Daily Flyer 3-19

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Today's Daily Flyer

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An Open Letter to PLU Students: This Daily Flyer ad was paid for by QASU

We are a group of involved, committed and concerned student leaders. We work every day to make PLU a safer, more affirming and inclusive place to live and learn. We write to you concerned about the dialogue occurring in the ASPLU Presidential election. Recently, a concerned student asked Thomas Kim, a candidate for ASPLU President, why he did not support gender neutral housing. Thomas responded, “Personally, I do not think that GNH would create an environment in the long term for our students to experience the true love of Christ that He has in store for us.” We are deeply and personally upset by this for several reasons.

First and foremost, this response displays a lack of concern for a sizeable and important portion of our commu-nity that needs an ASPLU President who will act as an advocate: our LGBTQ friends and family. LGBTQ youth are 2-6 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Additionally, 50% of all LGBTQ youth report that their parents reject them due to their identity. Our LGBTQ students need our support; they need an advocate in the ASPLU President.

Secondly, Thomas’s stated beliefs deeply contradict the religious values that guide our Lutheran university. Many of us find value in the following passage: “He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the proph-ets.” Matthew 22:37-40

As student leaders, we strive to create a community that reflects these values. We strive, to the best of our abili-ties, to love our neighbors as ourselves and build a community in which we recognize all students and welcome every part of their identity. We strongly support the University Congregation’s efforts to become a Reconciling in Christ Congregation that welcomes all people including our LGBTQ friends. We are also strong advocates for adding gender neutral housing options to campus to make our university a safer, more inclusive and affirming place for all students.

We fundamentally disagree with Thomas’ statement above as it does not reflect the PLU we know and love as an open and accepting university for all students. This is not intended to reflect negatively on Thomas or his service to PLU. We challenge him to reflect on these differing values and the needs of our LGBTQ students. Additionally, we challenge you to be informed and elect an ASPLU President who will lead as an advocate for all students and we encourage you to attend the debate on Wednesday at 7:30pm in UC 133.

Respectfully yours, Lucas Kulhanek, Andrew Larsen, RHA Activities DirectorQASU Co-Commissioner Pam Barker, RHA President Elect & RHA Social Justice Director 2012-2013Ian McMichael, University Congregation (ELCA) President, with the support of the University Karter Booher, ASPLU Diversity DirectorCongregation Council Princess Reese, Diversity Advocate Rachel Miller, Crossroads Co-RepresentativeStephanie Beckman, Rieke Scholar Kameron Jacobs, Director, Impact: Advertising and Design Leslie Ducay, Community Assistant with Sara Smith, ASPLU Senator Additional Duties of Kreidler Hall Tommy Flanagan, RHA Vice-President Elect Kelsey Greer, Junior Sociology MajorNellie Moran, QASU Co-Commissioner Christine Perkins, Senior Music Education Major

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Concerning the ASPLU Presidential Election:In light of the recent conversations surrounding the ASPLU Executive elections and Gender Neutral Housing, ASPLU would like to clarify its stance to the PLU community. As an organiza-tion, ASPLU cannot and does not endorse or support any candidate, and no ASPLU resources can be devoted to individual campaigns. ASPLU elects new senators and executives tasked with representing the views of the student body each year. Additionally, ASPLU staff directly involved with the election process are not allowed to publicly endorse candidates. On Febru-ary 12th the ASPLU Senate voted 13 to 1 to approve the report entitled “A Path to More Equi-table Housing,” supporting efforts to create a truly gender-neutral housing environment on PLU’s campus.

ASPLU actively encourages conversation and discourse surrounding issues students care about. This includes Gender Neutral Housing, and we encourage students to voice their views through whatever means they feel is necessary. As an advertising publication, the Daily Flyer is available to any member or group of the PLU community looking to purchase space. This includes the recent letter submitted and paid for by QASU. ASPLU would like to emphasize that the Daily Flyer is not a journalistic publication and its content comes directly from its customers.

This Wednesday, the ASPLU President and Vice President candidates will debate on a variety of topics and issues, including Gender Neutral Housing. We invite all members of the PLU community to attend the debate, beginning at 7:30pm in AUC 133. Candidates will also have time to answer questions from attendees and provide closing statements. ASPLU seeks to promote participation in discourse about the issues students care about. This includes en-couraging all to cast their vote for the candidates they believe best represent their concerns as a member of our community at PLU.

Taylor Astel Haley MillerASPLU Vice President ASPLU Human Resources Director

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[[Apply Now]] orientationguide og// be an integral part of the incoming first years first few days on campus

// promote PLU and the reasons you love being a part of the community

// help the first years begin to recognize PLU as their home for the next 4 years

// build relationships with your jammies, fellow orientation guides, and various staff members

// move in early [August 31st]

// get free stuff

// act silly; make memories; have fun

Visit the Career Connections Opportunities Board and look for ‘Fall Orientation Guide’ http://www.plu.edu/career-connections/

Come share concerns and ask questions over coffee with the President

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South Hall 2-Bedroom

& 4-Bedroom Apartments

Available for 2013-14

Apply Online: www.plu.edu/residential-life

- Complete apartments (with mutual roommates) will receive priority over incomplete


- Individual applicants/assignments made on a rolling basis.

- Enter “Random” in place of Roommate Name(s) if applying as an individual and Residential Life

will locate a roommate for you using your Roommate Questionnaire.

Questions? Contact Residential Life UC161 www.plu.edu/residential-life ext. 7200 [email protected]

Applicants must: -Be at least 20 years of age OR have Junior standing

(60 completed credits) by September 1, 2013

-Be in good standing in the PLU Conduct System

Single Rooms, Hinderlie, Hong, and SAL Applications

Anyone interested in a single room, Hinderlie, Hong, or SAL for 2013-14

must apply using the online application:


Applications are due:

Wednesday March 27th

@ 5:00pm

Questions? Contact Residential Life UC161 www.plu.edu/residential-life ext.7200 [email protected]



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ASPLU is providing FREE shuttles to SeaTac airport before spring break!

There are three shuttle times: Friday, March 22 at 9 am Friday, March 22 at 12 pm Friday, March 22 at 3 pm

There are ten seats available on each shuttle, which will be reserved on a firstcome,firstservebasis.

Sign up at the Campus Concierge!

*Pleasenotethattheshuttlesareone-wayridesonly.Youwill needtoarrangeyourownridehomeonthereturntoPLU.

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Student Involvement and Leadership invites you to nominate individuals, programs, and organizations for the Student Club and Organization Awards. These awards will be presented at the Celebration of Leadership on Friday, May 13th, 2013. The addition of student organization awards to the Celebra-tion of Leadership is a new tradition that will recognize students and advisors that have demonstrated a strong com-mitment to service and leadership through their involvement in clubs and organizations. If you would like to recognize an individual, program, or organization that has positively impacted your experience at PLU, please fill out a nomination form on the PLU Clubs Website (www.plu.edu/clubs/join-a-club/Clubs-A-H.php ). *Nominations are due by Tuesday, March 26th.

Student Club & Organization Awards Awards include:

Individual Awards

Outstanding Officer of the Year

Outstanding Advisor of the Year

Quiet Influence Award

Organization Awards

Social Program of the Year

Diversity Program of the Year

Educational Program of the Year

Service Program of the Year

Student Organization of the Year

A student club or organization that most exemplified the

PLU mission

tune for tuesdayMastermind - Grace Potter & the Nocturnals

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Wednesdays during Lent, 12:30 – 1:30 at the Chef’s Table in the UC

Come enjoy a simple meal and some great discussion provided

by Campus Ministry. We are focusing on Big Questions,

helping us understand ourselves and others during this journey of

Lent. We hope to see you there!

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that’s quite a mouthful...

Submit a caption to [email protected] with the subject “Quite a mouthful” or tweet us @PLUImpact with the hashtag #QuiteAMouthful.Favorite captions will be featured in a future issue of the Daily Flyer!