Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1860-03-07 [p ] · Viirluniii.u pispatfli.? % t_wAJtavtWftWAblbb__R__¥. taVJ.,,rHK PAI DISTAT__ iaserve.! to anb «ns »B»*Cfaaaeßß rn-r» e»a

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Viirluniii.u pispatfli.? % t _wAJtavtWftWAblbb__R__¥.

rHK PAI DISTAT__ iaserve.! to anbtaVJ.,, «ns »B»*Cfaaaeßß rn-r» e»a wast.r" __ teth- Carrier weekly. Trice for mailing,tV «>? .. ttM l-r six month*,in advance.\1 TBIft«I.MI WKRRLY DISTATOH isissued

'r.ie* ay aad Fndai st __?. ia advance''_>TH!\« rKKlv I'ISTATi'H tsisauedevery.«>' %r

,;,,is led teaeramffßafeal .1 per annum.

SPECIAL NOTICES._. v. >i< heln» Saloon,BtV" \- , Mr...r.«l't'inx...:Rin,

v, > m halooa,aeooad U» nootherea,a ihe Male, is constant!) supplied

' . ' ! J'CdaMERICAN .Al__»lFf».? ' ' FKl'!l> Nl Tf«. etc... ~.,;>>. WHOI.FSAI.K or KKTAii." ... "fsci in lerme.? ... : , whßCHANTosr*ißvitrt teeaaw:.'! .',,?* *cd well aeteeted stock, which it la....- , ~!,!e.i to, before purcbaataai else? ''.... ted lamitiea ?npptied w.th CRKEB,

', iiivii IKI I ;!\u25a0>. "i *v#rv description.'?.,.. \. ,\u25a0 iTOFFKE. UABtK aad other> '\u25a0\u25a0 -1\u25a0 V f NTtJ se. veil in the beat »tvle, in the

..' sad ! ;»..' shortest notice.rr -\u25a0'?; A. ANTONI.\u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0_ Km l.'» Oeed »>iimnrilnii -*v ? , Cureol KliKl MAPISV.NF-t RAI.OIA.SPRAINS, Ac. Ac.0,,,' \u25a0 .? <\u25a0\u25a0 k»« iag eertifieate Prow a ceatleaaaar ..,'.--. : tl 11*. It) :v'x ~, ,r, : I have leer, a!: .-fed pc

* .» " Rbamniatiarn for the past Sfteea. .--.r -efiorui*. lisib* Bl ' mess., pros\u25a0 -is BB*h '? toti mon sell in bed with..... . iriai which Ime I hive useii

', ?~; i.... i- .mit »itt i. mv reach or kaowl-\u25a0 ii .-c to .our preearatioa called.-' iOD SAMARITAN,ami with the bcee'.*.. simi.artv afflicted in*) be tadaoed tv

rue*. I mast *ay that I haveuever realsnefit* beforefroai aarotherexteraal

m. "iours. very reapectfally,\N y p. Rreasa.

i>. . \u25a0 Co , va.. !"\u25a0 b.«, tarn,% ' erofcert.hc.ifes received even week. .,i e?c#n»*per tvvttle.and for*ale oj |\u25a0fci hpATHH A JOH NMTON, Main at.\ r li.-.Kf R Mn i. St. I

il IKARI'K A CO.. Broad street.,v ~.«. Rl.li'K. Franklin st.

\u25a0< \u25a0 F.l I'R.M'N Mam st.r T iWW IN M in st.« I HA i BFR. 17th st..', i. SNKLI/INGS. Church Hill. ».*?lw


OF 1 HE UNITED SI A l'l->Are.at \ . lass, provertua I) '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 and imAea.tep,

»nd while wa may nothope foi in) nhange for liiealter, until there i« > bettei Bttderslandia* "t tne». . \u25a0 leall i, we way.however, oeatraiulate the

5.1i.l..:? -IT v oi, tl:e i(ltr<«luct »B "I a -cliiedi Which- proveditsoll ?\u25a0( sreal value :n relieviag. aad~.«:, ty, ten aland nervous debilityofHA MPION's" V E«»t TA BLE TINCTI IK.I is the great aiedicine for I ie tea.? h mi ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 »|i it is a ure-it bleasing to them.

is nota lisrasi to which they aresubject, will nol i" \u25a0.,'»cp exr rot. written In a medical man.. . aorroboi led hy our I rst known citizens., . s- \u25a0n II ceil \u25a0\u25a0 'sot thi* Tinctureontheir

» et. .-. ni.liters an I delicate children. Cough,. . stisui, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, with numer.. ..\u25a0 .- se .-." are .-ure.! bj .t.KKMALF- AND CRII.HR EN.-Tin* TI.NCI m will be found agreat medicin* forall theiii teteee.\u25a0*. Cal andget Iamphlet*and*eecurea." ; . )\u25a0; Hi-M.!.. [.ADD k <:0.. Richmond;, fOOKK. Frederickstiurg: by al! the Draw-Peterslmrg: b) MORTIMER a BfOW-:;..- re; and bj Druggiate and .v-'liop

i.fD<ir6 everywhere. 61 per bottletaii bottles,, 4' leJ7-dAcwta

as riaaett'a fllttere? Tbla Celebratedeen used suoessfully for the lasttarelve,'. .. iaci ..) Indite.lion. Flatuleacr. Oca-,., [i« . ti\Nervotttaeaa.SeaSickneea, Ac, Ac.- . . its h iie-iitiiy action tiiroiik.iio.it the

:., .rasters the appetite, staalise ttie etrenbv-.. t.: out energj to lha si stem, a.d

~.-., | nwct id reaistaaee to damaserarely ob-PI,ANKTT_ BITTERB

-...'\u25a0 c andadyrted to all agea and; ? sale bi FISHER ,V WI.V\ .... crs and Druggists cenerail).- ... - -, i .11 I'e-rl street N V

I l__ER .v WINSTON.Drumriata,bll-ib No.l_ Main at.. Kiclnnond.

n_ taugh*. t'elde, ll»ur«.-n«-»s. Ac-The... , . ? : ? ? i «.-. c con iil lint* at tins season~.?. \u25a0.?..!.., ?..; ? . ?. .ma hoatof professedly~.»..,... \u25a0..\u25a0 : v r. ...» some tvw may be good,- -.-id \u25a0 .me even dan.eroua. Toi ? . tment the beat course to pursue

-?\u25a0....- physioian, or otherwise~«?\u25a0 . , ?\u25a0' .-s a* long pat.be experience(,_. 11 -.-.- md efficacious 01 tin*olam\u25a0 s i u.MPOUND SYRUP OF liUM\u25a0? tbe favorite preecrietioa oln, it so..ii became a popalar

>bm ? and without advert.aiaic, has-. grnwinc reputation for tiie...-- twentj .?\u25a0.'- In a! -.."tit cases it acta like, .- ironic caaea. Bronchitis, Hoop-Cri ... i 1?--.:. ma. Ac. it is used with,-.. . I, ~,..s m most | unilies wil! test.fv.

vi ? ,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1 W Baton. Meade ,V Baker, A.'-«?- 11 -.- B rent* per bottle, and in an ele-

i. - . d i Meant Lnzencc form 12s sad IBcent*i - \u25a0? . Prepared bj .!. BALMKR, Fharmacea-Lit, \u25a0 i re, V I fe *.-3m*

mKararti'i Superior Extracts, for Eavor-I'sTARt'S, PIKS, BLANCMANGE, ICE- IE! Lii », SAUCES, A<-., Ao.. ir-re-ptiwi Irow ruitsol the beat quality,and btgbl). - \u25a0 ..; Confectioners. Hotel Keepers\u25a0 .--;., i-tfu Ij ;'ii ited to the Hlsive? - \u25a0 I lie) have ail the freshneaa and

it* fruit* from « hich tbej arei''r.-' -.-? ens expensive. Try them.

\u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 hv JAS p. DUVAL, FISHERS md W. L. WARING, and at retailnerally. Ie ?-Jm*

ttv.ln .alusttred .' -Tbegr. iit.-tudvau-r* --ii offered the Butilio with regard to"\u25a0 KaNCE.iwhite person* slaves.'- !'- upon every description

\u25a0.a :. or OOUBtn . at tiie . id tstab-\u25a0 !RAL INSURANCEOFPICE.Peari.. '.c John N. Gordon and nextto K. 1).- '-' nmpaaiee raateaeatad, tun! all losses. i > paid

'\u25a0 tißßs* fromfto 1o'clock, aadfrom? ' ..daily. C. H. BRICKEN.- ... General inaurance Agent,

'V. v.tu .. ..;\u25a0,, the sick, situated aad namer-'' ? \u25a0-- who have heretofore used Dr. .!.>'.

' '-- ilEDlClNEß.atway* with tbemost unvppv result*, thai tome nntrincipled

\u25a0\u25a0-on tv ate : \u25a0!. imitation. Tne Doctorm pel led to ohance the wrapper, which

* ' ...nl m\ fi. ores, and bl* Written siitnn-\u25a0 ? the ci rk -.1 even bottle of the genuine

'Lit the public eaa aaata obtain<\u25a0- which have tuited tiieir wants .-md

\u25a0 - - TllltS.I S RUSK'S COI'GH SYRUP, for ©oueha?'!,--. ~| i,,e lungs is tbe standard ieme.lv.? " HI R for pains rheumatism, chnl.c,

»c*, and the DYSPEPTIC COM-\u25a0 "pepaiaaad liver complaints,E.st* .euemllv. ant! !i>. warm r -. waring,iot i!r,..-.d st .

-\u25a0 i' Siabatond, va.

-Vkidaey nnd Bladder I oinpluiuls.?The?'?\u25a0 v,: ii... i important iliecoverj for Kidney,: ?' ' !: t- n . UriaarrObetructioaa, Leaeor-:'* \u25a0r whites, Rezaai 'Vv'";iMies«c*, Phv-sica!. ?':. \u25a0' m.l n*biiiti ..feitheraen,iaH-J.TB-

-\u25a0 - Bl t!HI CCMPOUND."v >\u25a0 senunable to walk, haveaoea' I'7this powerfal COMPOUND. It is?-=\u25a0-' \u25a0 st, and ia pronounced bj medi-

\u25a0ho ,-ive used it, t.. t* tiie best. * t, '? \u25a0> »D ib tneworld. Large botttaaI " \u25a0?\u25a0?\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 ' eeutfl. A freah *npplj instra-,*2 \ H Ih.IIA VTINSTON,Druerißts,'*"'*>» .Maui street, K.c.luuotid.

\u25a0V bflprpcl , ti,,. ino*t iiniioyiug aad. ' " " kaowa i- aoeiety. can neverItaol BAKKR'B I'HKMMM

' ' ' ? .. '...id ii|ori tbe liver, stir m1 tbeBloeaaca.?'*?! a*.aad invigorate .lie atiad

f\u25a0' "' \u25a0' \u25a0' itaonnipiete revolution laedect-., . '\u25a0"?".'?- \u25a0 -r in.....and all impuritiesare:.' i.,\ l '\u25a0?"?'\u25a0! i in,Me wbo sutler BbuttM usei." \u25a0?-.' r< rebel.ii . '"', n;; " dtiatam tbecityof Richmond'"wreiß ir _m,». Orders promttly tilled.' " "oi E. .'.XXX, proprietor, liohnw_d.


rh\rl_ ut«'"B. TO THE CITI7.RMSANO. ' p vmTINQ THE .MTV.- If v..v-.;,\u25a0, r. .""", H ii- .nt iv ihe Ute-I and next~A ;";\u25a0;'' ?? e.,uldadviae youtocalloa HOB. ' :; : Cuttinx, Sbaviac, SlmmajHaaa\u25a0 ilooia*.un.ier tt.e Aiuencui. Hotel., , ' H'-li street.M_'___"itl>r"tn ;>:«o can ret their whisker*4u"«ti*« .' '' "?-'?''l fro... red, light,or _re>, to1,1 ,**-t.iu.i?*,.-k..r brown color.

a* | "!..» ,( Xr , o||(| p#rtrß|t> wof|h ...*"n . ',?\' l>*- *" the PHOTOGRAPHS ol[btarr-B. " . /?. ?"ttar eolera, executed at tho

'? 87 ___*\u25a0 '"???eArtttallerj .»f<». W. Ul>-, »«8 ?treat Small .'iHnuerreotvpes and' '-'\u25a0 mVI, V: '"} *'' d tatarced to life-«ize, il de-*ytmi B i'-.'r"' '" "ll color*, wster oeiofß, <>r!.'' PHoT(Biß_W_\>°' AMBKOTVI'KK anle ''in.a executed in tne bighett

'- o.^'"j<*d BBtttapa Bunk, llenrice,'"? i»t» ~j 6'"J* "? "t"'i. which interest .* paid at*'"\u25a0" '"« »H a! S_.' r*' r ~,liul" "pori all sinusre-_*Bt for _''",l11"-"r longer, nnd 6 per cent, per***t. * *'_r,l« . t-en.Ki Office N... t$ Main\u25a0r..' 'N >-i TI.KS,Pr«»ident.*d Jiu !?_*!' !- 0 WaLI-'OKl),H«o'|.JA4l>;s L. I'ORTKR.Trea'r.

"! Ks ,;\u25a0;" »H lab. in rkcbuiiue for,e»Btr__/ ALt '«LK BAKING POWDER,' "Baet iagood qwrnmr.~ I"HN W. UAKIiICK,"taafaein,,, nnd Sole I'ropneu.r,market Place, franklin street.

ft^^»_c^_s__^M '"«*.;." ri » bbb_ P..r rata by Dnu-iati

it _^fat_l _t__,_;di _? u» i-KMPLE'ri'KuiU_difAKlS '' lOWDER. For tale"?a vfttMh

liidiiiionti pspairlT.WKIINESOAY MOKNINO, MARCH 7. lf«(.


Ti ast.Av, March % l-.uj.The Senate wascalled to order at v o'clock

A M . I.ifi.i.<*ov. iMosTAOiit in th" Chair.Prayer by Bee.L W. Skki.v, ~i tbe BaptlafUhurca.

A communication was received from theHouse of I>.'lejratcs, to the effect that that bodyhad passed Seaate toll entitled an act for therelief of Hie ?trinities of li. Hopkins, lateSlier iti ol ri»iiiir county, with an amendmei.t. aad tbej had paaaed a hillentlttealaaact aateadiac I?? charter «f the town of Sa-lem, in -he county of Roanoke. The lastaanted bill *raaread the requisite nninln-r oftinv.'s and paaaed. Tamaaß*__u**Btt to tawAralaamed lull waa adopted by the Senate.

TheCierk of 'lie House also sent in a tium-berof cnri'lled fulls, wliidi had been examinedby ti.e projMr Mouse commit teeand found cor-rect.

la fnritatiem.? TbePrvaMantl submitted anInvltatiOß tram .be. Bfedieal Collegeof Vir-ginia to attend tbeir Annual Commencementat Mecnaaka' Hall, on Thursday, at 6 P. ML

gtenentand Hozlett.? A mess.ag-c w:is receivedfrom tbe Hoate,communicatingBBepaaaaajaafa jointresolution allowing tbeeemittteeaofCourts Ol .I'.istice of both Houses to sit duringih,, feaeioa of tti»» Qeaeral Assembly for thepurpoee ol hearing t_eorce Seaaott, Ban- ofBoston, coaaael for Aaron I). Stevens and Win.H.-i/.lett, under sentence of death at Charles-town, Jefferson county. Mr. Seaaott desiringto urgebefore those cominit tees reasons for acommutation of sentence?execatioa ofwhichi> appelated to take place on the if.th inst.?Ibe reaolattoa w;is called uj* nt tin* laat_.eeol Mr l»oi i.i.As«. and trasconcurred fa by theSenate. The twoconuaitteea sitting- ia jointsession will mccl at 6 P. M., oa Thursday, inthe Senatechamber, tohear Mr. Seaaott,

Bills Passed.? House bill amending the char-ter ol ihe town ofSalem, ia the county ofRoanoke; House lull making an additionalappropriation (£15,000,) todefray the expenaeaincurred for the defenceoftheOo_moatraalth,with an Amendment.

/;..".i Reported.?The followingbillawere |_.trodneed With th" leave of tbe Senate, viz :?By Mr Neat, a bill to incorporate the l'ar-kersburg BrfdfaA)orapany ; l.y Mr. c.ighill,aI.ill to iiicorpoi_ft*> Hie town ol PoweltOß, inthe county of Amherst ;by Mr. Dickinson, abill to amend the Ist section of an act passedJanuary 17th, Itaki, entitled an act for tho re-lief ofRobert Vaugham aad other securitiesof Dennis Fielder, late sheriff of (iraysoncounty. All of which were rend the'firsttune.

Th* Tax Bill.? Tbe Senate, oa motion, pro-ceeded to consider the nnnuiibedbusiness olyesterday, viz : "A bill lor the assessment oftaxed on persona and property." Tbe ques-tion peadiug was ibe motion of Mr. Thomas,of X.. to require the Commissioners of theRevenue to asicrtain and report the value ofgo.ds, \c, purchased for the preceding year,when purchased, tbe places of their growth,manufacture, «Vc nnd tho ports into WhichMiey were brought, Ac. The motion failed.?Mr. Audi sr moved to exempt frum taxationclerks- salaries received la anymecbnnicalormanufacturing establishment, which motionwas rejected. Mr. Tin.mas, of F., renewedthe motion adding the salaries m 0( overseersor managers ofplantations, when the amountreceived is less than $500," which wasalsorejected. He then moved to exempt from tax-ation ml registered and other State bonds,Which was opposed by several Senators, andlost?Ayes T, noes -.'ti. The bill was then or-dered to be engrossed.

Th' South' ia Conft r, are.?The orderof the daywas called lor, and the Senate proceeded tothe consideration of the report, of tne Jointc itnmitiee on a Southern Conference, (which!..i> already appeared in tbe Dispatch )

Oa motion 0. |_r. Thomas, of F, tbereportof the majority, adverse to the Conference,was «o amended as to includealso a responseto tbe mission ..! Gen. P. li. Starkn, the Mij-Bissippi Commisi loner.

Col.At.it-sr road the minority report andreaolulions, introduced by himself, m favor ola (Conference, and moved their adoption as asubstitute. Hi' resolutions were so alteredtbat tbey included aa answer to the Missis-sippi Commissioner and arranged for the ap-pointmentoffive Beputtea to attend a Con-ference.

The aye* and noes being called by Mr Nkk-eoa, theminority report was rejected by thedecisive vote of ayes 13,8008 30.Mr TiH'Ml'son moved, as a substitute, a se-ries of res In lions favoring .submitting theproposition lo the people: but they were re-jected.

Mr. Carson offered a proposition, to theeffect that Virginiawas willing to meet hersisier Statea of South Carolina and Missis-sippi in ('.inference at Atlanta, Guergia,andthat she would send sev.-u delegates. Thisproposition waaalso rejected. The vote wasthen taken on the report of ihe majority, ad-verse to the Conference, which was agreed tor.y a vote of 31 ayes to II nays. The follow-ing is the vote:An:-.- Messrs. Armstrong, llrannr.n. llru.c,

Caldwell, Caraea, Carraway, Ci.rter. Day, Kinney.French, Greever, Johnson. Junes, Lotan, Mar-shn'.l. _as*ie, AltKenney. Nnal, Neeson. Newloa,Newman, Pate, Paxton, Richmond. Rives. Stuart,Thomas of P., Thomas of 11., Towaee, Urqa-hart, A ickUam.

.\ ay..? .Messrs. Aiiirust, Christum, Claiborne,.'ort.ill, Dicteneon, Douxla*, Gatewood, Lynch,Peßß] b-i.-ker. Taliaferro.Thomaaoa.Appropriation Bill.?The bill appropriatingthe public,revenue for tiie llscal year- JKV.i-'iioaad I-.iii-'GI. was culled up by Mr. B__B_OBand after sundry blanks in the bill had beenfilled was passed, when Mr. Ba_BBOB was re-quested to inform the ffotise the. eof.

Reconsidered.?Oa motion of Mr. Wi'kiiam.tbe Senate reconsidered the vote rejecting thebill f.-r the completion of the Sclavia'a Cabinnnd SummersvilleTurnpike, and thebill w;islaid on 'he table.

The Senate then adjourned.

HOUSEOF DELEOATES.Ti ksi.ay, March6, 1860.

The lloit«e was called to order tit 11 o'clockA. AI, tiv Speaker('iliTCiiKlKl.t.. Prayer byLev. .1. C. Hi MAN, of the Alethodist Church.

Time ot Meeting.?A resolution was Offeredhy Mr. Maui in, provii!ing for an earlier hourof meeting; hut, the same meeting with aaob-jection,was laid vii the table. The resolution

reads as follows :Resolved, Tbat when t'us Hoifteadjourn* it ad-

journ to meet, on to-nioi row at 10 o'clock A. M.,and that itcontinue t-> m-ei from day to day there-niter at tii it hour.Invitation.?The Sim-\krk submitted an in-vitationfrom the Dean ot the Faculty of theMedical College, invitingthe House to ihe An-nual Commencement, to take placeat Mecban-iis' Hall at - o'clock P. ML, Thiirsdav night.

Message from thi S note.? The House wereinformed throughMr. Baaavost that the Sea.ate had pn m"! the lull appropriating the pub-Ik i--"ii'.i lor the fiscal years !->.")'J-'t>u-'til.

Petition*- The foUowiag document waspreen ted I'.y Mr. HIue, two |ietitionsfrom tbecitizens of Hampshire county, pray-ing the incorporation of a company to con-sii met a road !rom some point below Cumber-land, lid., by way of the shert g.'if), to Frank-fort, IUt'.i-iey aad Oapon Springs. Referredto the Oomnifttee on lioadsand ltitern.-il Nav-igation.

Ibj - i Spftiil Licenses.?Thellouse resumedthe eoastderatioa of the ur.finished bu*niessolyesterd.-iv.n bill imposing taxes oa Special li-censes. Mr, INiiibktson, of Kichiiioii.l, pro-i-«eded lo oniiuue, and concluded Ins argu-nient again-.' the princ'pl.s involved in iheiion-iniercour-e act. He wasfollowed by Mr.J.inks, of Appomattox, whosiist.tiiieti the bill,and advocated Ihe expediency of a SouthernConference. Mr. Junks whs followed by Mr.IMtkinson in opposition thereto: pending*which the Chair was vacated at threeo'clock.

ihk Ai'ji-T.wr liKNKRAI..Tbe 10llowingcoin urniiication from the Gov-

ernor was vent to the Legislature a lew dayssince, it puts the claim of this ollicer uponthe Stale in a projier light

Exs< itivkUki'ab rjtatTT, Feb. 36 InW.Gentlemen if theSfuale and House ifDelegates

At )<>nr aessiou ia approachim; ita termination,1 feel it to he aduty to call >..ur attention to a recouii.ieid-tK.il, made l.y my predecessor in hi*iutiKM.-ii.-e <>f ll.e itli of December Urn. in regard toil.eAdjuUni lieuei.vi. H.adtitie* are of the firatimportance, arid etc.eedin.ly laborioua, and theyhtve been diM-harted iniellwently. promptly,cl.eerfullv and faithfully. Heba* been retuiany... Pi* pl.ice, kivi.ik hi* pergonal attention to theincreasing b.isn.es* nt ti.e office, duiiiig mv con-nect on with the (uivernmeut My predecessoratleal* In* /.e-vl, fidelity aud ability during In* en-lire term of orlice.Tbe neutral dutiea of the Adjutant (ieneral aredefined in chapter 22,aection 25, p. 127 ol Ilie Cede.Hi* apacinland incidental iiuiie* are v-ariou* andalmost innumerable. The principal aud moat im-portantof tbeee are the taeniae, registering andira.iMiniii.ri. all military c<iiuiui>«i..n* of everymate, to tbe aamber <>l tfceneeude every year.?Before lite militia natem w»» broken down, thi*ilutyalone.as lam informed and Ixtlieve, occupiedthe en ire time of onec!er*. bines itsreorganisa-tion in U-H. the labor i.at be«B xrratly increased,a* 1 am wall ?afiafied from the number of oi mmiiKioil - i-KUed K-ice I caste inIn office.

Ai! iiiiliiary order*, instruction*, Ac.,i»*iie fromthe Adjutant deneral'h Offi.ie, mid al relur Mareiiece*sa'ily made to it. Tbe correacondence ...-.cupiea a portionof c.cli dat, and requires lhe per-ineal ..ten ..ni »f tbe A.ij.ii.ini<i»ner-l The let-tateataloadete,efvbtea a record wn» tees MU*ett.- i. |,d lajS !*'?* «',-, ~|n ii)pate*. e-»eie-iea«»fvi,ii i.c.'.- r- r»! ' n Mi Hi* .-??. ??\u25a0 ?«..., ..1 meren-lil.i.* «? -Hil.es" "t "I «' -C-'ioii, Ac.

Tb* < rxaniaition of Lie v_rn.ua volunUsrcoml>aui«a

_ aiisewUvaa ul the cute, baa Uuowuuy-

on th.» ...fleer a east amountof lalior. growingout«»! <?Us l»r inlormatmn inretard to arrna, the .mitoriii.ani! other matter* more or leu* connectedWilli the volunteer system, au * so popularWith allC.aaaaaol our people.Thsefhcieac] oftheeatimapatemefpuMmejefe-ee.I'pe.id- upon the ability,enerev, premptitudeandlai'hi.dncHs ef the administration of thi* departi,.»nr. Taut tbe militia, under the act ofI*W, Wer«afnaientl; organized and p.epared for *erv!ce. inwallestaNtshed b, ti.e fact, that uiy predecessorwaaer.nh.cd. ui...ni maiam call*, to command a*many troops as hedeen.ed ncees*ary tobrui* intothe Led. N.; man doubt, thathe could[havebroughtiavaet!) lacreased number intoservice, if,tney had te*nrequired.During the present -easiona Btaat importantand.-.bonoi.s duty was devolved upon the Adjutanti.eneral. the Secretary ofState and the First Au_^?_*_ g__,,m_» 4 ~f u'e aaaatjatt growing".'.'i,, _f ' I,rP.'"r '*" erry "'"race. After their re-wilar official duties were d>-oharred, their even-inee aadaigatawere devoted to its perthrmance.vmliiizeal.industryand energy that .etlect. thehivheat credit upon them.With the Armory now Btataaf into operationnndthe aener.il arii.aii.eiit ?l the State, it is d'lheulr to

f.«."i_ ,V p.\te ".Tr ",e ",t "r,, laU>r" vri"<--i' wini.evoHe u-M.nthe Adiutani General'a office,l-or a tne service* which the Adjutant Ueneral'" "".,<??, the law allowa tuwonb one hun-dred dollars per year. And wink it is true that mv? .'- . ,-~IWP, < him out of the militaryi,T,Tnnf fun,l "'e additional sum ol nine hun->lr«.t dollars per annum for the last two .ears, inennsaaaenceof the heavy extra duty imposed up-on him. yet it may tedoiiiitt.il whether tins allow-ance can be continued ft would tie manifestly

unjust that he s.mul.l |« allowed this miserablepittance. |r would he discreditable lo the Statemat «ne aboßMj haveenjovedthe aennceaofaa in.iuhtriou.- competent, enerjietic and accomplishedofficer,who ha* rendered her valuable civil andinibteri services.for such a salary. I do noten-tert.iin a doul t that a fair and just compensationmo.i ,i have provided for hunere this time, if,in the multiplicity of business which is tiefore>ou. and in win -h you are all deeply interested,tin-matter had not been overlooked. I most re-\u25a0peetfnlly recommend, therefore, in view of'hernnaiderattena which 1 have presented, and othersthat will readily occur to your minds, thai yonpaaaa tall axißK hisaalar* at the h-rim mentionedin the message of :u> predecessor.

Respectfully. JOHN LETCHER.A Saint Lost in an Avalaschf.?Thalleeeret News ofa late date bringsintelligence

'bit on the _jtb of December last Mr. JohnKing was buried in a snow slide inCciitervillekanyou. He and Thotaaa Branaaa went upthe kanyou after wood. Brannan ascendedIhe mountain on one side of the kanyou, andKing oa lhe other side to get down wood.?When ;it the bottom of the mountain and alsowhile ascending, they beard the snow crack,bat paid no particularattention to the fact?Hut when King had got about one hundredand fifty yards up the mountain, the snow onwhich be was walkinggave way and fiegan toslide down. Instead of making toward theedge of the slide and getting oti, he bent hisright foot under his body, thrust his leftforward and prepared forande down, steady-ing himself with his axe. In going down hegraduallysank in the snow. When be gotnear to the bottom he let tbeaxegeand pitchedforward on his bee,and th«ii disappeared ?

Hr.-uinaii went to Centerviltefor assistance.Tbe people turned out with shovels and dugtil! sundown before they found the b >dy, whichwas ten teet below the .-mince of tbeanow. -His legs were drawn back ami his feel over.bishead, but his body was not mangled. Deceasedwas born in Australia, where he embracedMormon ism. The News says he waaa veryworthy young man and a faithful Latter DaySat ul.

A Noau i.mi.X Fkllow.?in tbaAltooaa(Pa.) Tribune, of the Ist, we read: "(In Wed-nesday evening last, the local lreigbt train-.vest, on the Mi.Batata Division, was an houraad thirty munites behind time, and conse-quently was runningat apretty smart speed.Aboutamile east ol Couemaugb, at a sharpcurve, a large rock fell on tbe track and broke,one half going into the river and the otherhalf remainingoa the north track, on whichthe local freight was running. A little boy,on bis way from school, discovered the rockon the track, and hearing ihe train coining,tooka red cap from the head of his little sister, ranwith all lus speed tomeet the tram,and waiv-ing his cap, succeeded in stepping it. The en-gineer says ibai he certainty would have runinto the rock had he not been signalled,as liecould not have seen it iii time to cluck ihetrain. The boy who thus exhibited so muchforethought, nnd the knowledge of the use ofsignals, and tiie consequences lo the tram ivcase it was not stopped, is said to be onlyabouttea years of age."

Till! BA_TI_OKKOOBt_UEBCBOB SI.A'VEIIV.A i the aesafoß of the Baltimore Coaference inWinchester, Va, Saturday, the bishop laid be-fore the Conference lor their action the resolu-tions of tbeProvidenceand Erie Conferencesproposing to change the disciplineof the Me-thodist Episcopal Church oa the subject ofslavery. Both sets of resolutions contemplatestringent legislation upon tbe subject. TbeProvidenceresolution, which is the strongest,reads thus. "Slaveholding.the buyingor sell-ing of men, t*oa>i or children with anintention of enslaving them." Tins pro-posed rule differs from the present rule inihe discipline io this, tbe word "slaveholding"is adde.!. and the "and" is substituted by tbeword "or." Ou all the resolutions, however,'he Conference voted iivanuii..mii) not to con-cur. Tins result was applaudedby the spec-tators (of whom there was a great crowd)b"th in the gallery aud on the lower floor, andgave universal satisfaction to preachers andpeople.

Tim Steamkk Hi noakian.?Additional re-ports iv relation to the Hungarian, furnishnames of those either known or presumed tohave been on board, and of course to haveperished with the hapless vessel. Capt. Shan-non, of the Africa, slates that the passengersnumbered about one hundred and forty. Thisnumber,added to that of the crew, give'sas ihesum ot the lost two huiidted.uiid fourteen.?From the agents of the company at Cape Sa-ble no particulars ol interest are received.?Meters. I'dmoiiftoue, Allan A (10., the ownersof the line, publishin aCanadapaper a vindi-cation of Capt. Jones, wlio commanded theHungarian, from unjust charges brought byan anonymous writer against his memory.?They declare him to have been a man of rarejudgmentia nautical matters; intrepid, butcautious: careful in observations and calcu-lations; ofabstemious habits, aud a strict dis-ciplinarian.

SfKi-RtHBP.m:ty St iti'uis_r>.?Young Ame-rica not longago undertook to tweeasurpriseparty at the house of Dean Richmond, iv Buf-falo, N. Y. In full feathers, with eatables aaddrinkables and music, the self-invited guests,to the number of two hundred, drove up toDana's door, rung the belt,and prepared lor arush in. Hut they reckoned wrong, lieauanswered the bell in person and of courseblocked up theentrance. The Buffalo Expresstell* the re-t: He politelyasked the businessOf the leader of the party. He is informed"That this is a surprise party."' lie assuresthem he is notsurprised at all?is nnisorp-.s. dhi anything now -v.-da.vs? .lues not intend tobare apartythat Bight?when he wants onehe will make proper preparation, and 1-ld ti.eguests bimself. we wishes them a pleasant\u25a0good night,'' and closes the door. Thi" wasfairly turningth'- tabta on Young America?the surprisers were the surprise party.

A New Fire-E'-c \rr. Ttutoroii a ClothTiiik.-- Much nmusejTieiit w;ts furnished totheNew York multitude, Wednesday, hy theexhibition of a llre-e?'-;ipe, of English inven-tion, on the Park. Theapparatus consists ofa long cloth tulio, supported by ropes at thesides, oneen.'of wliicfi is listened to the topof the building,while tbe other end is held bythe spectators oa the ground. Through thisbottomless bug the |K>rsoi"« in dangerare ex-pected to slide. A number of boye and menvolunteered to slid.- from the top" of tbe CityHall in ibis m-innei,aad seve-ral hundred peo-ple looked on, greatly enjoyingthe sport. Theslide was apparently pleasant and perfectlysate. At one time thine boyi went down in aheap ai once. The bundle of juvenilitywas alittle too large for the lube, ami the trio twoor three times stuck tast, to the greai merri-mentof tlieepeotators. Theystruggled throughit, however, and were taken out evidentlyaswell pleasedwith the adventure as tbe spec-tators. _

SimulaM Casb.?(ln the _iiih of last Ile-cemlier, a little sou of Tho*.Crandall, of Mc-Keau townsbip, Erie county. Pa., aged 10months, while playing on the floor, was sud-denly attacked with symptoms of choking,aud was supposed to have partly swalloweda piece of almond busk. The little fellow, al-though temporarily relieved, continued topine away until the 2*.d of February, when bedied. A post mortem examination was made,and in the windpipe,below the breast-bone,was found a apiral coil of brass wire, ', ot auinch lougands-l- in diameter, completelyim-bedded in the membrane. It was the springofa clothes pin, and retained all its elasticityand power. _________

Emiiakiiashimu CostruMKßT.?An amusingoccurrence look place in tbe New JerseyStaleSenilis at Trenton on Mouday laet. A rumorhivingobtained currency that the wifeof lheSenator from Burlington had recently pre-sented him with triplet*, a resolution waspresented tenderinghim tbe congiatulauonsot his pegrt, and recommending that bis ex-amplebe followed by Hie entire body of graveand reverend Senator*. The resolution waslaid on tbe table, amid a terrificexplosion oflaughterwhich could not be restrained, thelobbies relishing ihe jokeeiiimlly Bf keenly a«i>n. .? .iiriiii the bar. i» »« p*»»|B*r {? "*»«?H.i vie s-i.HK.i- li.m Hurling "' k»4©laga*vviml a*, vii be .;.i».c:.J und-t the eircuui-tlaniiea.

Intbubbtibo FoßSiriN Itbiih.?The Africa'smails furnish the followingforeign 1tern- ofinterest:

In tbe House of Commons, on the liith ofFebruary, a motion by Mr. W. Williams toabolish Dogging in the British armyand uavvwns negatived.A motion was tvendiiiginthe Common Coun-cil of London to present the freedom of ihecity In a gold box to Mr. Cobden, for bis die-'\u25a0nguished services in ihe cause of lree trade.The German journals, state that Mr.Cobdenbail declined the Cross of the Legion of Hon-or. orTered to biin by the Emperor of tbeFrench.i .tieen Victoria held her first levee of theseason at St. James' palace on the l.",th Feb-niary.Thedeath of the Rev. Dr. Murray, BisbopofRochester, is announced.The new Wbitworib gun* had been triedwi'li success. In range and accuracy theArmstrong gnu is said tohnvebcen surpassed.The journalBn rarp»_pa>>li*bedat St.Brieuzjhadbeen Bupfgaaaed. Tbe re.isou given for thesuppression is the publicationof an addressof three deputies to lhe Knij>er<>r, which, bylamenting that tbe prolongation of incerti-tude wmiid separate all sincere Catholics from'lie cause of the Emperor, is a sort, of protest

against the policy of tbe governmen t as re-gards the H imiiii question.The King of Sardinia arrived at Milan onthe IStb February, and was received with ex-traordinary enthusiasm.Nine hundred Bavarians, enlisted for thePapalarmy, had arrived atAncona, and otheiawere expected.Austria had prohibited the ex portof a large

quantityof arms which were on the way toN«-r\ia through her territory.In the Prussian Legislature, the First Cham-ber had discussed the government matrimo-nial law, and had rejected civil marriage ivevery form.The latest reports from St. Petersburg con-tain the followinginteresting items:It. may be recollected that the telegraphicproject of an American to unite Europe withAmerica across tie whole of Asia to America,via Bebring's straits, is now before the Rus-sian government,and it la thoughtwill !«\u25a0 ad.lusted toon. Tne engineers who have hadchargeol the survey of the route Iran Kuzanto the Amoor will be hero soon with their re-ports.

The Russian winter is very mild, and con-sequently we have no tunabiaa or moonlight.1 lie weather has U-en dark and cloudy.1 lie acknowledged public debt of Russia Isl,oi'o,<K.o,iK.«i of silver rubles?7se. to the ruble6ou,««JO,(MJO of this ia in the bank paper notes ofthe government in circulation, and attempercent,discount for gold

Thk Hiutish Army Estimates.?This yearthere is an increase in the Hritish Army Es-timates of nearly two million sterling, (saySH'.ihhi.whi,) tbe chief items of which will goior warlike stores by aeaand land. There isanaddition ot £196,71x1 forforUacaiiona. Thetotal amount naked for is El for tbesupportofaaarmy atea ; lor thoughthe total number ol all tanks amounts to 235,.-~,', tbe differencebetween this aud the formernumber consists ut i_,.? in India, wbo arepaid by the Indian Treasury. Ontof the to-tal sum to be raised, not more than £*500,0W1finds its way into the pockets of tbe rank andfile. Including officers, thetun readies il,-iKct,f«,7. Some curious statistics are presentediv detail connected with the estimates. Thu*,the LifeGuard- coat £o9per annum each man,while an ordinary cavalry soldier costs onlyXUT. Thefrrenailier UVuards cos; £32 perman,while in other itilantry regiments, tho expen-diture is X-.M per man. The Stall costs £3311,.143per annum. The Inspection of the FootGuard.- cost £1.125 annually. Lasj; year,tbougbthere were no Kifle Volunteers." an_thoagb this year tbere are fromtti.OUUto Tij.iimimen, the vote i.-- reduced by t-J(',MHi. Oithe Volunteer force, the Yeontaury a am-ber ll.iiiiii, and cost .ttT.imu, -while the IJnieVolunteers cost only f.'ii.ntKi: and yet, whilethe Yeomanry are comparatively u«ele-s. theLille Volunteers are admitted tii be efficient ?The non-effective service costs ».-.',i:il,n-j:j, ofwhich the 16tiGeneralsoa the active list, butmoitot whom are unfit for service, take themodest little --urn oi £7_H59. Tbe half paylist, which is eiowded witlr officers, who areneither sick nor disabled, amounts to nearlyLVjo.iiiki. £-_o,wbj goes to widows and wound-ed officers, by way of pensions.

ThrNew Aik-th i;.\.i'Liin.\.iton.?l>r. I I.Hayes, Surgeon of the Kane Arctic Expedi-tion, hopes to Ih? ready for a start in the monthof May next for another voyage to the NorthPole. l»r. Hayes I.asalready raised the fHymn,one-half of the necessary sum, from thegener-ouscontributions ofbis personal friends, andhopes to s"cure the rest from the liberal pub-lic at large. To assist linn in this endeavor,the Geographical and Statistical Society haveappointed a committee of leading merchantsand other well-known citizens, (among themHenryi Iriiinell,)and there is reason to bopethai the appeal will not be made in vain. Thespecialobject ofDr. Hayes- proposedexpedi-tion is to determine at once and forever tiiequestionof an open I'ulursea. which Lieut.Morton saw, and the existence of Whichwould seem to leestab.ished by a variety ofcir-cumstantial evidence. The sea Dr. Hayeshopes to reach by making ibe principal por-tion of the trip on dog-sledges?vehicles bywhich he and his associates rude over a thou-sand mile* oa the previous expedition.

South Carolina. ? The Edgefield (S. C.)Advertiser, anticipating the failure of Col.Memminger's mission to Virginia, hopes thatthe Legislature will hereafter "do nothing toplace South Carolina iv the lead of Southernaction without the most mature deliberationas to the probableeffects of so doing,"and sug-gests that -'an appeal to the ballot-box shouldalways precede any such action. Three timesSouth Carolina lias already attempted to leadofT in the disunion dance, and in every in-stance litis been left toiler amusement solitaryand alone. She may well hesitate about re-pealingsuch mistakes hereafter."

ROBBLBUB MuSDXB ?We have l>een inform-ed by a reliable gentleman, that oa Saturdayevening last, Dr. P. A. Deik, of Sussex, wasburned to death in bis resilience, which wastotallydestroyed at the same time. The Doc-tor had justdisposed of a valuable negro andhe had about S-Jihio in his possession, ami thepresumption is that tbe ser\ antsfirst murder-ed him lor his money, and then set fire to thehouse.

The Doctor was about thirty years of age,and a widower. He leaves one "child, and agood estate.? Petersburg ( Va.) Press,

A Son Chakukk his Father withMir-i.kr?A man named < leorge Palmer has beenarretled tn Salem, N, .1., on a charge ...f mur-der,preferred against linn by his son. who al-leges that bis father, some years siaoe,mur-dered and robbed a pedlar in Barliagtoa. Ithas been ascertained Unit several years sincea pedlar disappeared in Burlington nnd watsnppoeeri to be murdered, but nothing wasevpr heard of tr-e matter. The charge againstI'alrter is being investigated.

D?tTBOV A REVOI.ITIoNARV VeteranDaniel Bnaham died m Oswego, N. V., a fewdays «inee. Rt the advanced age of ninety-eifht years t'tid seven days. He was at tiiebattles ofBußket Hill and Camden, aud at thesieg > t Yorktoara,and wus one of theForlornHop'i that first crossed Ihe Ilelaware amid thefloating ice, aad surprised the Hessian army.He never v. as confined to his bed but oneday,?md t v.a! was the day before his death.

MAnri'" BsTD DIBDOB thicSaukPat. -ThePaytonftIhlo)Journal pabllthaa the marriageol Mr. Stephea 8. Doggett to Miss Emma 1..Harris, both of that city. The ceremony tookplace oa Saturday, the ..".th ult., at *.* o'clockA.M. In thesamepayaf appears the noticeof Mr. Dofrgett't: death on the same .lay of hisnuptials,ai halt-past IS o'clock P. Al. Thede-cea*edwas in Btaatal year.

TKnitnaK Dc-B-TM Tkaokhy ?A terribledomestic tragedy occuned at Woousocket, R.1., onThursday night. Mrs. DavidDaveuportpoisoned her infant, live months old, aud thencommitted suicide by poisoning herself. Bothmother andchild died at an early hour thenext morning Family troubles areat tbebot-tornof it. Sirs. Davenport attemptedsuicideprevious to her marriage, about a year since.

The llimci a Boy inTkainimi.?The Lon-don News of tbe Hith ultimo says: Mr. Hee-naii, the American pugilist, better known ivthe professional world aa the '-Benicia Boy,"has located himself at East liariiham, adjoin-ing the city of Salisbury,where he is under-going the necessary training for tbe forthcom-ingcontest with Sayers, for the championshipol England.

St ii U.K.?A German tailor, named John G.Fischers, committed suicide, iv New YorkMonday morning,by hanginghimself. Beiorecommittingthe laial act, be fired the room,having first thrown campheue over the furni-ture, liis body and the llamas were discoverednt the same time.

Ji-ruiß I.vt'KAi iißi» ? The Maryland Houseol Delegate* ou Saturday, by a vote of 69 to 5,petitioned Gov. Hubs to remove from olhceJudge Stamp,of tbe Criminal Courtof Balti-more, ou the groundof drunkenness on tbebench, and other misbehavior in office. TheSenate takes up tbe matter to-morrow.

Eljah O.wle-, of Ha.tley, Mi - , baa I** n111ot. -iMißy -". :o Mary X R i -ell, . i is .li.vsi. 10. promising '" bare h.-r and iu< v?uc.iku_ a .va,. She -ued lor $ij,oou.

A Br.»/.K lIOOIt FDR THE CaI'IToI. ?A let-ter from Rome, Italy, says !"Rogers i= engaged her» upon a hrr.ii/o doorfor the Capitolat Washington, which is rocatt>\u25a0.'..,ium. The first scot..' represents Columbnab«tore the Council ot Salamanca, enfoldinghi- great theory. In the second fie 1= Jasl set-lingout toseek r.'Viil aid. In the third he Isbefore the King and Queen, laboring tocon-vince them. Isabella leans forward and teemsinterested, but Ferdinand scarcely deigns ??>heed the visional)- enthusiast, tn tbe fourthbeis confidinghis son t.> thecareof t is.- monks,while his ships wait. In the fifth be i- IHid-ing in great state upon St. Salvador. Tbosixth is at Hispanioln. wbereoueot tbe tailorsis bringing an Indian girl t» the ship on hi'boulder. The next i« rihe greet navigator'striumphal entry Into Barcelona vii his return.In the succeeding one he is about to be sealborne from Cuba in chains and disgrace. Tbe'last scene of all1 is death. Tiie priests haveadministered lobim tbe sacrament; oneholdsa crucifix fur him to kiss; friends nnd atten-dants are weeping around, and tbe spirit ofthe dyingman is about to atari on that lastgreat voyage from which none return. Inniches surrounding these scenes are figuresand busts of varims royal personages con-temporary with Columbus, including Ferdi-nand and Isabella. Ac"

Prkskx_wrwom Amkki.-ans to Royalty.The American 1.-gallon at Paris has, with theconsent of the Emperor, .eased toeend bim thegifts ofAmericans consigned to its care. Thethinghad become a nuisance, us the followingextract from _ [__ letter will show ;

A short time since they received from some-body in Conaeetß al an immense pincushionenclosed iv a box about a foot rqaare and in-tended as a present to the Empress. One mansent from Florida a shell which be had picket'ap on th.- eea-eoaat, and which had on ii i tttn-rally engraved an almost perfect le .-r ?.VIi is not. uncommon to receive sets ol harness,spm>. Ac, and one man from away oui ivMissouii sent a barrel of bacon over f.>r hisMajesty's larder. As a matter of precautionsince ibe Orslnf affair, I take it, the Emper ihas been a little careful about opening pack-ages. Some one of ifce«e harmless lookingMxeemightcontain torpedoes' em ugh to blowthe Napoleonic dynasty into a greet state oluncertainty, end tbey might possibly, too besent from America by some of tbe fanaticsteber wbo believe in the "holyrightol assas-ainntioa."The Admimsit:a iton Vnw orTBI Sfaxi-

ianTkkatv.?Tiie Washington Constitutionof yesterday,commenting upon the MexicanTreaty not before the I. s. Senate L>vratification, says:

If it l>eratified we shall preserve peace withour unhappyneighbor without luss ol bonoiwe (ball derive incalculable commercialmanufacturing, and agricultural benefits; weshall obtain partial satisfaction, to the extentof of tbeclaims ?>! our tellow-citi-zen«, amounting in the aggreg-j te t.i aboiff «i 0-i»'t\i i-o, ai.ii longand justlydue; aud we -hallprevent, or rather remove, tbe iuterveatioa olforeign nations in the domestic concerns ofrttnxico. At this moment hersovereign rightsareinvaded by France aud Great Britain, towhom, under the threat ol armed interferenceshe is compelled to pay r,;i per cent, of the _a-ties collected atVera Cms ami Tampico. It.on tiie other hand, the iretty is rejected |i isonrpositive conviction thatwar with Mexico isinevitable; and in tha; one calamity isnbvious-ly comprised the loss of all the advantageswhich are now within our reach.

Lo! Tin: Pooß Imuan-.?TU.' venerableChiefof theCherokees, John Rota, while onhis way to Washington, at tbe head of a dele-gation of his tribe, stayed in Chattanooga,Tennessee, fromSaturday until last Mondaymorning. Tbe Chattanooga Advertiser cay*:Tbey stayedto keep tbe Sabbath holy, andto I\u25a0koi cc in.ne on their liot.ie native land.Mr. RoPS remarked tbat tl..- monntains are

familiar anduncbnnged. tine ofourciti-/ens gaiied from bim interesting interpreta-tions of i!i" names .-I -mr city and some neigh-boringlocalities. Tii" Indian name of Chat-tanooga's site, i- "('; .i:iiiiv;i," which in Englishis Hawk-nest. Tbe name from which cti.it-tanooga is corrupted is Chattabe-nukee-zwas,that oi a town situated al ibe confluence olCbnttnuooga creek, nnd mean.-: Taking a fishontof thewater. The ludiau name ol Look-out mountnin is "Taua'a-cachna," which isin Engiiab, Facing Each Other.

(INK <>X THK MtntDBBBB* OK 1)!!. KBIT]Ilt'M,.?The Ocala Home Companion, of the?>th nit., has the following:

The slaveLewie, mentioned tnouriasi issueas having been proved guilty ol aiding in themurder ol his master.Dr. W. J.Keit t, on thei.nhult., was further examined mi Wednes-day Inst, nnd the most positive testimonyofhis guilt being add.iced, he was immediatelysentenced ami hung, lie confessed his gniltbat refused lo make an 3 statement implicat-1lug oilier.-, though il was evident that I:.- badnot performed the diabolic.'. Iact alone. He ex-pressed no sorrow lor halving committed i!..---awiuicrime, and viewed the preparations forIn* execution witli stolid Indifference, lie wastried by a committee, consisting of twelvefreeholders,appointed for that purpose by alarge meeting of the citizens of Ibis county.beblon thai day. Ttie trial was con.lnc.''..wiih great care, at tbe place where the murdtrwas committed. Two others were committedto jail.

TeXWSHJ'S POEM.a?Tiie Mobile Tribuneamusinglychecks oil the incidents of Tenny-son's poem for which !i" waa paid -en poun. .<a line. For instance, tin- opening cost $75 i:,ipassage ia which a wifeask* ber husband toforgive aman, costs __<>; tbe husband ratebis reply at s-l.i\ ami the uprli t of the wholematter Is, that the good woman*:u£< 'he babyio sleep, at a cost of fSOO to tin- publishers ol'\u25a0 Macmilluirs JU.ina/iiie; ' the bosband con-cludes to forgive his friend, now thai lie isdead; :uid then?all hands go to sleep! Theenure poem of three hundred ami thirteenlines cost about 5 !.",,(ioc.

DarrASTT?BOP "ii: Mexican Mi.m-iku.A Washington correspondent states that ourMinister lo Mexico,Mr. Melville, left that 1iivon Sunday afternoon for New York, fromwhence hewill tail lor Vera 1 Irania th.' -v:uu.er Brooklyn, which leaves tha* porl to-day.?He is clothed by our G iveiiinieiit with ampleauthority and instructions t.> protect Ameri-can citiaena andproperty 111 caseol attack byMiramoa'a party. Theeqaadroa _ atovemen'swill also be governed in a great degree hy Mr.M. Lane's 1rders, as he tally empowered forevery emergency that may arise.

A Brazilian Waa Ybsbu. bt Nbw Yobk,Tbe Brasiltaa corvette boaaa Isabel, Com-mander Bento e> Cnrvalbo, arrivedai NewYorkSatarday from Peraambueo. She moon \u25a0eighteen guns-, and has a crew o: Sit) persons,all told. She is a scbootship, nnd visits thaiport for tbe purpose being taken on drydock, after whicli she will proceed to l\.n--mouth, England ; Cherbourg, Antwerp, 1..----bon, and from thence to ihe Brasile. She- lm-twenty-twomidshipmenand five lieuteaautt

ACrAiLaktJurv.- Ajuryiv Parker, Texas,In tin* case ot a man Who was oa trial t.-thone stealing,aad against whom ibe crimewa.-clearly proven, brought In a verdict of ->c-"imttai beeaaeeahandsomegirl presentproaa.-i»ed to marry him if be should be acquitted,as the horse, for the stealing ol which he waarraigned, was taken to carry off the lairHelen.

Naval Intki.i,k;_n< ii ?Tha Bear wartteaaaer Pocahontas,ai Norfolk, has been or-dered to the Gulf of Mexico, under the com-mand of UoatflMuder Samuel lla/.ar.l. Ti.efollowing are tha names ot the otheruflcertLieutenants Van E. Morgan, Keigart H. L<.w-ry, Ueverly Keniuui: MaetM A. Keens, :mdPurser liurwood.

Tub Pkmukktos Mills?The IViubertonMills propertybaa l»een sold at unction to .Mi.David Nevins for RTB.OUtJ. The iron and ihematters detached from tlie bulldinga nowstanding and the ruins of the old mill weresold for ijfl l,'.Hm, the purchase beiug uudersiooilto be also for Mr. Itaeiae.

Model Fabm.?Prof. Mapcs has purchasedone thousand acres, of land in Burlingtoncoaaty, N. J , near theline of the K.intan andDelaware Hay Railroad, and has commenceda mammoth farm there, which, he exacts,will in Mine tn* without it* superior in theL'uited States.

OH Its Joi'RHßY.?Thatofl refuted falaeh... .1about _enator i'eomb* callinglhe roll of bisHave* ou Hunker Hill, ha* reached London, v**see, where it tret* an airing in the "(Ilobe,"with great gusto. How true it ..- that "a Liewill travel a league while Truth is puttingoaits boote."

pKANKIINAMD jKKKKUSo.N. -11 IS a singulartact, that iwu ot the aautl notetl worfca ofAmerican* oi the Kfvi.lution.iry era, weieoriginally published iv French, vi/ JetlerBurs "Notea on Virgiula," aud ''Franklin*Autobiography."

Naval ißTßLLiuKßi'it?Themeehiiiieal andbit. .rinir fircen oi font ~j ~»ir pr.arrr*i| N ivy-VardtaraasuMiuw. ti n,Va . \u25a0?> li -i i.MM, PblUuielpiuaj Vurb V . i.non hail tune. ' ?

LOCAL MATTERS.tnUresting />»? Suit 1.1 the I . S. Crur'.?A

ratal ol more than ni -.;-.?-.! interest baa been| roiBaron for the past three tree?l in the Tr ni-L led State* btstriei Court, bead in this city,Jndge Hal!vbiirti'i, preceding li i- Ibe suni f GeorgePage, Jr.,and others, of Bil'imore,Wd, r*. Talbori A Bi .., Philip Rihm, andjolliers, of the ci'y of PtVebmond, for ne al-leged infringement*, thepatent taan-aoul t.yGeorge Pane, ior tmproveateul in ibe rircaiarstw mill. Tbe improvement c instate,accord-ing to tbetpecifll a-i'.i, ii thi-Ibat the aaa abaft In* :.w ~m i,,-,, wrtMn fh«.*_«* .11 v.-.,. i. it runs, sua* sot, m .'.nv .use. toii~ic-i-iii.il tea an again*! ... shou'der; >t iu*r,in I*, t. I.c ?, (?vliaeVr of the s-, fiametert roi.ii..;. Tbesau isk.-ii. aptaeVt eat ireif i.v' -"i o| !«\u25a0? frn lion rollers, ivln.-ii bear upcn.fa twos.i «. .fir i'h periphery : one of these is

-\u25a0 i. at it. the otber I. ? Bil immediate*! eppnei p to. . I lie friction roi'era arc i. . ?? ?djustabie Lvcaa-m_ their, lo rerof) c on ir.r« m hien are nttacnci to two idatee .1 metal, place, sue upon theother, having ti?!it. nm« screws pasain* tii ouch\u25a0 ' '* ,n !hom. and enterm* lhe nl.v- ""What ! c'.u.i. therein as. new nnd dcireto secur. b) T:rttera taient. i* as fo'lows: i claim the.nsnnerof arnxinrand iiU'd.n? the circular saw, l.jallowma and '?!-.. t<> its shaft, in . ointsastioa wiM,tbernaani ol iuufuift.it by friction rollers embracin.' it re- \u25a0 t. its periphery, so ng to leave its centie entire i urn \u25a0.\u25a0? iif.i laterally. I .In ~,.. -Humthe useol fricttoa rollers eiubrauina a.,.) mud ncr -.:. \u25a0 ? liar tlicse b«vm* lieen prev o'is!-. n« d for that purpi *\u25a0?: l.ur I lirnil my iI ??-\u25a0

\u25a0'??..-.. _s« in \u25a0 ....I'-,...-.. ~ -.- ith -is..- ...,,, |;,.,lateral play at its centre. I c'.iim t! , \u25a0 i \u25a0 \u25a0 ; ?i. vi.'i in wh'ch I haveapplieds.idfnct .... ~ 'i.-i.bt attaching the pin*, or p vols upon rb.eb the\u25a0?' »ti -: i: .! -.in! revolve I lar i.-?-.?\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 | n.etalPlaced upon eaci. oilier and Im'h held 1. the ser»'i-\ screw* 1= et for'i). ! ,1 , ,-i th- manner ? fI irniins a lon.- carnage from two abortm etioaa, bj?coupling or unifinj said section* by meansof therack rail onlya* described. Oro PArta."Witt-ess-'s- I 1.0- p. .tones. Tbaa Copelaed."Messrs. i-ii'..,.-.f _ Hro. ireput up. a the de-fence first, and numcr. - witnesses, ten irrwefveon tbe parr of the plaintiff, and nol!? -s than thirty on the purl ot tbe defendants.I'igeiiioßi counsel . ccmi i;--,.-?! oa bulb skiesr'or the plaiiiulf, Messrs. Norihrnp, of Newi .rk State,.l. H. Latrobe, of Baltimore, andHoward ' Sands,of 'hi- cify. PI "two firednamed are well pi actici d in suit ? ot lb .- cbm -a. !> i, and li- -ii. lb* i. g. i;i..ii> main .-i of theircro ol someoflhe witnesses, iIis apparent thai they are well acquaintedwith lie theory of many mechanical opera-tions, while ibe bland and :i;i.,i.|.» manner-'? ih- :< ii \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i..- v lan .:?? up :i;.ii i, ufound iln. c'.In ire not familiar\\viih the witucss st nd,l« amusing tn -.Il except the \ Ictrm -. many olwhom , ..:;.: doubtlee* prefer running orbuilding a saw-mill to uudeigoiug ilieir tor-tun .

A i.iur they if in ?\u25a0>?\u25a0- allela -. - ofmechanics:,r'' tepr ited engineers, machinist?, saw-yers andotbers some in the can?cl ly oi prac-tical men. and ibe rest ;i- exp. ru

The defence have empivv. d .'.:? tsrs. Momon,Randolph, Heath, EUcßae, Johnson and An-rterson. Thewb .learn nut ofdamagesclaimedwill be about one hundred thousand dollars,uud tui niits the . stira .rdtnai v . i...-i i\u25a0, ? hicbare b. iug made . n t. !. -ni.\u25a0?.The subj bei .- \u25a0 mew !\u25a0 .' of a novelall iracter to the couii .1 ol Hn« city, thei iv.'.e.i' lii \u25a0! .-> little perplexed in then exami-nation; but practice Uus improved ilu-in, andtbey i. >w talk with fl uei iv of i hafi . pullies,jlurnal . collai -, h ultl. rs, rigidity and ti,- ?lion, while tbe Judgeand jury -c.-.a to exertthem elves to their utm< t to comprehendwbai Biems to them (uoi unfr<equeutiy>auniiinlelligiblejargi.il. 1 lie ca \u25a0 will pr. bablyI',-cbyy \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0? ii mai tierol thii -\u25a0 \u25a0 k.

?it St. .1 kn's. ?Out renders will c grati. .ii'- to i.iiin ibat the Ventrj ol S . John'sChurch l.uve made arrangements tohave itre-shingled and painted, and will make inchother 1.-.--?-? :i--\ iraprrrvementa ai ibe nnir,,1means .n their command will warrant. Tbehistoric recollection* connected witb this \u25a0choicb?ibe m-hes ol 'li" good and tbe great )lhat moulder in ita yard eudear 11 to everyVirgii in heart, aud make it ;. shrine ol rievo-IHon where every patriotic tr.-f .-i'.-r gladlyIworships. Nexl to the t >mb at HIOIIIII Ver- ilion, the old St. John - iuosl dear o tin ad-iniret .-: Ihe revel.i .\u25a0-,h> .. ?-v. bo as-sembled within Ita v, i.i- tv ouii ! togethertor tbi libei les of the people. EOl i--cr. :-.---k. iis ii s. nl I Hy guarded jainil Ibewastingtouchei of ; me, a id pi served .. fu-turegenerations-a; arelii ot those days .-.!.:,ntried men', souls, i. 1 . liich siiunped ;i. ibesaviour of hiscountry theimmortal Washing-?' ni. Ihe -quareon whicb I tiechuri;b stai dsis under th. control of the cttj Council, andthat body ought to improveand beautify it ia >everypossible rnauuer. Not only ougbl the I' nil.--, and ii.-.., aud shiubbery, lo ha pro-tected from destroyinghands, but ens lump- jought to be placed along, tbe walks, ;.> lightIthem up bj night,and such ;> dice regulationsmight to be enforced as to ensuregoodorderfrom riii who visil those sacred groi oil.-..

Rev. Mr. Points, since bia ministryat St. .Jobu's, bub lici-ii assiduou* in bi» efTorto tobuild up -iSuud ly S. boot, and U:.~ su< ,??? d.-ii 111. increasing the 1 umber ol scholars fromfour toone hundred and twenty-five. H s ef-forts in 'he cause of educatiou and moralityare warmly seconded i y members <\u25a0: b\- cou- jgiegutiou : and, fi in |:. -en; iudicaiious, ibeSt. .Liiii r tchool will so.m compure 1.-ivora-i.lywith otber* 1.. i>oinl .<: uutubere.

Watei !',,- «.- Messrs. Jos. R. Auderson kCo. havecommenced the castingol the ironpipes Intel .1 for tbe city waterworks lih-;provemeut,and are making the mo*t bean tiful| csisti :!_-- rli.ir we have everseen, Ou a visit :..tin- Tredegar Work, last Monday, we werethown a. number ol pipes twenty-four iucbesin diameter, llini were is -mootii and ngulara* .t just froaa ander tbe laming lathe cer-tainly surpassing anythingof \u25a0;!.? kind tbecity has ever purchased from ihe Nor !.

There are bow about six hundred men era-pi >yedai lhe Tredegar, in tin- v.v ou* bi mchesol;.: ii. i. in. tures,aud everydepuruaeui -c. uedlobe crowded witu work. Nt only tbe obij foundry, but a new one was rilled with in. uldsand pauerue. The locomotive shop is -~,- all, that a t.c-.v . ieH beingbuilt, ai i!. very-thlug gaveiudi. itlon -. t abundant order* andsuccessful business M.. -i-. .',.... .. on ,'v t '.-tire (paring no paint nor expei -.- to giv.- thenworks a reputation Inferior to uoneottfei InHie Nortb, i-> il th< res. ems to be no doubt thattbey will sue ped beyoo : rh. Ir m. st sanguineexpectationa 1.-- tl ... South rememberthat the imu-workei ifßichu ndcausuppljall their wants,auds«ud .v their rder*., Street Sprinkling?lf anything which could

ibe suggested would have a better afleci lo-iv» :iu!j inducing i.c merchant* and other., whoI live on M.iin »tr*et, lo <?: courage ibe et: irtnof; tbe "Niagara toperform its ae. est. m, v work,j than tb. clouds of <!:i-' winch for the pas'

Week ll.tvc ]\u25a0?\u25a0 lie 'ruled every flev ii ,? and ?',.'\u25a0;.-

--' ing in theclcs. - window* and doors,spoilingnil manner oi goo is, we presume 1.,... 11 onlybe for ub to ataie,tbat when "<n ritizenaarewaited upon (which will if la aday or lw \u25a0;hence) :.- subs, iiic for ihe snpp ?: -t .i tins nia-jchine, that the nu ome from n i rovea tbe; rin-cipal item of support toa familyol .urn n chil-dren, lefl taiiieiie- t.'. the dealhoi 'he iude--1 f i?i i.ie in-, v v. ii i firs i i iitrodvcud .tn.- kixu i >toour people. \'> c hup*, iberefore, II augiit

butselll b feeling cau havea place in theheartsol !i eto whom .h i . lis made,that ihey -.-.-iii remember tbat while ihr-v willrecei re more than ri-.-n- moneys wortb in theben sof lhe sprinkling, die mou v will bedel oie Ito obje. ts whi li have the li .ugvsi, cltlt ? dpon their sympathies

-' ' . A negro follow aaatedlver--hi Hancock, employed aa a kramatei t.vMessrs Warwick -\ Barksdale, but owned l_Mr '1 Hancock, of Chesterfieldcounty, ...?uddenlyai ibe *tables ol Messrs. W. A B.onthe western suburb* of the city, last M >udayBight. During the da* of Monday, Iversonv\.<- drivingbn team on the aimet,apparentlyin good health, a . thai evening wen; tbebtables ai.il pui av..i., in- mule* a* i; -\u25a0\u25a0 ? I Tea-terd.iy morningsome of \u25a0'..' teamsters ulacuv-ei.-.i bin 1\in_r in hi wa-:. a, where be bud re-mained all algbt. nii dead. Home t.-.v hr*after. Justice Xiig. ai ended by C instableiiu tcbeaon, held an mqueai over tbebody,nndthe jore, nfier a careful examination, render. ,|a verdict that be came to bit death by m ,m.peraine.

B.Joknspu Barbour, Eso , lit* accepted theInvitation to deliver lhe address oa Utßocca-ilon of th.- Inaagurati ti of the OtayStaroe,on the 1-' 1. Ol April. .All- Hit! hour i> ail ex-cellent oratoi ami writer, aud will dnabiles*.deliver an addie-s worthy of turns, it and oltheocca-ion. The pavilion for the statue l-to be placed .ii the West slope of the Siiuarenot Car front the and will tea viiyhandsome ornament,

Simla ./...--Jeff Jahaaeat,antve... .1. H \ v.iiei-ou,aud Ned, nmnu iux.in, Urraahaaj a1.. Wt'lebeUile I lie .M.l>i.l y est,'l.lIV. i b.ll geilwith beating and Blabbing Joe Childress \u25a0free aegro, oa Sunday night last. Ne.t provedhi* iannaaaaa and! was bran mart .letr .>.,sent mi to UM liuatiug* t'uurt to uuawei lo;felony.

Strayed An an ?Mai r Valentine, a veryoldlady, waafound atrolltagaboat Brooke Avenu.tit a nite hour Monday nigln.au.i t.ikea to itulock-up. she aad evidently left home In tb*afternoon, and he omnia; bewildered, failed UBad he: waj hack. l_...M:iii>i mul Uei toheidaughter'* by oi.eot the officer*.

The Hoist liptru all ilu. i._re a' the Tbra-lie, ..ail everybody i\u25a0> k, 1..g lO see M'He Wet!..-..drier fvui.ii - »; .\u25a0 . <»\u25a0*. The « v ii.iKub.e an ,i' ti .. ti i > c, am? .vit! te tilthi)

TERMS OE AnVEKTlS'V-\rx^izr*v^^h-:?-i::fc:: HfcifctrtEiS1....d0. U... do f.7al 1...00....1fear gOJUii

?V Advertisement* eabfiahad aatil for Ind, wuite charged00 cent*per seaareef esgatbae* for ta*''< apt insertion, end SS centsforeach aontlßßaaee.

__*\u25a0\u25a0'»- CWn«ii_Aa adjourned meetingof tbi-uody wn, held at the Council Chamber i*e»ef-oav nf'.rn. ,(n, at I oVI .ck. Present?l_es»r«Mtvr.ders. i«eai*Hsrn*jb, Burr. 'Whlrfleld, aflllt.-raitao, Ulit, Ratbardaaa andOreanor Ah-kins lu''"' A-'l'». Epp*. Talbott and H»a-

li.e President »_B_e_ the first b.fineaa inorder ta lie the up ,r, tr..m the Comrait'eeaai~c Jail and rana ihar report, tbe substance"*__*_»*"___:_ ""''""",l w:" \u25a0afaaa.Mr Hill .dTered it... fciltowlng r^otuftoaRes. leed, TI,.- a snm -~.. rnaau-lasj %.wa>o bean,,,0p.,-.ted It he-rev... ??| , n.». ~I UMr. Milla was opposed to making any ap-propriation until B plan was adopted || Hwa- reaafjr to vote for an appropriationas -<v>naa it wtis needed.Wliitllelil waaanxi 'tis ior action. Th«

-übj.v't bad been before ihe ('ouncilfor twovi>:ir-. in.t it was tttae todbrpeae of ft.

Mr. !«rlTs abfael in the resolutionwismeiviy todeclare a deiermiunttoß to buildanew jlii.

Dr. Mills could a >t see h >w the malting orthe app-opri.'iii'.nxvt-ti'd facilitate theb'.ilding ol a jail. The first, thing to be >l me, la toadopta plan. II this i* nor <!.,u>, (he nex'Coancil will hate to .set... i a plan,an.l, natilthey do ibat, the appropriation will aol beeatled for.

Mr. Olaaabavaa. was m favorof making theippropi ia11\u25a0?'?. aud thu >shewing .idetirtni-uatiofi to do s .mething towards a |all.

Tbe out--': ?.' WAs then taken oil Mr ITIIParH.-.i|."!ii. .in.: it svus carried in the alflima-tiv, Meeece, CJaaaadaßt and Mille voting in thenecatiye.ti. motion of Mr. Whitfield, the plan for

Ihenew jailwas recommitted '.<? the Commit-teeon the Jail.

I >n me|ion *i Mr. Huh .rdsou, the i.'ommi' -leeoa the Kirsl Market was granted the pow-er tohave tbe Market repaired, provided lbaw >rk does not ccci >vei B}_*j>,u.i motion ai Mr. Hurr, the Councit ad \u25a0ijiiined in tiie.jail lo examine ibe premises.v. aa/'i tand fbe Bee. It Wilmer, D. I>,

one ~f tbe ateet etoqaeftt ami able of ibe Vir-gn.ri clergy, mill pleach every ui_lit ihe, weekin St. .1 it'io-Cli'.iicli. Tbeee wi-lmig lobeedified by solemn at.d heart-searcbing dhvcouraea, will be gratified hy going to beartbleeminent BmbaseadliWof the (1 oaawl.

!)\u25a0 Stratnei Hooueol made a tripfrom HewV..-I. ' . .v.irfilk and Ricbmond aad Lack toNew fork in i.Mi'-ty-riv c boars, in-lnglnanddisclitir_4actullcaJtg.ee. Tbil is sbki n b«ibeijuickesi tri|>on rac< r.l.

Reprimanded.? Thomna (Irogin, and Lacy,tii- wife, were reprimanded by the Mayor forilisonlerly oOfßftftCt on Sunday last, and _a>cl.lil-ged.

Lecture. Tbe Hon. Wm. L. (I'-ginwill de-liver tbe annual address i*»fore the two Lite-rary Societiea ol ihe Richmond V''liege at theito.seol Ibe session.

/.,, i',, Weapons - Lewi* ilelwn b, for carry -ing n pistol aud threateningI . shoot Wm.F.s i ims, was held lo bail l>\ ibe Mayor lot lu<future go .I beb ivi ..\u25a0-

I. O T ISHY.ti/6t)i». Eiitiv'_ «?>.?>it OEOK9IA AND DEI tWAftti.-I'.vlK urrrhMlKC.liKANP CAPITAL PRIZE ?tlOO.OOO!Till KRANP '-. X 1 KAORDINAR. IMIAWINOH ol v\ .??), ivi.iv t, Cm '» Thsee Neatber Lat-teries will tak< i luce iv public,asdcr 'tic iupeiI u.t-Mi.ri.c" of sneii Coanmiaamaer*. aa f.ll.tws:

Ciaßt.hu. i.'.6 ilraim »a ri'Hi.Av, .March31,MbI '\u25a0? wj No. am " " April*k kß_NEARLY HN'K PRIZE TO EVERT TWOTICKET*...KAMI EXTRAUKiIiNAMY DKAWINU.'!', ? ike .-:I -,- is -ihove specified.

i ORAM* CAPITAL t I.'IZK op . .. *,io»nnii!I l Prise of 9«MMi ,0,. Prisesof. f i.nui-Prixetof. 20.1*10 170 " of «oo! t " Of iil."KI M " ..I . . 11*1I 1 " ..I O.inio 6., " ~| 7-I - " <>f .'.."<' Bt ? at 00! I " <>f 4 I.XI H " ?froI. " .1.1101. 1 Sill ' .if VI2 " of. . 2,Ct. 27 1W" ef a>? i!A> prise*. aaMHtatia* te .t)IJM.WWhole iickct* .-j.n; Halve* jw; (.Barters \u25a0..">.fi. ,l"« . .'.""

Certiicatea <>f Package* ci 1* ?"!?! Nt tin* 10ll< v. .; rat. 1, which 1 the risk: Certifies tea idpr.cl 1 ?' ~. ?_-. v bole Ticket* »S» co; Certiacatee?ii Packet* .-1 2b' II ill I iobeta #1M it); Uertifieaaaa.'il'i.Ki.c 1.! iM Quarter Ticaets R7t Ti; .ertil-\u25a0?\u25a0 ite ..; P-i kaai v! ?! Xi bth Ticki I* «!7 !7.

It.!- ORDINARY HK.WViN.,.- ~| w.,-i.F.d---idi *\ Co.'* Sia* la Number Lotteries will i»ke

l'?. \u25a0' ill pilMll. tiM folloWl ?Ctasas. Draw*ob Baibbuav, March 10 inn.Clae* U " " 1/. ls.e.Claastt " " ?? gt, l-fic.Claaa M " " " Si, Mb? > ..!.<>, i>' " ?\u25a0 Ai>.ii r Man,i" is* - ?? ?? ?? ii, urn,Claaa \u25a0 ' " '? " ft, imoClass 70 '? " ? IHiW.

NEARLY ONE PRIZK TO KVKK. NINE! I.'KK'I'S.ORDINARY DMA WIN-,To take _l oa a* above gym itie.l.!l (IRANI) CAPITALPRIZE OF RaaJMI 1 ?' '? ;.-.M,.ii 1 Priaeef ... i«l.rt<«>

II " " W.OUO :SO Pi.xc...| .. .. I,*). ! '- 5,9*1 I liHI " '\u25a0 . . tin' 1 '\u25a0 4.1« M : 10.1 ?' " .. .lit.1 " " SJM' 11" " " 1..1

I l<> luuAPPROXIM Vt'li.N PRIZKR.4 trite*ol HHUU Appro.iu.iU.iin t« ..so.oun

arise are ~l,«oo4 pr», \u25a0* ??< .WI Ai pr.>\i»u",tiu»t to au.imu

priae ..: i.ajotenses .\u25a0' z.o Approxirnattaf to kayOM

H'l'trarr J.IB _ipiii-« oi 226 Ar*ef<>xmatia_ la t.uou

prize re BQOtsetses .>f *?» Afyn-Aimatim to ..mo

prize are jbjjIarize* ~( ihj Aaeroaunatiae t" 3.»«J0rue aiJUtarizea <?\u25a0 Ita AnKoanaatiaa to i.a<uurine .ire . __)

MOtariaea .>f $M are «i 111 ta--S.IKS yrizes, i-ill.>uiitir.c to *_, ,i()WW* 'li.-ketH *?? H-tlveaft; Quarter. «n,ii n.'. i.vi.t Packs.** ia tbeBtasaa*) Drawinga »iil t«sokl alt h< followma rate*, übtok ia

the ri .: Certificate ol Package of 10 WboldTiokera be»:C rtibaate. 1Pa. k . *n| |. Hail Tieketa,BtU; c.'ii.ii :it<: oi Paukaa* ofIBUuerter ' .rgeis.

«-.??\u25a0. Certificate of l'ic.i.re.f lo Kitbtb TiokeU,v 111in orJeriafi rieketa orOrtikealea, enclose the; am. nntof KOBer tooaf addreaa (.-. ebat jroa *ikl.! In purciii-e; BBltl* th* 1..-'trrv ... wliieii lon wiih

it lavested, <-',d a betbei j ,<u w.»h VS in.ie», Ualvee.tern -ii 11 ?' -. ? -r. \u25a0?:.\u25a0,\u25a0: i.t of which weaeaua/hat a 0,-i!e-«.!, bj h.-.-t Brail, t.. ether with theBcheaßß,

Immediatelj liter the drawing,a Pri tiled draw1 ii;.. Certified to :- the Commiaaioaera, will r*1sent, with .11 fcxflaaatioß.Bk, Purch ise.-s w. pit -.- write their ntaataraa1(dam, and givetbe nameof their Poet office, Coua-! t> andState,

A I communication* *trictlj o.ntident.al.«X, At! Priaea i |IJN aad aauer,a*_ imme;diatelj .ite. the dr.-iw.n,--oilier priaeaat the aaaal.... - i lortj .i.-ivs_q_ wood, PDDY 1 CO._ LOTTfeHE! are.Ir-. .1 nal Au.aata, Ueorsi' aad Wilnuagtoa, I»el.. * ir*.

Order* for Ticket*or Certificatea Inbt ail Bute. t«>w.i.ii., Kin.', a CO.. Astasia,we.,Or \Muil), Ki>:., \ CU.Atlanta,Oa..Or vVuOD, KDliy \ CO.. Wilminxtoa, DmLn_,Cirealari cent* am* -'?\u25a0!.? me* for the amatb,

». i»e teat, dee "I esßeeae, bj .v.a! \u25a0? ?\u25a0-

t ii'i.MXi mv tittsii m'iiim; i.omiis.I I"MARCH tTII, l_l - i * ill this day ripen rue ofthe largest md fine* saaortmc Is n] f-'resli Sutiner <>?«_ tint caa i* found ia taeeitt; aad aathefoods are .i \u25a0 I i* ?'???-' .iiJ i.,:e»t n'virs. I knowtint I?? ... .ii r r-ai dueemeßt* to i erel. -.»era.and I srtM.il be eontinea li reetnviaa *.! kHtdaaew-« Dm w '. ?\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0». and tMHiid t« Meated u> *-cin3i- .'..its and the pub ie nt their ca'heat eoava| niei.ce M Ml I TRLDORI KR.TZSBro-d*».I line sl I rewviaiat oa band a >«. aa ateabofWinter Dr.S* i. > ,:,. A.>., wM.ii 1 wil! ?-j| ,» _re _t«? " bee. m. M.IMIill B. OOfiUKMIT'S ?« Br.vl .tre-»,\* to pureha** the _-taiai Btjliadul: opea wi .rout ijs et*., >»r_ a.de bteaehad: < ..tt ... '.i in- plica* ,i i.Sc; lri»i. 1.i,,e-H3t»"t» .w- rib .Set. jdetted hn.lv. Hiikfs. Is'.e. Tarlatan*i- i , Doaoiuaverj eheet; :**> Bee* fsiru.the nest analitv. almo»t fiven »*»>; Black Bilks,extraenesK rriaaaaiata with..at re.-rd ?>, aaet;arniie. C*w,bri«-« a _.wide, Mmj Eadiee' WhiteHoa* at !-\c. I lire.,! liauntleta, and lota of oilier-..uls at great Uir.a :.«_ OUI,Ui-<.\UT.*6 Broad at.

" KlJf. .-...:.er -; land M ..,i»trce-»...)d,.,.r»!..v*mil. e-rv oss«imte Creuskaw'a n«w hotel, i« reeeiviaa aewt)»-?l Good* ba every steamer. Kmbroideries. Rib_on>. L>eUiaee, him«. Lata Collan Mleeve*. Mada, fawn*. Ornandie*. Clove-,vHni»ti,Ac. Tbe lad.c* am mtfaetfulli r*a«i*>»tedtoeanaadaeatbsaoveltiea.iltj_ae__aI'll.t". a.hwaTKiN.

Corner tiii and M*in*?r»ela.\' lit 1.1 M.\ i.vii lis.- jraa/e_Bßa*thaf ha* »ut

received a «c. -..-..: suiipl. uf iioustck'* .'«*u*.- (iiih.ißfaetumtf ia Boaaoaa ooeatv.Ta-.itealrj «.teal and ..Msi trite:* Aii". *#v»r«l grade* ofBtauatoa foods, I'in.se d .p.mc.l t., patiouixebow*ii. ti.-.ii.i.-turi. c-;n no* beta»l_B,

K. B. .iPENCE.Clotiuer and Mn.ivnt Tailor.

Coin*l el Mmn \tul Mill *t».

SI'KIM. I.OtHJSv.--«> .-.«?» vcrv uAitdlome- Si.rmr Prnitu; lueaaeechoice Black and Wl.reand Black and lirn ilitt..; 9 e.aae* *u|i*r 81.t.-k and\V|. te t.i.i?h.uis; raaei <>tii«u*itta. assorted, >,Mid-*»' Blat I Miens: Ketvt.iikj Je-tn*. Beeorted;.o'louaile*. tn «>o_l variety; >u,h>\ Cotton*; Hookand Eve*; Seoul Bilkj Intent Thr*.id«; l»uu..u*.Ao.. nowEaaoiag and forBale by

KENT. PAIN Eh CO.MRU. Wi*iftl.OW'%M>OTH|a<(. MYnt'P.« H4vs'u-.bie 1..r i.ifanu. »n.!e teethiua. *eitsof'eus t.in ...iu*. reduce* aad *liavaail milium*,n..n aad earn. Il can be jiven to the «ma!te»iißlaai,A-"- Aire*' Cher) »V V>,,M! _n d IjaudlmU',l.iver lavtriiratOr. J.ut reoeived, another »uppl». of reliable uarden Seed*. I. WAi.NKK,

l)ru.»i»t,. in aad Bloat »t*.

ir'KKMH MITIIH. I.irtll, #~. - Ju*j_ v.» *mtMi. ii- -. .eemi .i rit»h Ko'l %n, l»**»*i Bul-

t»-, I ... ii. I ?, t» J ,r,j M, .. r, ,| r I' ». IIU- ?;-'' \u25a0. - ...- ~.. N.w ,*>sh »ti.-«e*i P«a*hi r.as Xc. J. p. KaVENaQH, \u25a0 0..i..\, «"««?_\ kiiti loau »t.. Ulow Mb.