1 Mindfulness & Meditation ACT Workshop JOANNE DAHL, Ph.D. Associate professor University of Uppsala, Sweden FREDRIK LIVHEIM, Clinical Psychologist, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm medical university Educational Objectives 1. Describe how you can strengthen your own experience of the ACT core processes through meditation practice. 2. Demonstrate how to focus your attention, act rather than react, and see impulses for what they are. 3. The aim of this meditation ACT workshop is to help you to deepen your own experience in these core processes by means of your own meditation practice General information 1. Presentation of us 2. This workshops relation to using mindfulness with clients 3. Content of the workshop (informed consent) 4. ACT and mindfulness Definition of Mindfulness (one of many) “An operational working definition of mindfulness is: the awareness that emerges through - paying attention on purpose, - in the present moment, - and non-judgmentally to the folding of experience moment by moment” - Kabat-Zinn, 2003, pp.145-146 Awareness Evaluation Sensations Reaction Typical Reactions to Sensations Sensations Aversive Appetitive Avoid (or freeze) Seek (attach)


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JoAnne Dahl och Fredrik Livheims slides from their workshop held at the Pre-Conference. Håll tillgodo!

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Mindfulness & Meditation ACT Workshop JOANNE DAHL, Ph.D. Associate professor University of Uppsala, Sweden

FREDRIK LIVHEIM, Clinical Psychologist, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm medical university

Educational Objectives 1. Describe how you can strengthen your own

experience of the ACT core processes through meditation practice.

2. Demonstrate how to focus your attention, act rather than react, and see impulses for what they are.

3. The aim of this meditation ACT workshop is to help you to deepen your own experience in these core processes by means of your own meditation practice

General information

1. Presentation of us

2. This workshops relation to using mindfulness with clients

3. Content of the workshop (informed consent)

4. ACT and mindfulness

Definition of Mindfulness (one of many)

“An operational working definition of mindfulness is: the awareness that emerges through

- paying attention on purpose, - in the present moment, - and non-judgmentally

to the folding of experience moment by moment”

- Kabat-Zinn, 2003, pp.145-146





Typical Reactions to Sensations




Avoid (or freeze)

Seek (attach)


Psychological Flexibility

“Be Present, Show Up, and Do What Matters”

The Present Moment

“Be Here Now”

Values “Know What


Committed Action

“Do What Works”

Self as Context

Perspective Taking

Defusion “Watch Your


Acceptance “Opening Up”

Let us start here (and now ) Here and now is all we got

“As a matter of fact, as I discovered on the train today…

Tomorrow never happens, man, it's all the same fxxxing day man… “

- Janis Joplin

Here, now and love

Love in the past is simply memory

Love in the future is simply fantasy

Only in the present can we find the love we seek, feel connection with life and inner peace


”Landing here and now and self compassion”

Reflections 1. What were the:

a) Sensations? b) Evaluations? c) Reactions? (tendency to react) d) Actions?

2. How did you include self-compassion in this exercise?

3. What other processes was present here besides “here and now” ?

Evolutionen i nytt perspektiv - Vi ställs inför nya typer av hot


En kort övning?

Sweating increases

Blood sugar rises

Impaired thinking

Breathing becomes faster

Endorphins released to reduce pain

Heartbeat rises

Blood vessels supplying the skin and intestines become constricted

Airways widened

Blood flow redistributed to major muscle groups

The stress reaction ü  ”Fight-or-flight-reaction”

ü  Sympathetic nervous system maintain survival as the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for priming the body for action

ü  An effective redistribution of resources


In our development we are in a head on collision with evolution, with language we

can literally stress ourselves to death.

We need to learn strategies that are working so we can cope with how we are

“languaging” with ourselves. - Fredrik Livheim

Food for thought...


Us humans are the only species on this planet that kills ourselves… Also wonderful experiences may bring pain



Hur tänkandet kan dra igång stressreaktionen

- film

13 Ur filmen ”It’s kind of a funny story”

I am just going to… X and then I will… X

(hoax = Scam, fraud, fake)

Solution: You have arrived! Enjoy, dance & experience... Write: a) What are your ways of postponing life? b) If you instead focus on here and now, what would you do differently?

Make sure not to miss your life!

Psychological Flexibility

“Be Present, Show Up, and Do What Matters”

The Present Moment

“Be Here Now”

Values “Know What


Committed Action

“Do What Works”

Self as Context

Perspective Taking

Defusion “Watch Your


Acceptance “Opening Up”

Let’s go here

What we usually need to accept

Ø That we will die Ø Time – The present, our history and our

future Ø The body - functions, pain, illness Ø Looks Ø Thoughts, images and dreams Ø That we have to act Ø Emotions - negative and positive Ø Other people

What we usually need to accept

Ø Crises and other difficult circumstances Ø Mundane days Ø Night and sleeplessness Ø Being tired Ø Sexual orientation Ø Unability to accept

My life hurts… (sometimes)


”Really hurtful”

And we also compare our own 'inside’ with others 'outside’…


About life Acceptance

Sometimes it is up-hill

Sometimes it down-hill

Sometimes everything is upside-down

And sometimes you are sailing on a sandwich

And sometimes it is up-hill Movie



”Opening up to experiences”

Acceptance Reflections

1. What were the: a) Sensations? b) Evaluations? c) Reactions? (tendency to react) d) Actions?

2. How did you include self-compassion in this exercise?

3. What other processes was present here besides “acceptance” ?



”Exploring painful stuff, interesting exposure”

Acceptance Reflections

1. What were the: a) Sensations? b) Evaluations? c) Reactions? (tendency to react) d) Actions?

2. How did you include self-compassion in this exercise?

3. What other processes was present here besides “acceptance” ?



Psychological Flexibility

“Be Present, Show Up, and Do What Matters”

The Present Moment

“Be Here Now”

Values “Know What


Committed Action

“Do What Works”

Self as Context

Perspective Taking

Defusion “Watch Your


Acceptance “Opening Up”


go he


The farmer and the horse… Defusion





”Taking the one seat”

Defusion Reflections

1. What were the: a) Sensations? b) Evaluations? c) Reactions? (tendency to react) d) Actions?

2. How did you include self-compassion in this exercise?

3. What other processes was present here besides “defusion” ?



Psychological Flexibility

“Be Present, Show Up, and Do What Matters”

The Present Moment

“Be Here Now”

Values “Know What


Committed Action

“Do What Works”

Self as Context

Perspective Taking

Defusion “Watch Your


Acceptance “Opening Up”

Let’s go here


”I am always me – taking perspectives”

Self as Context

Reflections 1. What were the:

a) Sensations? b) Evaluations? c) Reactions? (tendency to react) d) Actions?

2. How did you include self-compassion in this exercise?

3. What other processes was present here besides “Self as Context” ?

Self as Context

Psychological Flexibility

“Be Present, Show Up, and Do What Matters”

The Present Moment

“Be Here Now”

Values “Know What


Committed Action

“Do What Works”

Self as Context

Perspective Taking

Defusion “Watch Your


Acceptance “Opening Up”

Let’s go





”Values and radical acceptance”



Livsriktningar är som ett hus… - Vad vill du ha för hus?

Ø  Det finns inga livsriktningar (engelskans values) som är rätt eller fel.

Ø  Det handlar inte om att ”hitta vad man vill egentligen, innerst inne”, det handlar om att helt fritt välja vad man vill sträva mot. Lite som välja hur man vill att sitt eget ”livsriktnings-hus” ska se ut.

Ø  Man kan alltid ändra sig och välja ett helt nytt ”livsriktnings-hus”, eller bygga om det, eller bygga till det utifrån vad man vill just nu i livet.


Livsriktningar är som ett hus… - Vad väljer du för hus?


Vad är skillnaden mellan Livsriktningar & Mål? Ø  En livsriktningar (engelskans values) är som en fyr, något

man kan sträva mot, och något som aldrig blir klart.

Ø  Ett mål är något man kan uppnå och till exempel bocka av på en lista.

Ø  Nu ska vi köra lite frågesport. Livsriktning Mål Gå västerut ü Åka till London Vara en kärleksfull partner ü  Gifta sig Ta hand om naturen ü  Få hela kvarteret att sopsortera Vara en god vän ü  Ha sju vänner Ta väl hand om mig själv ü  Resa bort på jullovet Utmana mig själv att växa ü  Hoppa fallskärm


Det fiffiga med livsriktningar och handlingar

ü  Jag har FULL kontroll över vad jag gör

- Det vill säga vilka steg jag tar med mina fötter.

ü  Jag har INTE kontroll

över vad livet ger mig - Men jag kan öka chanserna att få vad

jag vill ha beroende på vilka steg jag tar med mina fötter.

Det är jag som styr bussen!


Mina livsriktningar



Välja kort för livsriktningar

1.  Välj vilket av de fyra områdena på din livskompass som du vill börja med.

2.  Välj två kort som du gillar per område. Lägg ut på din livskompass. Det går också bra att använda ett kort man gillar för fler områden än ett.

3.  Ta ett tomt livsriktnings-kort och skriv något på detta själv. Placera ett självskrivet kort på vart och ett av de fyra områdena i din livskompass.

4.  När du är klar finns det totalt 3 kort vid vart och ett av de fyra områdena i din livskompass.


Att berätta om sina livsriktningar Du som berättar

1. Välj ett kort som du gillar

2. Berätta för den som lyssnar:

a) ”Detta är viktigt för mig för att…”

b) Ge ett konkret exempel på hur detta kommit till uttryck i ditt liv i det förflutna

c) Ge ett exempel på hur du konkret vill att detta ska komma till uttryck i ditt liv i framtiden

3. Upprepa med ett kort per område. Fortsätt med ytterligare kort per område om du hinner

Du som lyssnar

1. Ha ögonkontakt

2. Var närvarande, lyssna med vidöppna öron/ögon

3. Om den som berättar är abstrakt, fråga om konkreta exempel

4. Inga övriga frågor eller kommentarer

5. Tacka den som berättar när hon/han är klar med ett kort 23

Kort Exempel på hur detta kommit till uttryck

Exempel hur jag vill uttrycka framöver

Arbete/utbildning 1. 2. 3.

Hälsa 1. 2. 3.

Fritid 1. 2. 3.

Relationer 1. 2. 3.


Att berätta om sina livsriktningar Du som berättar

1. Välj ett kort som du gillar

2. Berätta för den som lyssnar:

a) ”Detta är viktigt för mig för att…”

b) Ge ett konkret exempel på hur detta kommit till uttryck i ditt liv i det förflutna

c) Ge ett exempel på hur du konkret vill att detta ska komma till uttryck i ditt liv i framtiden

3. Upprepa med ett kort per område. Fortsätt med ytterligare kort per område om du hinner

Du som lyssnar

1. Ha ögonkontakt

2. Var närvarande, lyssna med vidöppna öron/ögon

3. Om den som berättar är abstrakt, fråga om konkreta exempel

4. Inga övriga frågor eller kommentarer

5. Tacka den som berättar när hon/han är klar med ett kort 25


Livsriktning Steg jag vill ta


Livsriktning Steg jag vill ta


Livsriktning Steg jag vill ta


Livsriktning Steg jag vill ta


? Here is where I want to start



Reflections 1. What were the:

a) Sensations? b) Evaluations? c) Reactions? (tendency to react) d) Actions?

2. How did you include self-compassion in this exercise?

3. What other processes was present here besides “values” ?


Psychological Flexibility

“Be Present, Show Up, and Do What Matters”

The Present Moment

“Be Here Now”

Values “Know What


Committed Action

“Do What Works”

Self as Context

Perspective Taking

Defusion “Watch Your


Acceptance “Opening Up”

Let’s go here


”Because I have to, or because I love it?”

(discrimination between positive and negative reinforcement)

Committed Action

Who am I when taking action?

JoAnne: Maybe some pictures of: -  Runaway Ronnie -  Achieving Adam -  Present Peter

Committed Action

Relations (partners, family, friends, parenthood)

Breaking down values into action, an example: Value Action Hindrance

Friends Have many friends

- Call Linda and ask about taking a coffee - Ask Peter in my course if we shall study together.

• I´ll be too nervous • They don´t want to be w. me • I´ll seem desperate • I am boring to be with

Committed Action Excercise Given what we have been working with today: 1.  What are important values that have showed up?

2.  How can you break that down into action and steps you want to take?

3.  What are the first thing you are going to do to take care of yourself?


”How I am giong to take care of myself”

(sharing with partner beside you)

Committed Action


Psychological Flexibility

“Be Present, Show Up, and Do What Matters”

The Present Moment

“Be Here Now”

Values “Know What


Committed Action

“Do What Works”

Self as Context

Perspective Taking

Defusion “Watch Your


Acceptance “Opening Up”

Let’s go here

Excercise ”Meeting each other”

Psychological Flexibility

Reflections 1. What were the:

a) Sensations? b) Evaluations? c) Reactions? (tendency to react) d) Actions?

2. How did you include self-compassion in this exercise?

3. What processes was present here?

Psychological Flexibility

Psychological Flexibility

“Be Present, Show Up, and Do What Matters”

The Present Moment

“Be Here Now”

Values “Know What


Committed Action

“Do What Works”

Self as Context

Perspective Taking

Defusion “Watch Your


Acceptance “Opening Up”

Reflection, questions and sharing



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Om detta format av ACT

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Förlag: Natur och Kultur

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Förlag: Natur och Kultur


Samma budskap som i den här kursen: Gör den själv eller som en egen kurs med några vänner. Använd schemat du fått för att planera.

Om man vill utbilda sig till gruppledare, - Nu går det att anmäla sig till höstens utbildning



JOANNE DAHL, University of Uppsala, Sweden Contact: www.joannedahl.com FREDRIK LIVHEIM,Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm medical university Contact: [email protected]

Create the life you want live

Thank you!