTSuio^r ,KP^,u,mCTU- knim«.d» to which thfy may b, as,igntdr.MP6<,l'V" C'Jm

I'^_o..U,nL?aen,tem,.BUAHU AI b'AHAtUbA b'Hfil^Gs;

fo ^ sh^"^ ^^^^"''^^ by ^'np'e ana beaijilf

jymwHAu.,8AiL^gy,g^ fyA8";HO! FOR THE SUMMER RESORTS.The OhioWhite Sulphur SpringsZSSStes%su$*B


on^^'r,he s.°?^Proprietor! ANDr'wiruoM* v|!I"lv''.|C*>ntro1 °r ,he

dueled cou"


Reference to A WHSSv p"8 '? .AM*WOA:#oracoTttPSTEElg »ALK

B'mSses »»«>.

the fniut door of the PnnJt ^ ° ^*®®UnKt at

day ofJnlv 1g«V.h. r u, ou',t- on the Hrst Mon-

m8«, ¦Iw/wVllfo lll^'Sf?nV"ly- via : Lot.parts of fyiu w« " ,

w"*^ feet of Lot No. 102.in the Firat Ward' *W» iia,fof Lot No. f»y, ailMine philee aud tfma f W,wt '"¥¦ Al^. at

SsS"s«S-srlU.e second Monday in Jn|r "JfiSJ J^V* °n

Moundsville, Maniixll o?* in t,,e town offartn known mm the Sorkman^l c,®f Virginia, aMai shall c.unty on *l,,n»tod '¦> "aidtainine 950 acroi. mA» Wttfer8 of Fish creek, con-

mUes front Olen Easton and il^bt tnt /*rn' »'*on. Also will ma 11 »

"ou eigut miles from Catner-


l/.oT1V^nlh7°wnUhannm^,h' *"JbaUn« C."WnednntU the'money uSd? MCn y' "d "tie

o£c'auavl", Chromcle^aS Wthl,henhy c. p£esheb!AToILAW' W°Bii.^-r« «.»».

Willwheeling, va



WIlflON, AMD EDWARD DE CKKNKA,r of P?" connected with the old firm.

aasaaftrar;WII48OM, ANDER805 <*> CEKSEA,

and have opened at the(rNEW STORE. *15 MARKET St.,

a splendid stock ofSTAJKLJ3 DBTGOODS


marf^wW4RKBT ". PaI^»«LPHlAA'

TERMS OF WEEKLY..One Co per Year-- ;.Six Months.

Uf*l5TA>lUl.r is Aotahcb."®*

The Weekly lnteliigcncer.Will contain thirty-two columns, mostly filled w Itchoice and carefully prepared reading matter.em?

bracing all subjects.thna making the largest, t>and cheapest Newspaper in this section ofcountry

WHEELINGBusiness School.ClONDUCTKn by 1. I. HITCHCOCK, at No. 63

J Main streeet, over the Savings Bank. Open dayand evening.The design of this institution is to aid young men(women too) preparing themselves for activebusiness life, By making them competent Account-

ants, and familiar with business science and proces¬ses generally.

BOOK-KEEPING,By the most modern and best methods is the leadingsubject of attention.

A WRITING SCHOOLis open day and eveulng, attended by both ladies andgentlemen.

-AJE^XTKCJ^dCZETIOand its application to all manner of

Counting-House Calculationsreceive the attention their primary importance de-mauds.There is open to the student also a course ofBUSINESS SCIENCE

comprising Political Economy, Commercial Law andusages, Finance Bankiug and Currency; also maximof.eminent Business Hen in regard to the bestmethods of conducting business successfully andavoiding failure.Instructions in the above subjects are intersper*ed with maxims and inculcations tending to theformation of high character as men and citizens.The course of instruction is intended to be ascomprehensive and thorough as that of any of ti*Commercial Colleges, while the expense to the sro¬dent is much less.1.1. H. begs leave to refer those to whom he Isunknown to tieo. W. Smith, Ksq., to the officerof the bauks in Wheeling and Bridgeport, and to hisstudents. nov24-6mdAw

18637 1863NEW GOODS.IaJnKW AND.OOMrLF.TB stock ok;

SPRING GOODS&Just Received at

W. D, SAWTELL& BROS.No. 9 Monroe Street,

frblS WHIIELIN-G, va.




wvwi Witt tffcvuwiN. B..The Family Ale is an excellent dinner Alea wholesome and strengthening tonic, aud Is put upin kegs aud half kegs for Family use.Orders left fxt G. W. Reosaing & Co.'s, corner oiQnlncy andTtTarket streets, will be promptly atten¬ded to.


ALL Officers. Soldiers, or Seamen, disabled in theservice cf the United States, are entitled to Pension for life; and iu case of their death,, the widow,orphan children, mother or sister ot any such officer,soldier or seaman, iseutitled to a pension, and al*othe bounty of one hundred dollars, aud all bnrfc paydue. My fee in each case is FIVE DOLLARS if theclaim or pension is collected, and NO CHARGE incase of iailnre.Certified Accounts collected on the most reasona¬ble terms.Office, No. 160 Fourth street, t ear the Court-house,Wheeling, Va. marU-tf

|XJ3srxoisrWholesale and Retail;


Eoff Street, Centre Wheeling, Va.

IHAVEON HANDa largeand complete assortmentof Bedsteads Loungvs and Cribs, which will bosold on the most reasonable terms.Made to order every desertion of Trunk, Valise,Grape, Strawberry. Cracker and Packing Boxes.Particular attention paid to Job Turning for Cabi¬net Makers and other*.Bedposts, Table and Stand Logs, Newall Posts andBanisters ou hand and made to order.Scroll. Pannel, Weatherboard aud RIp-s vingpromptlydone.ALL GOODS WARRANTEDI would respectfully call ti e attention of the pob-licto my stock, and trust by strict attention andpromptness to merit a continuance of their favors,novd-ly

S. P. HILDEETH,NOTARY PUBLIC:OFFICE N«». 63 Main street, Wheeling, Va., willatteud to taking acknowledgements of Deeds,Powers of Attorney, Ac., and also to obtaining"ar-rearsof pay and bounty money due the heirs or de¬ceased soldiers. myS-Iyd

J. C. H A~? B O IT B.. WhoUtnh HOaaDeaxrin

CARPETS RUGS, OIL CLOTHSWall Papei, Curtain Katerlalsf3PV |AndUpholsteryWare ofevery description143 MainStreet.WHEELING,VAJt^Gilt andMahogany Vramed Looking Glassen hand and made to order. sep9*'69

jobkph roan. jobx cook. j. a. ooh*xiat.


Wheeling Petroleum WorksOfllce and Refinery Corner of

Ijlnaley A 5th Sts,

HAVING COMPLETED ARRANGEMENTS FOBthe pr duction of No. 1 Illuminating Oarbon'Oil and Lubricating Petroleum, are prepared .to sellat Pittsburgh prices In quantities to suit the trade(not intending to retail)/ Having contracted for alarge quantity of Crude Petroleum we will be ena¬bled to meet the demands of themarket during theseason. novlS-SmpTc. hildreth &tbro.

63 Main Street,Wheeling, T?«.JWHOLESALE DKALKKB IN

NailBod, Window aim, Maryland Lime,Bar Iron, Printing Paper, Common Lime,Nalla, Wrap. Paper, Floor,Shoet Iron, Plaster Pari,, Shanghai Matohr*Wire, Land Plaater, Salt,Cast Steel Cement, Wooden Ware, AcAgents for Hews'* Improrod Coo titer and PlatfoimScale*.Thr.Htghett Market Prlctpaidfor Ragt,Fla*tviOtoueag, Scrap Jron, 4c. lylS

WINDOW SHADES,REKN OILED BLINDS, with Gold Border,Green Paper, Buff Paper, and common Blind*all stjlee, for sale by

JOS. GRATBS A CO.,aulB-tl No. DO Monroe . treat.