THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 1, 1810. "The Great Aggregation." The Metropolitan character to which St. Paul hat arrived ii wellillustrated in th« "aggrega- tion" of business interests gathered on the first floor of No*. 716 East Third street, Fire and Marino block. First, is the lair of the leading spirit of the "great aggregation," George Hazard, who is prepared to ticket a person or freight by land or water to any portion of the globe, with special inducements to excursion parties. The telephonic exchange affords easy access to business house*, public offices, etc, to all part* of the city and Minneapolis. The Huosao Tunnell does the fast freight business Langdon & Co. propose to build 400 miles of new railroad thin year for the distribution of Bt. Paul products. Hay wood & Edwards are furnishing information and disposing of Red River lands. Mr. L. Sproat furnishes Atlas en- gines for running our threshers and turning the wheels of our manufacturers. Bohn &Go. do the doors, blinds, and sash business. W. W. Wadsworth provides the Pullman Palace cars for the traveling public W. F. Stetson is authority upon sugar, coffee and tea. All of whom are backed by the president's room of the Merchants National bank and its millions dollars of capital. The "aggregation" has lo- cated at St. Paul to stay. D. P.—D. G.-D. Q. Dr. Robert Hunter treats all throat and lung diseases successfully by inhalation. Address 103 State street, Chicago. Use Win. Clarke & Son's Helix Needles. Factory at Bedditoh, England. Office 157 La- Salle street, Chicago. DIED. ~ BRILL— In this city, April 30th, Sarah, wife of Thcs. R. Br.l!,aged 67 years. AMU&EMEMTS. OPERA BLOUSE ! Tuesday and Wednesday, May'4th and sth, Matinee Wednesday 2 :3O P. M. Rial k Draper's Mammoth and Majestic Revival of Uncle Tom's Cabin! New Scenery and Appointments. Thrilling Picture of the Ohio River in Mid- Winter. Eliza's Escape on Floating Tee. Exciting Blood Hound Chase. Trained Donkey. Great Cotton Plantation Scene. Jubilee Singers and Flat-Boat Minstrels. Concluding withGrand Transformation Scene. Beautiful Grates .Ajar. 25Cts. Admission. 35Cts. No extra charge for reserved seats. Matinee— Children 15cU : adults 25ct8. fa&~Seats on sale Monday. 132 GALVANO-ELECTRIC PLABTEB. I R. P. HALL'S ISUTaSO-ELERUC \u25a0 PLASTER. I A Galvanic Battery \u25a0Is imbedded in a medicated \u25a0 plaster, and, when applied to TB^^»ay^proaaceT^^aH#(anf eurr**.' of electricity, forming the moat powerful remedial agent for the core MRheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Headacht. Sprain; Spinal Difficulty, ttervou* Diteaiet.or Female WeakneM *rorknown. Itseffects are magical. Sold by Druggists, W tent by mall on receipt of 50 cents. address BELL MANNSt CO., Proprietors, 10 abaah^T... Chicago. CLOTHING- We opened To-Day, April/ 80, our second lot of $5.00 / Harvard Suits. Allwho/ hive seen these suits pro-/ n >unce them a great bar- / gain. ALI our Little/ Boys' Suits have the/ Cavalry Knee. / boston/ ONE-PRICE I Clotting toy 43 E. TIMSt., / Saint / IPa-ul. / jmmmmmmmmammMmcaammmmmmmmmammmmammmmmi—mmmmmm MEDICAL. mzzzz HI .BALSAM! •ares CoMb, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Group, Whooping Ooagh, and ail diseases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the membrane of the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night- sweats and tightness aorcmsj the chest which accompany it. CONSUMPTION is not an incurable malady. Itis only neces- sary to have the right remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is that remedy. DON'T DE- SPAIR OF BELIEF, for this benign specific will cure you, even though professional aid Mfc HENKrS CABBOLIC SALVE ! Tho Most Powerful Healing Agent Ever Discovered. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures sores. Henry's Carbolic Salve allays pain. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures eruptions. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals pimples. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals braises. A-h for Henry's, and Take No Other. VBKWABK OF 00UNTXRFXITS..^f TOWNSLEI'S Toothache Mote, MEDICAL- ~~ CUBE YOUESELFI FRENCH SPECIFIC. Guaranteed to cure radically diseases nt /.o^t.i deMeatenatur*, either sex or lnd™T Pri« «, Q ? n yeX^T*l 8 to » n y v P a of so? country" Full directions with each bottle. Sold only bY ft BTAHL, Nmtheart corner Van Bure^ B jj? 'a^d Fifth AftoxMt Chicago . 130-ljj) FIVE CENTS ALINE WANTED. /CANVASSERS WANTED— On a salary, to sell the \j new No. 8 Wheeler &Wilson Sewing Maobiue. Apply at 90 East Third street. 116-2 1 11/ AN LED— to lease for dwelling houses Iroin TV five to twenty years. J. H. MAY ALL, 111-170 No. 10 East Third street. TXT ANTED— adopt until she reaches her ma- VV Jorlty, a bright healthy girl from twelve to fif- teen years of age. She willhave the care and pro- tection of a home where there are no children. Ap- ply at Dunn's furnlbhing goods store, Sherman block, Wabaahaw street. 117 ANTED— position as copyist, amanuensis, or V V both, at home, or inan office. Best references. Address K. M. R., this office. 73' SITUATIONS QFFERED-Femaleß. ___ WANTED— At once— Three dress-makers. Those capable of doing first-class work can apply at 63 Pleasant avenue, » liO- A GOOD, competent girl for general housework. AEnqulre of Dr.Bryant. 8 East Third street . 11«* TITAN TED—Good girl for light housework and VVsewing. Applyat 48* w7 Third street. 11l WANTED- Girl for general housework at 43 East >V Eleventh street. 109_ WANTED— A woman cook and one dining room girl immediately, at Manitoba Hou6e, corner of Third and Broadway. 108' WANTED— Girl wanted in small family. Wages $16 per month. Must be competent. B. W. RANSOM, 73 East Third street. 107* WANTED— Immediately, a good cook and dining \u25a0 room girl,at 21J4 West Third street. 94* T7IXPEBIENCED dining room girls, chambermaids Hi and all other hotel help can always secure good situations by callingat Hotel Reporter Employment Bureau, 68 East Third street.' 27* N Males. TWO book compositors wanted at once. J. W. X CUNNINGHAM, 19 Wabaehaw street. 122 i CTIVE life insurance solicitors wanted to take A. territory throughout the State for a live co ope- rative association numbering 7/ 00 members. To the right men good territory and large commission* wi 1 be given. No lodge business. Fire insurance agents please consider. Address B. A. MoCARTY, Wind- sor Hotel, St. Paul, Minn. 122-123 WANTED— A young German man who under- stands i he grocery business. Must have good recommendations and speak German. Apply to 232 East 7th St. 120 126 WANTED— Boy, at 114 East Third street. 120* WANTED— Two men as table waiters. Apply at W 97 Fast Third street. WANTED— A first-class Butcher, who speaks YY German and English. BUTCHER, this office. 120* ANTED— A first-class Tinner. Address JOHN VV ARBT &CO., Btillwater. Minn 113 ' WANTED— Carriage Painters and Trimmers. Ap- \ V ply at A. Nippok's, corner Seventh and Sibley afreets. 112* I ST ANTED Aboy to do chores around house and YY take care of horse. Ai^.ly at No. 12 Holly ave- nue. 112» "II TEN to grub 6 acres or 40 acres for cash, or 100 111 acres for 100 acres adjoining. J. W. McOLUNG, Bridge Square. 99 WANTED— A boy to take care of horses and do t V chores around the house. Apply No. 9 West Fourth street. 107* ANTED— first-class Barbers, at 127 East Seventh fctreet 104* _ TITAN TED— experienced cabinet maker; also *• a boy not under 17 years old, to learn the up- holstering trade. STEES BROTHERS. 67 BITUATIONB WANTED—MaIes. "1 XT ANTED— Situation as bar-tender. Best of ?> references. AddrefsCH AS. CAMPBELL, 120* 102 Robert street. ITUATION WANTED—Of any kind, by a young man from the East. Can give city references. Ad- dress H. . Globs office. 1 19* A TTENTION, Banks, Agricultural and Lightning A Rod companies The undersigned wants a job as co lecting agent. Understands thoroughly the law relating to notes and bills. W. H. DOYLE, Center- ville,Minn. 119* WANTED— Pofdtioa as Blacksmith, in country VV shop. Addresß Ntrthwestern Agency, corner Sixth and Robert street*, St.' Paul. 118' WANTKP A place by a boy, to do chores or writing for board while going to school. Ad- dress ROBERT, Globe office. 118* WANTED— young, active, and thorough busi- ness man, with the highest of references, de- sires a place where he can make himself generally useful; experienced in four different mercantile lines. Please address J. B C, care Globe. 118-24 TIT ANTED— Aposition in small general >tore to VV keep books after business hours, with salary of $10 to $15 per month. Best of references fur- nished. Address W . P., this office. 116* TTTANTED— Situation as assistant book-keeper, by VV a young man who has had experience and is a good penman. A No. 1 recommendation given. Address A. W., this office 111- TTTANTED— Situation by a German who under- \ V stand* care of horses, and willingto make him- self generally useful. Best ofreferences. Address F. A., this office. 10 J \u25a0 "II AiiKI&D man wishes situation. Has good gener- JiJ. al knowledge of business from experience. Can invest $2,500 in paying business. Address R. 8., this office. | mi' A GENTLEMAN of three years' experience in teaching, desires a position as principal or assist- ant. Best of references furnished. Address, Tench- er, A. 8., this office. 95* A YOUNG SCOTCHMAN wishes to find emplcy- JA. ment of any kind. Has good, general knowl- edge of business, and can furnish first-class refer- erences. Address T.. Globe office. 90* Females. WANTED— A Rummer school to teach, by lady having best recommendations. Address, Teacher, this office. 67* TO BENT- ~ rro RENT—Three unfurnished rooms withboard. \u25a0*\u25a0 Address B , this office. 122-123 i GENTLEMAN and lady wishing a handsomely J\ furnished front room, with board, can be accom- modated by addressing C. D., Globe office. 119-123 FOB RENT—Pleasant furnished rooms for gentle- r men, at No. 144 Robert street. 119-125 mo RENT— front rooms, unfurnished. En JL q"ire at 86 Wabashaw street. 115* /"\FFIOE 27 Minnesota street, now occupied by tele- \J graph company. Inquire at W. M. Htees. 95* A stable, three stalls and hay loft, on an alley, No. 20 Fort street. 79» Houses* FOR RENT— House, nearly new, seven rooms, West J- St. Paul; 815 per month. Enquire at Northwest crn Agency, corner Sixth and Robert streets, or of E. Langevin, owner. 122-12* FOR RENT— Meat shop, lard and smoka house and J? fixtures, No 79 Minnesota street. A good loca- tion. Reason— poor health. Enquire of JOHN EGAN. 121-123 FOR BENT— 211 Wacouta street. DAVID - BANFOBD. 116* Tj^Oß RENT— Brickhouse, No. 175 Fort street. C Barn and all modern improvements. Also a two story house, No. lis Banfil street. JOHN GRACE. 109- FOR RENT—Cottage, withbarn, three lots enclos- ed, near the head of Rondo street. Enquire of E. L. FBYER, at Averill, Biißaei & Carpenter's. 101- BOARDING. T>OARD furnished with rooms for four single gen- J> tlerr an in private familynear the business part of the city. Andreas B 8., Globtc office. BOARD WANTED. ~~~ WANTED -By a gentleman and wife, board in nice, private family. Address 8. E., this office, giving location and terras. itil> JBBAL BBTATJS— the City A.ROBERTSON, No. 7 McQuillan Block, sells real estate on commisHion and -negotiates mortgage loans on city or suburban property. 32* XAA BUILDINGLOTS in various parts 01 the O\J W city, email figures and easy terms of pay- ment, to suit purchasers. D. A. ROBEBIBON. 32' MISCELLANEOUS. \u25a0 ' TTULL'S Improved Vapor Stoves. For Summer lluse m particular, this is the beet stove made: it does not beat the room, no wick dmt or smoke and co >ks eqv al if not better than a wood s'ove. Call a- <1 <v*«n me them at No. 81 East Seventh st. 109- QEVEN PER CENT money on fin^class city g> pio erty. GRAVES &VINTON, 60K B. m ktjct riLOTHES WRINGERS-Saveyour old wringers \j and have new rollers put on, by leaving them at the Bt. Paul Rubber Store. 42 E. Third St 3™ mENTS, TENTS, TENTB, TENTS, TENTS-I 11 *.3£ Te 5 v. a^ d a large natJtlb of tents only slightly used, which I will close at a bargain. Tento of any size or style made to order on short notice. Tents for sale and rent. P. T. KAVANAGH 100 33 East Third street. pAINTING-P.F FITZGIBBON, housed sign JL painting, No. 137 Jackson street. 34 ALBEBTSON'S C. O. D. LAUNDRY, 83 E. Third street. Goods calM for and delivered. 288-38 FIVE CENTS ALINE AUCTION BALES. TAURNITDRB AT AUOTION— I wilt sell at auction C at my sale stand, corner Third and Cedar streets, on Saturday, May let, at 10 o'clock a m., a lar#e lot of Household Furniture, Bedsteads, Bedding, Chairs, Tables, Stoves, etc., etc Also, under etiattel mortgage, a lot of furniture suitable for furnishing rooms, Bedsteads, Lounges, Carpets, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables, etc., eto. P. T. KAVANAGH, 121-123 Commission Auctioneer. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Cottage house and lot, 89 lglehart street. Best looation in the city. 105-185 \TEAT and comfortable Residence, 10 rooms, yard i\ with sliade trees, in peasant looality; enquire on premises, 103 College avenue 118-23 i BABE OHANOR— FOUBALK— A flr»tclas>i fam i\. ily Grocery, deslraMy located in a flre-pioof bui'ding, in a thickly settled portion of ths city, and a large first-clats trade, of long standing, with a $2,0<)0 stock of fre h goods hi store. Terms will be uladeessy. En juire at Globe office. 115-28 When I Was Young CHARMING. LADIES' WEAR. DOLMANS, ULSTERS &c. pombslrothers 91 East THird Street, WILL OFFER On Monday, April 26, New Lines Light Cloth Dolmans. New Lines Cloth Ulsters. |I New Satin De Lyon Dolmans. , ; The above are best garments that we have . ever shown, and prices are low. Also large line new styles Shetland Shawls, New Skirts, and 200 dozen Ladies' White Muslin Underwear, of very best styles and best workmanship, all at LOWEST PKICBS. llrt-UT M£K'J AND BOY'o CLOTHING II East TMrfl Street St Pail, || Johnson's FAIR DEALING CLOTHING HOUSE SEE OUR Cliis Kill Suits oUllo AT $100 AND $5.00. \u25a0 SEE OUB Men's Suits FROM $5.00 TO $30.00. SEE OUR Children' s KiiicWtr AND Mire 'its FROM $1.50 TO $10.00. SEE OUB Mil's Ms - FROM $4.00 TO $25.00. Jolinson's FAIR DEALING CLOTHING HOUSE, gg East Third Street, St. Paul, gg GALVANIC INSTITUTE. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. ;>f BALE OF DAMAGED GOODS. . i m ATTEND THE ill? IK t DIM 9111 INK. Commencing at 8 O'clock this Morning, Saturday, IMlsiy 1, No. 101 East Seventh. Street. (One Door Below Our Present Store.) Goods will be Offered in Lots to Suit Purchasers. ESTERLEY & HEINEMANN. (TBKAIBUfiMT FOU DIBEABJSB OF THE HEAD.) THE TONGUE GALVANICINSTITUTE. for the treatment of all the various diseases of the Head, Eye and Ear, as well as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Fever Bores, Whit* Swellings, Disease the Kidneys, Paralysis, Female weakness in allits different forms, and eruptions vl the face and body. The above diseases are aU speedily and permanently cured at the Institute. No Medicine Giveii or Knife used. Separate apartments for Ladies, withcompetent lady attend- ants Allcommunications regarding treatment, or rights to use the Galvanlo Process, » hioh is Patented and offered for sale, should be addressed to the TOME GALVANIC INSTITUTE, 212 8. CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL , Which win receive prompt attention. Consultation and examination free. F. S. TONGUE, M.D., Con- sulting Physician ; EDWARD TONGUE, Operator; OLUM DREW, General Manager. iwvn vnu nrni'TTT.*** ««« LIQUOR DEALERS. W. L. PERKINS. MAURICE LYONS. [Established 1859.] PERKINS, LYONS & CO., REMOVED TO 81 ROBERT ST., NBAS THIRL. Wholesale Dealers In Pure Kentucky Bonrlion & Bye WMsties j California and Foreign Wines and Brandies. fSET'Cowtx] *t! City fetal Sflttstt*. BA-89 The abore cot represents one of tie teaoii- fiil Children's Carriages, with the "Noreltj SprfDg," from the Celebrated Factory of -Sweet & Sob, Buffalo, New York. I G. DICKINSON, ATTHI 99 CENT STOKE, is Agent for this State, and keeps on hand a Foil and Complete Assortment, at Prices which Defy all Competition. •Be sure to Examine Us stock before purchasing. "". -. CONFECTIONERY. £\ \u25a0 18 T "3Tk Ml Send one two three, or HI \u25a0 '\u25a0 111 1 \u25a0 \u25a0 I flve dollars for a sample | fi \u25a0 I % Hi box, by express, of the best H In U w I n Candies in America, put up I, 1 B 1 I elegantly and Mnctly pure. « \M If iI Refers to all Chicago. Ad- Hllß HI \u25a0 dress C. F.GUNTHEB, V/IMI 1 MW 0. Confectioner, 78 MADISON STBEET, CHICAGO. ELECTIONJOTICE ! City Cijcbk's Offiob, I St. Paul, Minn., April 16, 1880. I Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on \u25a0 Tuesday, tie 4th Day of May, A. D. 1880, . ill JU. lUUUf . between the hoars of nine o'clock in the fore- noon and five o'clock in the afternoon, at the usual places of holding elections in the differ- ent wards and precincts of the city of St. Paul, except as follows: In the Second precinct of the Third ward, the polls will be held in the building on Martin street direotly opposite the building heretofore used in that precinct for naid purpose. In the Second preoinot of the Fourth ward, the polls will be held in the car- penter shop on the east side of Virginia avenue, between Dayton and Nelson avenues. In the Second precinct of the Fifth ward, the polls will be held in the building on the south- west corner of Hopkins and Bradley street*, for the election of the following city officers, viz: A City Treasurer, ;\u25a0:.;;'". For the term of two years. One Alderman From the First Prealnct of the First, Second. Third, Fourth and Fifth Wardi, for the term of two years. One Alderman From the Third Precinct of the Fourth Ward, for the term of two years. One Alderman From the Second Precinct of the Fourth Ward, for the term of one year, to fill the vacancy oc- casioned by the resignation of Aid. Smith. One School Inspector From the First Precinct of the First. Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Wards for the term of two years. One School Inspector From the Third Precinct of the Fourth Ward, for the term of two years. A Justice of the Peace To be voted for in the Third, Fourth and Sixth Wards, (who shall reside and hold. bis office west of Wabashaw street,) for the term of one year, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the late justice, Eugene Burnand. THos. A. Preniergast, 108-125 City Clerk. MILLINmY GOODS. AnEntire New Line of the Latest Novelties in SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS NOW OPEN. The attention of Milliners is - called to this, the Finest and ost Complete Stock ever offered. CACHJEMERJS HATS, - CACHEMBRE BILKS, - CACHEMRRR FLOWERS, C ACHEM ERR LACES &ORX4MKSTS. . Merchants win find ours to be the Largest, Hand- somest, Cheapest and Best line of Ladies' Trimmed Hats in this market.' ' - ' J. OPPEXHEIM & CO. By Fashion Plates gratia upon application. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.: . \u25a0 .. «T>«^ Grip, Join i Rhodes, Doalert ia COAL & WOOD. Real Estate Agents and Mortgage Brokers, 23 East TUri Street, - - SL Pail fcJßr-arM* Berfsvctiem la Prt«e» c* (tee*. ' - - .- \u25a0-\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 tf» \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -:.j; - "- - LIVER CORE. V..T; §DR A. L. CLUM'B «..«. XjXVTJbIZI. CATHARTIC. Purely Vegetable. Cures allbilious diseases act- ing on the Stomach, Liver and Blood. Warranted '\u25a0 in all cases. Auk your Dmpfrfrt for this Medicine, .also for circulars. CLUB COMPOUNDING CO., . Sold by all Druggists . Red Wing. Minn "" HARNESS. 1 A ABETS SINGLE HARNESS AT ABARGAIN J. \J U— I have just received 100 sets of s vmle harness of a good quality, that I will offer for sale for less than regular prices. A liberal discount to dealers P. T. KAVA AGH. . 86* . Ooxmafsaion Auctioneer. I CLOTHING. 61 S^ITSTT PAUL 61 ONE-PRICE \u25a0 CLOTHING HOUSE, 61 East Third Street, St. Paul, Minn. EE~Ordem by Mail Promptly Attended to._£EJ 61 SATTLER BROS. 61 NEW YORK! Mand Slue Store, 37 EAST THIRD STBEET. CHISLETY & SONS, (Successors to W . T. Whitehouse,) Are dally receiving large shipments of their NEW SPRING SHOES FBOM THE BEST MANTJFACTURBEB, In the United States, and will soon have a large and STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS STOCK, IN ALL THE LATEST_STYLES We respectfully ask an inspection of our Goods and Prices . Our patrons will receive the POLITEST AT- TENTION, and should their purchases ' c unsatisfac- tory, we willcheerfully REFUND THEIB MONEY. CHISLETT &SONS. - 114-197 MAUHIHEBY. ST. PAUL FOUNDBY AHD Manufacturing Company TACTDKERfI OF Stationary Engines, Upright Engines, Portable Engines, Hoisting Engines, and Farm Engines, That will burn either coal, wood or straw. Car Wheels, Railroad Castings, Iron work for buildings, rod an other kinds of castings. P. O. Box 2676. Works— Eastern terminus Street ttailway. W. ME RBI AM,President. Manager— O. IT. PARKER. Secretary and Trees— W. TOPPIVa. 860 68 MUSIC DIALBES. WEBER | PIANOS ! Used by Emma Thursby and other first class artists. R O. MUNGEK, 71 East Third Street. \u25a0 FURNITURE. ' Bare Room-Rent and But Burr's Patent Parlor Folding-Bed, The most Compact, Elegant and Sub stantial. Best Steel Spring Mattrass ; a ing: folds out of sight in Bureaus, -Book-Cases, Desks, Ac \u25a0a. H. Andrews &Co., j \u25a0195 Wabash Are., CHICAGO. I AI«o Manufacturers of Artistic Household Furniture, Wood Mantels FLOORING. WOOD CARPET ANDINLAID FLOORS I For Hans, Parlors, Dining Booms, Kitchens, Bath Booms, Offices, etc Sample! out be seen and full particulars obtained by calling on or addressiaf J. DUHFEE, 100 Wash- ington am*Chicago. W-lffHirthn ml { TRIMMINGS &c- -iiiiisi . &C, &C. On Monday, April 26, We will place on centre counters 500 pieces FINE HAMBURG EJIBROID- ERIES 9 in widths from 1-2 to 2 1-2 inches, at the ZjNI- FORM PRICE OF 12 l-2c per yard. Fully one-half or above are Finest and Best make of Embroideries and not one piece worthless than 15c, while many are worth \3oc. Also 100 pieces Real Torchon Laces at the uni- form price of 10c per yard, worth: FULLY ONE- THIRD more. The above are best bargains ever offered and will not be sold at these vrices after Wednesday. Also now opening : 100 Pieces Black SilS: Fringes. 100 Pieces Colored Silk Fringes. 100 Pieces Beaded Gimps. 100 Gross Cat Jet Buttons. 200 Gross Ornamented Jet Buttons. 500 Gross Fancy Pearl Buttons. 300 Gross Plain Pearl Buttons. j100 Gross Metal Buttons. ; 100 Dozen Fans. 50 Dozen Silt Mitts. 2,000 Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. All guaranteed at lower prices than same quality can be bought at elsewhere. POffEßSliTHffi, 91 East Third Street, Farms lor Sale . ISO acres In Jackson county, Uianeseta. 180 sores Id lleaker county, Minnesota, 140 acres la laantl eonnrj, Minnesota. 80 acres in Todd oountj, WuuesoU. tOacres la Douglas ooantj, ttlnnenota* SO acres to Houston county, Minnesota. ahoy* laaDaholoa fanning lands, which ws *tQI mD at law price fox cask, or part cask sad bai «ace tm time withapproved security. Wet desert* ties of lands aad further partlcmlan, addrasu »T 9AUI. stA*T»BTM WOBKB. Bi. Paul. Mix* MEkcSantslotEl; MINSK rufeVTER. Proprietor,. MANKATO, - - MINN. Bates, $2.00 Per Day. This la a new brick house, newly and elegantly tarnished throughout, with accommodation* second •o no hotel in the Btat*. Good pairple room*, tl HEN C. CROSS. S3 Broadway, 5. T n broker m firot-olass privileges only, refers to RnaaeH Bage, Esq., T.B. Wallace A Co., H. L. Horton & i'o M Harvey Kennedy. £*q., Alex. Taylor Sods, W. 8. Onmee, Jr., ft Co., and many other flnt-olaaa eoiuea and onemben of the Mew York fltoak > i- aaascecaoarally. S3l-ta 4 l&ffcl

Daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1880-05-01 [p ] · afreets. 112* IST ANTED — Aboy to do chores around house and YY take care ofhorse. Ai^.ly atNo. 12 Hollyave-nue. 112» "IITEN

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"The Great Aggregation."

The Metropolitan character to which St. Paulhat arrived iiwellillustrated in th« "aggrega-

tion"of business interests gathered on the firstfloor of No*. 716 East Third street, Fire andMarino block. First, is the lair of the leadingspirit of the "great aggregation," GeorgeHazard, who is prepared to ticket a person orfreight by land or water to any portion of theglobe, with special inducements to excursionparties. The telephonic exchange affords easyaccess tobusiness house*, public offices, etc, toallpart* of the city and Minneapolis. TheHuosao Tunnell does the fast freight businessLangdon &Co. propose to build 400 miles ofnew railroad thin year for the distribution ofBt. Paul products. Hay wood & Edwards arefurnishing information and disposing of RedRiver lands. Mr. L. Sproat furnishes Atlas en-gines for running our threshers and turning thewheels of our manufacturers. Bohn &Go. dothe doors, blinds, and sash business. W. W.Wadsworth provides the Pullman Palace carsfor the traveling public W. F. Stetson isauthority upon sugar, coffee and tea. Allofwhom are backed by the president's room ofthe Merchants National bank and its millionsdollars of capital. The "aggregation" has lo-cated at St. Paul to stay.

D. P.—D. G.-D. Q.

Dr. Robert Hunter treats allthroat and lungdiseases successfully by inhalation. Address

103 State street, Chicago.

Use Win. Clarke & Son's HelixNeedles.Factory at Bedditoh, England. Office 157 La-Salle street, Chicago.


BRILL—In this city, April 30th, Sarah, wife ofThcs. R. Br.l!,aged 67 years.


OPERA BLOUSE !Tuesday and Wednesday, May'4th and sth,

Matinee Wednesday 2 :3O P. M.

Rial kDraper's Mammoth and Majestic Revival of

Uncle Tom's Cabin!New Scenery and Appointments.

ThrillingPicture of the Ohio River inMid-Winter.Eliza's Escape on Floating Tee.

Exciting BloodHound Chase.Trained Donkey.

Great Cotton Plantation Scene.Jubilee Singers and Flat-Boat Minstrels.

Concluding withGrand Transformation Scene.

Beautiful Grates .Ajar.25Cts. Admission. 35Cts.

Noextra charge for reserved seats.Matinee— Children 15cU:adults 25ct8.fa&~Seats on sale Monday. 132



ISUTaSO-ELERUC\u25a0 PLASTER.IAGalvanic Battery

\u25a0Is imbedded ina medicated\u25a0 plaster, and, when applied toTB^^»ay^proaaceT^^aH#(anf eurr**.' of electricity,

forming the moat powerful remedial agent for the coreMRheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Headacht. Sprain;Spinal Difficulty,ttervou* Diteaiet.or Female WeakneM*rorknown. Itseffects are magical. Sold by Druggists,W tent by mall on receipt of 50 cents.

address BELL MANNSt CO., Proprietors, 10abaah^T... Chicago.


We opened To-Day, April/80, our second lot of $5.00 /Harvard Suits. Allwho/hive seen these suits pro-/n >unce them a great bar- /gain. ALI our Little/Boys' Suits have the/Cavalry Knee. /

boston/ONE-PRICE I

Clotting toy43 E. TIMSt., /

Saint /IPa-ul. /


MEDICAL. mzzzz


•ares CoMb,Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma,Group, Whooping Ooagh, and aildiseases ofthe Breathing Organs. Itsoothes and healsthe membrane of the Lungs, inflamed andpoisoned by the disease, and prevents thenight- sweats and tightness aorcmsj the chestwhich accompany it. CONSUMPTION isnot an incurable malady. Itis only neces-sary to have the rightremedy, and HALL'SBALSAM is that remedy. DON'T DE-SPAIR OF BELIEF, for thisbenign specificwillcure you, even though professional aidMfc


CABBOLIC SALVE !Tho Most Powerful Healing Agent

Ever Discovered.Henry's Carbolic Salve cures sores.Henry's Carbolic Salve allays pain.Henry's Carbolic Salve cures eruptions.Henry's Carbolic Salve heals pimples.Henry's Carbolic Salve heals braises.

A-h forHenry's, and Take No Other.VBKWABKOF 00UNTXRFXITS..^f


Toothache Mote,MEDICAL-



Guaranteed to cure radically diseases nt /.o^t.ideMeatenatur*, either sex or lnd™T Pri« «,Q

?n yeX^T*l8 to »nyv Pa ofso? country" Fulldirections with each bottle. Sold only bY ftBTAHL,Nmtheart corner Van Bure^Bjj?'a^dFifth AftoxMtChicago . 130-ljj)


/CANVASSERS WANTED— On a salary, to sell the\j new No. 8 Wheeler &Wilson Sewing Maobiue.Apply at 90 East Third street. 116-21

11/ANLED— to lease for dwellinghouses IroinTV five to twenty years. J. H.MAYALL,

111-170 No.10 East Third street.TXTANTED— adopt until she reaches her ma-VV Jorlty, abright healthy girlfrom twelve to fif-teen years of age. She willhave the care and pro-tection of ahome where there are no children. Ap-ply at Dunn's furnlbhing goods store, Shermanblock, Wabaahaw street.117 ANTED— position as copyist, amanuensis, orVV both, at home, orinan office. Best references.

Address K.M.R., this office. 73'

SITUATIONS QFFERED-Femaleß. ___WANTED—Atonce— Three dress-makers. Those

capable of doing first-class work can apply at63 Pleasant avenue, » liO-

A GOOD, competent girl for general housework.AEnqulre of Dr.Bryant. 8 East Third street . 11«*

TITANTED—Good girl for light housework andVVsewing. Applyat 48* w7 Third street. 11l

WANTED-Girl forgeneral housework at 43 East>V Eleventh street. 109_

WANTED—A woman cook and one dining roomgirlimmediately, at Manitoba Hou6e, corner of

Third and Broadway. 108'

WANTED—Girlwanted in small family. Wages$16 per month. Must be competent. B. W.

RANSOM, 73East Third street. 107*

WANTED—Immediately, a good cook and dining\u25a0 room girl,at 21J4 West Third street. 94*

T7IXPEBIENCED dining room girls, chambermaidsHi and allother hotel help can always secure goodsituations by callingat HotelReporter EmploymentBureau, 68 East Third street.' 27*

N Males.

TWO book compositors wanted at once. J. W.X CUNNINGHAM,19 Wabaehaw street. 122

iCTIVE life insurance solicitors wanted to takeA. territory throughout the State for a live co ope-rative association numbering 7/ 00 members. To therightmen good territory and large commission* wi1be given. No lodge business. Fire insurance agentsplease consider. Address B.A. MoCARTY,Wind-sor Hotel, St. Paul, Minn. 122-123

WANTED—A young German man who under-stands ihe grocery business. Must have good

recommendations and speak German. Apply to 232East 7th St. 120 126

WANTED— Boy, at 114 East Third street.120*

WANTED—Two men as table waiters. Apply atW 97 Fast Third street.

WANTED—A first-class Butcher, who speaksYY German and English. BUTCHER, this office.


ANTED—A first-class Tinner. Address JOHNVV ARBT &CO., Btillwater. Minn 113


WANTED— Carriage Painters and Trimmers. Ap-\ V ply at A.Nippok's, corner Seventh and Sibley

afreets. 112*


Aboy to do chores around house andYY take care of horse. Ai^.ly at No. 12 Hollyave-

nue. 112»

"IITEN to grub 6 acres or 40 acres forcash, or 100111 acres for 100 acres adjoining. J. W. McOLUNG,Bridge Square. 99

WANTED—A boy to take care of horses and dotV chores around the house. Apply No. 9 West

Fourth street. 107*ANTED— first-class Barbers, at 127 EastSeventh fctreet 104* _

TITANTED— experienced cabinet maker; also*•a boy not under 17 years old, to learn the up-

holstering trade. STEES BROTHERS. 67•

BITUATIONB WANTED—MaIes."1XTANTED—Situation as bar-tender. Best of?> references. AddrefsCH AS.CAMPBELL,

120* 102 Robert street.

ITUATIONWANTED—Of any kind, by a youngman from the East. Can give cityreferences. Ad-

dress H..Globs office. 119*

A TTENTION, Banks, Agricultural and LightningARod companies

—The undersigned wants a job as

co lecting agent. Understands thoroughly the lawrelating to notes and bills. W. H.DOYLE, Center-ville,Minn. 119*

WANTED—Pofdtioa as Blacksmith, in countryVV shop. Addresß Ntrthwestern Agency, corner

Sixth and Robert street*, St.' Paul. 118'


A place by a boy, to do chores orwritingforboard while going to school. Ad-

dress ROBERT, Globe office. 118*

WANTED— young, active, and thorough busi-ness man, with the highest of references, de-

sires aplace where he can make himself generallyuseful; experienced in four different mercantilelines. Please address J. B C, care Globe. 118-24TITANTED—Aposition in small general >tore toVV keep books after business hours, with salary

of $10 to $15 per month. Best of references fur-nished. Address W .P., this office. 116*

TTTANTED— Situation as assistant book-keeper, byVV a young man whohas had experience and isa

good penman. ANo. 1recommendation given.Address A.W., this office 111-

TTTANTED— Situation by a German who under-\V stand* care of horses, and willingto make him-

self generally useful. Best ofreferences. AddressF.A., this office. 10 J\u25a0

"IIAiiKI&Dman wishes situation. Has good gener-JiJ. alknowledge of business from experience. Caninvest $2,500 inpaying business. Address R. 8., thisoffice. | mi'

A GENTLEMAN of three years' experience inteaching, desires a position asprincipal or assist-ant. Best of references furnished. Address, Tench-er, A.8., this office. 95*A YOUNGSCOTCHMAN wishes to find emplcy-

JA. ment ofany kind. Has good, general knowl-edge of business, and can furnish first-class refer-erences. Address T.. Globe office. 90*


WANTED—A Rummer school to teach, by ladyhaving best recommendations. Address,

Teacher, this office. 67*


rro RENT—Three unfurnished rooms withboard.\u25a0*\u25a0 Address B,this office. 122-123

iGENTLEMAN and lady wishing a handsomelyJ\ furnished front room, withboard, can be accom-modated by addressing C.D.,Globe office. 119-123

FOB RENT—Pleasant furnished rooms for gentle-r men, at No. 144 Robert street. 119-125mo RENT— front rooms, unfurnished. EnJL q"ire at 86 Wabashaw street. 115*

/"\FFIOE 27 Minnesota street, now occupied by tele-\J graph company. Inquireat W. M.Htees. 95*

A stable, three stalls and hay loft,on an alley,No.20 Fort street. 79»


FOR RENT— House, nearlynew, seven rooms, WestJ- St.Paul; 815 per month. Enquire atNorthwestcrn Agency, corner Sixth and Robert streets, orofE.Langevin, owner. 122-12*

FOR RENT—Meat shop, lard and smoka house andJ? fixtures, No 79 Minnesota street. A good loca-tion. Reason— poor health. Enquire of JOHNEGAN. 121-123

FOR BENT— 211 Wacouta street. DAVID-BANFOBD. 116*

Tj^Oß RENT—Brickhouse, No. 175 Fort street.C Barn and all modern improvements. Also a two

story house, No.lis Banfil street. JOHN GRACE.109-

FOR RENT— Cottage, withbarn, three lots enclos-ed, near the head of Rondo street. Enquire ofE.L.FBYER, at Averill,Biißaei &Carpenter's. 101-

BOARDING.T>OARD furnished with rooms for four single gen-J> tlerr an inprivate familynear the business partof the city. Andreas B 8., Globtc office.


WANTED-By a gentleman and wife, board innice, private family. Address 8. E., this office,

givinglocation and terras. itil>


A.ROBERTSON, No. 7 McQuillan Block, sells• real estate on commisHion and -negotiatesmortgage loans on city or suburban property. 32*XAABUILDINGLOTS in various parts 01 theO\J W city,email figures and easy terms of pay-ment, to suit purchasers. D.A.ROBEBIBON. 32'



TTULL'S Improved Vapor Stoves. For Summerlluse m particular, this is the beet stove made: itdoes not beat the room,no wick dmt or smoke andco >ks eqv alifnot better than a wood s'ove. Calla- <1<v*«nme them at No.81 East Seventh st. 109-QEVEN PER CENT money on fin^class cityg> pio erty. GRAVES &VINTON, 60K B.m ktjct

riLOTHES WRINGERS-Saveyour old wringers\j and have new rollers puton, by leaving them atthe Bt.Paul Rubber Store. 42 E. ThirdSt 3™mENTS, TENTS, TENTB, TENTS, TENTS-I11 *.3£Te 5 v.a d̂ a large natJtlb of tents onlyslightlyused, whichIwill close at abargain. Tentoof any size or style made to order on short notice.Tents for sale and rent. P. T.KAVANAGH100 33 East Third street.

pAINTING-P.F FITZGIBBON,housed signJL painting, No. 137 Jackson street. 34

ALBEBTSON'S C. O. D.LAUNDRY,83 E. Thirdstreet. Goods calMfor and delivered. 288-38


TAURNITDRBAT AUOTION—Iwiltsell at auctionC at my sale stand, corner Third and Cedar streets,on Saturday, May let,at 10 o'clock a m., a lar#e lotof Household Furniture, Bedsteads, Bedding, Chairs,Tables, Stoves, etc., etc

Also, under etiattel mortgage, a lot of furnituresuitable for furnishing rooms, Bedsteads, Lounges,Carpets, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables, etc., eto.

P. T. KAVANAGH,121-123 Commission Auctioneer.


FOR SALE—Cottage house and lot, 89 lglehartstreet. Best looation in the city. 105-185

\TEATand comfortable Residence, 10 rooms, yardi\with sliade trees, inpeasant looality; enquire onpremises, 103 College avenue 118-23

iBABEOHANOR— FOUBALK—Aflr»tclas>i fami\. ily Grocery, deslraMy located in a flre-pioofbui'ding, ina thicklysettled portion of ths city,anda large first-clats trade, of long standing, with a$2,0<)0 stock of fre h goods histore. Terms willbeuladeessy. En juire at Globe office. 115-28

When IWas Young




pombslrothers91 East THird Street,


On Monday, April26,New Lines Light Cloth Dolmans.New Lines Cloth Ulsters. |INew Satin De Lyon Dolmans. , ;

The above are best garments thatwe have .ever shown, and pricesare low. Also large linenew styles

Shetland Shawls,New Skirts, and 200 dozen Ladies'White Muslin Underwear, of verybest styles and best workmanship,allat LOWEST PKICBS.



IIEast TMrflStreet St Pail, ||Johnson's














Children' sKiiicWtr












CLOTHING HOUSE,gg East Third Street, St. Paul, gg



i m


ill?IKtDIM9111 INK.Commencing at 8 O'clock this Morning,

Saturday, IMlsiy 1,

No. 101 East Seventh. Street.(One Door Below Our Present Store.)

Goods willbe Offered in Lots to Suit Purchasers.



THE TONGUE GALVANICINSTITUTE.for the treatment of all the various diseases of theHead, Eye and Ear, as well as Rheumatism,Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Fever Bores, Whit*Swellings, Disease the Kidneys, Paralysis, Femaleweakness inallits different forms, and eruptions vlthe face and body. The above diseases are aUspeedily and permanently cured at the Institute.No Medicine Giveiior Knife used. Separateapartments forLadies, withcompetent lady attend-ants Allcommunications regarding treatment, orrights touse the Galvanlo Process, »hioh is Patentedand offered forsale, should be addressed to the


Which winreceive prompt attention. Consultationand examination free. F.S. TONGUE, M.D., Con-sulting Physician ;EDWARD TONGUE, Operator;OLUMDREW,General Manager.

iwvn vnu nrni'TTT.*** «««


[Established 1859.]


Wholesale Dealers In Pure

Kentucky Bonrlion &Bye WMsties jCalifornia and Foreign Wines and Brandies.

fSET'Cowtx] *t!CityfetalSflttstt*. BA-89

The abore cot represents one of tie teaoii-fiil Children's Carriages, with the "NoreltjSprfDg," from the Celebrated Factory of -Sweet& Sob, Buffalo, New York.


99 CENT STOKE,is Agent for this State, and keeps on hand aFoil and Complete Assortment, at Prices whichDefy all Competition. •Be sure to Examine Usstock before purchasing. • "". -.


£\ \u25a0 18 T"3Tk Ml Send one two three, orHI \u25a0 '\u25a0 1111\u25a0 \u25a0Iflve dollars for a sample| fi \u25a0 I% Hibox, by express, of the bestH In U wIn Candies in America, putupI,1 B 1 Ielegantly and Mnctly pure.« \M IfiIRefers to allChicago. Ad-Hllß HI \u25a0 dress C.F.GUNTHEB,V/IMI1MW 0. Confectioner,


ELECTIONJOTICE !City Cijcbk's Offiob, I

St. Paul, Minn., April16, 1880. INotice is hereby given that an election will

be held on \u25a0

Tuesday, tie 4th Day of May,A. D. 1880, .illJU. lUUUf .

between the hoars of nine o'clock in the fore-noon and fiveo'clock in the afternoon, at theusual places of holding elections in the differ-ent wards and precincts ofthe city of St. Paul,except as follows: In the Second precinct ofthe Third ward, the polls willbe held in thebuilding onMartin street direotly opposite thebuilding heretofore used in that precinct fornaid purpose. In the Second preoinot of theFourth ward, the polls will be held in the car-

penter shop on the east side of Virginia avenue,between Dayton and Nelson avenues. In theSecond precinct of the Fifth ward, the pollswillbe held in the building on the south-west corner of Hopkins and Bradley street*,

for the election of the followingcity officers,

viz:A City Treasurer,

;\u25a0:.;;'". For the term of two years.

One AldermanFrom the First Prealnct of the First, Second.Third,Fourth and FifthWardi, for the term oftwo years.

One AldermanFrom the Third Precinct of the Fourth Ward,for the term of two years.

One AldermanFrom the Second Precinct of the Fourth Ward,for the term of one year, to fillthe vacancy oc-casioned by the resignation of Aid. Smith.

One School InspectorFrom the First Precinct of the First. Second,Third, Fourth and Fifth Wards for the term oftwo years.

One School InspectorFrom the Third Precinct of the Fourth Ward,for the term of two years.

AJustice of the PeaceTo be voted for in the Third,Fourth and SixthWards, (who shall reside and hold.bis officewest of Wabashaw street,) for the term of oneyear, to fill the vacancy occasioned by thedeath of the late justice, Eugene Burnand.

THos. A. Preniergast,108-125 City Clerk.

MILLINmYGOODS.AnEntire New Line ofthe Latest Novelties in


NOW OPEN.The attention of Milliners is

-called to this, the

Finest and ost Complete Stock ever offered.CACHJEMERJS HATS,-


CACHEMRRR FLOWERS,CACHEMERR LACES &ORX4MKSTS.. Merchants win findours to be the Largest, Hand-somest, Cheapest and Best line of Ladies' TrimmedHats in this market.'

' - '

J. OPPEXHEIM & CO.ByFashion Plates gratia upon application.

\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.: . \u25a0 .. «T>«^

Grip, Join iRhodes,Doalert ia

COAL & WOOD.Real Estate Agents

and Mortgage Brokers,

23 East TUriStreet, - - SL PailfcJßr-arM* Berfsvctiem la Prt«e» c* (tee*.' - •

-.- \u25a0-\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 tf» \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -:.j; - "- -



«..«. XjXVTJbIZI.

CATHARTIC.Purely Vegetable. Cures allbilious diseases act-

ing on the Stomach, Liver and Blood. Warranted '\u25a0

in all cases. Auk your Dmpfrfrt for this Medicine,.also for circulars. CLUB COMPOUNDING CO., .

Sold by allDruggists . Red Wing. Minn


1AABETS SINGLEHARNESS ATABARGAINJ. \J U—Ihave just received 100 sets of s vmleharness of a good quality, that Iwill offer for salefor less than regular prices. A liberal discount todealers P. T.KAVA AGH. .

86* . Ooxmafsaion Auctioneer. I



61East Third Street, St. Paul, Minn.EE~Ordem by MailPromptly Attended to._£EJ


Mand Slue Store,37 EAST THIRD STBEET.

CHISLETY & SONS,(Successors to W .T. Whitehouse,)

Are dally receiving large shipments of their



Inthe United States, and willsoon have a large and



LATEST_STYLESWe respectfully ask an inspection ofour Goods and

Prices. Our patrons willreceive the POLITEST AT-TENTION,and should their purchases '

c unsatisfac-tory, we willcheerfully REFUND THEIB MONEY.




Manufacturing CompanyTACTDKERfI OF

Stationary Engines, Upright Engines,Portable Engines, Hoisting Engines,

and Farm Engines,That will burn either coal, wood or straw. CarWheels, Railroad Castings, Iron work for buildings,rodan other kinds of castings.

P. O. Box2676. Works— Eastern terminus Streetttailway. W. MERBIAM,President.

Manager— O. IT.PARKER.Secretary and Trees— W. TOPPIVa. 860 68



Used by Emma Thursby

and other firstclass artists.

R O. MUNGEK,71East ThirdStreet.

\u25a0 FURNITURE. •

'Bare Room-Rent and But

Burr's Patent Parlor Folding-Bed,The most Compact, Elegant and Sub

stantial. Best Steel Spring Mattrass ;a ing: folds out ofsight inBureaus,-Book-Cases, Desks, Ac

\u25a0a. H. Andrews &Co., j\u25a0195 Wabash Are., CHICAGO.IAI«o Manufacturers of

Artistic Household Furniture, Wood Mantels


WOOD CARPET ANDINLAIDFLOORS IFor Hans, Parlors, Dining Booms, Kitchens, BathBooms, Offices, etc

Sample! out be seen and full particulars obtainedby calling on or addressiaf J. DUHFEE, 100 Wash-ington am*Chicago. W-lffHirthn ml


-iiiiisi. &C, &C.

On Monday, April26,We will place on centrecounters 500 pieces FINEHAMBURG EJIBROID-ERIES 9inwidths from1-2to 2 1-2 inches, at the ZjNI-

FORM PRICE OF 12 l-2cper yard. Fully one-half orabove are Finest and Bestmake ofEmbroideries andnot one piece worthless than15c, whilemany are worth

\3oc. Also 100 pieces RealTorchon Laces at the uni-formprice of10c per yard,worth: FULLY ONE-THIRDmore. The aboveare best bargains ever offeredand willnot be sold at thesevrices after Wednesday.

Also now opening :

100 Pieces Black SilS: Fringes. •

100 Pieces Colored Silk Fringes.100 Pieces Beaded Gimps.100 Gross Cat Jet Buttons.200 Gross Ornamented Jet Buttons.500 Gross Fancy Pearl Buttons.300 Gross Plain Pearl Buttons.

j100 Gross Metal Buttons.;100 Dozen Fans.

50 Dozen Silt Mitts.2,000 Parasols and Sun Umbrellas.

All guaranteed at lower pricesthan same quality can be boughtat elsewhere.

POffEßSliTHffi,91 East Third Street,

Farms lor Sale .ISO acres InJackson county, Uianeseta.180 sores Id lleaker county, Minnesota,140 acres la laantl eonnrj, Minnesota.

80acres in Todd oountj, WuuesoU.tOacres la Douglas ooantj, ttlnnenota*SO acres to Houston county, Minnesota.ahoy* laaDaholoa fanning lands, which ws

*tQImD at law price fox cask, or part cask sad bai«ace tm time withapproved security. Wet desert*ties of lands aad further partlcmlan, addrasu »T9AUI.stA*T»BTM WOBKB. Bi.Paul. Mix*

MEkcSantslotEl;MINSK rufeVTER. Proprietor,.


Bates, $2.00 Per Day.

This laa new brick house, newly and elegantlytarnished throughout, with accommodation* second•o no hotel in the Btat*. Good pairple room*, tl

HEN C. CROSS. S3 Broadway, 5. Tn broker mfirot-olass privileges only, refers to RnaaeH

Bage, Esq., T.B. Wallace A Co., H.L.Horton &i'oMHarvey Kennedy. £*q., Alex. Taylor Sods, W. 8.Onmee, Jr., ft Co., and many other flnt-olaaaeoiuea and onemben of the Mew York fltoak > i-aaascecaoarally. S3l-ta 4 l&ffcl