Daily Bellwether - comments re: Cincinnati Beacon, 6-13-08

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  • 8/14/2019 Daily Bellwether - comments re: Cincinnati Beacon, 6-13-08


    anonymous said.. .

    From Hey, Sloal! Your hypocrisy is showing], Cincinnati Beacon. 6/11/08

    Overat TheDailyBellwether. Bill Sloathas beengetting pretty upset by some "redneckjokes" circulating thewebfrom other btoggers. AndInthis

    post, he advocatesfor getting rid of slurslike"hillbilly." But what about calling theMayorof Cincinnati a "darkle," or theSuperintendentof

    CincinnatiPublicSc'vots"mummy"?how tunStout endorse suchimially disgustingbeliuvidr, white rallyinguguinslslurs luigelingAppalachians?

    We're talking, of course. about TlieWlnstleblowet, a dailyemu'ilpublkathn written b/Jim Schifrin, regularly filled with racist language asdescribed

    above.Sloat showsa specialadorationofJim Schifrin's potty-humoredhate-speech, whichseemsIrypocrkicolgivenhis recent desire toprotest

    Ixite-speech against Appalachians.

    In2003, Sloat wrote this glowingendorsementof Schifrin for ttteCleveland PlainDealer....

    anonymous said...

    It looks like the Cincinnati Beacon istrying to piggyback oil your site and drive trathc to themselves. Ihete Is an entire post from the Beacon that i