Barbara Hoijtink, @dutchladyone Design 1o1 Redux Day 1 02-11-2015 Monday: #TimeAndThings #Design1o1Redux What will I do today? Today, you will take a picture of yourself (or “selfie”) Design can be understood as organizing our time in the best way. Good designers can design space and things... Amazing designers design time. Starting from their own. I am an absolute beginner And this week I had planned to start something amazing But it did not work out yet will happen soon The selfie I wanted to make has the same smile, even larger To be continued, with other background, coming soon!

Dagboek week 1my body

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Barbara Hoijtink, @dutchladyone Design 1o1 Redux Day 1 02-11-2015 Monday: #TimeAndThings #Design1o1Redux What will I do today? Today, you will take a picture of yourself (or “selfie”) Design can be understood as organizing our time in the best way. Good designers can design space and things... Amazing designers design time. Starting from their own. I am an absolute beginner And this week I had planned to start something amazing But it did not work out yet will happen soon The selfie I wanted to make has the same smile, even larger

To be continued, with other background, coming soon!

Day 2 03-11-2015 : Tuesday #ToMakeThingsEasy and #Design1o1Redux What will I do today? Make a mask representing yourself and share a selfie wearing that mask. The mask is not representing me, it is the combination. Me and my mask. The big smile should represent me, but it doesn´t, not now It is how I want to feel, and look For now it is a mask. My favorite cat got killed by a dog. The owner knew that he could not bring the dog, but he did. He said she was well trained, she wasn´t Eddy, my kitten was only 3 month, and the most special cat I have ever had

I want the mask to be me again

Day 3 04-11-2015 Wednesday: #ToBeGood and #Design1o1Reduxi What will I do today? Today is a very challenging day. We want you to make a “diptych”. Basically, you will merge 2 pictures into one using an application like “Layout”. What will I learn doing this? You will learn to use a new application and most importantly, to keep things simple. I used photogrid, I did try out several others with “layout” in the name But all they did was trying to sell me more apps or making very complicated diptychs And that, very explicit, was not the assignment for today I kept it simple putting the focus on the “happy me” not on the one trying to smile wearing a mask

Getting the sparks in my eyes back, slowly, very slowly

Day 4 05-11-2015 Thursday: #YouZeroIn and #Design1o1Redux What will I do today? Ask a friend of yours to take a good picture of yourself. One in which we see your whole body.? To accomplish today’s task, you need to map your friends. Who is good at taking pictures? Maybe a friend of a friend? How to convince this person? Why should he do it? I do have friends that have the perfect equipment, top-camera´s, but none of them was at my place when I needed the picture Dead-lines do influence results On the other hand….. My boyfriend made this one with my old phone I like it, a lot! and he would not even mind to have me twice

Here we are, nice and cosy on my, to restore, couch

Day 5 06-11-2015 Friday: #MathAndMagic and #Design1o1Redux What will I do today? Today, you will become a bird. Take a sheet of paper (maximum A4 size) and represent yourself as a three dimensional bird We want to see a strong and powerful picture I must have been one of the first to read Sadako´s book when it was published in the Netherlands. Borrowed it from my friend. Her father was writing book-reviews for a newspaper And, shame to me, I never returned it. The book was too impressive It is one of the few books I kept over the years. All the others are digitalized. But with some books you can´t do that This is a book to keep and re-read
