gaUg g&teliigeiKcr CAMPBELL * M'DEEMOT, XDITOfe AID PKOPR1ITOU. YlR](i-Diiii,daUTerfdlBytT, Mr vttk, l'J c«n* s Diai,t>) mall. Is advance...........*.$6,1* Tu-Wsuit. by nu2L laadnoow>-~ 3.< ^ Wkxklt, by ntifl, toadrmocxv l,Ot . W H E EJL, I N G: Friday Morning. May 31,1861- Go) p«H Mir flw. bqJ k«*p each iUr t^eb itrip® u bright as now ih«y «».. Bill atfUU I»d f<ar rviki hi war, Still fi^taboTituh patriot*# Dw*tb to tht traitor that woaid d«ra Totrail ft «br «*h the dn»t of chax&a. ?1 hoi*«t brarta lt« lot will ih*re And tiUow U to D«*th or Fama. A Case thai conveys a Moral. Not a year ago WyJIer H. Oldham, of >1 undsville, bad a fi.ie political prospcct before b!rn.in tbif Congressional District. He bad Joined in with tbe DoogUs men-* bad taken a standing lipft tbe seoessiou org mist lion that nominated Breckinridge ..was on the stump denouncing it as a lecMiioo organisation, and everybody be¬ lieved that Wylie was opposed to seces- einn. It was m tny a time said. b »wever, and we heard the remark made I»y those who knew bis political associations and personal intimacies, that nil bis anti-Breck- in ridge talk was to be taken with many grains of allowance.that be was known to be under tbe influence of a certain Wheeling seeesA>nist, who was using him as a sort of blind, by wbich, when tbe election was over and all thing* were ready to "come in at the death/' the whole Douglas strength was to be transferred over to the secession cause. Notwith¬ standing these imputations, however, and notwithstanding the fact that Wylie bad some time before turned bis back upon his earlier political principles, ninny of tlie Douglas men gave him a large meas¬ ure of their confidence, and he was their heir-apparent for a Congressional nomi¬ nation. There cannot be a doubt that if be had remained true, or, rather, that if he bad ever been true, be would hare received that nomination, and would this d«\ stand to the people of the district precisely where Hon.Wm.'G. Brown standi. But he did not stand by bis professions. He turned bis back upon his Douglas principles just as be had done u|»on bis Whig principles, and the first thing his friends knew he was at work on the same side with that notorious Wheeling Secessionist to whom we have alluded. Litterly he has* been detected giving active aid to tbe traitors. lie has been fotlnd shipping recruits to Ilarper's Ferry,' sad b*s, we are told, acknowledged tho same to the Moundsville Union Com¬ mittee. The consequence is that he is the object of very grnnt and very just indigna¬ tion to the people whom he has betrayed. It is with aorae difficulty as we learn, that the mure moderate and prndent of tho Union men have been able to protect hint from the peaple, and even now the matter or his going or staying any longer in Moundsville is being held under advise¬ ment. He has confessed to his errors, our -inform *nt tell us, and offers to attest his Sincerity by giving his aid hereafter to the Union. in^tea l of the Secession causfc..- A4 to what shtl! be dona ab nit him the M-«und§Vilie people seem to stand divided. The feeling is qtake bitter, and the result dmbtful. We trust that there is to be no rath action on the part of the Mounds- ville people. We hope that tbey will neither molest or send away Mr. Oldham. He is powerless now to do them *ny barm, even if he were so disposed. We can see no good end, either of Necessity or policy, that can be aubserved by any such course. Xt is more than likely that i the public feeling is so strong against hiin as Is represented, he will uot choose to remain very long among it. And it is in¬ finitely preferable tU it public opinion should be Irft t> deal with a man, than that mob law should be set in force against bim. For our part, we feel t»o other sentiment, when thinking of cases like that of Mr. Oldham's, than that of pity. It is enough punishment to a mm, in mtny respects to well constituted as Oldham is, to find that be has lo<t bis prospects in life by his own criminal folly. It will be just . a impossible forany public man in Western Virginia, who has been known ns either an active or passive sympathiser with the Jeff. Dtvis conspiracy, to ever divest him¬ self of the public odium that will attach to bim, as it would be. If be bad the brand of a convicted fe!on on bim. Like so inany-Aaruu-Burrs, their ambition for public favor will -ever bopeless'r mock tbem. ? Tns Southern journals indulge In be¬ stowing some very fancy names upon some of our distinguished men. For instance, they call the President Mtho drnnken sot who now occupies the White House in Washington;" General Scou, since it was ascertained that tbe South bad been egre- giously hoaxed in the rumor of his resig¬ nation, tbey call 4*Butcber Scott;" and Major General Butler tbey style **Picaynne Butler.'* While Twiggs is tbe model of a patriot. Floyd is a pattern of honesty, Beauregard is tho beau id*al of a gentle¬ man, sad Jeff. Davis is tbe great champion of booMB rights and hum in liberty, JSass St«stls| la ttsueoek. By an advertisement fa tar paper to* day, It will be seen that tbe. citizens of B mcock will assemble in M iss Meeting on tbe 4tb of June, to eleti dekgpte* }m WfctclUy CcAvaatian. AMiiiMOapt From a gedtlcmnn who left Richmond jon last Monday,andarrived here yesterday, J we gather Borne statements concerning the condition of things in nod around Ricb¬ mond, and along the lino of travel from that placeto Manuka* Gap, Winchester, Msrtinsbcrp and Grafton. He reports troopi moving in considerable quantities from the lower States to Richmond, rnoit- 1y from North and Soutb Carolina, Ala¬ bama and Mississippi. Some of them are tolerably well accoulertd, others rather indifferently, and others again ra- ther poorly. Many of thim had the old style of nrm«,.smooth-bore muskeu, oth¬ ers hud the latest and best styles. Their uniforms looked bad.io many, instances Very much worn and badly soiled. Ia Richmond there was not tnacb excitement uor many military, but at some distance on the outskirts encampments were f rra- ed. It U not known how many troops a<e ia the State, btu It is generally believed th t there aro between fifty and sixty lb ontand.that is, takifg State and Federal troops together. At Richmond no complaints were heard thus far about pro¬ vision*. but there was some anxiety abont their supplies of dry goals. Thee stores had been abont exhausted of all that was available, and all they had to draw on for wearing apparel was of domestic make, which, of course, was. wholly unequal to, the demand. Every body who leaves Richmond now, baa to have a pass. Oar Informant bad one, whirl) he exhibited to ns. It wni signed by Marnndnke John¬ son, Aid to tba Governor. The Governor Just now is drinking a vast auionnt ol whisky, aod has very liltlu lime to do much else: so Marmadiiku signs the pass¬ es. To come to Wheeling costs some twenty-four or five dollars now, by the round-about method which we mentioned at the commencement. You come by rail to Strasburg, and there you take the stage to Winchester, and from llience again by coach to Martiusburg. The talk that one hears is pretty much all secession.no other kind being available. At Manmtssas. which is some fifteen or twenty miles south of Mannasses Oip. quite a body ol secession truops nre concentrating, and throwing up defensive works, in order to be prepared Tor General Scott, in case be comes along on his way from Alexandria to Richmond Uannnsias seems to b< con¬ sidered n atragetic.il point, serving, as it does, both for a reserve for the Har¬ per's Ferry.ites and adefen'.e to Richmond Our informant states that it Is impossi¬ ble to tell a great deal abont the forward¬ ness of preparations for war in E istern Vir¬ ginia. Devon I the fact that a good many troopsrri encamped one place and another. no one seems to know much about it They aro nuking prjpiruions for the de¬ fence of Richmond, apprehending that it is among the p ¦nihilities of things that the Government any yet visit them there. Vet they feel conS lent there, 'our in¬ formant states, that they will come out right, and that the bloody United States Will be done up very brown. When he left they were speculating how far North Ihcy would push the war. Tho general opinion was that "they wonld conclude terms of peace nt Philadelphia or that vi¬ cinity. No gold is to be got over at Rich¬ mond for State piy. They pay Sute offi¬ cers in E istern Virginia money, nnd with that E istern Virginia mmey, ir yon want to come out tilts way, you buy New York exchange. The people over there still take their own rnon -y out of compliment to the banks. At M irtinsburg our travel¬ ler saw C. W. R-tssell, who w^vs staving there, lie had heard, the returns from Ohio county, and was apurised that they were Union '. very muchly." At Grafton hi arrived Tuesday evening. To his surprise he saw no' secession troops. He saw the band wiite ot several of them ou the hotel register, and among the rest MV. p. Thompson, Provisional Army." Tho provisionals had heard on Monday'jif the coming of troops from thisl side and they tuok to their heels like a pack of Chinese, and cut diet for the in¬ terior.some thought to Barbour county. others say to Lswis. The bridgis between Grafton a:.(l Whe«l!ntr, with the exception of the two out at M lunington. were all right. At' Fairmont «ar'Informant first came on the United Sutes .troops. He there met the Heury Clay Guards and three other companies. Thry held the bridge the«e aind-tlie town, nnd were in high f.ivor with lbs- peop'e all round, who were liberally*supplying them with provisions. - Oapt. Furdyce UM -thrown jwut a picket on the other side of the bridge, but the body of his nnd the other companies were on this side. Dr. Kid- well, Jim Neeson.'and the olber prominent j secessionists, had left Fairmont nnd gone nobody know* wherr. K.dwell left in a wagon with such of his dome-tic traps ns he conld pack op on a short notice. The troops were all in excellent spirits, rail of fight, and on tbo keen'scent or "Seceshers.'' They expected to be mainly quartered in | Grafton to-day. I -Ma*. CooiKY, an old lady from East Ten- »e»*e«t arrived in Washington on Tuesday, I tr*»eling a distance of abont ISOO miles Tor tbe porposoof seeing the President and his Cabinet in relation to uu/ national troubles. She reports a terrible sUte of affairs ia her section of the stale.says there are bat few Union men, and that they are daily in dread of being murdered by th« infuriated mob. coai.ijinallj rising there. Mrs. C. hopes to return immedi¬ ately.and, by leiliog the truth, to con¬ vince many of her neighbors or the errors of their Ways. She is delighted witb her eislt, and soys the people of Tennessee have uo conception of the greit unaoimity .nJ determination of the Northern people*. Two hundr«d able bodied seamen are ad¬ vertised for at Savannah Tor the Confeder¬ ate nar.al service. Tbe principal Induce- i went appears to be that "four cents per I dajr will <U allowed far grog.'' Wfcig* Mi OxK U Xtka TnltmcC The Richmond Examiner vami tbt se¬ cessionists of Virginia agninst giving their confidence to the old Whigs, no matter how strong may seem their sympathies with the treason which pervades the Ems* tern portion of the State. The following atuck upon the Whigs will be accepted as a tribnte to their patriotism and fidelity.. Long may it be before any who have clai¬ med fellowship with that glurions old par- ty are dishonored by the praijes or trea¬ son. "If the people of Virginia want any good to come ont of its Legislature, let them meet rapidly in their conotv meet- ings and neighborhood councils, nod or- ganixe the jrhole force of the Democratic ! party for the election thii month. Let j personal ambition sleep now; let petty lea- ' lousy and new connections drop. The old flag urfO the old cry of States' Right* must rally the original Democratic party without it thirState is lost forever. Let no doubtful men be chosen for this forlorn hope of Democracy. .Vew concerts may he very sincere. hut wolves sometimes put on sheep s clothing. The veteran centn- rion> of ^ irzima'j ancient legions should now be drawn out of iheir retirement.. i\e shouM elect those men only who hare always he»n Democrats, who have always foug'it for the South, who have ever serv¬ ed Stated1 Rights, and never bowed the knee to the Baal of Federalism at any of n:s many altar?. Honesty, consistency resolution is what the times need, and to' get It we;njust reorganize the Democratic oarty, and stick to Democratic men. We have tried fusion; we hare listened to the" story that Unjes like these break on party lines, and when we bettered it we found the party whip of federalism laid on our hacks, Virginia got a submission!,* Coni vention by fusion; let «> ifr to set a States «ghts Convention ftom the Democrutin party." The Crisis and th*5 Wew3papsrs- Their Increased cT7cula I lr»u la not Soares of Revenue. F-om some remarks in the Steuhenville fltrald conc-rning tho mistaken public idea that these are great times fur news¬ papers, we extract the following.- The Cincinnati Conmcrtial, we notice 'ins succumbed to the sitmc pressure! -li^ht'j-, hnvinp been reduced in s^xe, four oluians. That these nre profitable times tor newspapers, is nil gammon. These tunes increase the expenses and diiniuish the revenue of newspapers. It is a mis¬ take to suppose the greatly increased cir- nlation or the papers halance the in¬ creased expense It is the radical fault of our newspaper system that the circu¬ lation dues not par. The whole of the [profit and a considerable portion of the lirst cost come from the advertising, and thu adrertistnc depends upon the general urnsperiiy of the country; whatever checks business checks advertising. The price >r newspapers, therefore, instead of beinir decreased, should be increased to save publishers from bankruptcy. The En~ Itsh paper-, which not furnish a quarter or the telegraph news that the American papers do. are sold at three or four times the price or ours. They m ike a profit .n their circulation alone, and are therefore comparatively safe from a revulsion which affects their advertising. Wo hue i.ng thought the American |IHtiers wonld tilii- in ilely iie forced into something like this post ion. While ibe cost of publication les "r.v'rrr1' 'nh,,n,ej- »'.»« «¦- ues of all kinds hive been advancing. the fhTr»has rather declined. The result is, that thi best conducted and most nroxperons establishments feel se¬ verely the depression or times like these. We most admit that some of the South¬ ern men display an easy^ and cheerful philosophy in viewing the obstacles which confront them. They are consoling them¬ selves with the reflection that the block¬ ade of their ports is very fortunate for them, ir the vessels or our navy wefe not e g.ged in the blockade, they say, lue southern privateers might be captured . But as the vessels will .|| be required for the blockade, the privateers' cannot he pursued out lo sea, and l..Dce wU1 h-v, ^ fair sweep. Again, as it has been suddenly discover¬ ed that Washington is not to he easily captored, the Mobile Rtji.Ur says; -Washington is or no value to ns, nor ol no. to our enemies, except as a tempo¬ rary convenience in the use or the pin,lie buildings until they shall establish their government lu some other place." We are pleased to see this h .ppy p.w. or adaptation to circumstances. It may yet staud our Southern friends-, in cbod I dtcad. * More Mm ror the Island Camp. In'the Pittsburgh Dupatch, ulyesl^rdiy, we find the fallowing: The Piummer Guards, CaifJ. J. D Ow¬ ens have been acceptod, and will leave uLmn £ i?i JT ,be VirK'nit forces, ut Camp grille, Wheeling, ou Tbuisdiv night. Theiruniforms.lt the best niale- rial aud mautifacture, have been ordere.l their blankets purchased, aud Ibcy will be thoroughly armed and equipped before they le.ve the cty A few r^rulu are needed to fill up tUeir r-tuk* wi»«.u . u t"'wh1°hb|t|e" rtKrt'ly "htttin.tlie^ Camp to which they are ordered beiug p>,isa,n well provided, aud satisfactorily commaud- «i ho. '°r ',C,ire """ice good,' and those now in the company a plea^ut weH S uf, Tlle ceinpant is well officered, and wherever they go Willi do our got ally city credit, aud nra&nta: hose who have .idcd in ,beir £S£££ Il iu. Tlielr orders to leave are positive .n.f iter uniforms and ^ttlp«n£|i^ i* wh?£ 10 .b#<£,he beslqLi,; Tn,«? who desire to aid io the salvation of West, era Virginia, the most important locality ot j the pre-eot war and aae.rly op^"SS Comp.,.;"r"CO-*^,"d i°iu C-Pt.Oweus"' Thi Onion Vol.. e publish a tabular statement tbls morning of the Union vote, so far a, 1, h. been reported. Loudon county i, ml,_ ar* Thw7M 'e"n'in puuinsu in |he ^:otL:.une"j?iorM ^ l\' "ar ~lhe Kevolutioa two forii,h /°K '"I"* ,oId,"« furnnbed by the different States. Of ' Southern States furnished hut 8f>een thowand, wl,i|e Uisnchosetu alone sent sixty-eight thousand) V T"T*rl0rrl0i'i"« ^°ice~eompany in Nashville, Tenn.. calle.1 the etormon. The arms chosen for tbls corps win consist of ""tgbtened srythe. with hook, and a "bUck p¦o,,¦ Wm «hin, witb crimaoo collar, bUck bat, skull sad bones ia frost. Tht Unltn Tore In Vlrglnlt. We print btlour no enlarged table of re- tarns from the Virgin!.* election. The fig¬ ures are in nil cases majorities » gainst the secession orJiaance, ; Twenty-six Countip* are reported. Uarbour ; 350 Musoo .....1,725 Berkely, 700 Monongalia.....2,200 Brooke ..... GOO Moreno ~ 400 Cabell _ 650 Ohio ..3,300 D >ddridge 550 < leasants - 145 Hancock 771 Preston 500 Harrison - 1.0J»7 Ritchie .. 378 Jackson.'. 400 Taylor.... 700 Lewis 300 Trier 755 Kittmwha........ 1,290 Wayne 800 London 1.000 Wirt 400 Marion 450 Wetrei 610 Marshall ..1,851 Wood 1,696 Union majority, 26 counties. -1^378 The Charlcstbu Courier says that the stock of bar at Charleston, is rcry limited, and is held at high prices. The last sales io quantity were m tde at two dollnra a hundred, or forty dollars a ton. It will not be very convenient to supply cavalry at that price. We think that the South must suffer serious inconvenience from the short supply of bay. Its exportation from the North will now be forbidden Here is a clip from the Lousrille Journal, of yesterday: Several Southern Rights ladies address¬ ed a letter to the Louisville Courier, ex¬ pressing their determination to go to Frankfort and have things fixed.. They al¬ leged that there was *'a great deal of ouf- j tide pressure ut»on the members of the Leg- 1 i«Iature." Probably they .wanted a little | of the same sort themselves. We guess the j Legislature didn't adjourn a day too~soon. To*- PrxALS Organization is often as frail as that of a tender* flower. Many of the sex enter into marriage relations with¬ out being able to undergo the labors and trials of maternity. In this country thousands of young and beautifol women are sacrificed every year from this cause alone. Hostetttr's Celebrated Stomach Bitters will save many of this cinss from an untimely grave. This medicine has been used with great benefit by immense numbers of people throughout the repub¬ lic. and the proprietors have received grateful commendations from all sections of the country. The Bitters will be f »und to be very pleasant to the taste, even a* a beverage, and prompt and powerful in its effect hs a medicine. It tutu^es new vital¬ ity into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, so that women who use it are enabled to go through with labors which would, without it, be certain to .prostrate them. Sold by nil druggists. tny-lm AoAixxanother proof that Bacrhavt'r Hol¬ land Diners is worthy of recommendation. 4'The plain and upright Mary Van Slied- rerht, daughter of Vnn Dyke, had last spring a d ingerous sickness, but got so far well an to be oat of the doctor's treat¬ ment. but kept lingering on, so that she could get no appetite, and could uot get i strength enough to do her household work,' till within a few weeks past. She used ' but one bottle of the Hitler*, which, with the help of God, has given her strength, and she feels qu;te well; for while her hus¬ band gave me, the undersigned, bis thanks for having recommended the Bitters for his wife, and requested me to have the same iuserted in the Sheboygan ATeuvi- i bode," L Dodge. Grand Rapids, Mirh. The above Is a literal translation from the last number |x>f the Sheboygan JTteuws- bode, my-ira ~SPECIAL notices. Bead the Following- It True! Pakeeesbceo, April 10. T. II. Loo A*, Eau., Dmr Sir: I wrote to jrou sometime since for a Bottle of Brentlinxer*s Fluid Extract of Sarsajrtirillaand Dan¬ delion. and must say that it has acted upon me like a charm. I have been afflicted for near two years wbh Dyrfpepda* two-thirds of the time I vuinitcd from one to three tiars a day. I had £ivra up the ide» of evor getting well, and Indeed my friends had given up all hopes of my over Retting well again. Ad led to this, 1 suffered with the Scr»fula very much. Since lost September one tide of my na-k wm one entire soro,comp««e I of some mvqu ruuinug sores. The u«e ofonSHottle ha« mnch lmprove«l me. My nonnch h relieved nnd my nock Uis im- nvsd beyond m> uioat sanzulne c«i»eciationa. 1 much encouraged aud think by the nw of ono or two bottles more I rhall bo relieved entirely. You w»U JJh»«e send me two bottler by the Boat. Your* re«pectfiilly. J.V. IIOMRR. The Shove medicine is prepared by F. A. BRENT lilSUKHiCU, No. 141 Market street. Wheeling, and soldby most of the Druggists of the city. ap3 aiotltcvs, read tills* Thefollowingls an extract roui ajetterwritten by the Pastor of a Oaptirt Church to the "Journal and Messenger,'"Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that worl<t-renDwued medicine.Mns. Wixs- tow's S00TH150 Sracrroa Children Teetrixo: "We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs 'Wlnslow's Soothisg tymp. Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medlriue before in onrlife, but we feel compelled to say t«»your readers, that tliisis nohninbug.weuave teied IT. asd esow it to st alt IT CLAIMS. It Is. probably, one 6f the most aueeescftal medicines of the day. becatfse it is one of ,the best. Auii tuose of your readers who have ba bies can't do letter than to lay iu a supply." octl6-ty-d*w UKLIKF IN TEN MINUTES BR VAX'S PILM0MC WAFERS Tas Original Medicine* Established In 1837. and first article of the kind aver introduced nndsr the name of ..Ptiuioxio Waxes*," In this or any other coun¬ try; all other Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on each WAFfclt. Butas's tttuoxic Wafexs Believe Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. BsTAJt's fcr.Mo.xic Watees Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis. Difficult Breathing. Bxrss's Ptuiosic Warcas Relieve Spitting of Blood, Fains In the Chest. BstA3'a Pcwrnc V.'atess Relieve Incipient Consumption. Lung Diseases. Betas'* Peucoxfe WAFzas Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. BSTAS'S'WIMOMC WATERS Relieve the sWre Uouaplaints in Tea Minutes. Betas'* Pvucosie Waters Are a Blessing to aU.CUssos and Constitutions. Brtax's Pcimosic Waters Are adapted fofr Vocalist# and Publjc Speakers. Bim'i Ptnjioctic Waters Are In a simple form and pleasant to tho taste.. X Beta>*s Pcutuic Waters Nc*_ooly relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cores Betas'* Ptruiosic Waveas An warranted to give satisfaction to every one. Jfo family should be without a box of BkuI Pclmoxic Waters in Be House. ^aveler shoofa be wKhosxt a supply of Brtaits Fcusemc Wattes In lib perkeC No ptrson will ever object to give for satast's Pcuwnc Warxxs JOB MOSBS, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, X. T. liwHLwStSKJfcS^- U)°A!< 4 "d ang4-eod d*w ly B.RSS GOODS. iSJsgant OrgMeiv Lawns, Orenndlne and Becsces, ChUlv aodIM%lns^^ KmSmfdersd Mee^mbVioeX Strfp.1 .1*4 S ... KmtKrta.rM AicIwm. AU ol wbkh w, rnvbrlnx ch.»p tar r».h. J" ... . COOPCR * ->B_VPK\ET. Xo. fX Mm-. ^SAJUI.T B-TB WU1IKT Or lMbDwulteubk; .25 NEW ADVERTISEM'NTS W)^~>vMcnr». Editor** **!«.». *ur> .uuw WXk. M. N-illTu*. a D. HUBBARD. JACOB BEI'.OKR. and A. B. CALDWELL. m suitable tnen to represent this County in the Oonjwotlon. to bo bsld on Jane 11th. fmy31*l U. S. yxrrr^Menri. Editors..Wo wouM reo-ni- mend the fdlowing gentlemen Delegate toreprwett u? in the Union Contention .>:. the 11th of Jnne. 1*6'. We know tbcnr to be all right. DANIEL UMB. M. M.OOOD, E. >1. NC'P.- TON. and S. WOODWA UP. nijSl* MANY UNION MBX. Hancock County Meeting. THERE <rlll k«.Ma*j Meeting nf th. Citliena of Hancock county. at Nuw Manchester. on TV£»- »*T. Jcxz 4tij. at 2 o'cx-^ck. r. sr.. to elect t*.. Dele¬ gates to represent the County in the OtiTentlon to meet at W heeling on tlio lltb of Jnao lMl. n«- o> »»r the P .«¦»*- ° ..**»*» Attention Company. There will be a meeting of rnn i> CARLILE II.) UK OUARI-8 »t. Amii ic«n i Ila'i tbi« Friday, evening. at 7)4 o'clock. A full .Tr attendance la re^ne«ted- a«bni;ueMvf Itnnortatic* It ulll come before.the compai y. tnvM RIO COPPEE. ll^BAOS prime onilitv ju»t recHrrd and for 11/ salel»t M. RE1LLT. MACKEREL. inn nAl*F BAKUELS .No a, medium, Just iv- J wl J ceivi-J and for rale by mySl [ M. RE1LLT. Bl. CARB. SODA. KEOS pure New Cu-tlo Hi. Carb. Poda. Inst re¬ ceived and for sale by [my3I) M. K EI LLY. Garrets* PliiUdrlphia Scofeh SuuflT. 1|| BAKRELa just received and for Mile by J U [u>j31j M. KH1.1.Y. Convention Election . Tuesday, June 4th, 1861. rpilK undersigned having beon appointed n Com* X mittee by the late Wh»eliug Convention. to d.~ termiuethe rooit pioper modeot tliowinjt f mr dele¬ gates to repm «tit Ohio count.*, in the Convention of theL-yal of Vlrpinw. to Im held on ih- llth d *j of June, IMJl. do direct that said fonr <Me:r*tt-« I* electe«l by the voters of Ohio on nty at «o i-lcc- tlon.tu be held at the usual p aces of votiug on TUriSDAY. JUNE 4f 1861. between the hou>s ot 8 o'clock A. M. an.I T ochvk I*. M-. follews to wit ^ At the h.usb or Samuel McC 'NXEll in the tin* election district, nnder the direction of K enrirr ft ichansn <uid Th-mm* D. Stewart. Conductors. Mnd John >1. Oldliaai and Vex, McCpnn. Clerk*. AT Ha 'THEBTO*** TaTIM, in the mme district. nn* dor the direction of John Mscouand John Pierson, Con tuctors, and Wui. Dennistou aiel I'bos. «». Yates, Clerk*. At the to * x or Wmt Libkrtt. in the «econd elec¬ tion district, nnder the directi »n of l.evl Mill* and Wm. Waddle Conductor*, and vi. P. Sawteil and ltobt M. Bower. Clerks. At Woim' Itf.v. in the third eferti<« district, nn¬ der the direction of Wm. Nor--hand Kli*h« P>»nn»»liy. Conductors, and C. \V. Slaunell aud Silaa What ton. Clerk". At ATKtxsoxn* School IIocm. In the same district, un-ier tho direction of Janiet SnridgraM nn I Wdlinm Atkinsou. Conductor*, aud Abiaham McColloch and John B. J»hn«tou. Clerks. AT tbs tows or TaiAnrtrnu.in the fonrth election dUti ict. under the direction of Samuel II. It. t'arter and Dr. J. II. Storer. Conductors, and Win. J. Dora* andO. V. Miller. Clerk-. AT the Kr»t Ward Hose IIouie. in the fifth ra¬ tion district, nnder the direction of I homan Hweeney an-l Inane Colt*. Conductor*, and Elijah Day anil Hiram Young. Clerks. At tu: Court IIocsr in the sixth election district, under th«« direction of Win. M. llerryhill and Alex, i'axton. Conductors, and UeidMiniu Bl»omfieid au<l 1L Irwin. Clerk*. At the Fourth Ward IIose House, in the seventh electiou district, under tiio diitctlon of Alleo J*. 11*1- loweil and Beuj. Kxlev. C inductor*, and Wm. lie- born and E-C-.Teffrr*. Clerks. At Tnc Centre Wiiceliac Fthool Hocse. in the eighth electiou district, under the direction of M. It. l(e«.«d a«d John Uow4y. Conductors, and Jeff. Uee 1 and Itol.t. WiUon, CI* rks. At Titr Sjuth Whkeuxo J?chool Hovric. in the same ilintrict. under the direction of James M.Wheat. Sr. aud l.loyd U. Iiuglo-«. ('ouducton.. and Franklin C. WinOilp. and Albert P Hill. Cleik*. The Coudnctors will nL«o act in the chnracter of Co nmlssioners. In ca»e of the failure to «erve oa t>*e i-nrt of any one or more of the Conductors or Clerk*, those in at¬ tendance are emp >wered t«i fill nil rvandc. The Clerk* l»ereby appointed will ret their poll liook- by railing at tl.e C-.ur.tv Clfiks office, at the Court Houm*. on r*atnrda\. 1e Conductors of the election will return the poll b»k* to the undeniguddou or bet»re lburoday, the 6tb June. Alt loyal cltixen* «»f ^hio county are enrm-stly io- voke«l to tnrn out to the po|l«. snd Toreetfir of nil 1>reviou« p*rty preoelirtion* vote for f»ur of their ?est. ni«e«t. mfi-t and *tannehe-t Union n for thi* Contention, in tlie deliberatioiiB and determina¬ tions of which tho whole people are so vtiilly inter¬ ested. GE'». F*»HHESI. X. O. UMiADi.Al.V. n. ii. «;akri«4»n. DA NIK I, LAM 11 ALFltKD CALDWELL, Wheelixo, May 30. 186l-mj31 Committee. Ed it or st.Pl^n«o announce JAMES S. WUKATK. JaMKSAV. PAX- TON. MIIEKItAKD CLEMENS and W. B. CCI5TIS, «uitahle men to represent Ohio couuty in the Con¬ vention of the litis of June. UNION. Wbellimj. May u0, lSGl-tc* Editors.-We #uirest the f.!- lowing thorough going Uxtojr men as delegate* to the Convention to he held ou the llth of June. 1»AN I.. LAM It. ALP.CALDWELL. JulIX K. BvjT>F0KD,GEO. HAUI1180N, mrJO * ALL PAhTIES. Recruits Wanted. rri!K UNDKItSIONKD lias opened a reerniting of- I tice in M-irtin-ville. WetEel conntv. \H.. nu«l all tiid»-UAlird men ubo ate de-inxis of entering the U. H. servfcc. for three years, or during tho Mar. aro reque»te«l to call and enroll tliemneitee at once, as the company is u.Jtri> filled up. n>>2*. i*. HOLLISTER. NOTICE. 1MIK ANNUAL MEKTINU OP THE STOCK HOLD- EltS of the Wheeling Library As«ociat|on. will beh.Id on Monday, June 3d, 1801, ut 7 o'clock. P. 31.. iu the Library Boom Fel¬ lows Bnilili- g." for the Klcctfun of PBES1DENT, VICE PithMIDENT. 0 OlREOroit8. SECRETARY, aud TIlEAslUltEU. for the ensuincyear. Ily order of the Bonn!. my30-4t »> BAIKP. Pecrrtary. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODs7 COOPER 4 SENSE.KEY* "A BE now recrivhigan I opening a very large Stock /jL of PANCV ASD>TAPI.K BUY i*«m»d.*» Umght in Philadelpiiia and New Yrrk. midst the greit war excitement, nt |»atiic price* for CA-n. Our friends and customers may rent assured that we a»e pt»p*red to offer them gieat bargains in all kinds of Drvixaids. tnvHO O-iQPEK 1 SENSENKY. GREY GOOPS. ri'HE FINEST ASSORTMENT TO BE FOUND JM i. the city, all fresh and new. ra.v30 C»iPKR t 8EN8ENEQ. Wall Paper,Books & Stationery J. C. ORR & CO., 100 Slain Street. WE nAVK OHEXKD TOR 8I-RIX0 TRADE A UrR. .nil wrll a^rtevi »Uxk or WALL VAVLK, JWKUKII3, UINI^JW niADES, % riRK-noAnn /rints, SCUOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS; CAt.lKrtER AND NOTE 1-APKRF, AXDE.NVEL- 01-ES OK EVERY VAKIE1V. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS at lo each, «-C^t »ntl look .t oar .toe'-. No cbatn for .ho»In* Jjoo-I'. J. C. 0RL- k Oil. «pl3-'»ll«Jy 100 STAR SPA.VGLED HA.WKH. Beautiful BonUoc n»p for d«re:]insuna*, " J. URAVf.S. C.ntr. IVherilne. WheeUng OU Beflnery. JOIIN COOK hw .ubliibnl . K.Qn.rv i»r PAR. BOX AND PCTkOLEUV oTw In thu3,5*^ "" °*" Wo'k»- lie «lll frtr- nWh -ImIi ¦¦ »mlm:h.r. with lllamltuttlnr and Lubrl- cmuof wn at «h. lowest market price, Th.r.,roU.s. of Dttl.ra U moat r..pectrnllr ao- "cl,,d- (myn-lmj NOTiCET ~ At a mbetino or rn* citt oodxcil. h»M on..rM r «¦' "Ih Inatant. It wm That her^fter. all m»nnt«tnrini eatabllahimnt. Hiatalop n^ar >lw wat.r from th. water «»rk>. in P^rteto. tben-of. .hall anuotliy th. SaperlntOT lant nf tb. m.r irirk. «ho->«ll lmm.Uat. lr I.nwdi,, ahnt off tb. nUr from the «mi.a»l ahall Win triW,r ihotwrf. fn- le^ the at-ore conr"e l.t^ken. theeoQtirll will refnao to tn-ikonnj rtdnctlon at a.1 f<r atnpmae. n>xl9-lw. JAC >B STRUCK. r>rk. Wheeling & Uissonri Money TAKEN AT PAR. FniJ . MUy- WEgr« WINDOW Glass, Mtfitand UDe.ie . or on Rook aocoast, " *. a UlLORRTH * »R0T^ PARTRIDGE, So. 118J4 SIA1N STBKET, HAVISO PCRCIIA'KB A LOT OP CASES an4 KRAMKS at PANIC MICKS «»1U'1 them with plcturc-a at price» to aatonUb tlie 31 XL- LCbmVin. LadiesandGentlem-n. «hHetkeM»»rt- merit incomplete and avail yourselves or tl»e GREAT- » KST BARGAINS M*r in WlieeHnc. Photograph* and Pictures of ereiy style. us .usual. made In th«- l~«t manner. A variety «* Locket* a. Pint nt a rti-o.unt. Also. a large and beavtifnl m- tortoicut of Gilt Fr.imc*.cheap. J*03 « HURRAH FOR THE UNION ! Tns n.NKST ASSORT MEM OH llavanna Cigars & Tobacco. |'TOGETHER WITH EVERYTHING VSOALLY L kept In aflr«tcb*3 Drug *tnre. cia l»* found at- ^ E. B JOKING. Agent. | Old Fellowa* nail Dru? St re, opposite the t Ort House. nyTS | » Mayor* .rdnation. ! Mato&'a ?rrz Wheeling. Mny 23. IS-1. [ i Wher*»«. tliwe were certain riotons and onlawfil t proceedings within the city during la«t umht. wldch nresubtrpdve of the publfip peace and winch, if per- *i«ted In mar result In the desttu- tion of pmReeiy and pr(htp«Hf«r: And Whereas tjil« community h i* expre^-cl *t the bdlot b-»x its c»rae«t copdnorv*ti.u> j of the nmti power which JUM overridden all It* «n <mrn«* portion* of thl« Commonwealth *«.* I* de*rrur- ti«» of all Gouatituti »n«l liberty, and which we n *w uith ihu aid and authority of th*- Oover»immH»re re- sl-tfhg in 'inn*, therefore I.A.J. Sweeney. Mayor «d the d»v of Wheeling. hereby command that all jw»r- in ildsCitvdorefrainfmmassemblingtogether fu an* unlawful manner and from participating in any riotous actor proceeding ngain«t thelife. property, or liberty of anyone. And thereby pniclalm and de-dare that the law* mn*t an shall l>e m iintaiiied Shonld crime-* Ikj &imultr»l again*! the laws of the United States or the legitimate statute* of this State. which arc gnaranteed by their respective Constitution*. It h for the ««/frn»*ed law to vindicate it* own m.iesty. And f th!*purpose an well a* to maintain pea* *. and .inlet, the Volunteer corp*ot this City and the I-IMt- ed State* troops of Camp CarliTe. are placed under me eontrol. and 1 hereby warn aP per»«»n«« tliar riot. 1 o-'ddem-i^tratioa, W'll be promptly tep*r»«ed awl I thnae*-nir4ged thex«Inbr*-tt^ht to jnrtlre A. J. 3WEENBV, Mayor. Wanted. FIYBOR SIX GOOnTAl!/ R*. to mahe cn«tom \».»rk. None but the be»t worXmfn ne«d apply, my ZS-.ZX. W. D. SAUTELL Jt UKO. Executor's Notice. ALL I'EHd »NS HAVING 0LAIM1 AGAINST the Estate of N. McVatfhten derM.. will pie- deut theWne t«> roe^rpiyiuent, duly antlientlcite-l; and. It wh »*remde». el to .?id Estate, are hereby notified thit payment uin«t »»« m%de without «let *y. r. SW.iEXEY, Executor. , Wbeelinx. Miy21. ITOl-ltn. Notice. rpiIE CD-PARTNER91111* IIKRETOF^nP. FX- ' L latin? be*w«m Jacob Klger and Patrick Ren- nedy. ntvler therltleof J. Kf^er A Cc.. w«ndi«M*lr. e-1 onApnl 1st. I»y the d-ce«*e of J. Kitcer. All perMh* Indebted to the firm will plente Call inime- dUtely a 11 <ettln an I tuo»e h iriu^ clafai? will pro- aeut them for aettiement PATRICK KENNEDY. rfajiK UNDERSIGNED D^IRES TO INFORM I hi* friend* and the pnblic that havimr bonght the entire fnteurttnf J. Kijfer. in the >ate firm, he will continue the b'i«lne« in all iu bnnch«». At the oldf-tatt'l, So. IR-'i Miln Street. Thankful t>r the itronaeeheretofore extended tn the firm, he bop«-s ik; J»y etrlcr attention, and by eptilne tiopiin-« to <ive luitis'faction t»»*ll wh;> mnj-faror i-im with a call, to merit a c»oitinil*nce«»f tb« ^an»e. He i< now in re- oeiptofalartroaud well *el»"Cte-l -toek of Dry «l4»od«. ti» which he w«--nl«l n.pectfully invite th: attention of a;l iu want of anrtliing in his line. P. KENNEDY. Wheeling, May tl, 1661.lw. h OCR COUNTRY'S SOXOH. ' Tuat Received* iJ s»nK for mr Countrymen. { Columbia. x be Getn of the Ocean, |- Yankee Dxkllc. ^tar .-p-uijslrd Itanner, t Had Columbia. «mr Union. ItiRht or y?ron~, Columbia Itn e< ti»e Sea. i j Our Good Ship SaiU To-Night, new and popular,: j Amerii-a. Vive 1/ America, ic. Arranged for the I'iauo; for aale at the Variety Store . f D. MC )L1. A DI50.. | | my30 l'*9 Main Street. Special Notice to Farmers, j ; Spring it Hurrest Implement!!. TUIIVSON* PtU)ST OA.Lf.Tiir." A l'iftS-now or { »f Farmer* an«l OAtSlcHer* to their own make of IKUN I> »UBLE S.HOYKL 1»M>UGIIS w-tb tl.e pat- ; ent pnnrd att»cl«ed. which preventa dirt and ctoUtot ! from Iwinc thrown npon the yonnic corn: the^> l'longhewith their ground and p<di!«he«i rteel ^ove!* and |*ecnliar »et*»t eh«»rel« are tlie 11EST IMPLE¬ MENT IN THE WOULD f.»r working fom and Po- tatoe^. AIski utiperior Sinele *tid Donble Wwdra Fhorel Ptouuhn mttdr. exprfjuly for u- and fully war¬ ranted. Kteel teeth expanding Cultivator*, either wtMiden or iron Mocked; with the patent reversible phateft. Al*o the laree*t «tock of HAY AND M VNURE FORKS, with the uew Solid >TK\p*Fat:VL^ FMK, t»>cetber with'iarden and Field Hre< of nil kl«d* 'and <»f very MM>erior workmanship. We would call particular' attention to the tart that wc are the Gmrral A Tuts and the di-tribnliog hou-e for W«H»t**8 IMPROVED TVlNfi B1A« 1I1NVS for elx counties in «»hio. *ix conntie< in Pennsylvania ami twelve eonutie* in Virginia. Every Machine fully warranted. JOllN.rON & KHOST. niyl ^ For Sale. 'I^IIK VERY CIMPmETB *. VALUABLE WORKS 1 T»r reftnin^ O* al Oil. Mtuatcd near the 11 em je field Itailroad. 12 mile** east of Wheeling. Virginia. coind«ting of one 'inferior eight bor«* p..w«r St«am engine, one wtill. IihiOgallon* capacity, oi.e ditto. Gnu gallon-*, twe AoO gallon tanks «ir reeeirer-«. t*« 1000 gallon tanks, and one 1200 gallon ditto, nil m ide of the very be«t clean finff. Aid.# 12 l> ltetor»e. capacity of 9 bu«hel« each. Tl.e property embrace- in t»^? dimple neir five acre* and hm mineral richt on alunt 2l5ac*e«. Tii«?re is a vein of hituminou* t-liale of an average thickne** of about 4 fe^t »«niler- l.rim* rhe pieiui-ee. C«»al«»il id fonitd in the vicinity of tlt«*j works. Parties desirous »d -mbarkins in the b>i"iue<s of rellning Coal«til may now have «>n fpp-.rtci; ty of doing *> to great advantage. For I further particulaw apnly totbe4nb«-riber at Xo. 3E! South Front "treet, Philadelphia. apJ3-3w-eod JOHN NOTICE. f 11 WE SOLD MY llr.t and Cap ftore to MP. I QUINTEN McCLYMENT. and respectfully re- j quest the old customer* an«1 pitron* to continue their patronage. Mr. T. W". nii«s will tnnnase the concern, his pra-tical experience in the bu-one-e will enable him to uive entire satisfaction. 1 can l»e found for a time at the old e-tahllxhment f.»r the purp ee of i«ertting the basinet*. Pemuts indebted to me wl 1 please call and settle. tnyS S. AVERY. EASTERN VIRGIX1.V SIOYEV. IirE are buying Eastern Virginia money at the J |f lowest rate of Discoftnt. 1 P. S..We*l«o take EaAtern Virginia money at »t»ar for Goods, at the Battim >re Cl tthing Hou<e. STE.N* BKOTIIRttB. No 13 Monroe ctrcet. opposite the North We« I teru Btrik. Wlieeling. Ya. mtlO . Virginia Money ; T>KCKIVK|l *T I*\ K p.)!l B'l\S"DIR8- WHIS>- .Ik kies. Wines. Gin*. Tobacc.*. Cigars. Tea*. Bran- dy Fruits. Coeivt Broma, Ob««ro1ate. kr. Al«o fn pnj- menr of account*. W. A. EDWARDS A BliO. j May 13,1961. [ MORE NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED. FRO 31 JEW YORK | .AT. JOHN ROEMER'S, No. 33, Uaix Street, CEX TUB WnEELlSO, ' All or winrn u we hrkn b .cciit vor CASH. «n-l will tie villi Cir c.ili, auj auh only, st «fri*iirlfn»ry flmires. ljwl e* an*POentleme:i from the city and country, are respe-tfnlly invited to c*ll soon if thev vMi to get something handeome and cheap, iu the way of DRY GOODS. \ Foreign and D nneatlr. Lares ami Embroideries, IIo- 1 siery, Yankee Notions, Boot* and Slioen. Ac^ Ac . I Please call before pur£hA«!ng elsewhere. an«+ not for- g*t the place, one square l>elow the Cre-k Bridge, on the Weat side, the first Dry Gaods Store. { JOllt KOF.MKR. } tuplff* No 35. Mtln St., Centre Wheeling. | I ACE HANTLEI, 1 a StelLa Shawls. Crape Shawls. English berega Shawls. Paras*ds and Sun Umbrellas, At the lowest Cash Prine*. mvlS r> \ i| S^v^ENEY. BW OBIEAVS «C(1AB~JOht.d.j riMlvid pv uid tir i^. bj . i xxiur NEW SPRING STOCKl ~<jT. CAEPETS^ WALL PAPER AND Furnishing Goods JUST RECEIVED AMD FOR SALE CHEAPER THAN ever J. C. HARBOUR, *p19-lm 143 MAIN S DS. E. G. WIKCHELL^ ^DENTIST,^ OiSce »Btt 2li«fcJd«nc* 345 IXnrkri.^^ H'MXk-LJAG. Vj \ LLTHEXKALlMPRoYl MliMMMHU tlu*l lm*e laru Sorted will i»t >y mk'ptifl at IhhulBv*. PrH:** a* kr.r *tt~jSi<vd and permanent uorh W |it«'MU'(4. Al>o|»«w«fc.-Jw wnrratitwl, 0-a-lo AJMl. B0»SRT*>5. 3*. W. OiH | KOBEETSOH & OXE, £^Dentists£§l No* I4~ Mark*fl-Sis NULLUM}. VA. RCTESKtCES.II. R. We»4. D. 1»- 11<rli. ti. W 1 hull V *on. Hon. Alfred r«M*ril .John R. M Rolf. K*q~ J"*1" Frt*Mdl. SI.Pi. IV. J. Rat»*j. >1.1).. K VI.Cntnniln*»3I.P« K. A. fliMretk. M.!>« A.?.T(V4 M. P.. Tallant A Petojdnin. McFWlei**. Kros & Co. Marrh * Taylor. Pejirer A* Hoffman. A%'m. Krrffr. 0 \V. Frnnxheim. J. N. ftiimrr. John Amick. lihF*i. a«lt*. Jfthn I'fnrr. C. F. Mi!Vr. w-i't* m TWO IlOCf»E> FOR RESTO\ THE ISLAND.'lne «'f tliem l*>w.;<cttpied v T?ntn*« %lu»nr: II l*****®-*! snrdVn atti-Wi Jo it. The other ~a* Jntely occupied by Oeo. Ilrr. V-ti. Boqoir* of Jai&S-tf C.L.ZAXF kCfi. FOR RSIXT.-.The n»-w brick dwelling J£U curnrr ul Mount^wl containing «ttV«n room*. Pn«*«k>ii I*t April. i.oqiilreof I». C. Ill Lb!:* TH ft RRO . janSlM MM* <trf»t. TEE PEOPLE'S BANK~ OF WI1EBLIXG. Office \n. 5? Main «ereot, Brat door ..WtiA of Bsuk ot M* heeling. DfM^nn't day*."\V>il»ke»ilnj-** 10 A. 31. riMlAXSlENT ANPSPKC1AL DfcPoSlTA THANK J fully rerelred. Interest (Aid on Spwinl D'-p-w'1. Exchange on tin? I'-aat bought and *o!d. Collections. at hunt* or from abroad, wHl r»«eti»t prompt nltentioa. MK*CTO*3. Jr.hn Knotc. John Yockler. J. C. liarlwur, ChrwlMn !!».*.. J. T. Scott, Inrpnio D. Rirlnrd Cam»r. J. It. DICKEY, Cbafc., J01IX XXOTK. JWL notice! rrilF. CO-PARTXIKSIUI* II EltETOFORE rX- | 1STYXM Mvtm-ii Clin*. If. Berr> fcnd Ahm I».xl«-in. firm of Retry «t IkidaniK was dNwlred t!»i» iLiy by mntnul consent. AH |H-r«ans knotrlns tlit-si in-k-lleil ti-tVe firm will p «im- c-.ll »nd >?.. lie tliis ¦-..roe and thoty having rh»ii..n pr*-*-nt tl.nr for settlement. I III er mi mber of tbe tlrm is »k- tijori/Pa to nettle tip tbe buicc**. CIIAS. II. DRttRY. A1>AMS DOI&LN. The OonJ-tge bn»«ne*is *il' !.# cotitinnrd «tT |V» w.irr!i»n«>>. No. H Water St.. t»y the wiH-.-rit»er. the Intention 1-eing to cl«^*« o«»t tho ?t.K'k in *t«re nt «. lo« e-t eiu>h price. CIIAS. II. BKttUY. Wlireling. April 19. *61.1w tnoS.W. \W»BtTT. KOttCJlT SESK1T. NESBITT & BSO., fA-'VACTCFlfV or Copperjin & Sheet Iron Ware, WO. 40 MA1X STKKKT. Centre Wheeling. Va. WE Mil L KKHI* CONSTANTLY UN HAM* nil kind* of tbe M>w»Te warn, hn-idw etny* thinsr np|>orraii»!iij: to our line of bn«ine*«. V j^ir- ticitlnrlr invite c*-di buyer* topi reus a rail l<ef«-n- pnrclie-iiii elcraliere. Hnc-n_tt ^F.FItlTT ft BrO A PfLL ASSORTMENT OF (icntlcmcn's FurnisUIni; (ionds, JUST RECEIVED AND fOR FALK BY JOHN* T. I.AK1N. ap23 Mereha&t T-iiVr. BAR IRON. lAR IRON. Ronnd. fr»m ^-lr. to:; in t PAR IRON, frjnure. 0^^n^:t»2»< PAR TKrtV. Flat, rn.m !^0<f to BAR IRON. Oral. fn»a« *< t«1»^ RAR IRON, lbtlf^nral. tr..m^ f..IV*. B \ n TROX. cut lc:iutb« for tirev B «»»¦» i mi i" ir.iuui* i«»r in'. !!»K>P 11 MX. fr.»m to 4*4 ii»?wlde. Norway and 8111 Null K«*l. a large »tork on hand at rodnced bricen. Pv P. C. lilLDRRTH ft BRO.. «wt2.s r*a "HOWE'S" Standard Scales. nOWf-re STA XDAliD SfJA l,K»«. all Conner. P ntfurm: Hay or Cattle Swlw. fi>r *ile nt K«- lory priree. by l». O. IllLDRFTP ft PRO- ?ri'J-S -«iA A cent* lor rh^ Mannfwcfrrrr Hot pressed ari7T8.«-aj*o isos VT+*Hdl Xnt». a*sortc«l.Vi to 11^. fi»r l»y --as p. c ii i mjvktu A nr.'j. SIIKET IROX. BPW.SIIRKT lKOX.a4*M*tH.XokU»n^T. vti* /30 .. Dahranfr.eil Wi«-t >K " " L"0 On hand and r»r ""ile client* l«r octsr. v r. irn.nitKTn ft Bnn. LACK IllVKTS, fr->m Juniittx Iron.»««rt ed iizri, receivtil bv octiA P. C. HI LDRKTII ft >RflL Wall Paper! Books an'I Stationery. AT PRU'ES TO SriT TUB TIHKS. Til ATK JC.«T r.ECKIVKP A VKBV LATfit addition tn my stock of Wail Paper. It:.. r^Jt- pri»iiu new and eiegant Mtyleft. nrter l«elb»e in tl>* city, which I will #.rll at pn> s th^t nno 't f*H ,f* pleaxe. rtock in tt*.w ltrg»-r th«n tliai of othi r idmllar f»raldldiiu»tit in t»>e city *nd cml-rmsf a Kivater rarfety of »ty'e«. Olve me a call lef -tc pnndia^inz ela^where. an it»« my «Tet"r»-5n»t^n ¦fll to nil who ifaftre to |mrdia-«e. R#r- t»ven in exchange, or for ctih, J "*c. WP OK. apl eomer of Main nnd rnlnn^ ~SECRET~OP BEAUTY. Taihtv? ni/viM or~rorrn.' n* in:rp j I'KAKU fop n«-ir.tifjirp Aid Prwrrving tl.# Complexion ^nd ?kin. Tlii« article entirely different iroa any*M»»e ". the kind »*ver ateempte*!. and I- vmrrante*! fr»* rr,'m all mineral a«d pi»t»inw^ imbTt»rci > or any rr^f't iojnrion* to the rtla It will .trre the" rn»»ipVT"^* a poarl l»1te tint «nch »» ean onlv l-e f«>nnd in It al»a imnlnaldt f»r remorfnc nil kind-of Ho* morr. Tan*. Freckler. Kanbnrn* and Ath* r r**t»n^"« di«en«c« from tl»e »Vfn. It ha* e*ren «i-b emu* antixftction to at? that harevedft that we B««l onlr tn mt. I.ABIES TRY IT. K. RVJJCIXa. Apt. 0»M PoHwr** TT«11 T*rve^r*. where at a 1 timea ran be f n»Hi everything "."J*: * kept in a flr-t ela«* Preerription ?to»e. sTorposeopos and.Views. WB HAYF. JCRT RKTF1YFP*TFf»M XR-r; AXTflOXY. of Yew fork, a Inrre n-mo of Ft .reowMiteji and l'»ew* *> wwM .oIlHt »»j '** amlnatlon of tbr »t« ck by tlio-^ wbdlnr In that line. The view® compri»e M*enef frr»r» r«« lind. France. Pnba. Calif'»ruf« and Ametic*. Inffthe late Japanese rec*-pti«-T». Tlie^e gc«c« **"* be »old at New York prie**. nt the Yarietv F»ore"f _tn?»?2 P. XTrni.L ftJlRf'-_ FAKCY BASKETS-* r-^ .«>rt'r/Blcu hand at P. NICOM- ft R"n ." mh »2 Varletr Str.re. Binn CA'JF.S-t ft~l. .nml» i'"' 'roin the Minnf*e»'orjr- f<»r «*lc c^e^r *r_ tnh23 D vrnw, & Variety «>tfr»._ IBOStWOODTRCSDIIXOllOOM Tor Roy* and Olr»" ar mb22 P. VTC V t. A Wn'" VaH*ty rpOT WBEF.r,HAHBOW5*CUlM J a fresh «unp'y In^t »t mh22 P. Xl^ni.T. ft BBOV 1^9 Ma'n *._ ADIXS* CORWTS * HOOPSKjIi

Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1861-05 …...gaUgg&teliigeiKcr CAMPBELL*M'DEEMOT, XDITOfeAIDPKOPR1ITOU. YlR](i-Diiii,daUTerfdlBytT,Diai,t>) Mrvttk,l'J c«n* s mall.Isadvance.....*.$6,1*

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Page 1: Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1861-05 …...gaUgg&teliigeiKcr CAMPBELL*M'DEEMOT, XDITOfeAIDPKOPR1ITOU. YlR](i-Diiii,daUTerfdlBytT,Diai,t>) Mrvttk,l'J c«n* s mall.Isadvance.....*.$6,1*

gaUg g&teliigeiKcrCAMPBELL * M'DEEMOT,


YlR](i-Diiii,daUTerfdlBytT, Mr vttk, l'J c«n* sDiai,t>) mall. Is advance...........*.$6,1*Tu-Wsuit. by nu2L laadnoow>-~ 3.<^Wkxklt,by ntifl, toadrmocxv l,Ot

. W H E EJL, I N G:Friday Morning. May 31,1861-

Go) p«H Mir flw. bqJ k«*p each iUrt^eb itrip® u bright as now ih«y «»..BillatfUUI»d f<ar rviki hi war,Still fi^taboTituh patriot*#Dw*tb to tht traitor that woaid d«raTotrail ft «br«*h the dn»t of chax&a.

?1 hoi*«t brarta lt« lot will ih*reAnd tiUow U to D«*th or Fama.

A Case thai conveys a Moral.Not a year ago WyJIer H. Oldham, of

>1 undsville, bad a fi.ie political prospcctbefore b!rn.in tbif Congressional District.He bad Joined in with tbe DoogUs men-*bad taken a standing lipft tbe seoessiouorg mist lion that nominated Breckinridge..was on the stump denouncing it as a

lecMiioo organisation, and everybody be¬lieved that Wylie was opposed to seces-einn. It was m tny a time said. b »wever,and we heard the remark made I»y thosewho knew bis political associations andpersonal intimacies, that nil bis anti-Breck-inridge talk was to be taken with manygrains of allowance.that be was knownto be under tbe influence of a certainWheeling seeesA>nist, who was using himas a sort of blind, by wbich, when tbeelection was over and all thing* were

ready to "come in at the death/' the wholeDouglas strength was to be transferredover to the secession cause. Notwith¬standing these imputations, however, andnotwithstanding the fact that Wylie badsome time before turned bis back uponhis earlier political principles, ninny oftlie Douglas men gave him a large meas¬

ure of their confidence, and he was theirheir-apparent for a Congressional nomi¬nation. There cannot be a doubt that ifbe had remained true, or, rather, that if hebad ever been true, be would hare receivedthat nomination, and would this d«\ standto the people of the district precisely whereHon.Wm.'G. Brown standi. But he did notstand by bis professions. He turned bisback upon his Douglas principles just as

be had done u|»on bis Whig principles, andthe first thing his friends knew he was atwork on the same side with that notoriousWheeling Secessionist to whom we havealluded. Litterly he has* been detectedgiving active aid to tbe traitors. lie hasbeen fotlnd shipping recruits to Ilarper'sFerry,' sad b*s, we are told, acknowledgedtho same to the Moundsville Union Com¬mittee. The consequence is that he is theobject of very grnnt and very just indigna¬tion to the people whom he has betrayed.It is with aorae difficulty as we learn, thatthe mure moderate and prndent of thoUnion men have been able to protect hintfrom the peaple, and even now the matteror his going or staying any longer inMoundsville is being held under advise¬ment. He has confessed to his errors, our-inform *nt tell us, and offers to attest hisSincerity by giving his aid hereafter to theUnion. in^tea l of the Secession causfc..-A4 to what shtl! be dona ab nit him theM-«und§Vilie people seem to stand divided.The feeling is qtake bitter, and the resultdmbtful. We trust that there is to be no

rath action on the part of the Mounds-ville people. We hope that tbey willneither molest or send away Mr. Oldham.He is powerless now to do them *nybarm, even if he were so disposed. Wecan see no good end, either of Necessity or

policy, that can be aubserved by any suchcourse. Xt is more than likely that ithe public feeling is so strong against hiinas Is represented, he will uot choose toremain very long among it. And it is in¬finitely preferable tU it public opinionshould be Irft t> deal with a man, thanthat mob law should be set in forceagainst bim. For our part, we feel t»oother sentiment, when thinking of caseslike that of Mr. Oldham's, than that of pity.It is enough punishment to a mm, in mtnyrespects to well constituted as Oldham is,to find that be has lo<t bis prospects in lifeby his own criminal folly. It will be just

. a impossible forany public man in WesternVirginia, who has been known ns either anactive or passive sympathiser with theJeff. Dtvis conspiracy, to ever divest him¬self of the public odium that will attachto bim, as it would be. If be bad thebrand of a convicted fe!on on bim. Likeso inany-Aaruu-Burrs, their ambition forpublic favor will -ever bopeless'r mocktbem. ?

Tns Southern journals indulge In be¬stowing some very fancy names upon someof our distinguished men. For instance,they call the President Mtho drnnken sotwho now occupies the White House inWashington;" General Scou, since it wasascertained that tbe South bad been egre-giously hoaxed in the rumor of his resig¬nation, tbey call 4*Butcber Scott;" andMajor General Butler tbey style **PicaynneButler.'* While Twiggs is tbe model of a

patriot. Floyd is a pattern of honesty,Beauregard is tho beau id*al of a gentle¬man, sad Jeff. Davis is tbe great championof booMB rights and hum in liberty,

JSass St«stls| la ttsueoek.By an advertisement fa tar paper to*

day, It will be seen that tbe. citizens ofB mcock will assemble in M iss Meeting ontbe 4tb of June, to eleti dekgpte* }mWfctclUy CcAvaatian.


From a gedtlcmnn who left Richmondjon last Monday,andarrived hereyesterday,J we gather Borne statements concerning thecondition of things in nod around Ricb¬mond, and along the lino of travel fromthat placeto Manuka* Gap, Winchester,Msrtinsbcrp and Grafton. He reportstroopi moving in considerable quantitiesfrom the lower States to Richmond, rnoit-

1y from North and Soutb Carolina, Ala¬bama and Mississippi. Some of themare tolerably well accoulertd, othersrather indifferently, and others again ra-

ther poorly. Many of thim had the oldstyle of nrm«,.smooth-bore muskeu, oth¬ers hud the latest and best styles. Theiruniforms looked bad.io many, instancesVery much worn and badly soiled. IaRichmond there was not tnacb excitementuor many military, but at some distanceon the outskirts encampments were f rra-

ed. It U not known how many troopsa<e ia the State, btu It is generallybelieved th t there aro between fifty andsixty lb ontand.that is, takifg State andFederal troops together. At Richmond no

complaints were heard thus far about pro¬vision*. but there was some anxiety abonttheir supplies of dry goals. Thee storeshad been abont exhausted of all thatwas available, and all they had to draw on

for wearing apparel was of domestic make,which, of course, was. wholly unequal to,the demand. Every body who leavesRichmond now, baa to have a pass. OarInformant bad one, whirl) he exhibited tons. It wni signed by Marnndnke John¬son, Aid to tba Governor. The GovernorJust now is drinking a vast auionnt ol

whisky, aod has very liltlu lime to domuch else: so Marmadiiku signs the pass¬es. To come to Wheeling costs some

twenty-four or five dollars now, by theround-about method which we mentionedat the commencement. You come by railto Strasburg, and there you take the stageto Winchester, and from llience again bycoach to Martiusburg. The talk that one

hears is pretty much all secession.noother kind being available. At Manmtssas.which is some fifteen or twenty milessouth of Mannasses Oip. quite a body ol

secession truops nre concentrating, andthrowing up defensive works, in order tobe prepared Tor General Scott, in case becomes along on his way from Alexandriato Richmond Uannnsias seems to b< con¬sidered n atragetic.il point, serving, as itdoes, both for a reserve for the Har¬per's Ferry.ites and adefen'.e to RichmondOur informant states that it Is impossi¬

ble to tell a great deal abont the forward¬ness of preparations for war in E istern Vir¬ginia. Devon I the fact that a good manytroopsrri encamped one place and another.no one seems to know much about it

They aro nuking prjpiruions for the de¬fence of Richmond, apprehending that itis among the p ¦nihilities of things thatthe Government any yet visit them there.Vet they feel conS lent there, 'our in¬formant states, that they will come out

right, and that the bloody United StatesWill be done up very brown. When heleft they were speculating how far NorthIhcy would push the war. Tho generalopinion was that "they wonld concludeterms of peace nt Philadelphia or that vi¬cinity. No gold is to be got over at Rich¬mond for State piy. They pay Sute offi¬cers in E istern Virginia money, nnd withthat E istern Virginia mmey, ir yon wantto come out tilts way, you buy New Yorkexchange. The people over there stilltake their own rnon -y out of complimentto the banks. At M irtinsburg our travel¬ler saw C. W. R-tssell, who w^vs stavingthere, lie had heard, the returns from Ohiocounty, and was apurised that they wereUnion '. very muchly."At Grafton hi arrived Tuesday evening.

To his surprise he saw no' secessiontroops. He saw the band wiite ot severalof them ou the hotel register, and amongthe rest MV. p. Thompson, ProvisionalArmy." Tho provisionals had heard on

Monday'jif the coming of troops from thislside and they tuok to their heels like a

pack of Chinese, and cut diet for the in¬terior.some thought to Barbour county.others say to Lswis. The bridgis betweenGrafton a:.(l Whe«l!ntr, with the exceptionof the two out at M lunington. were allright. At' Fairmont «ar'Informant firstcame on the United Sutes .troops. Hethere met the Heury Clay Guards andthree other companies. Thry held thebridge the«e aind-tlie town, nnd were inhigh f.ivor with lbs- peop'e all round,who were liberally*supplying them withprovisions. - Oapt. Furdyce UM -thrownjwut a picket on the other side of thebridge, but the body of his nnd the othercompanies were on this side. Dr. Kid-well, Jim Neeson.'and the olber prominent

j secessionists, had left Fairmont nnd gonenobody know* wherr. K.dwell left in a

wagon with such of his dome-tic traps nshe conld pack op on a short notice. Thetroops were all in excellent spirits, rail offight, and on tbo keen'scent or "Seceshers.''They expected to be mainly quartered in

| Grafton to-day.

I -Ma*. CooiKY, an old lady from East Ten-»e»*e«t arrived in Washington on Tuesday,

I tr*»eling a distance of abont ISOO milesTor tbe porposoof seeing the President andhis Cabinet in relation to uu/ nationaltroubles. She reports a terrible sUte ofaffairs ia her section of the stale.saysthere are bat few Union men, and that theyare daily in dread of being murdered byth« infuriated mob. coai.ijinallj risingthere. Mrs. C. hopes to return immedi¬ately.and, by leiliog the truth, to con¬vince many of her neighbors or the errorsof their Ways. She is delighted witb hereislt, and soys the people of Tennesseehave uo conception ofthe greit unaoimity.nJ determination of the Northern people*.Two hundr«d able bodied seamen are ad¬

vertised for at Savannah Tor the Confeder¬ate nar.al service. Tbe principal Induce-

iwent appears to be that "four cents per

I dajr will <U allowed far grog.''

Wfcig* Mi OxKU Xtka TnltmcCThe Richmond Examiner vami tbt se¬

cessionists of Virginia agninst giving theirconfidence to the old Whigs, no matterhow strong may seem their sympathieswith the treason which pervades the Ems*tern portion of the State. The followingatuck upon the Whigs will be accepted as

a tribnte to their patriotism and fidelity..Long may it be before any who have clai¬med fellowship with that glurions old par-ty are dishonored by the praijes or trea¬son.

"If the people of Virginia want anygood to come ont of its Legislature, letthem meet rapidly in their conotv meet-ings and neighborhood councils, nod or-ganixe the jrhole force of the Democratic !party for the election thii month. Let jpersonal ambition sleep now; let petty lea- '

lousy and new connections drop. The oldflag urfO the old cry of States' Right*must rally the original Democratic partywithout it thirState is lost forever. Letno doubtful men be chosen for this forlornhope of Democracy. .Vew concerts mayhe very sincere. hut wolves sometimes puton sheep s clothing. The veteran centn-rion> of ^ irzima'j ancient legions shouldnow be drawn out of iheir retirement..i\e shouM elect those men only who harealways he»n Democrats, who have alwaysfoug'it for the South, who have ever serv¬ed Stated1 Rights, and never bowed theknee to the Baal of Federalism at any ofn:s many altar?. Honesty, consistencyresolution is what the times need, and to'get It we;njust reorganize the Democraticoarty, and stick to Democratic men. Wehave tried fusion; we hare listened to the"story that Unjes like these break on partylines, and when we bettered it we foundthe party whip of federalism laid on ourhacks, Virginia got a submission!,* Conivention by fusion; let «> ifr to set a States«ghts Convention ftom the Democrutinparty."The Crisis and th*5 Wew3papsrs-

Their Increased cT7cula I lr»u la notSoares of Revenue.

F-om some remarks in the Steuhenvillefltrald conc-rning tho mistaken publicidea that these are great times fur news¬

papers, we extract the following.-The Cincinnati Conmcrtial, we notice

'ins succumbed to the sitmc pressure!-li^ht'j-, hnvinp been reduced in s^xe, fouroluians. That these nre profitable times

tor newspapers, is nil gammon. Thesetunes increase the expenses and diiniuishthe revenue of newspapers. It is a mis¬take to suppose the greatly increased cir-nlation or the papers halance the in¬

creased expense It is the radical faultof our newspaper system that the circu¬lation dues not par. The whole of the[profit and a considerable portion of thelirst cost come from the advertising, andthu adrertistnc depends upon the generalurnsperiiy of the country; whatever checksbusiness checks advertising. The price>r newspapers, therefore, instead of beinirdecreased, should be increased to savepublishers from bankruptcy. The En~Itsh paper-, which d« not furnish a quarteror the telegraph news that the Americanpapers do. are sold at three or four timesthe price or ours. They m ike a profit .ntheir circulation alone, and are thereforecomparatively safe from a revulsion whichaffects their advertising. Wo hue i.ngthought the American |IHtiers wonld tilii-in ilely iie forced into something like thispost ion. While ibe cost of publicationles "r.v'rrr1' 'nh,,n,ej- »'.»« «¦-ues of all kinds hive been advancing. the

fhTr»has rather declined.The result is, that thi best conducted andmost nroxperons establishments feel se¬verely the depression or times like these.

We most admit that some of the South¬ern men display an easy^ and cheerfulphilosophy in viewing the obstacles whichconfront them. They are consoling them¬selves with the reflection that the block¬ade of their ports is very fortunate forthem, ir the vessels or our navy wefe note g.ged in the blockade, they say, luesouthern privateers might be captured .But as the vessels will .|| be required forthe blockade, the privateers' cannot hepursued out lo sea, and l..Dce wU1 h-v, ^

fair sweep.Again, as it has been suddenly discover¬

ed that Washington is not to he easilycaptored, the Mobile Rtji.Ur says;-Washington is or no value to ns, nor

ol no. to our enemies, except as a tempo¬rary convenience in the use or the pin,liebuildings until they shall establish theirgovernment lu some other place."We are pleased to see this h .ppy p.w.

or adaptation to circumstances. It mayyet staud our Southern friends-, in cbod Idtcad.


More Mm ror the Island Camp.In'the Pittsburgh Dupatch, ulyesl^rdiy,

we find the fallowing:The Piummer Guards, CaifJ. J. D Ow¬

ens have been acceptod, and will leave

uLmn £ i?i JT ,be VirK'nit forces, utCamp grille, Wheeling, ou Tbuisdivnight. Theiruniforms.lt the best niale-rial aud mautifacture, have been ordere.ltheir blankets purchased, aud Ibcy will bethoroughly armed and equipped beforethey le.ve the cty A few r^rulu areneeded to fill up tUeir r-tuk* wi»«.u . u

t"'wh1°hb|t|e" rtKrt'ly "htttin.tlie^ Campto which they are ordered beiug p>,isa,nwell provided, aud satisfactorily commaud-«i ho.

'°r ',C,ire """ice good,'and those now in the company a plea^utweHS uf, Tlle ceinpant iswell officered, and wherever they go Willido our gotally city credit, aud nra&nta:hose who have .idcd in ,beir £S£££Il iu. Tlielr orders to leave are positive.n.f iter uniforms and ^ttlp«n£|i^ i*wh?£ 10 .b#<£,he beslqLi,; Tn,«?who desire to aid io the salvation of West,era Virginia, the most important locality ot jthe pre-eot war and aae.rly op^"SSComp.,.;"r"CO-*^,"d i°iu C-Pt.Oweus"'

Thi Onion Vol..e publish a tabular statement tbls

morning of the Union vote, so far a, 1, h.been reported. Loudon county i, ml,_

ar* Thw7M 'e"n'in puuinsu in |he

^:otL:.une"j?iorM ^l\' "ar ~lhe Kevolutioa two

forii,h /°K '"I"* ,oId,"«furnnbed by the different States. Of' Southern States furnished hut8f>een thowand, wl,i|e Uisnchosetu alonesent sixty-eight thousand)

V T"T*rl0rrl0i'i"« ^°ice~eompany inNashville, Tenn.. calle.1 the etormon. Thearms chosen for tbls corps win consist of""tgbtened srythe. with hook, and a

"bUck p¦o,,¦ Wm«hin, witb crimaoo collar, bUck bat, skullsad bones ia frost.

Tht Unltn Tore In Vlrglnlt.We print btlour no enlarged table of re-

tarns from the Virgin!.* election. The fig¬ures are in nil cases majorities » gainst thesecession orJiaance, ; Twenty-six Countip*are reported.Uarbour ; 350 Musoo .....1,725Berkely, 700 Monongalia.....2,200Brooke ..... GOO Moreno ~ 400Cabell _ 650 Ohio ..3,300D >ddridge 550 < leasants - 145Hancock 771 Preston 500Harrison - 1.0J»7 Ritchie .. 378Jackson.'. 400 Taylor.... 700Lewis 300 Trier 755Kittmwha........ 1,290 Wayne 800London 1.000 Wirt 400Marion 450 Wetrei 610Marshall ..1,851 Wood 1,696

Union majority, 26 counties. -1^378The Charlcstbu Courier says that the

stock of bar at Charleston, is rcry limited,and is held at high prices. The last salesio quantity were m tde at two dollnra a

hundred, or forty dollars a ton. It willnot be very convenient to supply cavalryat that price. We think that the Southmust suffer serious inconvenience from theshort supply of bay. Its exportation fromthe North will now be forbidden

Here is a clip from the LousrilleJournal, of yesterday:

Several Southern Rights ladies address¬ed a letter to the Louisville Courier, ex¬

pressing their determination to go toFrankfort and have things fixed.. They al¬leged that there was *'a great deal of ouf- jtidepressure ut»on the members of the Leg- 1i«Iature." Probably they .wanted a little |of the same sort themselves. We guess the jLegislature didn't adjourn a day too~soon.

To*- PrxALS Organization is often asfrail as that of a tender* flower. Many ofthe sex enter into marriage relations with¬out being able to undergo the labors andtrials of maternity. In this countrythousands of young and beautifol womenare sacrificed every year from this causealone. Hostetttr's Celebrated StomachBitters will save many of this cinss froman untimely grave. This medicine hasbeen used with great benefit by immensenumbers of people throughout the repub¬lic. and the proprietors have receivedgrateful commendations from all sectionsof the country. The Bitters will be f»undto be very pleasant to the taste, even a* abeverage, and prompt and powerful in itseffect hs a medicine. It tutu^es new vital¬ity into the frame, and strengthens thewhole system, so that women who use itare enabled to go through with laborswhich would, without it, be certain to.prostrate them.

Sold by nil druggists. tny-lm

AoAixxanother proof that Bacrhavt'rHol¬land Diners is worthy of recommendation.

4'The plain and upright Mary Van Slied-rerht, daughter of Vnn Dyke, had lastspring a d ingerous sickness, but got sofar well an to be oat of the doctor's treat¬ment. but kept lingering on, so that shecould get no appetite, and could uot get i

strength enough to do her household work,'till within a few weeks past. She used


but one bottle of the Hitler*, which, withthe help of God, has given her strength,and she feels qu;te well; for while her hus¬band gave me, the undersigned, bis thanksfor having recommended the Bitters forhis wife, and requested me to have thesame iuserted in the Sheboygan ATeuvi- ibode," L Dodge.

Grand Rapids, Mirh.The above Is a literal translation from

the last number |x>f the Sheboygan JTteuws-bode, my-ira

~SPECIAL notices.Bead the Following- It i« True!

Pakeeesbceo, April 10.T. II. LooA*, Eau., Dmr Sir:

I wrote to jrou sometime since for a Bottle ofBrentlinxer*s Fluid Extract of Sarsajrtirillaand Dan¬delion. and must say that it has acted upon me likea charm. I have been afflicted for near two yearswbh Dyrfpepda* two-thirds of the time I vuinitcdfrom one to three tiars a day. I had £ivra up theide» of evor getting well, and Indeed my friends hadgiven up all hopes of my over Retting well again.Ad led to this, 1 suffered with the Scr»fula verymuch. Since lost September one tide of my na-kwm one entire soro,comp««e I of some mvqu ruuinugsores. The u«e ofonSHottle ha« mnch lmprove«lme. My nonnch h relieved nnd my nock Uis im-

nvsd beyond m> uioat sanzulne c«i»eciationa. 1much encouraged aud think by the nw of ono or

two bottles more I rhall bo relieved entirely. Youw»U JJh»«e send me two bottler by the Boat.

Your* re«pectfiilly. J.V. IIOMRR.The Shove medicine is prepared by F. A. BRENTlilSUKHiCU, No. 141 Market street. Wheeling,and soldby most of the Druggists of the city. ap3

aiotltcvs, read tills*Thefollowingls anextract roui ajetterwritten bythe Pastor of a Oaptirt Church to the "Journal and

Messenger,'"Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes infavor of that worl<t-renDwued medicine.Mns. Wixs-tow's S00TH150 SracrroaChildren Teetrixo:"We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs

'Wlnslow's Soothisg tymp. Now we never said aword in favorofa patent medlriue before in onrlife,but we feel compelled to say t«»your readers, thattliisis nohninbug.weuave teied IT. asd esow it tost alt IT CLAIMS. It Is. probably, one 6f the mostaueeescftal medicines of the day. becatfse it is one of,the best. Auii tuose of your readers who have babies can't do letter than to lay iu a supply."octl6-ty-d*wUKLIKF IN TEN MINUTES

BRVAX'SPILM0MCWAFERSTas Original Medicine* Established In 1837. and firstarticle of the kind aver introduced nndsr the nameof ..Ptiuioxio Waxes*," In this or any other coun¬

try; all other Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits.The genuine can be known by the name BRYANbeing stampedon eachWAFfclt.Butas's tttuoxic Wafexs

Believe Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness.BsTAJt's fcr.Mo.xic Watees

Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis. Difficult Breathing.Bxrss's Ptuiosic Warcas

Relieve Spitting of Blood, Fains In the Chest.BstA3'a Pcwrnc V.'atess

Relieve Incipient Consumption. Lung Diseases.Betas'* Peucoxfe WAFzas

Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils.BSTAS'S'WIMOMC WATERS

Relieve the sWre Uouaplaints in Tea Minutes.Betas'* Pvucosie Waters

Are a Blessing to aU.CUssos and Constitutions.Brtax's Pcimosic Waters

Are adapted fofr Vocalist# and Publjc Speakers.Bim'i Ptnjioctic Waters

AreIna simple form and pleasant to tho taste..X Beta>*s Pcutuic Waters

Nc*_ooly relieve, but effect rapid and lastingCoresBetas'* Ptruiosic WaveasAn warranted to give satisfaction to every one.

Jfo family should be without a box ofBkuI Pclmoxic Waters

in Be House.^aveler shoofa be wKhosxt a supply ofBrtaits Fcusemc Wattes

In lib perkeCNo ptrson will ever object to give forsatast's Pcuwnc Warxxs

JOB MOSBS, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, X. T.

liwHLwStSKJfcS^- U)°A!< 4 "dang4-eod d*w ly

B.RSS GOODS.iSJsgant OrgMeiv Lawns,Orenndlne and Becsces,ChUlv aodIM%lns^^KmSmfdersd Mee^mbVioeXStrfp.1 .1*4 S

... KmtKrta.rM AicIwm.AU ol wbkh w, rnvbrlnx ch.»p tar r».h.J" ... . COOPCR * ->B_VPK\ET.Xo. fX Mm-.

^SAJUI.T B-TB WU1IKT OrlMbDwulteubk;


NEW ADVERTISEM'NTSW)^~>vMcnr». Editor** **!«.». *ur> .uuw

WXk. M. N-illTu*. a D. HUBBARD. JACOBBEI'.OKR. and A. B. CALDWELL. m suitable tnen

to represent this County in the Oonjwotlon. to bobsld on Jane 11th. fmy31*l U. S.

yxrrr^Menri. Editors..Wo wouM reo-ni-mend the fdlowing gentlemen m»

Delegate toreprwett u? in the Union Contention .>:.

the 11th of Jnne. 1*6'. We know tbcnr to be allright. DANIEL UMB. M. M.OOOD, E. >1. NC'P.-TON. and S. WOODWA UP.


Hancock County Meeting.THERE <rlll k«.Ma*j Meeting nf th. Citliena of

Hancock county. at Nuw Manchester. on TV£»-»*T. Jcxz 4tij. at 2 o'cx-^ck. r. sr.. to elect t*.. Dele¬

gates to represent the County in the OtiTentlon tomeet at W heeling on tlio lltb of Jnao lMl.

n«- o> »»r the P .«¦»*- ° ..**»*»

Attention Company.There will be a meeting of rnn i>

CARLILE II.) UK OUARI-8 »t. Amii ic«n iIla'i tbi« Friday, evening. at 7)4 o'clock. A full .Trattendance la re^ne«ted- a«bni;ueMvf Itnnortatic* Itulll come before.the compai y. tnvM

RIO COPPEE.ll^BAOS prime onilitv ju»t recHrrd and for11/ salel»t M. RE1LLT.

MACKEREL.inn nAl*F BAKUELS .No a, medium, Just iv-J wl J ceivi-J and for rale bymySl [ M. RE1LLT.

Bl. CARB. SODA.KEOS pure New Cu-tlo Hi. Carb. Poda. Inst re¬ceived and for sale by [my3I) M. K EI LLY.

Garrets* PliiUdrlphia Scofeh SuuflT.1|| BAKRELa just received and for Mile byJU [u>j31j M. KH1.1.Y.

Convention Election. Tuesday, June 4th, 1861.rpilK undersigned having beon appointed n Com*X mittee by the late Wh»eliug Convention. to d.~termiuethe rooit pioper modeot tliowinjt fmr dele¬gates to repm «tit Ohio count.*, in the Convention oftheL-yal of Vlrpinw. to Im held on ih- llthd *j of June, IMJl. do direct that said fonr <Me:r*tt-«I* electe«l by the voters of Ohio on nty at «o i-lcc-tlon.tu be held at the usual p aces of votiug onTUriSDAY. JUNE 4f 1861. between the hou>s ot 8o'clock A. M. an.I T ochvk I*. M-. a« follews to wit ^At the h.usb or Samuel McC 'NXEll in the tin*

election district, nnder the direction of K enrirrft ichansn <uid Th-mm* D. Stewart. Conductors. MndJohn >1. Oldliaai and Vex, McCpnn. Clerk*.AT Ha 'THEBTO*** TaTIM, in the mme district. nn*

dor the direction of John Mscouand John Pierson,Con tuctors, and Wui. Dennistou aiel I'bos. «». Yates,Clerk*.At the to * x or Wmt Libkrtt. in the «econd elec¬

tion district, nnder the directi »n of l.evl Mill* andWm. Waddle Conductor*, and vi. P. Sawteil and ltobtM. Bower. Clerks.At Woim' Itf.v. in the third eferti<« district, nn¬

der the direction of Wm. Nor--hand Kli*h« P>»nn»»liy.Conductors, and C. \V. Slaunell aud Silaa What ton.Clerk".At ATKtxsoxn* School IIocm. In the same district,

un-ier tho direction of Janiet SnridgraM nn I WdlinmAtkinsou. Conductor*, aud Abiaham McColloch andJohn B. J»hn«tou. Clerks.AT tbs tows or TaiAnrtrnu.in the fonrth election

dUti ict. under the direction of Samuel II. It. t'arterand Dr. J. II. Storer. Conductors, and Win. J. Dora*andO. V. Miller. Clerk-.AT the Kr»t Ward Hose IIouie. in the fifth ra¬

tion district, nnder the direction of I homan Hweeneyan-l Inane Colt*. Conductor*, and Elijah Day anilHiram Young. Clerks.At tu: Court IIocsr in the sixth election district,

under th«« direction of Win. M. llerryhill and Alex,i'axton. Conductors, and UeidMiniu Bl»omfieid au<l1L Irwin. Clerk*.At the Fourth Ward IIose House, in the seventh

electiou district, under tiio diitctlon of Alleo J*. 11*1-loweil and Beuj. Kxlev. C inductor*, and Wm. lie-born and E-C-.Teffrr*. Clerks.At Tnc Centre Wiiceliac Fthool Hocse. in the

eighth electiou district, under the direction of M. It.l(e«.«d a«d John Uow4y. Conductors, and Jeff. Uee 1and Itol.t. WiUon, CI* rks.At Titr Sjuth Whkeuxo J?chool Hovric. in the

same ilintrict. under the direction of James M.Wheat.Sr. aud l.loyd U. Iiuglo-«. ('ouducton.. and FranklinC. WinOilp. and Albert P Hill. Cleik*.The Coudnctors will nL«o act in the chnracter of

Co nmlssioners.In ca»e of the failure to «erve oa t>*e i-nrt of any

one or more of the Conductors or Clerk*, those in at¬tendance are emp >wered t«i fill nil rvandc.The Clerk* l»ereby appointed will ret their poll

liook- by railing at tl.e C-.ur.tv Clfiks office, at theCourt Houm*. on r*atnrda\.

1e Conductors of the election will return the pollb»k* to the undeniguddou or bet»re lburoday, the6tb June.

Alt loyal cltixen* «»f ^hio county are enrm-stly io-voke«l to tnrn out to the po|l«. snd Toreetfir of nil

1>reviou« p*rty preoelirtion* vote for f»ur of their?est. ni«e«t. mfi-t and *tannehe-t Union m« n forthi* Contention, in tlie deliberatioiiB and determina¬tionsof which tho whole people are so vtiilly inter¬

ested.GE'». F*»HHESI.X. O. UMiADi.Al.V.n. ii. «;akri«4»n.DA NIK I, LAM 11ALFltKD CALDWELL,

Wheelixo, May 30. 186l-mj31 Committee.Edit orst.Pl^n«o announce

JAMES S. WUKATK. JaMKSAV. PAX-TON. MIIEKItAKD CLEMENS and W. B. CCI5TIS,a« «uitahle men to represent Ohio couuty in the Con¬vention of the litis of June. UNION.Wbellimj. May u0, lSGl-tc*

Editors.-We #uirest the f.!-lowing thorough going Uxtojr men as

delegate* to the Convention to he held ou the llth ofJune. 1»AN I.. LAM It. ALP.CALDWELL. JulIX K.BvjT>F0KD,GEO. HAUI1180N,mrJO *


Recruits Wanted.rri!K UNDKItSIONKD lias opened a reerniting of-I tice in M-irtin-ville. WetEel conntv. \H.. nu«l all

tiid»-UAlird men ubo ate de-inxis of entering theU. H. servfcc. for three years, or during tho Mar. aroreque»te«l to call and enroll tliemneitee at once, asthe company is u.Jtri> filled up.n>>2*. i*. HOLLISTER.


EltS of the Wheeling Library As«ociat|on. willbeh.Id on Monday, June 3d, 1801, ut 7o'clock. P. 31.. iu the Library Boom Fel¬lows Bnilili- g." for the Klcctfun of PBES1DENT,VICE PithMIDENT. 0 OlREOroit8. SECRETARY,aud TIlEAslUltEU. for the ensuincyear.

Ily order of the Bonn!.my30-4t »> BAIKP. Pecrrtary.NEW GOODS, NEW GOODs7

COOPER 4 SENSE.KEY*"A BE now recrivhigan I opening a very large Stock/jL of PANCV ASD>TAPI.K BUY i*«m»d.*» Umghtin Philadelpiiia and New Yrrk. midst the greit warexcitement, nt |»atiic price* for CA-n. Our friendsand customers may rent assured that we a»e pt»p*redto offer them gieat bargains in all kinds of Drvixaids.


ri'HE FINEST ASSORTMENT TO BE FOUND JMi. the city, all fresh and new.ra.v30 C»iPKR t 8EN8ENEQ.

Wall Paper,Books& StationeryJ. C. ORR & CO.,

100 Slain Street.

WE nAVK OHEXKD TOR 8I-RIX0 TRADEA UrR. .nil wrll a^rtevi »Uxk or


CAt.lKrtER AND NOTE 1-APKRF, AXDE.NVEL-01-ES OK EVERY VAKIE1V.STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS at lo each,«-C^t »ntl look .t oar .toe'-. No cbatn for.ho»In* Jjoo-I'. J. C. 0RL- k Oil.«pl3-'»ll«Jy 100

STAR SPA.VGLED HA.WKH.Beautiful BonUoc n»p for d«re:]insuna*," J. URAVf.S.

C.ntr. IVherilne.WheeUng OU Beflnery.

JOIIN COOK hw .ubliibnl . K.Qn.rv i»r PAR.BOX AND PCTkOLEUV oTw In thu3,5*^"" °*" Wo'k»- lie «lll frtr-nWh -ImIi ¦¦ »mlm:h.r. with lllamltuttlnr and Lubrl-cmuof wn at «h. lowest market price,Th.r.,roU.s. of Dttl.ra U moat r..pectrnllr ao-"cl,,d- (myn-lmj


At a mbetino or rn* citt oodxcil. h»Mon..rM

r «¦' "Ih Inatant. It wmThat her^fter. all m»nnt«tnrini eatabllahimnt.Hiatalop n^ar >lw wat.r from th. water «»rk>. in

P^rteto. tben-of. .hallanuotliy th. SaperlntOT lant nf tb. m.r irirk.«ho->«ll lmm.Uat. lr I.nwdi,, ahnt off tb. nUrfrom the «mi.a»l ahall Win triW,r ihotwrf. fn-le^ the at-ore conr"e l.t^ken. theeoQtirll will refnaoto tn-ikonnj rtdnctlon at a.1 f<r atnpmae.n>xl9-lw. JAC >B STRUCK. r>rk.

Wheeling & Uissonri MoneyTAKEN AT PAR.FniJ .MUy- WEgr« WINDOWGlass, Mtfitand UDe.ie . or on Rook aocoast," *. a UlLORRTH * »R0T^


HAVISO PCRCIIA'KB A LOT OP CASES an4KRAMKS at PANIC MICKS «»1U'1them with plcturc-a at price» to aatonUb tlie 31 XL-

LCbmVin. LadiesandGentlem-n. «hHetkeM»»rt-merit incomplete and avail yourselves or tl»e GREAT- »KST BARGAINS M*r in WlieeHnc.Photograph* and Pictures of ereiy style. us .usual.

made In th«- l~«t manner. A variety «* Locket*a.Pint nt a rti-o.unt. Also. a large and beavtifnl m-tortoicut of Gilt Fr.imc*.cheap. J*03«


llavanna Cigars & Tobacco.|'TOGETHER WITH EVERYTHING VSOALLYL kept In aflr«tcb*3 Drug *tnre. cia l»* foundat-

^ E. B JOKING. Agent.| Old Fellowa* nail Dru? St re, opposite the tOrt House. nyTS |

» Mayor* .rdnation. !Mato&'a ?rrz Wheeling. Mny 23. IS-1. [i Wher*»«. tliwe were certain riotons and onlawfil t

proceedings within the city during la«t umht. wldchnresubtrpdve of the publfip peace and winch, if per-*i«ted In mar result In the desttu- tion of pmReeiyand pr(htp«Hf«r: And Whereas tjil« community h i*expre^-cl *t the bdlot b-»x its c»rae«t copdnorv*ti.u> jof the nmti power which JUM overridden all It* «n<mrn«* portion* of thl« Commonwealth *«.* I* de*rrur-ti«» of all Gouatituti »n«l liberty, and which we n *wuith ihu aid and authority of th*- Oover»immH»re re-sl-tfhg in 'inn*, therefore I.A.J. Sweeney. Mayor «dthe d»v of Wheeling. hereby command that all jw»r-

in ildsCitvdorefrainfmmassemblingtogether fuan* unlawful manner and from participating in anyriotous actor proceeding ngain«t thelife. property,orliberty of anyone. And thereby pniclalm and de-darethat the law* mn*t an shall l>e m iintaiiied Shonldcrime-* Ikj &imultr»l again*! the laws of the UnitedStates or the legitimate statute* of this State. whicharc gnaranteed by their respective Constitution*. Ith for the ««/frn»*ed law to vindicate it* own m.iesty.And f .» th!*purpose an well a* to maintain pea* *. and.inlet, the Volunteer corp*ot this City and the I-IMt-ed State* troops of Camp CarliTe. are placed underme eontrol. and 1 hereby warn aP per»«»n«« tliar riot.

1 o-'ddem-i^tratioa, W'll be promptly tep*r»«ed awlI thnae*-nir4ged thex«Inbr*-tt^ht to jnrtlreA. J. 3WEENBV, Mayor.

Wanted.FIYBOR SIX GOOnTAl!/ R*. to mahe cn«tom

\».»rk. None but the be»t worXmfn ne«d apply,my ZS-.ZX. W. D. SAUTELL Jt UKO.


the Estate of N. McVatfhten derM.. will pie-deut theWne t«> roe^rpiyiuent, duly antlientlcite-l;and. It wh »*remde». el to .?id Estate, are herebynotified thit payment uin«t »»« m%de without «let *y.r. SW.iEXEY, Executor.

, Wbeelinx. Miy21. ITOl-ltn.

Notice.rpiIE CD-PARTNER91111* IIKRETOF^nP. FX-' L latin? be*w«m Jacob Klger and Patrick Ren-nedy. ntvler therltleofJ. Kf^er A Cc.. w«ndi«M*lr.e-1 onApnl 1st. I»y the d-ce«*e of J. Kitcer. AllperMh* Indebted to the firm will plente Call inime-dUtely a 11 <ettln an I tuo»e h iriu^ clafai? will pro-aeut them for aettiement

PATRICK KENNEDY.rfajiK UNDERSIGNED D^IRES TO INFORMI hi* friend* and the pnblic that havimr bonghtthe entire fnteurttnf J. Kijfer. in the >ate firm, hewill continue the b'i«lne« in all iu bnnch«». At theoldf-tatt'l, So. IR-'i Miln Street. Thankful t>r theitronaeeheretofore extended tn the firm, he bop«-sik;J»y etrlcr attention, and by eptilne tiopiin-« to <iveluitis'faction t»»*ll wh;> mnj-faror i-im with a call, to

merita c»oitinil*nce«»f tb« ^an»e. He i< now in re-oeiptofalartroaud well *el»"Cte-l -toek of Dry «l4»od«.ti» which he w«--nl«l n.pectfully invite th: attentionof a;l iu want ofanrtliing in his line.

P. KENNEDY.Wheeling, May tl, 1661.lw.

h OCR COUNTRY'S SOXOH.' Tuat Received*iJ s»nK for mr Countrymen.{ Columbia. x be Getn of the Ocean,|- Yankee Dxkllc.

^tar .-p-uijslrd Itanner,t Had Columbia.«mr Union. ItiRht or y?ron~,Columbia Itn e< ti»e Sea. ij Our Good Ship SaiU To-Night, new and popular,:j Amerii-a.Vive 1/ America, ic.

Arranged for the I'iauo; for aale at the Variety Store.fD. MC )L1. A DI50.. || my30 l'*9 Main Street.

Special Notice to Farmers, j; Spring it Hurrest Implement!!.TUIIVSON* PtU)ST OA.Lf.Tiir." A l'iftS-now or{ »f Farmer* an«l OAtSlcHer* to their own make ofIKUN I> »UBLE S.HOYKL 1»M>UGIIS w-tb tl.e pat-

; ent pnnrd att»cl«ed. which preventa dirt and ctoUtot! from Iwinc thrown npon the yonnic corn: the^>l'longhewith their ground and p<di!«he«i rteel ^ove!*and |*ecnliar »et*»t eh«»rel« are tlie 11EST IMPLE¬MENT IN THE WOULD f.»r working fom and Po-tatoe^. AIski utiperior Sinele *tid Donble WwdraFhorel Ptouuhn mttdr. exprfjuly for u- and fully war¬ranted. Kteel teeth expanding Cultivator*, eitherwtMiden or iron Mocked; with the patent reversiblephateft.

Al*o the laree*t «tock of HAY AND M VNUREFORKS, with the uew Solid >TK\p*Fat:VL^ FMK,t»>cetber with'iarden and Field Hre< of nil kl«d*'and <»f very MM>erior workmanship. We would callparticular' attention to the tart that wc are theGmrral ATuts and the di-tribnliog hou-e forW«H»t**8 IMPROVED M« TVlNfi B1A« 1I1NVS forelx counties in «»hio. *ix conntie< in Pennsylvaniaami twelve eonutie* in Virginia. Every Machinefully warranted. JOllN.rON & KHOST.niyl ^ c»

For Sale.'I^IIK VERY CIMPmETB *. VALUABLE WORKS1 T»r reftnin^ O* al Oil. Mtuatcd near the 11em jefield Itailroad. 12 mile** east of Wheeling. Virginia.coind«ting of one 'inferior eight bor«* p..w«r St«amengine, one wtill. IihiOgallon* capacity, oi.e ditto.Gnu gallon-*, twe AoO gallon tanks «ir reeeirer-«. t*«1000 gallon tanks, and one 1200 gallon ditto, nilm ide of the very be«t clean finff. Aid.# 12 l> ltetor»e.capacity of 9 bu«hel« each. Tl.e property embrace-in t»^? dimple neir five acre* and hm mineral richton alunt 2l5ac*e«. Tii«?re is a vein of hituminou*t-liale of an average thickne** of about 4 fe^t »«niler-l.rim* rhe pieiui-ee. C«»al«»il id fonitd in the vicinityof tlt«*j works. Parties desirous »d -mbarkins inthe b>i"iue<s of rellning Coal«til may now have «>n

fpp-.rtci; ty of doing *> to great advantage. ForI further particulaw apnly totbe4nb«-riber at Xo. 3E!South Front "treet, Philadelphia.apJ3-3w-eod JOHN

NOTICE.f 11 WE SOLD MY llr.t and Cap ftore to MP.I QUINTEN McCLYMENT. and respectfully re-j quest the old customer* an«1 pitron* to continuetheir patronage. Mr. T. W". nii«s will tnnnase theconcern, his pra-tical experience in the bu-one-ewill enable him to uive entire satisfaction. 1 canl»e found for a time at the old e-tahllxhment f.»r thepurp ee of i«ertting the basinet*.Pemuts indebted to me wl 1 please call and settle.tnyS S. AVERY.EASTERN VIRGIX1.V SIOYEV.IirE are buying Eastern Virginia money at theJ |f lowest rate of Discoftnt. 1P. S..We*l«o take EaAtern Virginia money at»t»ar for Goods, at the Battim >re Cl tthing Hou<e.

STE.N* BKOTIIRttB.No 13 Monroe ctrcet. opposite the North We«I teru Btrik. Wlieeling. Ya. mtlO .

Virginia Money; T>KCKIVK|l *T I*\K p.)!l B'l\S"DIR8- WHIS>-.Ik kies. Wines. Gin*. Tobacc.*. Cigars. Tea*. Bran-dy Fruits. Coeivt Broma, Ob««ro1ate. kr. Al«o fn pnj-menr of account*. W. A. EDWARDS A BliO.j May 13,1961.



JOHN ROEMER'S,No. 33, Uaix Street,


All or winrn u we hrkn b .cciit vorCASH. «n-l will tie villi Cir c.ili, auj auh only,st «fri*iirlfn»ry flmires.ljwl e* an*POentleme:i from the city and country,are respe-tfnlly invited to c*ll soon if thev vMito get something handeome and cheap, iu the way of

DRY GOODS.\ Foreign and D nneatlr. Lares ami Embroideries, IIo-1 siery, Yankee Notions, Boot* and Slioen. Ac^ Ac .I Please call before pur£hA«!ng elsewhere. an«+ not for-g*t the place, one square l>elow the Cre-k Bridge,onthe Weat side, the first Dry Gaods Store.{ JOllt KOF.MKR.} tuplff* No 35. Mtln St., Centre Wheeling.| I ACE HANTLEI,1 a StelLa Shawls.

Crape Shawls.English berega Shawls.Paras*ds and Sun Umbrellas,At the lowest Cash Prine*.

mvlS r> \ i| S^v^ENEY.BW OBIEAVS «C(1AB~JOht.d.jriMlvidpv uid tir i^. bj. i xxiur





Furnishing GoodsJUST RECEIVED



J. C. HARBOUR,*p19-lm 143 MAIN S

DS. E. G. WIKCHELL^^DENTIST,^OiSce »Btt 2li«fcJd«nc* 345 IXnrkri.^^

H'MXk-LJAG. Vj\ LLTHEXKALlMPRoYl MliMMMHUtlu*l lm*e laru Sorted will i»t>y mk'ptifl at IhhulBv*.PrH:** a* kr.r *tt~jSi<vd and permanent uorhW |it«'MU'(4. Al>o|»«w«fc.-Jw wnrratitwl, 0-a-lo

AJMl. B0»SRT*>5. 3*. W. OiH |KOBEETSOH & OXE,£^Dentists£§lNo* I4~ Mark*fl-Sis

NULLUM}. VA.RCTESKtCES.II. R.We»4. D. 1»- 11<rli. ti.W 1 hull V*on. Hon. Alfred r«M*ril .John R. MRolf. K*q~ J"*1" Frt*Mdl. SI.Pi. IV. J. Rat»*j. >1.1).. KVI.Cntnniln*»3I.P« K. A. fliMretk. M.!>« A.?.T(V4M. P.. Tallant A Petojdnin. McFWlei**. Kros & Co.Marrh * Taylor. Pejirer A* Hoffman. A%'m. Krrffr. 0\V. Frnnxheim. J. N. ftiimrr. John Amick. J« lihF*i.a«lt*. Jfthn I'fnrr. C. F. Mi!Vr.w-i't*

m TWO IlOCf»E> FOR RESTO\THE ISLAND.'lne «'f tliem l*>w.;<cttpied vT?ntn*« %lu»nr: II l*****®-*! snrdVn atti-WiJo it. The other ~a* Jntely occupied by Oeo.Ilrr. V-ti. Boqoir* ofJai&S-tf C.L.ZAXF kCfi.FOR RSIXT.-.The n»-w brick dwellingJ£U curnrr ul Mount^wl containing«ttV«n room*. Pn«*«k>ii I*t April.i.oqiilreof I». C. Ill Lb!:*TH ft RRO .janSlM MM* <trf»t.


Office \n. 5? Main «ereot, Brat door ..WtiA of Bsuk otM* heeling.DfM^nn't day*."\V>il»ke»ilnj-** 10 A. 31.riMlAXSlENT ANPSPKC1AL DfcPoSlTATHANKJ fully rerelred.

Interest (Aid on Spwinl D'-p-w'1.Exchange on tin? I'-aat bought and *o!d.Collections. at hunt* or from abroad, wHl r»«eti»t

prompt nltentioa.MK*CTO*3.

Jr.hn Knotc. John Yockler.J. C. liarlwur, ChrwlMn !!».*..J. T. Scott, Inrpnio D.

Rirlnrd Cam»r.J. It. DICKEY, Cbafc., J01IX XXOTK. JWL

notice!rrilF. CO-PARTXIKSIUI* II EltETOFORE rX-| 1STYXM Mvtm-ii Clin*. If. Berr> fcnd AhmI».xl«-in. firm of Retry «t IkidaniK was dNwlred t!»i»iLiy by mntnul consent. AH |H-r«ans knotrlns tlit-si

in-k-lleil ti-tVe firm will p «im- c-.ll »nd >?..lie tliis ¦-..roe and thoty having rh»ii..n pr*-*-nt tl.nrfor settlement. I III er mi mber of tbe tlrm is »k-tijori/Pa to nettle tip tbe buicc**.CIIAS. II. DRttRY.A1>AMS DOI&LN.

The OonJ-tge bn»«ne*is *il' !.# cotitinnrd «tT |V»w.irr!i»n«>>. No. H Water St.. t»y the wiH-.-rit»er. theIntention 1-eing to cl«^*« o«»t tho ?t.K'k in *t«re nt «.

lo« e-t eiu>h price. CIIAS. II. BKttUY.Wlireling. April 19. *61.1wtnoS.W. \W»BtTT. KOttCJlT SESK1T.


Copperjin & Sheet Iron Ware,WO. 40 MA1X STKKKT.

Centre Wheeling. Va.WE Mil L KKHI* CONSTANTLY UN HAM*nil kind* of tbe M>w»Te warn, hn-idw etny*thinsr np|>orraii»!iij: to our line of bn«ine*«. V *¦ j^ir-ticitlnrlr invite c*-di buyer* topireus a rail l<ef«-n-pnrclie-iiii elcraliere.Hnc-n_tt ^F.FItlTT ft BrO


(icntlcmcn's FurnisUIni; (ionds,JUST RECEIVED AND fOR FALK BY

JOHN* T. I.AK1N.ap23 Mereha&t T-iiVr.

BAR IRON.lAR IRON. Ronnd. fr»m ^-lr. to:; int PAR IRON, frjnure. 0^^n^:t»2»<PAR TKrtV. Flat, rn.m !^0<f toBAR IRON. Oral. fn»a« *< t«1»^RAR IRON, lbtlf^nral. tr..m^ f..IV*.B \ n TROX. cut l« lc:iutb« for tirev


«»»¦» i mi i" ir.iuui* i«»r in'.!!»K>P 11MX. fr.»m to 4*4 ii»?wlde.Norway and 8111 Null K«*l. a large »torkon hand at rodnced bricen. Pv

P. C. lilLDRRTH ft BRO..«wt2.s r*a

"HOWE'S" Standard Scales.nOWf-re STA XDAliD SfJA l,K»«. all Conner.P ntfurm: Hay or Cattle Swlw. fi>r *ile nt K«-lory priree. by l». O. IllLDRFTP ft PRO-?ri'J-S -«iA %» A cent* lor rh^ Mannfwcfrrrr

Hot pressed ari7T8.«-aj*o r« isosVT+*Hdl Xnt». a*sortc«l.Vi to 11^. fi»r l»y--as p. c ii i mjvktu A nr.'j.SIIKET IROX.

BPW.SIIRKT lKOX.a4*M*tH.XokU»n^T.vti* /30 .. Dahranfr.eil Wi«-t >K " " L"0On hand and r»r ""ile client* l«roctsr. v r. irn.nitKTn ft Bnn.LACK IllVKTS, fr->m Juniittx Iron.»««rted iizri, receivtil bvoctiA P. C. HI LDRKTII ft >RflLWall Paper! Books an'I Stationery.AT PRU'ES TO SriT TUB TIHKS.Til ATK JC.«T r.ECKIVKP A VKBV LATfitaddition tn my stock of Wail Paper. It:.. r^Jt-pri»iiu new and eiegant Mtyleft. nrter l«elb»e in tl>*city, which I will #.rll at pn> s th^t nno 't f*H ,f*pleaxe. M» rtock in tt*.w ltrg»-r th«n tliai ofothi r idmllar f»raldldiiu»tit in t»>e city *nd cml-rmsfa Kivater rarfety of »ty'e«. Olve me a call lef -tcpnndia^inz ela^where. an it»« my «Tet"r»-5n»t^n '»¦fll to nil who ifaftre to |mrdia-«e. R#r- t»ven inexchange, or for ctih, J "*c. WP OK.apl eomer of Main nnd rnlnn^~SECRET~OP BEAUTY.Taihtv? ni/viM or~rorrn.' n* in:rpj I'KAKU fop n«-ir.tifjirp Aid Prwrrving tl.#Complexion ^nd ?kin.

Tlii« article entirely different iroa any*M»»e ".the kind »*ver ateempte*!. and I- vmrrante*! fr»* rr,'mall mineral a«d pi»t»inw^ imbTt»rci > or any rr^f'tiojnrion* to the rtla It will .trre the" rn»»ipVT"^*a poarl l»1te tint «nch »» ean onlv l-e f«>nnd inIt i» al»a imnlnaldt f»r remorfnc nil kind-of Ho*morr. Tan*. Freckler. Kanbnrn* and Ath* r r**t»n^"«di«en«c« from tl»e »Vfn. It ha* e*ren «i-b emu*antixftction to at? that harevedft that we B««lonlr tn mt. I.ABIES TRY IT.K. RVJJCIXa. Apt. 0»M PoHwr** TT«11 T*rve^r*.where at a 1 timea ran be f n»Hi everything "."J*: *kept in a flr-t ela«* Preerription ?to»e.

sTorposeopos and.Views.WB HAYF. JCRT RKTF1YFP*TFf»M XR-r;AXTflOXY. of Yew fork, a Inrre n-moof Ft .reowMiteji and l'»ew* *>wwM .oIlHt »»j '**amlnatlon of tbr »t« ck by tlio-^ wbdlnrIn that line. The view® compri»e M*enef frr»r» r««lind. France. Pnba. Calif'»ruf« and Ametic*.Inffthe late Japanese rec*-pti«-T». Tlie^e gc«c« **"*be »old at New York prie**. nt the

Yarietv F»ore"f_tn?»?2 P. XTrni.L ftJlRf'-_FAKCY BASKETS-* r-^ .«>rt'r/Blcuhand at P. NICOM- ft R"n ."

mh »2 Varletr Str.re.

Binn CA'JF.S-t ft~l. .nml» i'"''roin the Minnf*e»'orjr- f<»r «*lc c^e^r *r_tnh23 D vrnw, & Variety «>tfr»._

IBOStWOODTRCSDIIXOllOOMTor Roy* and Olr»" armb22 P. VTCV t. A Wn'" VaH*ty

rpOT WBEF.r,HAHBOW5*CUlMJ a fresh «unp'y In^t »tmh22 P. Xl^ni.T. ft BBOV 1^9 Ma'n *._ADIXS* CORWTS* HOOPSKjIi