Independent Student Press Since 1971. Berkeley’s Newspaper siNce 1871 24/7 News Coverage at dailyCal.org See Back THE SLIPPER STILL FITS! The Cal baseball team heads to the 2011 College World Series. Berkeley, Ca • MoNday, juNe 13, 2011 - wedNesday, juNe 15, 2011 CheCk Online www.dailycal.org Reporter Jalal Buckley discusses the composition of the consortium and what research will take place. STATE BUDGET County officials host forum Several Alameda County officials met and hosted a forum at The Way Christian Center in Berkeley on Friday to discuss Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposal to shift responsibility for certain state services to local governments. Programs including mental health services, child and foster care and criminal justice have been proposed to be transferred to local entities as a cost- saving measure. While most of the speakers at the forum — including Assemblymember Nancy Skin- ner and Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson — said they believe realignment would be ben- eficial to the community in the long run, all stated they had concerns about funding. “Local governments have been providing budgetary support to the state for almost two decades,” said Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi. For example, Muranishi said a total of about $3.4 billion in property taxes that should have gone to counties were instead transferred to the state government. Counties have already been heavily depleted of necessary funds, and transferring ser- vices without adequate financial support at this point would stretch them even further, she said. Carson said there are three guarantees coun- ties need in order to make the realignment pro- posal work. First, he said, is flexibility in how counties could respond to their new responsibil- ity. In addition, he said counties need to be given legal and financial protection that was written in the U.S. Constitution. Carson said having the laws be constitutionally mandated would allow legislators to use them as a reference in the fu- ture. Each service facing a transfer is preparing for what changes need to be made and how they will impact the community. According to Michael Corbett, a partner at Suter, Wallauch, Corbett & By Tiffany Chiao | Staff [email protected] County leaders met to discuss a plan to shift responsibility for funding some services to local governments. Tiffany Chiao/STaff CheCk Online www.dailycal.org Tiffany Chiao elaborates about the issues discussed at last Friday’s forum, hosted at The Way Christian Center in Berkeley. FOrum: PAGe 3 RESEARCH & IDEAS campus to take lead of nuclear consortium The National Nuclear Security Ad- ministration announced June 9 that it has chosen UC Berkeley to lead a multi-institution consortium that will work to further nuclear nonprolifera- tion and safety in nuclear technology. The new National Science and Secu- rity Consortium will continue technical research being done in nuclear tech- nology and will work toward training young people, giving financial support to undergraduates, postdoctoral re- searchers and graduate students work- ing on nuclear security. Edward Watkins, director of the Of- fice of Proliferation Detection at the National Nuclear Security Administra- tion, said the five-year program would be a way to integrate students into the lab system “to the degree that we can motivate students into nuclear non- proliferation applications.” “We’ve got the chance to go through an entire cycle of students and see it from the beginning to the end of a stu- dent’s life cycle,” he said. In addition to involving students, the consortium will take a unique ap- proach to tackling nuclear security is- sues. Chancellor Robert Birgeneau ex- plained in a speech at a reception for the consortium that the consortium will aim to bring together technical re- search and public policy issues, draw- ing upon experts from a vast spectrum of backgrounds. This approach acknowledges that the problems surrounding nuclear se- curity are not merely scientific in na- ture and that an appreciation of the political issues behind nuclear weap- ons proliferation is important as well. The establishment of the consor- tium marks nuclear security as a prior- ity, both on an educational and a gov- ernmental level. Anne Harrington, deputy adminis- trator for defense nuclear nonprolif- eration, recognized the importance of nuclear security in a statement. “First, we need to create new tech- nologies to detect nuclear proliferation or testing, and to monitor compliance with nuclear nonproliferation and arms control agreements,” she said in the statement. “Second ... we need to invest in the next generation of nuclear nonproliferation expertise and provide links between the talented students in our universities and the nonprolifera- tion challenges that our national labo- ratories will confront in the future.” Nuclear security is not, however, limited to proliferation and nuclear weapons. The recent disaster in Fu- kushima, Japan, has revealed the risks that come with using nuclear power and the need for experts [that] who can ensure that existing reactors con- tinue to operate safely. “There’s obviously a lot of interest in seismic safety,” said Parney Albright, principal associate director of global security for the Lawrence Livermore By Jalal Buckley | Staff [email protected] GrAnt: PAGe 3 PUBLIC SAFETY Two Berkeley Hills fires under investigation for arson a 1994 Mercedes Benz station wagon, above, was destroyed in the fire on the 500 block of Cragmont avenue, which broke out on wednesday. Jeffrey Joh/STaff Two fires that broke out within 20 min- utes of each other at residences about one block apart in the Berkeley Hills Wednes- day morning are being investigated by the Berkeley Fire Department for arson. While responding at 12:43 a.m. to a re- port of a fire at a home at 548 Cragmont Ave., fire crews noticed a second blaze just a block away at 494 Cragmont Ave., according to Deputy Fire Marshal Steven Riggs. Riggs said it is standard procedure for the fire department to investigate all fires as being potentially criminal until it can prove otherwise. “It’s not always obvious with fires whether it was accidental or if there was criminal intent or natural causes,” he said. “To be on the safe side, we will go in and make the worst-case assumption and treat it that way until we can rule out other causes.” He added that the department does not usually classify the cause of a fire as arson unless it is sure that fire was set intention- ally and that all of the elements for a crimi- nal charge of arson are present. Sylvain Bournhonesque, 80, said he was asleep at his home on the 500 block of Cragmont Avenue when he and his wife heard a loud bang. He then got out of bed, went outside and saw his 1994 Mercedes Benz station wagon — which was parked in the driveway — and the fence next to the car enveloped in flames. By Allie Bidwell | Senior Staff [email protected] He said that though the fire depart- ment responded quickly, his car was “totally trashed” and his garage door was also burned by the time the crew ar- rived. Bournhonesque said he and his wife were upset by the loss of their car, which he said was “running like a new car” due to recent work on it. “You feel fortunate that that was the extent of the damage,” he said. “Well, not fortunate, we lost the car. We’re very sad about losing the car.” Bournhonesque said that aside from the damage to his car, fence and garage door, he and his wife are experiencing some trouble with smoke damage in their house. The second fire appeared to involve materials on the outside of the building, such as miscellaneous combustibles, fur- niture and materials from a seating area outside, according to Riggs. He said that the building was not damaged during the fire. According to Bay City News, Fire Chief Debra Pryor said in a statement that fire officials are “considering that it was a co- incidence” that the two fires broke out at nearly the same time a block away from each other but that they are concerned just the same. The residents of the two homes were evacuated temporarily while the fires were being extinguished, but they were allowed to go back into their homes after a short time because there was no fire or smoke damage to the homes, Pryor said. Allie Bidwell is the news editor. Associates, in the criminal justice sector, one of the biggest proposals is that low-level offenders will now be sent to county jails instead of to state penitentiaries. Corbett added that there is a misconception that this proposed shift means prisoners would be released immediately, while in fact it would only apply to people who were sent to court after the proposal was enacted. “It’s prospective,” he said. “It’s a process that’s going to take a while to get fully implemented.” Lori Jones, interim co-director of the Alameda County Social Services Agency, said this type of miscommunication between legislators, coun- ties and the public is another barrier that must be addressed. “There’s a lack of clarity of what exactly is be- ing realigned and counties feeling like they’re not sure what to expect,” she said. Alex Briscoe, director of the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, agreed. Briscoe said the county needs to be able to keep up with and keep track of the proposals being drafted by legislators to prevent further budget cuts to es- sential programs. Officials at the forum said they also need to make sure legislators recognize that each county has individual standards, which they said aren’t being acknowledged currently.

Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

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Page 1: Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

Independent Student Press Since 1971.

Berkeley’s Newspaper siNce 1871 24/7 News Coverage at dailyCal .org

See Back

The slipper sTill fiTs! The Cal baseball team heads to the 2011 College World Series.

Berkeley, Ca • MoNday, juNe 13, 2011 - wedNesday, juNe 15, 2011

CheCk Onlinewww.dailycal.org

Reporter Jalal Buckley discusses the composition of the consortium and what research will take place.

sTaTe BudgeT

County officials host forumSeveral Alameda County officials met and

hosted a forum at The Way Christian Center in Berkeley on Friday to discuss Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposal to shift responsibility for certain state services to local governments.

Programs including mental health services, child and foster care and criminal justice have been proposed to be transferred to local entities as a cost-saving measure. While most of the speakers at the forum — including Assemblymember Nancy Skin-ner and Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson — said they believe realignment would be ben-eficial to the community in the long run, all stated they had concerns about funding.

“Local governments have been providing budgetary support to the state for almost two decades,” said Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi.

For example, Muranishi said a total of about $3.4 billion in property taxes that should have gone to counties were instead transferred to the state government. Counties have already been heavily depleted of necessary funds, and transferring ser-vices without adequate financial support at this point would stretch them even further, she said.

Carson said there are three guarantees coun-ties need in order to make the realignment pro-posal work. First, he said, is flexibility in how counties could respond to their new responsibil-ity. In addition, he said counties need to be given legal and financial protection that was written in the U.S. Constitution. Carson said having the laws be constitutionally mandated would allow legislators to use them as a reference in the fu-ture.

Each service facing a transfer is preparing for what changes need to be made and how they will impact the community. According to Michael Corbett, a partner at Suter, Wallauch, Corbett &

By Tiffany Chiao | [email protected]

County leaders met to discuss a plan to shift responsibility for funding some services to local governments.Tiffany Chiao/STaff

CheCk Onlinewww.dailycal.org

Tiffany Chiao elaborates about the issues discussed at last Friday’s forum, hosted at The Way Christian Center in Berkeley.

FOrum: PAGe 3

research & ideas

campus to take lead of nuclear consortium

The National Nuclear Security Ad-ministration announced June 9 that it has chosen UC Berkeley to lead a multi-institution consortium that will work to further nuclear nonprolifera-tion and safety in nuclear technology.

The new National Science and Secu-rity Consortium will continue technical research being done in nuclear tech-nology and will work toward training young people, giving financial support to undergraduates, postdoctoral re-searchers and graduate students work-ing on nuclear security.

Edward Watkins, director of the Of-fice of Proliferation Detection at the National Nuclear Security Administra-tion, said the five-year program would be a way to integrate students into the lab system “to the degree that we can motivate students into nuclear non-proliferation applications.”

“We’ve got the chance to go through an entire cycle of students and see it from the beginning to the end of a stu-dent’s life cycle,” he said.

In addition to involving students, the consortium will take a unique ap-proach to tackling nuclear security is-sues.

Chancellor Robert Birgeneau ex-plained in a speech at a reception for the consortium that the consortium will aim to bring together technical re-search and public policy issues, draw-ing upon experts from a vast spectrum of backgrounds.

This approach acknowledges that the problems surrounding nuclear se-curity are not merely scientific in na-ture and that an appreciation of the political issues behind nuclear weap-ons proliferation is important as well.

The establishment of the consor-tium marks nuclear security as a prior-ity, both on an educational and a gov-ernmental level.

Anne Harrington, deputy adminis-trator for defense nuclear nonprolif-eration, recognized the importance of nuclear security in a statement.

“First, we need to create new tech-nologies to detect nuclear proliferation or testing, and to monitor compliance with nuclear nonproliferation and arms control agreements,” she said in the statement. “Second ... we need to invest in the next generation of nuclear nonproliferation expertise and provide links between the talented students in our universities and the nonprolifera-tion challenges that our national labo-ratories will confront in the future.”

Nuclear security is not, however, limited to proliferation and nuclear weapons. The recent disaster in Fu-kushima, Japan, has revealed the risks that come with using nuclear power and the need for experts [that] who can ensure that existing reactors con-tinue to operate safely.

“There’s obviously a lot of interest in seismic safety,” said Parney Albright, principal associate director of global security for the Lawrence Livermore

By Jalal Buckley | [email protected]

GrAnt: PAGe 3

puBlic safeTy

Two Berkeley Hills fires under investigation for arson

a 1994 Mercedes Benz station wagon, above, was destroyed in the fire on the 500 block of Cragmont avenue, which broke out on wednesday.

Jeffrey Joh/STaff

Two fires that broke out within 20 min-utes of each other at residences about one block apart in the Berkeley Hills Wednes-day morning are being investigated by the Berkeley Fire Department for arson.

While responding at 12:43 a.m. to a re-port of a fire at a home at 548 Cragmont Ave., fire crews noticed a second blaze just a block away at 494 Cragmont Ave., according to Deputy Fire Marshal Steven Riggs.

Riggs said it is standard procedure for the fire department to investigate all fires as being potentially criminal until it can prove otherwise.

“It’s not always obvious with fires whether it was accidental or if there was criminal intent or natural causes,” he said. “To be on the safe side, we will go in and make the worst-case assumption and treat it that way until we can rule out other causes.”

He added that the department does not usually classify the cause of a fire as arson unless it is sure that fire was set intention-ally and that all of the elements for a crimi-nal charge of arson are present.

Sylvain Bournhonesque, 80, said he was asleep at his home on the 500 block of Cragmont Avenue when he and his wife heard a loud bang. He then got out of bed, went outside and saw his 1994 Mercedes Benz station wagon — which was parked in the driveway — and the fence next to the car enveloped in flames.

By Allie Bidwell | Senior [email protected]

He said that though the fire depart-ment responded quickly, his car was “totally trashed” and his garage door was also burned by the time the crew ar-rived.

Bournhonesque said he and his wife were upset by the loss of their car, which he said was “running like a new car” due to recent work on it.

“You feel fortunate that that was the extent of the damage,” he said. “Well, not fortunate, we lost the car. We’re very sad about losing the car.”

Bournhonesque said that aside from the damage to his car, fence and garage door, he and his wife are experiencing some trouble with smoke damage in their house.

The second fire appeared to involve materials on the outside of the building, such as miscellaneous combustibles, fur-niture and materials from a seating area outside, according to Riggs. He said that the building was not damaged during the fire.

According to Bay City News, Fire Chief Debra Pryor said in a statement that fire officials are “considering that it was a co-incidence” that the two fires broke out at nearly the same time a block away from each other but that they are concerned just the same.

The residents of the two homes were evacuated temporarily while the fires were being extinguished, but they were allowed to go back into their homes after a short time because there was no fire or smoke damage to the homes, Pryor said.

Allie Bidwell is the news editor.

Associates, in the criminal justice sector, one of the biggest proposals is that low-level offenders will now be sent to county jails instead of to state penitentiaries.

Corbett added that there is a misconception that this proposed shift means prisoners would be released immediately, while in fact it would only apply to people who were sent to court after the proposal was enacted.

“It’s prospective,” he said. “It’s a process that’s going to take a while to get fully implemented.”

Lori Jones, interim co-director of the Alameda County Social Services Agency, said this type of

miscommunication between legislators, coun-ties and the public is another barrier that must be addressed.

“There’s a lack of clarity of what exactly is be-ing realigned and counties feeling like they’re not sure what to expect,” she said.

Alex Briscoe, director of the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, agreed. Briscoe said the county needs to be able to keep up with and keep track of the proposals being drafted by legislators to prevent further budget cuts to es-sential programs.

Officials at the forum said they also need to make sure legislators recognize that each county has individual standards, which they said aren’t being acknowledged currently.

Page 2: Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

Online coverage 24/7

Dailycal.orgonline exclusives

2 News The Daily Californian

Arts Interview: Miami Horror at DNA Lounge

Jeffrey Joh/Staff

Protesters have gathered in Downtown Oakland to protest the release of former BART police Officer Johannes Mehserle, who was con-victed of killing Oscar Grant III and has served 11 months for his crime.

A Los Angeles jury convicted Mehserle in July 2010 of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Oscar Grant III, who was shot and killed at the Fruitvale BART station on Jan. 1, 2009. Throughout the case, Mehserle has claimed he thought he was reach-ing for his taser and not his gun when the incident occurred.

In November 2010, following a racially charged case that sparked riots

and protests in Oakland, Mehserle was sentenced to two years in prison — the minimum amount of time that can be served for someone convicted of invol-untary manslaughter. ...

Protest precedes imminent early release of Mehserle

on the blogsThe Daily ClogTHE SECRET TO NBA SUCCESS: It’s as simple as a friendly slap on the butt. Who would have thought? Check out Jillian Wertheim’s post to find out why bromance is key to owning the court.

The News BlogFIRST LADY TO BREAKFAST IN EAST BAY: First Lady Michelle Obama will be visiting the East Bay this week — and you can have a shot at seeing her yourself for no less than $1,000 a pop.

Monday, June 13, 2011 - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ReseaRch & Ideas

Campus mapping facility develops websiteKevin Koy, the manager of the Geospatial Innovation Facility, shows off Cal-Adapt, an interactive website developed by the facility.

anna vignet/Senior Staff

With the help of UC Berkeley’s Geo-spatial Innovation Facility, the Califor-nia Energy Commission has launched a website that grants public access to California’s climate change data, in-cluding past information and future projections.

Cal-Adapt, which was launched Tuesday, is an interactive website that the facility began developing in August 2010 which specializes in innovative environmental research projects that compile data regarding factors affect-ing the climate in California.

The data that will be displayed on the website have been compiled since 2003. After receiving a sponsorship of $500,000 from the California En-ergy Commission’s Public Interest En-ergy Research Program and advisory oversight from the California Natural Resources Agency, the Geospatial In-novation Facility began developing the website.

Cal-Adapt aims to synthesize data produced by research organizations and statewide universities, including UC Berkeley, UC Merced and UC San Diego, to create maps and modules

By Ayesha Khan | [email protected]

pertaining to state climate changes.The website integrates 150 years of

climate change data that take into ac-count different carbon emission sce-narios, which are presented to the user in a visual format depicting rising sea levels, temperature changes and wild-fire risks, among other variables.

The website provides access to cli-mate scenario data so users can de-velop adaptation strategies for changes such as hotter temperatures, increased sea levels, decreased snowpack and in-creased risk of wildfires.

According to Sarah Van Wart, web application developer for Cal-Adapt, the website provides climate projections, not predictions. She added that the website is not meant to predict future outcomes but rather only seeks to display data gathered on climate change in California through extensive research.

To provide more information for the website’s users, the developers upload data regarding wind speed, soil mois-ture and humidity.

“We are targeting three audiences: the expert who can use the data for research, the technician and public agencies who can use it for city plan-ning and the general public who can use it to understand climate change,” said Kevin Koy, manager of the Geo-spatial Innovation Facility.

To make the data legible, developers have inserted definitions to technical language, links to articles explaining the societal relevance of the change and social networking features that allow the user to share desired infor-mation on websites like Facebook and Twitter.

One of the goals of the site is to uti-lize extensive climate change research to assist the general public in acquir-ing a better understanding of how climate change may occur under dif-ferent social and economic scenarios in their respective areas of residency, according to Van Wart.

Upcoming features on the site include daily temperature projections, accord-ing to Geospatial Innovation Facility data developer Brian Galey, as well as a community project in which users will aid scientists by reporting initial flower blooms in their neighborhoods.

“This innovative website will offer the general public information to assess if their farms, towns, cities, business, counties would be affected and to begin planning for the forth-coming changes,” said Adam Gottlieb, manager of media communications at California Energy Commission, in an email. “By sharing information now, local communities can make better informed decisions later.”


Former Berkeley High student dies at 18

Former Berkeley High School stu-dent Emily Kassier, who was known for her bright smile, big heart and love of teach-ing, died June 2. She was 18.

Kassier, a 2010 graduate of Berkeley High School, was a t t e n d i n g Bennington College in Vermont, and while final autopsy reports have yet to be released, according to Kassier’s moth-er, Mary Ann Kassier, her daughter suf-fered two grand mal seizures immedi-ately prior to her death.

According to Mary Ann Kassier, paramedics tried to resuscitate her daughter, but she was later pronounced dead. While Emily did not have a his-tory of seizures nor had she ever expe-rienced a seizure, she had been com-plaining of migraines prior to her death — a symptom that is now being looked at as possibly being related to

By Katie Nelson | Senior [email protected]

her death, Kassier’s mother said.“She wanted to come back here to

teach at Berkeley High School, the rea-son being specifically to help those kids that struggled a little bit and to help them feel more confident and help them aspire to go to college too,” she said.

Janet Marsden, director of commu-nications at Bennington College, said the small campus was “heartbroken” by Kassier’s death and that it was well-known that Kassier wanted to one day become a teacher.

“We have about 670 students here at Bennington, so it’s not very big, and you can imagine how something like this really just takes the community,” she said. “Her death has had a real pull on the community. Our thoughts are with her family and friends, and she will be sorely missed at Bennington.”

Marsden added that in addition to taking a wide range of courses at the college, Kassier had participated in a mentoring program at a local high school — Mount Anthony Union High School — where she provided guid-ance to at-risk students.

According to Kassier’s father, Charlie Kassier, his daughter also participated in a similar program at Berkeley High School, where she was able to help out in an English class where the teacher

was on maternity leave.“Emily knew the people and how

the place worked,” he said. “Everyone thought she was a good mentor.”

According to Charlie Kassier, the memorial service held for his daughter on Saturday had many of her friends expressing how much they would miss her — from friends flying to Berkeley from Bennington College to express their condolences to the senior class at Berkeley High School making a poster with many students penning a few words of kindness to the family and saying how much they will miss Emily.

“People can say positive things, but I’m not sure I’d really do justice to her,” Charlie Kassier said. “She was com-mitted, and quality mattered to her. Her friends are broken up by this, more so than adults in some cases.”

Kassier’s mother said in addition to her daughter being involved in volun-teer extracurricular activities, Kassier was also involved in dancing at Berkeley High School.

It was in these activities, Mary Ann Kassier said, that her daughter’s qualities of being “a good friend” and being com-passionate, kind and intelligent really shined through. It was also through the

This publicaTion is noT an official publicaTion of The universiTy of california, buT is published by an independenT corporaTion using The name The daily californian pursuanT To a license granTed by The regenTs of The universiTy of california. adverTisemenTs appearing in The daily californian reflecT The views of The adverTisers

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eugene w. lau/Staff

When Jana Juricova won the NCAA singles title on May 30, she capped off one of the most dominant individual seasons in the history of

Cal women’s tennis. After the Bears’ third-round elimi-nation in the NCAA Team Championships the week before, Juricova made sure she would not have another early exit. The junior came out strong in the first four rounds of the tournament — bulldozing through her opponents without losing a single set. In the last two rounds of the tournament, Juricova muscled past Nicole Gibbs and Stacey Tan of Stanford to win her first NCAA singles title. ...

Juricova’s dominance headlines Cal’s campaign

kassier: PaGe 3

coRRectIonThe May 30 article “UC raises retirement plan contributions” incorrectly stated

that UC President Mark Yudof recommended a dissenting plan for retirement plan contributions. In fact, he recommended a second tier of contribution increases that was adopted by the UC Board of Regents. The Daily Californian regrets the error.


eugene w. lau/Staff

THE CLOGIt’s not a shoe. It’s not a drainage problem.check out the blog.

Interested? vIsIt clog.daIlycal.org.

Page 3: Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

3The Daily Californian OPINION, News & MarketPlace

Erica [email protected]

Sex is gloriously disgusting. A wonderfully fun meld of sweat, saliva and sexual fluids, the

result is more than a little gross. Looked at from the right angle, sex is down right unsexy.

Anyone who has been down in the trenches can tell you: there are some pretty unsavory side effects of sex.

There is nothing quite like an infection to put a damper on your sex life. The more sex you have, the more likely you are to get a urinary tract infection (UTI). The easiest way to prevent it: get up and go to the bath-room after sex. This clears out the bacteria that can get pushed into the urethra. Not sexy to think about, but it keeps the sex-a-thon going.

I’ve never gotten a UTI, but I know enough friends who have to know that I am lucky. Taking a break from cuddling to grab a robe and head to the bathroom is worth it to avoid several extremely miserable days of cranberry juice and a burning sensation.

After sex, however, isn’t the only time to think about cleanliness. If you’ve been walking around all day, sweating in the summer sun, expect-ing your significant other to get any-where near your nether regions is a bit of a tall order. A quick clean up with a damp wash cloth or baby wipe makes oral a lot more plausible, and a lot less rank.

In fact, you may just want to grab your partner and start the foreplay in the shower. It’s a quick path to both clean and turned on.

Though you may still want to have baby wipes around, they are useful for a couple of reasons. If you are introducing lube into things at all, and don’t want to get lube on every-thing you touch for the entire night, baby wipes can be handy. Personally, I hate having sticky hands. I store my baby wipes and lube together, because for me, you can’t have one without the other. Sticky isn’t sexy.

When you have gotten truly cov-ered in sexual goo, having

something on hand to wipe down with before heading to a common bathroom could save a few awkward questions. I may not have a whole lot of shame when it comes to sex, but there are only so many people who need to see me covered in cum.

If you aren’t the only thing that ended up covered in cum after some amazingly dirty sex, waiting until your semesterly laundry day to wash it out of your sheets and clothes will mean you end up with some rather permanent sex stains. Get to it quickly enough, and cum washes out in the normal laundry. Wait a little longer, and a spray and wash should still do it. Let it crust over in the corner, and you have semen stain tie-dye.

After a particularly intense bout of sex or making out, if you find that it looks like you’ve been mauled by a

vampire, baby wipes and wash water aren’t going to do much — and really, neither is your normal make up. Something designed to deal with slight variations of skin tone, and the occasional red dot isn’t going to cut it for a giant pur-ple bruise.

To cover up a hickey, you need something with a yellow base to

counter act the purple. Get a good, thick liquid foundation and apply carefully just to the hickey, let dry and apply your normal powder makeup to blend.

If you’re a guy with a hickey, suck it up and get some makeup, or sport the popped collar look for a week. Trust me, the makeup will hurt your image less.

The fun thing about hickeys is that how easily you bruise can depend on a lot of things. Like if you are keeping in mind that orgasms help with headaches, so you pop an aspirin and place a booty call, that aspirin can make getting a hickey more likely. Any sort of blood thinner, like aspi-rin and most pain killers, can make bruises, and thus hickeys, easier to acquire.

I learned this first hand when I traded a tension headache for look-ing like I was a vampire’s lunch. Luckily, I had a friend with the right kind of makeup, along with a pen-chant for scarves for all seasons. Summer scarves: a useful fashion statement to have on hand.

Pre-sex fashion has a few pitfalls as well. If you’ve dropped the money on a sexy get up and need to remove some hair to fit the outfit, spring for a new razor. A dull blade is the quickest route to razor burn. Finishing up with cold water can help avoid irritation, too.

If you’ve gone one step further on the path to expensive sex and sched-uled a wax, give yourself at least 24 hours between wax and nooky, or you will be sporting sexy negligee accessorized with angry red bumps.

A pre-sex grooming tip that every-one should keep in mind is file your nails. Don’t just cut them, you want to avoid sharp edges.

Though not nearly as fun to think about as the sweaty and passionate bits, it’s the unsexy parts that keep the sex rolling along smoothly.

Unsexy sex tips to knowSEX ON MONDAY

Monday, June 13, 2011 - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Professor emeritus of forestry dies at age 95

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Forum: Leaders say legislators must recognize varying county standardsFrom Front

“Here, there’s a higher cost of liv-ing, higher property values, higher gas prices,” Skinner said, “There’s a fixation that one size fits all, no matter where they’re located in the state.”

Were the realignment proposal to be successfully implemented, Jones said,

Grant: Attention to safety concerns expected to be an important issueFrom FrontNational Laboratory. “Nuclear safety has always been a concern for not just the general public but also for regu-lators and practitioners in industry. Really having a good technical under-standing of the various failure modes in nuclear power (is needed).”

Albright said future nuclear power plant production needs to be expand-ed in order to combat greenhouse gas emissions.

“That means that we’re going to be expanding nuclear reactor capacity in this country, and that means in turn that we need to pay a lot of attention to the safety concerns of the public and the safety concerns that surround nuclear power in general,” he said. “We’re talking about new types of nuclear power reactors that will be cheap and will reduce the capital costs associated with nuclear power.”


it is important that county officials not forget the progress they have made by collaborating and communicating with one another.

“It really is setting the stage for how we should be doing this and standing forward,” Jones said.

heady: PaGe 6

Harold Heady, a professor emer-itus of forestry in the UC Berkeley College of N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s , known for his sense of humor and unconven-tional teaching style, died April 28 in La Grande, Ore. He was 95.

Born on March 29, 1916, in Buhl, Idaho, Heady was orphaned at the age of 12, though he still managed to put himself through high school by working at a farm to support himself finan-cially.

In 1938, Heady earned his bach-elor’s degree from the University of Idaho in forestry and range man-agement. In pursuit of a higher education, he went on to receive his Ph.D. in 1949 from the University of Nebraska.

Heady had taught at Montana State University and Texas A&M University before becoming a part of the UC Berkeley faculty from 1951 to 1984 to carry out quantita-tive research. In recognition of the work he did while on campus, Heady received the Berkeley Citation award in 1991 for his sig-nificant contributions in his field.

“Aside from being hard-work-ing and creative, he was a reason-able risk taker in his professional and academic career,” said James Bartolome, one of Heady’s former students and a campus professor of rangeland ecology and man-agement. “He gave up a tenure

By Ayesha Khan | [email protected]


Kassier: Berkeley High graduate was involved in volunteer work, dancingFrom Page 2volunteer work and the dancing pro-gram that Kassier made many lasting friendships and made a positive impact in the lives of others, her mother said.

“She had a huge bright smile and always welcomed friendships,” she said.

“She will be remembered fondly for her humor and her generosity with friends.”

Kassier is survived by her mother, father and one younger brother.

Katie Nelson is an assistant news editor.

Page 4: Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

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signature, daytime phone number and place of residence. All letters are edited for space and clarity.Op-eds must be no longer than 700 words. Letters must be no longer than 350 words. Berkeley’s Independent Student Press — Celebrating 140 years

Senior Editorial BoardTomer Ovadia, Editor in Chief and President

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“I continue to support freedom of expression and assembly.”

—Barbara Lee, Congresswoman

step toward making concrete, positive change in the undocu-mented community through edu-cation, it also applies to U.S. citi-zens.

It is imperative for opponents of AB 540 not to politically dis-tort the law, which at its core maintains students’ strong ties to California by requiring students to complete three years at a California high school and either graduate in-state or attain a GED. Undocumented students must also file or plan to file an affidavit expressing intent to apply for legal residency as soon as possi-ble.

Had the Supreme Court over-turned AB 540, California would have made higher education even more financially burdensome to undocumented students and in doing so lose out on incalculable future benefits. But at the same time, the university and the state cannot afford to offer in-state tuition to all students regardless of whether or not they meet the law’s criteria.

We are pleased with the deci-sion — the survival of AB 540 is paramount to making education more available to all Californians, and an educated California is a strong California.

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal last Monday that chal-

lenged California Assembly Bill 540, which allows undocument-ed students to pay resident tuition at in-state colleges. The decision is a welcome conclu-sion after years of legal chal-lenges, beginning when the original lawsuit was filed in December 2005.

Undocumented students qualifying under AB 540 make up a small population of the University of California student body, estimated by UC President Mark Yudof in a March 8 letter to number between 390 and 488 students. Regardless of legal status, everyone deserves the opportunities this world-class university has to offer if talented enough to earn acceptance.

It would be unwise to deny future leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs the chance to reach their full potential because of their immigration status. Preventing this small but ambi-tious population of students from having the chance to gain an edu-cation would deny the state the future economic benefits stem-ming from education.

While AB 540 is an essential

A happy conclusionHIGHER EDUCATIONBy refusing to hear the challenge to AB 540, the U.S. Supreme Court has made the correct decision.

Act to apply. Without such clarity, a university cannot retain title to inventions — an unfortunate loss for both research universities and the people they serve.

When applied, the Bayh-Dole Act maintains the public nature of federally funded research. In most instances, the royalties that ensue from inventions made with federal dollars should be used in a public manner. In the case of a research university, these royalties should be used for education and research funds, maintaining scientific excel-lence and ultimately benefiting the community.

While it is difficult to deny the importance of intellectual proper-ty and the rights of individual inventors, a balance must be found where royalties arising from grant-sponsored research are clearly marked for both the researcher and the public who sponsored the research through tax money.

The University of California is a flagship research university partly because it attracts world-renowned scholars and partly because it con-tinues to serve the people of California through innovation. We hope that Stanford v. Roche reminds the students, faculty and administration of the stakes: fund-ing, research and title.

The U.S. Supreme Court case Stanford v. Roche, which centered on Stanford

University’s attempt to assert con-trol over an HIV-detection kit invented by School of Medicine professor Mark Holodniy, appeared to come down to seman-tics. Fortunately, the ruling on June 6 is not fatal to the Bayh-Dole Act, which allows universi-ties to retain title to inventions made during federally funded sci-entific studies and is necessary for universities to further develop inventions made with grant money.

While Stanford v. Roche is a unique case due to the ambiguities surrounding Holodniy’s contracts, the case is significant because it exemplifies the importance of clear contracts between institutions sponsoring projects with federal grants and the professors who have access to that money.

Though the Supreme Court ruled that Holodniy’s contract with Cetus Corporation — later acquired by Roche Molecular Systems Inc. — took precedence over his contract with Stanford, the case can still be used as a learning tool for research universi-ties. Contractual agreements must be clear in order for the Bayh-Dole

A relevant case-studyHIGHER EDUCATIONThe Bayh-Dole Act is still a relevant tool in maintaining continued innovation at research universities.

EDITORIALSMonday, June 13, 2010 - Wednesday, June 15, 2010


Editorial Cartoon By Maen Mahfoud

Vacancies harm city Thank you for J.D. Morris’s article on

the online poll regarding shopping on Telegraph Avenue.

People seem eager to misinterpret this poll, in which students express a wish to see less homeless people on the street. I believe it is safe to sug-gest that all of us, the whole commu-nity and perhaps the whole world, hope to see an end to homelessness someday. That does not mean anyone, certainly not UC Berkeley students, should be mischaracterized as embracing anti-loitering or anti-sit-


Editorial Cartoon By Ed Yevelev

ting laws which burden law enforce-ment and send vulnerable people cir-cling through the courts, making it harder to escape the cycle of poverty.

The students had valuable sugges-tions for more appropriate goods, more public art, more music, more dancing. The business associations should pay attention to those sug-gestions instead of abusing the poll to fuel more discriminatory laws.

The more serious burden on our commercial districts is the over 200 empty storefronts waiting, sometimes for years, for tenants who are in turn waiting for landlords and property

owners to lower their outrageous commercial rent rates. Large property owners can write off these paper “loses,” and have no incentive under the current system to lower their rents.

Our city’s general plan refers to a vacancy tax, which has been success-fully implemented in other cities (Washington, D.C.) but has yet to be implemented here. We need to imple-ment a retail vacancy tax and curb the blight of empty storefronts so that we can once again have thriving commer-cial districts.

— Carol Denney, Berkeley resident

Page 5: Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

The Daily CalifornianMonday, June 13, 2010 - Wednesday, June 15, 2010 5OpiniOn

By Christine Deakers Special to the Daily [email protected]

Studying abroad provides invaluable life experiencesOP-ED

Before this semester in Dublin, Ireland, I didn’t know my long-lost cousins, how to pour the perfect pint of Guinness or give tips on raising a

prize-winning Greyhound.

No conselour or guidebook can

predict such diverse

accounts. Despite


adventures, many students who return to our purple mountains maj-esty might bypass the stories and give generic responses like “I am a changed man/woman” or “it was the best time of my life.”

At times, the benefits to studying abroad can be indescribable. Figuring six-plus life-changing months into a few phrases can be overwhelming; however certain ele-ments distinctly sculpt an experi-ence.

The academic rigor can change from program to program depending on your host university, travel com-pany and even grading scale. A new learning arena provides fresh per-spective on academic pursuits or grants a denizen with a bit more down time.

Trinity College Dublin’s expecta-tions were similiar to UC Berkeley’s, but there were some positive European differences. The library becomes a better companion and great Euro-saver since most Irish students only check books out rather than buy a bundle of pricey text-books.

Some schools give more atten-tion than American colleges.

At Oxford University, stu-dents have classes called “tutorials” where they are given one-on-one lessons with a tutor.

Phoebe Peronto, fourth-year business

administration and political sci-ence major, contests that British stu-dents study from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. People leave the library like a work-day, eliminating the all-night study sessions.

Unique to perhaps other semes-ters, scholarly passions follow a stu-dent outside of the classroom. Often the city harbours the inspiration for the curriculum.

As an English major, I’ve poured over novels which felt ever more sig-nificant when I walked by Oscar

Wilde’s house or the chemist James Joyce describes in “Ulysses.”

Art history major Mary Gianola, who researched Etruscan sculpture, lived in Rome and visited Pompeii to realize that a vital component to the study is being present to the form itself.

So much of what students learn in college is book-based; there is some-thing invaluable to connecting the intellectual world with a personal or visceral experience.

Most importantly, school becomes the epicenter to meet friends and find new avenues of interest, which a person might never have discovered otherwise.

While the world often seems vast, a network provides the comfort and accessibility in unknown territory. I would have never attended an Italian jam session in Amsterdam if it was not for my new Polish friend, Anna. Or I would have never gone to a Hunting Society Ball if it wasn’t for the boarding house I lived in.

Unlike in the United States, a train ride or quick flight often lands you in a completely diverse culture and way of life.

Travel provides the best “real life” lessons, such as thinking on your feet, budgeting and my personal favorite, adapting to new ways of socializing.

Celebrations frame a culture at its highest. While there are so many pros to studying abroad, fun will be a predominant memory. The way you party in the U.S.A. might drasti-cally change.

It can be as simple as enjoying a long meal, drinking wine on the Pont des Arts or dancing to house music until 8 a.m. In Spain, students get accustomed to a new pace with afternoon siestas and clubbing that doesn’t start until the early morning. No matter the country, fun always translates and is never a point of contention.

The finite time to study abroad really lends itself to the “go big, then go home” attitude.

Since there was a deadline to my time abroad, I couldn’t help but live it up every chance I got. To realize that some experiences are not forev-er reminds you to savor every moment.

Often, studying abroad felt like a hiatus from normalcy. Life almost feels paused; your responsibilities back at home are on hold, giving you time to pursue new hobbies or have the freedom to just breathe and enjoy a new city.

With only a small percent of American undergraduates studying abroad every year, it is difficult to avoid being identified by one’s nationality, an integral component to a personality or just a way to introduce yourself.

Never have I been so conscious of my American citizenship. Living with people from all over the globe, save your homeland, conjures that self-awareness.

Like looking in a mirror, befriend-ing diverse characters only reinforc-es your own self-perception and allows you to see your culture more objectively.

As well, learning a new language, or slang for that matter, juxtaposes how different people communicate but also how storytelling helps peo-ple bond.

While studying abroad, there will be times when you know no one, are in a foreign city and posses the soli-tude for reflection. Perhaps it’s the perfect precursor to a final year in college or a turning point in life.

But what’s most beneficial is find-ing a new home and standing on your own without certain familiari-ties. It’s an experience that affirms your confidence and lets you see yourself in a new light.

Christine Deakers participated in the Education Abroad Program.

Nikki DaNce/staff

Page 6: Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

6 news Monday, June 13, 2011 - Wednesday, June 15, 2011The Daily Californian

Berkeley resident sentenced for wire fraud

It turns out that even Mariah Car-ey’s reputation failed to prevent cov-ering up a recent extortion scheme orchestrated by a Berkeley resident who scammed a New Jersey inves-tor out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Antywan Ross, 44, former head of the music promoter company The RDA Group LLC, was sentenced by the United States District Court of New Jersey on June 6 to 21 months in federal prison on one count of wire fraud for sending false sponsorship letters and emails to pretend that he was holding a series of concerts in the Middle East featuring the “Heart-breaker” singer.

Ross, a music industry promoter who touted fake business relationships with music stars such as Destiny’s Child and Ludacris, will also have three years of supervised release and will have to repay the $325,404 he extorted from J. Giovanni Baquerizo, who founded the Maywood, N.J., investment firm Alec Charles Capital LLC.

A former Atlanta, Ga., resident who now resides in Berkeley, Ross founded The RDA Group LLC on Jan. 9, 2007. But the company was later dissolved by the Secretary of

By Anjuli Sastry | [email protected]

the State of Georgia on Sept. 12, 2010, due to its inability to file for annual registration in accordance with Georgia law, according to state records.

Although it was involved in dis-solving The RDA Group LLC, the Office of the Secretary of the State of Georgia takes no responsibility for Ross’s actions and does not investi-gate cases or proceedings involving members of corporations filed with their office.

“We simply receive the papers for corporations to form — we don’t get involved in disputes between members of corporations,” said Matthew Car-rothers, a spokesperson for the Office of the Secretary of State of Georgia. “We don’t have statutory power to in-vestigate allegations of fraud that a member of the corporation may have committed.”

From around August 2008 to Janu-ary 2009, Ross claimed to promote a series of Mariah Carey concerts taking place in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. Through his efforts, he was able to secure roughly $330,000 in funds from Baquerizo, promising the money would be repaid with interest within 45 days, according to court documents.

To further convince Baquerizo sponsorship money had been com-mitted, in October 2008 Ross found an escrow agent in New York who

heady: Professor remembered for hands-on teaching style in the fieldFrom Page 3position at Texas A&M to take up an assistant position at Berkeley.”

Among his many contributions, Heady became the treasurer and later the president of the Society for Range Management — which he helped found — in 1980. He also held the position of associate dean of student affairs for the College of Natural Resources.

“He was quite an unusual person,” Bartolome said. “He was classically trained in botany, making him quite unlike others because of his broad knowledge on how to identify plants.”

Heady was the author of over 100 publications, for which he received two Fulbright Scholarships and a Guggenheim Fellowship. His indus-trious nature contributed to his suc-cess in academic positions, as he went on to live in Africa, Australia and Saudi Arabia to conduct research.

Recalling his experience with Heady, his son Kent Heady said Heady’s field work in Africa focused on the coexistence of wildlife with agriculture and that his father was “a big conservationist.”

Heady carried out extensive research for his papers, making it

courts & crime

would not release the funds unless Ross provided proof of $1 million in sponsorship funds — which he later backed up with falsified letters writ-ten on law firm stationery that made it seem as if $10 million in sponsor-ship money was made available, court documents stated.

When the funds were released from the escrow agent, instead of using the money to stage a legitimate con-cert, Ross bought a car and used the remainder of the money for personal benefit, according to the federal in-dictment.

“(Ross) sent an email to the escrow agent directing her to release the in-vestor’s money,” the indictment states. “Instead of using that money to pay for purported expenses related to putting on an international concert, Ross used the majority ... for his own benefit, including the purchase of an automobile. He also admitted that the Mariah Carey concerts in Dubai never took place and that he never repaid the investor.”

Baquerizo did not respond to re-quests for comment.

According to Rebekah Carmichael, spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Newark, N.J., Ross pleaded guilty to fraud on July 8, 2010, and was allowed to remain free on a $250,000 bond until his June 6 sentencing.

Representatives from Ross’s family declined to comment.

easier for current students — looking to address specific problems or proj-ects — to find the hypothesis to their research question in his work, accord-ing to Bartolome. Four of his former students even went on to become deans in their respective fields.

“Heady made sure his students went out to the field to see vegeta-tion, as compared to staying in the laboratory,” Bartolome said. “A lot of it came from the fact that he grew up on a ranch in southern Idaho.”

Even after retiring, Heady stayed in contact with his students and col-leagues. He was living in La Grande in a retirement home and was active and in good health at the time of his death, according to Kent Heady.

“He was a tough taskmaster with a very dry sense of humor that made him fun to be around,” Bartolome said. “Everyone who knew him will miss him.”

Heady is survived by his son Kent Heady, his daughter Carol DeMaria, his wife Celia, three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The family plans on holding a ceremony in his memory this summer.

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Page 7: Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

The Daily CalifornianMonday, June 13, 2011 - Wednesday, June 15, 2011 SPORTS & legalS 7

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45 46 47 48

49 50 51 52 53 54 55

56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64

65 66 67

68 69 70

ACROSS 1. That girl 4. Grouchy person 8. Highest mountain

in Canada13. Orgs. for concerned parents14. In good health15. Deteriorate16. Silks from certain

Assam worms17. Dog in “The Thin Man”18. Not hollow19. Polo and skiing22. Overimbiber!s woe23. Musical instrument24. Sows26. Numerical prefix29. Nostril titillaters32. Cheryl and Alan36. Fills with wonderment38. Vermin39. Tribal member40. Spot41. Esse, in France42. Chickens43. Mideast bigwig44. Pale45. Like a circus47. U-__49. Parties51. Marie or Donny Osmond56. Taxing time: abbr.58. Organize like

Webster did61. Smallest63. Actor Julia64. Burden65. Tune from the past66. Ireland!s nickname67. North and Mediterranean,

to a Parisian68. SAT takers, often69. Paleozoic and Mesozoic70. Traveler's direction: abbr.

DOWN 1. Belt 2. Poorest western nation 3. City located 18 miles northeast of Düsseldorf 4. Virginal 5. Scrape 6. Quartet member 7. Endures

8. Inferior 9. Valuable ore,

in Spain10. Novelist Oliver

(1730-74)11. Mine entrance12. Sparks and Beatty13. Seats for many20. Colors21. Rib25. Concave roofs27. Relaxed28. Anticipate30. Measurement31. Noticed32. Section of a barn33. Stub __; stumble

while barefoot34. Demote35. Triangular river deposit37. Beige shade40. Ride a bike44. Prefix for room or date46. Thrills48. Russian currency50. Fling52. Tiny particles

53. Jazz pianist Earl54. Blue shade55. Suffix for glad or sad56. “Thanks __!”57. Brazilian athlete59. Hit Broadway musical60. Invisible emanation62. Do wrong





















Answer to Previous Puzzle

1. That girl4. Grouchy person8. Highest mountain in Canada13. Orgs. for concerned parents14. In good health15. Deteriorate16. Silks from certain Assam worms17. Dog in “The Thin Man”18. Not hollow19. Polo and skiing22. Overimbiber’s woe23. Musical instrument24. Sows26. Numerical pre�x29. Nostril titillaters32. Cheryl and Alan36. Fills with wonderment38. Vermin39. Tribal member40. Spot41. Esse, in France42. Chickens43. Mideast bigwig44. Pale45. Like a circus47. U-__49. Parties51. Marie or Donny Osmond56. Taxing time: abbr.58. Organize like Webster did61. Smallest63. Actor Julia64. Burden65. Tune from the past66. Ireland’s nickname67. North and Mediterranean, to a Parisian68. SAT takers, often69. Paleozoic and Mesozoic70. Traveler’s direction: abbr.

1. Belt2. Poorest western nation3. City located 18 miles northeast of Düsseldorf4. Virginal5. Scrape6. Quartet member7. Endures8. Inferior

9. Valuable ore, in Spain10. Novelist Oliver (1730-74)11. Mine entrance12. Sparks and Beatty13. Seats for many20. Colors21. Rib25. Concave roofs27. Relaxed28. Anticipate30. Measurement

31. Noticed32. Section of a barn33. Stub __; stumble while barefoot34. Demote35. Triangular river deposit37. Beige shade40. Ride a bike44. Pre�x for room or date46. Thrills48. Russian currency

50. Fling52. Tiny particles53. Jazz pianist Earl54. Blue shade55. Su�x for glad or sad56. “Thanks __!”57. Brazilian athlete59. Hit Broadway musical60. Invisible emanation62. Do wrong

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42 43 44

45 46 47 48

49 50 51 52 53 54 55

56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64

65 66 67

68 69 70

ACROSS 1. That girl 4. Grouchy person 8. Highest mountain

in Canada13. Orgs. for concerned parents14. In good health15. Deteriorate16. Silks from certain

Assam worms17. Dog in “The Thin Man”18. Not hollow19. Polo and skiing22. Overimbiber!s woe23. Musical instrument24. Sows26. Numerical prefix29. Nostril titillaters32. Cheryl and Alan36. Fills with wonderment38. Vermin39. Tribal member40. Spot41. Esse, in France42. Chickens43. Mideast bigwig44. Pale45. Like a circus47. U-__49. Parties51. Marie or Donny Osmond56. Taxing time: abbr.58. Organize like

Webster did61. Smallest63. Actor Julia64. Burden65. Tune from the past66. Ireland!s nickname67. North and Mediterranean,

to a Parisian68. SAT takers, often69. Paleozoic and Mesozoic70. Traveler's direction: abbr.

DOWN 1. Belt 2. Poorest western nation 3. City located 18 miles northeast of Düsseldorf 4. Virginal 5. Scrape 6. Quartet member 7. Endures

8. Inferior 9. Valuable ore,

in Spain10. Novelist Oliver

(1730-74)11. Mine entrance12. Sparks and Beatty13. Seats for many20. Colors21. Rib25. Concave roofs27. Relaxed28. Anticipate30. Measurement31. Noticed32. Section of a barn33. Stub __; stumble

while barefoot34. Demote35. Triangular river deposit37. Beige shade40. Ride a bike44. Prefix for room or date46. Thrills48. Russian currency50. Fling52. Tiny particles

53. Jazz pianist Earl54. Blue shade55. Suffix for glad or sad56. “Thanks __!”57. Brazilian athlete59. Hit Broadway musical60. Invisible emanation62. Do wrong





















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Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted at the Alameda County Social Services Agency Contracts Office, 2000 San Pablo Avenue, 4th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP #SSA GAP/BHCS-SSI/SSDI 2011/2012 – SSI/SSDI Advocacy Services for General Assistance Program & Behavioral Health Care Services Agency Clients 2011/2012, Wednesday, June 29, 2011, 10:00 A.M. – Alameda County Public Health Dept., 1000 Broadway, 3rd Floor, Suite 310A, Oakland, CA NETWORKING/SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP #SSA GAP/BHCS-SSI/SSDI 2011/2012 – SSI/SSDI Advocacy

Services for General Assistance Program & Behavioral Health Care Services Agency Clients 2011/2012, Wednesday, June 29, 2011, 1:30 P.M. – Alameda County Social Services Agency, 24100 Amador Street, 6th Floor, Shooting Star B (#638), Hayward, CA Responses Due by 3:00 pm on July 22, 2011 County Contact: Tim Roberts at (510) 271-9185 or via email: [email protected] Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications regarding the above may be obtained at the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at www.acgov.org.6/13/11CNS-2117432#DAILY CALIFORNIAN

From BACKwangthe blue and gold faithful had made sure Santa Clara’s Schott Stadium felt like more than home. They were a thunderous cadence, slamming mercilessly against the heart of poor Dallas Baptist. What chance did the visitors have in the face of something like this? The Patriots were an underdog in their own right, a tiny no-name school tucked thousands of miles from the Bay. They, too, had hopes and dreams too wild to believe, the sole Division I sport on campus slowly capturing the public imagination. For a while, they played the role of David — knocking down Goliaths in TCU and Oklahoma. They were a feel-good story for fam-ilies and friends, a good number of whom flew out to Santa Clara. But Dallas Baptist hasn’t had to come back from the dead, and perhaps that has made the difference. As a little as a month ago, Cal looked like it would sputter to the end, just as it has all too often in recent history. After months of pulling comebacks

out of a bottomless back pocket, the Bears stumbled. They went 6-7 to end Pac-10 play and 12-13 since reinstate-ment. They lost their regional opener to Baylor, and one more loss would have ended the season. That loss never came. The Bears battled their way to four straight wins, fighting back from deficit after deficit.Cal, the Pac-10’s sixth-place squad, is now the conference’s only remaining representative. Money poured in to save the team, but something beyond words has turned it around. The Bears are in the midst of a dream, one that will end in Omaha soon for better or worse. They won’t sneak up on anyone there, and maybe the magic fades away. A few minutes after the last Dallas Baptist batter flew out, Cal players clustered near home plate and chanted out at the crowd, eager for a response. Go! They still believe. Bears! Now, so does everyone else.

Senior Mike Morrison captured the decathlon title with a school-record mark.Catherine shyu/file


softball: Loaded Cal team will carry high expectations into 2012 season

happen. I expected it this year and it didn’t happen. Next year, I expect to be in the final series. I know the potential of my team and what they can do by getting stronger this year.” The Bears welcome a top-10 recruit-ing class and return a full roster next season. Namely, a healthy Arioto will

pair with Henderson to give Cal a for-midable arsenal in the circle — and grander plans — for 2012. “Next year our goal is to win the national championship,” Williams said. “Anything less than that and our team will be disappointed.” KellySuckowcoverssoftball.

Morrison caps career with NCAA decathlon titleTrack and field

Mike Morrison’s duffel bag was a little heavier on the flight home this past weekend. The Cal track and field squad’s star decathlete came back from an elbow injury sustained one season ago to capture the decathlon title at the NCAA Outdoor Championships on Friday. In his final bid for a collegiate crown, the University of Florida trans-fer set a new decathlon record for the Bears at Drake Stadium in Des Moines, Iowa. “It’s a goal five years in the making and to accomplish it is really reward-ing,” Morrison said. “It’s not only a huge relief, but it’s the pinnacle of my season.” The title was a relief because at last year’s Championships, Morrison tore a ligament in his elbow during the jave-lin throw and finished as runner-up to Oregon’s Ashton Eaton. Finally capturing the elusive NCAA title was sweet redemption for Morrison and posting six career bests on the way to a Cal-record 8,118 points only put a cherry on top. Morrison’s mark surpassed Chris Huffins’ 8,007 point effort from 1993 and made him the fourth Bear to bring home an NCAA decathlon title. “He responded when the pressure was on,” coach Tony Sandoval said of Morrison. “He set a series of personal records knowing he had to do it to win.” Morrison sat in fourth place after the first day of competition and didn’t take the lead until the ninth event, the javelin throw. He threw a personal record of 198-4, good for third best in the field, to gar-ner 745 points and overtake Clemson’s

By Byron Atashian | [email protected]

Miller Moss for first place, 7,408 to 7,345. With only the 1500m remaining, Morrison again put up a big perfor-mance for the big stage. He established another personal best with a time of 4:35.35. The mark was good enough to hold off Duke sophomore Curtis Beach, who ran a 3:59.13 to finish with 8,084 points — second only to Morrison. “(Beach) has a great future in the sport and he put some pressure on me towards the end, but if you look at how deep the field is, he’s definitely not the only one in contention next year,” Morrison said. “There’s going to be another dog fight next year.” This year, however, Morrison came out the top dog by ending with a well-needed strong finish. He has come up with similar hero-ics on an almost regular basis in the past, often setting personal records on the third and final jump or in the final few deciding events.

“I’ve always thrived in the pres-sure situations,” Morrison said.”I’m able to rely on experience, stay disciplined, and be confident that my energy levels are going to be higher.” However, the rest of Cal’s five-athlete contingent at the Championships could not match Morrison’s success. On the women’s side, Kristen Meister tied for seventh in the high jump after clearing a height of 5-10.75 and fellow senior Tracey Stewart finished 10th in the triple jump with an effort of 42-6.00. Of the men’s contingent, senior Steve Sodaro finished 23rd in the semifinals of the 3000m steeple-chase with a time of 9:13.38 and Ray Stewart, the Pac-10 champi-on in the 110m hurdles, was dis-qualified from his heat — bring-ing his promising season to an end. ByronAtashiancoverstrack.

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Page 8: Daily Cal - Monday, June 13, 2011

SportSMONDAY, JUNE 13, 2011 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 2011 • DAilYcAl .Org/SpOrtS

SOFTBALL | Season Recap

““I’m looking at the box score so I can believe it. It’s on paper.”

— David Esquer, Cal baseball head coach, on Sunday’s 6-2 victory over Dallas Baptist that

put the Bears into the College World Series

v. W 6-2BASeBALL


SANTA CLARA, Calif. — Here are the dry logistics: On Sunday night, the Cal base-ball team beat Dallas Baptist, 6-2, to advance to the College World Series. The game took two hours and 41 minutes. Erik Johnson was the winning pitcher for the Bears and catcher Chadd Krist hit a two-run home run. This will be the Bears’ first CWS appearance since 1992, and they will play the winner of Virginia and UC Irvine. Those are the things you need to know, but those are just words on a page and stats from the box score. This is what happened: The crowd at Stephen Schott Stadium, overflowing into the walkways and peering through the gaps in the outfield fence, leapt to its feet when Krist’s homer put Cal up, 2-0, in the bottom of the first and started to believe, right then and there, that

By Katie Dowd | Senior [email protected]

Quick LookE. JOHNSON: 6 IP, 3 H, 2 r, 4 k c. krISt: 2-4, Hr, 3 rbI

After sweeping Dallas Baptist this past weekend, the Cal baseball team will head to Omaha, Neb. for its first College World Series appearance since 1992. EugENE w. lau/Staff

CheCk Onlinewww.dailycal.org

check out our sports blog for extras from the Bears’ victory over Dallas Baptist.

maybe this was really happen-ing. “I’m looking at the box score so I can believe it,” Bears coach David Esquer said. “It’s on paper.” The Cal bench — sporting their baseball caps backward in the first inning for a rally they did not, nor would ever, need — cheered its lungs raw for a new hero, Derek Campbell. The freshman came into the game hitting .227 and left it with three more hits, two more runs and one more day he will remem-ber for the rest of his life. “Stay hot, Derek,” yelled one woman in the stands. He did, with veins running ice cold. On the mound, Johnson by no means had his best stuff. He fell behind batters early and walked four in six innings. When it was 4-2, Cal in the fourth, the contest by no means felt decided. But Johnson did enough and

he made pitches when it counted, like in the sixth when he struck out Kenny Hatcher to strand two runners on base. And that was all the Bears needed. Near the end of Johnson’s night, pitcher Justin Jones, his arm in a bright blue sling because of a bicep injury incurred the night before, greeted him in the dugout with an elaborate one-armed handshake as “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” played over the sound system. No mountain, indeed. The word “destiny” will be thrown around a lot in the coming week. Some believe in that, some don’t. But one way or another, Cal (37-21) proved that luck is a very real thing. They were lucky to draw a regional with Rice, a team they knew they could beat. They were lucky to survive lightning delays and injuries to Jones and Tony

Renda. On the field, they scored runs with luck, like when Booker and Renda bounced back-to-back singles over Hatcher at third who, on Sunday night, could never be tall enough to top the Bears. “It’s not only for us, but it’s for them, too — everyone who has ever been on the Golden Bear baseball team,” Krist said. But most of all, this moment was, as odd as it may sound, a product of countless hours of devotion, of love between the 36 players in blue and gold and the coaches and staff who stand behind him. “When people can see the affection that you have and the camaraderie that you have, you can do anything,” Esquer said. “Anything is possible with this group because of how they bond-ed together.” It was never more obvious than in that pile of electric yellow jer-seys at the end of the game as one word reverberated over and over again in the dark night: Omaha. Katie Dowd covers baseball.

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — An eternity ago, Cal second baseman Tony Renda stood stone-faced, steps away

from the auburn dirt of Evans Diamond. His team, 118 years of history be damned, would disappear in a few months, a victim of plummeting state budgets. Reporters and cameramen ringed around him, wait-ing. We’re going to Omaha, he told them. They were nice words but, back in September, still just words. Cal was ranked somewhere just inside or just outside the top 25, depending on who you asked. It hadn’t reached the College World Series since 1992, had never advanced past regionals since the field expanded to 64. These were things you said because, faced with overwhelming odds, you needed something to hang on to. A final stand in the face of erasure, a vindictive bite back at an administration the Bears felt had betrayed them. Who except the 40 men inside the clubhouse truly believed this could happen? But on Sunday night, it did. And this time, the Bears weren’t alone. Sometime in the fourth inning, an hour before the Cal dugout emptied in a fury of flailing limbs and flying caps, the stands came alive. Hands clapped together, voices rang out in unison. Cal-i-for-nia! Cal-i-for-nia! Cal-i-for-nia! This was a sellout crowd like the Bears had never seen, its 1,431 members sudden-ly moving and shouting as one. There are no lights in Evans Diamond, so it couldn’t host any postseason contests. No matter —

Cal baseball: We were all witnesses

Jack Wang [email protected]

wang: Page 7

Cal ace Jolene Henderson (right) had a marvelous sophomore campaign, posting 18 shutouts.JaN flatlEy-fEldmaN/fIlE

Henderson shines in a breakthrough campaign for the Bears

In the Cal softball team’s second practice, All-American pitcher and first baseman Valerie Arioto broke her leg — leaving a void in the cir-cle, in the infield and at the plate. Coach Diane Ninemire turned to sophomore Jolene Henderson, who had split time with Arioto both on the rubber and on first last season. It’s safe to say Henderson was ready for the challenge. The Elk Grove, Calif. native stepped up as the ace and turned in a standout season, carrying the team to its first Women’s College World Series appearance in six years. With 18 shutouts on the year and an ERA under 1.00, the righty racked up a 40-10 record and emerged as one of the country’s most dominant pitchers. The work-horse put in over 333 innings, sur-passing some of the other national-ly-recognized pitchers by over a 100 innings.

By Kelly Suckow | [email protected]

“I think as a player, it just shows that I have a strong team behind me,” Henderson said. “If I didn’t have a strong team behind me, then that wouldn’t be the case.” And strength was what this year’s squad needed in response to Arioto’s absence. With no seniors, the young group was forced to grow up quickly and adjust to a shift in strategy this spring. After losing Arioto’s bat, the team saw its home run total take a hit — dropping from 51 in 2010 to 34 this year. Instead, the Bears tapped into the speed and consis-tency that players like left fielder Jamia Reid and shortstop Britt Vonk had to offer. Reid showed hot baserunning, tallying 31 stolen bases in 37 attempts, and Vonk paced the team with an impressive .415 average. “We lacked power this year,” third baseman Jace Williams said. “We found ways to win without a million home runs (by making) things happen for ourselves and (not relying) on the long ball. That was a strategy for us: get our speed on and hit them in ... It wasn’t the

flashy long ball that carried us this season, it was pitching and making things happen on the bases.” Cal found its winning ways in mid-April, after starting just 2-4 in conference play. From then on, the Bears reeled off 15 wins in 17 games, never dropping a series and finishing second in the Pac-10. The momentum spilled over into the postseason, where the No. 7-seed Bears swept their opponents in the Louisiville Regional. Cal (45-13) then showed major resilience against Kentucky in the Super Regionals. After getting bat-tered during an 8-0 game two mercy loss, Henderson was lights-out in game three — blanking the Wildcats in a 9-0 victory to secure a ticket to Oklahoma City. The Bears fell short of their ulti-mate goal of reaching the national championship. Florida ended Cal’s postseason run for the third time in four years — leaving Henderson unsatisfied. “Every year I expect to be in the World Series,” Henderson said. “I expected it last year and it didn’t

sOftball: Page 7